Iran Ratchets Up War On U.S. ***With Update Including Suicide Bomb Video***

April 12th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Is peace still possible with Al Sadr alive?

A suicide bomber killed at least two Sunni lawmakers at a Parliament cafeteria in Baghdad today.

Just days ago Al Sadr forced a demonstration calling for a U.S. abandonment of Iraq, which would leave him and his parner Achmedinejad to pillage as much of the country as possible. In the wake of this event, fresh streetbattles with Al Sadr’s militia have erupted in Baghdad. 4,000 of Al Sadr’s Mahdi Army soldiers were trained in Iran. They continue to be armed by Iran.

The jig is up: there can be no victory in Iraq as long as Al Sadr is alive. There can be no peace without fighting Iran back.

Keep in mind that the only reason why neither has been done so far is due to pressure from the Left. Their constant counsel against aggession constantly leads us to suffering, and can only lead ultimately to defeat. Every time we employ a “liberal” instinct in this war, we are set back. And I’m talking about the big picture of this war, not merely Iraq.


Major General William Caldwell

This morning the U.S. military offered further proof of Iran’s undeclared war on our country, and its ongoing slaughter of young Americans in Iraq. Note especially the details of Iran’s hi-tech, super-IED bombings of our troops.


Interestingly, just before speculation started that the Parliament bomber was a Sunni ( and therefor not likely connected to the U.S. Democratic party’s military wing, the country of Iran ), the U.S. military issued a statement that it’s intelligence indicated that Iran was indeed arming Sunnis as well. This would indicate that Iran understands that all that is needed to arm their allies in the Democratic Party is overall chaos in Iraq.


From the wires:

BAGHDAD, Iraq - Iraqi militia fighters are being trained in Iran to build and use deadly armor-piercing roadside bombs and complex attack strategies against American forces, a U.S. general said in a new presentation of evidence of Iranian meddling.
Maj. Gen. William Caldwell said interrogations of fighters captured as recently as this month confirmed many had been in Iranian training camps.
“They do receive training on how to assemble and employ EFPs,” Caldwell said. EFPs - explosively formed penetrators - can penetrate armored vehicles with fist-size lumps of molten copper. U.S. officials say EFPs have killed at least 170 U.S. soldiers.
“We know that they are being in fact manufactured and smuggled into this country, and we know that training does go on in Iran for people to learn how to assemble them and how to employ them. We know that training has gone on as recently as this past month from detainees’ debriefs,” Caldwell said.
He would not say which arm of the Iranian government was doing the training but called the instructors “surrogates” of Iran’s intelligence agency. He said the U.S. military has evidence Iranian agents are active in Iraq in funding, training and arming Shiite militia fighters. He showed photographs of what he said were Iranian-made mortar rounds, RPG rounds and rockets found in Iraq.
Commanders of a splinter group inside rogue cleric Moqtada al-Sadr’s Mahdi Army have told TheAssociated Press up to 4,000 militia members were trained in Iran and have stockpiles of EFPs. Al-Sadr is believed to be hiding in Iran. The Mahdi Army commanders said Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guard is running the training operation.


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63 Responses

  1. Steve in NC

    time to slaughter them

  2. Colt

    “Pray For Peace, Train For War”
    -Semper Fidelis

  3. Brad W

    Mookie needs to go, along with many of his death wishers. The peaceful people of Iraq will be able to peacefully run their country as soon as the treacherous liberals and MSM stop supporting the terrorists and let the military do what it was designed to do, kill the bad guys.

  4. Tim Roesch


    This is what I mean by ‘fighting terrorism (tee hee)’.

    We’re not getting it done NOT because the soldiers with boots on the sand (and flea collars on their ankles) aren’t doing it but because we have politicians who go looking for their coupons for Depends every time some goathumping (I am not Rummie, okay) sodomite with an unread copy of the Qu’ran in one fist burns an American flag because some Dane draws a cartoon.

    Maybe America deserves to be spanked so we’ll wake up and smell the C-4! I say, vote for Hillary and hunker down and wait for the incoming mail.


    Let’s get our shit tied down, our Depends off, our game face on and MOAB Iran.

    You should listen to the conversations I stop, dead, when I remind people that we already had a nuclear war…WWII was nuclear…Hiroshima, Nagasaki? HELLO?

    Is this the same country that took the damn shores of Tripoli, stormed a beach in Normandy, firebombed Germany until they surrendered and when the Military wack jobs short stroking the Japanese Emperor
    told Truman that they didn’t hear anything from Hiroshima so =-P Truman told the boys in the Pacific to warm another nuke up and send it post paid to some place called Nagasaki?

    It all comes down to that…

    As the angel in that memorable episode of Family Guy said…


    Are we willing to step up?

    I don’t want to be telling my great grand kids about how in my day we used -16s to kill Aye-rabs while they finger their Laser Carbines and prepare to re-assault Paris or Mexico City to toss out the Jihadis.

    Let’s do it, people! Or let’s stop whining and die peacefully.

