Israeli Man Becomes Hero Of V-Tech Shootings

April 17th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


( Story Courtesy Of Rumsfeld47 )


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72 Responses

  1. John in PA

    Courage, clarity in action. To bad he wasn’t allowed to have a gun.

    He should be held up to the Nation in honor.

  2. Chad

    hero. but he should have been able to live, AND gun the enemy down.

    but it tooks some insane courage to throw himself at an armed assailant.

  3. Brad W


    You are right in both opinions. The really sad thing is there are so many facists/liberals that will use this as another “reason” why we need even more gun control. The only control needed is better training for those who want to or already do own weapons. I do not believe we should have to have weapons registered, whatever happened to our Constitutional rights? The facists try to give more rights to terrorists than to law abiding citizens.

    This may not be the proper forum, but there are so many beefs I have and that are shared by many people I deal with professionally, if we could actually get the MSM to print them, this country would be better off, because then the silent majority would know with certainty that they ARE in the majority.

    Rummy, if you read this, I would like to see if pat would forward my email to you. I can deal with how you feel about unsolicited advice. I got a ton of that before going in the Corps, most of it from family and “friends” that told me I was crazy for joining the Marines, that I would never make it. I just have a couple ideas regarding your request for help in building up pullu-up count.

  4. rumsfeld47

    Thanks, Pat. :beer:

    A hero indeed; where does one find such men? I’m moved beyond words by this man’s actions, I can’t say anything about it.

    Exercise advice has been posted on these pages before, go ahead and post that if you want it to.

    My junk email address includes my screen name, then an @, and then something that rhymes with “snot-mail”, and then dot com. My real email address will be forwarded to NO ONE!

    I just got “Making the Corps,” for myself, and “Into the Crucible” is on the way.

    And if any hot ladies are reading this, I know what you’re thinking, and yes, you can send me topless pictures. :twisted:

    Oh, and by the way, since I never pay full retail price, I ordered my protein-shake-meal-replacement-powder-stuff from, through Yahoo! merchants. Just to let you know, they say they ship with UPS ground, but they sent my box via FedEx; UPS ground would have been here by now. If it ain’t here tomorrow, I’ll ask for a shipping refund. If it is here by tomorrow, I’ll give them decent feedback.

    My father sent me an email saying the silent majority is supposed to be wearing red on Fridays in a show of solidarity with the troops. (Something about Southwest Airlines.) Has anybody else heard about this, and is anyone doing it already?

  5. 0311inohio

    I got that email today, again. It has been circulating for quite awhile now.

  6. drillanwr

    “… And you shall teach them to your children, and you shall speak of them when you sit at home, and when you walk along the way, and when you lie down and when you rise up.

    And you shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.

    In order to prolong your days and the days of your children on the land that the Lord promised your fathers that he would give them, as long as the days that the heavens are over the earth …” Deuteronomy 11:13-21

  7. Brad W

    Rummy, wasn’t asking to have your email forwarded, but then again, if you emailed me here, I would have yours, so I understand. In the middle of end of quarter reports and conference calls, so the thought process is off kilter this week. Anyway, in basic, we used counterweight machines in the squad bays for building up endurance, they actually work great. and another big help is learning how to use the kip properly. two big ways to get to a perfect PT score. I never got there, the best I had was 295, could never get past 19 pullups, but had the sit ups down in 55 seconds. Never tried to be a marathoner, so getting the run done in 18 flat was all I cared for.

  8. rumsfeld47

    I’ve got 20 days to be able to do 2 pullups. What specific regimen would you do if you were me? I’ve got access to a full gym and a counter-balance machine.

  9. Brad W

    Use the counter balance and start out with half body weight, use that to figure out what you need to get 4 or 5 reps, then reduce the assistance a little, You have plenty of time if you don’t strain too much over 20 days to increase pullups by at least 6. If you are doing all those pushups, ease off, your triceps should be fine, but you are burning a lot of calories there. Those biceps need the fuel. Also on the counter balance, do a little burn works, don’t lock your elbows out all the way, and do the final pullup and descent as slow as you can. Alternate this, every other day do the burn, and see if you can get your counter balance weight to just ten pounds or so. You can do it, and hopefully there is someone semi-intelligent at the gym that can help you and make sure you don’t burn too much, they are gonna tear you down enough in basic, if you do that now, you will just be starting to recover or your arms will be killing you.

