Top Pakistan Nuclear Scientists in Taliban Custody

March 8th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

New Delhi, March 07: Two top nuclear scientists of Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC) are currently in Taliban custody. The two were working at PAEC’s facility in North West Frontier Province. Zee News investigations reveal that the two scientists were kidnapped about six months ago. To avoid international embarrassment Pakistan Government has kept this information under wraps.


According to information available with Zee News, nuclear scientists have been kidnapped by Taliban at the behest of Al-Qaeda. Further investigations reveal that Al-Qaeda may be using the expertise of the scientists to produce nuclear bombs. The two scientists are reportedly being held somewhere in Waziristan, near Afghanistan border.

In January this year Pakistan security agencies had foiled another attempt by Taliban militia to kidnap nuclear scientists. Earlier, incidents of Taliban militia stealing uranium in NWFP have already been reported. PAEC also has a uranium mining facility in NWFP.

With repeated Al Qaeda threats to the US, news of kidnapping of nuclear scientists will increase pressure on Pakistan to attack terrorist camps.

Bureau Report

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22 Responses

  1. starkc

    I’d rather it increase pressure on the Paks to let OUR GUYS move over the border freely. Like in the Balkans where the SF were crossing in and out of Albania chasing Islamic militants and arms smugglers.

  2. FHB

    Lots and lots and lots of B-52s… is all I’m sayin’.

  3. starkc

    You can only do so much with bombs. Someone needs to be there to dig around where they hit to collect intel, and to search where they can’t reach.

    Besides, I’d rather some 20 year old Ranger drag the bodies of terrorist leaders out of a hole than a guy in a suit say “we think we blew them up”.

  4. Charles

    It’s a good thing we’re on top of this by committing more troops to Baghdad security duty.

  5. starkc

    Sarcasm noted.

    They go where the god-level decides it needs them. We have forces enough, not to mention NATO, in Afghanistan. They are just restricted from fighting their protion of the WOT anywhere bu Afghanistan.

  6. Fraser

    Hey Pat,
    Thought you would enjoy these two links. One is of a CNN guy in Iraq talking live saying the new Dems plan would ruin everything. The second is evidence that the new plan you posted is working!!!!


  7. Mike

    Add this to the Congo uranium black market and this isnt good.

  8. Lawrence

    Do you have a URL for this news source?

  9. german angel

    man, I am so sick of that terror and all the people who support them because they think that that sickos are minor groups.

  10. Don

  11. Paul Hermann

    Nonsense CIA Propoganda. The CIA is involved in false stories like this. Don’t believe a word

  12. Teufelhundeen

    Is there a black helicopter flying around too?

  13. Fraser

    Yup you are correct, all US intelligence is complete bullshit. That’s why when US satellites spotted a Pakistani Air Force plane on a North Korean airstrip delivering “humanitarian aid”. The US warned the Pakistani Gov’t that one of their scientists was selling nuclear secretes to the highest bidder. Oh and not to mention the damage control the intelligence agencies did on determining what information he actually sold to people, without even talking to the man because the Pakys wont let us.
    Its small intelligence reports that make the biggest difference. May I remind you of two things that might make you think before you make comments like one above. One, before 9/11, a low ranking field agent in Florida wrote out a 20 page report about his concerns of Arab speaking men were trying to learn how to fly jets, not just little planes. He gave it to the agent in charge and nothing was done. In an attempt to get himself heard, he even went around the chain of command and went to DC to report his findings. Again more “red tape” and he was even reprimanded. Two or three years later, our country was under attack by the same people. Incident number two is the station chief of the CIA’s Middle Eastern field office, a man who was in charge of that office for close to 20 years, was reading all the signs that something big was going to happen. He did this for 9 months, blowing the whistle, he even sent a letter to the deputy director but no response. 16 months later, he was the one who was answering questions in front of Congress’s 9/11 commission. Now we actually listen.
    Again, I don’t think you should just blow this off as what you call “Nonsense CIA Propaganda”. Think about the massive stack of papers that president gets every day with his intelligence reports…yeah sure lets just ignore it all. GOOD IDEA! It is people like you who go on after 9/11 and just forget the lessons we should ALL learn. Instead of going on and turning a blind eye, focus on the real world and not just the little bubble you call life. Well I should consider that you are reading Mr. Dollar’s page, so maybe that’s a start. I encourage you to actually read the 9/11 Commission Report like I did, maybe you wont make useless comments anymore. ENJOY!