    Tim Roesch
    Command Private Major - retired

  5. Chad

    did the command private major just say ‘tee hee’??? :???:


  6. rumsfeld47

    Don’t ask, don’t tell, Chad. I think Tim’s been mixing chemicals today, give him a break.

  7. Tim Roesch


    The ‘Tee Hee’ comments SHOULD remind people of some little imp doing something minor as in NOT MOABing the Sadr-shi’ite (as in I just stepped in some) when they had the chance. Tee Hee as in not taking seriously what should be taken seriously like the captain of a cruise ship off the coast of Santorini (Tee Hee, I heard there were some rocks somewhere…)

    I typed ALL of that and you piss poor excuses for recruits can only focus on the ‘Tee Hee’ part! You got something else on your mind, recruits? You suggesting this here COMMAND PRIVATE MAJOR embibes elllicit chemicals!?


    Tim Roesch
    Command Private Major - retired

    Now, back to our regularly scheduled discussion…

  8. Mike

    Where is that plane that dropped that bombed down the chimney of Morimar Ghadaffi’s tent in Libya? It is past time to send a bomb or 12 down the chimneys of Al Sadr and that jackass dictator in Iran. Start your engines.
    Bush take a lesson from Ronald Reagan–use your firepower.

  9. Jack Sparrow

    Just one question! Where is Carlos Hathcock when we
    need him?

  10. Vikingbyblood

    Jack, Right on! Right on! Right on! In my opinion Hathcock was one of the greatest Americans EVER! Speaking of Carlos,may he rest in peace, I hope our current Marine Snipers each get to lay an “Elephant Valley” on the tangos in Iraq.

    Steve and Colt, Damn Straight!! Time to take off the leash and let the Big Dog Eat!

  11. rumsfeld47

    Yes sir, Command Major Private! :beer:

    The St. Louis MEPS CO’s (not his only job) rank and name is Major Payne. One of my fellow poolee’s name is Johnson, so he’ll be Private Johnson.


  12. TWarrior

    This shit is way over due, kill the mother fuckers——–now!!!

  13. membrain

    Oh how much I agree that some of there bases need to start getting the MOAB. Send a very strong message immediately. been sending armoured vehicle penetrating time to show ‘em what a real bomb looks like. Kinda like the time in Crockadile Dundee : “that’s not a knife. THIS is a knife.”

  14. Chad

    Haha. Yes sir, sorry sir.

  15. starkc

    We have two MOABs. And I don’t think you guys realize or fully understand how powerful these things are.

  16. Baroness Wyszynski

    For what it’s worth:
    My honey (who makes sure men going back are well armed) says he hears that Carlos would be proud at the sheer numbers that are being retired by our men right now.
    Makes this woman very proud.

    I also understand, from several years ago, W told the muzzies that should they hit us with a nuke, Mecca and Medina are gone. Period. No discussion. So much for the power of that paedophile mfer Mo, the prophet, to protect his holiest shitholes.

    I think Mecca and Medina should have been turned to glass 9/12 but that’s just me.

    The ex co-presidents Clinton had decimated our military so it was only feasible to send some SpecOps into Afghanistan to get started.
    (and now the dems bitch about our troops being underequipped-ain’t that a bitch.)

  17. Steve in NC

    starkc -

    I bet the MOAB’s aren’t powerfull. I bet we couldn’t get some more of them built zippy quick.

    I double dog dare someone to show me how powerfull they are. Probably sounds like a firecracker…..

    (remember a story bout the Brits were thinking we had gone nuclear when they saw the cloud in Iraq…. is this true?)

  18. Vikingbyblood

    Baroness, that is truly great to hear. I figured as much but the msm only tells us how many of ours die.

    Had a thought re the MOAB. I don’t claim to be an expert on munitions but it would seem to me that the MOAB’s effectiveness could be greatly enhanced in the mid-east if we had another plane drop a load of dead pigs say, 5 seconds before the bomb hit. This way the tangos would have time to realize “Oh shit! I’m about to die next to a pig!” Probably some bugs that would need to be worked out of my plan but…

  19. Vikingbyblood

    A follow-up;
    I could probably find a pig supplier but wondered if that would make me part of the Military Industrial Complex that the libs hate so much? If it would well, all the better!

  20. Steve in NC

    drop them pigs alive, the sound of squealing pigs falling would add to the momment

  21. Vikingbyblood

    Steve, great point. That would be a real nice touch.

  22. Tim Roesch


    This is exactly what I meant!

    First it’s pigs then it’s Rosie O’Donnell then what? Huh? I am telling you, dropping pigs is the sign that we have gone done the nuthouse trail. You want B-2’s flying around smelling like pig shit?

    Now, you want those Shi’ites to stand up and be counted? (onelittletwolittlethreelittle Shi’ites) Drop Qu’rans.
    Dropping pigs is a waste of your talents and of good pork. ‘Sides, pigs are smart. You think the ALF is bad…try a passle of pissed off pigs! PAH (Porcines Against Humans)

    Seriously folks…can’t we all just use the munitions God gave us and leave the wildlife alone? Rednecks are good guys and all and Marines? God Bless ‘em but someone has to have the rationality left to make sure they have an M16 to shoot with, bullets to shoot and somehow to get to all the fun? Ever seen a redneck try to make a rifle? Ever seen a Marine make a boat?


