Folly Old England

March 30th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Can anyone tell me just exactly what pressure Iran is feeling right now?


Just how, exactly, has the British Government stepped up to the plate, and made Iran fear not surrendering their hostages immediately?

What “motivating” pain has England inflicted on Iran to secure their return? What immediate consequences has England made Iran fear?

We know that the Iranian regime is evil and motivated only by power. So we know there is no way that the Iranian regime is going to return the hostages out of any, any, sense of “doing the right thing”. Tony Blair is an absolute and unequivocal buffoon for believing that conversation over action, instead of conversation linked to action, will secure the release of his regularly tortured and humiliated prisoners. (Not tortured? Ever heard of the psychological kind?)

Day after day the situation grows worse, Iran is having a propaganda field day, and the U.S. and Britain are made to look weak. This, as always, endangers us all, because it emboldens every Joe Bag A Jihad to strike whenever they can. The British people have been neutered by their own Government. The entire nation looks like a sea of naive, feminized liberals, too weak to fight the dragons of the times. Maybe they don’t just look like it, maybe they are. Along with the rest of the Continent of Cowards called Western Europe.

England has absolutely no right to expect the return of it’s hostages, because it has given Iran no reason to give them back.

No man is an island. No island is an island. England needs to stop embarrassing Western Civilization, and forcing us all to bear the consequences of it’s poofery.

UPDATE: I’m watching the news right now, watching further humiliation of Britain’s brave Marines and sailors. And I keep hearing the same thing over and over. “Tony Blair is complaining”. “Tony Blair is saying we must be patient” ( Uh, why ? Must we really, or is that statement merely a way to excuse your paralysis, Tony? ) and “Tony Blair is saying the only thing that matters is the safe return of the hostages”. Bullshit. There are many things that matter in this. How about the fact that Iran has to be made afraid of pulling this bullshit again? This is the second time, now, Tony. Maybe it’s time to wake up and smell the coffee. How about making sure they don’t feel free to capture any more soldiers, Tony? Or committing myriad other acts of terror? How about protecting the integrity and honor of your country? In the nihilistic liberal value system, where nothing is worth anything, these things don’t matter. But in the real world, where the state of of these things inevitably leads to tangible repurcussions, they mean everything. Just ask the hostages themselves, honorable men and a woman who signed up to fight, kill and die for their country. Ask them if they value their own freedom over the protection of their mates in arms, and their countrymen at home. Only the simple minded liberal, desperately trying to protect his 5 year old’s world view, could possibly believe that the safe return of the hostages is THE ONLY thing that matters.

UPDATE UPDATE: Hours after the press breathlessly announced that Tony Blair had “blasted” Iran ( with his jawbone ), Blair announced that he had now reached the level of “disgusted”. Personally, I’m not sure how Iran is standing up to all this.

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25 Responses

  1. Babs

    The most reasonable thing I have heard to end this stand off is to give the Iranian gov’ notice that in 36 hours their one and only gasoline refinery plant will be struck and disabled unless the sailors are returned unharmed before then. In addition, an embrgo will commense immediately on all ships carrying gasoline to Iraq.
    This would minimize loss of human life and, no nuclear fallout as hitting one of their nuclear plants might produce.
    I also don’t understand the wisdom of allowing Iran to parade western hostages and, more importantly, allowing the mullahs to rile up the local populace during Friday prayers… You would think that the British gov’t would understand by now that allowing a conflict to take place over a Friday would cause the entire Islamic world to go crazy. Just think back to the cartoons…
    Hit the frickin gas refineries and then talk…

  2. Gramps

    “Can anyone tell me just exactly what pressure Iran is feeling right now?”

    Well, the Brits did get the UN to say something to the effect that it wasn’t a nice thing that Iran did. :-)

    Can anyone tell me why the U.S. is still in the UN?

