Democrats In Congress To Troops: “Drop Dead”
Once again the Democratic Party has demonstrated the only policy they’ve had on the Iraq war since the fall of Saddam: “Our own political skins are the only priority; the lives and success of American troops, and America’s national security, are to be sacrificed as an unfortunate necessity in our quest for domestic political power. Victory in Iraq is simply bad politics for our party. We cannot win the elections if we win in Iraq. So we must promote the perception of defeat, and force a retreat. Period.”
These are the people now controlling the Democratic Party’s Iraq Policy
Once again, we are seeing the ugliest of manifestations of what can only be described as the most evil of policies, the most shameful moment in the history of our nation. And the consequences are deadly serious to us all, and will prove literally fatal to many of America’s troops and ultimately perhaps, many of its civilians. The manifestation I am talking about is Congress’s willful intended surrender and it’s public exhortation to the enemy to continue the fight, because America will be withdrawing in a matter of months, regardless of the situation. Congress, instead of discouraging the enemy from holding together it’s infrastructure, instead of discouraging the enemy from continuing to kill young Americans, instead of putting a squeeze on the enemy’s fundraising abilities by signaling to donors that the insurgent/Al Qaeda cause is lost, instead of discouraging terrorist recruitment by sending the message to young men that it is fruitless to join because we are not leaving until their recruiters are defeated ( and that we will participate in building a viable alternative future for them ), is, through their proposed upcoming arbitrary withdrawal date legislation, sending the loudest, most treasonous message possible ( and believe me, the enemy will hear it, and will kill young Americans in service with renewed vigor because of it ): HANG IN THERE, WE WILL BE RETREATING SOON, WE DON’T CARE ABOUT ANY FORM OF VICTORY, STABILITY, OR LACK OF TERRORIST SAFE HAVEN IN IRAQ. SO JUST HOLD IT TOGETHER, OH TERRORIST DEMOCRATIC PARTY ALLIES, AND MAKE SURE YOU CONTINUE TO KILL AS MANY AMERICAN TROOPS AS POSSIBLE, BECAUSE WE NEED YOU TO DO THAT IN ORDER TO ENSURE THAT THE AMERICAN PUBLIC IS DISHEARTENED BY THOSE KILLINGS, AND THEREFOR SUPPORTS OUR POLITICALLY MOTIVATED SELF DEFEAT AND RETREAT.
And they are literally bribing many Congressmen to vote for this American-killing legislation with the tax dollars given to them by the very troops that they are helping the enemy to kill, by the families of those troops, and by you and me.
The lunatics have taken over the asylum. The Democratic Party is not acting out of any analysis of what is good for the lives and mission of the troops, let alone what is good for America. It is acting out of a wholly pathological desire to maintain political power by appeasing the Leftist, rabidly anti-Bush ( and therefor reflexively anti-war ) element of it’s base. The tail is wagging the dog, and the dog is biting and killing the country’s troops as a result. Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Ream America Emmanuel, and perennial anti-American wound-up doll Howard Dean, have decided that responsible policy, sane policy, policy that protects America and it’s troops, must be thrown out the window as an act of political appeasement to it’s voting base. The hackneyed word “tragic” is actually as appropriately used here as it will ever be. With each new body counted, we should all remember who to chalk up most of the blame to. What do I mean by this? I mean that for years the Democratic Party and the MSM have been sending the message to the enemy that they are doing everything they can to force an American retreat and defeat in Iraq. Due mostly to the breadth of the MSM’s influence, it has become quite clear to the enemy that the Dems and the MSM may well be succesful in this endeavor. As a result, the Democratic Party and the MSM have done nothing but give the enemy hope, bolster the enemy’s morale, strengthen the enemy’s fundraising and recruiting postures, and remove any and all incentive the enemy might have had to quit. In short, they have strengthened the enemy’s hand, encouraged the enemy to keep killing, and indeed, have thusly directly participated in the killing of young Americans, by aiding, abetting and comforting their killers. In criminal matters, it’s called accessory to murder. In National matters, it’s called treason.