    Tim Roesch
    Command Private Major - retired

  23. starkc


    Not sure if you’re being sarcastic or not. But we have NEVER used a MOAB except for two tests at Eglin AFB in Florida. Only two were deployed to Iraq and they weren’t used and were brought back to the US when ground operations “ended”.

    Besides, they have very limited range and basic guidance, and can be only be dropped from MC-130 Hercs. Which means they have to fly low and slow, which is a problem anywhere there are semi-decent air defenses. Cluster bombs, and smaller 1-2′500 pounders (dumb and JDAM) that can be dropped by fighters and bombers are much more effective and accurate, and in the case of dumb bombs, can achieve the same effect more cheaply with less collatoral damage.

    I will however say that anything which levels everything in a 300 meter radius makes me salivate a little bit. :beer: for superior firepower.

    Anyway, here.

  24. rumsfeld47

    Al Sadr’s been a zit on our ass from Day 1. It’s high time Special Forces strapped “suicide” bomb to his chest and made it look like an accident.

    Tim, have a beer or ten, you’ll feel better. :beer:

    Baroness, excellent point about the Leftists hollerin’ like little bitches about body armor and so forth. Perhaps they expect JFK to rise from his grave, pull a magic wand out of his ass, and !PING! every armed service member wears head-to-toe dragonskin. What disingenuous cocksuckers, these Democrats. They don’t give a damn.

    So, did my CIC mean what he said in January about bitch-slapping Iran if they kept fucking with our shit? That better not have been a bluff.

  25. EZ Rider

    Using a MOAB in Iraq would be like shooting a fly with a .50 Barrett. A little excessive for current operations, no?

    The whole Iranian supplying business is extrememly serious right now. The Dems love to tout how our soldiers and marines are going in with inadequate armor and protection, but as more Iranian shape charges are introduced into the insurgent IED arsenal, all the armor in the world isn’t going to make a lick of difference. Its time we rev up the pressure on Iran. They declared war along time ago, I say we return the favor.

  26. starkc

    That dragonskin stuff is HEAVY, and hot. I’ll hang on to my ESAPIs thanks :beer:

  27. Steve in NC

    I never heard that we dropped a MOAB in the Iraqi theater other than that comment I mentioned. Bit of urban legend I suspect.

    my reverse psychology failed, was hoping to taunt someone to prove the MOAB’s power.

    Would have to be used as a psychological weapon I think, as you said the air would have to be owned to keep the plane safe, unless DARPA finds a way to guide that big bastard.

    no offensive sarcasm meant,

    Drive On

  28. Steve in NC

    I found the mother of all pigs!

    This will bring them to their knees in fear!

    Fill them with c4 and use an altimeter trigger so they pop just before impact.

  29. starkc

    Okay, no offense taken, and it is definatly a psychological weapon. When we dropped the first BLU-82 on the Taliban (Mazar-e-Sharif I believe), the survivors of the blast area all surrendered, and many of them went insane after watching it go off. Two CIA-SAD guys were almost killed by flying rock (and both were knocked head over heels). And they were a mile away. Some specifics on the MOAB…

    Overpressure blast radius is 300 meters. If you are a human or animal unfortunate enough to be caught in this, your head will explode. Most literally. Additionally, most to all of your bones (depends on distance) will be broken/crushed. Vehicles depend obviously on the vehicle. Cars, vans, light trucks, etc. are crushed, larger vehicles such as heavy trucks and armor are thrown around.

    If you are within 130 meters of impact, you’re lucky. You’ve been incinerated and died instantly in a puff of smoke.

    If you are within a mile of the impact, you’re gonna feel it. Lots of stuff will get thrown around, scattered, and broken from ground zero out.

    Oh yeah :mrgreen: . I joined the AF for a reason. And yes, DARPA and DoD are trying to make a JDAM configuration to fit the MOAB.

  30. giganticgonads

    I’m here to ask everyone 2 very important questions.
    What exactly is the REAL reason the Iraq war and why it is going on for so long?
    Firstly why is the war taking so long to win?
    Well if you got the hot wife, Bimmer and kids to go back to then you ain’t gonna want to die. You will not want to stick your neck out too fucking far. These fucks ain’t the nazis or japs coming to invade are they? The threat is truly of one’s own making - -you have to be in Iraq to be in danger.
    Without that gut-fear of one’s homeland being overun it’s very fucking hard to win. It’s a simple fact that the most motivated will prevail. The Iraqi’s got no-where to go. No hot wife, no bimmer(unless you’re a corrupt boss)and the kids are dead or have become terrorists. They got nothing to lose -they will fight to the very last man. We won’t.
    Much better off spending the 400billion dollars spent so far on totally securing against the another 9/11. get the borders locked down, get more intell, pay informers, train more agents, blast bin Laden and the other fucks.
    Why put more Americans lives in danger keeping Iraqi’s from slaughtering each other. They don’t want democracy there -why force them to?

