Replay: Bill Maher Writer Lays Bare The Ugly Truth Of The Modern Liberal Mind

March 31st, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

Original Post date 03-27-07

I’d like to suggest that everyone get this to as many high school and college students as possible.

Sample: “There is no journalistic standard, none, zero, zilch, by which the misdeeds of a handful of night guards at an obscure prison for terrorists - misdeeds in which nobody was killed, nobody was seriously hurt - there is no journalistic standard by which this is a front page story in the New York Times. Much less for two days in a row. Five days in a row. Ten days in a row. Twenty days in…forty four straight days this non-story was a front page story in the New York Times. Why? Because while it met no journalistic standard, it met the one and only modern liberal standard. It said, “Do you think America’s good? We found something that’s gonna make you not believe that any longer.”

Evan Sayet - Writer, Lecturer and Pundit

Hattip: Andrew Breitbart

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50 Responses

  1. Gramps

    Too bad there were so few in attendance.

  2. Seymour Glass

    why dont you, instead of propping up more conservative stereotypical dogma, like the above video of one partisan hack in a room with a camera and a roomfull of other partisan hacks.

    WHy dont you argue with what Maher actually believes, instead of providing video smears. You arent youtube.

  3. Tincan Sailor

    Maher is not worth the time of day.About all you can say
    is the clown has a job late night on cable,kind of like
    never,never land…As for my politics Mr. Glass I’m a
    Southern Democrat. FYI that is the type of person who is
    revolted and disgusted by the socalled democrats running
    the party today. Pond Scum at its very best…For folks
    like Maher if they don’t like living here why not give
    France a shot hell you only have to take a bath once a
    week. Say Glass you might even like it, a little corner
    of paradise…

  4. D_Mac

    southern democrats blow me away. I don’t get them.

    I agree that the democrats were the party of the American People 70 years ago. Even 40 years ago I could have been a democrat. But come on, look at the party, they are totally out of touch with American values, don’t vote Democrat cause your Grandpappy did, vote Republican cause they are actually pro-American.

  5. Heath C.

    Fuckin beautiful. I’d like to hand Glass the sign for walking into the room an exhibiting exqactly the kind of BS that Evan was just talking about. Immediate slander of what he deems “partisan hacks”. And “video smears”….great choice of words on that one. What exactly do you call MSM productions that all portray America as an evil bigoted union out to steal oil? I’m guessing marching down streets in “Anti-War” rallies are considered “not smearing”.

    I claim neither party because I’ve seen too much BS on both sides, so I have every right to say WHY THE FUCK NOT!?!? If Rosie O’Donnell can get on her AMERICAN TV show and slander the very nation that is ALLOWING HER that privilege….then why the fuck can’t the Conservatives smear the left? You cannot possibly…intelligently…honestly believe that you can fling some shit and not expect them to sling some right back at you. If you do…you are a complete waste of human resource and you would serve a better purpose in life working in a sweat shop in some shitty ass third world country. I’m sure you’ll love that kind of equality. “What you need is a Holiday in Cambodia.” - DK

    Now, if I had my way, I’d just say take it to the streets and just fight it out. I’m sure we’d have no pussy faggot Libs cryin’ about “Oh that’s smearing!” or maybe some more fake ass shit like slingin “labels”. “Oh you don’t accept that? You must be some kind of bigot.” DAMN STRAIGHT! I’ll be a bigot till the day I die if it means I don’t have to “tolerate” filth living on my street, or letting criminal fucks right books about the shit they did and suddenly they’re best sellers.

    Call me a bigot…it just means I have some fuckin standards. Try it sometime…maybe someday all of you liberal jackasses will learn what Quality of Life is.

