Afghanistan: Spring Surprise

April 17th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


The Taliban brought the war in Afghanistan to a new front yesterday, when over 100 warriors attacked government posts NORTH of Kabul, instead of from it’s bases in the south. The battle not only created a new frontline, but was the closest that heavy fighting has gotten to Kabul in over five years. The attack took place 40 miles northeast of the capital in the Tagab district of Kapsia province.

Given that the area is mostly manned by Afghan Government forces, only limited U.S. support was involved in the clash. However, the implications for the attack are obvious. NATO may have to redeploy certain forces to the north as the battlespace is stretched; the Taliban may be opening up new supply routes in order to both generally infiltrate new territory, and for specific operations against the capital. Whatever the case, the battle got the full attention of U.S. and NATO command.

The assault was also notable because the Taliban’s much vaunted, ballyhooed and threatened Spring offensive has yet to materialize. This was supposed to be the year of the worst fighting since their ouster. Perhaps yesterday’s fight was the first signs of such large-scale combat to come, or perhaps it was just an anomaly. We’ll see.


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11 Responses

  1. TWarrior

    Honestly I view their Spring offensive threat as another propaganda tool that the leftists will cling to so they can engage in more finger pointing, and craming of thumbs up their ass-then pulling it out and sniffing it. That’s the actual act that keeps leftists happy.

  2. john courage

    L O L.

  3. starkc

    I’ll bet that picture was staged. Look at how clean RPG man’s hand is. And their clothes..

  4. starkc

    Just watched the video. Point made on the glorification of terrorists.

    Someone tell me when I can stop being scared :roll:

    There are some good US vids too. And the Iraq Coalition forces have a page too.

  5. RENO

    By far the saddest display of military prowness I have ever seen!

    First of all, they are prancing in a circle like a bunch of sissy lalas.

    At about the 1:18 left mark when that joker is trying to shoot and move, just sad really. When you are on a knee and firing, use the other knee for stability. Plus, any Infantryman will tell you when going to the prone, if you stop yourself with your hand you are going to break you fucking wrist.

    Well, thanks for the laugh, I need it.

    I hope they train all their troops like this!! :razz: !

  6. starkc

    Oh they do. That’s why we kill so many.

    I heard there were some liberals bitching and claiming that insurgents (they called them Iraqis, as though they were normal people) in Ramadi were executed due to the number of KIA via headshot?

  7. Dam Ops

    They look like a bunch of bearded homos skipping in a circle. I thought being gay was a violation of Islam, oh well, maybe Mohammed was a chubby bouncer too.

  8. Kevin M

    I think the Rockettes could kick the living shit out of these assholes. Take away their AK-47s and you’ve got nothing but an over-accessorized pack of asynchronous, mask-wearing marmalade suckers with no timing, hairy legs and color-coordination that came straight out of Helen Keller’s worst nightmare.

  9. John in PA

    I’m no one to make comment, what with no experience - ya know. But even I saw this as a joke. Makes me think…
    How many virgins did they promise these towel heads.

  10. Dave in Dallas

    Man, what a bunch of pansies! The song is cool, though. Anybody know what it is?

  11. Greg - USA

    “Bomb Iran…bomb, bomb Iran”? heh…

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