It’s Official: The Democrat Party Tries To Formally Surrender To Iran And Al Qaeda On Behalf Of The American People
WASHINGTON — A sharply divided House brushed aside a veto threat Wednesday and passed legislation that would order President Bush to begin withdrawing troops from Iraq by Oct. 1.
The 218-208 vote came as the top U.S. commander in Iraq told lawmakers the country remained gripped by violence but was showing some signs of improvement.
Passage puts the bill on track to clear Congress by week’s end and arrive on the president’s desk in coming days as the first binding congressional challenge to Bush’s handling of the conflict now in its fifth year.
“Our troops are mired in a civil war with no clear enemy and no clear strategy for success,” said House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer.
Republicans promised to stand squarely behind the president in rejecting what they called a “surrender date” handed to the enemy.
“Al-Qaida will view this as the day the House of Representatives threw in the towel,” said Rep. Jerry Lewis of California, ranking Republican on the House Appropriations Committee.
The $124.2 billion bill would fund the war, among other things, but demand troop withdrawals begin on Oct. 1 or sooner if the Iraqi government does not meet certain standards. The bill sets a nonbinding goal of completing the troop pull out by April 1, 2008, allowing for forces conducting certain noncombat missions, such as attacking terrorist networks or training Iraqi forces, to remain.
House and Senate appropriators agreed to the legislation earlier this week. The Senate was expected to clear the measure Thursday, sending it to the president.
While Bush was confident the bill would ultimately fail because Democrats lacked the two-thirds majority needed to override a veto, he kept up pressure on lawmakers. On the same day as the House vote, the president dispatched his Iraq commander, Gen. David Petraeus, and other senior defense officials to Capitol Hill to make his case: Additional forces recently sent to Iraq are yielding mixed results and the strategy needs more time to work.
Petraeus told reporters sectarian killings in Baghdad were only a third of what they were in January, before Bush began sending in additional U.S. forces. He added that progress in the troubled western Anbar province was “breathtaking,” and that he thought Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki was “doing his best” at leading the country.
But “the ability of al-Qaida to conduct horrific, sensational attacks obviously has represented a setback and is an area in which we’re focusing considerable attention,” Petraeus said.
Petraeus said he would not touch on the “minefield of discussions about various legislative proposals,” but he noted that the new strategy in Iraq was just beginning. He said he planned to provide more details in early September.
Petraeus briefed his findings to lawmakers in a private room, where protesters outside chanted “Troops home now!” Republicans and Democrats alike emerged to say Petraeus had only confirmed their positions.
“This briefing reinforced our view that the solution in Iraq is a political solution,” Hoyer, D-Md., told reporters. Also confirmed, he said, was “our belief that we must hold the Iraqis accountable for achieving real progress.”
Rep. John Boehner of Ohio, the House Republican leader, said Petraeus acknowledged there were challenges. “But considering where we are, I think the general feels good about the progress thus far,” Boehner said.
Bush said he stands firm on his latest strategy for winning the war and dismisses as counterproductive the Democratic call for withdrawal.
“That means our commanders in the middle of a combat zone would have to take fighting directions from legislators 6,000 miles away on Capitol Hill,” Bush said this week. “The result would be a marked advantage for our enemies and a greater danger for our troops.”
Petraeus’ comments Wednesday put a finer point on when the much-awaited decision about the length of the U.S. troop buildup may come, saying he will make an assessment of the conditions in Iraq in early September, and report back to Defense Secretary Robert Gates and other military leaders.
Gates has said he expects the assessment this summer, but this is the first time military leaders said it would not be until September.
Doesn’t surprise me one bit. The defeatists in Congress will listen to no one who doesn’t fund their election ambitions.
April 25th, 2007 at 6:52 pmCongress, full of Filthy Commie Rat Humpers.
April 25th, 2007 at 7:11 pmPretty much as expected.
April 25th, 2007 at 7:13 pmWell I am sure that pelosi met with Petraeus while he was here so that she could be sure that this is the right decision.
April 25th, 2007 at 7:23 pmCan anyone name a war with me since WW2 that one party or another in this country has not tried to undermine while we were fighting it?
April 25th, 2007 at 7:28 pmI think the Troops everywhere need to get the word out to all Americans about the progress they are making in the war on terror. They need to get the word out that the COWARDS,TRAITORS in congress and senate are only hurting our troops in this war and getting our beloved protectors killed in the name of liberal appeasement. To get votes, those ASSHOLES are sacrifacing our troops just so they can appear stay in power. Something needs to be done so the liberal MSM will have no choice but to put our HEROES on the front page and I think that will only happen until more troops like Corporal Rock stand up and raise their voice to the liberal M F’ers !
April 25th, 2007 at 7:34 pmIf the Defeat-o-crats were really concerned about the safety of our troops and bringing them home, they would be calling for immediate pull out. They say no more lives should be “wasted” on this war. So, they set the date to start the pull out on October 1st and complete it many months later. Anyone see the coincidence of that being right before the elections? Who wants to bet the Defeat-o-crats will use that as a “victory”? Don’t we have casualties in other areas as well? Why not pull all of those troops out?
I guess all of the casualties leading up to that point are ok with them. If they were really concerned they would be calling for the immediate pull out. Then again, that wouldn’t give them time to lace the bill with pork.
April 25th, 2007 at 7:47 pmNot Me! I dont vote Democrat.
April 25th, 2007 at 7:49 pmThe d rats need the bodies of soldiers to stand on when making their election campaign speeches. If they pulled out now they could not drag this on and continue the drum beat of Bush lied, soldiers died or whatever those fucks say.
I bet murtha & reid get hard ons whenever we have a bad day there. A dead son or husband is better than viagra for them.
April 25th, 2007 at 7:57 pmSteve I dont think Syriana Pelosi met with Petraeus,
I heard she was to busy.
April 25th, 2007 at 8:01 pmI am really one ticked off American and father of a fallen American soldier.
I am talking about a political group that has turned their backs on our soldiers for their own political agenda.
If you want to bring our troops home this is not how you go about it. You do not tell our soldiers that they are losers and that because they cannot do the job and we no longer have trust in them we are bringing them home Oct. 1st.
Why doesn’t Reid just tell our soldiers to lay down their arms now and surrender to our enemies. We have lost he tells the world and now they announce our surrender. It is not just Reid but all the democratic donkeys that are using our soldiers as pawns in their little game. Now they ask our soldiers to come home and the democrats will finish the job that the soldiers could not.
I am just so angry. So many soldiers are now in harms way for ABSOLUTELY nothing!!! if they are coming home in October then why not today? Do they want the terrorists to take a few more shots and kill a few more soldiers before they bring them home?
Either let them do their job and trust our soldiers or bring them home now! Do the Democratic idiots think that the enemy will now leave our soldiers alone and that they will be able to just walk out on Oct. 1st?
I have NEVER heard of anything so stupid in my whole life and that is saying a lot and think that the democrats have gone totally insane.