  3. drillanwr

    Gee, I wonder if those Brit sailors and marines are being fed “culturally and religiously” appropriate food and are being given Bibles and are permitted to prayer meetings, hmmm? And how about the International Red Cross and human rights groups … are they 1) insisting on Geneva Convention standards (of which, unless I’m wrong, Iran signed) and are they being granted access to the prisoners? and 2) have the IRC and h.r. groups even bothered to request or demand access to them in the last week?

    I’m soooo more angered by the hour by this. Even after the Revolutionary War in this country we miraculously managed to remain more than friends with Great Briton. Hell, I call my online British contacts “cousin”! I want my cousins outta there … now! Seems Great Briton shouldn’t have sent so many of its convicts and undesirables off to “The New World” back in the day. I believe they shipped away their backbone gene … Immediately set a deadline for release. If that deadline passes, begin bombing the refinery (as Babs suggested above). Set another, much shorter, deadline … and when it passes, begin bombing Iranian ports. Come on, Tony:!:

  4. drillanwr


    Imagine what we could do with the money we fund to the UN every year …

  5. Bane

    Babs, you don’t even need to destroy the entire refinery. Just blow up a few strategic points and disable it. Those people can’t fix shit for themselves. Bahrain is freaking out right now over RUMOURS that US citizens are about to be pulled out. Their oil industry will collapse. How many Arabs does it take to change a lightbulb? None, cuz they don’t know how, and go get an American to do it.

  6. Spud

    As much as I like looking at bomb damage assesment reports of Kharg Island, a naval blockade would work. Nothing in, nothing out till the hostage are released. Assets are already in place. Merchant fleets would refuse to cross the line and that means no oil money. Start today. If the Iranians want to force the issue, well you can light them up.

  7. Zegron

    I’m with Babs and Bane, Mr. Blair needs to back his words up. If he can cause Iran to lose face with their neighbors and prove that he means business the Brits will get their people back. Too bad one of our many ships over there can’t slip toss a cruise missile on their silly little refinery by “accident”. ;-)

  8. D_Mac

    How bout taking 150 Iranians hostage, 15 die each day for 10 days, then nuke Tehran.

    Ahh, one day, when I’m King of America…

  9. D_Mac

    oh and if they give the sailors back before 10 days, we spare the rest of the sailors….

    but nuke Tehran anyway :mrgreen::mrgreen:

  10. D_Mac

    oh and if they give the sailors back before 10 days, we spare the rest of the sailors….

    but nuke Tehran anyway :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

  11. Bane

    Zegron, if we drop so much as a grenade, Iran has promised to ‘unleash hell’. So, assuming it’s not a bluff, we need all our ducks in a row to retaliate and such. We got a whole pile of scary boats there, Russki intel reports our troops massing on the Iranian border. Me? If I was a prisoner, I’d hang myself or chew my wrist open before I let myself be used as a pawn. But I guess that’s just me.

  12. Gramps

    “if we drop so much as a grenade, Iran has promised to ‘unleash hell’.”

    I sure HOPE someone drops a grenade then. We can have another mother of all wars….LOL

  13. JOEL

    gramps, read - inside the asylum by jed

  14. Babs

    Babs, you don’t even need to destroy the entire refinery. Just blow up a few strategic points and disable it.

    Hey Bane, you got it in one… Just disable the only gas refinery they have and it will cause economic chaos in Iran.
    You want the sailors? How bad do you want them???


    It’s simple. Pick an unoccupied mountain peak just over the border between Iraq and Iran and put a nuke on it. Advertise in advance . . . and do it at night;)

  16. Babs

    I like your idea Rosebud but, not a nuke.The west simply can’t open that door.

  17. Kevin M

    I seem to recall something about Teddy Roosevelt telling a certain foreign power that unless our diplomat is standing on the docks, alive and unharmed, in 24 hours, our battleship anchored off your nation’s capitol, and with its canons aimed at your capitol, will unload its entire supply of mortar onto your decrepit capitol.

    Several hours later the diplomat was delivered, safe and unharmed.

