Barbara Walters: Official Old Whore — David Gregory: Con Man Journalist

March 27th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Barbara Walters is a seasoned journalist. Barbara Walters has a responsibility, as co-owner/producer of the View, to ensure that her show presents factually correct, fair and accurate coverage of serious news, whenever it should choose to cover serious news. This morning, the show decided to cover the serious news about the snatched British naval personnel, and Rosie O’Donnel decided to flatly lie when she claimed that the Brits “apparently went into Iranian waters”. Now Rosie did this because she knows full well that Iran’s claim that the Brits went into those waters is the only excuse that the Iranians have for what may well be a political/military kidnapping - ie, an unprovoked act of Iranian military aggression. Rosie, in at best an absence of all facts, and at worst, despite all the facts at hand, including an eyewitness account to the contrary, chose to officially endorse the enemy’s position on one of the most dangerous situations the world faces today. By doing so, she also demolished any shred of credibility either she or the show has, by claiming that she, who was not an eyewitness to the events, knew it was nakedly apparent that the Brits were in Iranian, not Iraqi waters. She, of course, presented no evidence to support her claim. And The View regulary and officially presents ( and I guess, therefor, endorses ) often racist, religiously discriminatory, hetero-phobic and anti-American statements by its hosts, all tenedered in an absence of supporting facts.

Now, when an official representative of her show chooses to both report and editorialize in a serious fashion on the most serious of situations, Barbara Walters has the responsibility to make sure her show gets the facts straight. She should challenge any of her news co-hosts when they choose to misreport the news or editorialize in a factually dishonest manner. Barbara herself lays claim to the mantle of Grande Dame of Journalism. As usual, Barbara sat silently, refusing to defend the truth.

Why does Barbara repeatedly let Rosie spout enemy propaganda, without challenging her? Is Barbara tacitly endorsing it herself? Does she believe what Rosie is saying? Why does she repeatedly let Rosie slander Chrisitans, minorities, heterosexuals, etc? Why does Barbara, an Elder Statesman of journalism, sit back like a scared rabbit and never correct or challenge her hosts when they misreport facts like Rosie did today, or make hate speech like Rosie regularly does? Where is Barbara’s concern for her own integrity? For her show’s integrity? Well, clearly Barbara has abandoned integrity for profit. Because when Rosie does this, everyone talks about it, and then more people watch The View. Cha ching. And Barbara owns half the show. So she has clearly and officially decided to whore herself and her integrity out for money. Journalism and America’s best interests be damned. Barbara, like all whores, is only concerned with the fact that she has money to make, and times a wastin’.

And let us keep in mind that these political discussions on television are not private, in-the-family chats viewed and analyzed only by Americans. These are international forums viewed by the enemy as well. When a Rosie or a David Gregory chooses to side with the enemy’s positions, and creates talking points to endorse those positions, they in fact hand those anti-American talking points to the enemy. And they often intentionally create positions helpful to the enemy that the enemy hasn’t even thought of. They do this, because they want us to lose the war in order to promote the Democratic Party. They also do it to advance their own game of brainwashing the American people to their political side.

All of these type of journalists, spanning Helen Thomas to Wolf Blitzer to Anderson Cooper, are actually political activists masquerading as journalists. They embody the modern phenemenon of the Con-Man Journalist. The con pivots on the journalist’s pretense of fair-mindedness and objectivity. Con is short for confidence - they must have the audience’s confidence in order to fool them, and thereby achieve their final goal of “robbing” them of an accurate understanding of the facts. So it is imperative that they make their audience believe that they are objective. They rely on the audience to buy this objectivity con in order for the audience to believe that what they are being told is an honest, unbiased version of facts. As far as the Con Man Journalist is concerned, the audience must never understand his agenda, or the con falls apart. The audience must never understand that his only interest is to advance his agenda, not to report the truth. He will not only manipualte facts, manipulate context, use old school tricks of language and imagery, but will omit facts, tell outright lies - whatever it takes - in order to succesfully propagandize and brainwash his victims. In this case, given that the Mainstream Media is dominated by Con Men Journalists like David Gregory, the victim is Mainstream America.

