Leading Fascists

April 9th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

Fascist Leftists

From the dictionary, a key characteristic of Fascism: “suppression of the opposition through censorship” “suppressing opposition and criticism”.

Obama and Edwards
?Cual es mas fascisto?

John Edwards dropped out of the Fox News sponsored Presidential debate. He does not feel that Fox News is favorable enough to the Democratic Party. He does not agree with the personal politics of Fox News chief Roger Ailes. Interestingly, he takes no issue with the registered Democrat heads of the other news networks. Just the Republican one. Clearly Big Brother John only wants you to hear one side of the debate, one side of the story. No one can take his claim that Fox News is a lone outlet of bias, seriously at all. His move is a definitive Orwellian, Big Brother thought control move. It is “suppression of the opposition and criticism” in the clearest of terms.

Today Fascist Left Dictator aspirant, Big Brother Barack Obama, joined the mind-control through-censorship fray, by announcing that he too would pull out of the debate. Allow me to quote: “CNN seemed like a more appropriate venue”, according to an Obama spokesman.

To a good Fascist Leftist, the worst thing one can be is liberal. The best thing one can be is a blind, rabid Fascist Left Party Man. In fact, to the Fascist Left Party, even the issue of race has only one value: it’s enurement to the Party’s benefit. To them, racism itself is a good thing, if it serves the Party’s interests. Hence the race-based attacks on all of George Bush’s administration. Take a look at the other notable thing about Barack’s announcement today: The debate was to be hosted by the Congressional Black Caucus. As a result of Obama’s censorship maneuver , the Black Caucus’s debate is doomed.

The one thing we didn’t get today: Any explanation, let alone a rational one, as to why Obama feels that “CNN seem(s) like a more appropriate venue”.

Up music: “This is Mind Control to Major Tom…”

UPDATE: Big Mother Hillary just announced she won’t be debating herself at the Black Caucus event.

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20 Responses

  1. tj

    as a former member of the Christian coalition i distinctly remember an invitation to fellow christian Bill clinton to attend the 1995 convention in DC. Yet as always the Dhimmacrat declined the offer. What an opportunity lost to appeal to a broad coalition of fellow believers. I say this tongue in cheek but also quite seriously, i think if anything conservatives would respect him much more if he at least attended.

    I know republicans generally do attend liberal functions they are invited to.

    I believe it was a CNN debate in the last election that showed CNN’s bias when the 3 remaining Presidential candidates were Bush , mccain, and alan Keyes. The table used had Keyes in the middle. Keyes in the debate really shined in comparison. If you have ever seen Keyes speak you would understand why.

    In the following days newspaper headlines, Bush and Mccain were in the headlines and the subsequent article mentioned keyes and a comment he made once. the comment was not in full and fairly meaningless, but even more ridiculour was the picture used for the article. The table was semi circle. the angle of the photo showed bush and mccain clearly and then a mysterious black hand on the table in th middle. It looked as if Keyes were a mere moderator.

    It clearly shows the racist nature of liberals who have always been afraid of any highly intelligent well spoken conservative republican. And especially one who can articulate his views clearly and simply and win people over.

    CNN is more appropriate for those who want their views heard to the exclusion of others. :evil:

  2. PhilNBlanx

    “Clearly Big Brother John only wants you to hear one side of the debate, one side of the story.”

    So, in neglecting the leading cable News Channel and their audience, John Mcmansion Edwards is actually further perpetuating the supposed division between the two Americas he claims to detest. Or maybe he was just having a bad hair day….

  3. Pat Dollard

    Damn, Phil, that was a really, really, really good point.

  4. Greg - USA

    The email I sent to Edwards, which also put me on his mailing list, asked one simple question. If he can not handle a debate on Fox News, which is with people who are from the same country and he will be safe, how can I possibly trust him to deal with those that want to attack and kill us? I never got a reply.

  5. Infidel

    John Edwards-Kerry, ole second-fiddle himself, bails on a debate because he “does not agree” with the politics of a News chief? Petty? Anything to please the leftists obsessed with trashing Fox? Anything to be noticed at all at this point?!

    On second thought, Obama’s spokesman is exactly right, “CNN seemed like a more appropriate venue”, it’s the perfect venue for a faith-healing, spirit channeling, mansion dwelling ‘every-man’.

  6. Rockin Robin

    So guys - what do we do about it?

