Psychopath Vs. Psychopath

April 8th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


According to a buzz in the intelligence community, Russia is gearing up to betray Iran. According to sources in Moscow, Putin has quietly decided that he has milked the Iran nuke game for all the political and financial advantage it was worth, and now intends to singlehandedly bring it all back from the brink. He is absolutely not going to allow a cabal of Islamic lunatics to build a Bomb on the Motherland’s southern border. How is Russia going to betray Iran and stop them from getting The Bomb? Well since the Iranian bomb was actually coming to them from Russia, Russia has the power to ultimately stop the process. Maybe not forever, but for a long time. And I hope the implications of what I’ve just said haven’t escaped you: all along, we didn’t need to worry about Iran “developing” a bomb, we needed to worry about Russia “giving” them one. Somehow, the truth of all this has been kept from the spotlight. At least, if the Moscow Rumor Mill is to be believed, they are not going to go through with it. And the shit that hits the fan between Iran and Russia should be very interesting indeed.

Russia is the bedrock of Iran’s nuclear program. It is in fact providing SIX NUCLEAR REACTORS for Iran. Four are at Bueshar, two at Akhvaz.

It is providing Iran’s premiere uranium conversion plant at Busheher. In short, this will be the main plant for Iran’s uranium enrichment process.

It is also providing the actual reactor-grade uranium for Bushehr1, scheduled to go into operation in October of this year.

Russia has also slickly inserted an exception into the U.N. sactions resolution on Iran. This clause exempts “material, equiptment, technology” to be used at Bushehr 1 from being disallowed into the country. Because of this exemption Iran will be able to make weapons grade U-235 in a few months.


it’s also believed that Russia has clandestinely supplied some U-235 already, as well as the polonium 210 that Iran will need to explode their bombs.

Why all the focus has been placed on Iran as the bad guy, and not on Russia, who one could argue is merely building a bomb for an ally in order to achieve dominance of it’s own in the region, is beyond me.


But now this brings us back to where we started. Allegedly, Russia is about to pull the plug by not delivering the final materials needed to complete the building of the death factories.

I’m sure you all remember a story that popped up for a day or so, and then just disappeared. The story was of Russia halting work on the Bushehr Bomb plant due to two late monthly payments. ( I guess Ahemedinjad didn’t take those red envelopes seriously. He’s now got that nasty 60 Late notation on his Experian ) And then, suddenly, on the eve of the last UN Vote that slapped the sanctions on Iran, Iran forked over the $50 million due, and the Russians went back to work. And no one in the press noticed. A couple days later, Iran seized British hostages from Iraqi waters.

Why wasn’t Iran paying, and why did they suddenly pay the night before the U.N. vote? A lot of smart people have said Iran didn’t pay for the same reasons I sometimes don’t : I don’t have the money, or I don’t want to. However, sources tell me that the real reason was that Iran was trying to leverage a favorable Russian vote in the Security Council. Word is once Moscow agreed to some language protections, the Iranians paid up. The actual excuse that the Iranians gave for not making the payments, was that the Russians were mysteriously giving them crappy, technologically out of date materials. If the rumor that Putin always intended to pull out and has been punking Iran all this time is true, then maybe the Russians were indeed doing bad day labor work and installing out of date gear. It seems that both of these reasons are the likely culprits.


In any event, word on the street is that Putin has decided not to allow Iran’s nuclear bomb plant at Bushehr to be completed. And to deliver the death blow to their bomb plans, he will not deliver the fuel rods necssary for Tehran to build it’s nuclear arsenal. Without those rods, Iran’s route to a plutonium bomb is indeed dead. And the Russians believe that Iran is currently unable to move ahead on the uranium front as well.

We’ll see. If the Russians do in fact deliver those rods, scheduled to happen this week, then we’re in a whole other deadly ballgame.

The Russians believe that the North Koreans faked the alleged nuclear explosion in October, and that the Iranians are considering taking a cue from them. They believe that Tehran may indeed do what J-Il did, and kill their program for cash and prizes in return.

And lastly, it is also rumored that Russia has suddenly agreed to sell Iran some high-powered missle systems. Very powerful ones which would allow Iran to kick some serious ass in the event they were invaded.

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28 Responses

  1. GREG G. S.

    I’ve heard that the Russian military has a high number of Russian Muslims in order to keep the ranks full because the average Russian has little interest in the Russian military after that century long commie experiment. This seem to lay the ground work for plenty of SERIOUS material theft by those more loyal to Islam than to Russia. Has any one heard much about the Muslim influence in Russia and it Military?