Apparently because it provides for such political expedience, the Left at times doesn’t even seem to realize how often they take the enemy’s side. On his show last night, Alan Colmes got caught endorsing the iranians’ version of events over our allies the Brits version. Laura Ingraham simply asked him why he was doing this. Embarrased, he of course got aggressively indignant and accused her of hitting below the belt. All she did was ask why he was doing what in fact he was doing. He flipped out, and was so desperate to deny, that he chose to deflect, leveling accusations at her.

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29 Responses

  1. Iran “softens stance” on kidnapped Royal Marines : The Crimson Blog

    […] Others Blogging: Wizbang Ace of Spades Junkyard Blog Right Voices Right Pundits Sister Toldjah Pat Dollard […]

  2. kathy

    The mmedia is a source of repetative propaganda. it is hard to comb through the lies and half truths to get the FACTS. Did you send this to Rosie and Barbara? I would if I knew their email!

  3. Tincan Sailor

    I seldom watch the show because it tends to raise my
    blood pressure,Rosie is bad but Joy is totaly brainless
    and has a big mouth,a bad combanation…I have e-mailed
    the show many times and have never recived even as much
    as a KMA…As for David Gregory he needs a size 13
    where it would do the most good…

  4. drillanwr

    Tincan Sailor,

    You ACTUALLY got email through??!! I’ve tried several times to send Walters email and it keeps saying something about not responding or whatever …

    I refuse to watch the show, and figure all anyone NEEDS to know about the show can be summed up by the bits and bites that have been making the rounds for the last few months since The Big O was seated on there. The “woman” is a walking, yacking plague.

    Meanwhile, on the topic of “journalists” … Many, many huge prayers and positive thoughts and hopes going out to Tony Snow (and his family of course). He has really taken command of the WH press room, and I hope he continues to do so. G-d bless him on this next stretch of his journey.

  5. EZRider

    :beer: Might as well have a beer and watch the country destroy itself. Objectivity is dead, and now we have the privilege to be led by a fools on cloud nine.

  6. Tincan Sailor

    I tried to day and it was like your try,I think the SOBs
    have the site turned off because they are taking to much
    heat.So I hit ABCs main address and linked Pats Walters/
    Gregory story..

  7. Gramps

    Official old whore? LOL…I like that.

  8. grumpy

    I have been reading many comments to this (the kidnapping) situation. They all seem to be focusing on were the Brits were when they were captured. Well, what if they were in Iranian waters?… so what!

    It doesn’t matter where the Brits were. The only thing that matters is that the Iranians have them and we (the rest of the world) better do something about it. I don’t care if they were spying or they were out there surfing. We (the rest of the world) are at war with Iran (according to Iran). There is no right or wrong in war. There is only us vs. them. Those Brits are “us.” We must do any thing with in our means to “them,” to ensure that they are repatriated.

  9. Turambar

    LOL, I think the worst part about this is that people actually care what Rosie says… seriously I rate this show right up there with Jerry Springer when it comes to opinion forming. I know that there are plenty of douches out there who are taking Rosie’s opinion to heart tho…sad…

    (I haven’t posted before I am on this site every day though… keep up the good work Pat)

  10. TJ

    controversy sells. she is not lying by giving her opinion and you know what they say about opinions. the lies are usually displayed through the alleged intentions: which is that the media claims to be objective.

    It comes down to who you trust and liberals from the get go dont trust us more than any other person or group. I’m beginning to form the very same opinion of them. I am starting to belive that they are the enemy we should be fighting, since they seem to identify so well with our other enemies.

  11. Gramps

    TJ speaks:
    “It comes down to who you trust and liberals from the get go dont trust us more than any other person or group. I’m beginning to form the very same opinion of them. I am starting to belive that they are the enemy we should be fighting, since they seem to identify so well with our other enemies.”

    I’ll drink to that TJ. :beer:

  12. rumsfeld47

    I think we need to deploy killer sharks to Iranian waters immediately.

  13. drillanwr

    Why punish the sharks? Send them Rosie and Joy … (Cripes! Two not-so-sunny dames with such happy-go-lucky names …)

  14. starkc

    There are sharks in the Gulf.