Again I ask, what do they expect to accomplish by Oct. 1st? The war is lost thanks to Reid and since they no longer trust our American soldiers to do their job. We should just bring them home now and not let one more life be lost for the pleasure the democratic party or we should trust our soldiers and let them do the job.
Reid is telling the world that we have lost. That means he is saying no matter what are soldiers do, there is nothing left but to come home. Now he says not only have we lost but attention terrorists. you have until Oct 1. to kill as many American Soldiers as you can. Why are we leaving them there? hmm must be for target practice because the war is lost according to Reid.
Can someone explain why Reid would say we have lost but lets leave the soldiers there just a little longer….
April 25th, 2007 at 8:09 pmWhat is our current strategy? I’m not sure I know and do not trust random news sites to give accurate info.
April 25th, 2007 at 8:15 pmMariesTwoCents -
sarcasm is so hard to use on a blog. I know ms america did not attend, how could she, Petraeus might have used big words and concepts like victory and long term strategy and she would be confuzed.
April 25th, 2007 at 8:20 pmThere will never be reconciliation between libs and the Republicans as far as I am concerned. Libs are just unscrupulous, dirty mouthed, small minded dumbbells who couldn’t get it right even if reading from a manual. A bunch of whacked out unprincpled traitors. And I for one don’t want to hear about any Repubs voting with them or trying to reach across the aisle. Get some cajones W and put up your dukes. I know you are tired of the crap but this country needs YOU TO FIGHT BACK, NOW!!!!!!!!!!! We need a LEADER
April 25th, 2007 at 8:22 pmThis is a sad day. I can’t believe I live in a country where my political “leaders” would willingly vote to de-fund troops that are in harm’s way. If thier kids were fighting over there, do you think they’d have voted the same way? I’m so fucking disgusted.
April 25th, 2007 at 8:25 pmTo the DNC, the vocal anti-American Hollyweird, and every other vestige of the sicko left:
When are you going to make good on your promise to leave this “evil, imperialist, jingoistic nation?” Oh wait, you know that no other place on Earth has it so good, but unlike true Americans, you fail to be grateful for it.
April 25th, 2007 at 8:29 pmCorporal Rock for President!
Seriously, my thoughts on this as a poolee scheduled to ship in 14 days:
If we don’t draw a line here, it will become the Vietnam the leftists have made it into. That would be unfortunate.
Senator Douchebag, fuck you. I hope you get raped by a grizzly bear who feels like enjoying the moment.
I’m trying my balls off to get ready for bootcamp, and seriously, while this shit usually motivates me, I’m fighting mad about this. If my Commander-in-Chief lets either surrender date or pork pass his veto pen, I will be discouraged.
Fuck anyone who speaks well of Democrats; they have become the party of treason.
April 25th, 2007 at 8:36 pmWesley S. T.,
You are right. Our Troops need to write more letters and, even though they are worrying about more important things than a PR campaign, try harder to voice their opinion. It is one thing for me, a civilan, to point out the obvious treachery, but an entirely greater force when coming from both Iraqi’s and our Brothers.
Fight fire with fire. The media can only spin so much before it becomes apparently irresponsible. Bombard the press with e-mail any time you get the chance!
April 25th, 2007 at 8:36 pmKenneth-
Our soldiers are facing enemies using arms. We have to face our domestic enemies with our votes, voices, PR, public discussion, and public action.
These fucks enrage me also. I have come to accept that we have enemies within our government and they must be countered. It does not help just to be mad and then get over it, take the anger and use it to win here also.
I believe we are at a crucial time in this nation and the world, that we are at a tipping point of advancing freedom and liberty to all citizens of the world, or falling back into a ‘dark ages’ time ruled by violence from the intolerant.
This battle is larger than the borders of Iraq.
I have a son due in on leave next week, and have thought fuck it go awol, do not go back with the way the politicians are acting. Well fuck reid and company, he can say what the fuck he wants, let it roll off your back. This is politics nastier than I thought was possible here.
The best revenge is victory.
I am grateful and proud to live in a country that your child chose to defend.
God Bless
Drive On
April 25th, 2007 at 8:51 pmI agree with Judith and rumsfelt47.
The “defeat o crats” (nice one!) will do what ever it takes to put us closer to a socialist ideal. I say its time we stand up and not voice our opinion..but ACT on it.
the Reids and Pelosis’ of our nation are KILLING our citizens for political gain!!!
WTF?? How long do we have to bleed before we realize that these people are NOT americans? They don’t care about American lives..only cementing their democratic power base. They lie example? How about Hillary Clintons’ failure to justify her vote to SEND TROOPS TO IRAQ?
when the democratic left questioned her about it..she lied!
we saw just how much they cared with the anti war protests in Portland, Or. a couple of months ago.
they can either claim EVIL or they can claim Ignorance..Sen. Mcarthy was asked what a barrel shroud was in a cnn interview..she didn’t know what it was, but was voting for it on the current GUN ban thats being pushed through congress now. ( a barrel shroud only protects one from the heat of a barrel, not uncommon on shotguns and rifles)
April 25th, 2007 at 9:17 pmeither way, be it ignorance or evil, they have no business in government!
Kenneth - I, too, am a parent of a soldier fighting this war on terror. Believe me, there is not and never will be an explanation as to anything that the democrats vote for other than total personal gain. This country will never be protected from terrorism in our homeland if the democrats have their way.
We have been under attack since Iran took our embassy hostage in the 70’s. When that didn’t get our attention they continued to attack our embassies elsewhere. Our soldiers have had to die being blown up in barracks in their sleep. That didn’t affect the dem’s. American civilians traveling overseas have been killed. Again, no big deal. First attempt at World Trade Center failed. Not a national security issue, better yet, just another legal matter that could be handled in a criminal court proceeding. Then when they actually knew that Osama was the culprit and was offered up from the Middle East on a silver platter our government still chose not to prosecute him because they would have had to admit that indeed Islamic terrorism did exist and we were the ultimate target and will remain the target until the next attack on our homeland.
Logic … just another totally foreign concept that democrats will never understand. Cowardice … deception … manipulative … selective amnesia … slanderous … now those are terms that the democrats can relate to with no problems at all.
Most democrats have no memory of past history when the decisions that they have made have been nothing but disastrous for our great nation. I’m sure they don’t remember that “our troops should be home by December” was told to the American people when they sent them to Bosnia/Kosovo. If my memory serves me correct wasn’t the reason we sent our troops there because of the ethnic cleansing of “Muslims” suddenly became a human rights issue.
I can’t think of a better time than now, during an upcoming election, for the American people to speak up and have their voice heard at the polls. I for one, and totally fed the **** up with their cowardly policies. Funny, we should bring our troops home when they are finally winning the support of the Iraqi people, who for once truly believe that someone else in the world really does care what happens to their country, yet we will always have troops in Japan, Korea, Germany, Bosnia/Kosovo. What a shame. To bring our troops home now would be a travesty for the Iraqi people, but an even worse travesty would be to the American and coalition troops who will return home once again labeled as the “defeated occupier’s” rather than the proud, brave, dedicated defenders of freedom that we know they are.
