This Date In History Is Marked…

April 16th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


…by my birth and the deadliest shooting spree in U.S. history. Cool.

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38 Responses

  1. D_Mac

    hey,.. Happy birthday Pat!!! :beer: :beer:

  2. Chad

    haha. did you pull that off of myspace? :lol:

    p.s. happy birthday, old man. :beer:

  3. Jeanet

    Laughing for joy, crying for sadness.

    What a day……..

  4. drillanwr

    :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:

  5. AZmark

    Happy Birthday Pat!!! Wishing you cold beers and hot women!!!

  6. LCpl Jim

    :beer: Cheers to you Pat! get laid! :lol:

  7. TWarrior

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY Brother!!!

    Get fuckin loaded. :beer:

    At least it’s not Hitlers Birthday, every year I get nervous, 4/20/69.

  8. rumsfeld47

    Woah, everybody–don’t be so eager to celebrate! There’s a lot of unanswered questions about Pat Dollard’s birth, and I’ve got the courage to ask him.

    –At no point in history has a Hollywood agent suddenly become a one-man-news outlet… before DOLLARD!
    –If you look closely at his interviews, he ADMITS he doesn’t know how to work a camera.
    –Where was Pat Dollard the morning the towers fell?
    –Pat claims his website has been attacked by nappy-headed-ho Muslim hackers. But have you SEEN any NHHMH on
    –Karl Rove has admitted through lawyers he “accidentally” deleted emails… on the same day that Pat Dollard posted something suspicious on this VERY SITE! I can’t remember what it was, but it was SPOOKY!


    :twisted: :beer: :twisted:

  9. Steve in NC

    HAVE HAPPY ONE!! :beer: :beer:

    Also on this Day in History:

    0069 - Otho committed suicide after being defeated by Vitellius’ troops at Bedriacum.

    1818 - The U.S. Senate ratified Rush-Bagot amendment to form an unarmed U.S.-Canada border.

    1851 - A lighthouse was swept away in a gale at Minot’s Ledge, MA.

    1854 - San Salvador was destroyed by an earthquake.

    1862 - Confederate President Jefferson Davis approved conscription act for white males between 18 and 35.

    1917 - Vladimir Ilyich Lenin returned to Russia to start Bolshevik Revolution after years of exile.

    1922 - The Soviet Union and Germany signed the Treaty of Rapallo under which Germany recognized the Soviet Union and diplomatic and trade relations were restored.

    1947 - In Texas City, TX, the French ship Grandcamp, carrying ammonium nitrate fertilizer, caught fire and blew up. The explosions and resulting fires killed 576 people.

    1948 - In Paris, the Organization for European Economic Co-operation was set up.

    1951 - 75 people were killed when the British submarine Affray sank in the English Channel.

    1962 - Walter Cronkite began anchoring “The CBS Evening News”.

    1968 - The Pentagon announced that troops would begin coming home from Vietnam.

    1975 - The Khmer Rouge Rebels won control of Cambodia after a five years of civil war. They renamed the country Kampuchea and began a reign of terror.

    1978 - In Orissa, India, 180 people died when a tornado hit.

    1982 - Queen Elizabeth proclaimed Canada’s new constitution in effect. The act severed the last colonial links with Britain.

    1987 - The U.S. Patent Office began allowing the patenting of new animals created by genetic engineering.

    1992 - Italian financier Carlo de Benedetti and 32 others were convicted of fraud in connection with the 1982 collapse of Banco Ambrosiano.

    1992 - The House ethics committee listed 303 current and former lawmakers who had overdrawn their House bank accounts.

    1996 - Britain’s Prince Andrew and his wife, Sarah, the Duchess of York, announced that they were in the process of getting a divorce.

    1996 - An Italian court found former Prime Minister Bettino Craxi guilty on charges of corruption. He was sentenced to eight years and three months in prison.

    2002 - The U.S. Supreme Court overturned major parts of a 1996 child pornography law based on rights to free speech.

    April 16 seems to sort of suck

  10. D_Mac

    “0069 - Otho committed suicide after being defeated by Vitellius’ troops at Bedriacum. ”

    it’s all starting to make sense now….

    did you know that Vitellius was a NHHMH??

