Psychiatry’s War On Our Children

April 17th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Guns can’t shoot themselves. Crazy people commit mass killings by shooting guns. Whose making the people crazy?

Psychiatry’s response: “The shooters weren’t taking enough”.

And no, I’m not a Scientologist. This isn’t Tom Cruise bullshit. This is Pat Dollard bullshit.

Just a small sample of material on the topic:

Another School Shooting, Another Psychiatric Drug?

Anti-Depressant Facts.Com

New York Times

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62 Responses

  1. starkc

    What an intelligent looking character that one up top is.

  2. Iacobus

    I’ve heard it again and again how anti-depressants can have the opposite effect—they can actually make you feel even more depressed, sociopathic or psychotic (or not work at all).

    Drugs should be used as an *aid*, not a total solution. (Sometimes they shouldn’t be used at all. Sometimes I get the feeling that “doctors” are so quick to jump the gun and prescribe meds just to get their patient out of their hair.)

  3. Steve in NC

    He is just expressing himself, you should not set standards, it will pressure him and cause him stress and then he will have to be given the pill that makes him happy.

  4. Kevin M

    I have benefitted from a term on Zoloft, so I can’t say they’re all bullshit. However, after watching a nephew deteriorate badly from a near addiction to Ritalin (probably the WORST prescription drug a kid can take!), I believe our kids are WILDLY overmedicated. And whereas I hardly think purusing a few chapters of the Bible will pull a kid out of various problems, I am convinced that there is a preposterous overreliance on medication to solve a host of social problems.

    If you have ever read Dr. Viktor Frankl’s landmark book, “Man’s Search for Meaning” you will know what I am talking about.

    What too many people’s lives are missing is the focused pursuit of a noble future. I am confident that readers who are familiar with Dr. Frankl know precisely what I am talking about. Speak up if you do.

  5. Steve in NC

    Here is a chemical free way

  6. Greg - USA

    Kevin M - “If you have ever read Dr. Viktor Frankl’s landmark book, “Man’s Search for Meaning” you will know what I am talking about.”

    Yep. It was required reading in one of my Psychology classes. I couldn’t put it down and have thought about reading it again years later. My psyche professor is Jewish and from the Holocaust era, though he was young at the time, which made the discussion even better.

  7. Raptor_Pilot

    PARENTS: Instead of drugging your kids, give em a good punch in the face.

    My mom did it, and when I look back, I don’t blame her. :)

  8. Papa Ray

    Read somewhere in the last few hours that the mass murderer was suspected of having problems by the type of writing he did for his professors and was refered for some kind of counciling. I wonder if they put him on some drugs or if he BSed his way out of it.

    Some young men when they are jilted act with violence. I am not sure how S. Korean men act or if they act differently. But one thing for sure, he had been planning this for some time. It was not just a moment of freaked out anger.

    I also read an example of his writing that to me at least showed he might have had problems with his family or father. It’s on a thread at our blog.

    He seemed to be a pretty good shot, altho that is speculation. He came prepared for sure.

    Too many questions, doubt we will ever have enough answers, and then still won’t have any idea how to stop the next one.

    Papa Ray
    West Texas

  9. TWarrior

    Well said Raptor.

    Unfortunately the indiscriminate Seculars :evil: have made what’s right and justified–wrong and insensitive.

  10. TWarrior

    Steve in NC

    Perfect bro!! :lol:

  11. MO

    i can honestly say that i am quite possibly the original ritalin kid. i remember thinking that the reason i hated math class was because i was not interested (with the exception of geometry) and the reason that i excelled in art class was i was interested. is this selective ADD? no. it is called aptitude. instead of allowing for specialized education to further a kids confidence the pop culture idea of the 80’s- now was to throw pills at me.

    pills help but they are not the end all. we always need a higher authority. in my case it was embracing what i knew i loved (comics/art/music). in some this is God. in this VT murderer it was jealousy, contempt and self loathing for a society that welcomed him. sometimes we kill what we love.

  12. Jason

    This whole “blame game” thing makes me ill. People are looking for a scapegoat to blame. Of course it will be the guns, now we’ve moven onto anti-depressants.

    My reasons for not engaging in a shooting spree have nothing to do with whether or not I take Paxil or Xanax. It’s because I beleive it is MURDER and it’s WRONG. I also beleive this shitbag is now burning in hell for his actions.

    Apparantly this asshole hated “rich white kids” so he felt justified in shooting them indiscriminately.

  13. Tim Roesch


    I am a teacher…hve been since 1986. What I have seen done to children in the name of public education makes a Thai brothel look like an Amish School.

    There isn’t enough room on this website for me to tell you all things I have seen done to kids in school.

    Public Education in this Country is a horrible mess. If I had a child I would homeschool him or her or hire someone to doit for me.

    When you want to see problems with society you look first at parents then at schools then at society.

    Our students learn DESPITE public school.

    Note the use of the word STUDENT. Children belong at home with mommy and daddy, students belong in school.

    Tim Roesch
    Command Sergeant Major

  14. Jeanet

    Iacobus said:
    “Sometimes I get the feeling that “doctors” are so quick to jump the gun and prescribe meds just to get their patient out of their hair.”

    I’m one of the examples of this attitude. My health insurance payed for these kind of doctors and quick prescribtions of meds that eventually screwed up my healt.

    Since January I know what price I’ve payed and now I’m trying to solve some of the big damage already done. Guess what? Health Insurance won’t pay for these “good” meds. :evil:

    In Holland punishing a kid very mildly is already forbidden by law.
    And, even the very young “youngsters” know what the telephone-number of Child-phone is, blocking this aid-number with over-exaturated storys about their parents (not willing to buy them the newest X-box) while the real urgent calls from kids being abused mentaly and physically don’t get trough.