Democrats … Rest assured that Satan has a special place in hell for you to fry in. You have done his bidding well. I’m confident that he will reward you accordinly!!
April 25th, 2007 at 9:17 pmI have been a life long republican, I agree with Judith. Bush you need to start hitting these dem hard. I know you are trying to be presidential but what the f***. You only have a short time left to kick some dems ass. Be a fighter not someone in some f***en shell.
April 25th, 2007 at 9:46 pmThe Democrats do not believe in God or religion, other than a secular-progressive socialist/communist religion.
Hell does not exist as far as they are concerned.
Well, having to live with Christians might be considered Hell to them. Lets give ‘em some of their own version of Hell on earth. Let’s all go to Church this Sunday and pray real hard for them.
April 25th, 2007 at 10:15 pmThis Sucks.
April 25th, 2007 at 10:17 pmI don’t know what else to say.
Fuck those assholes.
I need to go shoot something.
Annie, Steve and Kenneth,
Thank you for being so supportive of your children’s decisions to fight for this country. Not all parents or family members are the same. When I was still in, my mother, brother, and both sisters were the polar opposite. They all voted for John Kerry (while I was still in Iraq) because it was “Bush’s Fault” that I was at war. I got lots of questions from them about why I supported the war, and every time I answered they kept arguing with my reasons and trying to change my mind. Imagine telling your own son that he’s leaving to fight an illegal war, and you that feel sorry for him. More than once my mother told me to my face that the troops are dying for nothing. The first time I called home from Iraq, my sister told me she felt sorry that I had to see “all those slaughtered women and children”, and I still occasionally get lectures on the sanctity of “ALL life, not just American lives”.
They all say the support the troops, not the war. God, I fucking hate that phrase.
Kenneth, I’m truly sorry for your loss.
April 26th, 2007 at 12:03 amHey Everybody-
I’ve been reading Pat’s stuff for a while now, but new to the comments arena. So here goes.
I am a 23 year old veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom III. I was in Iraq from January ‘05 to January ‘06. I was in Kuwait for the 2004 presidential election. You better believe I voted. I am enlisted in the Mass Guard with no time active outside of deployments and basic training. I’ll be leaving in a couple of days for round two in the box with my little brother. This will be his first deployment. It’s a big brother, little brother thing.
I am a proud American and a proud Veteran. However, our current state of politics and leadership is quite sickening. I am neither a democrat, nor a republican. I am still trying to find out my politics to be honest. But I’m here right now, so you can guess which way I tend to lean. The conservative side of the house made some major fundamental errors during the invasion and what happened afterwards. Generals do not leave 25+ years of service in the military to criticize Rumsfield without good reason.
However, the Democrats make me absolutely sick. They’ve been rattling their saber about “we’ll cut the funding and end this ‘illegal’ war” because there are no WMD’s. I would love to sit down with the democrats while they look a Kurdish family in the face and tell them “sure you extremely high rates of cancers, birth defects, organ failure, learning disabilities and physical scars due to the use of WMD’s but we can’t find anything”. Last time I checked, you don’t turn your back on a stab wound victim because you can’t find the knife but that’s the humanitarian in me.
Well, either way put up or shut up. Why even put the time table in the bill if you know that you don’t have the majority to over turn the veto? I believe it’s so that they can appeal to my generation of voters (which I’ll get to in a minute). It is a half assed gesture which means nothing. And they will pout their lips and get all teary eyed when the elections happen because mean old Bush would just sign the bill (because he wants to do the job right).
I will sit down and listen to anyone, who wants to debate anything political in any of my classes…if you voted. I voted from a combat zone (not that Kuwait even begins to compare to Iraq) and I showed up for most recent election absolutely hung over. I still voted. My generation has a habit of running their mouths about “Bush this, Bush that, no WMDS” etc., etc. I have two questions for them.
1) Did you vote? If you didn’t vote, the conversation ends right there. I remind them that things change in a Democracy because people vote for change, not wishful thinking. It’s usually followed up with a pat on the head and a “Let the adults run the country junior”. One of my socialist professors did not appreciate it when I told him that in class.
2) If you did vote, how do you serve your country? It’s usually followed up with “I don’t believe in the military”, or “the military isn’t for me” or some other worthless excuse. I remind them that they can work for the fire department as a volunteer, become an EMT, volunteer for the Peace Corps, habitat for humanity. Shit, you can even cook food for the homeless at your local church, temple, synagogue, mosque, satanic house of blood letting and goat sacrifices. You do not have to wear a military uniform to make YOUR community, country, and world a better place. I am a soldier. I am an EMT in the civilian world. I also do a lot of work for Habitat for Humanity in the Boston area. I then remind that if they think something is broken, fix it. Until then let the adults run the country.
If you did both, I’ll sit down and listen to you. Even if you tell me that you voted for an alien clone of FDR. You voted, and the kid who knows everything about politics and life didn’t.
I will not comment on the current status of Iraq because a lot has changed since I’ve been there. But General P has a hell of a proven track record prior to his appointment to his current position. Unfortunately, my spineless peers that grew up on microwaves and Mickey D’s fail to understand that rebuilding a country takes years. I remember that it took us some time to go from a confederacy to a democracy and a shaky democracy at that following the end of the American Revolution. It’s only been five years; we were rebuilding Germany and France for 11 after WW II. It doesn’t happen over night. I’m quite frankly surprised we have made the leaps and bounds we have already. They have a government that was elected by its own people, and they are currently refilling their ranks of soldiers and police officers, women can now vote and I think they squeezed in a constitution somewhere between all that. It takes time but it does get done.
Let’s do this thing right, or let’s go home. Don’t make half assed gestures while making empty promises. If we do leave, then I have lost good friends “for nothing”. Those friends include both American and Iraqi soldiers. But at least we will have developed a spine to make a decision and execute it instead of “non binding resolutions”. I hope we stay and do it right.
And on a random note, last time I checked John Kerry is a veteran. If fellow veterans want to criticize him, feel free. I don’t particularly care for his politics personally, but he does know what AK-47 fire sounds like, unlike Oboma and Hillary. He has done great things for the vet center at UMASS Boston and he has sat down with Iraq and Afghan vets literally seven times since I’ve been home. He did this behind the scenes with no cameras. Like I said, I don’t agree with his politics but he does know what war is.
To my brothers and sisters in the service, thank you. To those who know people going over or are currently over there, bless you. We veterans don’t say this enough, but we do appreciate the support. Thank you.
-That Guy
April 26th, 2007 at 2:12 amAnother reason to fightt even harder guys!!
April 26th, 2007 at 2:38 amPat-
This disgusts me. This is surrender, and this will do harm to America like never before. This will encourage the terrorists and show the world that America’s government and America’s people are weak. It will lose us respect, and it will lose us power.
And ten years from now, when the above statement comes clear to the world, the Democrats will blame the Republicans.