  6. Pass The Brass

    […] So on to the topik at hand….and I believe this guy says it rather well. […]

  7. Chad

    Seymour Glass - you just proved everything the video had to say. You stroll in tell Pat not to do something, while you are doing it in the very same breath. Why don’t you not sit here and tell Pat to argue what Evan just said in the video (as if the video wasn’t quite clear enough for your doped up mind to comprehend), all the while not even attempting to argue why this piece of truth that just smacked you in the face is “stereotypical dogma”?

    I highly encourage you to use the brain that God gave you, and reject the lie that you were given.

  8. Dennis

    And by the way Seymour Glass - this video has nothing to do with Bill Maher himself…. Did you actually watch and listen to it? It has to do with the all the “modern Liberals” and how illogical your thinking is…. how our youth is being influenced and taught to be Liberals…. and the list goes on. Don’t speak to something unless you have taken the time to actually listen, comprehend and put forth a sound valid argument.

  9. rumsfeld47

    Guys, the horse is dead. If horse becomes undead, resume suppressive fire.

    I worry sometimes that we react a little too much to little bitches (the Mahers, the Rosies, the Clintons) around this blog. Let me qualify that: Democrats love to spray and pray when they smell blood, and their voters don’t seem to care that they have no principles. Republican voters do care, and so we can’t use the quite the same tactics.

    I’m starting to get a feeling, and it’s not just dizziness from all my recent weight loss (203! Hoo-rah!). The feeling is that David Horowitz is right: it’s nice to be principled, but the foremost principle of any politician should be controlling policy. And that means getting your hands dirty. The feeling tells me that when little bitches launch their crap (such as on the View) conservatives would benefit from shooting it down.

    But we’re not going to convert the little bitches, but we’ll win more votes by showing the swing voters that the little bitches are, indeed, pieces of shit. And who wants to vote for a piece of shit?

    So my recommendation is, shoot it down, but don’t let it get to you. Because if she gets to you, Rosie has won, and when Rosie wins, she rubs herself with peanut butter. And no one wants Rosie’s dick in the Jif.

  10. JKT

    I don’t think I have ever sat for 45 minutes with such rapt attention. I even paused it for what turned out to be a rather contemplative scratch of my balls so I didn’t miss anything.

    I am similar to Evan in that I am a convert to conservatism. Thankfully, my timetable was much shorter and I was able to see the light and right the second time I was eligible to vote.

    Truth is intantigble, but if it was, this would take the form of a giant hand slapping the fucking shit out of delusional Liberals in the hope they would wake up. Fucking well done.

    Pat: Goes without saying, but thank you for what you do.

  11. JKT

    Okay, “dick in the Jif”!? That’s fucking hilarious.

    Rumsfeld47, you have a fan.

    I agree with you, too, about employing the tactics of the left to fight back is bad for conservatives. I cringe when I hear an otherwise well meaning, but inarticulate conservative call Alan Comb’s radio show only to be ridiculed, interupted, and made to appear, for lack of a better word, quaint, and out of touch.

  12. rumsfeld47

    This recruit believes in conserving your ammo and making your shots count.

    And take comfort in the fact that The View, CBS Evening News, Olbernutz, The New York Times, are losing viewers/subscribers so fast they’re sweating like a one-legged man in an ass kicking contest.

    This recruit is honored to have your support.

  13. Jason

    Excellent, insightful vid!


    I to share you concern with becoming too reactionary to what fuckwits like Rosie and Olbernutz have to say. Those idiots thrive off of it.

    I too, am a fan of conserving ammo and making every shot count instead of responding to every idiotic and inflammatory statement.

  14. Brian

    I recently went to a live taping of Bill Maher. It was funny as usual. He pokes a sharp stick at the Bush Administration. And I think rightfully so. The administration made egregious errors of judgement that put the fine men and women of the armed forces in harms way. Including 2 of my brothers, one in Iraq and one in the other sandbox.

    No one likes this war period. But if people didn’t vote for a “C” student for president we woulndn’t be in the conundrum were in now.

    I don’t like all the liberal-right wing horseshit fighting thats lobbed back and forth either. Spirited debate is benifical. But why someone would defend an inept leader really blows me away. People defending the war is a valid debate though.