Time and again we see the troops on the news expressing their resentment at the notion of “I support the troops, but I don’t support the mission”. The troops are not looking to be rescued, the troops are looking for a stabilized Iraq as the final testament of the success of their mission. If those who are actually fighting, bleeding, and dying for the success of this war want to keep fighting it, then why should slothful cowards whose only interest is the ultimate success of their own hubristic, pathologically selfish domestic political agenda, cast themselves, unasked, into the position of The Anointed Who Know Better And Will Rule?
And let us not forget that the primary goal of a war is not the speedy return of a country’s troops. That is the tragic misunderstanding of those who were brainwashed by Liberal Ideology in the Vietnam and post-Vietnam eras. The primary goal of any war is victory. The troops understand this, which is why they are not crying to come home. Contemporary American civilians, who know little or nothing of war, have never really been taught this truth. They have been taught that it’s all about brevity over victory. They have been taught that an appropriate exit strategy is something other than victory. They have been lied to.
I encourage everyone who is against Congress passing this disastrous encouragement to our enemies, especially those represented by Democrats, and especially those represented by Democrats who have been bribed with cash benefits in the legislation, to contact their Congressmen immediately, and tell them that you will hold them personally accountable for their vote. And perhaps pledge to do all you can to let every voter in your district know what they did. Hell, organize a local protest if you want.
Protestors (mainly) are comprised of two demographics: selfish women and their whipped boyfriends.
They pretend to care about the troops, but verily, they’re bothered by the fact that the United States is using the military at all. I don’t know a single liberal who gives a damn about loss of life if they didn’t know the person who died. The mere fact that we’re at war hurts their feelings, and that’s why the want us to lose and come home. Selfish and misguided.
As far as the democrats are concerned, as I have said before, they have gone ALL IN on losing Iraq. They are incapable of recognizing any good news that comes out of Iraq (such as the recent positive signs from the initial surge) because such good news negates their entire platform.
Pat does us all a service by following the ‘logic’ of these people to its natural conclusion. The thing that makes me want to puke the most is that these women and girly men boyfriends of theirs are the same f***ers who want us to invade Darfur and put a stop to the genocide–a “real” genocide, as opposed to Saddam Hussein’s “fake” genocide.
Whoever decided to not prosecute Jane Fonda for treason made an enormous mistake. You should always be able to say anything you want, but the consequences of saying the worst of things no longer exist.
Everybody “supports the troops.” It’s more than just a sticker on your bumper; my father sends the troops cigars and lemonade. That’s support.
March 23rd, 2007 at 7:55 amThis selfish view extends to how liberals think about foreign policy as well. Sun Tzu says, “Know your enemy and know yourself,” (I’m paraphrasing) “’cause it’s important.”
The liberals aren’t interested in what our enemy says or does. And that is a big mistake.
March 23rd, 2007 at 7:59 am[…] Blogging: Pat Dollard Little Green Footballs The Jawa Report Jonathan Garthwaite Hugh Hewitt Buck Creek Station […]
March 23rd, 2007 at 9:48 amGood article, I enjoyed it.
Unfortunately the surrender-crats in the house passed their “we surrender” bill with the help of two traitorous Republicans.
March 23rd, 2007 at 9:48 amUnfortunately I live in Manhattan, and I feel helpless in the ability to effect my local congressional representative. Scary too, given what occurred on that beautiful clear morning just several miles from where I am working right now.
I think the problem though is not the Congress as much as it is the silent majority, which is complicit in this. Unfortunately, they have taken everything spoon fed from the media, and now simply wish to put their head in the sand and worry about the value of their house, or what HD TV they’re going to buy, or who’s winning on American Idol.
Does America exist anymore? Or, is it worse, in the modern age of mass media, the Internet, and comfy Western lifestyle, have we lost the ability to rationally think, consider consequences, and understand the context of the world within we live?