    Secondly -why are we in Iraq?
    I believe all these young lives are being sacrificed as a s a smokescreen. That’s why so many Generals and brass have spoken out and why no-one wants the job of war Czar. They know it’s a big cover-up.
    War on Terrorism? Forget Iraq -Saddam stepped on those shitbirds real hard -if hadn’t been a murderous divtator then he would have been perfect as our ally/counter balance against the jihadis and mullahs.
    Look anyone knows Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Yemen are where terror is at. They have consistently backed/financed/produced the jihadi scumbags -even today -thinking that if they can direct them at the US and the west then they won’t go ape in their own fascist countries.
    Hezbollah and Hamas, sunni and Shiits -they spend most of their time killing each other thank fuck. It’s the rich gulf state terrorist who really are the threat -with money, western-style cover and connections they leave any wanna-be street jihadi fro dead.
    So why on 9/12 were no nukes dropped on those Saudi Arabia and Yemen -the very fuckers who were responsible? Because they had their pricks planted firmly in Bush and Cheney’s quivering assholes.
    The Bush family/bin Saud cabal has sold us downriver for their oil/military connections and all the bucks made from merc/support contracts. They are the only ones getting any good out of the war. They are traitors selling out for money. THAT is the REAL story -that is the real horror - enemy is within.These swine are making money out of young blood! We must wake up!

    Anyhow I guess Pat will ban me for speaking out here and having a view-point not lock-stepped with everyone else and everyone will call me a Democrap etc but that might be the problem -we gotta look around a bit more at what’s going on -not all keep agreeing and cracking jokes (dropping pigs for fucks sake!)like boy scouts having a circle jerk. I see I’m not the only one here who thinks it’s not funny. This is really serious times -young soldiers are dying but for what?
    Anyhow I hope Pat in his position of influence might see my points and help strip the crap away and help the ignorant see what’s really going on.

    The truth will make us win!
    Death to the jihadis!

  31. starkc

    Ever heard of Ansar Al-Islam bud? Or maybe you didn’t know that Hussein was shooting at UN, including OUR aircraft enforcing the Kurdish no-fly-zone from 1994 right up to the invasion? No? Didn’t think so.

  32. TWarrior

    leftist drivel alert

  33. Pat Dollard


    After watching Saddam sway, I’ve gained an affinity for watching these people hang themselves.

    It’s the same reason why my buddy Andrew Breitbart of the Drudge Report actually helped Arianna Huffington ( who journalist Evan Wright once swore to me smells exactly like salami ) start the Huffington Post. It’s a way to expose these people for what they are.

  34. rumsfeld47

    Imagine a dual-bomb–part MOAB, part bacon. (Equal amounts, of course.) Detonate that motherfucker in downtown Tehran, baby!

    They seem quite taken with the bacon if I’m not mistaken. :beer:

    Dragons make me hot and heavy too, stark.

  35. Iacobus

    giganticgonads said:

    “The Bush family/bin Saud cabal has sold us downriver for their oil/military connections and all the bucks made from merc/support contracts. They are the only ones getting any good out of the war. They are traitors selling out for money. THAT is the REAL story -that is the real horror - enemy is within.These swine are making money out of young blood! We must wake up!”

    Are you fucking kidding me?

    And you want us to take you seriously based on that one sentence alone?

  36. Greg - USA

    I am so tired of liberals I just can’t stomach them anymore. I am -this- close to buying an H2 just to piss them off. Hell, I already have a “Rush Baby on Board” sign on my war-causing, gas-guzzling, evil monster truck that seats four but I am the only one in it.

    I am not even going to waste time with this one, other than to ask two questions. These are the same questions I put to every liberal, and have mentioned here a few times so please forgive the repetitiveness.

    Gonad - Why were nukes not dropped after the 1993 WTC attack? Why were nukes not dropped after the USS Cole was attacked? Do you remember who was President of The United States then?

    I am done. No longer will I waste time on liberals who have the hard evidence staring them right in the nuts and refuse to take hold of it.

  37. Steve in NC

    Wow gonads that hurt my head, so yea nuking Yemen and Saudi would fix it all. You expose yourself as a rascist and elitist. I was friends with some Saudis over here going to U of M, in fact one was in Kuwait when saddam rolled in, they nearly beat him to death. I have broken bread with them, and we have much more in common in our humanity than differences. I am excluding the jihadis in that thought, I think they are lost and deserve what comes thier way.
    You trumpet the same ignorance I hear from the left/fascists/liberals, that the Iraqi’s are not able to support a democracy, that they are just going to keep killing each other and deserve to have a tyrant rape them, or have a nuke dropped on them.
    It’s funny, the people that I know that are hardcore racists are 98% democrats.

  38. Steve in NC

    Greg - how big of a carbon footprint do you have? Jeez would you call the goracle and by some credits?

    and buy some for me, my hemi is such a thirsty fucker. Where is my cheap Iraqi oil we went to war for?

