Public Enemy #1

April 28th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

karbala shrine bomb
Breakfast By Osama

Yesterday General Petraeus declared Al Qaeda “Public Enemy #1″ in Iraq.

Today a bomb went off at one of the Shiites’ holiest shrines in Iraq. The media will report this vaguely as “sectarian violence” and not as part of the final deathgrip we are locked in with Al Qeada. They will mention Al Qaeda, but that’s about as close to the big picture as they will get. While the maisntream media hasn’t been giving you the real narrative, I’ve been reoporting to you, for nearly two weeks, that a dramatic offensive, conducted by our Marines and our new Sunni allies, many of whom had been fighting us just months before, had driven Al Qaeda out of their Al Anbar base. As a result, Al Qaeda has launched an apocalyptic counterattack in the Baghdad/Triangle of Death area, and has been trying to make some noise in smaller towns outside of Ramadi. Petraeus has reported all of this over the last 72 hours, but the media instead presents only a muddied picture of seemingly random violence. Perhaps to do so might provide America with clarity and hope. Perhaps that is the problem.

The Shrine was destroyed by Al Qaeda to try to create a civil war in Iraq, thereby leveraging, amongst other things, a U.S. withdrawal from Iraq. There is no civli war in Iraq. Just ganglords recruiting and fighting turf wars under color of sectarianism.

The people of Iraq have no investement in civil war, and this is why civil war is not being waged on a populist level. Al Qaeda and Al Sadr are trying to change all of that.

Nothing will change until Al Qaeda and Al Sadr are defeated. Petraeus is working on both. The Democrats are working on getting elected.

And can the Dems explain why only weeks ago they were complaining that George Bush was “misleading” America by overblowing the level of Al Qaeda threat in Iraq, when the people actually there are calling the international terror organization “Public Enemy #1″? Do the Dems know anything about Iraq, really, or do they just make shit up? Is Iraq really clearer from D.C. and the media capitals of New York and Los Angeles? What do these people know, really? Especially about the forces driving the fight against us and the implications of defeat in Iraq? I don’t recall seeing, reading or hearing any in-depth analysis of either, do you?

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33 Responses

  1. drillanwr


    Hard to get the truth out to the masses when the dhimms and LMSM portray our military, our country and the Bush Administration as “Public Enemy #1″ in Iraq … and in the world as a whole. Just seeing the increased traffic to your site in the last week or so proves people are starving for the facts, and a completely different “attitude” in regards to news reporting from Iraq. Not tomention FACTS, TRUTH, and TRUST that the American people ARE NOT “unwashed masses” to be spoon fed.

  2. Gabe Thompson

    As you’ve said, nothing is given any context. All we see is “random acts of violence”. At least thats all we’re shown. If this sequence of fighting is portrayed as what it is, retaliation for being thrown out of Ramadi, it would set the light bulb off in many peoples minds. My question is, does the MSM not report the context of the fighting out of lack of knowledge or so that the advancement of their agenda can proceed unhindered?

  3. Greg - USA

    I sent John Edwards an email asking him about some of this. Unfortunately I am now on his mailing list. I received this one yesterday, which truly shows they are confused.

    Begin original email:

    Are you ready to end this war? Then it’s time to act.

    In the last 48 hours both houses of Congress passed a bill to end the war by funding the troops with a clear timeline to bring them home. Bush’s inevitable veto will probably happen in less than 4 days.

    Everything depends on what Congress does next. Many in Washington think it’s time to give in. We made our point, they argue, and now we should just give Bush another blank check to extend his war.

    No. This Congress was not elected to make points—it was elected to end the war. When Bush vetoes, Congress must pass another spending bill just like this one, that funds the troops and brings them home. And they should do it again. And again. Until we end this war.

    We’ve got about 96 hours to flood Washington with the names and comments of constituents calling on Congress to stand firm. We’re aiming to deliver 100,000 names and comments from all over the country before Congress decides its next move.

    We are not spectators in all of this. Our voice has real power. Please use yours today:

    What are we up against here? You’ve seen it already.

    How many times have you already heard things like “Democrats are the party of surrender” or “Democrats want to wave the white flag” from right-wing talking heads?

    This is the classic Rove/Bush strategy: Pump the airwaves so full of frightening spin that the Democrats second guess themselves into paralysis and give up.

    Not this time.

    We will not be intimidated because we see what’s behind every empty, chest-thumping right-wing talking point. We see another soldier who will never again leave his wheelchair. We see another American family stricken with grief. And we see hundreds of thousands of our men and women in uniform waking up every morning wondering if their family will be the next to lose someone they love.