  11. Plastik

    Have an excellent Birthday and celebrate!!! Regardless of whats going on this day, the would undoubtedly has been made better and more fairly informed due to your existance.
    Thank You and Happy Birthday


  12. 0311inohio

    Happy Birthday Pat.. I received my Jihadikiller t shirt today.. wahooo.. Thanks and semper fi.

  13. zXzGrifterzXz

    Happy Birthday man.

    BTW, you still on for this Saturday?

  14. Steve in NC

    0311 -

    when did you order it? Got two coming my way

  15. 0311inohio

    I really don’t remember the exact date but it was about a week or 10 days.. Looking forward to wearing it to the gym on Wednesday.. :beer:

  16. Steve in NC

    Cool, my son is coming in for 2 weeks leave soon, should have his in time.

    Let us know any reaction. I have a rush club gitmo shirt, it’s a blast in public gatherings.


  17. CPTK

    Pat, wherever you are at the time of this posting - Happy Birthday. Keep safe. Cannot express thanks enough for your efforts. I am spreading the word.

    When the Jihadikiller shirt comes in, I am going to downtown Burlington to the “Peace and Justice Center” just because.

  18. 0311inohio

    Will do. It will be interesting if not a hoot. :lol:

  19. starkc

    1987 - The U.S. Patent Office began allowing the patenting of new animals created by genetic engineering.


    Jihadikiller shirts: Got mine today!

  20. gmoney

    Happy b-day Pat! How old?I’m guessing :beer:

  21. Brad Stephens

    Happy Birthday Bro!

  22. Oldroyd

    Pat, I got your JIHADIKILLER shirts today. Thanks man!!
    And its my birthday too, YEE HAWW!!
    that was a fine year.

  23. armywifetoddlermom

    Happy Birthday Pat

  24. Greg - USA

    Mathematically, too. :grin:

  25. Oldroyd

    Yo Greg, 4-16-64 is pretty mathamatically cool.
    Had I not been such a dumbass I may of noticed
    that. School vouchers anyone?

  26. Sjaan MarineMom

    This a fmr Navy wife and presently MarineMom sending you belated felicitations on your birthday ….
    Thank you for showing moral backbone and calling the emperor’s clothes for what they are.

    I’d send you a care package from Holland, if I’d have your address.:-)

  27. Rich in NC

    Happy Birthday Pat….

    I feel your pain, my birthday is coming up as well…April 28, and up until recently shared my birthday with Saddam Hussein. Now that they have hung that fucker I can finally celebrate in peace.

    Love the work you do…keep fighting the good fight my man.


  28. Vikingbyblood

    Happy Birthday Pat! Have a great one and thanks for all you are doing’1

  29. Brad W

    Happy Birthday Pat and many more from a first Gulf War vet. Keep your head low next time you are over there.

  30. Bane

    Happy Birthday, Pat. The 16th was my BD too.

  31. Raptor_Pilot

    :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:

    Enjoy the Birthday 30 Rack available at your local gas station :)

    Happy Belated Birthday

  32. Raptor_Pilot

    ^^^ ok didn’t work out like it should have ^^^

  33. Pat Dollard

    Thanks everybody, and Happy Birthday to everyone else whose birthday it also was. How fuckin weird is that? Aries, God of War…must be the common denominator here..

  34. Bane

    Pat, I just recently did a poll on my blog on who among all of my readers are Aries, and it was weird how there were more of them than anything else. And many of them at either milbloggers or mil-supporters themselves.

    Birds of a feather…

  35. 0311inohio

    I wore the Jihadikiller T shirt to the gym this morning. The one question that stands out: What is a Jihadikiller? My answer? ME :lol: :beer: :beer:

  36. drillanwr


    Mine’s Sunday. I’m on the crest … Aries/Taurus. Horns and head-butting everywhere! But as I’ve said before, my ancestors were Huns on my father’s side and Mongolians on my mother’s side … with Irish thrown in the mix. Yeah … :twisted:

  37. drillanwr

    Cusp … not crest.

  38. Lisa

    Omg…I love you Pat…. :oops: I just had the weirdest thing happen…I found out about you in march of this year and I totally get it. So.. me and a friend are just sitting here and I thought to look up your b-day,(wondering why the connection?)and holy shit I think we are a day apart, I’m april 17th. Anyway I think you are a very smart,honest man…we share a uncommon bond…If you come to Canada anytime,I’d love to meet you. Kisses xoxoxo Lisa A P…blood for blood

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