    The spoiled little brads over here learn at a very young age (starting at the age of 7) at school how to have “discussions”. (Meaning, the harder you scream, the more effect it will have.) Ofcourse, all based on the widespread and addapted leftish underground that has infected our society as a fast-spreading disease.

  15. RENO

    Kevin M
    I only read the first part where Frankel describes the camp and how he came up with his treatment (the name of which escapes me now, the 3rd Viennese school of something or other, anyway) not how to actually apply it, but I got enough to see his theory in the progression of my own life.

    You may enjoy “Demian” by Herman Hess. He reflects on the events of his childhood that relate to the loss of innocence that we all experience but may not realize at the time.

    Perhaps if Cho Seung-Hui had read either he would understand that the events we go through help shape us and the bad stuff just tests the shape. Then again it is apparent the shape he was in, sad shape.

    At any rate, I will end with the “guns do not kill people, people kill people” argument. The sparse details given show that he had thought about this for a while (chains on doors, etc). Without a gun he would have thought of something else be it a bomb or whatever. At the end of the day there are no laws that are going to stop crazy and determined individuals doing their thing. We just have to do our thing and be aware of our surroundings. If a crazy person walk up and blows you away, well, that sucks but at least you lived a happy fear free life. And if you get the drop on a crazy remember it is always better to beg forgiveness than ask permission.

  16. RENO

    Unless you know where the crazies are, then hunt them down and crazy them first.

  17. taznar

    “This whole “blame game” thing makes me ill. People are looking for a scapegoat to blame. Of course it will be the guns, now we’ve moven onto anti-depressants.”

    I agree.

    7 of 12 committed by kids on medication or when going off meds. So if 7 out of 12 people who have heart attacks are on high blood pressure medication, do we blame the medication or conclude the underlying cause for them taking the medication might be what contributed to the heart attack?

    I’m also left wondering if those 12 incidents could have been 20 in the absence of medication.

    Blame society, blame the guns, blame the games, blame the meds… How about blame the person who did it?

  18. John in PA

    While correlation is not causation there is enough linkage to question the connection. However, I would venture to say that there is no one-thing, but rather many circumstances taken together that leads to violent acts where prescription drugs are involved. That is to say that Rx drugs are a factor among several.

    The only helpful thing I can add is that no matter what the condition, the drug, the test, etc… doctors need to be questioned and challenged. Trust but verify!

  19. D_Mac

    The following things are destroying America.

    -Lack of emphasis on physical fitness in our youth
    -crap food
    -Overmedication, treating symptoms without solving the social/ bodily ills that are causing the problems. And not enough preventative medicine.
    -Political correctness creating fear that does not allow us to confront social ills.
    -The destruction of Christianity as the primary religion of the nation.
    -An unwillingness of Americans to die
    -Lack of patriotism in the elite
    -Parenting that pushes youth away from military service, even by conservatives.
    -immigration that destroys American Culture
    -Influx of Islam (starting slow but coming to a town near you)
    -Too much talk and not enough action.
    -The fact that there is no dancing anymore. We have club grinding and slow dancing, but we need some real, good dancing, like swing. Swing was the shit. (and I am not one of those white guys who can’t dance who is a hater cause of it, I am a good dancer and I have had some great times at clubs, but we need some real dancing with real music, dancing is a lot more fun that way). The problem is dancing is so sexualized that women can’t dance with men unless they are willing to do him. Back in the day women didn’t dance together, they danced with men and it caused people to mix more but without it necessarily meaning sex. THis is key especially among young adults. Also young guys never know how to dance well, cause there is no real dancing, we need to bring back swing.
    -too many DJ’s and not enough live bands
    -Fear of fighting. Young men need to be allowed to fight. I think that there are a lot of confused angry young men so afraid of confrontation that they bottle it up till they snap. I think more fighting at younger ages between young men would alleviate this. We had no school shootings in the 50’s.
    -Video games.
    -White kids and Europeans being taught fighting is not ok.
    -Kids not being taught to hunt, farm and clean animals (by clean i mean gut and skin not bathe).
    -Americans aviodance of the subject of death and inability to deal with it. “He lives on in our memory” “If you think happy thoughts your mommy will be a star somewhere”. SHit like this drives me nuts. Believe in something or don’t. And teach your kids about death at a young age, raising animals is great for this.
    -Divorce as a convenience.
    -Extended families being too far away, and kids learining too much outside the family.
    -Men losing their position of protector, breadwinner and fix it man around the house.
    -Boys losing their male role models who can kick ass, win the bread for the family and fix anything.
    -Not enough camping.
    -Not enough shooting practice.
    -Men not building their own houses. I think all men should build their own house (not counting electrical/plumbing, and with help on the roof). What feeling could possibly be better than sitting on the front porch of a house you built, eating bbq beef ribs from a cow you raised and slaughtered, with 8 kids you raised on land you own. And knowing that you and your sons have the ability, will and guns to defend it all.
    Thats heaven to me.