    Drive On,

    Steve in NC

  39. A tough day in Iraq. : The Crimson Blog

    […] Blogging: Hot Air, Pat Dollard, Captain’s Quarters, Wizbang, American Pundit, bRight & Early, Ace of Spades, Wake up […]

  40. Pat Dollard

    What is often funny about Leftists, is that they look down on Christians for having to take a leap of faith in order to believe in God. To them, it’s obvious that you can’t believe in God because because there is no scientific empirical evidence to support such a belief. Therefor, to them, belief in God is obviously irrational. However, ask them why they’re so certain the war in Iraq was started by the administration for oil and Halliburton and you get the very scientific response: “Oh, come on man, you know. It’s obvious. Halliburton, man. Cheney, man. Oil. You know.”

    And it gets worse. Take a close look. Most of the entire Leftist political world view is based on such inferential, intuitive mythologies. No empricism, no science. Just, “Oh, come on man, Skull and Bones. You know.”

    But don’t believe in God. That would be irrational.

  41. Greg - USA

    Steve in NC - Why, I am glad you asked about my Carbon Footprint(R). I filled out one of those on-line forms that would show me how horrible I am. Even though it was based on people from the UK, I was about three times higher than the average house hold. I was so proud I hit my remote start to let my truck idle for a few minutes. Then I lit a cigar and… GASP… exhaled! I am such a bad person.

    I feel guilty about burning so much gasoline that I really need the H2 to be more “green”. Has everyone seen this study on why the H2 is more green that the Toyota Pious?

    True story - I was blazing a trail of war down the interstate, in my evil war causing war truck, at about 80 MPH trying to dump as much raw fuel through my exhaust pipe as possible. The next thing I see, much to my amazement, was a Toyota Pious screaming by me like I was sitting still! I tried to catch up just to see how fast he was going but when I reached 90 MPH he was still pulling away.

    The “goracle” LOL! After this green thing kicked off really big I started reserving domain names. Apparently someone else had the same idea and I could find very few that were good. I have been talking with a few friends about setting up a Carbon Credit(R) company and sell credits to losers, I mean, customers. When they see me drive up to the office in my H2 I can explain why.

    Yea, what is it with all of this oil we attacked Iraq for, and where is it? I may have to start pimpin’ my nappy ho ass to keep up with my gas guzzling addiction.

  42. Iacobus

    Bill Whittle has an awesome ongoing multi-part essay on what exactly you’re talking about, Pat, over at Eject! Eject! Eject!:

    Part 1:

    Part 2:

    It’s long but an oh-so-good read.

  43. giganticgonads

    I’m amazed that my rant was left up and that you have even acknowledged/responded to it. I HAVE had my opinions changed. Cheers.
    That post was a feint from the evil monster agent provocateur freak internet twin that I must constantly battle with.
    Humor me if you have the time or inclination because I really want to know a few things from your view-point.
    Before asking you I do take your point Pat about knee-jerk inferential, intuitive mythologies that are used to explain what is not known/or understood.
    Nothing takes the place of lived experience and clear calm research and understanding of facts.
    So why do I see it as illogical in bringing democracy to people and having to rely on military force?
    In 2003 and 2004 it seemed possible -but now? How is it possible to be optimistic in 2007 -I really want to know. what is the future? And why does the coalition see Iraq as the place to be in? Why not Darfur or Rwanda? What makes one country worth dying for and not another? I wonder what countries the soldiers themselves would like to help/put there lives on the line for if given the chance.
    Anyhow -there’s more free-speech here than on lots of sites both left and right.

  44. TJ

    the problem with this war is that we act as if it started on 9/11 and that it will eventually end. the only way it will end is when most of the islamists orare or we are and the rest are put in jail. This war has been going on for 1400 years and we are delaying the inevitable future fight. that is what the crusades did, that is what Israel has done. Keep the muslims fighting and dying in the middle east. doesnt matter where. Saudi arabia will never be attacked as long as they remain political astute kissing ass on all sides. sadam was stupid like the taliban. now they get to play war in their homeland, purvez decided to kiss our ass and delayed pakistans annihilation.

    if we keep a presence in iraq and afghanistan then the jihadis can focus on that place for their martyrdom. back here at home , individual citizen need to remain vigilant, and start opening a can a whoopass on local jihadis.

    My sister lives in katy texas. A farmer got a new neighbor recently who wanted to build a mosque. after just a few weeks the imam made a special request to the farmer who had been living on the farm his whole life: the imam said “kindly move somewhere else”. why? the farmer was a pig farmer. the farmer kindly said” f*** off” and proceeded to have pig races on friday nights.

    Moral: just because they are free in our country doesnt mean we need to accomodate them. Lets show the jihadi’s american hospitality at its finest. when they preach their hatfilled rhetoric like the black panthers, lets stand up to them, video tape them, and if necessary kick ass. We shall not be intimidated, we shall not be bullied! :mad:

  45. Daniel

    Hello Patriots! (With, so far, the exception of giganticgonads ???)

