
April 12th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Okay, here’s the announcement.

I’ve working with director Tony Scott ( “Man On Fire”, “Top Gun”, “Domino”, “True Romance” etc., etc. ) on “Young Americans”. Tony and I are working on the current series and hope to have distribution shortly. Of course it could all blow up if we don’t see eye to eye on everything or end up hating each other for no particular reason, but he’s a bad-ass, visionary motherfucker who counts Sonny Barger among his boys, so it’s all good. We will also be working together on the next round of the series, to be shot on the next trip to Ramadi, for what will hopefully be the final phase of the showdown with Al Qaeda. The plan for that trip is to edit closer to real time, while still in Ramadi, and have episodes aired as close to days or weeks after being shot as we can. It promises to be a very exciting and groundbreaking venture which will be very insightful for the nation.

And, I’ve closed a deal with Tony, his crew, and Twentieth Century Fox to make a movie about my experiences. I’ve been hired to co-write the script. More on that later.

If I get whacked in Ramadi, you’ll all the know the ending, but go see the movie anyway. Besides, that’ll be the best ending, right? And please go in your Jihadikiller t-shirts.

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44 Responses

  1. PhilNBlanx

    Light at the end of the tunnel. Kudos Pat. Be cool in Ramadi. I’m looking forward to seeing you in a camo tux at the premiere.

  2. Iacobus

    Holy shit!

    So…Young Americans…that’s going to be an episodic TV series? Where’s it going to be (possibly) shown?

    That’s awesome on the movie deal! Congrats! :beer:

    Whacked in Ramadi as the best ending? No way. Perish the thought. Watching Islamofascist fuckheads go up in a firestorm would be more preferable. :twisted:

  3. Greg - USA

    Fucking awesome… nothing else needs to be said. Well, other than you better bring your ass back. The US needs shit like this non-stop.

    Can we help with your expenses, other than buying a t-shirt?

  4. Kevin M

    This will be good! Congrats and stay safe!

  5. Gary

    Way way cool, man.

  6. john courage

    pat, i have no doubt you’ll be just fine in ramadi. if you could though, try to be the first “journalist” with a confirmed kill would ya. that would be a way better ending. semper fi devildog.

  7. Grumpy

    Tread lightly here Pat.

    The first ambush that you will walk into by the opposition will come as accusations that you are trying to profit from this war. The opposition will not like your message but because it is truth, they will not be able to attack it, they will attack you. What ever your strategy is going to be to counter these attacks against you, it must be air tight.

    What you are doing is to important have it damaged by personal attacks, and I guarantee, they will come.

    Be very transparent about any financial matters concerning these endeavors. Watch your back.

  8. Jason



    I absolutely cannot wait to see the series and movie! I can’t tell you how glad I am to hear that the project is going ahead full steam. Any ideas where and when the series and movie will be out?

    Oh, like the new site too. Have you thought about having a message board as well?

  9. Greg - USA

    Grumpy - well said. The left will find anything they can to tear this down, regardless of the truth.

  10. FTL

    Congrats Pat. Great news.

    My greatest hope is that our guys will be allowed & empowered to seriously kick some ass in Ramaldi… restore some order & peace AND that you get it on film!

    You remind me Pat, of the old filmakers that were not pussies and were proud to fight for & serve our country… Ford, George Stevens, Capra… all working directors that joined the forces & served. Balls.

    Hollywood has changed for the worse. A true shame… more worried about global warming than human life & our wonderful armed forces that allow us to be free.

    Get victory on film come home healthy & start cleanin’ house in Hollywood. You have some young allies that would gladly help.

    Cheers & bol in all

  11. TJ


    perish the thought of you biting it in iraq. :sad: I will pray for your safety! anyways, if you make a killing in revenues, earmark money to veterans groups like denzel washington. In fact if they make a movie, get denzel in the script somehow.

    kudos to tony scott!

  12. EZRider

    Grumpy makes a good point. All your good work will probably be attacked as war-profitering (sp?). Watch your back on the home-front and when you head back out to the box. Some good news is, I hear that the new Ramadi strategy is working!

    Any chance Matt Damon will be playing the part of Pat?

  13. rumsfeld47

    Pat, I won’t go see your movie if it doesn’t have topless chicks in it. I’ll have to wait for it to come to the $4.99 bin at my local Wal-Mart.

  14. rumsfeld47

    Okay, war-profiteering? Guys, don’t sweat that shit. How is Fahrenheit 9/11, Over There, State of Denial, (heck, even Jarhead) not war-profiteering? Dollard has already been the subject of the biggest hit-piece ever done by Vanity Fair magazine, and he’s not exactly unfamiliar with Hollywood.

    Do they have “buddy armor” for your cock and balls? That’s all I want to know.

  15. LCpl Jim

    Glad to hear the good news! i’ll be driving an LVS giving the camera a big “fuck you!” also my younger bro is heading back for his 2nd tour and will be in ramadi. see you there.


    so does this mean your taking a team with you or your sending it back to the states???

    you seem to have a good picture of what a lot of US MARINES are like, does this team???

  17. TWarrior

    God Bless you Pat, I wish I could do more than just give some bucks!!