    That’s why we have no choice: we’ve got to be louder than Rove, louder than Bush, and louder than any fear that might throw Congress off course. That might sound impossible. But if that’s what it takes, then we’ve got to do the impossible—and together I firmly believe that we can.

    Please add your name and comments today, and we’ll make sure you are heard in Washington at this critical time.

    Thank you for taking action when your country needs you most.


    –John Edwards
    Friday, April 27, 2007

  4. RS

    Thank You Sir,
    For Spreading The Truth About Iraq.
    The Media all distorts what Happens there.
    I appreciate your efforts in bringing the truth home.
    I Thank and Wish the Best for all the Armed Forces Fighting for our freedom in Iraq
    God Bless!

  5. Emery

    We see once again that the defeat-o-crats and the terrorist friendly media are the best allies the terrorists have. I am comforted in the fact that that POS Al Sadr feels a common bond with them in their efforts to defeat us.

    The Edwards rant is interesting if only to show what “useful idiots” they really are to Al Qaeda with all their liberal feel good sentimental ‘we really care about the troops’ BS.


  6. Gramps

    Emery speaks: I am comforted in the fact that that POS Al Sadr feels a common bond with them in their efforts to defeat us.

    If that thrills ya, then you have to check this out.

  7. terry smyth

    its interesting that the aussie media today(29Apr) noted that has a contra petition to tell Reid etc that the war is not lost. Go there now and give it a tick otherwise the defeatocrats will have their petition without a breath of reason to refute and will just keep putting the same defeatist resolution after the veto.

  8. gmoney

    The Dummycrats are a huge emberrassment to our country.The islamofascists have to be laughing their asses off at the keystone cops in action.

  9. Denis

    And remember….Reagan/Bush41 supported AQ when Soviets invades Afghaniostan….
    This is the point….all too often USA supports tyrants repressors/antidemocracy guys WHEN they work in favor of corporate interests.
    REemember Marcos in Phillipines killing his civilians w/ USA support/arms….and Pinochet in Chile….and Somoza in Nicaragua….Shaw of Iran….same in Haiti/ Dom Republic/ Guatemala…..
    So people cant tell me this Iraq thing is about democracy.
    Many of these tyrants USA supported killed more people than Saddam!!!

  10. bruce

    i remember when left wing gas bag walter conkrite said we have lost the viet nam war during the 1968 tet i said a’duh”we just destroyed the so called viet cong,rolled over the north vietnamese army and this liar calls that a do i know we kicked the commies ass?iwas there serving in the 101st airborne.i never saw gas bag wally there. today i see same commiecrat liars and left wing talking heads doing the same tail between the legs cut and i said before all democrats are traitors

  11. drillanwr


    That’s the problem with you one-eyed libs. You have absolutely NO historical context.

    The “Soviets” were our allies in WWII (and there ARE those who insist we were on the wrong side in that war …) We came out of being their allies to being major enemies in a Cold War for decades. Ya’ll are real quick to cite, “The enemy of my enemy is my friend(ally)” when it involves non-Iraqi terrorists entering the war and fighting against us (our military), but you seem to throw that out the window when it comes to the US supporting the “lesser or two evils” …

    If you hate the US get the hell out … But be warned, ALL countries have a history, good and bad.

  12. Gabe Thompson

    C’mon man?! You’re saying the same thing over and over again. We know you hate Americans. Move on dude!

  13. Greg - USA

    Denis - “And remember….Reagan/Bush41 supported AQ when Soviets invades Afghaniostan…. This is the point….all too often USA supports tyrants repressors/antidemocracy guys WHEN they work in favor of corporate interests.”

    So why did Al Qaeda turn against the US?

  14. Jack Sparrow

    Denis,It’s called the lesser of 2 evils and a crap shoot
    at that.Some times it works and as now it doesn’t,”but”
    the United States has saved and set free more people
    than all the other Countrys combined…Get the point that
    if this country was such a bad place we wouldn’t have all
    these folks trying to get in here…One more question,are
    your eyes Brown or are you just that full of S**T or like
    most Lib’s your just plain Stupid,Cheers from a real
    southern Democrat (IE) Just like Zell Miller….

  15. Deathstar


    you are wrong, of course. Al Qaida DID NOT EXIST when the US and the mujahadin allies threw out the imperialist Soviet invaders. Would you prefer that the Afghans were repressed in a brutal Soviet dictatorship like Cuba, Vietnam or North Korea?

  16. terry smyth

    you’r a troll go away and get a life. this is old bs

  17. gmoney

    Denis,you can’t look at it in that context.It is a dilluted and distorted picture.In the global political arena there are a lot of gray areas.At the time we supported these different “tyrants,AQ,the Shaw” they were the lesser of two evils and it was in the best interest of our country at the time to support them.Was it wrong?Who the fuck knows.That’s why we “elect” a president to make those calls.