April 26th, 2007 at 2:55 am-Theo
A friend of mine made the comment that this bill didn’t matter because it was still non-binding. WRONG! it is totally binding for a troop pullout to begin in October if the Democrats aren’t happy with “progress” made by “the Iraqi Government”. In other words, the Dems expect us to leave that decisiion to their impartial little, unagenda-ed minds. This is a full and unequivocal surrender. it is Al Qaeda and Iran ( and Syria ) beating us on the field in Iraq, by the decision of the Democrat Party.
The only thing that is non-binding is if all the troops have to be out by April.
And all of that doesn’t matter as much as the fact that the Dems know Bush is going to veto this and have therefor done nothing but delay funding to our anxious troops. In addition, they have sent a terrible message to our enemies. Keep killing.
Seriously, if you were Al Qaeda or Iran would you lay off right now, or would you step up the bloodshed? Would your morale be weaker and would you be closer to quitting, or would you be psyched and pressing full steam ahead?
Anyone who says what happened today “is no big deal” is an idiot - and definitely not someone in harm’s way who has to deal with the deadly consequences. Talk is cheap from home, when it’s all just theory.
My friends in harm’s way disagree.
April 26th, 2007 at 3:18 amFrom CNN:
Reacting to the House vote, White House spokeswoman Dana Petrino said the bill was “disappointing legislation that insists on a surrender date, handcuffs our generals and contains billions of dollars in spending unrelated to the war.”
“Tonight, the House of Representatives voted for failure in Iraq, and the president will veto its bill,” she said in a statement.
April 26th, 2007 at 3:24 amThat Guy excellent commentary,
Your right that rumsfeld made many mistakes which caused defections of experienced generals who I suspect also have their own political ambitions, however, their defections are weak in my mind. It easy to leave when you have a guaranteed high end pension coming. many generals have jumped on the democrat band wagon writing books and starting organizations being critical of bush and everyone. I am suspicious of their motives. Just the same many generals have stayed the course and agreed with improvements and adjustments.
Just because we are a superpower I think democrats think every war we are in should take minimal time. they are naive, stupid or just plain clueless. Making a democracy in a country that has efecvctively never had one for most of its existence will take alot of time. I fought under clinton, but i fought for the constitution not the president, liberals must think we are fighting for bush, but thats because they dont understand the oath every public official and soldier takes. We dont serve a temporary president we serve a nation, a constitution and an ideal.
incidentally, today pelosi was quoted as saying after she did finally talk with petraeus:
“We share a conviction that the war in Iraq WILL NOT BE RESOLVED MILITARILY, and I look forward to future reports from him on the effects of President Bushes escalation plan”
Of course this was a private conversation, and petraeus has said nothing like this himself publicly. Is he lying to us or is she?
The MSM conveniently never jumped on this statement which contradicts directly what petraeus or Bush have said publicly.
April 26th, 2007 at 3:38 amPat…
Amazing picture for this story…really brings back the feeling of that horrible day. a Christian and a former Marine..if we don’t get the right person for prez in ‘08…I don’t see good things for America ahead.
In the end times, Revelation specifically, there is no mention of any significant Western power. If liberals are in full control starting in 2008, our national sovereignty will rapidly dissipate, the military will again become “meals on wheels”, & individual rights will be stripped.
I’m only making an assessment…not trying to prophesy or anything, but please realize the serious, serious danger we’re in if the trend of liberal power continues in then next couple elections.
April 26th, 2007 at 3:48 amIt’s simple…. if we lost and our troops are incompetent as Douchebag Reid and the rest of the traitors say the FUCKING CUT THE FUNDING IMMEDIATELY don’t provide a pull out date or a timetable or anything else just cut the funding so the American public can see exactly how they stand and how they feel about our country and the blood, sweat, tears, patriotism, and dedication that our soliders exhibit. Assholes.
April 26th, 2007 at 4:24 amGUN GIRL
Make no mistake, nobody who is real is being duped and we know where the responsibility lies. The dims have and are attempting another Vietnam.
It’s a fully engaged defeatist maneuver that the defeatists cannot escape from, and as soon as the VETO happens they will claim that it’s President Bush’s war in an indiscriminate effort to avoid accountability.
Everyone, keep your eyes on our Heroes and step up and give them the support and encouragement that our Congress is incapable of doing.
April 26th, 2007 at 4:24 amI keep hearing about the money involved but what I really want to know are what are these certain standards that these fucking dims are refering too???
Does anyone know??
April 26th, 2007 at 4:27 amTJ - Referring to Pelosi’s comments, Patraeus has said that the solution is not purely military, but as I’ve said in multiple posts now, you can’t execute the overall solution (political reform & reconciliation, economic recovery, etc.) without the military component. The dims just don’t get it.
Truly, if this war is lost, then bring ‘em home now and don’t ‘waste’ one more trooper’s life. But I think we all know, this war is UNDECIDED at this point, and it is not a waste to continue the fight there rather than bringing the fight here.
The dims are a bunch o’ fuck-sticks!
April 26th, 2007 at 4:49 amWhat MUST happen NOW:
1) Cpl. Rock needs to be escorted home immediately and be a guest in the Lincoln Bedroom (umm, NO CHARGE)
2) President Bush MUST call together all the Republicans and rip them all a new one, especially those who vote with the dhimmis on this
3) Pres. Bush MUST schedule a Prime Time televised speech to the nation. First he introduces Cpl. Rock and explains for those dickheads in the country who haven’t a clue. Cpl. Rock addresses the nation for a few moments … Starting with “Since the MSM in this country refuses to tell you these things I will …”
4) Pres. Bush then steps up to the microphone, looks dead-on into the camera and talks directly to the troops saying, in essence, “I’m talking to the brave men and women who selflessly signed on to protect and serve this country: There are those in this Congress who have attempted to demand you declare and accept defeat with this Bill … They want to abandon you, your fellow heroes who have fallen in battle, your mission, and the Iraqi people. They want to abandon all the hard work you all have paid with in blood, sweat, and tears to achieve. They say you’ve done nothing and you must return home under a white flag instead of the Stars and Stripes. I will NOT allow that to happen!” - picks up pen and briskly signs the document in front of him - “VETOED!” he strongly declares and slams the pen down on the table. (At this point Cpl. Rock echoes with a loud Marine cheer.)
I know … I know … But I DO believe the President needs to veto this piece of dhimmicrat shit on TV with the above damnation.
April 26th, 2007 at 4:54 amBTW, can we please call this what it really is …
The democrats have declared war on the United States military …
I’m kicking off my New Balance shoes and stepping on some really hot coals peppered with jagged glass here but if ever there was reason for a military coup in this country … it might well be right the fuck now.
hey, I’m just sayin’ [shrugs] …
April 26th, 2007 at 5:04 amPat, another great article. Thanks and please keep them coming. Thay guy what a great post as well. To this from the liberal facists, and the crap that Kucinich pulled the other day makes me sicker than ever.