    I went into basic at 5′6″, 123 lbs, came out 4 months later (screwed my back up and got recycled) at a killing machine of 5′10″ and 165 pounds. I have helped a few younger guys get ready for basic, here in Cleveland and back home in my hometown. I may not be a genious, and far from Hercules, but at least I learned out how to work out and help others do decently.

  10. Kevin M

    It would appear that by surviving the Holocaust, one learns that the only way to combat evil is through ACTION

    …as opposed to legislation
    more legislation
    Michael Moore crockumentaries
    focus groups
    more legislation
    attacking guns, kitchen knives and Ninja throwing stars
    more therapy
    a guest spot on Jerry Springer
    more legislation
    unlocking your inner child via rebirthing
    thundering from the bully pulpit

    and, let’s not forget…


    Enemies are to be destroyed, not understood!

  11. rumsfeld47

    Brad, thanks for the advice! I’ll start work on it immediately!

    I’ve been advised to keep exercising, but take it easy the week before bootcamp. I can “burn” to the point of outright muscle failure, but afterwords I’m not nearly as sore as I was when I played football. Probably because I’m eating right, stretching, exercising daily, and I actually care a lot about form now.

    And I take back anything bad I said about FedEx, I just got reminded Frederick Smith, CEO, is a former-Marine. I know he’ll be faithful to the promised Wednesday delivery date.

  12. Kevin M

    Surviving the Holocaust, it would seem, teaches that evil must be confronted with ACTION

    …as opposed to

    a guest spot on Jerry Springer or Oprah
    more legislation
    focus groups
    a NYT bestseller exposing gov’t lies
    more legislation
    an attack on guns, kitchen knives and Ninja throwing stars
    coming to terms with your inner child by rebirthing
    the exorcism of engrams with Scientology
    metal detectors
    hordes of screaming liberals marching on Washington

    and let’s not forget…

    ever more feel-good legislation!

    When faced with evil, you destroy it. You don’t bother understanding it’s goddamned motives!

  13. Brad W

    Rummy, most welcome. And the week prior to shipping out is a good time to take it easy, just keep doing some workouts, don’t want to lose what you fight to get. You said 20 days, I take it you ship the 7th? Are you going to Diego or PI?

    One thing about FedEx, we had a contract with DHL for the longest time, now with FedEx, we do a lot of package/document shipping. FedEx does it right. UPS remember is unionized, and fully supportive of liberal policies… I realized FedEx has union employees as well, but they are no where near the level of UPS.

    My old man is a retired union guy, I’ve been a union dues payer when work required it, but I am not for any job that requires you to pay a chunk out, and then have no vote on how that is used/spent. Another point that a lot of union members are getting tired of, and slowly leaning to conservative views… :beer: :beer: :lol:

    Back to this prof at VT, he is proof of what happens when people stand up for what is right, how many other students would have been killed if it weren’t for him and the others who DID stand up? Proof that the Swedes need to arm their police with M16’s with banana magazines… Just because this punk kid may or may not have been muslim, he was able to do what he did because no one was allowed to be armed, just like most of Europe today.

  14. 0311inohio

    Rummy… use a rubber band. :cool:

  15. Brad W

    and aim at 0311inohio :lol: :lol:

  16. Greg - USA

    Do you think anyone will mention him being a Holocaust survivor and how the US helped out a little bit with that? If the US hadn’t got involved back then this guy wouldn’t have been here to do what he did. He moved here to the US and gave his life for other Americans. The leftists need to really think about that, a lot. How can they possibly spin this to be bad for America and how it’s Bush’s fault?

    If they even dare touch this, I can see them stating something like, “if we had gun control, this guy would still be with us. He survived the Holocaust only to be gunned down in his later years due to a failed gun ban.”

    I agree with what others stated; this guy should be held up as a hero. While others refused to act he acted.