  14. TJ

    I understand why pakistan wouldnt publicize this. Musharaaf is doing his level best to protect his country from annihilation. if he hadnt signed on with bush, pakistan would be todays iraq and he knows it. As a thankyou, many pakistani’s hate musharaf and want him dead!

    The pashtuns of the afghan pakistan border are a proud people with a history of protecting people on the run.They have yet to lose a war. Perhaps it would be best to isolate them. pakistan is building fences as we speak to control the border. A little carpertbombing may just let them know that their proud history will be challenged.

  15. Fraser

    You make some great points about the reality that Musharaaf and Pakistan has to face in this new era of terrorism. You are right when you say the only reason he is going along with the US is because he would have his country flattened. In his book, which I recommend you read, he states that a senior official in the administration called him and said either you are with us or against us; a true threat to be honest. After all that’s what we did to Libya. In reality Musharaaf is a dictator and only won his position in a military coo. Pakistan has a long history of this type of governmental development. He has survived two attempts on his life by Al-Qaeda and faces constant dissidence from his people, especially on his southern boarder where warlords are in power. He is a survivalist.
    As Americans we have to face the reality that we are the only remaining super power in the world. People do not realize what it takes to maintain this status of power in the world and especially our economic prosperity. People will argue that we need to be more passive and that we are hated around the world; diplomacy is the answer (ya right!!). Well, we are not fighting an enemy that will consider diplomacy, they only understand violence and a 5000 pound bomb dropping on top of their heads. I will also remind people that they hated us before we started bombing them and were planning 9/11 during the “peak of international diplomacy conducted by Bill Clinton”. Overall, I consider liberal views to be naïve as far as current international policy.


    ps Paul Hermann I am still waiting for your response!

  16. Paul Hermann

    Fraser Im not saying to blow off all the intelligence. Just be skeptical, Not everything we are told is true. You know that. My dad worked for the DIA in the topographic dept for 30 years. He had top secret clearance on all satellit pictures from 1950 to 1980. They had only two offices in the country. He still by law will not discuss what he did and he is 81 years old!!! However, he did say that at times the images were tailored to meet the policy of the US government.
    I just haven’t had time to post. I have been busy at work. I have alot of work over the next 60 days. Appreciate the response. Take care.

  17. Paul Hermann

    Also Fraser he have to admit the Taleban were welcomed in this country. They visited Texas remember. Did you not here of the Pipeline issue in summer 2001. UNICAL wanted the pipeline thru Afghanistan. Taleban said no and were threatened with destruction. Typically the US press never covers these issues which certainly didn’t help with the 9/11 attacks. Remember every action will cause a reaction.
    Unless you believe the world is our play pen which we can do as we please..

  18. Greg - USA

    Paul Hemann - “Not everything we are told is true.”

    No shit, Sherlock. There is a reason some things are never talked about in public. There are things our military and government have to do that the public shouldn’t, and sometimes wouldn’t, want to know about. I am sure the New York Times would disagree, though.

  19. starkc

    You’re right. The Taliban did send a couple delegations, and shared an embassy with the NA representatives (whom they tried to kill right here in the US).

    During the Clinton Administration.

  20. Eddy von

    maybe the weather forcast should be cloudy and 5ooo degrees!!!

  21. tj

    The taliban was a recognized governement before 9/11 by 2 countries. Who? Pakistan and the UAE. after 9/11 they both renounced recognition, pakistan is till backwards and run by a dictator and the UAE is being pumped with billions of dollars in foreign investments. Why did they both support the taliban: they are both muslim countries. poor or rich the doctrine of Islam is an underlying factor.

    Muslims have hated us(non-muslims0 since muhammeds reign in arabia. those who negotiated with them ended up dead or under the submision of islam. treaties are useless.

  22. EZRider

    I think we should let Musharreef take his gloves off. The world is too busy to notice a couple hundred thousand Paks disappearing. We need to bring back Real-Politik, the alternative is to pack-up our bags and join France as a has-been power.

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