Does anyone know how to start a reacll vote, a vote of not confidence or whatever the hell you want to call it? I hope we could get enough backing here in Cleveland to recall Kucinich. The punk went so far during the last presidential campaign to brag about bankrupting this city, and is such a loser that he couldn’t find an American woman that could stomach him, he had to find a British lady to marry him. I love british women, something about the accent… Rummy if you get a chance, get to England after basic sometime, you’ll love it. Anyway, Kucinich had to marry a Brit so he could have a woman that really does not know his pathetic history, or she may be in it just for the money. As any other liberal hypocrit, Kucinich has made himself very wealthy from our tax dollars, while wailing against the rich. Of course there is a huge difference between conservative wealty people who are evil and need to have their money taken away, and liberal socialist wealthy, who want to take more money from the less fortunate because we do not know how to handle money.
April 26th, 2007 at 5:07 amAh!!! Seems I’m not alone. Great minds and such:
It’s time for Bush to fight — and use his veto power
April 26th, 2007 at 5:07 amMy post on this one will be succinct: shameful, absolutely shameful.
it’s why one of the few democrats who’ss not an embarassment, joe lieberman, split the dhimmicratic party, as he eloquently explains today:
April 26th, 2007 at 5:18 amAbsolutely disgusting. As soon as the votes were counted after in Nov 06, I told my wife this was going to happen. I am so pissed off my head is about to explode. Screw our troops and our security for pork and spinich and the hatred of GWB. Only in Amerika.
God help us.
April 26th, 2007 at 5:20 amI am beginning to like John McCain more and more. Seems like a good place to start.
April 26th, 2007 at 5:28 amJust an observation:
Dems like to attack the cost of the war stating that our children will be paying for it for decades. What about the $400,000,000,000 tax increase proposed by the House?
April 26th, 2007 at 5:46 amI think McCain is good for National Defense, as is Rudy, but is lacking any sort of a spine like structure when it comes to good ol’ conservative principle.
April 26th, 2007 at 5:55 amHL MENCKEN,
“Swing away, Joe!”
April 26th, 2007 at 6:12 amI love reading all the comments on this website I’m not posting a comment because I would only be repeating what has been said. I only make one request that i hope is already going on. If your making a comment here on this website everyone has patriotism in them that I never see in newspapers or on TV, so
Thank you for your comments and Pat thank you very much for your website your video documentary and the work and sacrifice you have done alongside my fellow Marines
Semper Fidelis
Lcpl Greer
April 26th, 2007 at 6:20 am4th GSMCO 4th MLG 4th FSSG
bush should bring most of the dems up on charges of treason
April 26th, 2007 at 6:26 amGreer,
April 26th, 2007 at 6:27 amDrillan ,I e-mailed Quinn and Rose yesterday about getting Pat a segment or two on their show.I hope they do it.
April 26th, 2007 at 6:36 ammaybe we should just stop fighting for everybody elses, atleast till al quaeda strikes the house and senate and all of the indiana limestone in washington is rubble. after all (as most liberals put it) the fucking ragheads don’t deserve democracy (as if this is different from calling them the N word)(and heaven forbid if you call a terrorist a terroist) only us americans deserve a opportunity for peace, liberty, absence of tyrants, pursuit of happyness, ect. lets give all these fucks a chance to die from ied’s here in the states FUCK THEM let the beast roam and let the house burn MOTHERF CKER MOTHERFU CKER, anyways the places to get hit will all be democrate stongholds, washington, newyork, chicago, la, orleans, LET MACHIAVELLI’S LITTLE PRINCE RULE, off with the heads, lets see who will be the first bitch to start crying for themselves, forget the rights of the sovereign, let the rights of the rebels rule, let the heads roll for we do not need any social contracts,
April 26th, 2007 at 6:41 amI love this place.
April 26th, 2007 at 7:00 am“Make no mistake, nobody who is real is being duped and we know where the responsibility lies. The dims have and are attempting another Vietnam.”
Precisely. The liberal dweebs cut the funding for Nam, and millions died as a result. Now it looks like round two.
That guy. Good post except for the part about Kerry. It doesn’t matter how much good he does for the locals in Mass, he’s still a lieing fucking traitor for what he said about Nam Vets. You may think of him as a Vet, I refuse to.
April 26th, 2007 at 7:10 amWhere are the gutless Republican Congressmen? They should be calling for Reid’s head and force him to resign. Reid is a disgrace.
April 26th, 2007 at 7:19 amEver wonder why these cowards didn’t debate appropriations for the war, or do anything legislatively until after the 2006 midterm elections? That’s right, they cynically waited until the risk of the election had passed. Then they started pulling their stunts. Do you think if they threatened this particular legislation before the election, they would have been voted in? I think not. Instead of a Donkey, the Dem symbol should be a white flag.
April 26th, 2007 at 7:34 amI often wonder if anyone gives a shit anymore. Thats when I come to Pat’s site. Then I feel better
Thanks Pat.
As I have become more and more vocal in my conservative opinions in the last few years - & especially recent - I find:
1- apethetic cons (what can I do attitude)
2- ignorant cons ( just don’t follow, know, or care)
3- asshole libs (the ones who shut down alternative opinions)
4- hijacked libs (moderate, but have no clue what the MSM & lib politicians have done to mis-represent their values)
5- Ignorant individuals
Ignorant individuals are, by far, the largest population. These are the people that don’t know if they are libs, cons, or moderates. They don’t know what to believe in. They avoid political issues because it disgusts them.
MSM is mostly influencing 3, 4, & 5.
My email to Tom DeLay including some of my assessment and proposed actions has gone unanswered. Not going to pay $52 for his GrassrootsAction&InformationNetwork (GAIN) until I get some answers.
I will revisit DeLay next month
Thanks to all for all the encouraging info at this site.
April 26th, 2007 at 7:54 am
April 26th, 2007 at 8:05 am
Thank God for that VETO stamp.
April 26th, 2007 at 8:16 amHey Rummy,
I posted a response to your pull-up Q on the Pat’s post with the picture of Ben Affleck and Matt Damon on it. I’m sure you’ve received plenty of good advice, but I had to add my two cents on the topic of body-weight workouts. Good luck man!
April 26th, 2007 at 8:23 amRummy have your recruiter get in touch with the SgtMaj in Charleston, WV and ask him how to increase your pull ups. Would love to be your DI..
April 26th, 2007 at 8:35 amAt last, A Republican with a spine, Duncan Hunter, stands up to Senator Douchebag Reid.
April 26th, 2007 at 8:47 am,2933,268563,00.html
Ergo666 is correct.
April 26th, 2007 at 8:52 amWe should work to get the word out about Bush’s military service/record (
bush can have my combat action ribbon and you can STFU
April 26th, 2007 at 8:57 amDEVILDOG,
Thanks! Outdamnstanding!
John in PA,
Oh, good! I’m thrilled you posted that link. I’d seen it somewhere else early this morning but was sifting through my brain to recall exactly where when Dave asked,
“Where are the gutless Republican Congressmen? They should be calling for Reid’s head and force him to resign. Reid is a disgrace.”