  2. Thoughts Of A Conservative Christian Psychopath Vs. Psychopath «

    […] Psychopath Vs. Psychopath April 8th, 2007 — budsimmons Psychopath Vs. Psychopath […]

  3. FHB

    Damn the Russians. Putin’s got to be havin’ a great time stirrin’ the pot. Sure will be funny when this stuff comes back to haunt him, when the Chechens get a bomb for some juhadi and blow the Kremlin to hell.

  4. Raptor_Pilot

    Well, if Russia doesn’t deliver the fuel rods and stalls Iran’s nuke development, whats Iran gonna do, ask for a refund?
    If this works out, Iran forking over millions of dollars, and no bomb in the end, then Russia will have pulled the coolest scam I have ever seen.
    Think about it, Russia will have all that money in the bank, and will have done essentially nothing to get it. They probably pulled all the parts to build the nuke plant out of some warehouse in siberia.

    Here’s hoping it all ends well :beer:

  5. HardLuck

    This isn’t an end sum game. You think they can’t figure it out, even if the rusians don’t hand it over, your living in a freakin’ dream world. They, “IRAN”, WILL HAVE NUKES, it is not a matter of “if” but of “when”. How long it takes is the “diplomacy” you see going on now, “the genie is out of the bottle” it is a delaying action, and we should delay as long as we can.

  6. PhilNBlanx

    The Russians might be jerking Imadinnerjacket around but at least Iran doesn’t have to worry about an Israeli attack on their nuke plants any longer.
    As recently reported, self-appointed mouthpiece for Israel, Madam Pelosi, has informed the world Israel is ready to resume peace talks.
    Of course, backed by Israel’s strong denial, the argument could be made Madam Pelosi’s ludicrous statement indicates she began toking on the peace pipe long ago. That would be around the time Imadinnerjacket was the one jerking a less qualified opponent around - Jimmy Carter.
    Never the less Pat, thanks again for doing the job the demediacrats abandanoned a long time ago; reporting the real news.

  7. EasyE

    I wonder what missile system Russia has agreed to sell. My gusse is an S300 SAM ,SMERCH MLRS system, or an Antiship system.

    Good article about Russia


    so hardluck,
    Your good at getting blood from a turnip?
    If they do not have the necessities they can not complete it no matter how much they know! It’s just a fact.

  9. A. S. Wise

    What is Komrade KGB up to? We can only hope that though he is no friend of America’s, he also has the sanity to deprive Iran of its Nuke. I would be thrilled if the chicoms and russkies actually helped us in our War on Terror. I do know that the Chinese largely distrust their Muslim population in their west, while Russians have similar resentment for Muslims. But I fear that they err on the idea that “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.”

  10. Brett

    Its OK, we can all feel safe because if they actually decide to launch a missle at the US, our “Star wars” program will detect and destroy such a mishap from happening!…. :roll:

  11. rumsfeld47

    some thoughts from USMC RS “Mini-Bootcamp,” April 6 and 7, 2007

    If we made captured terrorists sleep outside in below freezing weather (24 degrees), the New York Times would call it torture. The USMC calls it training. Hoo-rah!

    The hardest parts of mini-bootcamp were trying to sleep outside (I got four hours), and putting up with all the farting. (There were about 40 recruiters and 228 poolees. You do the ass math.) Every time I nodded off, someone would cut the cheese anew. There were 86 poolees in my platoon, with four squads; when we marched, you better believe people up front served up some nasty beef stew for the other eighty-five of us to enjoy. One of the recruiters walked through the tent to tell us to go to sleep; he released an Assgasian hostage right on my face when he was walking out. God damn!

    We had two delicious and nutritious MREs: I got chicken and salsa (with Mexican rice) and spaghetti with meat sauce. (When it came to deploying weapons of ass-destruction, I gave as good as I got.) We had about five minutes to eat each meal, so I couldn’t enjoy it as much as I wanted to. I used to serve breakfast and lunch at the Ritz-Carlton St. Louis, where they had filet-mingon on the buffet every day, and we got to snack on it afterwards. And I love me some MREs, baby.

    I learned to move with speed and intensity.

    When half your platoon has to piss, and there are only two toilet stalls and one urinal, things get interesting. “TWO MEN TO A STALL! WHEN ONE MAN LEAVES, THE NEXT STEPS UP. TRY NOT TO PISS ALL OVER EACH OTHER. IF YOU HAVE STAGEFRIGHT, MOVE ON.” I had to run my IST with a full bladder and my long underwear around my knees (I hate layers). Two and a half weeks ago, my 1.5 mile run was 17:00. This time, it was 13:06 (hoo-rah!). Last time, I got 28 crunches in 2 minutes. This time, it was 42 (hoo-rah!). The minimums to ship to bootcamp are 13:00 and 44, respectively. Still can’t do a pull-up.

    I was the oldest poolee there; many of these high school kids were not used to the idea of things being asked of them. “You might want to move faster.” says the DI from San Diego. The kid’s faces looked like deer in headlights.

