This One Goes Out…

April 30th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

tyler/bri wedding

From: a****
Subject: Website Feedback
Date: April 27, 2007 3:43:35 AM PDT

Briana Rock wrote:
Greetings Mr. Dollard,

My name is Briana Rock, Cpl. Rock’s wife. Believe it or not, I’m just hearing
about all the media attention my husband has received (much thanks to you, by
the way). I know that must make it sound like I’m completely uninformed and
oblivious to what’s going on with my husband and the rest of 1/6, but I had to
stop watching any form of media coverage on Iraq not long after he deployed
eight long months ago. I can’t express how thankful I am to you for letting the
public know what these young men and women are going through every day. When the
media is so diluted with complete and utter bullshit, it’s nice to know there
are people like you committed to exposing the truth. I have spent over 2/3s of
Tyler and I’s marriage wondering whether or not I would ever see him again
alive. Finally having people grasp even a little part of what that’s like is
comforting in so many ways.

From: tyler rock
Date: ********, 2006 9:14:33 PM PST
To: Briana Scocca
Subject: Re:

hey baby. sorry i havent had a chance to call you. we are back in HP now. we got back yesterday but we had to do a mission 6 hours later. it was the worst day in my life. im going to write you about it in the email because i wont be able to tell you on the phone. its too hard to talk about. we left that afternoon to go to where Alpha is. it we didnt step until 2130. they briefed us about the possible IED’s but it was rushed. we stepped out and i had never been more scared in my life then right at that time because i knew we were walking into the worst spot in ramadi. no one goes there. my friend x***** walked on an IED. it was the biggest i have ever seen. luckily i was far enough away i was safe. prewitt was infront of x***** and was body slammed onto the ground from the force and my friend hancock was thrown into a wall. henry bruised his collar bone and got a concusion. they were just around it. x***** was on top of it. i cant believe this stuff happens. my squadleader found him. he said it was the worst thing he has ever seen and he has been deployed 3 times. i ran by the hole in the ground and it was 3 feet deep. i was so sick. i didnt get word that he was gone until i was on the other side and dobson ran to me and told me. then i saw the body bag. i wanted to lose it right there but i knew i couldnt. we waited 3 hours for them the pick up all the pieces and then sweep through with dagger. then they told us we had to go on with the mission. i was so scared again. we ran from house to house clearing as we went. it was dark so the only major threat was another IED but maybe a pop shot here and there. finaly we got to our final house and left 1st squad there and went on with the mission. we went to a open farm field and used mine dectors to find caches of weapons. luckily we did because i wouldnt be able to stand the thought of that happening to x***** for nothing. by this time it was around 0730 in the morning and me and maddix were carrying the ordiance we found in a burlap sack. we walked over a burm that was about 50 feet long but we didnt have a choice. the insurgents must have been waiting for us because they opened fire as soon as the saw a good amount of us get up there. we dropped the bag and took off running. me and him were shoulder to shoulder jumping over rounds as they impacted at our feet. we had tracer rounds wizzing by our heads, even inbetween me and him. that quickly turned into the scariest moment in my life. we got down on the other side of the bunker and my buddy doc lejeune (he is our navy corpsman) asked if anyone was hurt and he heard someone say yes. i ran to him about 50 meters away. i never ran so fast in my life. i jumped over a ditch and an explosion, later found out it was control detanation, went off to my right. i thought we were being mortared. i kept running though. it felt like a movie. it was crazy.anyways by the time i got there we were going to run back over to the other side of the burm to get the other guys but turns out they were ok. i know you are probably really upset from this but you have to understand. i cant leave my friends behind and out like that. and i cant bare to image another incident like mccaughn. by that time i took doc and found a better place for cover. finaly we got the whole platoon minus 1st squad back together and ran across the street with the help of the engineers and weapons platoon. we got beside the vehicles as they drove forward, using them as cover. from there we began to bound back house from house. i was so tired. i had the breacher kit on my back plus the poleless litter plus a metal detector. maddix had dislocated his shoulder when we dove down the bank from the rounds. we sprinted 1000 meter all together on the run back. going from house to house. we were being shot at the whole way. one of the snipers were shot in the back while we were running and it knocked him down. luckily it hit his sapi plate and he got back up and started running again. finally we got back to where alpha was and they looked at us as if we were crazy. everyone had that awe look on there face. i just wanted to say “where are the happy citizens with the tea.” our platoon and 3rd platoon looked like the walking dead. i got upstairs and started crying. i dont know if it was because of mccaughn or if it was because i was so happy to have made it through that. im sure it was both. all i could think about was you when i got back i just looked at that picture that i keep in my pocket. i love you so much and i never want to be put through that. i dont want you to go through what x*****’s family has to go through. that guy was awesome. he was funny. and he was only **. its such a god damn shame. i just want to come back to you. i know you are probably upset from this email because im pretty upset just having to write it. i dont like to think about it or talk about it. im sure i had an angel with me that day. same with maddix. or sgt blaylock and ssgt garret who took rounds right above their heads. im sure x***** was with us the whole way. i just want you to know that im ok and i want you to look at this positivly. im still alive and i love you so much. i will be with you soon enough and we wont ever have to do this again. im glad i can write you and get this off my chest because this was so hard. i shook for about an hour afterwards. everyone cried at one point probably for the same reasons. its hard to comfort someone when you feel the same way. it felt like blackhawk down. you know that movie. anyways just remember that i love you. i will call you today i promise so just stand by your phone. i miss you so much.
love tyler

