We Ain’t Got No GWOT! We Don’t Need No Stinking Bombs!

April 29th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

dem debate#1


Posted: Friday, April 27, 2007 2:19 PM by Mark Murray
Categories: Democrats, 2008

From NBC’s Chuck Todd and Mark Murray
Last night, NBC’s Brian Williams asked the eight Democratic candidates to raise their hand if they believe there is such a thing as a global war on terror. A review of the tape today shows that Biden, Edwards, Gravel, and Kucinich did not raise their hands.

Clinton, Dodd, Obama, and Richardson did.

April 27, 2007

Edwards: No Terror “War”

This is a quite big deal that most of us totally missed last night: John Edwards doesn’t believe there’s a “global war on terror,” at least not in the simple-show-of-hands sense.

This is something a lot of Democrats say privately — and something mainstream pols everywhere else in the world say publicly — but it contests a Bush administration premise in a way very few American politicians have been comfortable in the last five and a half years.

His stance — though it doesn’t seem to have been all that deliberate — matches the recent comments of a prominent British politician. It’s the most direct challenge to the Bush administration’s whole worldview that I can recall from a leading Democrat.

Edwards aide David Ginsberg confirmed that the former North Carolina senator had not raised his hand in response to Brian Williams’ question,”Do you believe there is such a thing as a global war on terror?”

He also noted that Edwards elaborated later in the debate.

“I believe — and this goes to the question you asked earlier, just a few minutes ago — global war on terror. I think there are dangerous people and dangerous leaders in the world that America must deal with and deal with strongly, but we have more tools available to us than bombs. And America needs to use the tools that are available to them so that these people who are sitting on the fence, who terrorists are trying to recruit, the next generation, get pushed to our side, not to the other side. We’ve had no long-term strategy, and we need one, and I will provide one.”

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37 Responses

  1. 0311inohio

    What a dick head. He is in denial and as all the lib/socialist’s, will say an do anything for a vote, selling their soul to the devil included. What are the “tools” that he talks about. The only “tool” is to kill the fucken towel heads before they kill us.

  2. charlie cahalan

    al queda spelled backwards spells democrat…. scary harry sader is a poster child for al sader reid,, nancy is now the sec. of state for mahati warriers and is in charge of morale of saders brigade of MARINE killers… what does all this sound like,,,


    with someone like that in charge who will volunteer to thump a bad guy, who would be more scared of edwards charging you with some crime or a bad guy getting you,

    when people like this gain office, the americans that hate america have to much voice, and will bring the troops home. And when your laying on Main St. USA with a sucking chest wound from a sniper or homicide bomber or ied I will walk up slap you in the check and tell you, you got what you deserved!!! who will you ask to slaughter the bad guys then?

  4. Monkey3531

    03, I think the “other” tools we have include missiles, mortars, napalm (we could bring it back),artillery, Marines and Army dogs. Maybe we should send him a letter with these suggestions?

  5. John Cunningham

    I know I’ve been on a rant about the democrats of the middle seventies. I was re-fighting the war on the drudge retort yesterday and people were alluding to my not knowing what I was talking about. Some people get nasty behind their PC’s. Anyway, someone came to my rescue and provided a link that explained things better and said it all better than I. hnn.us/articles/31400.html Go there and you’ll have to do a search. Search for: What happened when Democrats in Congress cut off funding for the Vietnam War? I don’t think I can trust them.

  6. Greg - USA

    The one, best thing that sealed his fate in this election was his twelve seconds on valuable dead air trying to answer the question, “who is your moral leader?” It astounded me he took so long to answer. He couldn’t even make anything up on the fly.

    To me, the look on his face seemed to be, “why are you asking me this? Of course, I am my own moral leader. Why do I need anyone else but me?” His hair was perfect though. Oh, his beautician is his moral leader!

  7. Dbo

    I love how these guys (most poiliticians in general) never answer any questions. I could not make one lick of sense out of edwards comment at the end of this blog.

    Maybe (?) he was saying we should give them flowers. Flowers and big hugs and then we can all sit down over chai and talk about how bad america is.

    He then makes a comment about us not having a long term strategy that has absolutely nothing to do with the question he was asked. He does not describe the long term strategy we are lacking or the long term strategy he will provide.