  17. 0311inohio

    :shock: I would rather be on the receiving end of a rubber band (even though it hurts) than a 7.62mm lead round. :lol: :beer:

  18. Steve in NC

    The jews were disarmed by the nazi’s, it made it easy for the govt to load the cattle cars.

  19. mindy abraham

    Every time I read about him I am in awe of what he did. I agree with everyone who thinks his being a holocaust survivor is a factor. If you can survive that, you are not afraid of anything. :cry:

  20. starkc

    How exactly did you grow six inches? (And no smartass sutff, you people know I mean height)

    You can’t do two pullups?

    The only way I know of to get better at that is do more pullups. Sounds like Brad has ya covered though. Just remember to practice good form. I dunno how the MArines want them done, but you don’t want to kick your legs. Make sure you stay straight and keep your form, it’s better to do 10 you get credit for than 20 you don’t.

  21. GREG G. S.

    He was most likely the only one there grounded in the reality of the situation.
    Obvious by his actions, the only thing I would have hoped to do in that situation
    is swing open the door and try to strangle the fuk while bleeding out. Man, not even a
    pocket KNIFE!

  22. Opus Rex

    Rummy, do wide arm lat pull downs to strengthen the latissimus dorsi muscles. Those are the major movers in the pull-up.

    Opus M. Rex, SFC USArmy (Ret).

    ps, Brads not wrong. Just most people don’t know that the pull-up is more about the back then the bi-cep. You need the bi-cep strength for the last few inches, but the initial movement until near the end is from the back muscles.

    BOT, the Professor should have been allowed to be armed.

    In anycase, he will be missed by many. He contributed greatly to science and engineering and his sacrifice should never be forgotten.

    My condolences to his family and friends. :beer:

  23. Tim Roesch

    Shalom, Mensche.

    Tim Roesch
    Command Sergeant Major

  24. Heather

    I know you are getting lots of advice–I’ll add what I know about pull-ups/chin-ups. Like I said before, my husband is a 20 year Army infantryman, 3 year recruiter, and amateur power lifter. I have not been able to confer with him about this as the communication out of Ramadi is hit and miss and as much as I like you (I like the attitude and intelligence of your writings. I can also sense that you have a good heart. I admire you for doing what you think is right. I have 5 young sons and I would be proud if they grow up to show the convictions of men like you and my husband. However, I hope they refain from as colorful of language—-I would have to get out my bar of Ivory :smile: OK just teasing you….) I haven’t thought to ask him during my precious minutes I do get to talk to him. Anyway what I remember is that you want to smoke the heck out of your arms one day and then rest a day. Also working on your traps and back will help give you an edge–it isn’t solely about arm strength. I hope you do great I really want to see you soar for the previously parenthesized reasons. Also that protein powder will help a lot.
    As for the wearing red to support the troops. I write for Army Wife Talk Radio. We have been encouraging our website audience and radio listeners to wear red on Fridays for a while now. I live close to our post so I see tons of red on Fridays–I don’t really know if it has caught on in the mainstream population or not.

  25. 0311inohio

    Get a rubber band…:!: :beer:

  26. Squire

    The irony of life, a man survives perhaps the greatest epic of human suffering in the 20th Century only to be randomly killed by a lunatic in near obscurity.

    I type in silence and will send this post in a few moments. Afterward will I die today? Tomorrow? How shall I live if I don’t?

  27. rumsfeld47

    Wow, thanks for the excellent advice on the pull-ups, everyone (except 311, more below)! You’ll be pleased to know I’ve been doing a lot of what has been said, I’ve just been looking for more of a program, that’s all. I also alternate between counter-balance and pull-down, and I alternate grips, although I’m using overhand for the most part because most of the obstacles are over-hand.

    As the rubber-bands, 311… the Marine Corps doesn’t allow me to tie my dick around the bar to help with the pull-ups, so I don’t see how deploying a rubberband to my unit would help at all. :twisted: On an even less serious note, when I see people at the gym working out with ridiculous equiment, such as those faggy exercise balls, I laugh my ass off. I’m sure they’re “great,” but you won’t catch me dry-humping some big red ball!

  28. 0311inohio WATCH THE VIDEO..