From: Briana Scocca
Date: ******, 2006 1:02:31 AM PST
To: tyler rock
Subject: Re: [none]


I read this right after we got off the phone. I felt like such a stupid whiny baby for bitching about my petty problems to you. I wish you would have told me to shut up. It made me so sad to read this email. I don’t even want to ask what happened to the baby, I’m guessing it didn’t make it. That is so depressing. If I were the husband I wouldn’t even want to be alive right now. He must hate us so much. God I can imagine them going through thinking it would be okay, then everything happening at once. It’s not your guy’s fault though. Please don’t blame yourself. I can’t stop picturing in my head you carrying that woman’s bloody body, it is so horrible and I don’t know what I could ever say to you to comfort you or help or anything. All I know is that I wish I could take that pain away from you, I wish it was me seeing these horrible things instead of you. I’m not mad at you, I wasn’t mad at you last night. I was kind of out of it and I got irritated from having to repeat myself and I’m sorry that I sounded mean. I can’t describe what I felt when I heard the way you said that you’d just call me back. It really sounded cruel to me but now I know why you were upset. I want to be the one you can talk to to escape the horrible realities you’re dealing with right now, and if I ever fall short of that I feel so empty inside.
Only four more days and we are half way through another month. I am scared of the things you are doing now. I’m scared about the mission you’re going to go on and it’s even worse off the medication. Why are we dealing with these things in this day and age? I don’t understand it. I don’t understand why men that aren’t old enough to drink legally are being sacrificed for this.
I will try to be more positive now. I was so happy to hear from you today. When I woke up today and realized what I’d done last night I felt like such shit and I thought that if I didn’t hear from you soon I’d literally go insane. One thing I can definitely say is that we are like superglue. Haha corny but..I look at everyone surrounding me and I think “they should envy us.” They may not be carrying the same burdens, but look how close we have become. And when you come back we will be inseparable. In a way, I’m glad no one understands us. Because we have something so amazing, something so incredible..I would not give you up for the world. I can get through this and when you come back I will have you. We are having different experiences but I know you know the hell I go through each day, worrying about you and wanting nothing other than you to come home to me safe. I know I have you and always will.
I have been researching good espresso machines and I think I found a good one. Well, two good ones, I don’t know which one to get yet. I’m going to have to look to see which one I can find the best deal on. I’m glad you got those pictures. I hope you like them, I was really not looking forward to taking them hahaha. Toby is so happy tonight for no apparent reason, he is so cutesy. I love him. Anyway baby…write me back when you can okay? I miss you so much and I am glad I can talk to you for a few days now. XOXOXOXO. I miss you baby. I Love You. Don’t forget that, okay? Love you love you love you!


