Look Whose Watching American Cable

April 28th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

sadr fat angry

I Got My MTV.

pelosi claw reid

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39 Responses

  1. Gramps

    We should have capped his ass a long time ago.

  2. 0311inohio

    Ah Gramps.. :shock: That ain’t the Amerikan way. We should be able to talk and work things out. What about world opinion? :lol:

  3. Gabe Thompson

    Of course he wants us out. That way he and his handlers in Tehran can make Iraq a fundamentalists paradise.

  4. Gabe Thompson

    “Ah Gramps.. That ain’t the Amerikan way. We should be able to talk and work things out. What about world opinion”?
    I’m with gramps…better late than never.

  5. gmoney

    Fat f^%&$# !!

  6. gmoney

    I forgot,Pat keep safe and I love the shirt bro!

  7. drillanwr

    It’s official … We can now re-name the Democrat Party the Dhimmi Chamberlin Party.

    “License to kill gophers by the government of the United Nations. Man, free to kill gophers at will. To kill, you must know your enemy, and in this case my enemy is a varmint. And a varmint will never quit - ever. They’re like the Viet Cong - Varmint Cong. So you have to fall back on superior intelligence and superior firepower. And that’s all she wrote … I smell varmint puntang … So I jump ship in Hong Kong and make my way over to Tibet, and I get on as a looper at a course over in the Himalayas. A looper, you know, a caddy, a looper, a jock. So, I tell them I’m a pro jock, and who do you think they give me? The Dalai Lama, himself. Twelfth son of the Lama. The flowing robes, the grace, bald… striking. So, I’m on the first tee with him. I give him the driver. He hauls off and whacks one - big hitter, the Lama - long, into a ten-thousand foot crevasse, right at the base of this glacier. Do you know what the Lama says? Gunga galunga… gunga, gunga-galunga. So we finish the eighteenth and he’s gonna stiff me. And I say, “Hey, Lama, hey, how about a little something, you know, for the effort, you know.” And he says, “Oh, uh, there won’t be any money, but when you die, on your deathbed, you will receive total consciousness.” So I got that goin’ for me, which is nice … I got to get into this dude’s pelt and crawl around for a few days. Who’s the gopher’s ally. His friends. The harmless squirrel and the friendly rabbit … In the immortal words of Jean Paul Sartre, ‘Au revoir, gopher’ … ” :beer: :twisted:

  8. Gramps

    Remember when the Shah of Iran was in power? The Ayatollah Khomeini was in france as I believe he had a death warrant on him in Iran. Think what the differences may have been had we capped him before the Shaw got tossed out.

  9. FTL

    al-Sadr needs a close shave w/ an executioner’s sword… just imho.

    then we can say, “peace”

  10. Greg - USA

    It will be really interesting to hear what he has to say when he is captured by our troops. I hope they capture him alive.

  11. Greg - USA

    The Democrats will probably take this as, “see, if we just leave Iraq and go home they will leave us alone. They won’t follow us here like Bush would like us to believe.”

    Nevermind the 1993 WTC attack and the Cole. That was just a misunderstanding.

  12. Grumpy

    If al-Sadar eventually gets kicked out of Iraq, he can always find a job as a Senator in California. Maybe when Boxer retires he can take over in San Francisco. They could really use an open-minded, politically-correct guy like that on the Foreign Relations Committee.

  13. rumsfeld47

    Drillian, you wore green so you could hide. You’re a TRAMP!

    Gramps, let’s spare the ammo and just tempt this fat fuck with his own Krispy Kreme franchise. I’m totally serious–surrender, and we’ll straight-up give you your own Krispy Kreme. I mean, who could turn that down?

    Pat, you’ve gotta find a screen-cap of that news conference from last week where Senator Douchebag put his arm around Madame Speaker of the Hizzie.

  14. mullah cimoc

    comic mullah say: why him having the black turban when he drive suburban and listen to keith urban which mean devil man no longer godly for wearing black turban? One time mullah me and mullah he eat black turd. true, no urban legume.

    please my friend, for the education of ameriki study this man slappy white (go google: slappy white wanna shout + bazooka) and learning tehran not master of tequila, spring break, girls gone to beach unwith burqa and leash or metallica. clerics in najaf in histerics and bum them camel taxis for drive no dinars.

    please to destroy negro interloper before he live in whitehouse and pentagon should only clean them. no pay. why hilory pay for clothes always looking like buras. never make the money. always take you money. this spy operation. read the obama biografiti him losing so fast this country. i got no cigarettes. king of the board.

  15. Tom

    Hey, maybe if we can prove that Al Queda isn’t interested in Global Warming we can get the Dems pissed at them. The Global War on Warming gets them hotter under the collar than say, fighting people who murder children en masse (Francais, mes amis Democratique!) enslave and abuse women, literally enslave black Africans, hate and kill Jews, hate and kill gays, hate and kill Christians (Well, Christians…I mean Falwell is a Christian…) hate and kill…pretty much everyone except card carrying Koran-thumpers who never, ever smile and DON’T LISTEN TO MUSIC OR DANCE!!!! (It’s in that Koran thingee.)