  7. RR

    So what in the hell can be done about it? I asked someone the other day why Republicans aren’t stepping up to the mic - I felt stupid for asking after I was given the response. The repsonse is - They are stepping up to the mic but because the mainstream media consists mostly of Democrats, they will not allow anyone on the air that opposes their views.

  8. Infidel

    RR, I say, when people are hanging themselves, make sure they have enough rope.

    In a stunning act of tolerance and inclusive diversity awareness, Hilary has joined on, announcing that nothing sets her apart and that she will not join the debate either. Guess it’s official.:eek: She’s as fascist as the rest. We already knew that.

  9. RR

    Infidel - how much rope are they going to need before we are nuked? I say hang all the bastards and bitches now. Let’s not wait until the mushroom clouds are hovering over the earth. God, I just don’t know what to say, really. We don’t agree with what is happening and our voices can’t be heard? What happened to reporting both sides of the issue? The fucking dems are boycotting FOX news and other media outlets in order to shut those of us who are true patriots.

    Pat, the reason Obama believes CNN is a better outlet is because they are fucking commies . . .

  10. A. S. Wise

    I think Hildog also decided to refuse attendance.

  11. rumsfeld47

    I’m not convinced this is a top-down fascism, Pat. As I recall, Mark (”screw them”) Moulistas claimed ownership of the democratic party after the 2004 election, and he appears to be correct. They raised a lot of hell about this issue, and John “Little Bitch” Edwards tucked his balls behind his ass and pulled out prematurely, which, as we all know from health class, never works.

    I’m disappointed; now it seems that being afraid of the Fox News channel is the “cool” thing to do. It blows this recruits mind; I hope all Democrats boycott Fox News from here on out, they’ll pay for it dearly.

    I’m disappointed in Barack. I expected that silver-tongued hack to have the balls to differentiate himself yet again; they’ll all retarded cowards, more afraid of blogging dweebs than terrorists.

  12. TJ

    Fox should get democrat candidates who are not leading in the polls to do the debate. The democrats want exposure, and fox can give it to them and at the same time the republicans will show just how wacky the left really is.

    Democrats , as always want the nation to perceive it as moderate. the kooky left wingers are not front runners so putting them on fox will only highlight how kooky the dumbocrats really are. hell fox could really exploit these defections by placing the kooks into the limelight.


  13. rumsfeld47

    Let me see here…

    John Edwards: gay
    Barack Obama: gay
    Hillary Clinton: gay

    Are there any straight people on the Democrat ‘07 ticket?

  14. Detour » Black Women Face Quandary in Democratic Race - Racism By any Other Name…

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  15. Vikingbyblood

    Edwards and his ilk cannot hope to steal the throne unless they can create the “second America” they claim already exists. These tactics will, no doubt, appeal to the ill-informed, but oh so caring and hip, left. The “enlightened” will fawn over Edwards’ “standing up to that evil, mouthpiece of the Right; Fox” while the truly enlightened among us will take inventory of our “personal security supplies” and wait for the inevitable.

    Rumsfeld, Edward’s balls cannot be tucked between his legs. I’m convinced they ran down his moms leg

  16. mindy abraham

    I can’t get why they can’t debate on both fox and cnn. I watch both, and both have a big audience-shouldn’t he be seen by as many people as possible?:?:

  17. Rod Ferroggiaro

    Who really thinks Mr. Edwards will be a anything but a burr under the saddle. he is doing what all good burrs do. Thats trying to make fox out to be unfair then you would belive that the outher news outlets are fair. Now is that not a laugh those who belive that are truely sucking down that liberal Koolaid. Thank you sir for this Webb site.:smile:

  18. Mike

    Does the Breck Girl think all of the conservatives are leaving the country he thinks he wants to lead? A strategy of separatism is a great strategy for bringing people to your way of thinking. This genius needs a more informed strategist directing his campaign. But if he and his wife are afraid of the “Rabid Republican” across the street then he probably needs to avoid any contact with a supposedly conservative media outlet.

  19. john

    Edwards did this to kkep his name in the news. Com’on no one is going to vote for him. Look how his name is in the spotlight now…a few weeks ago he was no where to be seen…it was all barracks and hillanddales! Pure politics…oh yeah and obviously Anne Coulter saw this picture of him on an outing to a gay leather bar before she made the faggot remark

  20. Oldroyd

    I like Rush’s idea.
    Cardboard cutouts of the Dims.
    Let the silence speak volumes.

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