tyler rock wrote:
hey baby. well im back at HP now. its only for a few days though because we have a big mission coming up soon. anyways. i tried calling you and talking to you earlier but you hung up on me. that really pissed me off because i wanted to talk to you. i had a really bad couple of days and that only made it worse. our 3rd plt accidentlly shot up some civilians car the other day. it had a pregnant woman in it and her husband, his brother, and his mother-in-law. well it wasnt an accident but they were trying to get to the hospital and they were told it would be ok but they went the wrong way and ended up infront of our other OP and they were going through the barrier plan. i guess they changed cars last minute too. they were given a chem light to signal to us that it was them but it was a infra-red and they had their lights on so we couldnt see. anyways long story short. the OP wasnt even told about the vehicle and they shot it up pretty bad. they killed the two women and injured the husband. it was really gross. my squad had to go clean it up and remove the bodies and take them to the hospital. the pregnant woman was shot in the face above the lip and in the shoulder and the mother in law was shot in the eye. it was really disgusting because you could tell the mother put her hands up infront of her face cause it blew her hands off. and the back of her head was gone. anyways we had to put them in the bag and take them over there. when we got to the hospital we were trying to move fast so we would get shot. i jumped up in the highback to pull the bodies out and everyone else went looking for a doctor. i got both bodies out and then they said no one was in the hospital and they had a bad feeling so i had to throw the bodies back in. i thought i was going to throw up because i could feel the curve in the womans back and she kept falling back on me when i was pushing her in the bed of the truck. so we went back to hawk and then i guess an iraqi soldier found a doctor so we went back and the tables we put the women on were covered in old blood. it was just really gross.
anyways i dont know why you are mad at me but you didnt have to hang up on me and then not answer the phone. atleast dont do that to me here because i have nothing else to look forward too but to talk to you. i was extremely angry after that. if you dont want me to call you when you are sleeping then just say so and i wont. i will just wait till i get the chance to call you when its day time there. i love you and miss you.
love, tyer

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43 Responses

  1. John in PA

    Nothing to say to Tyler or Briana. Thank you is an understatement. I feel humbled.

  2. Tom in KS

    Pat - let’s see if you can sneak into someone’s house in Hollywood and score this wonderful woman a ass-kicking espresso machine.

  3. Heather

    Reading the words of you and your husband made me cry. I know what you are going through. That very well could have been e-mails between my husband and I because he is currently in Ramadi also. It is obvious how much you love one another. I know that sometimes you feel really bad for not being 100% positive when you get a chance to talk. Sometimes I struggle with how much I should be honest about my feelings or struggles–because you are right they do seem petty by comparison. Here is what I have found and believe–we can all change so much during deployments. I feel that it is important that our husbands tell us as much as they can and we are as open as we can be—because there is no other way for us to know the journey the other is on now. And when they return we will need to have all those months of honesty behind us so we know who we have become–and know the person standing in front of us. I think you sound like a strong, loving wife—you are doing the best thing for your husband now—you are loving him and supporting him. It is your picture he focuses on when his world overwhelmes him. You are blessed and honored to be able to be the wife and partner of such a man. I know that I feel blessed, honored, proud–yet humbled to be the one my brave husband walks beside in his journey of life.
    You will both be in my prayers.
    PS Feel free to e-mail me if you would like. I believe Pat would have my e-mail on record. We have an awesome website for military wives too–it is a great place to talk to other women who understand you. God bless.

  4. JDean

    Ditto John in PA - but I wanted to say thank you anyway. You will both be in our prayers.

  5. Chad

    My eyes misted on that one. Everything that comes to mind seems worthless to say. Thank you for your sacrifices, Rock family. American heroes.

  6. Gramps

    What a great looking couple. My prayers go out to both of them.


    MARINE, you are doing a good job-
    keep the faith little brother-

  8. nituathaill

    I think this very real slice of the barrage of emotions both the military member and the military spouse goes through is such a poignant and telling thing, and I can’t thank Tyler and Brianna enough for sharing it. Thank you, thank you both for your courage and perseverence through these most trying of times! The prayers and thoughts of myself and my family are with you!

  9. Kathy Ozanne

    I’m crying and I’m praying. Crying and praying.

    Man, all the pissant crap in my life just stopped being worth the trouble and worry I give it.

    We pray every morning for our troops and their families, but I’ve just decided it’s time to get a lot more specific about that. Praying for the 1/6, specifically. Starting now.