    Newsflash to Arrianna Huffinton: Osama rides around in an SUV!

    Relay to Cheryl Crow: Zarqawi used entire rolls! (Still stunk though.)

    Or imagine Charlton Heston at the end of Soylent Green..


    Just trying to think outside the box. See, I didn’t expect them to get too angry about 9/11 but when Al Queda blew up statues of Buddha in Afghanistan I thought they’d get on board a bit. Maybe halal butchering might get them incensed if Daniel Pearl’s butchering does not. PETA might not know Al Queda’s feelings about puppies. NARAL might not know Sadr’s policy on abortions. (Only post partum abortions are allowed, but with great flexibility as to tri-mester, quad-mester…etc.) ACT-UP is perhaps uninformed about Mullah Omar’s take on Gay Pride Parades.

    Ooops I forgot. Bush is Hitler. Stupid me.

    Finally, and apropos of nothing…does Al Gore really think that comb-over is hiding that solar panel of a bald spot? Isn’t hair gel an oil based product?

  16. john

    Would someone please tell Satan that the gremlins down below are missing their leader??? Really, would someone just off this piss ant?

  17. john


    Brilliant, absolutely brilliant!

  18. For country and glory

    Looks like pure evil to me. That will be one lucky grunt who gets to red river him. I wouldn’t waste one fucking krispy kreme on that used douche.

  19. MariesTwoCents

    Friggen Dandy

  20. johnF

    Walking around outside, trying to avoid the ubiquitous cloying mud, feeling, then hearing, the low thump of the choppers. Choppers carrying wounded and dead Americans. Marines, Soldiers, regular guys from places like New York, Wyoming, Texas. Trying to breathe through the God-awful Iraqi dust, You’d think the rain would keep the dust down. Constant noise, HMMWV’s, generators, F16’s, C-130’s. The command post sounding the all-clear. In the chow hall I watch CNN, FOX, NBC, it’s all bullshit. Seeing the turncoat appeasement-minded politicians, using the blood of the fallen heroes for political points, Fuck them, Fuck them all. Seeing the face of evil itself, Hillary, Harry, Moqtada, Murtha, Osama. Motherfuckers, I hate you.

  21. John in PA

    Pissed Off.

  22. I Know Where You Live

    I had no fuckin’ idea Slappy White was dead.


    the black pajama’s
    the feddeying
    the vietcong
    it’s symbolism for when america gave up in the past

  24. TJ

    Mookie fat-ass al-sadr needs to stop eating twinkies and hiding behind the skirts of the iranian mullahs, and join the jihad so that one of our soldiers can send him to the 72 lesbian virgins in hell(paradise).

    send the shites back to iran! :evil:

  25. TWarrior

    Kill that mother fucker asap!!!


  26. charlie cahalan

    scary hairy is now the poster child for al sader reid…and nancy is helping with the morale of his mahati soldiers to kill MARINES and soldiers… now what does that sound like????.. al queda spelled backwards spells democrat…

  27. rumsfeld47

    Hot Donuts Now!

  28. Tom


    So the 7/7 planner was from Iraq. And we need to leave Iraq to better fight the real threats. Which are in Afghanistan and Afghanistan solely.

    It’s all making sense now.

  29. drillanwr


    Drillian, you wore green so you could hide. You’re a TRAMP!]

    “Last time I saw a mouth like that, it had a hook in it.”

    Hey, you guys ever notice … All the “Mullahs” are fat fucks … and all the terrorists/homicide bombers are skinny/scrawny?

    Wonder when the terrorists/homicide bombers will notice the “pay gap” in the Islamic world.

    Oh, and, is there “Global Warming” in the Islamic world? Think they’d go for Sheryl Crow’s “one square” rule … Well, I guess they’d have to actually start using it before they could conserve it … :idea:

  30. rumsfeld47

    Drillan, people in the middle east don’t wipe their butts with TP; they just use sand. Unless of course, they’re mullahs or something–then they wipe their butts with small children.

    I heard that on the internets somewhere, so you know it’s true.

