
April 27th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

darkness road iraq

Is where your brain lives with regards to the situation in Iraq. Because that is where the MSM and Congress keep you.

Over a week ago I reported to you that we had kicked Al Qaeda out of their base in Iraq, the Al Anbar Province, and that they had begun a series of retaliatory bombings in and around Baghdad.

Neither of these facts were reported to you by the mainstream media. The bombings were reported, but completely without context, as if they were not a result of our stunning military victory in Al Anbar, but were just a sign that the surge “wasn’t working”. Despite the fact that the surge had just reclaimed substantial territorial control of half the country. Not only did Harry Reid fail to explain what was going on, but instead publicly declared that the bombings were a sign that nothing new was happening in Iraq and that we should therefor surrender.

Yesterday my report was confirmed by General Petraeus who declared our victories in Al Anbar as nothing less than “breathtaking progress”.

There is absolutely no reason to listen to anything the disconnected and deceitful “suits” of the American mainstream media and political world tell you about Iraq. You cannot trust it.

I’m travelling so posting’s been light up till now….stay tuned…much breaking….

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24 Responses

  1. Gramps

    I really don’t think it matters how much success our troops have. The Dumb-O-Crats are committed to defeat.

  2. roadking

    My son is a 1st LT platoon leader with the 82nd AIR at a small COB in al Kadamiyah in baghdad. I get to talk with him every 2 weeks or so and get updates from his wife,who he calls more often. This is his 2nd deployment and when he gets home in dec. it will be almost 18 mos. of hard duty. Does he complain,NO. Does he say we lost or are losing, NO. Does he want to surrender and admit defeat at the hands of cowardly insurgents who don’t have the balls to stand and fight, HELL NO. The only bitching we are hearing is from the democrats, liberals sob’s and the freaking media. I get sick when the news comes on. Thank God for your blogs and a few others I go to to get my solace. My wife gets freaked out when I see these ignorant assholes like Reid and Murtha and I start ranting and raving about what pieces of shit they are and how spineless. Keep up the good work ,if you go back to Iraq tell the soldiers there are alot of us behind them and if you need someone to help your team I will go with you, I am getting old but give me a few weeks I could get back into shape. My family still has our balls………………..

  3. MariesTwoCents


    Here’s a beer for you when you get back :grin:

  4. 0311inohio

    God bless you son Roadking.. The fucking numb nuts who we put in office have NO regard for the military. They don’t give a rats ass about anything except living the cushy life they enjoy after they rip us off. I wanna puke, now where did I put that barf bag? :evil:

  5. 96R_in_LA

    Hats off to Pat and the job he is doing for us all here back home. And to all of our men and women in uniform, we are behind you 110%. Give ‘em hell, troops!

  6. John in PA

    Yes Pat:
    Chucky Schumer D NY wasted no time making big deals about the bombing in Bagdad …as did Reid. The suits speak from podiums after digesting the very same shit average individual gets from MSM.

    Conclusion - albeit a stretch for some - MSM is making policy

  7. John in PA

    Holy SHIT
    Didn’t realize how real that is … the claim I made about MSM making policy till i read my own post :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

    Holy SHIT

  8. Greg - USA

    John in PA - would that be what Kipp refers to as “being enlightened”? heh…

    You are correct though. Very succinct.

  9. Greg - USA

    I hit submit too soon. A friend of mine once said, “I have heard so much about how corrupt Halliburton is that it MUST be true.”

    The MSM is doing their job.

  10. 0311inohio

    Dingy harry and the lib socialist dimwits won’t like this one. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/iraq/article1717571.ece

  11. mindy abraham

    I love our troops and wish them well. I hope they all come home safe and sound. :smile:

  12. kathy ozanne

    Once again, I sent the link to this article to some friends. Lots of them, actually. I wish you could see the looks on their faces when they read this stuff, Pat. It’s a cross between absolute shock and anger. “I never see this on MSNBC!” “How come we don’t know about these things?” And today, from a verrry liberal co-worker, “I’m hooked on this website.”

    Keep ‘em coming. I’m so proud I can pass this stuff on and get the word out. Keep it moving!

