London Falling…Parts 3 & 4

April 12th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

Part Three

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Part Four

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10 Responses

  1. RENO

    Do I need to update or download something so I can see these fucking picture or what?!

    Oh, and congratulations, I hope it’s a boy.:beer:

  2. starkc

    Oh snap!

    Sounds like that joke might stick.

    I like this series, do you have any more of these clips?

  3. Jeanet

    More news from the Dutch country (Soon to become a part of Eurabia.)

    There is nothing I actually like about the series. But they give an honest view of what’s going on over here. And I’m so greatfull to have someone like Pat to ‘get it out in the open’. (Enough lies thrown around in the MSM.)

    The last thing I’d like to post about living in The Netherlands these days:
    (After my comments in part 1.)

    2 years ago Muslims asked to remove a white cross along the road in a big city here. They felt “offended” by this obviously Christian sign, planning to open a mosque in a nearby house.
    The white cross was a remberance of people executed there in 1944 by the Nazis. All hell had to break loose before the city-counsel refused to eventually do so. But it was a “close call”.
    In this rate I see any original Chistian sign removed from our society.

    Emigration-rates of Dutch people have been rising again compared to the last year. But I’m not going anywhere!!! I’m staying in the country where I was born, and so be it.

    Just one thing; Don’t hate any Muslim because he/she is a Muslim. There are enough moderate Muslims who are offended by their extremist brothers and sisters. But this group is so oppressed, they don’t dare to speak out, afraid of repercusions.

    This group needs to be helped in order to become stronger so they can choose for themselves in stead of being pushed and forced by the sob’s to act in a way they don’t have choosen freely but are forced to follow in order to avoid social isolation by the extremists.
    Education is the key-word.

    Unfortunatly my governement (the one I didn’t choose in the recent elections)is to weak and keeps giving in into the wrong mullah’s.

    So, as so often in history, it’s up to us; the people.

    Everybody can make a choise. Be sure to get informed so you can make the right choise. E.g., by our own education.

  4. Steve in NC

    It is always up to the people, it is when power over society is left unchecked to the ‘ruling class’ that oppresion grows. The citizens of a country can always overcome an tyrant/dictator. They must be willing to risk thier lives for the greater purpose. Those that signed the Declaration of Independence spoke of how they expected to be hung or shot in response. They put thier lives and fortunes at peril to gain a free nation that would benefit many more than themselves.
    I do not know why so many submit to tyrants.

  5. Jeanet

    @Steve in NC.

    Don’t know either why so many submit to tyrants.

    Because they have no choise?
    Because they have no means?
    Because they don’t know how?

    Or, as I read in a comment here:
    “Cause all they do is step into their BMW to pick up a Starbucks”. (And whata good comment that was.)

  6. nituathaill

    I think the question for most people is

    “How do we get started?”

    Getting started takes a lot of initial momentum. A friend and I were trying to decide just how many Americans will have to die IN THIS COUNTRY before we wake up and clean up that infected pus-hole in D.C. Anyone hazard a guess? Obviously 3000+ on 9/11 wasn’t quite enough…

  7. Iacobus

    @ RENO: I’m finally seeing the embedded videos now. Don’t know if going to the Adobe Flash site and getting the player helped (because I could have sworn I had the latest version), but they’re there now.

    @ starkc: If you use the direct link, the rest of the series is to the immediate right.

    I highly encourage anyone to check them out. A bit lengthy, but what’s a little time when you learn how the enemy goes about their subterfuge?

    Shit, I’m surprised DhimmiTube still has them up. I guess the truth can be a little too overpowering sometimes. :cool:

  8. Greg - USA

    I finally watched all of the clips. Aside from all of the obvious hate they spew, did anyone notice their surroundings? They hate the west yet everything around them is from the west. The internet that they are using to send out information, the DVD’s they use, the computers, the phone system in the office, hell everything I see in the video was created by the west. They even use perfect English! I guess they look at it as using the tools of the devil to defeat the devil.

    I wonder how well they could advance their cause if they only used the tools they had developed.

  9. GregW

    Wow…Wow…Wow!!! Britain and Europe are headed for a long night of darkness and struggle.

  10. drillanwr

    “Just one thing; Don’t hate any Muslim because he/she is a Muslim. There are enough moderate Muslims who are offended by their extremist brothers and sisters. But this group is so oppressed, they don’t dare to speak out, afraid of repercusions.

    This group needs to be helped in order to become stronger so they can choose for themselves in stead of being pushed and forced by the sob’s to act in a way they don’t have choosen freely but are forced to follow in order to avoid social isolation by the extremists.”

    Exactly, Jeanet.

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