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40 Responses

  1. No Cries of Censorship Now : The Crimson Blog

    […] Others Blogging: Captain’s Quarters, Hot Air, Wizbang, Confederate Yankee, Sister Toldjah, Ed Driscoll, JammieWearingFool, Riehl World View, Stuck on Stupid, Michelle Malkin, Townhall, 7.62MM Justice, Pat Dollard, […]

  2. FHB

    Seriously, has he nothing else to do to keep his constituents (or whatever you call them) whipped up. Waving the bloody shirt, as they used to say.

  3. rumsfeld47

    Don Imus sucks donkey dick; that alone should get him fired.

    It’s a strange world we live in where mediocre, attention-grabbing racists try to get other mediocre, attention-grabbing racists fired.

    It’s a sad world as well, when people get offended on behalf of other people. When black people can say “nigger” all they want and white people cannot. (Double reverse racism!)

    And who’s gay idea was it to make “faggot” the new F-word? I’ve heard more gay dudes call each other faggots than every straight use of the word combined.

  4. TJ


    remember you cant use bad words about categories of people unless you are in that category :roll:

    comediens make a living off making fun of people. Political correctness leads us to a place where free expression is actually suppressed. Imus’ comments should only have the consequence of losing listeners from the “nappy headed ho’s” category. :wink:

  5. rumsfeld47

    The real question is, Who the fuck listens to Don Imus, why the fuck do they listen to Don Imus, and is it against the law to bitch-slap anyone who does listen to Don Imus?

    His appeal is even more bizarre to me than Rosie O’donnell’s, and that is saying A LOT!

  6. Plastik

    I think Imus is a fraud and a bloviating carping clown.

    I think it’s sad that he has to apologize to a bunch of nappy headed Ho’s.

    I would like very much if he, being 212 should just retire.

    I don’t like him apologizing for making a joke, it emboldens the traitors like Rangel and Pelosi.


  7. Jeff Shi

    Yay! More people complaining about political incorrectness!

  8. rumsfeld47

    The term “Politically Correct” comes from Joseph Stalin, although I’m sure most of you know that. You don’t want to know what happened to you or your family if you weren’t “politically correct.”

  9. Daniel Pennant

    It is serious that the people get offended the other’s behalf. I met a man on EbonyFriends.com and he asked me to read the article. I share his view that the article is a good one.we should do as the auther says “to do in a correct political way”.

  10. pigpaws

    I have a problem with the ‘Ho’ part of the comment. If one of those women were my kid, I wouldn’t want her referred as such. BUT….

    What I really want to know though, is why is the word ‘nappy’ a racist word? There are many times in my cracker life, when I get up in the morning and my hair is all nappy on the back of my head in a worse than bed-head fashion. I’m offended that Mr. blood-on-his-hands-Sharpton claims nappy hair as a black only trait.

  11. Stuck On Stupid

    Don “Stepn Fetchit” Imus…

      Don Imus becomes  Stepn Fetchit  to Al Sharpton’s Uncle Remus with the latest controversy over Imus’ statements concerning the  Rutgers Girls Basketball team.  Imus met Missuh Sharpton to apologize for all his racist …

  12. SDN

    Should Imus have apologized? Yes.

    Should he have apologized to Al Sharpton, the man who defines Neil Boortz’ terms “race warlord” and “poverty pimp”? Only when it could be done in the main ballroom of the Satan Ski Resort in H*ll.

  13. Steve in NC

    Rumsfeld47, you got me going on the marxist / political correct connection.

    found this from a speech by Bill Lund:

    In conclusion, America today is in the throws of the greatest and direst transformation in its history. We are becoming an ideological state, a country with an official state ideology enforced by the power of the state. In “hate crimes” we now have people serving jail sentences for political thoughts. And the Congress is now moving to expand that category ever further. Affirmative action is part of it. The terror against anyone who dissents from Political Correctness on campus is part of it. It’s exactly what we have seen happen in Russia, in Germany, in Italy, in China, and now it’s coming here. And we don’t recognize it because we call it Political Correctness and laugh it off. My message today is that it’s not funny, it’s here, it’s growing and it will eventually destroy, as it seeks to destroy, everything that we have ever defined as our freedom and our culture.

    I know by reading bill lund columns he is opposed to Bush and therefore the Iraq war, but on this topic I find him spot on.


  14. Gandalf

    Best line of 2007 - “Only when it could be done in the main ballroom of the Satan Ski Resort in H*ll.”

    I remember another line - “I wish you were on TV so I could turn you off”. If you don’t like Rosie or Imus or Al or Ann or ___ - push the off button. I cancelled my Boston Glob and NY Slimes subscriptions and stopped watching the evening news because I already have an editorial opinion - mine. I get the news from more legitimate sources, mostly direct from multiple onscene reports or original documents when available. Being old has its benefits.