    God Bless you Mr. and Mrs. Rock - Mr. and Mrs. Ozanne are praying for BOTH of you.

  10. Mike

    Heroes come in all shapes and sizes. You are both heroes to anyone who respects this country and what it stands for. God bless you today and always.

  11. Iacobus


    I’m at a loss for words. Makes everything seem like small beans by comparison.

    Stay strong.

  12. Tim in FL

    To take up arms and fight, if not for honor, for love! I am truly humbled to be reminded of such great things! Too many Americans have lost such meaning. :cry:

    Cheers :beer: to those who still get it! We are forever greatful and indebted! You fight for us! We will NEVER forget and NEVER lose faith! Thank you!!!!!

  13. Greg W.

    Echo what Chad said. I usually don’t like to get teary at work but, DAMN.

    Tyler and Brianna, you make me proud to be an X Generation American. You are a testament you the generation that so many have said hasn’t done shit. You are both in my thoughts and prayers.


  14. Tim Roesch


    My heart goes out, as well, to the shooters who shot up the car. What a mess. Maybe someone (we) should send some letters of support to the shooters in 3rd platoon (was that what I saw typed?). They’re gonna need something.

    The problem with war is that it brings out the best and the worst in humans; sometimes not in that order.

    This is why I feel we should think long and hard before we pull the trigger; for all those times when we don’t get the chance to think at all.

    Tim Roesch
    Command Private Major - in mourning

  15. Brad W

    Briana, thank you for sharing yours and Tylers words, and your affection for each other. The only people that pay a higher price than the troops in battle, are their families that wait for them and keep the faith.

    God Bless you both, you both have a special place in our prayers.

    Semper Fi

  16. TxAg87

    You are all in my prayers — both the guys doing the duty, and their wives / husbands / SO’s & families back here doing theirs.

    God Bless. And thanks.

  17. For country and glory

    Wow, that is hairyy. Sorry about your buddy. Godspeed.

  18. Emery

    Wow…….that was almost more information than I needed! I really appreciate you both sharing it though. Just when perhaps I think I know just how difficult it might be for both marines and their loved ones at home, I find that I don’t really know because it is not my son or brother or father out there. You can certainly appreciate how people feel about this war. Often we accused of being ‘chicken-hawks’ and ‘cheerleaders fro the war.’ From the perspective of the individual involved I can understand the desire to end this war as soon as possible. War is hell.

    However it has already be coined the ‘long war.’ If we focus on the horror of it and the individual loss we lose sight of the overall picture. However we should never forget just what these marines have to go through on a daily basis. For that they deserve our undying admiration and appreciation.

    I am not ashamed to admit that I pray often for our marines and soldiers in combat. I pray for their protection. I believe they are protected by the light as they are by the body armor they wear into battle. I ask Archangel Michael to stand beside them and give them the protection and courage they need to face this violent form of extremism that rattles the foundations of ‘our way of life.’ I am encouraged to see Tyler’s testimony that he thought an angel was watching out for him in that trial of fire. I believe that their are many miracles that we will never read about or hear. A bullet that missed by inches because they just moved or an IED that went off a few seconds to late or the mortar or RPG thats just didn’t explode. I would encourage every marine and soldier to get to know Archangel Michael very well. You don’t have to be a Catholic to have faith in him. He is featured prominently the old testament and new testiment and ironically in the Koran. ‘put on the full armor of the Lord’.

    Read Revelations Chaper 12. “7 And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels,
    8 And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.”

    It is easy for me write this sitting here safe in America with my only real worry being how bad the traffic will be on that way home. But I know in my heart that we live the quality of life that we do because every generation of Americans has heard the call and made the sacrifice to serve and protect their country. If we do not fight this war there and now we will have to fight it later here. It could get as bad here as it is in Iraq.

    America is the only country in the world that has the ability to meet and defeat the violent extremism we find in terrorism. That is evident as we are the only country left that is still really fighting. 5t will take more than bullets or bombs to win this war. I believe it will take the light of God to change their minds and hearts and convince them that there is a better way than killing people because you don’t like the way they think or what they believe in. Until that point we just have to keep killing them though. 40, 000 people are killed on the roads every year but we are not afraid to drive to work every day. We should not be afraid to fight this war either.

