Democrats In Congress to Troops: “Drop Dead” Update: Democrats Institute Treason As Official Party Policy

March 23rd, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

George W Bush

By signaling to the enemy that we will run even if the job isn’t finished, how many more American troops did Congress sentence to death today, by encouraging the enemy to keep up the fight?

Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and the rest of the Democratic Congress, have voted to cut off funding for our troops in Iraq. They will claim that they did not, but only voted for a date to surrender the country to whatever forces prevail, by next Fall. However, they know full well that George Bush will veto the bill, which not only calls for the surrender date, but for the funding the troops immediately need. Given the veto they know is coming, the Democrats in Congress have called to cut off the funding for our troops in harms way. If they are serious about their desire to stand up to the President on this issue, then they have chosen to abandon our forces in the field. Even if they ultimately back down, how long will they have delayed the process of getting these funds to the troops? What damage will they have done to our brave servicemen and their families?

Murtha, Pelosi, Reed
Murtha, Pelosi, Reid

The Democrats in Congress and the anti-war crowd they are slaves to, do not care one whit about the safety of the troops, the mission of the troops, or national security. They only care about hurting George Bush, and thereby gaining political power. This is why they refuse to analyze or address the consequences of an arbitrary withdrawal from Iraq.

This is a day of mourning, one of the darkest and most shameful days in our history. American troops in the field, and American civilians who may be killed by terrorists operating freely out of Iraq, have been told that their lives are of no consequence to the Democratic Party. With one exception: the troops are of use to them as alleged victims or dead bodies, meaning as weapons of propaganda, in their ongoing, deadly political theater.

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27 Responses

  1. CK

    I watched the whole shameless display on c-span. Demonrats were actually applauding each other. Support the troops my ass.

  2. Gramps

    I’ve only been ashamed of my Gov’t this much one other time, and that was when they cut off the funding for Vietnam. The anti war crowd has conveniently forgotten that it caused deaths by the millions the last time they pulled this crap.

  3. Baroness Wyszynski

    If it hadn’t been for President Bush coming right out and making the statement that he would veto the bill, I think I would have cried myself to Sunday.

    The dems actually cheered and applauded as they counted the slim-margined votes of their insulting slap-in-the-face-to-our-troops, pork-laden bill.

    And this after bitching about the underarmored troops w/ nary a peep during their evil reign in the ’90s as the ex-co-presidents Clinton cut the military to the bone. Typical. Think those new V undercarriage vehicles so good at deflecting bombs would have been a nicer touch to those hard men who stand the wall than peanut subsidies or spinach or shrimp to buy votes here stateside?

    Blame everyone else for what they have wrought and not a word about it in the libmediapropaganda machine.

    And now, the darling of the moment is Murtha and his crocodile (I didn’t see any- the phony actor) “tears” as he spoke of his granny. He had a granny? I woulda thought he was spawned, the traitor to his own USMC. Once a Marine, always a Marine? In Murtha’s case? Not so much.

    It is true: they hate Bushwith such intensity they will salivate over the destruction of their own country as they attempt to give the enemy victory. This kind of insanity goes before a big fall, I’m betting.

    Date certain? I guess that’s the day the terrorists vacation is over. Think they can wait. Gee? They sure waited from the first WTC bombing to the last on 9/11, didn’t they. Hell, they’ve been waiting since the Marine barracks in Lebanon.They waited after Mogadishu. They waited after the embassy bombings. They waited after the USS Cole.

    I think we should give Matthews et al a one-way to the muslim, religion-of-peace country of their choice. I’m in for a buck.And pack a copy of the Koran, with Chap. 9 outlined in red, for the journey so he’ll have something to read.

  4. Iacobus

    And not only do we get to see what a bunch of f**king backstabbing, traitorous assmunches that they are (which we *always* knew), we also get to see the pigs at the trough:

    “To help get reluctant lawmakers on board, Democrats added “sweeteners” to the $124 billion emergency supplemental spending bill.

    The legislation includes some $21 billion to pay for items not in Bush’s original request to fund the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, including $25 million to bail out spinach growers in California hurt by last year’s E. coli outbreak.”

