Pat Dollard : Young Americans Documentary

Mar 13th 2007

The Real Message From Obama

Obama to Terrorists:

Hang in there, keep Up the fight, because I am doing everything I can to hand you victory, and if elected, will guarantee it.

Obama To U.S. Troops:

Your mission sucks, and so every day you get out of bed and face death to do your job, you are facing it for nothing. And I am doing everything I can to make sure your fallen comrades have died for nothing, and if elected, will guarantee it.

Obama To U.S. Civilians:

I don’t care if more of you will be killed by terrorists operating out of iraq if we leave prematurely. I don’t care about the consequences of a U.S. defeat there at all. I only care about getting elected.

Posted by Pat Dollard

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22 Responses

  1. John

    The Australian PM said it best about him “al-Qaeda is praying as many times as possible for an Obama victory in the 2008 elections”

  2. Dan

    wasted…if fighting for the protection of fellow American lives is a life wasted, then couldn’t the conclusion be made that every recent war has been a futile cause. especially when we fought the germans to save the jewish community, who were not even Americans, they were residents of Europe. i’m not saying either that they didn’t need or deserve saving, just that obama needs to logically address the issues and not just try to become elected by throwing out a rally cry that he thinks most people want to hear. Dan Rohling USMCR

  3. American Soldier


    That word alone places the nail in the coffin for that bitch!


  4. Morlock

    Obama opposed the war when the majority of Americans and his party supported it. If he only says that because that’s what Americans want to hear now it would be a change in character.

    You might be fighting because you want to protect Americans, but there is no evidence that you are saving just *one* American with that war.

  5. 1st Plt 2nd Force Recon Co

    i really hope the dems run this guy to ensure another red party victory. if the free american public i fought for are stupid enough to elect this j.a. then i swear i’d move to carribean and stop giving a shit.

  6. David


    Call me crazy, but I don’t forsee him speaking in front of troops anytime soon!! What a moron.

    David Kosolkit USMC

  7. TJ

    hey morlock , perhaps we want to take the war to the dictators and fascists of the world, before they wreak too much havoc in our own streets. perhaps we dont want to wait , bend over, and take it up the A** from the islamists or their various dictators across the globe, like some politicians would have us do.

    This man would get a bullet in his head if he said this about jihadists, but he gets a pass from the likes of me. He will say these things to a friendly crowd, and because he is a democrat the media will not play this tape when he directly contradicts himself as we get closer to election time. He is saying all the things that will get himself the democrat nomination.

    But this country will not elect someone like this as president, not because he happens to part of a minority race, as liberals would have us believe, but because he lacks a spine and is hiding behind his own connections to Islamism much like keith ellison in minnesota. The truth will come out.

    The only people who say the soldiers lives are wasted are those who support terrorism. Obama has stated unequivecally that he is an enemy of the US.

  8. jsc0311

    Thanks for the insight MorObama Clinton. I suppose leaving that leaving now won’t embolden America’s enemies, such as Iran, and I suppose that leaving Vietnam really had nothing to do with the slaughter of over 2 million Cambodians, shortly after US withdrawal.

  9. nathan

    who the fuck is this shit-bag??? i would rather vote for a dirty pirate hooker..

  10. AndyMacOP

    Traitor. It’s as simple as that. Leftist isolationism is a strange animal. If this clown wins, we are doomed.

  11. Paul Hermann

    This guy will NEVER get elected I am pretty liberal. He is an ass

  12. Greg - USA

    What worries me is that he may get elected. He, like everyone else on the left, tells people what they think they want to hear. They believe it because they think they fully understand what is going on in the world from watching twenty-two minutes of filtered and spoon-fed evening news.

    I hope you men and women in our armed services, and especially the ones over there in the Middle East, know a lot of us are trying to do something to wake people out of apathy. Pat Dollard is a very good example. I have told everyone I know about his web site. However, we common cake-eating citizens aren’t being listened to by our elected officials. Several people have called and emailed Rush asking what we can do.

    I have sent several emails to John Edwards trying to get a response from him. I didn’t even get a canned reply. There is no way in hell I would vote for the Breck Girl; I was just trying to get him to answer to some of his claims. By the way, apparently sending an email to him automatically puts you on his newsletter mailing list so you have to put up with him even more. If anyone here has any ideas I am all ears.

  13. rumsfeld47

    Oh, snap!

    You know, my best friend is joining the Air Force, and I’m joining the Marine Corps. (He wants to be a cunning linguist.) And we were talking after we saw the movie 300 about how we both had asked our parents to never bring up our service politically, should anything ever happen to us. And the same should go for politicians.

    If they really cared about the troops, they’d kindly step the f*** out of the way.