    I’ve been to Fort Lewis to see my brother off to war. And I’ve been to Seymour-Johnson to see my brother finish his F-15 training. I’ve seen the dedicated people serving our country. I just wish “The Decider” would make some rational decisions and decide to end his failure before more people die.

    Thanks to all the servicemembers.

  15. Turambar

    Argue what Maher believes? I believe I watched an interview where he said something to the nature of(not exact quote) “Democracy for them(iraqis-muslims) is Theocracy, they will never be able to have a kind of democracy that we have” So in other words muslims can’t understand democracy…small bit of racism if you ask me.


    I’m affraid it might be getting a little to little, a little to late for all the half-truths(all combatants are Iraqi), flat out lies (I was raped in Iraq twice,, even though i’ve never been there or the cia or Bush blew up the world trade centers to go after oil) and misreresenations (every day saying “the violence is increasing” and never decreases which would probably mean this is the worst and most deadly war ever known to mankind, Abu Ghraib as if one incident is the norm and is a direct order from the president,still continues to this day and those involved simply aren’t smart enough to simply do things because they have a deviant and perverted nature) and the public and congress votes with all this crappola floating around like gospel

  17. gh

    Note to modern Liberals:

    Those who fancy different path should lead - not call others names.

  18. Heath C.

    gh - But that would mean they would actually have to make decisions…and in order to make decisions they would need some form of standards….they don’t seem to exhibit any, so I’m afraid Modern Liberal Leadership….is just an oxymoron.

  19. Tincan Sailor

    Not wanting to rain on your parade but R/R was a basic
    Southern Democrat who said I didn’ leave the party the
    party left me.Likewise Amigo. You couldn’t find a set of
    balls in either party at this time. Bush was OK in his
    first term but a compleate disaster this time around.
    As for my party they are a friggen embarrassment and
    totaly revolting,so I vote independent…It’s time to stop screwing around let the troops do what they do best
    kick the snot out of the place and come home…


    America is the FIRST WORLD POWER…
    We have a responsiblity as such.
    If the world were a body and the Iraqi/Jihad/Alkeida was considered as a cancer, would the answer not be clear?

    BTW- - I have yet to see any Democrats breaking themselves to move away from the good ol’ US of A.

  21. Tincan Sailor

    I belive some folks here can’t read or the thought
    process ain’t working!!As I said Ronald Reagan was
    a Southern Democrat, Union Leader and he was just
    about the best president this country ever had.And
    I said both partys are a sorry sack of S*&T Reagan
    and I belive 99% the same way and this country sure
    as hell isn’t running on all eight..We had best put
    the petty B/S games aside and work together or tne next
    move will be to get your self a little 3×5′ rug and
    a copy of the koran and a compass so you know where east
    is.It’s serious folks cut the crap and get real….

  22. tj

    Hey brian perhaps we should have voted for that other “”C student john kerry? I see you are a liberal by your typical invocation that “George Bush is stupid”. What does that make those of us who voted for him? Ponder to guess? Go take your elitist, “the war was a mistake but I support the troops” ass to michael moores site. Only he will believe your tripe!

  23. starkc

    Speaking of Jon Carey; I recall hearing he got a D in political science one year. Huh.

  24. David

    Great video. It seems like some of the most insightful conservatives are the ones who started out as liberals. David Horowitz is another great example.