    I’m spending much of my free time ‘web-forming’ the Democrat members of that austere deliberative body - The U.S. Senate.
    I’ve come to the conclusion that Nancy Pelosi is actually just a ’show’ leader, owing her ‘powerful-(?)’ position to political theater, first ‘Madam Speaker’ and all.
    It’s the Senate’s Harry Reid that appears to be the true ‘guiding hand’ in the stealth-Communist Party’s (Fascist Left’s) attempt to ‘create’ some sort of ‘Constitutional Crisis’ (Mark my words… that IS what’s actually afoot now).
    So I’ve been concentrating my one-man ‘campaign’ on Senate Democrats… and would now like to encourage all to join in - below is basically what I’ve been sending (most of) them:

    We the People demand that you pass a “clean Bill” to fund our Military - No pork, no ‘benchmarks’, no timetables, no limitations - period!

    I know one lone voice in the wilderness doesn’t really mean much to them (particularly when that one voice lives outside of ‘their’ State).
    But if that one voice becomes millions, even tens of millions - those pompous fools currently backing Harry Reid’s ‘treasonous’ scheme will notice… especially if it ‘appears’ to have been organized (Right-wing ’spooky’ sound here).
    Since April 12, I’ve been including a Post Script to the original message above:

    PS - Look at THIS: [h–p:– Link to THIS Post here] …and then tell me you’re not, in fact, traitors!

    Mr. Dollard, I hope you do not mind that I’ve started to do this; assumptions are often a leap of faith. Anyway here’s a link straight to all of the Senator’s ‘contact’ links:

    Not often, but sometimes, a form will have Phone* as a ‘required’ field - but the alphanumeric:
    (loo-kit-up00) will ‘work’ in such a form field, translates as: 566-548-8700.
    If a Senate ‘majority’ turns on ‘Dirty’ Harry Reid… I believe the House ‘Blue Dogs’ will roll over too. That’s my sincere hope anyway.

    I don’t want thanks; I don’t want credit… all I want is VICTORY!
    Pummel them with this “We the People…” message, for the sake of all our ‘boys’ fighting for us over there.

  46. University Update

    Comment on Iran Ratchets Up War On US ***With Update Including ……

  47. Pat Dollard


    Good work. And thanks for making the effort. Ultimately, it’s all about the action we take past these websites and boards.

    And these boards are ultimately best served as centers of gravity for communities that take action.

  48. Steve in NC

    Gonads - I am rambling on,

    “So why do I see it as illogical in bringing democracy to people and having to rely on military force?”
    – because those that oppose democracy are using violence to further their goals, we must respond appropriately. Democracy, or a representative government that is given power by the vote of a population has historically been non aggressive militarily toward non threatening countries. Most humans want to live in peace and have opportunities available to them. You know liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

    “In 2003 and 2004 it seemed possible -but now? How is it possible to be optimistic in 2007 -I really want to know. “
    - It took roughly 7 yrs to get Germany functioning after the fall of the Nazis. Japan and Germany were ruled by cult like and violent leaders, yet once they had democracy open to them they joined the ‘modern world’. I have disdain for people who do not think the people of Iraq are capable of functioning in a democracy. I think that is a xenophobic view that approaches racism. We are so used to instant gratification in this great country that we lose patience at any difficult effort.

    “what is the future?”
    - who knows? uncertainty makes life interesting.

    “And why does the coalition see Iraq as the place to be in? Why not Darfur or Rwanda?”
    - Because of the greater threat to security. If they were trying to get nukes in Darfur and were saying that various countries will be removed from the map, we would be engaging in a different manner.

    “What makes one country worth dying for and not another?” – strategy.

    “I wonder what countries the soldiers themselves would like to help/put there lives on the line for if given the chance.”
    – join the peace corps or a missionary if the goal is to simply help. The mission as directed by the CIC is the mission to complete. In my conversations with soldiers that have toured Afghanistan and Iraq is that they know why they are there, strategically and morally.
    We could just bomb them as others have suggested, but we are a greater society than that.

    I think many of your opinions are formed by the MSM, a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth.

    check out:

    Drive On,
    Steve in NC

  49. rumsfeld47

    gonads, you deserve a rumsfeld47 ideological blood-choke, and I’m gonna give it to you.

    “I HAVE had my opinions changed.” Bullshit, and if it’s not, your shit is weak.

    “That post was a feint from the evil monster agent provocateur freak internet twin that I must constantly battle with.” Bullshit; so you’re not a troll, you’re a schizophrenic troll.

    “So why do I see it as illogical in bringing democracy to people and having to rely on military force?” Perhaps because you didn’t pay attention in history class, or you did, but your butch lesbian teacher only told you about how the white man had destroyed everything good in the world.

    “In 2003 and 2004 it seemed possible -but now?” Yeah, and in 1943, Hitler seemed unstoppable.

    “How is it possible to be optimistic in 2007 -I really want to know.” Faith in Jesus, for one. (No Jesus, no peas. Know Jesus, snow peas!) If you can wrap your little mind around the fact that things can get shittier, then they can also get less shitty. Things getting less shitty over time is called “progress.”