  18. starkc

    Awesome. Congradulations, I really hope it all works out. And when are you headed back roughly?

  19. Mike

    This is GREAT! Finally, the truth being told for the sake of the heroes fighting the battle. The drive bys will poo poo it, but the truth will win out.
    God bless you and your team for what you are doing.

  20. Steve in NC

    Is the series going to be on HBO?

    Is CBS making an offer? :razz:

  21. Pat Dollard

    Don’t bash HBO too hard. They actually called me, and are interested. They raised the possibility of sending the guy who directed Baghdad E.R. to make a documentary about me making a documentary on my next trip to Ramadi.

  22. Steve in NC

    No offense to HBO at all, I think that they would be most likely to carry it without editorializing it. I heard somewhere they were considering it.

    The joke was that CBS would even consider airing it.

    BTY I would suscribe to HBO for the rest of my time in appreciation.

  23. starkc

    A documentary about a documentary?

  24. Pat Dollard

    starkc :mrgreen: Reminds me of the war about a war we’re having Stateside.

  25. Steve in NC

    Get Charlie Kaufman to write a movie about the filming of the documentary of the documentary

  26. rumsfeld47

    Dude, I can’t wait until I can read the book version of Kaufman’s movie on the documentary about the making of the documentary. Great toilet reading!


  27. starkc


    Too much. I wouldn’t call it a war though, too much bitchin’ not enough anything else. If Bush is really the world’s #1 terrorist and a war criminal, why not fix it themselves seeing as congress obviously won’t be doing anything about it?


  28. starkc

    Well Rummy, I don’t spend too much time looking at my toilet paper, but hey. You’re from another part of the country.

  29. Gramps

    Good deal Pat. A double thumbs up to ya.

  30. 0311inohio

    Good hunting in Ramadi.. Squeeze a round or two off for me.. :lol: Can’t wait for my T shirt.

  31. Tom Murtagh


    God bless and Godspeed. Only question is who among the Hollywood elites could play you and your boys in a film about your story? Ben Affleck? Yeesh.

  32. Captain of Industry

    PAT THIS IS KICK ASS NEWS! Tony Scott is definitely a bad ass and I know he is able to make a powerful picture. So will Scott Free be one of the production companies?

  33. Andrew Acosta

    :mrgreen: ,My tribute to the Marines,18+

  34. John

    2 seasons and a movie, kickass!

    Denzel Washington, Bruce Willis, and other troop supporters should be in the movie!

  35. Cheryl

    Thanks Pat, for having the guts to get the truth out.
    The liberals want to live in a state of denial, and political correctness. Its going to be the death of our freedom. I don’t have HBO now, but if “Young Americans” ever makes it there, I will!!!
    I heard you on Rush Limbaugh, and have checked your website often since. PLEASE STAY SAFE!!

  36. xyz

    congratulations, pat
    i hope everything goes well, you make more than enough money to have whatever lifestyle you want, and you live to be 105 (if you want!) and enjoy the fruits of these labors of love and patriotism.

    praying for you everyday, pat

  37. Bethanie

    Pat Dollard, you are my hero. I am not being sarcastic. I live in Hollywood, in the shadow of the Scientology Celebrity Center. I am a teacher and budding screenwriter, and I know how these people are.

    I go on vacation in two weeks, and if there is anything I can do from here in Los Angeles, please let me know. I’m free all of May and June and I would *love* to somehow help.

  38. rumsfeld47

    Damn Pat, the bitches are lining up!

    Take a number and grab a magazine, ladies. Pat will be on you shortly. :twisted:

  39. Bethanie

    Excuse me, rumsfeld, I think you misunderstand. I am a 41 year old English teacher, USN 1985-1989, USNR 1993-2000, with some production experience. I live in Hollywood, surrounded by anti-American leftists, and I’m excited about what Pat is doing. Please don’t bring me down by reducing me to some bimbo. You don’t even know me.

  40. rumsfeld47

    (Meh.) :roll: I was joking, Bethanie. If you knew me, you’d know that nobody who posts comments here “sucks Dollard’s dick” more than I do, figuratively speaking, of course!

    Boy, do people take themselves seriously online! Thanks for your service, and I can tell from your writing that you’re not just another nappy-headed-ho. :twisted:

    Speaking of which, I don’t see how it’s possible for some anonymous jerk (that would be me) to reduce any person he met online, but hey! That kind of diversity of opinion is what makes our country so great (wait a second, that would be the opposite of great, wouldn’t it?)

  41. blacksheepoif

    Cant wait to see it! I kinda miss Ramadi…lol Hey Pat wheres my shirt? Semper Fi

  42. Colt

    dude, pat you need to get this out as soon as possible. my liberal teachers are corrupting the minds of my fellow students.


  43. j

    good luck on that bro, i still cant believe u quit ur job n all.. but much respect thanks for telling the story true as possible, i hope all goes well for ya

  44. CJrun

    I am appreciating what is happening here and a supporter. I want to see the finished product and direct my friends towards it. The YouTube link I tried for a recent chapter asked me to be sure to get the ‘Senders permission’ or join some group, or whatever, then provided no details on how to go about that. Thoughts anybody?

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