    My prayers go out to all the servicemen serving in Iraq and Afghanistan and elsewhere. They go out to the families that love and support them and especially to all those who have lost sons, brother, fathers and friends.


    Semper fidelis.

  19. Mike Brown

    Words don’t do it but I HAD to leave something on here. Please be safe. Real men are few and far between now-a-days, we can’t afford to lose you and your teammates. Most of our generation sickens me and I fear we are being out numbered with each passing year. The pompous, brain-less American Idol watchers sit around sipping their Starbucks and look down their collective noses at us while real men are out fighting and sometimes dying to keep us all safe. I’m just hoping they are too lazy to vote. Seriously STAY SAFE! Thank you for your service.

  20. AllahEntaFadiq

    God, I forgot how hard combat deployments are on our wives. Rock, keep your head up man, Mrs. Rock you should know that the Marines in your husband’s plt. will do everything in their power to keep your husband safe. More importantly I, and others, believe in a God who is in control even when it seems like everything is out of control. I pray for my brothers daily.

    Both of you stay safe. All of us married Marines who are not currently deployed should take our wives out to honor their past and future sacrifices.

    Semper Fi,


  21. Jeanet

    No words, lots of feelings.

    Humble, deep respect, a bleeding heart and a good cry.

    Anger at those who just don’t WANT to understand.

    Sadness about the loss of lifes.

    And, unable to sooth or do anything good in the process.

    Except; my prayers and a burning candle.

    God Bless you and THANK YOU SO MUCH both for your sacrifices.

  22. patriot

    Dear Tyler Rock,

    A thank you just isn’t enough to express my gratitude to you and all of the men and women in uniform. I pray that God will protect you all of you out there in harm’s way(you even protect my right to do that!).


    I can’t even comprehend what its like having your spouse deployed, but please, take solace in the fact that God will be with you, ALWAYS.

    God Bless and protect the two of you (and all military families, as well) and may you have many happy years together.

  23. Greg - USA

    Yea, I am pretty speechless here, too. As others said, everything bothering me right now is completely insignificant. There are no good enough words to use, but I thank both of you for your service to this great country.

    Pat, do they have that espresso machine yet? Email me off list and tell me what they want and it’s done.

  24. mindy abraham

    God you both have been through so much. Stay safe tyler and come home-we need people like you :sad:

  25. charlie cahalan

    hold on 3/7 is on the way to let u go to ur mrs..then their wives will”back at home a young wife waits”

  26. Steve in NC

    Amid all the stress and difficulties that you may encounter never forget the love that brought you together. Fall back on that love for support when nothing else makes sense.
    Remember you are not alone, there is love and prayers for you from people you may never meet.

    God Bless,


  27. Donnie B

    The strength of these two is what gives hope to us prior service men and women. I feel honor knowing you are our future. I hope these leaders will someday serve in public office. God knows what we have now can’t even support you without adding personal benefits to the bill. I am sure that one day soon an Iraq war vet would run and win by a landslide with this same kind of heart.
    God Bless Briana and Tyler and the USMC.

  28. alexa kim

    Tyler… I add my voice to the fields of silent prayers gathered here, sending up your name, asking God to spread his robe over you, your buddies, your commanders. I join the rest, here in America and across the globe, in the thousands upon thousands, crying for you, praying for you, beseeching the Lord to send every angel in His army to protect you, strengthen you, comfort you. The moment you feel a sense of overwatch and calm upon you, especially in the moments before sleep and as you awake, let it remind you that you are not alone. Not for one second. Not for one second. And I pray for Brianna to receive all the measures of peace, patience, compassion, strength and reservoirs of listening and accepting she can hold, to help her to help you bear very heavy burdens. And when you and she are reunited, the unity of your hearts and bodies will be stronger and sweeter than anything ever before.

    And for the civilians who perished before you… their suffering is over, their travels are done, God has reclaimed them in whatever way they would have understood. I don’t know if the idea of me saying a prayer for them would bother them, but, well, too late.

    And for the civilians’ families, I will pray that God grace them with the blessings they need in order to overcome their sorrow in due time, in order to carry on, in due time….