  20. 0311inohio

    Let’s face it, we are a drug addicted nation. It is that simple. Legal drug pushers. Don’t feel good? Take a feaking pill. Can’t loose weight? Take a freakin pill. 20-50 years ago, there was no need for all this crap that drug company’s are PUSHING. Just look at all the commercials on TV, it is sickening. If you can’t get a hard on, take a pill but if it happens for more than 4 hours call your Dr. You might suffer liver problems, you might suffer visison problems, you might get in a freaking wreck if you take this drug. If you suffer any of these side affects discontiune and call your Dr. so he can prescribe some other “legal” drug. Bottom line. Look at the fuel you are putting in the machine. Google alkaline, oxygen. If it comes in a box don’t eat it. If it is prepared food do not eat it. JMO.. Check out One other thing. When did the legal drug pushers start advertising on television? After that question is answered. Ask when did all these shooting’s and other crazy shit that is happening start? Fuck it. Take a pill 0311 your blood pressure will get back to normal. Time to start snapping in. :twisted:

  21. Egfrow

    Pat, fix your links. Top link on drug story has a malformed url. Good fucking job on this by the way!

  22. 0311inohio

    :oops: I mean, processd foods.. duh. I get a little fired up at times.. Time for a :beer:

  23. A. S. Wise

    I can say from seeing what those ADD and antidepressant meds have done to my friends and little brother that they often lead to more problems. Many I know on adderall and ritalin often become drug addicts, and never seem to get to sleep. One of my former best friends started grinding and snorting his ritalin in h.s. Then again, both a chemically related to amphetamines, so it comes as no surprise. I can’t stand those kinds that go to faggy shops like Hot Topic, or wear “Anti-flag” crap, they could all use a nice shot in jaw from my right fist. They have no priorities in life, other than being complete wastes in life, and claiming to be “non-conformist”, when we all know they conform to their faggy goth-emo (or whatever the hell they call themselves these days) cliques. Another reason why I can’t wait to get my commission; the men and women who serve are above all that, and are the motivated best of America.

  24. Vikingbyblood

    The whole A.D.D. Thing came about after all types of discipline were removed from the classroom. Way back in the dark ages when I was in elementary school, (the ’70’s) we actually had several teachers that were not afraid to paddle your ass if you needed it, then the school called your parents and, in my case, my dad the Marine gave it to me again when he came home and guess what; it worked! Looking back, I KNOW I would have had some Big Brother School Shrink type label me ADD and while it was hard to pay attention, I knew if I did not at least “sit quietly so others could learn” there was going to be hell to pay.

  25. Vikingbyblood

    BTW, the caption on the top photo should read “This is what happens when first cousins marry”

  26. MO

    some times the best drug is a good ‘ole ass wuppin. if more of these libby bitches got knocked out @ least once in their life they’d understand that talking doesn’t always work.

    lets just have a dialogue with the radical islamics. they will respect the sit down and then we could all enjoy some tofu.

  27. rumsfeld47

    Most anti-depressants kill your sex drive (wellbutrin being a noted exception). I don’t have experience with that shit, but if I was a young man who was taking anti-depressants, and I didn’t feel like jacking off… I’d probably go insane myself!

    –Time for PT, gotta keep healthy. Hey, does anyone know how many calories are burned while punishing the viper?–

  28. MO

    if yall really wanna lose it then check out this guys column in the NY daily:

  29. MO

    mike daly should be dropped off anywhere in louisiana with that hippy bullshit. he wouldn’t last a day because everybody, libs and cons alike, support ownership of firearms.

  30. A. S. Wise

    We gun owners in the Old Dominion are planning a sacking of Daly’s residence, for his insufferable, condescending, arrogant, and patronizing libel of we who believe in the Second Amendment. It’s people like him who enabling criminals and terrorists to get away with as much as they can.

  31. MO

    what they don’t understand is that we are the only thhing that stands between the enemy and their sorry asses. you can’t talk to a someone who wants to cut your head off.

    voltair said it best:
    “I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: “O Lord make my enemies ridiculous.” And God granted it.”

  32. MO

    “Here’s something to consider: If the left feels more gun control would have stopped this, what about the notion that more prayer would have stopped this? Can you feel the left shuddering at the thought? Did the “Culture of Death” embraced by the left lead to this?”


  33. starkc

    It should depend on a lot of things. And would be different person to person. I would suggest learning some self control, cause you don’ wanna get caught jacking in boot or tech school; no boy.

    You will get SMOKED like you’ve never even HEARD.

  34. Kevin M

    “Unless you know where the crazies are, then hunt them down and crazy them first.”

    Reno: I live in Plainfield Vermont, the only state in the US that allows concealed carry WITHOUT a permit. We have only two types of people here: Potty-pants dope smokers who whine about Iraq, 9/11 conspiracies and BusHitler on one side, and the nastiest redneck gun-worshippers since Pickett’s charge on the other.

    We all get along fine, mostly because one side is armed with bullhorns and the other…well, you get my drift.

  35. Kevin M

    VikingByBlood brings up a good point. I, too, was a kid growing up in the 70s. One time, I got on the wrong side of my geometry teacher. He walked up to me, grabbed my collar and told me, in front of the entire class, that if I didn’t get my act together, he was going to break my arm.

    I don’t really think I deserved a broken arm, but I got my shit together real fast. And I sure as hell didn’t catch the ADD disease.

  36. Squire

    Wow! There is a striking correlation based on the video content.

    I get the drift of this “Pat Dollard bullshit” (PDBS), and I’m with ya. It always seemed wrong to me to be pumping kids with drugs to calm them down, and I still don’t believe in this ADD. Whatever happened to sending them outside or creating physical activities to burn off the energy? Requires too much effort and too much time I suppose. Take your pill, Johnny.

  37. Vikingbyblood

    Too many parents let the pills do their parenting for them.

    And…Man the gun-control wolves are howling now. Has anyone else noticed how some in the MSM are reporting on the Va Tech killings with, almost, a sense of glee? It’s like these assholes are thinking “Yes! This will surely end this 2nd Amendment nonsense.” Well, to all of the gun grabbers I say this: If you want my firearms, just step up an knock on my door. I’m willing to die keeping them, are you willing to die trying to take them?