  29. 0311inohio

    “It requires a unique mind to undertake the analysis of the obvious”. Author unknown. Now where did I put that beer. :beer: :beer: :beer:

  30. starkc

    You mean the physio balls? I dunno if they work or not, but I’m sticking with the good ole’ dirt.

  31. Mark A

    The guys that do these campus peacetime shootings don’t seem to understand who their global enemies truly are, and they get out of any justice from the system that nourished and fed them usually by killing themselves first.
    Well, I’m just wondering whether we are missing something here - can we in some way come up with a solution that will slow these guys in their tracks & make them think CAREFULLY about what will happen if they rat on their own peoples. I’m wondering if justice was delivered to the close contacts, friends and family of each of these sick minds in an extreme way—and this happened each time they went shooting thirty people then themselves.After a few news reports showed that, ahem, yes, consequences will be swift and guaranteed to your girlfriend and your closest ‘hood if you go on a shootfest, I do believe that there would be a big change in the sick shooter’s mind. It must be remembered that sadly, the rules of War are different to usual.Conducting a cleaning operation like this could save many lives in the long run by setting up the REAL deterrents to Colombine actions. This type of counter-operation would be a regrettable but necessary fact of life and has been an effective counter-insurgency and counter-espionage tactic used by occupying military forces effectively throughout history time and again. It is the only solution I know of for sole fighters who are so determined. I am thinking that it would bring down these Colombine shooters.Your ideas, gentlemen?

  32. Brad W

    Opus Rex, you are correct on the wide arm pull ups. That is the only way I do them, narrow grip on pull downs. My apologies to Rummy and all for incomplete info. That requires 50 on my part. Palms out or palms in is an individual preference. Most guys I know that have problems with the pull ups is the last few inches, which I assumed may be Rummy’s area, which is why I suggested concentrating on the Bi’s.

    As to starkc’s question on how I grew 4 inches (not 6) in 4 months. Good question… part may have been posture, but I really don’t think so. I had suffered from a slilght case of scoliosis most of my younger years, but that has not shown up since basic all those years ago. I think the constant physical regimen and all those roman cahirs and situps helped with that. Maybe all the pullups straightened me out? I did have a growth spurt, which is not unusual in the later teenage years, my inseam went from a 29 to 32, so that accounted for 3 inches. I remember that I could never gain weight before the Corps, in bootcamp I could never seem to get enough to eat, and I ate like a pig whenever there was food. the week of mess duty was the best of basic, mainly due to the fact I never went hungry…

    The 6 inch part, gee, I thought only the ladies noticed that… :twisted: damned bermuda shorts…

  33. rumsfeld47

    Speaking of the ladies, guess who dropped to 198 and got a hook-up in the works for a nice young clerk for a federal judge? Met her in the sauna. Made her laugh.

    I told her we should make dinner (both a strength and a challenge). I can toss together a salad, no problem, but does anybody know any good swordfish sautee recipes? I want to get a bottle of Cambria Pinot Noir, and my initial thought was salmon, but I’m not sure how to season it so it will go well with a light red. What about something like almond crusted swordfish or something… hmmm…

    I need recipes that clearly communicate “this guy is cool, he’s stepping up to defend his country, it’s my patriotic duty to take my shirt off and let him do the motorboat.” Ladies, help! (Like any of you guys know how to cook!)

  34. Tim Roesch


    Ummmm…did anyone see the picture that is the reason for this post? Rummie, know anything about the guy in that picture?

    Pull ups are good and all, and maybe this is all gallows humor (If that prof had been doing more pullups maybe he could’ve pulled the head off the murderer) but…there is a reason for the posting…

    You want to know why there might not be more ‘men’ out there willing to do what’s right? On the wall in my first Reserve Center was a poster that read ‘Ignore your soldiers and they will just go away.’ (showing a soldier walking off, discarding equipment)

    Let’s give respect to the man and what he did and save pull ups for another time and place.

    Tim Roesch
    Command Private Major

  35. rumsfeld47

    Are you calling me off-topic, Tim? Are you saying I’m being disrespectful on the internet? After I just posted nice things about you under a different topic?

    Jesus Christ, will a fucking day go by when somebody doesn’t step on my fucking dick in the pages of these comments?