    These animals understand only one thing, one thing, one thing and one thing only: the use of force.

    It is not up to us what is necessary to see right done; it is up to our enemies. It is not our enemies that put a price on our citizens’ heads, it is those of us who are willing to negotiate the value of our citizens.

    The west is being laughed at. That laughter emboldens our enemies.

    Stop the laughter. Stop the public humiliation.

    Bomb them into the stone age.

    Don’t do that, and you will learn what “dhimmitude” means.

  18. grumpy

    This may be an unpopular statement but I will say it regardless. We need to cut Blair a little slack. He has stood by us when many of our “allies” were stabbing us in the back (France, Germany, Russia…) I know that he isn’t putting up the fight that we all want him to but you have to imagine what shit he has got to be dealing with right now. He is a politician, one that has seen his entire appeasing continent turn against him. Right now he is probably doing all his fellow chicken shit-fellow leaders are allowing him to do. I believe that he did all he could to back us up and lost his job because of it. We really should be supporting him and not turning our back on him now.

  19. mindy abraham

    I hope soemthing gets done soon…I feel so sorry for those brits-they are our friends:sad: If we were not in iraq I would suggest we do something. While a military option should be a last option, it should still be an option.

  20. Gramps

    “gramps, read - inside the asylum by jed”

    Thank you, I just ordered it.

  21. Uberkamper

    IMO, Primeminister Blair is more of an American than any blue blooded American-born, Iran watched FNC/CNN just as most of us did during the 2003 operation. We showed the world what we wanted to show them, not even close to what we can do w/o nukes. IMO they are a bunch of poodles yapping how tough they are while being scared to death.

  22. rumsfeld47

    Wouldn’t it make the war in Iraq easier to fight if we went to war with Iran? They’ve been fucking with our shit since day one.

    With respect, I don’t think this is the time to cut anyone any slack. If someone was raping your wife, you wouldn’t try to talk him out of it while he was in the act, you’d kill him with your bare hands! (Or the nearest blunt object. Or your gun.)

    What do you think they’re threatening those hostages with, Christina Aguilerra music?

  23. Chet Stevens

    Either the policticians in charge are brilliant and really have something good up their sleeves or they are just a bunch of ignorant motherfuckers only concerned about the political consequences. Iran needs to pay a price for this bullshit that they are pulling. They have never paid a significant price for anything, be it the 1980 hostage crisis or the bombing of the barracks in beruit, the fear of political ramifications has shown Iran that they will only be rewarded for their behavior.

  24. drillanwr

    I think we can hold off on the nukes for awhile. But a few [well placed] MOABs just might get things moving … in their pants?

    These people (I know, highly unPC of me but IDGAF) have ALWAYS used kidnapping as a bartering tool and as a measuring stick of their opponent … for centuries. I don’t care what their unbaked reason for it now is … it’s as has been mentioned here, they only understand force. They do not appreciate such crap as “It’s stronger and braver not to use violence and force …”

    What I’m seeing here is a rewind of how the West acted re: such terrorist aggressions pre-9/11. Just talk nice, just smile and wave at them, just ignore them … but do not offend them or get mean or stern with them.

    Iran has been in Iraq for months, maybe the better part of a year or more. We have proof. We’ve traced the IEDs and weapons back to them … we’ve picked up their people inside Iraq. Pre-9/11, I said. They are at war with us, but we aren’t at war with them.

  25. starkc

    We have two MOABs (that I know of) that we chose not to use in Iraq (the MOAB has only been tested, never deployed).

    When they detonate, they look so much like Nukes (Mushroom cloud included) that explaining and proving that they were in fact conventional weapons would be an issue. Not to mention the lack of suitible targets and the risk of collatoral damage.

    Our best bet is doing what we’re doing; moving forces to intimidate in the Gulf, continue capturing Al-Quds operators, and hopefully capturing Kharg and some oil derricks if they refuse to comply and release the hostages.

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