We need more, however. I know Ohio Congressman John Boehner (R) is getting louder and louder …
April 26th, 2007 at 9:02 amDenis,
We’ll get right on that … right after we’re finished disecting Kerry’s multiple Purple Hearts for rice IEDs, et al. You dumb fuck …
April 26th, 2007 at 9:06 amdevil dog looks like a a vietnam vet presented Bush with his purple heart yesterday. Didn’t hear that one in the MSM
April 26th, 2007 at 9:52 am
April 26th, 2007 at 9:52 am
this is the really story, i got the other one off of some lib talking point site
April 26th, 2007 at 9:54 amBush & Cheney should send THEIR kids to this noble cause war….NOT my kids!!!
April 26th, 2007 at 10:54 amYes chk out very well documented WITH FACTS
what’s your record slick,what have you done
i have
April 26th, 2007 at 10:59 amDenis - The United States has an ALL VOLUNTEER military. Your kids ARE NOT REQUIRED to join if they don’t want to. Wanna try again?
April 26th, 2007 at 11:00 amSomeone else said it first, I’ll say it second — I love this place.
I ended up here because I heard “some Marine called Harry Reid a douche”, and I just HAD to check it out!
I’m not a soldier, don’t have anyone in the sandbox, nothing really, but I sure do love this country and it breaks my heart to see what is happening to it. My husband and I have flown the flag in front of our home since probably forever. When I look at it, sometimes I cry because I feel like we’re losing our greatness. We are the ONLY house on our block that flies the flag.
BUT — reading all your posts, oh you guys give me hope for this country, you really do. That you all are willing to fight the good fight makes me want to keep the faith that maybe America will be okay. I’m not a soldier, but if you can do it, I’ll certainly try.
I’ve forwarded the link to this website to a fair number of people, both work and personal friends. I would like to see these accomplishments put on billboards all over the country. Hell, how about a billboard with on it?
My husband and I pray for all of you that are serving/have served AND your families every single morning. We never forget.
Thanks. This is a great place.
April 26th, 2007 at 11:16 amKathy,
You and I could be “twins”.
My oldest, college grad daughter has a couple friends in theater (one on his third tour after nearly having both his feet blown off in an IED attack on his second tour … bad-assed Marine with a new baby girl at home with his wife … Hey, Dan!!! …)
Everything you said I echo. You and I might not be in Iraq, but damn it, in this war we have put our boots on the ground here at home and are watching our troops’ backs. The dhimmicrats want another “Vietnam”. WE WILL NOT LET THAT HAPPEN!!! THEY will be defeated this time around.
Go, Pat Dollard! Go all milblogs fighting back this time! We’re your grunts here at home.
April 26th, 2007 at 12:35 pmUntil now, as heirs of revolutionists and rebels, we did not confuse honest dissent with disloyal subversion. Until now, Senator Reid. Until now, Democrats.
April 26th, 2007 at 12:45 pmJoltin’ Joe Lieberman chews `em out on the floor:
Anybody finds a youtube clip of this PLEASE post it here?? Thanks!
April 26th, 2007 at 12:54 pmMichelle Malkin is running an idea (making a statement idea) on her site:
“Send ‘em a white feather”
We here in Ohio did something like this a little while back to Sen. George Voinavich when he broke into tears on the floor of the Senate in his opposition to Pres. Bush’s nominating John Bolton to the UN … except we sent tissues (well, I sent a couple squares of TP ~ Sheryl Crow would’ve shit a brick ~) to his office.
When sending white feathers to any Republicans who voted for this Bill I suggest sending an envelope full of them
April 26th, 2007 at 1:16 pmWow, that speech by Lieberman is AWESOME! I love the statement he makes about a strategy that was rejected in one year becoming ‘the only way to fly’ in an other year.
And that stuff happens because of politics, and politics alone. Congressional control of a military situation is so illogical I can’t even think of anything stupid enough to compare it to!
I forwarded that article to some friends….
April 26th, 2007 at 1:28 pmOne of my favorite movie franchises is “Alien”.
In the opening of “Aliens” (2) Ripley is before “the company’s” board investigating her account of events and decisions in the first “Alien”, and how it cost them (the company) billions of dollars in lost cargo and an expensive ship.
Baffled at their ineptness at grasping the situation she was under, and the ramifications of what would happen IF the menace made it to “Earth”, and their disbelief in her testimony about an “alien” threat, she becomes pissed and shoves their stacks of paper work off the desk and shouts:
“God damn it, that’s not all! ‘Cause if one of those things gets down here then that will be all! And all this, this bullshit that you think is so important, you can just kiss all that goodbye!”
Well, that quote pops into my head every now and again when I hear things like this:
Democrats Declare July 4 ‘Energy Independence Day’
‘Hate Crimes’ Bill Moving to Full House
Sheehan Wants Bush, Cheney to Pay for ‘Destruction of the World’
Either the dhimmicrats are:
1) completely dumb and ignorant of the threat we face
2) know the threat and don’t give a fuck because they think they can use our pain and suffering for their own political gains
3) are in league with the enemy
4) or (D)- fucking ALL of the above
G-d help us all …
April 26th, 2007 at 1:58 pmNo, no on the white feather.. Younz got to read about Carlos Hathcock, USMC sniper in Vietnam.. He wore a white feather on his cover everytime he went sniping for the gooks. He had over 92 confirmed kills. Awesome man. Send the dick heads white flags.. wipe your ass with them first.
April 26th, 2007 at 2:01 pm0311,
Or, how about everyone making a copy of this and mailing it to their cowardly Congressmen/Senators:
April 26th, 2007 at 2:14 pm“Send the dick heads white flags.. wipe your ass with them first.”
Aw yes, the french National flag.
April 26th, 2007 at 2:14 pmOhio,I love that story about Hathcock when he basically went on a suicide mission to take out a key zipper head.
April 26th, 2007 at 3:42 pmkenneth smith
reid and pelosi and the rest: this has nothing to do with high-minded beliefs or patriotism. this has to do with 2008 and votes. and they are abusing anyone they have to to get the vote. and the media is behind them.
they smell blood in the water and they’re going for it full tilt, doing ANYTHING, in ANY DIRECTION, from slinging mud to visiting damascus to ignoring petraeus.
April 26th, 2007 at 4:39 pmI met the man about 15 years ago and it was indeed an honor. I asked him if ever “enjoyed” killing any of those gooks and his reply was that he was just doing his job but there was one kill he did get some real statisfaction if not joy from and it was when he zapped the life of the female gook named “Appache”. Now, she was a fucking terrorist. His is the most treasured autograph I have. Raise your mug’s to Carlos..
April 26th, 2007 at 4:52 pmOh, you mean the high ranking fuck head that he wasted after crawling on his belly for 2 or so days to get in posistion for a good shot.. Yea, that was awesome.. Big Balls..
April 26th, 2007 at 4:55 pmWow. I liked Lieberman before, I think I could love him now. What an eloquent and poignant speech to an obviously unmoved and oblivious group. I hope like hell he holds onto that Indie designator…the Dems sure as hell don’t deserve him!