    It’s a f**king abomination. I can’t call it anything else.

  5. Tom

    These idiots voted for Cowardice + Pork + Prepaid ticket home

  6. Chris Giberson

    This is the most shameful, deplorable, idiotic, unpatriotic, and ill-advised action ever perpetrated by persons in authority in this country. I’m deeeply ashamed to live in a country whose representatives are more concerned with their childish and pettty bickering than about the very lives of their best and bravest young adults. The democrats have placed the bodies of American youths at the altar of political pandering. I will never forget and I will never forgive them this sinister betrayal.

  7. Jabba the Tutt

    Pat, this won’t make (or re-make) you friends in Hollywood. God Bless You. I wish you tremendous success for you documentaries. I wish you long life to keep bringing us the stories of the Patriots fighting in Iraq, the young Americans.

  8. Michael Boyles

    From Vietnam Vet DaNang 70/71

    It’s all repeating again, as I have feared since I left
    vietnam. I don’t buy newspapers or news magazines anymore.
    I don’t listen to CNN,abc, cbs, nbc. Too many others support their propaganda and their incessant crying. For many years now, I have seen movies that have showed military abuses of vietnamese civilians. Many still believe that most of the military were responsible for mental and physical anguish inflicted on the Vietnamese people. The real truth was that we were sent there to relieve the oppression and torture the viet cong were doing. The were the terrorists then and when we left, thousands of South Vietnamese, who supported us, siffered amd died in the retaliation.

    I guess what bothers me most is seeing it all happening again. The little things that have been blown out of proportion to sell newspapers (Abu Graib, shooting of prisoners, et al) are all bi-products of war. House to house searches and prisoner executions, killing (murders) accidents, maiming and raping and looting by some who have gone a little over the edge are all part of war.
    War is the direct result of not being able to communicate diplomatically. Everybody in congress voted for the war, to discipline and control Saddam Hussein. The media likes to repeat the lie, “Bush Lied, people died. It will not be too surprising to me to learn at a later date that some Sunni dominated and Sunni ruled country was given the Weapons of Mass Destruction by Saddam or even that they were turned over to the Russians. we know that the weapons were there but not where they went after 1990. Everybody speculates.
    Vietnamese lost heart for defending themselves after seeing that no one cared for their situation anymore.

    I pray that the Iraqis keep strong and continue to defend their country. I pray that we all keep strong and stop listening to those who would give up their freedoms and ability to speak out without fear of reprisal.
    I pray that all those in the firefight not lose their minds and hearts.

    More than 47,000 drivers are killed on the roads of this country every year. Few complain. Little is done about this exdept to enforce the rules of the road. Most of these deaths are due to DUI from alcohol or drugs. The Socialist media and their Congressional slaves don;t bat an eyelid at this, but they scream bloody murder at our troops.

    I talk to others (democrats and republicans) about this and I want to tell you that you are appreciated, that the funding for this will continue, that you are supported by the majority of the country (I am guessing)
    and that at least 70-75 percent support the war and the troops


  9. Plastik

    Sorry assed Republicans..

    I hang my head, I can’t believe it. Although the Anti-American Liberal body is showing it’s yellow stripe and snarling, where the hell are the Real American Republicans, Patriotic Independants, Loyal Conservatives and Proud American Democrats denouncing this pork laden Bill and supporting a cut and run policy, giving our enemies our battle plan and making the President fight with his only weapon, his upcomming Veto.

    Partisan Politics is killing this country. There are those that feed that cancer and they are as visible to the American public as facial rosacea.

    This is the perfect time, this is ZERO Hour, the time is now to fully expose this scum to the American public, expose all that they truly are and display their agenda of lies to the American Sheepole that only ingest spoonfed MSM Rhetoric! We need to get by the spin and uncover the PC Bullshit!


    Where the hell are the powerful Vocal patriots? The leftist Liberal Hollywood Hypesters and Anti-War Critics are out there supporting the right to defecate and burn the flag and we hear NOTHING BUT SINGING CRICKETS FROM THE PATRIOTIC in the media!