  38. John in PA

    Tom DeLay is speaking a part of my rant.

    He is pushing for a conservative grassroots movement. I haven’t checked it all out. Will update with more.

    For those that don’t know he was speaker and for 8 years brought up on multiple false charges by DA in Texas - until he resigned from congress. Latest charge is for breaking a law that is not on the books.

  39. Steve in NC

    I thought he was convicted already, the way he was left to hang. Besides the rosie said he was a criminal.

  40. Vikingbyblood

    guess if rosie said it, it must be true…

  41. Ryan

    hi pat, im just curious that when you say “kids are lacking god in this secular state” do you mean god as in religion or god as in any sort of moral code that directs them to lead a “good” life.

  42. Pat Dollard


    I mean God.

    I didn’t recommend any particular religion.

    In addition, I hope everyone gets that my own views about God/psychiatry were secondary to the point of this. They were just the frame to the hang the posts on. The real point was that if the Left wants to get stupid and start going after guns, then it’s time to raise the argument that the real cauise of these shootings is the whole psychiatric industry’s speculative drug therapies. Which are especially hard to defend when psychiatry is essentially a pseudo-science.

    In short, my main goal wasn’t to win any argument about God or psych meds. The point was to call out the Left for hypocrisy if it was going to “solve” things by going after guns, but ignore what looks more and more like the real problem: people driven to do crazy things by extremely risky drugs. We ain’t getting rid of cars because drunks are mowing people down with them.

  43. Tim Roesch

    Pat is the man for info on Iraq. He was there: walked the walk and talked the talk and brought back pictures.

    Well, allow me to tell you a thing or two about education and our Nation’s youth since I have been a teacher since 1986. Allow me to begin this story with the words ‘poor class room management’.

    Of the many stories I can tell you allow me to tell you one about one of my seventh grade students. Apparently, this boy (note the lack of the word student) would bring Playboy magazines to his sixth grade class and show the girls what they were going to be doing, possibly to him. This was the least of what he was accused of and admitted to. “It’s natural Mr. Roesch!’ he told me. By the seventh grade the problem had only become worse.

    After the third incident where the young ladies in my class had become so incensed by what he was doing and saying I thought they were going to castrate him (this is Wyoming where kids their age participate in castrating calves). I had sent him from the room, listened to complaints from students and parents, spoke to the principal…

    The third time I sent him from the classroom to the ‘work it out’ room, I was confronted by the school’s new special ed teacher who accused me, in the doorway to my classroom while students were seated and ready to begin, of trying to dump the boy. I was asked why I couldn’t handle this in the classroom. I was told I simply wanted him out of the classroom. In other words, there were no problems and they were all my fault.

    I have been thanked by my students for being the only teacher to listen to them and do something about the problem. I have been thanked by parents for protecting their kids.

    I was given notice by my principal that I will not be rehired due to ‘classroom management failures’ and because of ‘poor student relationships’.

    I have danced this dance before. I can talk to you about the ‘breast grabbing incident’ at Mesa Intermediate School or the time, at that same school, where I disarmed a student (who was threatening another student with a knife) and the only thing I was told (BY STAFF) was that, as one veteran teacher said, ‘I wouldn’t have gotten involved.’ Students thanked me.

    I can tell you about the THREE pairs of students I caught in one year in the preliminaries of sexual intercourse, the student who came into my classroom SMOKING a joint (she was thirteen). I was told I handled that improperly by calling the LAUSD police. I was told I should have handled that in my classroom (Hey kids, look what Sally brought!).

    I can tell you about a girl fluent in three languages, including English, being kept in an ESL program because ‘She has a Hispanic sounding last name’ and the other girl whose last name was Watanabe and could not be admitted to the ESL program because she “…didn’t have a Hispanic last name.’

    I could go on and on…and on…

    You think Ramadi is bad? You think Oslo is in an uproar? Try your local public or, in many cases, private school.

    I listened to Geraldo Rivera defend the right of an illegal alien to be in this country even after breaking the law (the famous argument between O’Reilly and Rivera) then call the shooter in the VT massacre a ‘loon’ and a ‘loser’.

    Maybe he was. He was also a student and a human being.

    Is calling this dead mass murderer a ‘loon’ and a ‘loser’ going to help other people get help or further marginalize them?
    Is the boy I kicked out of my class for sexual innuendo I don’t think even Rumsfeld47 capable of going to get the help he needs or is the problem going to be blamed on someone else (like me)? Are we going to hear about this boy’s tenth rape victim? Are we then going to shake our heads, call him a pervert, wipe our hands and be done with it?

    The rug is only big enough to have only so much swept under it.

    For every point scored demanding that people have the right to bear arms to defend ourselves we must also come to grips with the reality of holding a firearm and pointing it at another human being and asking…there but for the grace of God go I?

    The best society is where everyone can go armed but no one needs to. An armed society is a polite society, sure, but a polite, concerned, compassionate, steadfast society does not need to be armed (even though the opportunity should be there).

    Some nights I lay in bed and go over my life and wonder did I do enough to help the many students that have crossed my path. Did I simply laugh and turn my head when I should have shown concern? Did I, as I was told to do SO MANY GOD DAMNED TIMES, close my door? Did I simply drive away? Did I simply close my door to the screams?

    Hilary is correct: it does take a village to raise a child. The part she left out is that we are responsible for ourselves, first, our family, second, our friends, third and that community, that village last but not least. The deformed, bastard step child of this whole thing is named Responsibilty.