April 26th, 2007 at 5:20 pmI hope Senator Douchebag gets raped by a grizzly bear who feels like enjoying the moment.
REN and 311, I’m good to go now on the pull-ups. Myself, a fellow candy-assed poolee, and his recruiter are getting together for PT at 1700 every weekday from now until shipping. I’m confident that I’ll be ready in time. Before tonight, I might add, the meaning of the word “pain” was unknown to me.
You know you’re smoking your arms not when they fatigue, but when they feel like they’re on fire and about to get ripped off by a grizzly bear who is also on fire.
Now if I could just get that infantry job… My mom asked me which three I chose for them to fish for; I said “Fire Control” would be cool, since I would be directly responsible for blowing people up, and I might even get shot at. You should have seen the look on her face! Priceless!
Quote me on that: “I hope I get shot at.”
April 26th, 2007 at 5:36 pm“Quote me on that: “I hope I get shot at.”
You’ll likely get yer wish Rummy, and I hope they have lousy aim
April 26th, 2007 at 6:02 pmdrillanwr: Ah, that is a good one.
April 26th, 2007 at 6:07 pmdrillanwr:
“Joltin’ Joe Lieberman chews `em out on the floor:”
It is difficult for me to think back and remember that Lieberman was the VP candidate with old “carbon offset” Algore. Algore, now there is another fuck head.
I need some duct tape to wrap around my head to keep it from exploding..
Pat: take me to Iraq with you so I practice my sight alignment and sight picture.
April 26th, 2007 at 6:31 pmIt is time for everyone to contact that great American Senator Joe Lieberman and encourage him to switch parties and this will tip control of the senate away from the dimicrats forcing many tie votes thus allowing Dick Cheney to cast a tie breaking vote. There is little time left to save America
April 26th, 2007 at 9:04 pmI hope to not come off as a one trick pony, but I’ve been harping on this point since 17 March. I participated in The Gathering of Eagles counter-demonstration in DC on 17 March. I had seen the Traveling Wall while living up in Buffalo. Oh, this was so neet, I’m now back, since Jun ‘03, in Philadelphia. The bus trip we took to DC I ran into, actually we changed seats, so we could sit together, someone that I was in Vietnam with the same time as he, he in one company, me in another. We were in the 196th Light Infantry, ‘67-’68. We didn’t know each other then, but, we do now. Sorry, my hypo-mania is showing, I’ll try to stay focused. Back to The Wall. I finally saw The Wall. I was surprized, I didn’t get all weepy. As I walked down the incline and The Wall gets taller and taller and I became angrier and angrier. We’ve heard this over the years but, I internally exploded as the thoughts came rushing back, the democrats have turned all of those on The Wall into ‘an all for naught’ because they refused to spring for beans and bullets money and refused to allow our Air Force to give the South air cover so they could defend themselves from the chinese communist financed blitzkreig. They didn’t ask to send back the troops, just a little help. We left them with a reasonable facsimile of a democracy and a pretty good military. The democrats wrote off the efforts of the 55,000 dead, allowed The Killing Fields and created the Vietnamese Boat People that voted with their feet and risked floating out to sea on their rafts. Perhaps Reid’s and Pelosi’s early handy work. They handed the Republic of Vietnam over to the communists. One would think they were in bed with the communists. The democrats are today dying to do an encore. Some mistakes were made in Iraq. Gee, we thought they’d be happy to get their freedom but they’d rather blow themselves up. So, it will take a little longer. I really think the American people will realize that they didn’t ask for what the democrats are doing. They’re showing their true colors, they’re in bed with the islamofacists. Americans are a slow burn, but when they explode.
April 27th, 2007 at 4:49 amSince the Democrats took control of Senate and the House last November we will be seeing investigation after investigation….of WMD, of Cheney, of Rove, Of Bush, impeach Bush bills, etc etc etc
Their control of the Senate is by just one vote though.
Hopefully in Nov 2008 the Dems will pick up MORE seats in Senate & House. Then they will continue running the committees and controlling the agenda and calling for more investigations.
One thing about the war continuing is that it appears to be helping the Democrats in the polls.
But even at the local statewide positions the Dems are picking up!! And Democratic Party registration is way up!!!
I have so many antiwar activist friends that refuse to vote Dempocrat…they say Dems same as Republicans/prowar/big business etc.
However I show them all the comments made about Dems on this website & they are now rethinking their positions!
You guys are really helping bring the Green Party/Nader crowd back to the Democratic Party. Thank you!!!
So many antiwar activists I know hate Hillary.
April 27th, 2007 at 5:33 amI say listen to Sean H, Rush L, Bill O’Reilly mambast Hillary…THEY DESPISE HER….so my point to the anti war crowd IS….if all these right wing talk show hosts depise Hillary….THERE MUST BE SOMETHING GOOD ABOUT HER.
Again, they quietly think about what I say. These attacks on the Democrats & on Hillary are helping them.
Denise, over there I said you were a silly person, now you’re over here, and now you’ve morphed into a silly punk.
April 27th, 2007 at 5:53 amhey denis
April 27th, 2007 at 5:59 amhow about dropn a couple of franklins for wounded warriors
John kerry was ahead in the polls prior to election time, too!
keep dreaming!
April 27th, 2007 at 6:06 amor this link
April 27th, 2007 at 6:07 am“Hopefully in Nov 2008 the Dems will pick up MORE seats in Senate & House. Then they will continue running the committees and controlling the agenda and calling for more investigations.”
Y-y-yeah … That’s productive. FYI, political “investigations” = frivolous law suits. The American people hate lawyers more than they hate politicians (although, some are one-in-the-same), and almost as much as they hate terrorists … and the French.
But Denis, we here will measure your intellect on all of this right now. Which is a greater threat to the United States and the world:
Terrorism? Or “Global Warming / Climate Change”?
April 27th, 2007 at 6:48 amDenis - “if all these right wing talk show hosts depise Hillary….THERE MUST BE SOMETHING GOOD ABOUT HER.”
Now there is some perfect logic. The people you despise, despise someone you despise so they must be good. Huh? That makes as much sense as people saying they will vote for Barack because he is black. That makes as much sense as people saying they will vote for Mrs. Bill Clinton because she is a woman. That makes as much sense as Pelosi getting in office because by god it’s about time a woman had a place in leadership. How about, oh, I don’t know, making sure they are actually qualified for the job?
I know that is a really way out there idea but I think it could catch on.
April 27th, 2007 at 7:45 am“The people you despise, despise someone you despise so they must be good. Huh?”
Wow, lol, if it was actually true, it’d be the simplest explanation of why conservatives support Bush despite the democrats’ hatred for the man.
April 27th, 2007 at 8:05 amMe - ““The people you despise, despise someone you despise so they must be good. Huh?”
REN - “Wow, lol, if it was actually true, it’d be the simplest explanation of why conservatives support Bush despite the democrats’ hatred for the man.”