March 23rd, 2007 at 10:15 amCongressman Wayne Gilchrest R Maryland voted with the surrender monkeys.
Gilchrest Statement on his vote Friday on the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Bill
“My vote today on the emergency supplemental appropriations bill was based on two principals.
First, we cannot jeopardize funding for our troops in the field in the middle of a combat mission. This funding was critical to the safety and security of our troops and I would find it unconscionable to vote against this funding.
I bet the 20Billion plus pork didn’t influence you either.
Second, setting a timeline for the eventual withdrawal of U.S. combat forces from Iraq provides a strategic advantage to the U.S. in the Middle East where our troops are currently caught in the crossfire of a civil war between an Iranian-backed Shiite government and the Saudi/Syrian-supported insurgency that are using the U.S. presence there to promote terror and instability in Iraq.
The bill establishes a series of benchmarks— proposed in January by President Bush — that Iraqi leaders would have to meet for U.S. troops to remain in Iraq. However, after August 2008, the bill’s provisions still allow U.S. forces to remain in Iraq if their mission is limited to protecting U.S. diplomatic facilities, U.S. citizens, or other U.S. troops; if they are engaged in targeted operations limited to killing or capturing members of al Qaeda or other global terrorist organizations; or if they are engaged in training Iraqi security forces.
In the end, this was a very difficult decision and I am far from satisfied by all the provisions in this bill. But this vote sends a message to our troops that we will never jeopardize the funding that they need in the middle of a combat zone, and it sends an important message to the region that the United States will not be a permanent occupying force in Iraq. Most importantly, it sends a message to the Malliki Government and the Iraqi people that the onus is shifting to them.
I will continue to closely follow this bill as it moves on to the Senate and back to the House for final passage.”
What an asshole.
March 23rd, 2007 at 1:01 pmCongressman Walter Jones R No. Carolina was the other traitor.
March 23rd, 2007 at 1:07 pmThanks for the info, Gramps. Good shit.
March 23rd, 2007 at 1:28 pmHopefully the President will grow some nads, and finally use the power of the VETO on this abomination of a bill.
March 23rd, 2007 at 1:56 pmThe president speaks:
The purpose of the emergency war spending bill I requested was to provide our troops with vital funding. Instead, Democrats in the House, in an act of political theater, voted to substitute their judgment for that of our military commanders on the ground in Iraq. They set rigid restrictions that will require an army of lawyers to interpret. They set an arbitrary date for withdrawal without regard for conditions on the ground. And they tacked on billions for pet projects that have nothing to do with winning the war on terror. This bill has too much pork, too many conditions and an artificial timetable for withdrawal.
As I have made clear for weeks, I will veto it if it comes to my desk. And because the vote in the House was so close, it is clear that my veto would be sustained. Today’s action in the House does only one thing: it delays the delivering of vital resources for our troops. A narrow majority has decided to take this course, just as General Petraeus and his troops are carrying out a new strategy to help the Iraqis secure their capital city.
Amid the real challenges in Iraq, we’re beginning to see some signs of progress. Yet, to score political points, the Democratic majority in the House has shown it is willing to undermine the gains our troops are making on the ground.
March 23rd, 2007 at 2:20 pmafter reading this, and i shit you not, i actually feel like throwing up. this sickens me. how could ANYONE be this traitorous? oh man…oh man… how could they? cut off funding? why don’t they just start taking random soldiers and executing them? it wouldn’t be any different than what they’re trying to do now.
March 23rd, 2007 at 5:56 pmI’m glad POTUS is finally standing up. But the media and the left are going to tear him up over this.