    I remember sitting in my apartment while a college student (I can tell you it was in the basement of a funeral home in Worcester, MA but that would just confuse things) watching the news with my roommate. I forgot which serial/mass/psychopathic killer it was but the neighbors were interviewed and, not for the last time, I heard someone say ‘He was such a quiet man.’ My roommate and I laughed. We would look at each other and say ‘He was such a quiet man’ and laugh.

    Should we have?

    We laugh at pharmacies becoming the altars of secular humanism, giggle at people with ‘problems’, ignore signs, look for scapegoats and excuses and then, in awe, wonder what went wrong.

    To the professor who blocked the door: Shalom, Mensche. Shalom Aleicham. To the parents and friends of the victims, my deepest sympathies and condolences. To the troubled young man who felt the need to do this horrible thing…I pray I would have had the courage to have helped you if given the chance and, maybe, prevented this, if given the chance. I wish I was your teacher but know I would have blown your head off if I had the chance had you come into my classroom with murder in your twisted soul.

    I leave you with this story…

    In the hallway of Foshay Junior High School (1992) a young lady turns and shouts at someone who has shouted at her ‘Hey, niggah, what you doin’ this weekend?”

    The young lady turned, put her fist on her hip and said this, “Hey, I ain’t no niggah. Mr. Roesch said I ain’t no niggah and I ain’t. I gotta name!”

    There was silence in the crowded hallway. “Ah, Laqueesha, what are you doin’ this weekend?”

    “I don’t know but it probably don’t involve you,” she snapped her fingers and walked into my classroom. “That felt good, Roesch.” She smiled at me. At times like these, when I hold a ‘non-rehire’ notice, her words give me strength. I hope what I gave her was enough.

    Sometimes, in my weak moments, I wonder if all those ‘not rehired’ letters I have received are worth it. I think of that girl’s words and desperately hope they were.

    Tim Roesch
    Command Private Major

    (I was not rehired at Foshay due to ‘poor habits of dress’ and ‘poor parental contacts’. That last part hurt the worst considering who was driving into South Central on a motorcycle (Suzuki GS1100), two days after a riot with groceries strapped to the back having ‘poor parental contacts’.)

  44. Brad W

    Well said Pat!!

    My 5 year old started preschool this past fall. As most young boys, he is full of energy, like I was at that age 38 years ago. His one teacher one day said my son seemed to have some anger management issues, and maybe we as parents should consider taking him for therapy. When I heard this I almost needed anger management!!! My child will not see the public school system, nor will he see that scholl again! Either private or parochial schools, if you can home school! I cannot affor private schoolilng, but I can pay for a parochial school. From experience, they offer a more well rounded education, have less liberal/fascist influence, and in many cases understand children need to learn, have fun, be stimulated, and TAUGHT TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY! My parents used to whale on me and my brothers, hell, we deserved it msot times! I have never killed anyone out of anger or in “retribution”. The people I know that have killed were on drugs, or used drugs. It is all about the drugs.

    If we had been the polite little liberals and taken my son to a therapist, the first thing he/she would have done is seen an active child, diagnosed ADHD, and prescribed ritulin. Not jsut no, but HELL NO! My son is not growing up in a drug induced haze just so some lazy ass teacher doesn’t have to do her job of maintaining control of children left in her care a few hours a day. Thank God my wife does not have to work, she spends her days as a stay at home Mom, and helps my son burn off tht energy with play, and during rest times, works on ABCs, Math, and other simple preschool stuff.

    There are too many therapists that give themselves a title, write a piss poor book and become instant experts. Pat is correct, we need to look at the base cause, over medication. I am not saying take away all drugs, some people do need them, it is just too easy for those entrusted to help take care of our health to just prescribe a drug and call it a day. These children that go through life on drugs, they are never able to learn how to deal with reality head on, as most of us had to. The body builds tolerance to medication, and at a certain point, those drugs no longer sheild them and the cold hard reality that life is hard hits them up side the head. Some people snap, like this guy at VTech. Some act out in other ways. Some become homeless panhandlers. Unfortunately, society pays the price. I have heard it said that in today’s world, Einstein, Oppenheimer, and many of the great scientist of the past 2,000 years would have been put in medication at early ages in their lives. Where will we be in another 40 or 50 years when some of the most creatice minds of our times are drugged into zombies, rather than creating the new math, the new science or theory, or saving mankind?

  45. Brad W

    Tim, I read your post right after making mine. Your story humbles me. I have tried reaching out to help others when I can. I also know I have not done all I can, as I also always put my family first. I would alwlove to be able to have you employed at whatever school my son attends. I agree with you that we are all named indiviiduals, not ethnic slurs, which i and my neighbor have discussed several times. Yes, he is black, and living on the system, but he is also raising 5 children to respect all others, his other 7 children are all adults, and respectful of all others, and also hold decent respectable positionis with carious companies. Because my neighbor cannot have a job for various reasons, does not mean he has not been a productive member of society. So my taxes and yours go to support him and part of his family. He has already proven that he has done a great job with his adult children, and looks to be doing the same with his other youngsters. My son loves his 4 younger kids, they play together all the time, and weather permitting spend more time at our place than theirs. No harm, no foul.

    I had a few great teachers throughout elementary middle and high school, plus a couple good profs for my bachelors and MBA programs. We need more like you, and this BS about tenure without results is BS. We need better incentives for teachers, and the children need to be heard baout who is fair, hard, and unbiased in the classroom, not leave it to the teachers unions and a few liberals to appoint the teachers of our youth. we all need to set a good example for our children, and that included making sure those who do wrong are punished, not slapped on the wrist.

  46. rumsfeld47

    Tim, to be honest, at first I considered you unwise for standing on principle and losing your job. Having read your last post, dammit I respect you for your sacrifice given to try to actually teach these kids instead of keeping them busy.