Actually, no. In general, conservatives do not rely on a consensus to make a decision. Conservatives have no problem acting on their own without making sure everyone agrees and everything is stated politically correct so as not to offend anyone. Conservatives, in general, are capable of gathering the facts on their own and making a decision on how to act. A lot of times you have to do what is unpopular or not so fun, for the greater good.
Democrats, on the other hand, seem to feel a need for a consensus; to make sure everyone agrees and no one is offended in any way. I am listening to an excerpt of Mrs. Bill Clinton from last night’s Democrat candidate debate that, ironically, came on TV while I am typing this. I will paraphrase, “if we are attacked, we need to make sure we know who it was, where and why, and find out who is responsible and make the right decision on how to respond. Then, we need to act on how to go after them.”
Well, that is just another way of stating what I stated above. While we are sitting around taking polls on how we should act, what we should do, and making sure everyone is in agreement and everything is planned perfectly the enemy is regrouping. This is living in a liberal dream world. Like Don Rumsfeld said in a response to going to war unprepared, “we go in with what we have at the time and adapt along the way. There is no way to ultimately prepare for every contingency that may come up.” You can try, and we do, but the one thing that you didn’t plan for, take a poll on, or make sure everything is perfect is the thing that will bite you in the ass.
April 27th, 2007 at 8:17 amRummy,
I ran against the then current Marine pull-up record holder (his record was beaten last year) a few years back and have since found out some interesting things about him. I remembered his name, Redford, and did a search and immediately found a chat forum discussion about him and his record:
He’s probably from the same general area and kind of upbringing that I am from, considering that my father received his undergrad degree from the same private university Redford did. If you haven’t already, read the post on the Affleck/Damon thread, it’s filled with more than just pull-up info.
Oh yeah, one more thing that’s not in the article and you probably won’t find online ~ Redford was a world-class level ballroom dancer. For those of you who think you know what IS or ISN’T “manly” and think ballroom dancing isn’t cool, STFU and get a clue! It’s no wonder my girlfriends have always been hotter than yours.
April 27th, 2007 at 8:39 amGreg,
LOL, it was a joke ~ I am a libertarian-type “conservative” and really don’t care for a lot of what the rest of the right does as well. There are pretty solid reasons why the Republicans lost seats in 2006 and IMHO it wasn’t because of the war.
Basically I agree with you, many, if not most, conservatives are quite independent thinkers as compared to their democratic counter-parts.
I do think the distaste for the out-of-control liberalization of democracy, without serious consideration of the loss of values, is pretty universal on the right and accounts for a general dislike for democrats ~ and it doesn’t take a vote and mass public opinion polls for them to agree on it.
April 27th, 2007 at 8:47 amI am so sad about what has happened to the once great Democrat party. The party of Jefferson,Jackson,FDR,Truman and JFK has become the party of Barney Frank,Nancy Pelosi,Barbara Boxer,John Murtha,Harry Reid and Teddy Kennedy. Appeasers all! What will it take for the Democrat Party to take this war seriously? An attack on Hollywood? or Hyannisport, better yet Nantucket. The people of ASmerica were bamboozled in the last election by the so-called “Blue Dog” Democrat politicians in the South,Midwest and the West. These alledgely conservative Democrat candidates –well folks they are just like the Pelosi’s and Reids- Liars and Cowards All. As for the bozo going by the name Denis - Grow up fool beefore it is too late. I was at Ground Zero on 9/13 i saw the damage that these animals wrecked on America- These killers mean everything they say take my word for it. No one can talk them out of exacting their revenge against America ” The Great Satan” this is what they plan to do to all of us.God Bless our troops and God Bless America
April 27th, 2007 at 2:49 pmGriff
REN - “LOL, it was a joke…”
I didn’t take it as you being serious; else I would have gone Rumsfeld47 on your ass.
“I do think the distaste for the out-of-control liberalization of democracy, without serious consideration of the loss of values, is pretty universal on the right and accounts for a general dislike for democrats ~…”
I think that is obvious. Today, Rush and Sean were playing sound bytes from last night’s Democrat Candidate Dog and Pony show. (This was not the Presidential Debate as Denis would have us believe.) They were talking about how Mrs. Bill Clinton is claiming to be “multi-lingual” by her use of different accents depending on where she is. No one on the left, not even The Justice Brothers Sharpton and Jackson, has said anything about it. If ANYONE on the right had tried that they would be publicly executed for not being sensitive to others.
“…and it doesn’t take a vote and mass public opinion polls for them to agree on it.”
Yep. Even though conservatives tend to think on their own, and don’t need a consensus, they already pretty much agree on a lot of things. They are also usually cut and dry on what they believe. The left flip flops back and forth, never really standing on an issue unless there is consensus and a poll proves it, so there is no real value in what they propose. Look at the Fairness Doctrine and how Algore et-al wants to make denying Global Warming a crime. They even want to abolish the term “war on terror”.
April 27th, 2007 at 3:29 pmMy point was….when those who support/vote Green Party/Socialists Party see how you guys view the Democrats….they WILL come back & vote Democrat.
These (Greens….) see Democrats as wrar mongers (Dems refuse to bring troops home NOW…)
But the way the Dems are described on this web site….well!!!! The Greens s/ definitely support Hillary & Dems this time.
Am I correct?
What do you guys think about Nader anyway? You never mention him.
April 29th, 2007 at 4:09 ammy brother supports nader. But frankly he is a global warming nut. his supporters could vote democrat , so what?
April 29th, 2007 at 5:53 amDenis - Being able to vote in America is a freedom we enjoy because of the hard work and sacrifices of our soldiers, both present and past. Why would anyone waste that vote just to “stick it to” the other side?
“But the way the Dems are described on this web site….well!!!! The Greens s/ definitely support Hillary & Dems this time. Am I correct?”
There aren’t web sites out there where everyone else bashes Conservatives? Hell, most of the media in print and TV do that as well.
The Green Party thinks Conservatives see Democrats as Socialists, so they vote for Democrats? Why wouldn’t the people who think this way try to understand what is really going on and what each party stands for rather than voting based on some superficial perception? This makes as much sense as someone voting for Barack just because he is black. This makes as much sense as someone voting for Hillary just because she is a woman. Hell, I would have a lot of respect for a Democrat voting for Hillary when they can back up, with hard, real facts, why they voted for her rather than just doing so because they hate the other party. What a waste of a vote.
“These (Greens….) see Democrats as wrar mongers (Dems refuse to bring troops home NOW…)”
The Democrats are war mongers; that is hilarious. Ask your friends why the Democrats picked some arbitrary date in the future? Could it possibly be for their own good in the up coming elections? Democrats know most people have a very short attention span. If the troops are forced to surrender and come home they will be doing so just in time for the elections. It will be very fresh in people’s minds when they vote, and the Democrats will tout how they “saved the troops and ended the war.” They aren’t concerned about the troops, only their own asses staying in power. If they were concerned about the troops they would be saying bring them home NOW! Ask your friends that and see how they respond.
>What do you guys think about Nader anyway? You never mention him.
I don’t think he is worth mentioning. He isn’t a contender.
April 29th, 2007 at 9:44 am