    If we, and I am talking about all thinking people that understand what is happening today in Washington politics, allow this obvious attack on the office of the President and what these viri are doing to our troops, their morale and our country then we need to take the blame for whatever happens, not bush, Not the Liberal left, all the people that remain enraged, silent and motionless..


  10. Stephanie

    Hello pat, I love your page, very informative. I salute you for all the great work you are doing. I wrote congress, while i was at the sand box, at home, and this is their response? ouch!
    You are right; they are a shameless group of people. Using troops as political strategy! It seams to me that after 9/11 the (left wing, democrat, liberal) government pressed the snooze button and went back to sleep. I wonder: do this people think that terrorist won’t attack us again if we run away from Iraq? that terrorist will only target bush sympathizers and not tree-hugger-hippie-liberal-democrat anti-war, anti-military people? Do they think that sitting around and talking to political representatives of terrorist countries will help? Just ask the Israelis if diplomacy will stop suicide bombers? Is it just I, or is there a big possibility that the actions of congress are boosting the terrorist morale? these are way to many soft jabs from the democrats! terrorist are not in the mood to sparr, they want to fight: no gloves, no limit rounds, no rules.
    I am afraid that if in 08 some democrat who cant tell a jab from a right, will pull the troops out from Iraq; five years, ten years after our pull out, we will have to go back, because MI will inform us that some trigger-happy, muslim-extrimist war lord, with enough money to buy enriched uranium, endorsed by an extremist Muslim government, with the help of CNN, and MSNBC clips, has recruit terrorist cells around the world, eventually accomplishing the biggest explosions in every major city, 24 style (TV show). I am sorry to break congress’s heart but Jack Bawer doesn’t exist! They are stuck with us, humble old Armed forces and other National Security components.
    How sadistic can these congressmen be? And all the poor naïve, innocent, coward, brainless, college students that follows them! There must be something in the beer they drinking, subliminal messages in music playing at the club, at the mall maybe? something! hard to believe they are that oblivious!

    Congress, better stop pressing that snooze button! reveille is playing! the flag is up! Wake up congress! is time to go to School!

  11. mindy abraham

    I never thought I would agree with you, but I am just getting SO FED UP with politicions-no wonder I now call my self an independant-securing our troops should not be linked to pork GRRRRRRR!!!!

  12. A. S. Wise

    There is only one thing left to do, obstruct those in Congress committed to destroying our war effort. Spam them with mail. Heckle them. Distract them. Do this while our troops deal the enemy a death knell, and give them the rudest surprise of all; the virgins went after the Marines, not the Martyrs! :D

  13. A. S. Wise

    God bless you, Stephanie, and I hope to serve with fine troops like you one day.

  14. Mike

    Whos your daddy Pelosi?

    Bush is your daddy.

    Just over an hour later, Bush appeared at the White House alongside veterans and family members of troops to accuse Democrats of staging nothing more than political theater that delays the delivery of resources to soliders fighting in Iraq. If the spending bill is not approved and signed into law by April 15, Bush said troops and their families “will face significant disruptions.”

    “A narrow majority in the House of Representatives abdicated its responsibility by passing a war spending bill that has no chance of becoming law and brings us no closer to getting the troops the resoures they need to do their job,” the president said. “These Democrats believe that the longer they can delay funding for our troops, the more likely they are to force me to accept restrictions on our commanders, an artificial timetable for withdrawal and their pet spending projects. This is not going to happen.”

    Well said Mr President

  15. rumsfeld47

    This recruit is not happy today.

  16. rumsfeld47

    I’ve got more to say on the subject, but I need to be a bit more tired before I can write what I want to write.

    I stand by my Commander in Chief.

  17. Tincan Sailor

    With a few exceptions I doubt you could find a set of
    balls in either Congress or the Senate…

  18. Stephanie

    A.S Wise,
    see you in Iraq…in five or 10 years after the “pull out”. I’ll be the soldier wearing a big sign that says: “told you, congress”

  19. VDB

    Thank God we have someone like Bush in charge…

    I’ve given up on congress. It’s devolved into a pool of self-serving idiots, who only hold the position they do because they were able to kiss the most asses during the election year, and had the funds behind them to do so.