  36. starkc

    You should have an exhibit somewhere :beer:

    Are you allowed to do them palms facing you in the Corps? I learned that those were chin ups, and we can’t do them for PT. We have to do Pull-Ups, which is Palms away from you.

    Plenty of men can cook. If they’re any good it’s a huge turn-on for chicks.

    Anyway, show her you’re a man and grill. A little “Mrs. Dash” and/or some spicy salt + a little butter (real) will season the fish perfectly. If you don’t have a grill you should be shot, but if you have to cook first pan fry the fish with the same seasonings.

    And red wine doesn’t go with Fish, it should be a white (you can drink whatever tastes good, and should; but most often reds are better with red meat and whites with chicken and fish). Or better yet drink beer, get a sixer of guinness.

  37. starkc

    Remember what I said about it being stepped on? Get used to it :thumbup:

  38. rumsfeld47

    starkc, the USMC will step on my dick and crush my balls; I signed up for that shit.

    I didn’t sign up for all the preachy-McPreachers to preach at me all the time.

    And if a Marine has something to say to me on this website, you best your ass I’m listening and taking that shit to heart. Like SD Leatherneck.

    Mrs. Dash? Red wine can’t go with white fish? My dick has more culinary skill than you, starkc! :twisted: Like I said, LADIES, do you have any ideas?

  39. Steve in NC

    Rummy -

    Grilling for a girl will get you laid, plain and simple. A man standing before a fire providing food is an uncounsious
    turn on for a woman.

  40. starkc

    Tell me I have no culinary skill huh? I told you what fuckin WORKS. Remember she isn’t your fiance she’s a fucking date. If you put too much effort into it you’ll prolly scare her off and have no poon.

    And Mrs. Dash is fuckin GOOD. Don’t trash it.

  41. rumsfeld47

    Mrs. Dash is a seasoning for hacks. Nothing beats ground sea-salt and freshly ground pepper. Keep your cumin out of my mouth (and your paprika too)!

    We’ll be cooking at this girl’s place, so I don’t know if she has a grill or not. And I need to plan this menu QUICK, she’s going out of town next week.

    I also need a movie to cuddle by; any suggestions?

  42. Steve in NC

    Casablanca for the film. Broiled fish of some type and rice pilaf is easy, and much better if you use some salt dredged out from under Detroit, not that fucking dead sea salt, full of mercury and handled by the damned.

  43. starkc

    Mrs. Dash is the fuckin STUFF. Sprinkle some a that on some steaks and you’re GOLD.

    Anyway, you can mix up your own salt. Take something spicy, but not hot or too hot, and some “ground sea salt (fag)” mix it up good, and bag it. Bring it with you to season the fish while it’s cooking.

    Best cuddle movie I know of is “Backdoor Sluts 9: The doggie door adventure”.

    No but really. “The Day After Tomarrow” is pretty new and serves the purpose.

  44. rumsfeld47

    hahaha, Backdoor Sluts 9… I think that was mentioned in an episode of South Park as “the nastiest porno of all time.” :beer:

  45. Chad

    WTF did you do to this thread rummy??? talkin about mrs dash and backdoor sluts :lol:

  46. Steve in NC

    ERASERHEAD - best relationship film ever. Forget about that one.

  47. Steve in NC

    Chad - now using Firefox, thanks. I have normally used Microsoft products as much as possible since the clinton attack.

    We are just trying to get Rummy laid here.

  48. Heather

    OK here goes….Grill/broil the swordfish and keep it simple. Pepper, garlic salt (the garlic is OK you’re both eating it), and lime wedges. Go online and get a recipe for a fruity salsa to go on the side–like mango or pineapple salsa–fresh is much better than jarred. You can’t go wrong with a Zinfandel. Everyone has their own tastes in wine—but the Zin is usually palatable to most people. It is also light enough to go with fish. Also don’t worry too much about it being being perfect (the wine pairing). Women are impressed with the effort gone in to pleasing us–not that everything is perfect. If a man is too well versed in such things–our gay-dar goes off. As for a movie—The Lake House or The Notebook are perfect.