    I remember my best teachers to this day. You may not get the recognition you deserve, but you’ll be remembered forever by your some of your students, I assure you.

    As for the rather disturbing sexual deviances of your students… I thought there were laws against sexual assault and distributing pornography to minors, even if the perps were minors. As for the fifth graders blowing each other in the back of the classroom, Jesus Christ, what the hell is wrong with these girls? (Yeah, I said it! What?)

    My mother is a brilliant high school math teacher, but it amazes me when she mentions (rarely) parents calling her up complaining about their kid’s bad grades. “How could you blah blah blah… college blah blah blah… now she doesn’t have a 4.0 blah blah blah, et cetera.” “Well, I told the kids they needed to study hard if they went on that band trip. She went, didn’t study, and failed her last test. She’ll be fine. [click!]”

    This is a disturbing trend: parents should not blame the teacher for pointing out problems with their child. It’s worse now than it was before.

  47. Steve in NC

    Tim -

    Good work. Your concern for your students made you unfit for our public school system.

    Drive On


  48. Tim Roesch

    Rumsfeld47 wrote:
    As for the rather disturbing sexual deviances of your students… I thought there were laws against sexual assault and distributing pornography to minors, even if the perps were minors.

    During the ‘Breast Grabbing Incident’ at Mesa Intermediate School in Palmdale CA (yeah, I’ll name names!) I called the number to report the 7th and 8th grade boys who were grabbing breasts and unhooking bras and was told that there needed to be an ADULT perpetrating the crime before it could be reported and I should contact the Principal.

    When I did the media center director was in his office. The media center director told me, after I told the Principal about what my female students told me, that this was an example of my inability to deal with this age group…the boys were only going through a stage in their development and the girls were probably asking for it.

    The media center director was a woman. If I had gone through that ’stage’ I wouldn’t be able to type this. My mother would have cut off my hands. (ask me what the parents were doing…go ahead, I dare you)

    I was not rehired there due to ‘class room management concerns’ and ‘poor student relationships’ (apparently I should have grabbed a few breasts myself…AHHHHH!)

    “Mr. Roesch, you were the only one who cared,” said one student.

    The whole story would require its own post. After I was told I was not to be hired what I told my students to do was classic. One boy was apparently in the hospital overnight and didn’t come to school for three days and walked funny. (go ahead, ask me what I told my students)

    The drugging of our kids is only the very, tip top of the iceberg heading for the USS America. Sometimes it ain’t chickens coming home to roost.

    I am going to New England to start a tutoring and homeschooling business. I will NEVER teach in a public or private school again (I may have to eat those words if money gets too tight but I will eat them with pride!).

    Tim Roesch
    Command Private Major

  49. starkc

    What were the parents doing?

    What di you tell the kids about the kid who was walking funny?

    Let’s have that story.

  50. John in PA

    That’s a BULLSEYE for me Pat ….
    Pat says: ” … the real cause of these shootings is the whole psychiatric industry’s speculative drug therapies. Which are especially hard to defend when psychiatry is essentially a pseudo-science.”

    What I like to emphasize here is the pseudo-science question of: “Why?” Here is how it goes:
    1- The left replaces God with pseudo-science. i.e. they replace the belief in something bigger that us humans with self prophetic science.
    2- Then, somewhere along the way a person is judged as a social deviant.
    3- pseudo-science seeks to answer the question Why? and drags that person through this process.
    4- pseudo-science’s answer to why NEVER ends at “look within” - it ALWAYS ends with look outward.

    SUBJECT’S CONCLUSION: “I am this way because of what he did, she did, they did”

    This leads to BLAME and an immense feeling of being different which leads to isolation & anger toward anyone not in the inner circle of a “treated subject”. Treated subject ultimately distrusts inner circle and has no one to turn to. SNAP CRACKLE POP BANG BOOM

    Most importantly, the snap can occur wether one is in a drug therapy or not. I believe the drug therapy merely supresses the subjects ability to cope with their troubles causing a pronounced build up to a snapping point.

    There are other components to this, but its my short version. – NO, I don’t study any of this shit!

    These are my own beliefs based on my own life experience.
    For 14 years I personally tried to seek the answer to why? Guess what? Why doesn’t fuckin matter. Acceptance of self as I am does matter! What other’s did “to” me along the way doesn’t fucking matter ! My acceptance of something greater than us humans allows me to be at peace with myself, and allows me to reconcile self with self. I may not be what I want to be, but I can always make progress toward what i want to be. THIS A CORE PRINCIPLE THAT IS LEFT OUT OF PSEUDO-SCIENCE – ie. Self prophecy of pseudoscience is “ We will help you” Not “You are capable of helping yourself via acceptance etc.”


  51. rumsfeld47

    Yeah, I was going to say… if the boys have a right to grab girls breasts, then girls have the right to kick them in the jimmy as hard as they possibly can.

    “Class, today we’re going to talk about self-defense against sexual assault. Can anybody tell me what sexual assault is?”

    “Is that like when a boy grabs my tits?”

    “Very good, Susan, it is. Now when a boy imposes his will on you, you can impose your knee on his testicles. Would anyone like to step forward for a demonstration?”

    Don’t fathers tell their girls that kind of stuff? I remember my Dad telling me that if anyone ever grabbed my junk, to punt their balls straight through their skull and tell him so he could address the issue. I guess sex crimes are defined differently in every state; like I said, in MO, that shit would not stand.

