Unusual Focus

March 30th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

Is it just me, or has anyone else stopped hearing what is actually being said


at the White


House press



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17 Responses

  1. RedBeard

    I have definitely become more interested in White House press briefings now. Where has she been hiding this whole time?

  2. kelly

    wow!! I might even watch c-span

  3. gmoney

    Huh whacha say? :wink:

  4. drillanwr

    LMAO! Wonder if she’ll be successful at shutting up David Gregory …

    Hey, if she were to kiss that toad, Helen Thomas, ya think Helen would transform into something more … human looking? Naaaaa … Look at Thomas glaring at her from behind in the third shot. :lol:

  5. drillanwr

    “I’ll get you, my pretty!”

  6. Steve in NC

    me thinks helen is admiring her….

  7. HardLuck

    She’s definitely easy on the eyes.

  8. HL Mencken

    my god, with each passing day helen thomas bears more and more of a resemblance to the troll that lives under the bridge and eats billy-goats, yet she still manages the diffuclt feat of remaining more unattractive on the inside than out.

  9. rumsfeld47

    The things I would eat out of her ass, you have no idea.

  10. PhilNBlanx

    Doh. How did I lose the front-row competition? If only I had been nicer to Tony.
    Damn that Rove and his dirty tricks. I should have been given Helen’s seat.
    What’s that? Giggle Are you pointing at me? Giggle. Was I asking a question? Giggle. Me? (Fumbling with note pad) No. Our opinion editor already wrote today’s White House hit-piece last night. Er, uh, I mean, um, if you were a tree….

  11. drillanwr


    Helen’s thinking, “Damn! Clinton would be all over that.” (Yeah, but which Clinton? … Beat you to it.)

    HL, very well said!

    Rummy, sweetie, you had her at “Hello” … :oops::oops:

  12. Milla

    Yes, Conservative women are not only beautiful, they’re feminine –what makes them even more beautiful! I know: I’m a Conservative woman!

    Hey, Pat, nice to have you on our side!


  13. TWarrior

    There is no doubt that the woman is hot.


  14. Greg - USA

    You just had to ruin my ‘alone time’ by including a picture of Helen! In one of the latest editions of The Limbaugh Letter, Rush had a comparison of women on each side of the isle and the ones on the right were by far a lot more hot.

  15. Lawrence

    A lovely and gracious young lady. The majority of the press corp are not worthy of her. She smiles; they stutter; yup beauty and the beasts.

  16. nituathaill

    :lol: I was noticing that! She doesn’t get nearly the crap they give the male press corps cannon fodder! As a woman I can definitely appreciate that power! And all you boys have every right to ‘appreciate’ it, too! David Gregory is probably working too hard trying not to spooge all over his pretty pressed khakis to formulate any cogent, let alone critical questions!

  17. A Jarhead

    I’d throw her a shot.:twisted:

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