    You have every right to sit back in the comfort of your house and Monday morning quarterback.But bringing the troops home doesn’t make the situation in Iraq better.It will make it a hundred times worse and my kids will have to go back in when they are of age and clean it up.

    Your types are the reason we didn’t finish this off on day one.If we were allowed to fight a war the way it has been fought for centuries we wouldn’t be dicking around right now.But no,the terrorists run into a Mosque and we aren’t allowed to blow the fuckin think up.The sick fuckin thing is we have to fight by rules and the dick wad terrorists don’t.But,I guess that’s what you guys want,a fighting chance for the terrorists.

    I wish you guys would just admit that you want us to lose.Have some balls for once in your life and admit it.It would probably feel like a weight being lifted off your shoulders.Come on Denis just say it.Pretty please!!

  18. 0311inohio

    Denis: FUCK OFF!

  19. Emery

    “If that thrills ya, then you have to check this out.”

    Yea baby…….thats what I’m talkin’ about! :razz:

    Where is Alexander The Great when we need him!

  20. 0311inohio

    Gramps: Good find. :beer: :beer: :beer:

  21. Grumpy

    Pat- You should do a Michael Moore, Roger and Me spoof. Go around asking all the big shot journalists and editors about what they really know about Iraq and the GWOT. You could also throw in a little Ali-G in there.

  22. Grumpy

    Oh, and to Denis: AQ didn’t exist when we were supporting the Muj in Afghanistan. Try reading some history before you open your mouth again. What exactly was our economic interest in helping the Afghans defend their country against the Commies? What were we trying to get out of it? You may not realize this, but that was not the first time that the US has put their own in harms way to try to help Muslims. Bosnia, Kosovo, Sarajevo, Macedonia, Somalia…

    Yeah, the US (about 30- 50 years ago) made some poor decisions when we backed some real creeps but you have to remember there was a cold war going on at the time. I won’t try to justify it. Many of those countries that you mentioned were in a world of shit before we got involved and didn’t improve much after we left.

  23. Jewish Odysseus

    Denise, you’re such a moron…

    “Reagan/Bush41 suppored AQ when Soviets invades Afghaniostan….”

    There was no AQ until the early 90’s…The Sovs retreated in 1989. You are confusing AQ w/the Afghan resistance, some of whom were pro, some anti-American. The nasty ones got stronger when WE LEFT the area, and let Pakistan have a free hand there.

    Oh, boy, let’s add them all up…

    “REemember Marcos in Phillipines killing his civilians w/ USA support/arms”–what, 5-10,000 in 20 years?

    “Pinochet in Chile…”

    3,000 at most

    “Somoza in Nicaragua”

    5,000, in about 25 years

    “Shaw of Iran”

    A few hundred?

    “same in Haiti”


    “Dom Republic”



    75,000–AFTER the US cut off military contacts

    That totals about 125,000 killed, TOTAL, over some 40 years (1950-1990).

    For Saddam alone, the total is 1,000,000+, just from 1979 to 1991.

    “Many of these tyrants USA supported killed more people than Saddam!!!”

    Wrong, Denise, back to Arithmetic 101 for you.

  24. Jewish Odysseus

    “What do these people know, really?”


    1–They REALLY know how to attack our nation’s morale.

    2–They know how to portray thugs and homicidal maniacs as freedom fighters, and freedom fighters as crooks and traitors.

    3–They know how to attack and spit on the merits of our pluralistic, peace-loving civilization, and how to glamorize and rationalize the most horrific elements of barbaric tribalism and religious despotism.

    4–They know how to ignore tremendous, brilliantly fought victories by our heroes, or spin them as “heartless massacres,” while trumpeting minor skirmishes as “astounding victories” for the enemy.

    5–Did I mention they REALLY know how to attack our nation’s morale?

  25. Tom

    Dennis, read The Looming Tower. It will give you some perspective on Afghanistan.

    In fact, it must be remembered that were Jimmy Carter not such a pathetically weak president, the Soviets might not have invaded Afghanistan in the first place.

    They assessed him, correctly, as unwilling to do anything about their invasion. (One doubts they’d have been so sanguine about say, Reagan.) They then proceeded to murder about a million people. They came up with toys left for children which would explode when picked up.

    This brought the “mujahadeen” from around the globe, including the rich kid Osama over to Afghanistan. The rebellion against the Soviets began not as a religious war but as inevitable opposition to genocide and invasion. It only took on a religious dimension later.

    Osama was considered a bit of a dope by the Afghanis. He did not fight much per se. His men did get in a fire fight with some already departing Russians and killed a few. This led the Great Sheik to believe that he and his holy warriors had defeated a superpower. Kind of Walter Mitty reading the Koran. Leading him to think he could do the same with the US.