  49. drillanwr

    “The Lake House or The Notebook are perfect.”


    ewwww! No. Gay-dar territory. Last Of The Mohicans might be a little better … Indians and killing for the guy and the romance for the gal.

    But I’m not that kind of chick myself. I actually like strong movies. Any really good war/military movie, past or present, is good for me. And I never get tired of the opening scene of “Top Gun” … after that I aways shut the movie off. Either of the Riddik movies is good too.

    But then, I’m not a high maintenance chick … A really great hockey game with a few good fights throughout has always “charged me up” … :beer:

  50. rumsfeld47

    I second the motion of GAY on those movies. Maybe when I call her, I’ll tell her I’m bringing the food and she can pick the movie, as long as it won’t make me gay.

    The Chronicles of Riddick? Are you fucking kidding me?

    I’m not worried about the food/wine pairing; I’m not a sommelier, but I do know what I’m talking about. The wine shall be the Cambria Pinot Noir.

    I could do sauteed swordfish with rice pilaf and sauteed asparagus (would rather grill the shit!) or glazed carrots if I had to, with a red wine sauce of some kind… that is what I’ll need to buy. I don’t like fruit on top of my protein–I like to balance the plate, not the individual pieces themselves. And double-stuff oreos for dessert!

    As for the movie, I was thinking either Predator or Predator 2; Pat, what do you think? Arnold or Glover?

  51. drillanwr


    Yep … or either Alien (1) or Aliens (2) … Just as fun and the hero is a chick … Makes you look cool you think a chick can be a kick-ass hero against a damn nasty mo-fo.

  52. rumsfeld47


  53. drillanwr

    He-he …That’s a few bucks you won’t get back, eh, Rummy?? :lol:

  54. rumsfeld47

    And over 3 hours of my life… I love Quentin Tarantino, but the drugs have really gone to his head.

    I almost cried when I had to watch Kurt Russell cry like a bitch and then get beaten up by three girls.

    There are lots of problems with the movie, and I know it’s supposed to be bad; what’s going on with all the girl power, QT? What the hell?

  55. drillanwr


    I don’t equate that version of “girl power” to that of the character “Riley” in the Alien movies.

    You’re talking about skank power in “Grind House”.

  56. drillanwr

    Sorry, meant “Ripley” …

  57. Tim Roesch


    Sorry for stepping on dicks. That wasn’t my intent and I thank you for your response on another post but a true buddy tells you the good with the bad.

    I was trying to be polite. I just think…hell…does it matter?

    My principal just told me to do what I think is right concerning a young man who dis’ed me in the halls.

    Doing what is right has, 99% of the time put me in more trouble then lying and cheating.

    For my 40th birthday my mom apologized for not raising me to be the asshole I should be to survive in this world.

    Carry on with your discussion of pull ups and dick flicks.


  58. Heather

    Ok Drillanwr—I’ll give you that. Last of the Mohicans is great– My personal favorite movie is Tombstone. As for cuddling movies, though, you can’t beat The Lake House. My husband bought it for me and it was a beautiful story. I hear you about a good hockey game–I too am low maintenance. I have tons of kids and rehabilitate wildlife–I don’t have the luxury of being high maintenance. However, most of us love a chance to be beautiful, sexy and have romance—a first date is the perfect time. I still love getting dolled up to go out on the town–yet would also love to go to a Chicago Bears game. The key is balance—guys love a woman that can put on a little black dress and knock their socks off one night and then the next day go to that hockey game and bang on the glass.

  59. rumsfeld47

    Ah ha–I wonder if by bro has Legends of the Fall. That movie would be great.

    Protein shakes came in the mail today. Tasty! :twisted:

  60. rumsfeld47

    “my bro” god damn cocksucking keyboards!

  61. starkc

    Last of the Mohicans and Legends of the Fall are both great.

  62. Brad W

    Protein shakes suck Rummy, and they do nothing for me! But hey, personal preferences are allowed in this country, that’s why I did 12 years with Uncle Sam’s Marching Clowns and the army (the army was to pay for college) Rummy, the ladies are right, from past experience, it is the effort you put into it, not in making things perfect. I wouldn’t know about swordfish, had it once, advertised as fresh, damned stuff was frozen… and freezer burnt!! I prefer Salmon, as does my wife, and a lot of the ladies here at the bank. Pulled in some 20 to 28 pounders last year in New York, awesome fishing trip!!

