April 21st, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

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20 Responses

  1. Pat Mo

    Freakin’ sweet!

  2. Steve in NC

    Is it that for the common muslim that he has to kill for allah to get a virgin because the their mullahs fuck them so young first?

  3. CPTK

    Hey, just curious but how old is 9 in sheep years?

  4. Frozen Tex


  5. Kipp

    Hmmmmm… let me get this straight. You feel this way about Islam, we removed a secular leader and now you support a government whose constitution deems Islam the official religion on the new nation? There is some holes in this logic,


  6. rumsfeld47

    Catchy! :twisted:

  7. john


  8. Nancela

    If that isn’t the perfect parody of a religion gone mad. I believe that sheep don’t live to be nine. So are they screwing dead sheep? The Middle East…Where Mulluhs are men and the sheep are afraid! (that’s if the sheep was still alive.) Not only are the Pedaphiles, but that are practicing Beastiality! (I have never spelled that word before so if it’s not correct don’t think I’m uneducated.) So…that song is video is about..–..–..?

  9. Nancela

    Ooops! Didn’t mean leave the answer off my last post. The song is about A Pedaphilia who practices Beastiality with a big helping of Necrophia! Forget the service dogs and bring on the dead sheep! What Extemest could resist. He could fuck the sheep and then eat it.

  10. mindy abraham

    You and whoever wrote this now have a fatwa :razz: :twisted:

  11. John in PA

    You still don’t get it.
    In communications from others, you libs only think in terms of absolutes. So shallow and closed minded that you can’t even see the multiple aternative messages in any communication from a conserrvative - or even a moderate. We, however, are open minded enough that it does not have to be explained down to every detail.

    Think about this…
    Its just like liberalism. What you libs believe in was at one time was a valued set of core ideals that in certain situations were good, but also seriously flawed in others. What you libs did, was to let the radicals hijack your beliefs and apply them to all circumstances. This is why defenders are treated as guilty and offenders are free - duh. Weak in spirit - as all libs are - you allowed this to continue. Iraq’s citizens are already stronger tha you libs.

    Iraq can succeed.

    So as you are an absolutist, you should be out there arguing that all followers of Islam are evil.

    OOPS forgot, you don’t believe in evil. So I guess you’re off the hook to just sit arouind and play judge and rule “guilty” to all those who do not agree with you in every aspect.

  12. TJ


    The kurds have seen the light as kurdistan is ultimately being ruled in a secular fashion. They are effectively an independent state in a federation and they are muslims predominately . there is hope.

  13. TJ

    by the way kipp , a real democracy runs the risk of the people electing an oppressive system to run their country. this should be all the more reason for you to realize that the iraqi government is not a puppet of america. remember china elected to become communist, just like you libs elected comrad reid and pelosi.

  14. Kevin M


  15. destroyer666

    Kipp, when you consistently resort to lies, it becomes apparent that any claim you make can not be trusted. Maybe you’re not lying. Maybe you’re just uninformed, naive or stupid. Saddam was not a secular leader. And Iraq is nowhere near under Sharia law. A perfunctory reference to Islam in the Constitution, like to God in ours, does not a true Islamic state make. Especially by comparative functional contemporary standards. Nice try. Consistently, you seem to be a teacher in need of more schooling than most.

    Saddam was a secular leader when it suited him, and a religious leader when it suited him. From “Saddam’s War Of Words” by Jerry Mark Long: ” The potent blend of Islam and Arab nationalism that Saddam forged to justify the unjustifiable—his invasion of a Muslim state—gained remarkable support among both Muslims and Arabs and continued to resonate in the Middle East long after the fighting ended. Indeed, as this study argues in passing, it became a significant strand in the tangled web of ideologies and actions that led to the attacks of 9/11.” It would appear, in fact, that Saddam may well be the ideological Grandfather of 9-11. And Saddam did in fact declare Islam the State religion of Iraq.

    But you lie a lot, Kip, because you have no arguments of merit. In an earlier thread, you stated that Al Qaeda was kicked out of Al Anbar by the local tribes “without” U.S. participation. What are you, a drooling moron? No, a liar. With nothing to back him up.

  16. TWarrior

    Kipp appears to be the typical depressed leftist. Nothing makes these bitter people happy.

  17. TWarrior

    Why are’nt you defending Dingy Harry kipp????
    There are some holes in your convictions!!

  18. rumsfeld47

    Kipp is a little bitch who works the late shift at Denny’s in Burlington, Iowa.

  19. Greg - USA

    Kipp - buddy, pal, I thought you gave up like all lefties. Everyone else covered all the bases so I won’t repeat it. I hope you accept my challenged to let your students come here and read for themselves. The more they learn about the enemy, conservatives, they better prepared they will, and you, will be. Maybe then you will learn who the real enemy is.

  20. Jon Richard


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