    QUOTE OF THE WEEKEND: “The coolest thing about being a United States Marine is that not only do you get to be a United States Marine, but you get PAID to be a United States Marine. Pretty cool, right?” “YES SIR!”

    The hair on my nutsack doubled over night. Now it looks like I’ve got Willie Nelson in a leg-lock.

    Our DI changed into runner’s shorts and a T-shirt when we ran the IST. “You look tired and cold to me.” “NO SIR!” “I don’t want to hear any bitching about how cold it is.” “NO SIR!”

    Every time we sounded off weak, he’d say, “You’re sounding like the Air Force, try it again.” “AYE AYE SIR!” Jefferson Barracks is an Air Force location; when the DI showed us how to make our bunks, the sheets were enormous; caught off-guard he said, “The sheets you’ll use are the right size; this is an Air Force barracks, they’ve got queen-sized beds.”

    Tough guys were punished. During our long march, one of the guys in back next to me was sick of people in the middle losing step, and forcing us to jog up to the person in front of us every five seconds. “I want to go to the front, they suck.” Recruiter replied, “Sure, go ahead. Wait, I’ve got a better idea. Since you’re such a fucking bad-ass, you’re gonna run in circles around the entire platoon. MOVE IT MOVE IT MOVE IT!” Then they broke a stick off of a tree and told him to hold it up while he ran (for the last half of the march!). If they lost sight of him, they’d say, “where’s that bad-ass? KEEP RUNNING!”

    I also got a taste of “Incentive Training” (push-ups, etc.) Six straight minutes of it (the platoon took turns). I expected a lot more face-time; I only caught the DI’s wrath once, for smiling while in the position of attention. I learned how to bite my tongue (literally!).

    Second best quote of the weekend: “What do we do on Sunday if we’re not religious?” “I’ll tell you this right now; everybody in my platoon goes to services on Sunday. If you’re athiest, you’d better find Jesus, or find somebody.”

    I called the last fire-watch, and I thought we’d be woken up earlier than they said (5:00). I got everybody up early and told them to silently pack their shit and get ready, so that when the DI came in, we’d all be standing up with our shit squared away and ready to walk out of the tent. “GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY TENT. GET THE FUCK–” “GOOD MORNING, SIR!” He was pissed!!! “GET OUT, NOW!”

    My recruiter told me poolees walk away from these weekends either charged up and motivated, or re-thinking their decision. I firmly belong to the first group. What was hardest about the PT was the endurance factor–nothing they had us do was hard, but it really added up at the end of the day. This was the best weekend of my life, and I am more motivated and encouraged than ever.

    That’s all I got; if I think of something else worth posting, I will. I just looked at the comment stats, and for everybody who has told me to STFU: I see your point!

  12. Justin

    Pat, great insight as usual. You give me hope about Americans of our generation. If you ever need a camera man in the field in Iraq, Afghanistan or Iran (invasion date TBD), let me know. I’ve seen the elephant, won’t leave your side.

    Question: We often hear pundits say that it won’t matter what Russia or Iran do in terms of equipping Iran with Nukes, because Israel will never allow Iran to be fully armed with Nukes and will simply launch massive Air Strikes against all Iranian nuclear facilities in advance of a working Nuclear device. Can you shed some light on this common theme in the Conservative blogosphere?

  13. Tim Roesch


    Is anyone aware that nukes are so…so…passe? Nukes are so 1970s.

    Let’s talk dog food…

    If, let’s say, I were a terrorist I would stop trying to scrape enough plutonium off glow in the dark watches (yes, I know it’s radium but bear with me…) and think about poison. Yes, the corollary to ‘Better Living through Chemistry’ is ‘Better killing through Chemistry’ or can you say ‘Bhopal’?

    Oh, how simply fragile is the human body!

    Now, how do I get poison into the food? I need an exploratory committee…I need a ‘dry run….

    I am actually far, far more worried (with a degree in biochemistry I would be) about chemical warfare.

    Aside from the smell, a few hundred million dead Americans is much easier to clean up than the nuclear debris.

    Has anyone thought of the dog food thing as preliminary or, worse, a hint? Are terrorists taking notes (you knowm this bomb vest binds at the shoulders…how about a trip to a glutten factory in China?)

    Or am I just being paranoid? Maybe unoid (that’s one noid…)?

    Tim Roesch
    Command Private Major - retired

  14. Vikingbyblood

    Thanks Pat. Again, outstanding job. Tim Roesch, I had the same thought myself.

  15. Mike

    I’m feeling like Raptor_Pilot in this one. Here’s hoisting one in the hope that it all ends with the Iranians looking like the bunch of idiots they are.

  16. JammieWearingFool

    National Nuclear Day in Iran…

    Little Mahmoud is feeling his oats….