    For those of us who aren’t church goers or Bible studiers, praying can take some soul-searching and struggling to find the words that don’t sound stupid. But everywhere I go in my travels across the milblogs, across the blogs in general, constantly looking for the truth, the real truth, knowing I’ll find it only from the men who sacrifice and suffer such as Tyler has, I’ve come to know some sturdy facts. One of them is that prayers are welcomed by them, style is not that important.

    If I may ask Brianna… please reach through that phone when you hear Tyler call, and hug him with your voice tight-tight-tight. And Tyler if I may ask you, please, put yourself in the room with her, and pull her close to you, and hold her tight-tight-tight.

  29. Jewish Odysseus

    These two make me proud to be an American. God bless them and protect them.

    I hope my own son will be 1/2 the young man Cpl. Rock is.

  30. TJ

    Briana and tyler,

    we love you and all the families that are currently making great sacrifices to keep our country free!



    maybe i am out of line,if i am i’m sorry, but everyone’s reactions kind of bothers me. What did you think was happening in iraq and afghanistan,this is the purpose of this website[to show what is going on,the truth]. do you think about the marine expeditionary units, marines standing on the line at gitmo, on the 38th par. in south korea,

    there are a few universal truths that i am sure of
    1] marines from gaudalcanal,chosin,viet, and marines like cpl. Rock are of the same breed
    2]evil exist, and marines will confront it
    3]marines will tell you who the bad guys are, it is up to america to listen to them

    Semper fidelis= always faithfull

  32. Steve in NC

    devildog -

    I think this brought it to a personal level to some and are reacting in such. I think that reaction is normal but I do have concern that avoidance of the ‘horror’9lack of better word) of war can out weigh the the need to do what is right and necessary to complete the mission.
    I have not gotten the impression from these posts but have heard it elsewhere.

    reminds me of a quote:

    People, like nails, lose their effectiveness when they lose direction and begin to bend.
    - Walter Savage Landor

  33. Mike Billmeier

    Just wanted to comment on the beautiful brave couple. THe Rock family are in my prayers.

    Semper Fi Rocks

    Looks like it fits for the noun and the adjective

    Mike in Florida

  34. Tim Roesch

    Greetings: I had to write this…

    MISSUnderstandings of War

    Calling calling; late at night
    “I miss you, baby,” as I turn on the light.
    Medic! Medic! Heal my pain!
    I love you, i love you; a solo refrain

    Running running; as free as the breeze
    Body slammed, body parts and young scabby knees.
    Whizzing, buzzing like cicadas of summer
    Fireflies, meadows, a tore up Hummer

    Cowboys! Indians! Stick ‘em up, Nate!
    “the worst spot in ramadi” and don’t be home late!
    “…can’t leave my friends…” Where are you now?
    Go on without me! Oh please, show me how?

    Digging digging; what do we find?
    Pirate’s treasure pirates leave behind…
    And as we run, treasure in a sack,
    We run so far there’s no running back.

    Far away, far away; “…just stand by your phone.”
    My Feelings, your feelings and a bruised collar bone.
    “I’m glad no one understands us,” neither of us do.
    “…pick up all the pieces.” “I wish it was me…instead of you.”

    War! Peace! Honor and Glory!
    Rats! Bats! and Westside Story!
    “im glad i can write you” and espresso is brown
    Raggedy Andy and like Black Hawk Down!

    Guardian angels crying in dark highbacks
    Do overs, restarts, anti terrorist tracks…
    Tree forts, bunkers and high dirt Berms
    Childhood, adulthood and coming to Terms

    This one goes out…and that one goes in…
    Wherever we go there you’ve been.
    love tyler, love briana love to start again
    before We started i had to began

    Calling calling; some Time today!
    “i love you and miss you” and oh, Ii pray
    the bullets still miss and the angels and super glue
    are All understood and enough for all of you.

    Tim Roesch
    warrior poet

  35. USMC_Dad

    Very excellent e-mail exchange between husband and wife. Thank you Pat for this website.

    Yep, I too got a little misty eyed. I think what got to me the most was the account and ordeal Sgt Rock had experienced. My son is on the way over on a MEU. All I could invision was this happening to him.

    God Bless all our Marines and their spouses.

    Semper Fi

    Go 3/1 “Thundering Third”

  36. Gramps

    Yo USMC_DAD just found this video of the Thundering Third. I think it’s from their last deployment to Iraq. It was just posted yesterday.

