Helen Thomas: Psychic

March 27th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


About 3.5 minutes ago, at the White House Press Conference, Helen Thomas claimed that the President’s looming veto of a set pullout date from Iraq would “fly in the face of the will of the American People, who want a pullout from Iraq”.

Now how does Helen Thomas know that the American People want a pullout from Iraq? I’m not recalling that ballot measure. I guess she’s psychic. Nah, she’s just a lowlife fuckin’ liar who wants to make false public claims like that because they bolster her personal political agenda. Once again, we see the Con Man Journalist raise his head. “I have no political agenda, I’m just objective”. When you make an impossible-to-prove statement like “the American People want a pullout from Iraq”, and such a statement so clearly favors the policy of one party over another, it’s clear that you are a political activist masquerading as a journalist - A Con Man Journalist.

Helen - you’re shitty at your job.

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38 Responses

  1. Scott Grassi

    It’s about time someone starts to call these morons out…in plain English too!Thanks

  2. Gramps

    Talk about an ancient has been, or perhaps never was.

    The last poll I recall seeing was that as I recall, almost 70? of Americans didn’t want to lose in Iraq.

  3. John Cox

    The biggest disgrace is that she kept her front row seat in the press room, particularly, since she’s lurched squarely into moonbat land for most of the Bush presidency.

    Does anyone even take her seriously anymore?

  4. Tincan Sailor

    No fool like an old fool!!

  5. starkc

    Emporer Palpatine? And Bill Clinton?

    The REAL Evil Empire?

  6. rumsfeld47

    Pat, I’ve linked my name to a HotAir post of Chris Wallace BODYSLAMMING Keith Olbernuts.

    “Keith Olbermann couldn’t carry Edward R. Murrow’s jock.” — Chris Wallace

  7. Bane

    Clinton and Thomas had a child, and named it Dick Gregory.

  8. patriot

    lol, she reminds me of Jabba the Hut

  9. Jay

    It’s not nice to speak ill of the walking dead.

  10. Dam ops

    I thought Americans do want a troop pullout of Iraq. Why would we want our troops in harm’s way any longer, bring our boys home. Don’t get me wrong, I feel bad for Iraqi civilians and coalition troops who are under constant attack by insurgent terrorists, but shouldn’t we be focussed more on training Iraqis to fight the insurgents. We don’t need to be risking our boys to fight terrorists in Iraq, can’t we just train Iraqis to instead? I know that is a simplistic civilian comment and there are many obstacles in the way of making Iraqis police themselves, yet does anyone disagree that this should be our goal?

  11. Pat Dollard


    Have another beer.

  12. Dennis

    Dam ops…..

    As a matter of fact it is our ultimate goal… but it’s obviously not a goal that can happen overnight… What do you suggest? Ok, you’re trained, get out there and kick some terrorist ass and never mind that your family is being threatened…. Yes way too simplistic….

  13. A. S. Wise

    Well said, Pat! Helen, don’t you have some Palestinian terrorists that need some apologizing for and understanding?

  14. rumsfeld47

    Ops, I agree: let me just reach up my ass and pull out my magic fucking wand, and POOF! goes four-thousand years of oppression, and suddenly everybody in the world gets this whole “freedom” idea, and there’s peace on earth.

    I love hearing about how Iraqi civilians, politicians, and soldiers listen to American media reports and wonder if we’re really going to be there to see this shit through, no matter how long it takes.

    Hell, we could just pull out like we did in Korea! That turned out great. Or we could save Kuwait, and then fuck off, that worked too. I’m sure 3,000,000 Cambodian men, women, and children didn’t mind being massacred after we pulled out of Vietnam. Vietnam is fucking thriving! (Trivia: the number one Vietnamese export is… children for Angelina Jolie to adopt!) I suppose we could have gone to war after Iran seized our embassy… nah, we did the right thing by sticking our dicks up our asses.


  15. Chad

    Millions of southeast asians were slaughtered after we pulled out of Vietnam. Where was the magical peace that all the commie-loving hippies like traitor jane fonda and donald sutherland wanted then? Proves that the anti-war crowd could really care less about soldiers, oppressed people, or anyone other than themselves.

    and i think we need to stay in iraq forever. just like we did in japan after WWII. now look.

    point being, it takes time and breeding.

  16. TJ

    by the way did we have a timeline for ww2 or ww1? since when, did any war have a publicly thought out timeline?