    TJ & Stark, you stole my thunder. Neither Bush nor Kerry were the best students in college. The difference is that Bush admits it and pokes fun at himself over it, Kerry acts as if he were a professor while getting his degree. If you go on grades, I seem to remember that Bush had better college grades than either Kerry or Gore. Gore also flunked out of Divinity School at Vanderbilt, but the university suppressed release of this information (at his request or because of university policy?). I will not say that Bush hasn’t been a disappointment to me in many ways: failure to veto campaign finance ‘reform’, failure to pass social security reform, failure to pass tort reform, signing spending increases that should make any leftist politician blush, failure to call the war on terror what it really is (the war on Islamist extremism), and many other topics. That doesn’t substitute for the fact that overall, he has been a steadfast and able wartime leader and has helped our country to get on offense against these Islamists (rather than sending out policemen and FBI to arrest these terrorists as ‘criminals’). He understood, from the start, that this is an evil ideology with the expressed goal of destroying the USA and eliminating all the diversity that many claim is so important. Diversity of thought and diversity of religion, freedom from persecution, etc.

    If the Democrats had nominated somebody who was a better candidate, I don’t know that I wouldn’t have voted for him. The problem is, the Democrats haven’t had anyone that was a serious, pro-American candidate since 1960.

    I pray everyday for the safety of President Bush and all our elected leaders (yes, including Democrats), and for their ability and wisdom to make decisions in the best interests of our country. This war is not ever going to be over unless we either win or accept conversion to the ‘religion of peace’.

  25. CWO Hays (Ret.)

    This is the best explanation of modern liberal heresy I’ve ever heard. I was born and raised where even to mention a Republican was OK could get you hurt, as when I was threatened while I was a UMW official. That’s when I began to think for myself and found out, just like most of the USA would find out if they cared to, that we’re almost all conservative; we don’t believe in welfare for life, that everything is somebody else’s fault, that illegal doesn’t mean illegal, that you can call yourself a man if you won’t support your family, that success should be punished, that you should pay for somebody else’s bad choices for the rest of his life, or that we have some kind of entitlement to things we didn’t earn just because we live in this country, to name just a few.
    I didn’t start out as conservative or liberal but in the coal fields if you weren’t Democrat you were the enemy, literally. They didn’t know why, but you were. Then I started thinking, “Why do mean ol’ Republicans want to take my job? Isn’t there profit in it for them in every hour of my time they buy from me, otherwise they wouldn’t need me? Doesn’t the guy with 10 employees dream of the day when he has 10,000?” So it didn’t add up, along with rewarding sorriness and not calling a spade a spade, so I stopped drinking the kool aid from the Communist/Socialist trough. Recently I sent out a little survey of my own to all my relatives, friends and acquaintances. It came back overwhelmingly conservative by today’s definition and, believe you me, most of those surveyed claim to be Democrats and choose to believe anything the MSM tells them because conditioning over the years has made that their church. Guess I don’t get it, but let’s just all pray Shrillary doesn’t get to exercise her Socialist agenda…I have grandchildren who will suffer for it.

  26. starkc

    Sorry :mrgreen:

    I havn’t had time to watch all the way through; but just did. I like it, wish we had guys like him speaking at my school, and am wondering why he is wearing what appears to be jump wings on his jacket?

  27. jay silva

    Great video. Great speech. It will be ignored by the west coast crowd, since they all know better. Don’t they?

  28. chuckwilk

    One of the best and most enjoyable explanations of the dark heart of liberalism that I’ve ever heard. I think Evan nails it with his “Indiscrimination” theory. I’ve shared this with a number of friends.

    Semper Fi (USMC, Korea ‘52)

  29. chuckwilk

    Rumsfeld47, On your mention of the “drive-by’s” (as Rush calls them) losing readers and viewers, I think the right high profile Republican could help.

    The problem with the usual fare that we get from the drive-by’s is that it’s the same old tripe which bears no relationship to reality day-after-day, night-after-night. Now if someone like a Republican candidate for president would stand up and excoriate one of them (the target: either a “news” outlet or a Democrat leader) for one of the latest bald-faced lies, it might work. It would have to be hard-hitting and articulate (Newt coud do it) and something guaranteed to rattle their liberal sensitivities, something they would term as “mean spirited” and/or “a personal attack”.