    On a different subject, this idea of “girls asking for it…” the only thing I think girls ask for is to be stared at when they were skimpy-ass clothes. Example: working out at the gym, there are a lot of attractive high school girls who wear extremely tight (and sometimes ill-) fitting clothing, showing inches of cleavage and often a bit of side-boob. I’m not a handsome guy, although I am slowly but surely bringing sexy back with all this lost weight, but you could say I was a fat loser with chicks until high school/college.

    It took me a while to understand that girls dressed sexy because they wanted to feel sexy about themselves, and that they didn’t mind if boys they found attractive stared at them, but if some guy who wasn’t as cute stole a peek out of the corner of his eye, he was a creep. It sucks for fat guys, but whatever–women aren’t the most logical creatures on the planet.

    These girls who show off their bodies at the gym are looking around CONSTANTLY, trying to see who is scoping them out. Here’s an idea: if you don’t want every straight guy in the room to look at your boobs, don’t wear clothes that don’t even fit, or go to Curves. And if you feel the need to cover your down-under when you stretch, you might want to reconsider the short-shorts you’re wearing.

    I wear sweats now to lose more weight, but it has definitely had the side benefit of preventing girls from staring at my bulge. (It’s happened! And I’ve got a bridge to sell you too…)

    That’s my loser’s lament, anyway… but this law clerk chick, I’ll let you know how it turns out. “Poolee Rumsfeld, at your cervix, ma’me!” She’s liberal (most women I’m attracted to are, dammmit :evil: ); maybe deploying my unit to her Vaginastan will bring about a political shift in her hemisphere! :twisted:

  52. Tim Roesch

    starkc writes:

    What were the parents doing?

    1. some didn’t know and were shocked. Told their daughters to stay in my room during recess and lunch
    2. some thought I was bringing too much attention to the incident and that I should drop it and some even wondered why I was interested (suggested I had other ‘motives’)
    3. some were outraged but were told that the school was taking care of the issue (it had been going on for three months at least before I found out -Mr. Roesch, can you help…) and that I was hampering the investigation (what investigation)
    4. some told me kids will be kids
    5. ONE parent wanted, as he put it, balls over his fireplace. His anger was blamed on me. I was accused of ‘inciting parents’ way before I was almost arrested for inciting a riot.

    What di you tell the kids about the kid who was walking funny?

    After I was told I was not going to be rehired, this time by the assistant superintendent of personnel, and threatened with being put on administrative leave for ‘causing problems at my my school site’ (at this time I had only spoken to the Principal and media center director) I had a meeting with my class (I was team teaching with a Scot-Irish teacher).

    I told the boys I was talking to the girls and that they could sleep or whatever (I had their attention, let me tell you).

    I apologized for the behavior of some boys (one in particular was in the room) and reminded them that I had taught them all sex ed (that’s another story). I reminded them that they needed to stick together and that there was a place on the male anatomy that they were to apply their foot, as often as necessary, to stop the behavior called ‘Honking’. I told them that sometimes, fatherless young boys need a woman to teach them the meaning of the word ‘gentleman’. Sometimes this instruction would need to be painful.

    EVERY female eye turned to that one boy who flinched so hard he slipped out of his chair, grabbing his groin. NO ONE laughed. The room was dead silent…but then, I have no understanding of this age group and have poor classroom management skills.

    One young man was not there for the ‘meeting’ and attempted a honk the next day. He was tag teamed. I was ot a witness to that ‘meeting’. The behavior stopped at Mesa Intermediate School…quickly.

    I was called into the office with a Sheriff’s deputy and the principal who told me if they could have gotten one student (one of the one’s I didn’t understand) to admit what I had told them I was to be arrested for incitment. I explained, to the principal (but for the sheriff’s ears) that I thought his behavior was abyssmal. The sheriff looked at me with something I had never seen on law enforcement’s face before (directed at me)…respect.

    The sheriff’s deputy told me, after, he would have done exactly what I did.

    There, I have paraphrased.

    Tim Roesch
    Command Private Major

    Let’s have that story.

  53. starkc

    That’s really terrible. I have other problems with our education system but this is really something. I havn’t even heard of it being that bad.

  54. John in PA

    Tom DeLay is speaking a part of my rant…… UPDATE
    Also found on his home page the following link
    Take caution, I did not check this site out.

    However, Everything I have checked out thus far indicates that DeLay has never been convicted. The DA is a clone of the Duke Nifong guy - I believe he has a personal vendetta(sp?)against DeLay (or perhaps conservatives in general).

    Apparently when the DA pressed the latest charges for laws not on the books DeLay resigned congress because he realized that he was a target of the Left. The left that was after discrediting Republicans in general by falsely attacking one republican. Tom ecided to curtail their success by resigning. Only charges remaining are the ones with no laws on the books.

    I have sent email to DeLay requesting to establish a dialog so I can determine if he is truely after similar things I am after. Like Tim stated to me several days ago, I, too, am hesitant to jump on a bandwagon that has a focus too narrow for my agenda….

  55. Steve in NC

    Public school is out of control in most of this country. I just moved to Charlotte NC and after hearing about the great school system here I enrolled my 6 & 11 yr old children in public for the 2nd half of the year. I was paying for parochial in MI and so now my kids are at the top of their class here and have earned citizenship awards here for behavior.
    I have since found out the CMS system falsifies reports and ratings to appear good. Like under reporting suspensions by 82%, hiding discipline problems. The no child act was a good idea but as long as piece of shit teachers keep their jobs, thanks to the union, and parents expect the schools to raise their children it is a fucked system. Vouchers anyone?

  56. John in PA

    The No Child Left Behind Act is a “standard”. It requires results - its The Teachers Accountability System. Therefore leftist teachers and Admin HATE NCLB. They will do what ever it takes to make it fail on its intent.