  13. Judith

    Yes John in PA, the MSM has been running the show for quite some time but its not obvious for the very dense public to figure out. :mad:

  14. Judith

    Old advertising “proverb”. Must feed it to the public 27 times before it is absorbed. So every night does it in a month, especially when “we” don’t refute anything. We are the silent majority. BTW, I like Dirty Harry and Bela Pelosi. Anyone else??

  15. charlie cahalan

    my son left today for his 2nd tour,, when he was there before he said that most of the sunnis in ramadi wanted the MARINES to stay and protect them fm the insurgents(another name for democrat)…and if u figure that all kurds(40% of iraq) begged us for all of the 90’s(go figure) to come and help them,,and that most all of the shias(another 40%)wanted us to help protect them fm reid,, i mean sadaam,,,this is in direct contrast to that lieing turn coat murtha,,,my son looked me in the eye and said “dad we are their only hope” when ur son says that it brings reality to the war,,,

  16. MariesTwoCents

    Nah Dirty Harry was the “Good Guy” Harry is to Dingey, and I like Syriana Pelosi better.

  17. Theo L

    It’s funny how much I nod my head when I read your posts. I cannot wait until you bring this stuff to mainsteam, Pat.

  18. MO

    we captured ‘ole boy Abd al-Hadi, the saudis dropped the hammer on a 172 person terror plot, and we busted up a weapons/training network to and from iran. not bad for a deays work!

  19. Randy Anderson, GySgt


    Wonder how much the US intelligence community isn’t telling us to protect current operatives and confidentiality. Yet the MSM and the Dims continue to pound the public ruthlessly with negative barrages of “failures” of the brave Iraqi and American Forces fighting these cowards! What happened to “all politics stops at the water’s edge”? Why are the Dim’s on the enemies side?

  20. Talltonedetroit

    Once I’m through commending you for this realistic presentation of what is really happening in Iraq, I will e-mail the website to everyone in my e-book. Many of the weak pols, most from my self-absorbed generation, only look for the 51% solution to issues. It’s not about what’s right and proper. It’s about how do I get re-elected. You are the modern day ‘300′. You stand at the 21st century ‘hot gates’. Only this time, I pray that your ‘Plytaia’ is also happening now. Be strong and believe that the majority of Americans will rally to and support the great endeavour, in which, you are currently engaged. God Speed!

  21. Steve in NC

    To our warriors sent afar to face the evil in lost souls, in the homeland we stand in spirit with you.

    This day is called the feast of Crispian:
    He that outlives this day, and comes safe home,
    Will stand a tip-toe when the day is named,
    And rouse him at the name of Crispian.
    He that shall live this day, and see old age,
    Will yearly on the vigil feast his neighbours,
    And say ‘To-morrow is Saint Crispian:’
    Then will he strip his sleeve and show his scars.
    And say ‘These wounds I had on Crispin’s day.’
    Old men forget: yet all shall be forgot,
    But he’ll remember with advantages
    What feats he did that day: then shall our names.
    Familiar in his mouth as household words
    Harry the king, Bedford and Exeter,
    Warwick and Talbot, Salisbury and Gloucester,
    Be in their flowing cups freshly remember’d.
    This story shall the good man teach his son;
    And Crispin Crispian shall ne’er go by,
    From this day to the ending of the world,
    But we in it shall be remember’d;
    We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
    For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
    Shall be my brother; be he ne’er so vile,
    This day shall gentle his condition:
    And gentlemen in England now a-bed
    Shall think themselves accursed they were not here,
    And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
    That fought with us upon Saint Crispin’s day.



  22. drillanwr

    Steve in NC,

    Good move :wink:

  23. John (Shooter) Mullan

    Just got turned on the the site from on of the guys I ride with. Pat good job man keepyour head down and we will pass the word. My son is a recent return from the sand box U.S.M.C. god love all our guys and girls out there and keepthem safe. To Steve N.C. I sent a copy of St. Crispen’s Day tomy son while over there it hangs in the O.P. to this day. Like he says if you can read thank a teacher if you can read in english thank a Marine.
    John ( Shooter) Mullan Boston Ma.

  24. Dave George

    Just checking out your site, very nice.

    Please let me know if you would like me to add a link or banner to our site.

    You may want to check out our Sarge’s Rant & our Truth pages

    You can visit our site at www.VetsDontForget.com

    Again, Great site keep up the good work.

    Dave George
    10 Year Veteran
    82d Airborne Division
    Parachute Rigger

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