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62 Responses

  1. Michael B.

    Wow. You certainly don’t hear this everyday. Thanks, Pat.

  2. Rod Parker

    Very brave words indeed. His speaking out poses more of a threat to AQ and the insurgents than anything we can throw at them. I pray God protects him and that other moderate Muslim Clerics follow his lead. Unfortunately, the cynical, near hopeless side of me says he’ll be dead within a week.

  3. Mr X

    This video is simply amazing. Why isn’t this broadcast on America’s national news? It could turn a lot of heads and change a lot of viewpoints.

  4. Warren Bonesteel

    I like that guy.

    He’s a walking dead man, but I like him. More Muslims need to stand up and be men, just as he is a man among men.

  5. jackass

    Perhaps George Clooney might like to compare his “braveness” with that of this Iraqi.

  6. Guardian

    Hi Pat,

    I just became aware of you recently from hotair. I really like what I’ve seen so far. Thanks for having the guts to go out on patrols with our guys and reporting from their perspective. They deserve better and more honest reporting than the rest of the press has been giving them. Keep up the good work and God bless.

  7. Cory Sheppard

    Thank you, Pat, for sharing this. An honest assessment of the state of this man’s land and culture, spoken with courage the hope of what it can become… and giving America the credit for assuming its honorable and historic duty.

  8. Troy Oldfield

    I have to agree with the others, he just signed his death warrant. But he is right that they don’t know what to do with freedom, hopefully they will learn, and I hope his words will be heard throughout the Middle East so that the fundamentalists will be crushed by the mighty hammer of freedom and democracy.
    Thank you for the article Pat, your website is a valiant service for our men & women who are trying to bring freedom to the people in Iraq.

  9. Dennis S. Trowbridge

    I always believed the press was misinforming us deliberately about our successes in Iraq so they would never have to admit President Bush was right to deploy our brave troops wherevere they are needed. You, sir are a true patriot and I wish I could do more than just thank you, but I have a feeling am an such as yourself isn’t looking for anything but the truth!
    THANK YOU and those brave men who are willing to fight and die so you can tell us the REAL story about Iraq.
    Thanks again.

  10. notapplicable

    Are you definatley sure that the subtitles are a true translation of what he’s saying?

  11. Andrew E. Acosta

    America Akba! America Akba! America Akba! America Akba!
    USMC Akba! USMC Akba! USMC Akba! USMC Akba!
    Pat Dallard Akba! Pat Dallard Akba! Pat Dallard Akba! Pat Dallard Akba! Pat Dallard Akba!

    [Akba= Is Great,]I think

  12. Ernest Andreas

    This relly caught my attention Pat. I have a close friend from Afghanistan. He grew up there during the Russian occupation. His father travels back often now and says things have changed. He was able to reclaim his families home and property. The new Democratically elected government is welcoming him with open arms. this story never made it to the local news of course. Bless the USA for the sacrifice of our troops in helping to make this a better World. blogengeezer http://daflikkers.blogspot.com/

  13. OS2(SW) USN

    they finally got the message!

  14. Dustin M

    hey anyone know who this guy is?, I want to get the full video of the program and see what the other people have to say about this, I would also like to see who this guy is and what exactly his position/ title is. And also if there are more like him.


  15. Pat Dollard

    The translation is entirely correct. The cleric is not just from the region, but an Iraqi.
    His name is Iyad Jamal al-Din of Iyad Allawi’s party. There have been no reports of his death.

  16. joe dunn

    well done sir!
    the sad truth is this man is right about so many things most of which is his statement that “we do not know what to do with our freedom”
    its almost as if he has met wolf blitzer in person!

  17. Tess

    The rest of the panel look like they have broomsticks
    stuck up their asses. I am curious as to what they had
    to say about such “heresy.” Correct, they all suffer from
    the cognitive dissonance of knowing they have been pawns all their lives and now they need to learn how to fly.
    Great tape, thanks.

  18. x95b10

    Wow, that man is brave. In a murky sea of hate and violence he stands up and speaks the truth. God speed, Iyad Jamal al-Din.

  19. uberrare

    Awesome, Pat!

    Give this man 10 million US dollars to open a center for democracy or something to teach the Iraqi’s how to take responsibility along with freedom!

  20. fogw

    Sadly, this exchange will never be broadcast by the MSM. I salute Iyad Jamal al-Din for his courage and his inciteful portrayal of the challenges besetting Iraq’s fledgling democracy. The Iraqi’s get it, as do our troops. Liberal democrats and their cheerleading goons in the MSM don’t get it, and pretend to support it while they do all they can to fuel it’s failure.

    To our guys with boots on the ground …. if the opportunity presents itself, please watch out for al-Din’s back.

  21. Morning Coffee - Speaking Out? » StuntShack.com

    […] I found two great videos.  The first one over at Pat Dollard posted on Feb 11th 2007: “One Brave Muslim Cleric Dares to Tell the Truth That The American Liberation of Iraq is a Blessing t…  I think says it right and it is now coming from the right people in a public forum.  […]

  22. Bill

    Wow. God bless him. You can hear it in the tone in his voice. There’s a conviction and a charge that comes from the soul which brings that kind of clarity. Which is the exact opposite of the ugly sounds from the likes of Al-Zawajiri (however you spell it)and the death cult and horror they worship and spread. The old saying is true, “don’t just listen to the words, listen to the music too”.