    The target would have to react and, no doubt, the rest of the gang (pundits and Democrats) would have to jump in to defend the target. The reponse from our hero is even harder hitting and they have to respond to that, etc. etc. until they get some of their lost viewers / readers back.

    But … would they bite?

  30. Dennis

    Hey Chief [CWO Hays (Ret.)] …

    I’d love to have a copy of that survey….. Both my parents are Dem’s, actually all of my immediate family are dems… all teachers with the exception of my Dad.. which I think he secretly votes Rep, to avoid conflict with mom…. Imagine that… Anyway… I’d love to give them all that surver you’re talking about just to see if she really is a “yellow dog democrat”…. Cheers…

  31. Jerusalem

    The conservatives say things that are extreme but true and sometimes forget to explain how they came to their conclusion. (and they shouldn’t need to explain everything)
    The liberals see conservatives saying things that are extreme and get scared and cling to whatever they can, mainly lies, bullshit, and things they heard other liberals say. The only people who nod their head while listening to it should learn how to think for themselves and do some research of their own.

    :mrgreen: I think Michael Moore and Rosie O’Donnel should have a contest. Either coming up with conspiracy theories or eating pies. Both would be equally amusing. The question just becomes would you rather have two assholes making themselves more obese or two obese people making themselves bigger assholes.

  32. rumsfeld47

    There is a right profile pres candidate: Fred Fucking Thompson. He’s been cleaning people’s clocks for the past two weeks at

    Being informed about people who aren’t in the race and are still out polling Hillary Clintoris–PASS IT ON

  33. Brian


    Appreciate your comments. Not approving of the president because he makes poor leadership decisions is not a liberal thing. I would say the same thing about a moronic democratic leader if he made poor decisions too. It’s an appreciation for intelligence, and it’s a good STRA-TEE-GERY to adhere to.

    If you voted for him you can be glad or mad. I’m glad I didn’t vote for him twice.

    And I am not a fan of Mike Moore.

    Thanks for the new word.


    speaking of this survey, when in an argument and all I hear is the same mindless drone, I ask them to “tell me what you know not what you’ve been sold”

  35. John

    I am shocked!
    I cant Believe what I heard in this video!

    Its portrays liberals as people that – at some point – could not live with themselves because of their very own hatred of themselves. This self hatred apparently stems from some events in their youth where they knew right and wrong, BUT did wrong. They were unable to reconcile themselves out of deep deep shame. The only way they could go on living with themselves after such events was to eliminate the standard. If there is no right and wrong then there is no shame – WOW…. this is the magic formula to become OK with self again!!!! So, the religion of liberalism is born!!!! If there is no standard of right & wrong then self hipocracy and self bibotry do not exist – that is, they do not exist within self from the standpoint of the liberal. Finally….., it all comes together.. that the liberal religion is raised up into the democratics by capitalizing on the very weakness that liberals fear most – self reconciliation with beliefs, standards and doing the right thing. My shock you ask? Its because I have been developing this theory of how liberals can seem to always win. I never heard or read anywhere else such a precise depiction of the liberal mind. For you libs that read this thinking I was a lib – think again. We got your number and now your clock statrt ticking. You will soon self distruct.

  36. John

    How do we turn the tide?
    We can’t attack becuase that’s agressive and therefore judgemental… and judgement is discrimination - even when its rational. The liberal seems to win…

    We can’t defend because we have to stand for a position - else we defend nothing. Yet if we stand for something then we stand for a particular principle which becomes judgmental = discrimination. The libs seem to win…

    If we try to reason, this uses logic. This gives far too much credit to a lib – to think they can be logical! Our attempt to use rational, logical arguments fall apart because logic-argument requires a minimum of 2 logical individuals. By definition a lib can’t be logical! This means they would need to discriminate between right and wrong, BUT that’s discrimination. Therefore, no argument can ensue on the basis of rational thinking. Libs seem to win….

