Muslim Family Festival

April 14th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

I really don’t recommend this except to those who feel it’s very important to see the most unfettered and complete picture of Islam they can. This video features the traditional practices at the sacred Ashura Festival, the Festival which celebrates the birth of the Shia sect.

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21 Responses

  1. D_Mac

    looks like fun eh. Is all the footage from London Pat? Where did this video come from?

  2. Greg - USA

    Pat - I disagree with your warning. We need to shake people out of apathy. Even today a lot of people think it’s too soon to watch the footage of what happened on September 11, 2001. The footage of people jumping from the towers is never replayed. People need to watch it and keep it in their minds. Let it burn deep into their minds and never forget it.

    Our American stomachs are so weak we have to warn everyone that “this video may be disturbing to some viewers”. Fuck that. People need to get their head out of the sand and see what is really going on in the world. End rant.

    Thank you for posting this.

  3. Joe (Comifornia)

    bloody hell!!

  4. Babs

    And then they will get western medical care so they won’t become infected and die?

    What if every Dr. in the west refused to treat those that cut their heads open for Allah?

    Culling the herd, baby…

  5. TJ

    there is a hindu organization that has pictures of muslims , who captured a hindu off the street and are seen beating a hindu to death in amosque at the behest of clerics who are observing the murder as the man pleads for his life. Inslam and unbelievers murder is considered merciful. They oppose christians as well but the violence done to them is 100% muslim initiated as the pictures on the site conclude.

    Personall i think the US, China and india would do well to ally themselves in this inevitable global war. Islamism is a bgreater threat than communism.


    here are some quotes from the hindu’s.

    “There won’t be a next time. Muslims must realize the Hindus of India will not tolerate terrorist attacks on our people. Muslims will not understand peace unless steps of this nature are taken” - Nilkant (last name unknown), Godhra

    “Muslims are 90% of today’s world trouble. If we sit back and let them kill, they will only do it more” - Shivshankar Trivedi, Ahmedabad

    “The world nations must take care of their Muslim problem today before it’s too late and realize that the problem should be treated as a top priority. Islamic history has shown how brutal it can be once it has gained control of your nation” - Ravi Chudasama, Ahmedabad

  6. Jeanet

    Yeah, well, certain people are still trying to brainwash me with the words

    But I already woke up a few years ago.

  7. Kevin M

    What a pack of brainless f***ing animals. And the Left wants the rest of us to embrace multiculturalism. Fine! Let’s do it. As soon as Rosie O’Donnell wears a burqa 24/7, Alec Baldwin and Martin Sheen stick their asses up in the air 5 times a day, and the heads of CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS and the BBC all drive around in limos that have “Submit to the will of Allah” painted on their windows, THEN I’ll take their arguments seriously. Until that time, I consider multiculturalism the first falling domino to the death of every value the West holds dear. Teddy Roosevelt said it best: No hyphenated Americans!

    If you subscribe to a “religeon” that contradicts the US Constitution, you should head back to your parents’ Middle Eastern goat-f**kville and feel free to rail against the West. But if you’re going to live in a modern, science-supported, rational democracy, then learn bipedalism and keep your 3rd world superstitions to yourself!

  8. drillanwr

    Well, I guess “bloody bastards” is pretty much on the mark, eh?

    What is it with these people and sharp cutting objects around the head areas?

  9. rumsfeld47

    Hey, it’s not we don’t cut off part of our dicks as a “covenant with Abraham”, or a “covenant with easy cleaning.”

  10. Barry

    Pat - Thank you for exposing this. It may be too late for some of the European countries but its not too late for America if we pull our head out of our ass in time. These bastards have been comming over on the flying carpets of multiculturalism and political correctness for too long. If our politicians do not stop it now, then we will wake-up one day to the same fate as Europe.

  11. Oldroyd

    Does anyone have a suggestion on which politician?
    They all suck except maybe, and I do mean maybe, Rudy.
    Thanks for the facts Pat.
    Everyone on the home front, inform your friends and
    stock up on ammo!

  12. drillanwr

    Clearly “The Mark Of The Beast”, eh? :twisted:

  13. Gun Girl

    How can these kids grow up violent? :shock:

  14. GREG G. S.

    Somebody needs to take a flame thrower to those maggots before they breed more.

  15. runway airlines » Comment on Muslim Family Festival by Gun Girl

    […] (mostly not reading LJ at present) wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerptHow can these kids grow up violent? […]

  16. armywifetoddlermom

    Most interesting, the women in the crowd, enjoying an afternoon snack, while the men walk around bloody and babies scream….

    certainly creepier than the fritz thingy..

  17. carol m

    I did not find it extremely graphic. I did find it extremely barbaric. Europe is in a sad state, tolerating similar practices. In America, we have heretofore not allowed certain “practices” of various belief systems. Hopefully, we’ll keep our sense. But you never know, with “leaders” such as Nancy “let my go to Syria and wear a rag on my head and grovel and make misstatements” Pelosi and John “I really need to retire” Murtha.

  18. Raptor_Pilot

    “GREG G. S.

    Somebody needs to take a flame thrower to those maggots before they breed more.”

    A flamethrower. Nice choice! Cheers! :beer:

  19. John in PA

    Just saw this:
    “British Goverment Drops ‘War on Terror’ Phrase.”,2933,266309,00.html

    Talking point rationale quoted:
    “[The phrase] strengthens terrorists by making them feel part of a bigger struggle.”

    TRUE talking point exposed:
    Essentially, the leftists want to be able to argue:
    Terrorism is not an organized enemy with a clear identity and a coherent set of objectives.

    I don’t know how terrorism does not fit that, but this is their future talking point. The only thing that makes terrorism different form enemies of the past is that it can operate without explicit ties to a soverign nation.

    So, all one has to do is attack without having a defined nation backing you and you are not worthy of military action - you become a police action instead. I mean:
    1- the crime has to be on the books
    2- one must commit the crime ( i.e create victims to take the blame for you)
    3- one must get caught
    4- there must exist mountains of evidence
    5- one must be granted rights
    6- one’s victims must pay for the costs to house one and convict one
    7- one’s victims must be tried also te ensure that the victim did not ask for the offsense to be comitted.
    8- yada yada yada

    Not to down play it, but this is like the studies we tax payers often fund. i.e. Study to conclude something we already freaking know 95% of the time.

    Net result:
    1- We as a world go back to “charge AFTER attack and then go to court with the ACLU & UN.”
    2- Terror succeeds in its objective and gets off the hook using our own “protection” system.

  20. drillanwr

    Neighbor John in PA,

    Denial is a river that is flooding the world … and it’s going to drown us all.

  21. TJ

    perhaps the brits could change it to “the war against bad guys and some nappy headed ho’s” :lol:

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