  23. john from hialeah

    great to hear those words..about time

  24. Abu Daboo Doo al Bedrocki

    Pat, Thanks for posting this. I really enjoyed watching this as it is usually nothing but the bad news from Iraq… all the lamestream media sees fit to report. If all we ever saw or read about in Chicago, New York or Los Angeles news was negative, we would think about cutting our losses there. “It just isn’t worth it, all of this death and destruction. Just let the gangs keep Los Angeles. Build a wall around the city and let them just kill each other.” I guess that was the idea of that movie, ‘Escape from New York’, huh.

    Anyway, I got here from a link at Hotair.com and love what I have seen so far. Keep up the great work and God bless you and yours.

  25. Lonevoice

    [quote]I like that guy.

    He’s a walking dead man, but I like him. More Muslims need to stand up and be men, just as he is a man among men.[/quote]

    I agree 110%, bruddah!!!

    Finally we get to hear from one that “gets it”!!!

    But, as you say, he’s in trouble. Another to add to our prayer chain.

  26. Lonevoice

    I forgot to say, I’m a wanderer from Michelle Malkin’s sites also, and so far I love what you have to say, Pat!!

    Keep up the good work!!!!!!!

  27. Freelancer

    Outstanding post. This is the personal opinion of many more Iraqis than the MSM would have us believe. Unfortunately, it also takes uncommon courage to speak it out loud in an Arab region. God bless this man.

    OS2(SW)USN, many if not most of them have had this message for some time. It simply doesn’t get reported here that way. AT1(AW/SW)(Ret), by the way.

  28. CPT Brett

    I was over there and this may be hard to believe, but most Iraqis do want us there and are happy that we have caught and executed Saddam. Most of the terrorist assholes aren’t from Iraq, but are there to kill Americans. Problem with the former people is now they are ruled by fear of the terroists, because when I was over there, we had a few of our translators executed because of their connection with the US. I don’t want to go back, but when my number gets called again I’ll be there in a heart beat.

  29. SSG Lingo

    It’s about time…not even Clerics IN THE U.S will go as far as this guy did. I for one can’t wait to go back.

  30. Faith

    God bless him, indeed! And if I am not mistaken, the guy up in the left top corner is Walid Phares, a Christian from Lebanon, and author of The Future Jihad. I saw a wee smile on Walid’s face, and some nods of the head at some of the comments made by this gutsy Muslim cleric.

  31. nspinicelli

    Wow, beautiful. If only more people in the Arabic world would listen to the news, lol, maybe someone would take notice. Unfortunately this is not so, and this guy is indeed most likely a walking dead man.

  32. mikey sinclairington

    now all we need is a couple million of these good guys and the days of hamas, hezboallah, iran. al sadir, bin laden ect will face …as he said…the rubbish bin of history…
    lucky that this guy wasnt brainwashed and now sees what freedom really is

  33. unamused

    I’m appalled that I only found a link to this on HotAir.com.
    This should have been all over our national news.

    This clip could be used to start a massive PR campaign against the Defeatists. I think a good remix should be made with Rage Against The Machine’s “Wake Up” playing in the background.

    This man spoke what I have been expecting to hear for years from an Iraqi. No doubt it’s said often by them, but we never get a chance to hear it states-side.

  34. Hans Vreelend


    Keep up the great work. It’s great that you used the liberal tools at Vanity Fair magazine to get the message out about this project. Of course the MSM would never broadcast this piece just like they would never show what the Iranians really think of their leadership. Next time you’re in Iraq you should wing over to Iran and do a documentary on the Iranian youth who are fed up with the brainwashing of Ahmadinejad and Ali Khamenei.


  35. Keli

    God bless this man. What a beautiful and correct analogy of the tiny bird in the bird cage. I never thought of it like that. We were naive enough to think the Iraqi’s would grasp there new freedom and rejoice. It never occurred to us that they might not even know what to do with it. I have no idea what the solution may be, it could take generations before they understand what freedom means. Many of them view ‘freedom’ as yet another tyrannical regime (a foreign one) trying to impose itself on them i guess.

  36. E6Bond

    There are millions of educated, good Muslims around the world who believe the same. Unfortunately, the media will be looking for controversy masqueraded as “dialogue” going into the 2008 election season and we’ll never get to see the majority of opinions like this. If there is one logical, sensible and determined voice over there then there is hope and reason for being there.

  37. Gunnybme

    This is the stuff that needs to be aired worldwide.. Hello CNN?????

  38. Wesley Cannon

    Amazing! Simply amazing! They should be showing that in the halls of Congress this week in the midst of their convening to undermine America in Iraq. You just have to love the sour puss faces of the others in the split screen as they are hearing the plain and forceful truth.