  37. USMC_Dad

    Thanks Gramps…

    That one was done in ‘04. I have it on my desk top. When I feel I need to get motto I crank it up :mrgreen:

    Semper Fi

  38. alexa kim

    I dunno’ if I’m outaline either, and if I am, no disrespect intended, just not sure… DEVILDOG81MM if my praying for the fallen civilians seemed to not appreciate who is the enemy and who is not, truly, not the case. Anyone, and I mean anyone, who aims to kill Our Troops, is enemy #1. Easy. Then anyone who aims for kids, is enemy #1a. It’s the same idea as with margarine cups on airplanes.

    I tend to do tangent praying, kinda’ like reading definitions.

    But I always start with the same prayer:

    Dear Lord, please hear the prayers of My Troops first…

  39. Annie

    Briana and Tyler,

    Your testimony to each other should serve as an example to those who are making decisions that will ultimately affect the lives of brave men like Tyler and others and their families… that commitment, bravery, and sacrifice should not be taken lightly or for granted.

    Your emails to each other have taken me back in time to when my son was deployed in Ramadi. One of the first emails I received from him stated that they had just taken their first KIA that day, a fellow soldier in their scout squad. I remember him telling us that it was so sad because he was just a kid. How ironic a statement coming from my son who at the time was just 23 years old himself. War has a way of making us all more perceptive and compassionate of what our soldiers are dealing with on a daily basis. I am reminded of the feeling I had each and every day when I would leave my home in the morning and go to work worrying if this was going to be the day that I would see a government vehicle parked in my driveway when I returned from work. It is and always will be an unsettling feeling.

    Each and every night my sense of comfort was to know that I had asked God to grant an army of angels around each and every servicemember fighting this war on terror, especially my son. Little did I know that those angels were always working overtime to grant this request. My son was careful to not share with me his close calls, however, every now and then when he would share with his brothers some of his experiences I knew just how much my prayers were answered when I overheard him say that an RPG hit the side of their Humvee and it did not detonate. It brings tears to my eyes as I recall this and know exactly what you are feeling during these most difficult of times. I also remember the feeling of joy and sense of calm when I would hear the phone ring at 2:00 am knowing that my son was ok. I used to always fear any phone call that early in the morning when he was in high school because I would always think that it would be a call telling me that something bad had happened. After his deployment I knew because of the time difference that generally that was the best time available during the day for him to call. So be patient with your husband, and even though you are asleep when he may have a chance to call, you will sleep so much better knowing that he has survived another day away from the one he loves most.

    Tyler you and all your brothers in arms will remain in my prayers and our angels are still working overtime until this war on terror is complete.

    Briana, I have learned a long time ago that my faith in God and the power of prayers was the key to my son returning home to his loved ones safely. I will continue to pray for both of you and THANK YOU hardly seems enough to express my gratitude to both of you for the sacrifice you have made for this country and what it represents.

    God Bless You!


    praying is good,not listening or paying attention to those doing our bidding is insufferable!

    as i understand rule of engangement are FUBAR
    no one listens

    85% of deaths due to iranian shaped charges
    people not listening

    any democrate canidate “iraq had nothing to do with september 11 attacks, only terrorist attacks on coalition forces inforcing the no fly zone, the kurds, the shiites, homicide bombers in israel, and only an attack on a former Republican (UNITED STATES PRESIDENT)


    oh yeah, another big one to add that people don’t listen to is where the insurgents are from

  42. Chris P.

    We are with you Cpl. ROCK and Mrs. Rock. My friends and family pray for you each day. I know this may sound crazy, but eat when you can, drink lots of water and get as much sleep as you can. The rest will fall into place (weapon and gear maintanence) and you will be home soon. Thank you for your service.

  43. Brittani Maddix

    Cpl Rock,
    I just wanted you to know that I am so proud of you and my husband, Cpl Maddix, as well as everyone else. Everything that you two have been through you both have more angels around you all the time than anyone in the world. I have never met you but you are with my husband everyday. You are what your last name is ROCK hard. I will be in North Carolina in about a week or so, so we will all have to go to dinner. I just wanted to thank you for keeping my husband half way sane because I wasn’t there. Thanks again…semper fi devil!

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