    People die in wars. 618,000 people died in the Civil War. I’m really glad Lincoln didn’t redeploy the troops to Sandusky, Ohio, so the slaves could learn to fight their masters themselves.

    Michelle Malkin’s Hot Air has a great video of Pamela Hess becoming emotional, talking about the mission.
    She says something to the effect that this war is now being fought on a human level…

    This marine recruit has always looked at this war and all wars on the human level.

    Leaving Vietnam? Not following the VC into Cambodia? Standing by while 3,000,000 Cambodians were raped and burned and tortured and far worse by 13-year-old savages?

    This recruit believes in the Good Sheperd, and there’s a hymn in the Lutheran Church that just came to mind: “Hark the voice of Jesus calling,” and I don’t want to get all religious, cause that’s not the way I am, but I won’t apologize for posting the last stanza:

    Let none hear you idly saying,
    “There is nothing I can do,”
    While the souls of men are dying.
    And the Master calls for you.
    Take the task He gives you gladly,
    Let His work your pleasure be;
    Answer quickly when He calleth,
    “Here am I, send me, send me!”

    My PT is coming along nicely. I weighed 212 on Saturday. I’m down to 209. I could barely do 1 crunch last week. Now I’m up to 25 in a set.

    One reason I want to be a Marine is to learn to not worry about bullsh**. But it’s not bullsh** to say that the politicization of this war makes me want to puke, much, much harder than I puked while hiking last Saturday.


  14. PJ

    I can’t say that I support this guy, but lets be fair here…this is only a 20 second exert of a much longer speech. In fact, he was cut off in the middle of his sentence. Hell, I can make George Bush oppose the war by only taking a piece of his speech.

    My friends we have to stop taking this type of information as gospel. The media does this crap everyday….they only show you what will create news and controversy.

    If you want to hate this man then hate him because you know where he stands on all the issues, not because you saw a 20 sec clip.

  15. starkc

    Well, that’s great; your friend has made the right choice! (Air Force here)

    I’m sure your recruiters have told you that you need to be doing more than that. What kind of plan are you on workout wise?

  16. rumsfeld47

    There is a USMC SI PT booklet-spiral-thingy that my recruiter gave me, although I’ve yet to adapt it as much as I’d like. Today is day 8 of working out everyday, which I will do at least until boot camp 7 May.

    My recruiter has told me to focus on weight-loss first, since losing 20 pounds (seven down already) will make all the other exercises (pullups) easier. That being said, here’s what I did tonight:

    1 body weight circuit (max pushups, 10 assisted pullups, 10 step-ups, 10 heel raises, max crunches, 10 assisted dips, 10 squats.) Walk/run for over a mile (15 minutes, I wasn’t counting distance), followed by 15 minutes exercise bike, followed by another body weight circuit (max reps, because I’m insane), 10 minutes rowing machine, then 15 minutes more walk/run. It took me about an hour and a half, which is a good amount of time, I think.

    I’m trying to keep my heartrate up; my reps are improving, my gut is shrinking; I cut the soda/caffeine/alcohol completely last week, I’m down to 5 cigarettes today (a pack a day 2 weeks ago), I eat 5 small meals a day and drink water like it’s beer.

    Tomorrow will be all walk/run, since my non-leg muscles need the day off to heal up after a week of punishment. My goal is to be off the nicotine by the end of the week, and as soon as I can run without sucking buttermilk, that will be my cardio. This gut wasn’t built in a day, and it won’t get lost in a day, either.

    This recruit will NOT be sucking buttermilk when it’s time to ship.

  17. starkc

    Okay. Sounds like the cardio is fine; but once you meet the weight loss goal; post and I’ll give you the workout that will enable you to SMOKE PT tests.

  18. rumsfeld47

    starkc: thanks.

  19. starkc

    No problem. Have you chosen your career field yet?

  20. Jay


    it could be that he thinks the decision of going to war was a mistake in the first place and therefore, that it is wasteful and misguided to exploit the troops’ willingness to lay down their lives.

    Just a thought.

  21. rumsfeld47

    stark: while I haven’t signed the paperwork yet (grrr!) my MOS will be Data Systems, combat networks. It’s like, about the internets and apples, or something. I hope they have that Oregon Trail game, that was fun.

    I got a 99 on my ASVAB, but I’m red/green color blind, which totally f***’s my job choices. I could deliver mail, drive tanks, or work on ‘puters. It’s still a sexy job, but I won’t sleep well until I sign that contract.

  22. starkc


    Very few people actually meet all the vision requirements for the “fun” jobs. I got lucky, doctors told me for years that I had no depth perception, then the MEPs doctor told me otherwise.

    It sounds like you’re doing commo, if you’re into computers you should really enjoy it.

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