    If we try to apply their own record against a lib’s current stand the hipocracy does not stick or impact. I never understood this till now. There is no standard! Not even in their own prior beliefs or stands. What’s in the past was then and different rules were in place for that particular stand. Us conservatives then become attacked as stupid idiots. Why ofcourse we are idiots, we forgot – there is no right and wrong. There is no standard – there can be no hipocracy or conflict with self when there is no standard! Libs seem to win…..

    Worst of all… conservatives loose because right & wrong is their belief system and libs publically hang a con in the con’s own belief system! If cons were held to the Lib Religion of no standard a con could do no wrong!

    Now I bring you to the conclusion. Discrimination is the key. We must use this very word in our arguments very decisively and relentlessly. This approach is becoming more feasable because, in the past, there had to be a minority/majority scenario for discrimination to exist. Therefore, we must ignore this old rule. We must, as dispicable as it is, play the victim. Yes, you heard right, the victim playing role needs to be the card in the pocket. Afterall, our children are victims of the lib religion. The schools are run by libs, the courts are controlled by liberal judges. The only ground we hold is victims of discrimination. We are discriminated against because we have a belief system- period.

    I’ve typed too much already…but leave with this:
    I declare war on the Lib Religion . on their gOD who does not judge. On their institution in the legal system and schools. Some how, I will launch an offensive where the lib takes them self down!!! I will NOT be the agressor – they will!
    I’ll let is rest for a while so you don’t have to read a whole book….

  37. Brad W

    I would first like to say “thank You” to Pat for what he is doing, and has done. The more conservative voices we have, the more the silent majority will realise they are the majority. We just need to keep all to exercise their right to vote all the time, let’s get our team back in charge, and keep them there. If a conservative commits a crime, lets not try to re-elect them, the local Republican committee needs to get a fresh face not tainted in the race. We can do it!

    To Gunner Hays and Devildog88MM, we need more military personnel speaking out. I am a 12 year veteran of the Corps and Army (6 years each) I got out when Clinton was in office, couldn’t stomach having to call that poor excuse for a President my Commander in Chief. I am in Cleveland OH, one of very few local Republicans trying to fight the good fight. As many people in the thread have implied, there are a lot of closet Republicans, they don’t want to chance being embarassed to admit it. My mother is a case in point, she actually began voting Republican this past cycle, at the young age of 64. I was raised in a very democratic home, not liberal. I joined the Corps out of high school to escape a small liberal town, and because everyone I knew said I could never pass Basic. I just had to prove them wrong. I love the miltary and our great country, God bless us all!

    The one thing we can all do to help our cause and treat the libs the way they should, is to STOP buying their papers and magazines, pay attention to the actors views BEFORE you support them in the theater, they are SO against the American way of life, while at the same time being HUGE beneficiaries of it. Hit them in the wallet! I have cancelled subscriptions to too many papers and mags in the past several years, because the liberal slant became too much. Fox is making money because they do include some conservative points, which the rest of the MSM hates and smears them as right leaning, for being moderate! You all know what I mean.

    We had something like a 7 day protest here a couple weeks ago, supported by 17 different groups. the first few days they had no more than 10 people at the protest, on the last and final day of this HUGE anti war protest, they had no more than 60 or 70 people, including school age children that were taken out of school to attend. If there are 17 NATIONAL anti war groups supporting something like this in Cleveland, a supposed liberal bastion, why were they able to muster a maximum of 70 protesters? Because they are in reality a very small minority! I exchanged words with them each day after work, and never left if get extreme, just shot facts at them while they spewed their hatred. Sad it was…

    I firmly believe those visitors to our great country that do not like the way we do things should be sent packing, and pronto! Those who are Americans and are so filled with hatred about the American life, ship them off as well, right after we have revoked their citizenship.

    The liberal’s religion is hatred of anyone that wants to succeed or not agree with them. This country was built on the concepts of tolerance for others, their beleifs and religions. We now have a terrible enemy in the terroists that hide behind the religion of Islam to sow fear and death. Real Islamists would not do what those people have, they as well believe in tolerating others. There are some zealots, as there are in any religion, but those really are not a threat. If the liberals think we are so terrible here, send them to the middle east, let them live in Iran, or Palestine. Maybe Darfur if they prefer.