March 24th, 2007 at 5:49 amAs an Army wife with a husband in Ramadi and 5 five sons to care for here I found this article well written albeit sad and disheartening. I used to watch the news diligently to glean any info that would affect my husband, my kids and I, and my country. (Prioritized in that order). Now I mostly rely on this site and blogs written by marines and soldiers who are deployed to keep me informed and paint me the true picture of what my husband’s life is like. He tries to do what any good husband does–reassure me that all is well and that he will return soon. That he will return—period. He tries not to worry me. I however need to know the realities.
I do appreciate this site. It adds a little clarity to my life.
I would like to say though that I do not believe for one second that the liberals who want our troops brought home really care about our troops. Yet, I am not convinced that the Republican party isn’t just as politically motivated. I don’t feel either party has our troops as their true priority. Our fighting men and women are merely what soldiers have been for millenia—pawns. They are moved about at the whim of the player. At this point in the game the player does not really even matter. That is why I have taken to viewing this war with tunnel vision. I only care about my husband, and the other men and women fighting over there. I KNOW these people. I know their wives. I know their kids. I pray and cry with their wives. Our kids color pictures to send to their dads together.
My husband is fighting a war–he will be fighting a war for a long time to come. It is scary to feel like his life–my life and the lives of my boys are in the hands of 2 political parties that really only care about their own survival. Believe me, I want our troops home. I want my husband home. I am tired of the lifesize picture I have of him on the family room wall. I am tired of watching my sons tell a picture goodnight. I am tired of thinking of ways to ensure tha my baby remembers his dad’s face. I am tired of tracing the image of my husband’s face. I want to touch him. I would love it if our troops were brought back home—but what will the price be? What will be the price if we stay–how long do we stay? What is a victory? Does anyone know? I don’t.
I would encourage people to focus on our troops. Everyone loves to sit around and sound off about what we should do and who is at fault. It would be much more productive to put that energy into looking up where you can send mail and care packages to our troops. There are websites where soldiers who really don’t have family write in and ask for comfort items. Sometimes they would just like a letter. I know I, like many Americans feel helpless regarding the course of this war. I have chosen to just focus on my soldier and the other troops. If people only knew how much a letter or a box with some beef jerky and Pringles does to help……
Ok well speaking of sounding off…I guess I have just done my share.
Thank for the work you do Pat–I appreciate you too.
Where were those 2 pictures of the protesters taken? I am curious.
March 24th, 2007 at 6:27 amThe effigy burning was Seattle I believe.
March 24th, 2007 at 6:39 amI thought it was in Portland, OR.
March 24th, 2007 at 6:50 amIt was, my mistake. Thanks for the correction/question Gramps.
March 24th, 2007 at 8:46 am[…] Here I am sitting here on my nice lil Army post just going about daily life thinking everything is just slowly moving around in the whole political sphere of things. Of course I knew that things are kind of heated and theres plenty of controversy about such things as the dispute going on over in Irak. But little do I truly know of the turmoil that is becoming the political scene of the United States of America. Little did I know of the deprivation that has become the general public. Absurdity […]
March 24th, 2007 at 9:07 amAt first glance I thought the pictures at the top of this page were from anywhere but here in America… As a veteran and an American I am ashamed and bewildered by these dispicable acts of “freedom”!! WTF is this country coming too, that is by far the most treasoness (if that’s a word) act I have seen… That kind of shit gets my blood boiling, and I only wish I were there to confront these cowardice bastards. They deserve to be arrested and hanged, no, better yet exiled to the remote regions of Afganistan, and let them fend for themselves. Freedom, is not a right, it’s a privledge granted to Americans by those men and women who fought to protect our soil.
Been there, and you need to know that troops fully realize that the know that the Dem’s such s Murtha, Pelosi, and Reid are, indeed, killing our troops. Murtha especially, being an ‘ex’ Marine, believes the fight is similar to Vietnam. Been in both Vn in ‘67 and commanded Abu Ghraib in ‘05, and there are NO similarities in either war. VN is ancient warfare, this is the warfare of now, and the future,- asymmetric warfare. They have no understanding.
May 13th, 2007 at 6:40 pm