    I got involved in a “grass roots” parent group to reinforce the accountability of teachers and administration. We were successful by using the State Standardized test (PSSA) results against the administration’s claim of progress toward goals. The results are public info. The testing was expanded to every grade rather than 5th 8th & 11th grades.
    The crap we got back was that the creativity of the teachers was being stifled. We loudly argued back that the PSSA was an absolute minimum standard, and that the teachers are not prevented from creativity above and beyond meeting the minimum.

  57. Kevin M

    Breaking news on CNN: VTech gunman was diagnosed as a whack-job in 2005 and determined a genuine threat to people.

    Wonder how that detail never got onto his record when his background was checked at the gunshop?!

    Lucyyy. Ju got some splaining to do!

  58. Dam Ops

    Amnesia my ass, more like avoiding 10 years in pound-my-ass-prison.

    That said. Anti-depressants are just legalized drugs used to make a buck. I have a cure for anit-depression, its called go for a fucking jog and get a fucking girlfriend and suck it up and stop being a little emo wanker.

  59. Tim Roesch


    I sent an email to Pat. I am hoping to get some informed information to tear up a certain hypothesis that has been boiling about inside me ever since I heard Cho’s words.

    Cho was programmed.

    Now, it is possible we are seeing very important info-points, symptomologies, of a mental illness that would be very important to investigate to prevent this from happening again…


    we are seeing an imperfectly programmed human IED.

    There are those out there more knowledgable than I about KGB interrogation techniques using sleep deprivation and such but…

    …was I the only one (being a teacher, I recognized it) who thought his words were plagarized? It was almost like he was reading a poorly translated script. It wasn’t rambling. It was ‘cut and pasted’. Imagine someone sitting at a poorly, incorrectly or incompletely marked control panel (Cho’s mind) and flipping switches, pushing buttons, trying to make ’something’ happen.

    Would a Korean who lived in Virginia use the terms ‘cognac’ and ‘vodka’ as exemplars for alcohol and debauchary? A twenty three year old using the generic term ‘Mercedes’ not Lexus or Beamer? Who taught him that excellent Weaver Stance? I have seen snapshots of gang bangers waving around ‘guns’. Did he look like some kid waving around his daddy’s pistol to any of you? ‘Ismail’s Ax’ scrawled on his arm and mail but NO mention of Islam…only an inept reference to Jesus (like someone who has only met Baptists through ‘books’ trying to emulate one). Does that sound suspicious to anyone?

    No bodies between the dorm and Norris? Is that Schizo?

    Psychopaths see humans as toys, as things to be manipulated and used. They use names, blame specific people or caricatures. He didn’t seem to see individuals only himself and ‘others’. His stilted, contrived plays mention pedophilia and killing but he never mentions his parents. It’s almost as if you can hear someone in the background whispering (try pedophilia, see what he does…No? Okay, try…professors, everybody hates at least one prof…)

    It seems to me a forced randomness, a contrived lie.

    I am telling you, there is something going on here. He does look trapped…but by whom? His mind? Someone else?

    He is not a Ted Bundy or a Dalhmar or even that guy at Texas A&M. He is something else. Does he remind anyone of McVeigh? So much anger and so much silence?

    I think we are going to see ‘him’ (meaning Cho) again.


    Tim Roesch
    Command Private Major

  60. Greg - USA

    Not sure when you wrote that, since you mention sending an email to Pat, but they have recently showed comparison pictures. He was modeling his stance after some movie images.

    If he did that, it would make sense he put his speech together the same way. The only thing we can do is speculate. I am sure while blaming guns, as they are already doing, they will then blame video games and Hollywood.

  61. John in PA

    Drudge linked to the story claiming Cho repeatedly watched this movie Greg referred to. Yes, its possible there are more string pullers behind this guy, but nothing I’ve seen yet.

    I think the guy was compartmentalized by the eletist leftists pseudo-scientists who identified him openly as a social outcast beginning long ago and then left him to himself to foster anger and further isolate himself. I suspect his trigger was rejection from girls. I suspect he was planning revenge if he was rejected one more time - not just to harm the girl, but to harm many. I suspect he was rejected by the freshman girl who probably didn’t know better until others told her that he was a wacko. I believe he knew his rejections were created by the others that compartmentalized him as a social outcast. This resulted in anger to all, but no one specific at the same time. Rejected one more time…. and SNAP

    Took as many as possible because it was not the girl that rejected him but rather society in general.

    I believe the liberal victim-making system causes a downward spiral. That when the subject is medicated the problem is solved. However, the medication only supresses and allows anger to boil, fester and at some point explode.

    Leaving a person like him to himself is the problem.

    My opinion…

  62. Brad W

    A little good news, some students at various colleges, Ohio State being the main one mentiond, are upset and complaining that this happened because of the existing gun laws, that if students were able to conceal carry, the odds are that someone would have taken Cho out before so many victims were shot. The one student at OSU is trying to get something going to see why students couldn’t be allowed sidearms. I guess there are in the neighborhood of 400 students already singed up to support the C&C for students. And that is an impressive number, 400 students from several colleges relates to 2million voters the way elected officials tally things.

    Which is a point I should clarify. Elected officials have over the years started to relate things. They consider that for every letter they receive, there at the minimum of 500 constituants that feel the same way. This has been watered down to something in the range of 100 to 200 for each email, and back to 500 or higher for those who acutally speak out publicly on a subject, which is why is is SOOOO important to do what the leftists have done for so long, write letters, make phone calls, email, and show up at rallies to voice your view. I go beyond my elected representatives, I email Pelosi and many of the leftist whackos as well….

Respond now.

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