    “Why not Darfur or Rwanda? What makes one country worth dying for and not another?” A little thing called “National Interests,” buddy. Americans are content to let genocide slide, as long as they’re not directly affected by it. See Cambodia, 1975-1978.

    “I wonder what countries the soldiers themselves would like to help/put there lives on the line for if given the chance.” I hate genocide, so I’d be willing to go anywhere there was genocide and start stomping people’s guts out. ANYWHERE. In fact, you’ve touched on the whole reason for my return to Conservatism in college: reading about Cambodia, learning about communism, and realizing that I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t actively do something to thwart that shit. Then I procrastinated for five years before I joined the USMC.

    Be willing to realize that everything you think you know is either wrong or not as important as you thought it was. And remember:

  50. Brad W

    Kudos to Pat for leaving the drivel from minuscule gonads up… Obviously they have no brain, but i want to get on another subject. Everyone refers to Pelosi as “Madam Speaker” That is so fitting, as we know the most often use of the word Madam, which is exactly what Pelosi is acting as for the facist liberals. Not only is she the madam, she is still an active pro herself! Only other liberals and foreign leaders would want to stick it in her, but to each their own. At least she is too old to breed anymore and won’t be creating any more sheep. Pelosi, Reid, Clinton, Gore, Manuel, and all the other liberals are proof that the aliens that landed at Roswell bred with sheep and goats back in the 40’s and 50’s.

    Miniscule Gonads wants to know why we are not in Darfur, or any place other than Iraq and Afghanistan, well maybe if spineless Slick Willie had done something POSITIVE after all the terrorist attacks instead of giving lip service (he likes to give and receive)maybe we wouldn’t have gone to Iraq. If so many of the Europeans that are against the US right now would remember who had to save their sorry rears in WWI and WWII, there would be less to worry about in the world IF those spineless oxygen wasters would learn the definition of loyalty.

    The United States in most part practices more loyalty to the rest of the world than we get in return. Our allies such as Canada, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Israel and the various South American countries remember who saved the world from goose stepping half starved and barefoot for eternity. What we need to do is quit paying 80% of the UNs budget, they do not listen to us, and quit giving food, medicine and money to all those countries that want nothing better than to destroy the U.S.

    After a couple years of the majority of the pathetic unwashed being reduced in ranks due to inbreeding with unshaved primates, and out not paying to help them breed and survive, maybe then those that hate us might start to realize that without the US’s might, they are dead in the water. literally.

    We have to be in Iraq, mainly because since we have been, the terrorists are concentrated there, it makes it easier to take them out. Sure there have been some attacks in other parts of the worls, but nothing like when Clinton was in office. Spain capitulated, and has seen itself attacked, what does that tell you stupid shits out there? Only that dialogue and caving in to terrorists will only make them laugh and still try to kill you.

    So many Muslims are true to their religion, and only want to live in peace. These pigs that are using women and children, and men with mental deficiencies as homicide bombers, while lacking the guts to actually face us themselves have tried to twist the Quran to their despicable and cowardly desires. They do not want the rest of the world to turn Muslim, they want POWER, they want to intimidate others. They are so afraid of being proven worthless, which they are, that by gettin gthe less fortunate to do the dirty work, they can make themselves feel better.

    I could go on forever, but this is enough for now,

    Semper Fi from an old Leatherneck…

  51. Brad W

    Rummy and Steve,

    Good posts, good points that I should have made. MinisculeGonads is part of the MSM pap-fed facists, we should waste less time. Pat and others have a great point, beside blogs and websites, what we do outsice of the cyber world has more impact, unless you use the cyber world to enfore the majority view of American and conservative good. Not only do I contact my elected officials, the internet is a great tool to email valid points to the liberals. The only way to do this is to ensure no foul language is used (Rummy…) and to spend more time creating well thought out and relatively short emails (the liberal attention span and comprehension is short, like parts of their anatomy) and to repeatedly send those messages out. Like all ignorant children liberal facists only learn by extreme repitition of real facts.

    Get those emails going!

  52. starkc

    “What makes one country worth dying for and not another?”

    – strategy.

    OH, good one. Except for that I don’t really have anything to say, you guys really covered it.

  53. rumsfeld47

    Swearing is caring, Brad. I think Ghandi said that.

    I called my recruiter before we PT’d on Wednesday night; I wanted to know if I needed to bring running shoes as well as football shoes. “Bring ‘em both, I don’t know what we’re doing. We might get crazy, I don’t know. We might even put our fuckin’ dick in the mashed potatoes tonight, I haven’t decided.”

  54. Steve in NC

    get to them taters while they are still warm

  55. Spc. Ziegler


    I apologies for posting this in an open thread, I could not find your email address.

    I found your blog and wanted to invite you to join our mailing list.

    As Military Public Affairs we have been reaching out to those of you who operate blogs. We send out, via email, press releases and news stories as they become available. Many times we can get these products out to the electronic media before they become available via the mainstream media.

    Also, if you think it would be fitting for your blog, we are always looking to promote our website and would be honored if you would consider adding a link to our site on your blog.

    I appreciate your time today and look forward to hearing back from you.