  17. Steve in NC

    russia is interesting, yes they seem to play both sides, but I suspect our administration looks the other way at times for a greater reason. The muslims are a big problem with mother russia also. The enemy of my enemy…

    Mr. Roesch - Since we have not had a slew of senior citizens dying from eating dog food it is evidence that the Bush economy is better than the clinton economy.

    Remember if you have thought of it so has someone else. The first to act is remembered for it.

    For the truly paranoid, our government did this to better defend ourselves against a food contamination attack.

    The chinese are so over run with pollution that it is likely we have heard the truth on this. maybe.

  18. RENO

    Since this conversation has gone from nuclear to bio…

    Anybody remember that nasty smell that covered Manhattan a few months ago (Aug ‘06 I think) that was simply blamed on New Jersey? I do not think they ever publicly released what the hell it was.

    However, not long after that I was talking to a suit from the Enviromental Saftey Office here on campus. Apparently he gets updates on this type of thing. Says it was beta-mercaptoethanol (BME). BME is harmless, but smells like shit, and in fact is a main contributor to the smell of shit. Anyway, it smelled like a probe to me, maybe enemy, maybe our own people running a scenario to prove a point. Just thought I would share.

    My first post dispite reading almost daily. Keep the real deal coming, Pat.:beer:

  19. Dam Ops

    Putin is a malevolent genius. Iran will never win a chess match against him. Who wants to buy $1,000,000,000 worth of fissile materials? I promise to sell you a plutonium trigger later, scouts honor, now drink up commrade, pour some more vodka, salut!


  20. Pat Dollard


    Complacency kills. Israel will have to succesfully execute some action in order to “never allow Iran to” possess nukes. Isreal is most likely to execute all it can order to achieve this, but Israel maintains no guarantee of success. They have no magic wand. So those who care, including those in the conservative blogosphere, should not counsel complacency as a national policy towards any of Iran’s ambitions, because “Israel will handle it”. Complacency is what led to the Pelosi/Reid Dictatorship. All these people who didin’t vote, or voted for the Party of One Policy: Anti-Bush, and are now aghast at the horrific anti-American, anti-prosperity consequences of their vote, are reaping the consequences of complacency of thought and action.

  21. tj


    As a former airman who underwent basic training at Lackland AFB in san antonio, I appreciate the jokes regarding the air force. compared to the marines, it is physically much less demanding. Lackland is large and it has a marine unit stationed on it. By the time our unit finally got up for PT the marine unit was in the middle of their run already. I remember one day as we marched out to the field for PT, we posted 2 crossing guards on the street as we crossed. the marine unit had to run in place and wait. then the leader of the marines shouted something to the effect “f*** this sh*t” and order the marines to continue on. They ran right through us. Our TI were pissed and yelling but most of the airman were laughing(on the inside anyways.)

    Semper fi

  22. rumsfeld47

    Better to be an airman than a semen!

  23. Tim Roesch


    Rumsfeld47: Ah, but a seaman at least starts something constructive. =-)

    Tim Roesch
    Command Private Major - retired

    coming to the defense of seamen everywhere!

  24. rumsfeld47

    Do they teach semen how to swim upstream, or does that cum naturally?

  25. TJ


    i tried but i cant top that last comment. :lol:

  26. HardLuck

    Hey DevilDog81mm,
    that was a latenight scotch rant.
    But I do believe that iran will in a matter time end up with a nuke, come hell or high water. They are convinced they must have ‘em. They saw what happened in Iraq, Saddam didn’t have a nuke he got invaded, a nuclear response is strong invasion deterrence not to mention you get a seat at the table with the big boys. What they can’t make they will find a way to buy either from our “allies” or some other nefarious way, they will not stop. And with Russia, China, France and the other usual suspects running interference for them it will most likely be all the sooner.
    Israel may try to bomb them (but I kindo’ doubt it, there isn’t away for them to deliver a knock out punch to the program) they learned from when the Iraqi nuclear program got bombed, iran built nearly half their program underground with a total number of complexes being somewhere around 50 all strung out through out iran and that’s what we know about. Not to mention the Russian sale of 29 of its latest TOR M-1 anti-aircraft/anti-missle systems to iran back in Nov.
    I don’t like it, I just think it’s a matter of time and we (as I’m sure we are) need to plan for it, it’s comming.

  27. Tim Roesch


    No, but they teach seamen not be blown from the deck of a carrier, how to use their cute hats as flotation devices and when you’re cruising for seamen make sure you bring your big guns.

    Hey Hardluck…don’t forget that though a cruise missile can ruin your whole day, a good hit of small pox can ruin a whole week before you die… or less.

    Tim Roesch
    Command Private Major - retired

  28. rumsfeld47


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