    Now we have new and improved Jimmy Carters. Obama! Hillary! John Edwards! Sensitivity training for everyone, on the house! Feng Shui for terrorists! Give the Religion of Peace a chance!

    Hey, when Kerry ran in ‘04, the rationale was that he had served his four months in the hot zone of ‘Nam and was thus more qualified to be pres than Bush. That was the jist of Kerry’s Band of Bros and “reporting for duty”. He was a real soldier, a war hero, a man’s man. Etc. Especially compared to that rich boy, cowardly National Guardster, GWB.

    Uh, can I guess that that whole aspect is no longer pivotal to being president? Gosh, it seemed so very essential not so long ago to Dems. But since then, there is no Global War anymore, Al Queda isn’t in Iraq and sure wouldn’t be in Iraq if not for that effing Bush! and we’re losing the war dammit but there is no Al Queda in Iraq and if there were we’d be losing to it…anyway. No more need for a stud like John Kerry for Democrats, apparently. What is needed are more Belgians who like us and Obama can do that fine all on his own, thank you very much. Kerry’s Band of Brothers might later form a marriachi band or something for 2004 nostalgia performances.

    Jimmy Carter’s A.G. worked to defend Saddam in court. For or against the war, Dems paid lip service to “Well, Saddam’s not a nice guy…” But Carter’s AG was such an anti-American bigot that he defended a mass murderer because hey, Ramsey hated Bush! Sure, Saddam killed a lot of people but…BUSH IS HITLER!

    We live in astonishing times. Pat Dollard’s blunt website is a bit of antidote to the Orwellian illogic which has American willing to “lose” a war against Al Queda in Iraq just five plus years after 9/11. But Pat is not enough to undo the relentless, insatiable and sexual union between the MSM and Al Queda. The MSM needs fodder to “prove” we’re “losing” and Al Queda (Who doesn’t want to be on a reality tv show?!) provides content.

    We’re losing the war. Just as that douche Harry Reid.

    Or that douche Jimmy Carter.

  26. MariesTwoCents

    No Pat,

    I havent heard the media report anything but another bomb blew up somewhere in Iraq for awhile now. They picked up on you for a day or two and that was it.

    We arent hearing any of this, I guess that’s why we come here to get the truth and find out what the hell the media ISNT Telling us.

    Thank you Pat for letting us finally see what IS going on over there :beer:

  27. MariesTwoCents

    Denis and you Liberal Morons,

    You are on a Military blog with the truth slapped right in your face and you have the nerve to come in here with your bullshit without reading the stories Pat Dollard is trying to show you straight from the front lines?

    Are you really that friggen stupid?

    Pat is showing you right up close and personal what is really going on over there and you whine, moan, cry, and dont bother to read the stories and see for yourself.

    You are the most mentally deficient people I have ever seen.

  28. Oldroyd

    testicular challanged, Denese, move to any of your beloved
    muslim countrys and see what the peace lovers think of fags.

  29. williamP

    Pat: Thanks for everything, and stay strong!

  30. Jerry

    Get rid of that post by a pussy masquerading as a male. Jone Edwards, the charlatan who made millions off of spinal bifida. The Breck Girl himself. Validation that you are a force Pat as you can see the Dark Side is trying to infiltrate your side. Keep up the good work Pat!

  31. William

    Reasonable minds will go with the assumption that information is best being fed to the media by our controllers of information: the Military and U.S. Political allies. This means that chaotic seemingly random violence is best serving the interests of the U.S. Now why would that be? Follow this lead to gain more insight. It is a treasure hunt, only when you get to the treasure you may not like what you find.

  32. Emery

    ‘Reasonable minds will go with the assumption that information is best being fed to the media by our controllers of information: the Military and U.S. Political allies. This means that chaotic seemingly random violence is best serving the interests of the U.S. Now why would that be? Follow this lead to gain more insight. It is a treasure hunt, only when you get to the treasure you may not like what you find.”

    Blah….Blah..Blah..Blah….Blah :razz:

    OMG…. I looked for the treasure and guess what I found. Another left wing liberal lie! These guys are such sophisticated itellectual retards. Hey what part the does that Al Sadr play in this big scheme? Is he just another covert CIA op like your big heroine Valerie Plame.

  33. Brad W

    I half expected Rummy to come unglued on some of the limp writed posts here. He must be enjoying his last week of civilian life. It was good to hear the pullups are coming along.

    What are some of these liberal stools taking? I thought LSD went out in the 60’s? Hanoi Jane must be taking on aliases to try to boost her video sales….

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