    Really, how many of the representatives making military decisions have any experience? I personally don’t, so it’s not my call. It’s my firm beleif that decisions regarding an area need to be done by those who have experience in that area. In this case, the hypocrats need to shut their mouths, and go back to things that concern them, like maybe getting an operation done to get their heads pulled out of their asses.

    We need to add some requirements to what it takes to be in government, namely renove the “citizen” part and replace it with “American”. That’d eliminate all the idiots that voted yes to this bill, because anyone who agrees to surrender the safety of this country isn’t American. They’re traitors.

  20. rumsfeld47

    Alright, with one Bud Select down and one more to go as I write this, here’s what I think:

    Et tu, Murtha?

    I did not swear into the Marine Corps to have the rug pulled out from under my nutsack. I’m getting real tired of people saying the words “our troops,” as if they actually possess us like property. I swore to defend the Constitution and follow the orders of the officers over me and ultimately my Commander in Chief, not to hand ownership of my ass over to the whimsy of protestors and Nancy Pelosi so the Democrats could win in 2008.

    It is an insult to be funded in the same bill as Super-Duper Farmer relief, bailouts for NASA, asbestos removal, Nevada insect damage repair, wildfire suppression, rural schools, PEANUT STORAGE (motherfuckers!), and LIVESTOCK (fuck me). “What the FUCK” doesn’t even begin. Holy shit.

    Men and women of the armed forces are more important than spinach. The fact that I find myself writing these words is sad.

    But, as they say, “mine is not to reason why.” So, what did I do tonight? PT. It’s the only thing this fat boy (getting skinnier!) can do, and seeing those fat fucks in Congress gleefully rubbing themselves in peanut butter caused they managed to bribe enough votes to pass a measure that won’t even make it past the Senate pisses me off so much that a set of 30 pushups seems like fun.

    Two requests of you civilians reading this: the first, I don’t care if the Republican nominee for president is Chuck Norris, you make sure that Clinton/Obama doesn’t take over the White House. And secondly, do not let the Democrats frame this vote. I love my Commander in Chief, but he is not an articulate man, and it is not in his nature to crush his political opposition. Make them pay a political price for this vote, and crush them on the rocks of principle and truth.

    And when I get deployed to Iraq, send me a cigar.

    Semper Fidelis

  21. rumsfeld47

    I find it queer that Congressman Keith Ellison would vote with the majority.

    I thought his religion would forbid him from voting for pork.

  22. A Jarhead

    Hey Rumsfeld, go watch 300… it’ll help you relax bro. :)

  23. Nike in NY

    As a American I feel like it’s the end of Vietnam but with a enemy that has hits us here many times & tells us he’s gonna do it more. The Demafeats think they scored the Super Bowl. Tell All be careful who you vote for. They are quick with their “points” but reality lays on the field. Keep up the Surge & fuck these loser into the hell they picked! God Bless to All!

  24. Steve in NC

    I have had to explain this BS to my son who is serving in Iraq. I wonder which is worse for him, experiencing the violence in a war first hand or having these sh*t bags as countrymen.

  25. Judith

    Those three, Mugwamp, Piglosi, and Dumbo look like Post Office wanted pics. Personally, I wouldn’t spit on them. They are so totally obsessed with hatred that I believe they are beyond redemtion. Maybe they will see the light right before the sword hits, too late then.

  26. JKT

    Rumsfeld: A Marine quoting Shakespeare? And forming complete sentences? Will the wonders never cease? I thought you guys were supposed to be dimwits :) Good luck with the PT. Make sure you eat your veggies and get lots of protein. I hear spinach and peanut butter are excellent choices.

    This piece of shit legislation from the House makes me so fucking mad. (I’m used to writing papers for school and typing cuss words feels weird and good.) This is just capitulation and an attempt to get anti-war/troop protestors out of Pelosi’s orifice.

  27. alex

    seriously if those douchebags come into power the military should stage a coup. they do it in other countries so why not the united states?

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