    GB senior listened to the Polls the last time we fought with saddam and what happened? the gassing of the kurds and the killing of numerous shiites, for which saddam was summarily hanged. Any guesses as to what will happen if america pulls troops out now?

    I can: 1. Iraq will have their own taliban in power.
    2. the kurds will seek to establish their own country because they want a nonreligious government.
    3. the shittes and the sunnis will fight each other and then the kurds because the kurds have all the oil. 4. then turkey will get involved because so many of its citizens are kurds. 5. the UN will want to step in the fray, which means american troops being redeployed in their powder blue helmets with an even bigger target on their backs and no clip in their gun. :oops:

    God only knows what will happen after that. But remember the demokrauts want peace, and this will surely bring just as it brought peace to vietnam and neighboring cambodia.

  17. starkc

    (Trivia: the number one Vietnamese export is… children for Angelina Jolie to adopt!)

    You’ve got me reeling. Hil-Arious.

  18. Keith_Indy

    I want the troops home…

    when the job we sent them over there for is finished.


  19. John

    That picture makes me want to hurl… King Klintonista, worst president I’ve ever seen, and an international embarrassment to the United States during his regiem.

  20. Dam ops

    Comparing one war to the next is dumbest thing one can do. No two are alike. Iraq is no Nam. Nam is no WWII.

    If our mission in Iraq was to oust Saddam. Mission Accomplished.

    If our mission in Iraq was to rid WMDs. Mission Accomplished.

    If our mission in Iraq was to bring democracy… like you guys all say, it will take more years than a stupid timeline outlines.

    If our mission in Iraq was to kill all the terrorists, this is not a possible mission to accomplish.

    Can’t we just up and leave Iraq and let the power vaccum be filled by a civil war? At least those factions would fight off the terrorists from Pakistan, Iran, and Afganistan. I don’t care about Iraqi insurgents who aren’t foreign terrorists. If they want to blow up their country, they are assholes, but they aren’t gonna come to USA and blow shit up, so fuck em.

  21. Dam ops


    I’m not drinking bud, I’m just offering an opinion. I don’t claim to know as much as you all, so I’m trying to learn. As I said before, you all have way more experience than I do so if I say something stupid, I’m man enough to not to be thick skulled if someone corrects me.


  22. @thepointyend

    Dam ops - So yer suggesting we pull the combat troops and just train Iraqis? And what pray tell, do I do when my 11-man advisor team and Iraqi counterparts encounter something we can’t handle? Call the U.N.? Oh wait, they left already didn’t they? Maybe we can just practice for our moment on TV in the orange jumpsuit.

  23. Gramps

    “Comparing one war to the next is dumbest thing one can do. No two are alike. Iraq is no Nam. Nam is no WWII.”

    Then why is the left doing it? I keep hearing them scream about it turning out like the Nam.

    The Democrat politicians are acting just like they did during Vietnam. They start listening to the pinko commies that are protesting the war, then try to cut off the funds. WTF is the difference?

  24. rumsfeld47

    I’m not comparing anything, Ops, you good-natured dope.

    I challenge you: name a war America backed away from that turned out well for us in the end.

    And try crafting your own thoughts, instead of cherry picking what you see on TV.

    Thinking–pass it on.

  25. Greg - USA

    Dam ops - “… but they aren’t gonna come to USA and blow shit up, so fuck em.”

    Uh, they already did. The MSM will at least tell you that much. They also state they will attack us here, given any chance to do so. Why was the 1993 WTC attack (under Clinton) not enough? Why was the USS Cole attack (under Clinton) not enough? Why was the September 11, 2001 (under Bush - oh wait, he responded) attack not enough? Those are just a few. Damn, I think I mentioned the same thing in another thread.

    I swear, if we had a mushroom cloud in New York the left would STILL be screaming it’s our own fault. It is so easy to learn what is really going on the world I continuously wonder why more people don’t do it.

  26. Robin

    Ops, maybe you should conduct research before posting. Today there are 97 Iraqi Army battalions in the fight, which compared to only 5 in July of 2004. I don’t know about you but to me this shows that our military has made remarkable progress in training the Iraqis. If you want to learn, do your research. ALSO, you need to start listening to the soldiers’ perspective before you start mimicing the defeatest attitudes of the radical left wingers. Don’t get caught up in what the mainstream media is trying to put in your head. You won’t get the truth there bud.