    Wow, maybe this just pisses me off more because I am recovering from surgery, but I get the feeling if i wasnt doped up on painkillers right now I still wouldnt know what he is saying. :shock:

  8. rumsfeld47

    Don’t underestimate the electability of John “tool” Edwards. He made himself rich using bogus science to sue the souls out of ob/gyns who (he alleged) caused cerebal palsy by not doing c-sections soon enough. In some parts of America, women now need to drive four hours to find an ob/gyn; 1/3 of all babies are c-section; cerebal palsy has been proven to have nothing to do with delivery. So where do those doctors go to get their millions and careers back?

    All because he talked sexy to jury after jury. He might be able to convince the court of public opinion as well.

    What John Edwards needs is a vacation in Cambodia!

  9. rumsfeld47

    There is no war on terror…
    There is no war on terror…
    There is no war on terror…


    That was just a car backfiring…
    And it was Bush’s fault…

  10. mindy abraham

    I want someone liberal on social issues like stem cell research and prochoice,but tough on national security. Does this person even exist :?: :???:

  11. Grumpy

    His “long term strategy” is probably: force everyone to convert to islam and instill sharia law.

  12. Mike Swann

    I have never fought in a war, but I know a bit about history and mankind.

    It never ceases to amaze me that a segment of the population believes that passive, weak behavior is the answer to dealing with exploitive thugs.

    The Shites and other insurgents don’t care about the people, its all about the oil wealth, the money and power it brings.

    I guess this generation of democratic politicians never had to negotiate the hallways of public schools, either that or they just didnt learn any common sense. They certainly don’t deserve to be leaders.

    God Bless George Bush for having a backbone and the service men that implement this worthy goal.

  13. Jennifer Gallagher

    I believe that the demaduds have eight contenders this year so the Americans couldn’t refer to them as the seven dwarfs again as they did back 1992 elections. But now I guess they could be called “Snow White and seven dwarfs” and the “Breck girl” John Edwards could be considered Snow White.

    The words that come out these mental midgets are meanlingless drivel. They are handed a script at the door by Sorros’s people and told not to stray or they will have their funding pulled from their campaigns and be excoriated in the “Media Splatters” pages

  14. Denis

    Terrorists….how do u define that?

    Seems USA supports regimes in this world that have used terrorist activities against labor organizers & student activists.
    Seems that its ok w/ USA for people to use terrorism as long as they r on our side.

    Shaw of Iran, Marcos of Phillipines, Suharto in Indonesia all supported by US militia, aide , $$$ etc as they committed terrorism….

  15. John Cunningham

    One-hundred-fifty cable channels and not a dam thing to watch. Walked to Ardmore, a Philadelphia suburb, to have a few. Half way through my second pint a lot of people started to come in. Must be some kind of party. Better cut it short, don’t want to traumatize the children. In comes a newly minted Air Force officer. I over hear from his father, that happened to be standing behind me, that his son, a newly minted dentist, and he, a dentist with an established practice are going to, ta da, Iraq. We got two Philadelphia dentists comin’ to fix y’all’s teeth.

  16. Gramps

    “But now I guess they could be called “Snow White and seven dwarfs” and the “Breck girl” John Edwards could be considered Snow White.”

    Now that’s funny! LOL

  17. rumsfeld47

    Mindy, ever heard of Rudy Guiliani? He cleaned up New York, or something… He supports a woman’s constitutional right to have taxpayers foot the bill for her abortion.

    And I never noticed before now, Denis spells his name funny… what a pennis.

    John, tell the boys to bring some Philly cheese-steak sandwich’s with them to convince Al Sadr to surrender.

  18. Jack Sparrow

    Denis =Snake Eyes

  19. Greg - USA

    Jennifer Gallagher - “But now I guess they could be called “Snow White and seven dwarfs” and the “Breck girl” John Edwards could be considered Snow White.”

    As pure as the wind-driven snow, no less. Thanks for that, Jennifer; it made me laugh out loud.

    Denis - “Terrorists….how do u define that?”

    Why don’t you start answering some of these questions? I have put a few to with no response. Please let us know what you think. Maybe we can all be converted.

  20. Jennifer Gallagher

    John Cunnigham said…Walked to Ardmore,

    I used to live there in the 1980’s. All the places have changed since then. Glad to hear there are still some dedicted people left that would lend a helping hand.

  21. louiep

    terror is a tactic been used since chimps ruled the planet. It will be here 10,000 years from now. Let’s go after the criminals not nation states unless they attack us. Marginalize the cults that cause the problems hunt them down,rip out their hearts. Edwards points out the obvious there can be no successful war on terror only vigilance. It can and will happen everywhere. The Green Zone, Spain, England and yes even here. Let’s hunt them down and not beat the war drum against other states unless it is required. Let’s spend our money to protect our Homeland with better security measures,better communications and international cooperation.