    :::It comes down to who you trust and liberals from the get go dont trust us more than any other person or group. I’m beginning to form the very same opinion of them. I am starting to belive that they are the enemy we should be fighting, since they seem to identify so well with our other enemies.:::

    Which is precisely why we need to create a timed strategic withdrawl, with a definate date for deciding a complete pullout date, from Washington DC. It’s a quagmire, if we don’t cut and run now it’ll end up just like WWI and Vietnam combined!

  15. Kipp

    Obviously you would like democracy to be void of questions. An active left is necessary in this country. Without it the war would not have changed course. Stale ideologues would never free the mind and force us to think.

    Kansas City

  16. Sam Pernice

    What the fuck would Rosie O’Donnel know about sea navagation? If she ever set her fat ass on any sort of vessel the fuckin thing would SINK!!

  17. Dam ops


    So you will not back up the claim I guess. If you are protecting sources, I apologize for prodding.

  18. tj


    when dissent crosses the line into undermining the morale of the troops(which it has) or to enter into treachery and treason then it is no longer a matter of differing opinions. when politicians portray the war in a different light than reality in order to win elections, one has to wonder if the war they voted to have was one they ever intended to succeed in? I wouldnt be here ranting if people were just disagreeing with me, because I agree that in a democracy differing opinions is essential, but when those opinions mimic our enemies i start to wonder if they really love their country or if they want our enemies to defeat us.

  19. Robin


    Great post on opinions mimicing our enemies! Kipp, what dream world are you living in? Have you forgotten that the dems were the ones trying to pass the non-binding resolution wherein they were attempting to fight the troop surge? Don’t think for one minute that the liberals were the ones responsible for the “change of course” in the war. It came directly from our Commander in Chief. Remember, he was the one who sent the additional troops to Iraq, while liberals are yelling cut and run! The troops surge that the DEMS fought so hard against is what changed the course in the war. P - lease.


    Rosie. USS Pueblo. Google it.

  21. Marge Clark

    I just woke up from a nap to find ‘The View’ on tv. I couldn’t believe the anti-American venom and crazy conspiracy theories those crazies were spewing. I make it a point to not watch the View, but I guess I’m going to have to program ABC out of my channel line up - hey, I’ve got heart problems - and I’m afraid it might blow up if I have to listen to another Rosie diatribe condemning the West, Christianity, or any true victim or terror. And it just plain might break thinking Elizabeth Hasselhump needs a job so badly she stays there. Oh, I remember now… I came here looking for a place to start some sort of boycott against the View, ABC, Rosie, the idiot teacher turned airhead comedian Joy,… you know… all of them… what say… got any ideas?

  22. Lu

    These people that continue putting down our President and our affairs do not understand and are actually stupid. Rosie is nobody.Her own kind might listen to her at first but then they will realize she is talking out her *** We will see how she will handle it when the enemy gets ready to smite her on the neck…

  23. How Ya Doin'

    Today’s nutball episode featured Rosie the Genius spouting the conspiracy theory about the world trade center. As only that idiot leftist would say, “Have you ever seen steel burn?”

    Yes, Rosie twice. Once when they make it, the second time was when the Islamic terrorists flew jets filled with Jet A into the Twin Towers, and the Pentagon.

  24. Mike

    Rosie, the pig, ambushed Tom Selleck, and she has ambushed Barbara Walters. The sad thing seems to be that Barbara has lost control of her own show, and the “Pig” has all of the control.
    Liberal crap run amock.

  25. Mike

    Marge Clark has it on the right track. Boycott that show and do your best to educate all you know to do the same.
    Email ABC and bitch at every opportunity.
    It will take us all to begin to shut their crap down.

  26. TJ

    notice when comedians go political they lose their appeal

  27. starkc

    Someone should teach her how to melt steel whilst welding that trap shut before anymore bullshit comes flying out and the other ladies on the view need Hep shots.

  28. galfromcal

    I would like to chime in and ask
    is there anyway we can start a boycott??
    it seems far fetched but, things do start with ground roots
    boycott channel 7 tv shows, boycott newpapers
    or anything else that spouts this lousey propaganda

  29. antonella » Barbara Walters: Official Old Whore — David Gregory: Con Man …

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