    The real problem is that too many folks do listen, or read, the spin and take the spew as real life or gospel. That shows in the polls that orient the pols that screw up the nation we love. It is hard to make the right decisions without reliable data. That goes for everything from so called global warming to global terror.

    Fortunately the public is exposed to more sources of information each year. The evidence is in the decline of the print media and TV audience viewership. Let’s hope conversion to new media and information is fast enough.

  15. REN

    Political Correctness is only part of the problem, there is definitely a disparity between what is allowed on opposite ends of the spectrum here. WHY should PC only seem to matter on the ‘right’, but NOT on the ‘left’!? It’s true that if Imus was more like Sharpton, he’d have already lost his job long ago. The PC Police would have OSTRACIZED and LYNCHED him way before the comparatively TAME ‘nappy head hos’ comment!! This inequity is what’s really disgusting with this situation. What a bitter IRONY!?

  16. retire05

    rumsfeld47, when you use English as your second language and profanity as your first, you accomplish two things; a) you show your ignorance much like those who post at DailyKos and Puffington Post and b) you become what you are complaining about.
    Imus is an idiot. That’s a given. And Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, race baiters extraordinaire, have no complaints.
    What no one is talking about is the up side to this: that Imus, Jackson and Sharpton are all showing their true colors and if these were conservatives the headline news would read a lot differently. It is pretty hard to ignore the double standard when it slaps you in the face. And for them to operate on the assumption that American’s are stupid, will cost them dearly.
    Sharpton and Jackson, especially, have become inconsequential players. Their days of glory have slipped through their fingers and like the scrappers they are, they are trying to make their voices heard once again. Only problem, no one listens anymore.

    What makes this a big deal is who the players are and the fact that people are beginning to say “hey, wait a minute, just because you are a left wing hack, you can’t get by with insulting people.” Imus should be left to stew in his own sauce and when he finally digs a hole deep enough, he will bury his own career. And Sharpton and Jackson, as they strive to put new life into a dying “victim” mentality, don’t realize that they also have shovels in their hands. When it rains on your parade and you start to dig, you will always get mud on you.
    You gotta love it.

  17. rumsfeld47

    Retire, don’t be a hater because my first language happens to be Fuckinese. Don’t confuse decorum with grace, my old friend. I took my grandparents to church on Easter, and I sing my hymns loud and proud. Watch the “Opening Credits” video, and then tell me not to swear. I ship for basic in San Diego (drink it in, it always goes down smooth) in 29 days.

    You’re not making as much sense as you think you’re making. Obviously, if Al Sharpton, Don Imus, and Rosie O’Donnell still have jobs being little bitches, that’s a problem. The thing you don’t understand is that there is a market for their bullshit; example, Keith Olbermann. They’ll dig their own grave, but we (the royal we) are going to have to be the ones to put a bullet in their ideological head and throw dirt on top of them; they’re not going to lay down and die, ever.

  18. JohnF

    retire05, I didn’t see a single profanity in Rumsfeld47’s posts. I only saw vulgarity, like, “dick, fuck, and bitch.” An example of profanity would be, “Goddamn that Imus can sure suck donkey dick like a fucking faggot, what a Goddamned little bitch!” There are no bad words, only bad concepts expressed with words,IMHO.

  19. Bob

    Personally - I don’t like uppity negros (king Al, et al) - and I would love to be able to hear other people share their heart-felt feelings. Our own index finger is the best censor God made. I will turn it off if it offends me - and NO ONE should be allowed to do it for me!

    I am very white - and proud of it - very proud of my Southron heritage and honestly wish the South had been allowed to secede from the Union peacefully. There are so many good Black people here in the South - and they are wonderful Christians - and have strong family values. They don’t listen to the same radio shows - they don’t watch the same TV shows - and I will be damned if I will ever try to take away what they choose to hear and see - I just want the same. I am all for the Blacks having their own Black pride - they can say whatever they like about me - THAT is freedom!

    King Al and Jessie are so detrimental to the advancement of the Black race - it is a shame.

  20. retire05

    rumsfeld47 and JohnF, if you chose to lace your posts with profanity, that is your choice. But I have learned that when you do, the point you are trying to make is lost. That is all I was trying to tell you.

    So what if Imus, O’Donnell and Sharpton still have their jobs. Do you think that is a never-ending guarantee? If so, just take a look at Air America. The hatefilled rhetoric that came out of Franken’s mouth cost him a job and a whole radio station. American’s are sick of it and it is my understanding that O’Donnell is taking some serious hits for her moonbattery and it will eventually cost that network viewers.

    One other thing rumsfeld47; if you wish to promote the “out of control military” perception that is promoted by the MSM, that is your choice. But every soldier I have ever met saved his rough language for his buds, not for public display. And the most polite of the bunch? MARINES, of course. And just because you took your grandparents to church and sang a few “hallelujah” verses, doesn’t make you holy. Putting on a dress won’t make you a woman.