  39. tali

    one can only hope there will be more people like this brave muslim cleric who speak such words of wisdom

  40. Tom Sill

    Here is another testimonial from a brilliant Arab-American women Wafa Sultan regarding the views of muslims. These video clips are really a must see.
    Please copy and paste this link into your web browser.


  41. Tom Sill

    Sorry for the double post, but the link does not go directly to the clip. Please use the search feature on the web site and enter Wafa Sultan. This women really knows her shit!

  42. Tom Sill

    Here are the direct links.



  43. tj

    I will send this video to my brother who is in the media industry to see if it can be broadcast. I’m skeptical but I would think fox might broadcast it. I have always believed that the current rot in Islam is due to the thousand years of hateful preaching by muslim clerics. It is the clerics who need to undue this.

  44. k


    All respect, but cnn will never air this…(try fox)
    all the best.

  45. Oscar Peralta

    Just heard an interview with Pat on a local radio station which led me to this website. The content reaffirms what I’ve been trying to convey to all the ‘wussified’, anti-war, tie dyed, sandal slingers.

  46. M Lauron

    You can compare this guy to one of our forefathers who revolted against the british , this guy is a true patriot of Iraq, This is the kind of people who will save their country. What Freedom does to the human soul is amazing!

  47. DaMav

    It just chaps me that guys like this are found only almost exclusively on the internet and not on national news as regular commentators. And that our government sucks up to CAIR and obsesses about ‘Islamophobia’ instead of broadcasting a message of liberation to the Islamic world.

  48. Patriot

    this guy “gets it”. To bad the terrorist and Democrats will try to kill him now.

  49. peter mc kenna

    Well knock me down with a feather; after years of listening to hate and jihad;along comes a muslim cleric with functioning neurones.
    The look of incredulity on the faces of the rest says it all.
    I along with several million more wish him all the very best, especially a long life.
    In fact, build this man his own mosque and send his sermons to all Islam as well as a top spot on all news media.
    It would be interesting to witness opposition from other
    I sincerely hope that what we have heard was not valedictory.

  50. Joe

    This really hits in on the head.

    How come I can’t find this on you tube?


  51. koldpatrol

    Thank God for the internet. The mainstream media would never present this viewpoint. Let freedom seed, nurture it, and it will grow and spread.

  52. Matt

    WOW!!! How come this is not on the news?!

  53. Grobah

    Pat, just read the article in VF. You really have a point. Maybe if you tone down the crazy stuff a bit you might get taken really seriously.

    This guy also has a point but as he illustrates there is a massive massive cultural gap which wont be instantly solved by sticking young americans in to the void.

    But they are heros and you are on the right track.


  54. TJ

    Hey pat, those videos of wafa sultan are awesome. She is very well versed in the quran and history including american history , and those clerics who “refute” her like politicians , skirt the issue By focusing on America and Israel, and she tells them nicely, before ISrael and america existed what was the muslim excuse for the various massacres they engaged in to spread islam by the sword.

    I am forwarding those video’s to my liberal brother who seems to ignore the threat of Islam and likely considers it a religion of peace. this woman is an intellectual, atheist and arab to boot. If he wont listen to her, then it is hopeless!

  55. starkc

    You’d hear more of this viewpoint if;

    Our beloved media paid them any mind.

    They weren’t under constant threat of beatings, ostracism (sp I think), and murder. Not to mention that these threats extend to their families and loved ones.

  56. Vincent Perret

    The christians needed reformation, Islam needs suffism, we are all endangered by our wrong accusations causing strife (fitna), the evil is within our souls. We have to fight the evil in us and stop blaming the others. That’s what the suffism is about, I guess. They (sufi mulims) even dance for the allmighty (adonai echad!) like David when he saw ‘the only one’!
    Remember Dylan: “If G’d is on our side, he will stop the next war”
    Sing, dance, pray and be good to the children, the elderly, the ill and the distressed! Enjoy life, cause it’s given!

  57. A couple of videos of those speaking out against Islamic Jihad « Sake White

    […] And this vid posted by Pat Dollard. […]

  58. Synova

    I caught the mention of Sufi and was wondering. I notice that Vincent noticed that too. Sounds like something worth learning more about.

    Interesting interview. No one would be allowed to speak for that long uninterrupted on US television news.

  59. ahmed

    hi everyone am iraqi and this man name is Iyad Jamal Al-Din and he is telling what most shia ppl in iraq thinking and u have heard nothing here if u want to see more just write his name on youtube and u will know guys when he talking how is the real iraqis thinking

  60. ahmed

    this is the links of what this man saying in youtube..he is one of our heros in iraq

  61. Kevin M

    Five years after 9/11, and four after the beginning of the Iraq war…finally, a crack in the wall of ignorance.

    IT’S WORKING!!!! It truly is possible that rationalism can replace Arab cave-dwelling idiocy!

    Somebody should slam Nancy Pelosi and Rosie O’Donnel’s fat ignorant faces in front of the screen and play this at full blast!

  62. TJ

    hey ahmed, if what you say is true, why arent you speaking out agaimnst the mahdi army or iran for that matter? Or are you? :?:

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