    Spc. Patrick A. Ziegler
    U.S. Central Command
    Public Affairs

  56. TWarrior


    You fuckin kill me man, the bacon bomb is rich.


  57. Steve in NC

    speaking of emails, in response I am now on hillary’s list now. love that in my inbox, sort like janet reno must have felt, having hillary inbox…

  58. rumsfeld47

    I hope they like it crispy!

    Alright, I’m going to have to modify my posting, cause I’m at 30 push-ups since I instituted my new “10 pushups per post” rule, and I do have to work out later today.

    Let me say two things, then, for all (who care) to hear:

    I catch a lot of flak from people (on this site, for example) from using bad language, being mean, being arrogant, being an asshole, and in some cases, just being. Let me quote Ann Coulter again from her column:

    “The “be nice” admonition is the sort of thing stupid girls say when they can’t think of anything substantive to say.” “As governor of California, Reagan gave student protesters at Berkeley the finger. Remember that next time you ask yourself: “What would Reagan do?”"

    I ain’t no Reagan, but I adjust to the tone of those in charge. It ain’t your site, it’s Pat’s site; furthermore, given how the Sharpton stole the country’s Easter spirit with all his bullshit, I’m amazed that nobody is thinking twice before complaining and saying, “OH MY GOD! THATS SO OFFENSIVE, OH MY GOD!”

    The lesson of the week (which should have been sin, sacrifice, and forgiveness) is: don’t be a whiny bitch every time somebody says something you don’t like. Most websites put people’s screen name at the bottom of the post; Pat puts his on top. Consider it a warning label for my comments, you’re not forced to read them.

    Two more things (I’ll do 15 pushes)–on the drive to the football field, the recruiter who was driving (not mine) put on a CD. He happens to be black, and so is his girlfriend who made the CD for him. She titled it “pimps and hos volume 1.”

    Secondly, the Marines no longer permit Drill Instructors to swear at recruits in boot-camp. They’re still intimidating, but in mini-boot-camp a week ago, I couldn’t count the number of times I heard “gol-darn trash,” and it sounds just as ridiculous as it reads.

  59. Brad W


    Yeah, when I went through basic over twenty years ago we were told they couldn’t cuss, or get physical. Yeah, right… They didn’t gut too vulgar, but there was plenty of language not fit for the ladies, and I got knocked on my ass a few times, usually for stupid stuff. It is a lot different than they tell you, and so is active duty. That mini bootcamp is to keep you motivated so you ship out on time and don’t turn liberal(read as chicken shit).

  60. rumsfeld47

    Apparently, they’re much more strict on swearing; an “f-bomb” will get you canned if a recruit reports it. As far as touching recruits goes, I’ve heard they’ll “teach you” certain martial arts moves on rare occassion :twisted:

    Last year’s mini-boot camp was apparently much more scary; one of my recruiter’s recruits told him bootcamp was less intense than last year’s mini-boot camp.

    Whatever. I look forward to bootcamp just for the MREs, baby!

  61. starkc

    “”sort like janet reno must have felt, having hillary inbox…”"

    hahah dirty.

    You’re better off doing all your pushes together than spreading it out. Kinda like running 30mins 5mins at a time won’t work your cardio.

    And if you get caught fighting in basic, you’re fucked. Not that it doesn’t happen, but if you absolutly have to fight, don’t get caught. Language: typically if it’s derogatory to any minority, sex, or sexual preferance you could be in trouble, it depends on who hears you. I got a buddy who lost 500 bucks for calling someone a faggot at drill a couple months back, while I’ve never had any problems except for once I made a crack about a Mexican guy getting over an obstacle really quick, but the TI didn’t know who made it, so we all just pushed (including the Mexican, as we do everything as a unit.). For the record, the butt of the joke thought it was hilarious. Only the TI didn’t like it, but her opinion is what mattered.

    The best rule of thumb is keep your mouth shut until you are fully aware and able to control it according to military standards (some officers/NCOs don’t care if every third word out of your mouth is fuck, some flip out)). That way you won’t start any fights, and won’t say anything stupid or offensive.

  62. Gramps

    “And if you get caught fighting in basic, you’re fucked.”

    I guess I’ve been out too long. It sounds like it has really changed, and not for the better.

  63. rumsfeld47

    Stark: I did your pushup/situp routine tonight. Ouch. I’ll keep it up, and maybe in a week I’ll have it stretched out to seven minutes. It is truly an excellent exercise. Not as good as pounding p****, but probably the next best thing.

    I never meant to suggest that recruits would fight one another–and I read something tonight that said the only time the DI is allowed to touch us is on the rifle range.

    And again, I’m not retarded–I know not to open my mouth inappropriately. I used to be a waiter, and believe me, professionalism is second nature to me. When I’m not peeing in some VIP’s coffee. :twisted:

    True story: I served four people who worked for the UN breakfast at the Ritz-Carlton. They were talking (of course) about development this, and literacy that. They rack up a $90 bill, and the son-of-a-bitch Jap fucking stiffs me.

    You better believe I gave those motherfuckers the “crop-duster.”

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