    One thing that Republican politicians do need to start doing is standing up to the MSM. Someone mentioned calling them out on the carpet, the only way that can be done is during live broadcasts, otherwise the MSM will cut and paste to take what is said out of context, which is their favorite weapon right after blatantly lying to us.

    I had an extreme liberal neighbor get in my face stating that no one has joined the military in the past 30 years to go to war. I told her if that were the case why did the military exceed goals? Every time she attacked with unfounded statements, I countered with facts. She hates me, but no longer says anything in public when I am around about the military or politics. I still do, and so my voice is heard, and I hear it echoed more and more every day.

  38. Tim Roesch


    I do not know why I am typing this. I am SO very tired of wasting my time but…okay…one more time…

    I listened to a talking head tell the Fox news Morning show how Bush needs to get the truth out. Okay, but how do you do that when the mainstream press won’t listen?

    I am tired of talking and listening to talk. I have stopped listening to Rush and O’Really and every other talking head. I don’t own a TV and haven’t bought a paper in a year. I am tired of swimming in a cesspool. I used to read Soldier of Fortune and Newsweak and think the world was somewhere in the middle…now?

    I think we who think need to start boycotting the mainstream press. We need to make it clear why or all we are going to do is listen to Rush, nod our heads wisely at O’Really, cheer Hannity and go back to the form of cultural masturbation that has us all cussing in locked rooms.

    I am almost at the point where I am willing to vote for Hillary just so I can laugh from my place near the top of the smoking rubble and tell everyone I told you so.

    In the words of the vulture…Patience my ass, I wanna kill something!

    I want to do more than listen. How’s about starting a bumper sticker campaign…


    It worked for Cesar Chavez.

    I may even join the Minute Men but I don’t think I could just smile and nod when the epithits start flying.

    Tim Roesch
    apostate in training

  39. John

    To Tim Roesch and any other right leaning reader….
    Tim, I understand your perspectives about Rush, Bill, Sean etc. However, your disgust with all the rhetoric and apathy toward it is the very reason why the conservative agenda is lost. Libs count on your giving up. I am not trying to accuse you of anything that I, myself, haven’t been guilty of. Nor am I trying to anger you or distance you. I already boycott liberal media. I already go to internet press that seeks votes and rate it low when it speaks only to the lib point of view, but its still not enough.

    Where I want to end up is to have a parallel ACLU-like entity. One that stands up for the rights of conservatives. That re-establishes equal rights by pressing charges and prosecutes those who discriminate against people of principles - discrimination against the right to believe in right and wrong. Call me an idealist because it may not happen in my lifetime, but It must start now in order for it to exist in my kids future.

    I pray that no conservative ever gives up! Never ever give up in what you believe in.

    Us conservatives don’t take the time to do much of what is needed …. because we are focused on productive activities. Libs, on the other hand only spend time tearing down and pulling apart - they never solve problems or build things up (except socialism when its self serving to libs in power). Libs succeed to erode conservatism and our apathy only helps them.

    Often, we rationalize that we can’t get results, ….hence no sense in trying attitude. We must wake up and realize that our nation - our way of life - is being hijacked because of our apathy

    We must overcome our innate behavior that tells us to skip rhetoric. We must start sending emails to the talk radio stations to tell them we want more than just rhetoric. We must start taking time to form coalitions and grass root movements to strike a balance.

    I am not preaching because I don’t have the answers. I don’t have all the solutions. But I do think there is a starting point. My proposal is to get a grassroots movement within the conservative base. One that makes it easy for a busy conservative to be come a part of the movement. This must some how happen and soon.

    I am open to all suggestions…
    John P

  40. AB


    I say, take back the “L”word. Liberty not socialism!