  22. Please Forgive Me

    please, just know, my friends, not all liberals sound like Mr. Edwards or Mr. Kucinich. only most of us.
    (i’m really very ashamed about the whole thing. personally, i’m for smiting terrorists until they tremble at the sight of a US flag. i believe in more personal freedoms; unlike many other liberals, however, i actually recognize we have to fight for them. cheers.)

  23. Gabe Thompson

    His name is Joe Lieberman.

  24. Raptor_Pilot

    Hey Denis heres how you define Terrorist:

    n. One that engages in acts or an act of terrorism.

    n. The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.

  25. charlie cahalan

    hey denis… we have supported alot of “terrorists”.. stalin by roosevelt,mao by roosevelt,,castro by ike,,norieaga by carter,,,we seem to help out when ever we can to end regimes that kill kids playing tennis…my son is in ramadi and he looked me in the eye and said “dad we are their only hope” and now reid sadar and nancy zarquawi want to kill all the shias and kurds…they make up 80% of iraq and and want us there,, but that turn coat murtha says that most of the iraqi want us out,,, where does he get his info?? fm the dan rather press….semper fi

  26. rumsfeld47

    Please Forgive Me, on this site, we differentiate liberals from “leftists.”

    I, as a veritable champion of the English language (one of my posts was nominated for a Nobel Piece Prize for best use of the word “fuck” in a blog comment) have seen the enormous sense of this idea of Mr. Dollard’s. Now get yourself a jihadi-killer t-shirt and prepare for women to assault you sexually.

  27. For country and glory

    What a sad bunch, not a leader among them.

  28. Tom

    There’s no Global War on Terro and Islam is a Religion of Peace.

    Wash, rinse, repeat.

  29. John Cunningham

    Rumsfeld 47, have you seen Al-Sadr’s teeth, if he surrenders I think he’ll need the services of the dentists. He’s rather portly, I don’t think he needs a cheese steak.

    Jennifer, born here in ‘47, moved to Buffalo from ‘81 to ‘03. Out here not a dam thing has changed. Everything’s right where I left it. They built a whole new Center City right next to the old Center City. Just completing the 83 story Comcast building. Philadelphia’s become a suburb of New York. People work in Manhattan and live in Center City, 100 miles at 120mph, 30th Street to Penn Station, one hour. Oh, they have to make a stop in Newark.

    During the Hezbully v Israeli war last summer someone mentioned that the Israeli border was thirty miles wide. My brother was doing that New York commute. He lives in Wayne, would drive to Trenton, same distance as the Israeli border, and then catch the NJ Transit for the remaining part of the trip. They kill each other such small pieces of real estate over there. They can’t let the Israelis have an area as small as the state of New Jersey.

  30. TJ

    Denis, is your argument about name calling?

    The muslims always throw terrorism back in our faces. for arguments sake i suggest terrorism that ultimately supports democracy is better for most people than terrorism that promotes lawlessnes,theocracy or any other totalitarian form of governance.

    What do you think? and please dont say you reject all terrorism! because obviously you support it for the “little guy”.


  31. Tom


    Uh, I’m not nearly as smart as you or anything but uh, it’s the Shah of Iran, not Shaw. George Bernard Shaw is perhaps who you’re confusing him with. GBS did go and kiss Stalin’s butt a few times so you would have liked him. No gulags here! Shaw might have kissed jihadi butt nowadays and probably would have hated Bush vastly more than Al Queda, like most good lefties.

    Allahu Akbar!

    Now can I bum a sheet of Cheryl Crow off you, bro? I ate Mexican last night. (I’m very multi-cultural, you know.)

  32. Brad W

    Mindy, think Rudy, or even of almost any other Republican, Very few are against choice. What most are against is partial birth abortion, Rummy gave a very accurate and colorful description on another post. That is scary. Also, Republicans support Adult Stem Cell research, as it has led to treatments and/or cures for over 100 illnesses, embryonic SCR has led to absolutely ZERO successes, which is why NO private money is being put into it. Like all liberals, anything they support for government oversight or control, costs spiral out of control, efficiency goes to near zero, and more people suffer because of it.

    Denis, STFU!! you are 1 person i would favor to have banned from all future posts for the following. 1) You have yet to say anything original 2) You have yet to state anything with historical accuracy 3) You have done nothing other than post the same thing numerous times 4) Your posts prove you are in dire need of STFU 5) Even Reid, Edwards Gore and Pelosi think you are just about the dumbest fool to ever disgrace human skin.