  27. Opus Rex

    Dam ops:

    It takes time to build armies and police forces. Not to mention that Iraq will have to undergo a compleate social change.

    Seems that everybody forgets that it wasn’t until 1955 that Germany was given back most of its sovreignty.

  28. nancy taner

    :cry: I think liberals find comfort in numbers…forget about rationality, they just congratulate each other for their “superior wisdom”. I think by some great luck we happen to have a president now, even though he isn’t all-knowing (who is?) who has GUTS. That, and some reporters who don’t go over with fixed ideas, but rather with open minds, are what we need, those of us who want to get at the truth.

  29. nancy tanner

    At least Bush has GUTS! He isn’t going to serve as president after 2008, so he’s looking to his place in history and I think he can see beyond this insane blabber about ‘PULL OUT THE TROOPS, BUT SUPPORT THE TROOPS!” That’s the siren call of a nation of sheep.

  30. TWarrior

    I just can’t buy into people who say they support the troops but pull them out. Seems to be an oxymoran, so obvious as to get Defeatists to jump on board with it, the Liberal mindset is truelly twisted and sick.

    The polls that get reported are the poll the Liberal Biased Media wants the public to see. They don’t show the polls that show progress, they don’t show that we have yet to loose a battle in Iraq or Afghanistan.

    The US media is sickened by competitive marketing, and the holly dollar sign. They are as guilty of that as any disgraced CEO has ever been.

    Helen Thomas does not speak for this Vet, and she should know better than to spout the moveon.org talking points.
    You would think someone with her experience would understand the basics.
    The Dim’s are doing their best to make this war resemble VietNam.

  31. TWarrior


    Clinton and Thomas had a child, and named it Dick Gregory. ROFLMAO

  32. AK

    An interesting point about democracy and freedom. Our founding fathers declared independence in 1776. It took thirteen years more for the Constitution to be ratified. And that was with only 13 states. And if you think just because we won the initial war with the British that everything was honkey-dorey, you’re wrong. I’m sure you recall the war of 1812. The British came back and burnt down the original White House! Freedom and democracy have never been easy, because tyrants don’t want to give up power. Just ask the Democrats. If this country, the best in the history of mankind cannot muster enough courage to support a people who want Democracy, than what kind of a civilization are we?

  33. rumsfeld47

    Helen Thomas couldn’t get sexed if she raped a dude.

  34. Dam ops


    Yes, I agree with you, whether republican or democrat, comparing one war to the next is stupid. Its not about which party you support.


    I would argue the Korean war turned out good for us, since SK is now a thriving Democracy and trading partner.


    If you read my post carefully I said ‘Iraqi insurgents’ have never attacked American soil and I was careful to make the distinction between them and ‘foreign terrorists’ ala Iran, Syria, etc. So your point isn’t valid, no WTC terrorists were Iraqi, no U.S.S Cole terrorists were Iraqi. Sheesh man, I respect your comments and read them through, do me the same courtesy.


    Thank you for that information, it is good to know. This is what I’d like to see more of and as many of you pointed out, it will take more time to train additional Iraqi Battalioins than a stupid predetermined timeline will allow for.

    @Opus Rex

    Yup. Robin’s post echoed this.


    Why must we bash the Democratic party in every post. I hate them as much as I hate the Republican party, because neither of them could give two shits about you or me. Our two-tiered political party system is just a device to divide our country along two opposing sides, which does nothing to help you or me. Most of you, from what I’ve read, are vets or troops, so I say fuck politics, lets talk about the real war not seen by camera lights. Just a thought.


  35. rumsfeld47

    I’m a lumberjack, but I’m not okay.

  36. joe

    Spent the past several ‘free time’ hours on Dollard’s web site. Dollard, you have my utmost respect.

    H.T. is a whore and judging from the putrid photo–she got some!! ‘Fat or old or not at all Bill’-such a beacon of respect and admiration:shock: A perfect poster boy for the Dim’s.

    @TWarrior: I don’t know where you got “Dim’s”, but if you don’t mind, I will only respectfully refer to that party in this manner from now on. It is a perfect abbreviation.

  37. TSGT B. Long

    Is she wearing a BLUE dress? I bet Bill has some cigars in his pocket………thats why she is hugging him like that.

  38. Mike, a Vietnam vet

    I wish Tony Snow would fire back at her at one of these press conferences and ask her if she wants America to win the battle for Iraq and the war against Islamic extremism.

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