Young Americans And Something New

April 11th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Stay tuned. I’m going to have an announcement tonight. As long as a few other people are cool with it. If not, I’ll announce in a couple days. But probably tonight. Stay tuned.

Some dude with a camera during a house search.

Airstrikes were never allowed in Ramadi until 3/7, the batallion I was with, talked higher up into letting them do it. They were a resounding success, and I can tell you first hand, the accuracy was stunning. Can’t recall one incident of collateral damage issues. This is Rudy, one of the three guys who actually called in the strikes for the whole city, on the roof of OP Horea, a small roof, which was literally the most dangerous spot on earth at the time. Rudy’s ducking from enemy fire and calling in an airstrike. Right across the street. See his handiwork below. That’s an above ground cemetary that the insurgents used to love to Iraq Horea from. Yeah, we fired into it. At times with gattling guns from the air. Awesome, is the only correct way to describe it. Damn things would shake buildings a half mile away.:


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18 Responses

  1. rumsfeld47

    This is like Christmas, Easter, and your sister’s first period combined! The anticipation is killing us all! So while Pat is teasing our roosters, here’s a few ideas I had for what’s in store:

    -Announcing he is gay, and that Young Americans is a documentary thwarting the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy
    -Announcing the second coming of Christ
    -Annoucing when Halo 3 will be released
    -Revealing that Barack Obama is really a robot, and he has infected the media with nano-bots to get better coverage
    -Annoucing that I’m all out of ideas, and that none of the above were funny anyway, sorry.

  2. gmoney

    I want more pics ASAP!

  3. xyz

    standing by, pat

  4. John in PA

    It concerns me that the rules have made the last 2 years a futile effort. How, much more success and fewer lost lives could we have had?

    Bush used to talk of the new Iraqi Gov as a soverign govt - that we can’t just decide without permission.

    I sure hope that that policy went out the window. I sure hope we are telling Iraq how the US will help - instead of asking. Its bad enough the Dems don’t support the troops, but to come home seriously wounded because of some JACKASS policy restricts the mission.

  5. Steve in NC

    Rumsfeld and Casey are not gone to please the media and leftists. They were late in changing tactics in the face of the fortified insurgency and proxi war with iran.

    Sometimes a new set of eyes on a problem finds the answer.

  6. TWarrior

    Hopefully it’s an announcement that we are going after Al Sadr with a capture or kill rule of engagement.

  7. Iacobus

    @rumsfeld47 comments: LOL :lol:

    I predict a distributor will be announced?

  8. Infidel

    Steve, you hit it square on the mark. After watching the video clips Pat has here, presuming they were from 2004, but whenever, I felt stupid for not having recognized sooner the mission in Iraq was dealing with more than a desert-rat Al-whatever “insurgency”.

    Good going Buddy.

  9. Brad W


    Why wait until tonight to announce, let’s get it over with! this old jarhead has a bad heart, suspense is not good for the digestion, and I need something really good to rub in a liberals face ASAP!!

    On another note, rather than paypal, is there a snail mail address to send donations? I am in banking, had a serious issue with paypal a while ago that wasn’t settle to my satisfaction.

  10. Steve in NC

    Hey! doesn’t that soldier know that smoking is bad for is health?

  11. Steve in NC

    :beer::beer:Chad I need spell check!:!:

  12. David in NC

    Waiting with baited breath.

  13. drillanwr

    Yo, Pat! I’m stayin’ up late here!

    `sup? :?:

  14. alexa kim

    Area Code 213 calling.

    Heard the announcement on Kit’s show and super congrats! It was a real honor talking with you and I hope to be able to again in future visits to Kit’s radio. I had many, many more questions.

    I’m glad you’re alive and helping watch the backs of Our Troops.

  15. radgy

    what was the anouncement?

  16. Pat Dollard

    Shhh…on the announcement Alexa…I’ve got to talk to someone in their PR department before I break the story in print…

  17. JeffB

    Sweet pictures Pat.. I was there in 3/7 when u took all these pics.. Brings back some crazy memories..

  18. Josiah Mata

    Very superior site. Good job. thnx.

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