    Carry on.

  21. REN


    I tend to agree with you on ‘bad words’ but how is rumseld47’s original comment, “Don Imus sucks donkey dick…” NOT a ‘bad concept’ just as you wrote? lol.

    Did you guys see Imus and Sharpton go at it on Good Morning America today? I’m not a listener of either of these clowns, but for a moment I wanted Imus to just mention Sharpton’s mixed-bag history and hypocrisy just once!

    This is ridiculous, we shouldn’t even be giving this the air time it’s getting ~ and yet, perhaps THAT is exactly why it IS getting the attention. This simply SHOULD NOT BE big news.

  22. retire05

    rumsfeld47 and JohnF, do as you wish. I was only trying to point out that when you have to use profanity to make a point, the point is lost.

  23. retire05

    REN, I agree. This Imus thing is a non issue. And it is just another way for Sharpton and Jackson to promote their “victim” philosophy.

    Let them have at each other. I have become bored with the story.

  24. Iacobus

    There’s no justice in Ann Coulter’s case, that’s for sure. She uses the whole Grey’s Anatomy debacle as a vehicle for a joke towards Silky Pony (aka, John Edwards) and liberals get all apoplectic. All they see is the word, “faggot.” (Note to liberals: Ann Coulter knows for a fact that John Edwards is *not* a homosexual. It’s all in the context. Get a grip.)

  25. rumsfeld47

    The Marines are the most polite around other people, yes, but they’re definitely the most off color when it’s just the boys they’re around. I’d say over half the people who read and comment in these forums are military, active-duty, retired, or poolee.

    As for the others, they probably watched one of Pat Dollard’s videos when they discovered this site; counting the F-bombs in the “Opening Credits” video alone would be like trying to count grains of sand on the beach. Like a good poolee, I let those in charge set the tone.

    It’s also a generational thing; South Park has conveyed more wisdom to my generation than the entire public education system, and they’ve done it in the most vulgar of ways. Example: Mr. Garrison describes evolution as follows:

    In the beginning we were all fish. Okay? Swimming around in the water. And then one day a couple of fish had a retard baby, and the retard baby was different, so it got to live. So Retard Fish goes on to make more retard babies, and then one day, a retard baby fish crawled out of the ocean with its mutant fish hands… and it had buttsex with a squirrel or something and made this: retard frog squirrel, and then that had a retard baby which was a… monkey fish-frog… And then this monkey fish-frog had buttsex with that monkey, and… that monkey had a mutant retard baby that screwed another monkey and… that made you! So there you go! You’re the retarded offspring of five monkeys havin’ buttsex with a fish-squirrel! Congratulations!

    Now, if you were looking to convince people over the age of 30 that Darwin’s theory of evolution was “bullcrap” as Mrs. Garrison, you might not want to use this little speech. But people my age aren’t going to read Ann Coulter’s Godless (like I have), but they might watch South Park, and the lesson will stick.

    Air America failed because there was never a market for liberal radio. There are tons of markets for every other kind of liberal media.

    I wasn’t trying to get holy on Easter. But think twice about underestimating a guy who can sing the entire bass part to the St. Matthew Passion and who doesn’t need a translation to know what it means.

  26. john

    My dad graduated from Rutgers (1959 or something like that…hell he was pres of Beta Theta Pi for a few years) and looking at his year books when I was a youngster there weren’t any black people much less nappy headed Ho’s. Sounds like they have come a long way since then. Maybe some of the news should be pointing out how Imus has really helped focus the light on the NAACP (not the org) now that blacks are at the school. Those nappy headed ho’s be comin a long way mister.

  27. JohnF

    Let’s all work together to fight the common enemies, Socialism and the Global Jihad. rumsfeld47, America needs people with your passion and dedication to kill jihadis. Retire05, America needs people with your eloquence,passion, and persuasiveness to put forth the counter-arguments to Islamic Supremacy. REN, the phrase “donkey dick” is from the Bible, it says,” She lusted after her Assyrian lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emmisions were like those of horses.” Google it. Pat Dollard, you are awesome. Sometimes the English language doesn’t have words that are sufficiently grotesque to describe things, like Rosie O’Donnell’s mind or Hillary Clinton’s cock. That is when vugarity is a necessary part of communication.

  28. Iacobus

    rumsfeld47 said:

    “I wasn’t trying to get holy on Easter. But think twice about underestimating a guy who can sing the entire bass part to the St. Matthew Passion and who doesn’t need a translation to know what it means.”

    Ahh…Bach. I heart Bach. The man was a freakin’ musical genius.