    Jennifer, LOL!!! :lol: :lol: :beer:

    Back to the story line here, Edwards had to have such a long pause because his staff had to scurry to look up the definition of the word MORAL and relay it to him via his ear piece…

  33. John in PA

    Mindy A
    Do you know what the stem cell issue is all about? There is no legal block to the research - its all about money. MSM tells you one thing, BUT ist about researchers who can’t get funding from the private sector so they want to take federal tax money to do their research on embryo cells. There is tons of private sector dollars funding adult stem cell research because it is already proven and continues. Tons of work was done with embryo research, but not one has shown even remote promise so no one wants to put money into it. Capitalism works - its why we have the best dam health system in the world.

    As to prochoice, Rudy J is the person to look at here. however, realize that no candidate will succeed in overturning RoeVWade. Your right to choice will never go away simply because a candidate is pro life.

    It disgusts me - the liberals like hillary speak outagainst supreme court decision on partial birth abortion. Sadistic fucks - to speak out that your rights are eroded by a ruling that prevents partial birthing of a 7month old infant for the sole purpose of killing it by intentionally puncturing its skull.

    Get your facts straight!!!

  34. EZRider

    Brad W: Back to the story line here, Edwards had to have such a long pause because his staff had to scurry to look up the definition of the word MORAL and relay it to him via his ear piece…

    hilarious and true. Edwards sold his soul when he was chasing ambulances. good luck finding a doctor to operate on your wife now! hope the carolina mansion is worth it.

    Denise’s comment reminds me of the fundamental problem with Democrats. They like to pose a bunch of questions and point out a lot of problems and then follow up with NO solutions/answers. If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem. The Dem. debate could have passed as a bunch of old ladies talking about the weather. Nothing but empty fluff and rhetoric.

  35. Brad W

    EZ, you just summed up the entire elected democratic officials in the past 40 years “could have passed as a bunch of old ladies talking about the weather. Nothing but empty fluff and rhetoric” :twisted: :beer: :beer:

    I wish ill health on no one. Elisabeth Edwards has joined the same religion as her husband, that of politics. Any Doctor that treats her will be paying double or triple of all other physicians for his malpractice insurance, because you can be damned sure that the Breck Girl will be sueing whoever treats her…

    It is sad this country has let the liberals have this much control over our lives that we need to be concerned about the government taking over health care. Yeah, let the liberals do that, the “liberals” that were going to save Germany did the same thing, only their clinics had huge crematoriums nearby. Better look at the liberal health plan a little closer….. :shock:

  36. Dave farley

    No offense to women, but the demonazis are a bunch of pussies, The Marine Corps made a man out of me and helped pay for Dental School on the GI bill. Those asswipes don’t know what it takes to work for a living and respect our country, move to France!

  37. Annie

    Denis - I believe that Raptor Pilot answered that question perfectly. But if you want a better explanation I’m sure Hillary will have a much better one for you since she has had more than 8 years to finally admit that “global terrorism” is a reality. What a shame that she and Bill just couldn’t seem to grasp that fact during their 8 year reign of terror on this country alone. What they chose to put on by-pass by their non-commital approach cost the lives of thousands of innocent Americans. Of course, Hillary, was the leader of the pack when it came to finding fault with this current administration for the catastrophic events of 911. This administration was warned by them and they did not respond rapidly enough to prevent 911. GIVE ME A BREAK!!! Rest assured Denis that when you vote Democratic in the upcoming election my vote for a Republican administration will be able to cancel your’s out!! I’m sleeping better already!

    LouieP - Hmmmm…”better security measures, better communications, international cooperation…” Gee — I guess things must have been pretty bad eight years ago as the past administration is just now able to accept the fact that through “better security measures, better communications, and with international cooperation,” we now know who the bad guys are. They exist now, we know who they are, and we finally have help to catch the bad guys. Go figure — eight years ago any attacks against Americans in any form or fashion from terrorists was simply a “legal matter” and not a national security threat. Gee … too bad we just don’t have enough time from the Democrats to complete the task at hand. I guess it just makes better sense to pass this task on to the next incoming administration. Those rules of engagement always seem to work for democrats,- pass the buck - why stop now?

    Brad W - Health care - Yes, just another task that Hillary just couldn’t seem to accomplish during her previous administration, seems she just didn’t have enough time during her 8 year reign to convince the rest of America that “socialized medicine” was the answer to all our problems. I guess seeing how many Canadians would cross our borders to receive health care here in our great nation just seemed to put a damper on that campaign.

    Charlie - Way to Go!

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