  41. rumsfeld47

    This guy connected some dots for me. I read a lot, but I’ve never heard anyone make this point before–it explains everything.

  42. svensun

    I need to let you know that Evan is a HUGE fan of the military, and has been touring military bases all over the world for the past couple of years, doing his stand-up comedy show, RIGHT TO LAUGH!

    It’s my guess that the medal on his lapel was a gift from some friends in the military.

    If you get a chance to see his comedy show, go for it!

    For more info on him and RIGHT TO LAUGH, here’s his website:

  43. TJ

    John one rival to the ACLU is the ACLJ. Thought it is geared more towards christians who suffer from the religious bigotry of the ACLU.

  44. John

    Thanks. I’ll look into ACLJ. However, I trust that any religious affiliation makes the organization ineffective due to a limited recognition in the secular arena and also gets limited in its scope. What I envision is a doctrine of right and wrong that is based in the Constitution. Why? Because the Constitution is the basis of ACLU. The ACLU has power because it represents peoples twisted religion (lib religion) under the guise of the Constitution.

    Just my off the top of the head thought at the moment… Gotta run.

  45. morgan

    I’ve never heard anybody some up in 45 mins. what would take me 2 days to say. I feel like the times are changing and that teh libs are painting themselves in a corner.


  46. Don

    Tincan Sailor

    I’m a Union member,thats a far as my loyalty goes,everything else is bullshit that the demos stand for,you’re right,if we don’t stand together as AMERICANS we will fall,I have NEVER voted Union!
    I never will because there is too much to loose.

  47. FHB

    Love it. The Abu Dreb comment was right on. Tells you everything you need to know.

  48. Tim Roesch


    I am not giving up. I am merely reluctant to grab hold of a band wagon that either goes trumpeting off in random directions or stalls a few miles down the road.

    If there was something like the ACLU (Americans Concerned about Liberal Unconciousness) for conservatives I would join in a heart beat. I would join the Minute Men, for instance, if I didn’t think they were nothing more than targets for stone throwers.

    Damnit, I wanna do some fighting! I want to to fight the good fight! I am not interested in Hating Hate or being Racist to Racists (if you catch my meaning).

    I want to join the (fill in the blank) and do some good, not listen to talk radio and sigh alot.

    Tim Roesch
    Command Private Major - retired

  49. John in PA

    I sick of being told - “Just listen blah blah blah etc etc etc”. I seek an existing structure to start from and yes it needs a clear mission and staying power.

    The Libs are devoted as a religion and feeding frenzies on lib sites put anything conservative to shame.

    All I know is there is a big problem in the conservative network … BUT I don’t have the answers….. YET

    I’ll let you know If I uncover anything worthy.

  50. Daniel

    I finally had the time to watch this YouTube video of Evan Sayet.

    Apparently, I’m the last one on earth still using a dial-up modem, so naturally a 48 minute long ’streaming’ video takes a long time to download.

    Quite astounding observations: i.e. the Left’s “moral imperative of indiscriminateness” and their belief that “success has cheated… failure has been victimized” ultimately arriving at this “elite blueprint for utopia”.

    Hope I quoted Mr. Sayet correctly here.

    This ‘talk’ seems to verify and reinforce, for me, what I always thought was at the core of that ‘insidious evil’ known as Marxism. That everything that came before in human history is worthless… and it ALL must be torn down before some child-like vague notion of ‘nirvana’ (International Socialism) can be achieved.

    The “Fascist Left’s” ‘ends-justifies-the-means’ tactics employed to further their ‘evil cause’ also has its origins in ‘classic’ Marxism as well.

    Today’s MSM and Democrat Party would make Joseph Goebbels proud.


    I don’t know if my two-cents’ worth of input here really matters much now - at ‘this particular’ blog post. All I know is… I threw what knowledge and intellect I might possess into the ‘Battle of Kipp, April 4th - April 8th, 2007′

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