  31. SSG Tom Duke

    :evil: My Son is in the Army, 3rd Div, and is station in Iraq. We try to stay in contact thru the internet or by satellite phone as much as possible. He only been in country month and a half and already been in a few firefights and like any father I worried that he keeps his head down and not get hurt. He is part of that “Surge” and now he has been told that they extend his tour from 12 months to 15 months. He didn’t like it but he understands that the Army has a job to do and wants to complete the mission. And on top of that I just got called up from my National Guard unit to in process at Camp Roberts to go overseas to Iraq! I had to break the News gently to my wife and she was in a state of shock and a week went by she started to understand why I have to go. I also told my Son when he called us about me going over there and was stun! He hopes that I would not go because I am over 50 but I explain why I should go.
    The main reason why I should go is that you have a lot of soldiers who have already done two or three tours and they need a break. Since 9-11 I have never gone oversea to serve my country and it is only fair that soldiers who have never gone yet should go. The only thing that might stop me from going is that since I am over 50 I have to take a “Stress Test”. Well, I am in pretty go shape and I will pass it with no problems. I am not too sure what we are going to do there but what ever they have me doing I will do it gladly. It is sad that out of 300 million people we have only ½% to 1% serving in the military.
    The stupid politicians failed us when after 9-11 in three ways. One, failed to declare war, two, failed to change from a peacetime economy to a wartime footing just like what happen during WWII, and three, failed to raise the manpower back up to a higher level. During the “Cold War” we had over a million soldiers and now we only have about 435,000 troops! You can’t fight this “War on Terror” if you don’t have enough manpower or equipment! On top of this you got ga dam politician saying we lost the War! This kind of talk will indirectly get my Son hurt or even possibly KILLED! I can understand they are against the war but when they open their BIG FAT MOUTHS and spout crap like that it will indirectly get soldiers KILLED! I will personally hold any politician responsible and by legal means I will have them remove from office either by the vote or being impeaches to be remove from office. Not since the “War between the States” we have became a more divided nation then ever. How sad! How so very very Sad! Sorry for venting my rants on everybody. I just needed to get this off my chest. We have better wake up because if we don’t win now the Islamic Fascists will bring a Larger and More Terrible WAR on us and millions of innocents people will die! Those who do not learn from History Past Mistakes will DIE from those Mistakes!

  32. rumsfeld47

    I stand by my Krispy Kreme doctrine. Once Al-Sadr experiences the sweet gooey culinary orgasm that is the Original Glazed(tm), he’ll have no choice but to surrender to flavor.

    I’m seven days away from Fat-Camp San Diego, but if somebody offered me the chance to own and operate my own Krispy Kreme, I’d be SEVERELY tempted to back out.

    I think that’s how they broke KSM, by the way. They waved a hot box of donuts in his face and said, “ehhh… you want one? I know you want one, fat boy. Mmmm, they’re so good. Too bad you won’t confess to masterminding 9/11… ooh, they’re sticky.”

    Amnesty International condemned the practice of interrogators eating the donuts in front of detainees as “inhumane.”

  33. rumsfeld47

    It is believed Donald Rumsfeld wanted to add In-and-Out burgers to the torture menu, but was denied by State Department officials.

  34. For country and glory


    You are spot on man. I like your anger soldier, kill them all and feel no remorse.

  35. Greg - USA

    For country and glory - “You are spot on man. I like your anger soldier, kill them all and feel no remorse.”

    Why can’t we just hug and coddle him like you would have us do to Mymood Imminajihad?

  36. Brad W

    Rummy, are you sleep deprived or did you overdose on sugar?!?!? :lol:

    Tom, great post, absolutely great. mullah needs a dictionary and directions to the nearest exit. Drillan, I think you got a few people hook line and sinker, thanks for the laugh!

    And now time for a serious reply, SSG Tom, you can rest assured that many people are praying for your son, and you to come home safely, along with all of our troops, after we succeed. Just remeber to keep your head down as well, and shoot straight!

    Mookie should have been taken out a long time ago, but yeah, being an armchair general is sooo easy, and everything is so easy to comment on and sound intelligent in hindsight. Where were all those so-called experts when prior to 9/11? If you people against American success are so intelligent, why didn’t YOU stop the USS COLE attack, the first WTC attack, the 9/11 attack, the Marine barracks attack? You sob’s sicken me and all the other patriots that read and post here and are tired of you attacks. if you truly supported this country, STFU! your actions prove that you care for nothing but attacking anything positive in the country, and want nothing except doom and gloom. Thank God for Pat’s site, so more and more of the silent majority see that they are not alone.

    The posts I am seeing about the leaders previously supported by the different administrations are being taken so far out of context that I think those posters helped write and plan Algore’s movie and the entire global warming BS. You pukes only want more governemnt intervention in the lives of Americans, higher taxes, fewer success stories. Less anything regarding what makes America so great. Go live with Hugo and the 80% of his people that are in abject poverty, or Fidel where a new car is only dreamed about, or Kim Il Jung where 1% of the population eats regularly. Just get a damned clue for once, and get over your pathetic little lives.

    Get out of the way, and the real men and woment will take care of what needs done.

  37. Mike Brown

    What an evil looking dude.

  38. @thepointyend

    WTF??? When did Ron Jeremy become a Muslim?? :shock: :beer: :beer: :beer:

  39. Future0311

    Hopefully I’ll be the lucky grunt to blow this fat fuck to hell.

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