  29. Lawrence

    Imus is getting his comeupness for all the millions of arrogant not funny hurtfull comments he has made over the years about just about everyone. If he can tear into some of my favorite people well everyone is a potential victim of his vicious comments. I’ve watched him maybe a dozen times to try and get a handle on where he’s coming from and I never found logic, fairness or humour about his comments.He can retire to his “charity” ranch” he won’t be missed. That goes for his sidekicks on the show who constantly suck up to him for the sake of their jobs. “king” imus, please just fade away. Why is Ann Coulter included above. She’s been fighting the jerks for years for me. Go Ann

  30. REN


    Google it? lol, okay, fine…

    Ezekiel 23:20 “For she doted upon their paramours, whose flesh is as the flesh of asses, and whose issue is like the issue of horses.”

    He still wrote “Don Imus sucks donkey dick…”, which is still a ‘bad concept’, and the above passage changes none of that, no matter what’s written in the bible. Unless we’re now calling Imus a naughty, nappy, little bible ho.

  31. Brett

    As per Answers.com’s description of “NAPPY”
    1) Having a nap
    2) Fuzzy
    3) A round, shallow cooking or serving dish with a flat
    bottom and sloped sides.
    4) a DIAPER
    We want to be so literal and anally serious? OK then, which of these descriptions describe the WHITE members of the team? (The “flat bottom” describes the DISH!) And he referred to the TEAM, not certain members of the team, but THE WHOLE TEAM. (Better Off Dead quote)
    The people that are so upset about this are the same people that get into fights at a comedy show because the comic makes fun of them/wife with them.
    Imus is a “comic”, celeb, whatever, but thats IT! He’s an idiot, thats why I DON’T LISTEN TO HIM. I do believe there’s a dial on YOUR radio TOO. (Pssst, thats why they say we’re FREE here in America, we can change what station we listen to)

  32. Oldroyd

    I’ll agree with Rumjob on southpark.
    Thats some funny shit.

  33. rumsfeld47

    I’m sorry guys, the whole “Imus sucks donkey dick” was untrue and unkind. I’m a crappy writer, you’ll have to forgive me. The line should have read:

    “Don Imus likes to ass-fuck donkeys, but since he’s a kind man, he gives a donkey a reach around–anything less, and he’d just be another ass fucking an ass’s ass.”

  34. will

    if we all stopped talking about race it would probably go away. that would put al, jesse and the rest of them out of business.

  35. Bob

    Heard a funny thing on the Stern show this morning. It was a clip of Rev Jackson dancing around the topic of his Hymietown remark (that nearly set loose Farrakhan’s minions on a Jew-killing spree) - saying that the reporter had never heard it - so it didn’t really happen - but he felt that Imus needed serious diversity counseling!!! I hope we colonize the moon soon - I gotta get off this planet!!!

  36. John in PA

    Speaking for others…. just like Pelosi…
    Seems everyone out there speaking out against Imus’ slurs are speaking for others. Most of the quiet people are pissed (including those who would have taken offense) when Jackson or Sharpton go on their rants as if they represent all of the black population.

    Its the same thing … Just like I’m pissed that Pelosi and her clones think they speak for the majority of Americans.

    How the hell do they know?

    Back to Imus… Since when is defamation tried in the public arena? Since when can an individual’s livelyhood be destroyed by those not involved in the incident?? Destroyed publically for making mistakes???

    I don’t know exactly when these defamation cases — tried without the victim and without a defense attorney — became popular, but it IS a full blown disease now. If anyone thinks I over the edge they should read Muzzled by M. Smirconish

    No I don’t like Imus, nor do I care.
    Yes I’m pissed @ Pelosi and her followers. They succeed through events like what is happening to Imus.

  37. Bob

    A good read…


  38. Gary

    Man, what a great piece by Whitlock.
    Thanks for the link.

  39. nituathaill

    John in PA…

    The Democraps in Congress obviously don’t speak for everyone since their supposed MANDATE doesn’t provide them enough votes to override a presidential veto…either for the emergency spending bill or the stem cell research legislation…hmmm, some MANDATE, huh? ;-D

  40. el

    I am frequently disgusted with rap music when I have the unfortunate experience to have to listen, when they use words such as “bitch, ho and so on”. The scantily clad dancers suggestively playing to the male singer leaves me wondering just what passes for artistic license. I don’t listen to MTV, BET or other channnels that allow play time for those artists(sic). I do listen to Imus But I have also heard other equally offensive statements from him in the last 5-6 years. Why all of a sudden is he being beaten up now? Why now are the sponsors pulling their ads? And for the love of God, where was the 5 second (bleep) button? To somehow crucify Don Imus now seems like overkill several years too late. Hummmm, could this have anything to do with this being close to an election year. Obama seems to have taken it very personally. The behavior of Al Sharpton and others including the advertisers illustrates how we truly lack a moral compass to guide us. What is acceptable on the airwaves?

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