    Why not try Full Metal Jacket, let her know what you are getting ready to go through, play on her patriotism to play on her playground…

    The wine is also up to the individual, and hey, try this, call her, and ask her what kind of wine she prefers… some of the ladies are pretty picky about that, and the call shows you care.. about playing motorboat…

  63. Jeanet


    Even if dinner would be a gigantic succes, the movie “after” definatly can make things “break”.

    Go for “Legend of the Falls”, but better (just to be on the safe side), get a copy of “The Lake house”.

    This movie will give you and her something to talk about. (Having a reason for another date :wink: )

  64. Fraser

    I was thinking maybe more of a Broke Back Mnt type of movie, showing you sensitivity might get some more lovin from her.


  65. Fraser

    I WAS JUST FUCKIN AROUND ABOUT THE MOVIE! She wants to hang with a big dicked and balled Marine, not a fuckin pussy! In all seariousness I talked to my brother (who is a Marine 2nd LT) who went through the same shit you’re about to go through about a year and a half ago. He said the best thing you can do for yourself is run 5-6 miles a day and do sets of 20 pushups and sit ups as many times in a row as you can. Also he said when you get your combat boots, run in them ASAP! If you have any more questions, let me know I will ask him. It might take hime awhile to respond, I think he is on the USS Keagan training his assault platoon.

    ps GETSOME!!!!!

  66. drillanwr

    Mohicans and Legends are both good choices. The Lake House didn’t do anything for me, though. I just didn’t get any chemistry between Keanu and Sandra … But was probably just me. An old favorite of mine, “Lady Hawk” … has middle ages romance and drama, and Matthew Broderick is very funny.

  67. drillanwr

    Heather, hun, just cuz’ we’s “low maintenance” doesn’t mean we ain’t knock outs. :wink: :beer:

  68. Heather

    Finally, another person who appreciates how wonderful LadyHawk is–a great movie. Usually, when I mention it no one knows what it is.
    Since we are bringing up great movies…. The Saint with Val Kilmer is very good.
    One movie that drove me crazy was Ronin—-what was in the case????????

  69. Steve in NC

    Heather -
    a giant macguffin was in the case,

    but what is the color of the boathouse in hereford?

  70. starkc

    There was a nuke in the case.

    There isn’t a boathouse in Hereford. And I just ambushed you with a cup of coffee.

  71. rumsfeld47

    Guys, I talked to the girl tonight on the phone, and let’s just say I could bring McDonald’s over and she’d still tackle me when I knocked on her door. I’m going to google “don’t fuck this up” to prepare for dinner tomorrow night. That, and two shots of Jack Daniels to kill the nerves.

    Speaking of tackles, I got my ASS BEATEN tonight “working out” with the Marines. Well, we “worked out” playing full contact soccer, emphasis on the contact, not so much on the soccer. I was the first hit of the game, (from behind) and it pulled my left quad so hard that I had to hobble around for the rest of the game (still got a few good plays in though–they never see a cripple coming!). And then, of course, on of the recruiters who looks like he had his own jaw replaced with that of a fucking T-Rex hits me so fucking hard my arm is still throbbing, although my leg muscle was fine after the shower.

    I learned something tonight: hitting a United States Marine isn’t at all like smashing into a brick wall. It’s like smashing into a brick wall while the wall is smashing into your cookie-dough ass right back. Fuck me running, I don’t think I’ve ever gotten the crap beat out of me like I did tonight. But I’ve never had more fun, either. What’s that saying, “PAIN IS GOOD. EXTREME PAIN IS EXTREMELY GOOD.”

    I’m already planning my “hoo-rah” tattoo for when I graduate–USMC on my left man-tit, in stencil, about an inch and a half tall. And of course, the first stanza of the Marine Corps Hymn on my taint. :twisted:

  72. Heather

    You are so right– Umm beer is good and all but I wish there was a margarita icon to toast you with. :smile:

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