Hillary: “I’m A Nappy-Headed Ho, Goddamnit!”

April 22nd, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

Check out a rich white lady at an Al Sharpton event in New York City this weekend.

And what’s with the “us always havin’ to clean up after people” line? Why is she lumping contemporary black women with maids? More importantly, why is she lumping herself with contemporary black women? And why does she think that talking in that accent, with improper English, is the best way to talk to contemporary black women?

h/t Drudge

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35 Responses

  1. 0311inohio

    What a sick and pathetic Bitch. :evil:

  2. JDizzy

    I think she is racist….pandering to the poor black folk who just don’t got a good ‘nuf edumacation to unerstan reel English, ya’ll know what I’m sayin’. She ought to just come out and say that she does not see blacks as intellectual equal to rich, white, elitests like herself.

  3. CPTK

    Just another example of say anything to get in office.

    Did she say something about stuff under the carpet? Holy shit, you have got to be kidding me. Wonder what it’s like living in a glass house.

  4. Seth

    Does anyone else find it amusing that someone who was First Lady to one of the worst cases of Presidential abuses is lambasting the current administration for perceived abuses… talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

  5. roadking

    She better be careful about looking under things. If she looks under the desk she might find a used cigar…..

  6. JJ Boyce

    Because Hillary is an idiot. Why else?

  7. Steve in NC

    A racist elitist cunt.

    that’s all I can offer to this

  8. JDizzy

    I wonder what actual blacks think about this degrading form of pandering….?

  9. Turambar

    Wow…just wow…

  10. rumsfeld47

    Yo yo yo, whats up wit it, homies? It be rumsfizzle-forty-sizzle rappin’ at y’all…

    I be diggin on what this ho be sayin’. She tellin’ like it is, keepin’ it real fo all da brothas in da hood.

    Seein hows Bill Clintin being the first black presidizzle, hill-dog be preachin’ the food to the hungry, know what I’m sayin, G?

  11. rumsfeld47

    I apologize to any nappy-headed-hose who were offended by my last post. :twisted:

  12. TJ

    Hillary is truly a “man” of the people. She cares and she tries to realate to people even if it means speaking to them like they are stupid idiots.

    if they couldn’t see through her BS , then perhaps they are stupid idiots! :oops:

  13. Raptor_Pilot

    “I’m a woman running for President”

    Good for you you dumb bitch.
    There should be an educational requirement to run for office. I’m pretty sure Hillary didn’t graduate High School.

  14. Greg - USA

    If she looks under the carpet for the stuff in the last six years, will she have Sandy Burglar help her move out the stuff from her previous eight years as president? He will have his security clearance back just in time.

    But hey, she is just trying to be a contender. She puts her pants on one leg at a time, just like all the other guys.

  15. rumsfeld47

    Count me as one who doesn’t want to know what’s under Hillary Clinton’s “carpet.” Probably a fucking alligator that bites your dick off, or something.

  16. Matt

    I was a Marine in Haiti in 1998 providing security for some Army dogs for a few months…

    Anyways..around Christmas time…she flew in to Port Au Prince on Air Force 2…we were strategically placed around the airstrip for security purposes…we were all inside up-armored humvees.

    Our humvees all had either M240 Gulf medium machine guns or at least a M249 SAW mounted in the turret..to our surprise, about an hour or so before her arrival…we were told that our turret mounted machine guns had to be removed from the turrets of the humvees & to keep them inside the humvees during the landing of Hillary’s bird.

    When we asked “Why?” …we were told that it’s because Hillary doesn’t like to see guns.

    Never mind they were there to protect her…she didn’t want to see them. :shock:

  17. Greg - USA

    That doesn’t surprise me. Clinton Inc. hates the military.

  18. Judith

    Rumsfeld47 I love your apology, especially the “hose”. Good Lord, even though we don’t deserve it, please deliver us from her.

  19. TWarrior

    People, we cannot allow this THING to become the next President of the United States. :evil:

  20. rumsfeld47

    We must deploy units to her Vaginastan immediately!

    Now that’s what I call a special operation!

  21. drillanwr

    Great Satan! The woman is a massive political whore! I can’t believe after the backlash from her last Amos and Andy moment in Georgia a couple months ago she continues with this bullshit.

    Keep it up, Hillary. You’re doing great …

  22. Mike

    I agree with drillanwr, the one sure way for her to lose this election is to keep popping off in the dialect of the day. One day these people are going to wake up and realize that the bitch is patronizing them. The sooner they do the better for all of us. I can’t wait to hear her Spanish.
    Political whore is about a clear a description of this bitch as any I have ever seen.

  23. 0311inohio

    Is it true that the people of the great state of Idaho are being forced to rename their state? :wink: :beer: :beer:

  24. rumsfeld47



  25. D_Mac

    Somebody needs to put together a youtube video of all the different accents that Hilary uses with different groups of people. I heard that she does sauthan accents in the sauth, Bawston accent in Bawston, New Ywark in New Ywark. I just never new it was so bad that she didn’t know she did, you know whad’I'm talkin ’bout, holla holla, da black accent in da hood. Putcha hands up putcha hands up…

    Seriously guys, lets make this a Pat Dollard fan club project. Lets all find clips of Hilary talking to different groups with different accents, then put together a little Hilary highlight video with her saying contradicting stuff in different accents to different people. Call the f’ing chameleon out.

  26. Elliott

    that lady is a menace!
    I’d like to see her talk to J.C Watts like she did in this video.
    Fred Thompson and J.C Watts…now there’s a presidential ticket that could do the country some good!

  27. LLK

    DMac, get me all the video clip collection and I can edit them together in a few. That would be hilarious.

    She is the biggest manipulator I have ever seen in the political arena.

  28. Dwaine

    “CONSERVATIVES KICK ASS, so that liberals have the freedom to KISS ass”

  29. Eric

    Love reading the comments here. Its a conservative safe haven & great source of real news about whats going on in Iraq.

    I wonder if Hillary talks to Obama like this?

  30. Bob

    Hillary is saying she’s going to find stuff under the carpet in the oval office…I wonder if she will say anything about all of the 8+ year old cum-stains she’ll find there.

  31. Maria

    Where is Rev. Al and Rev. Jesse to call this bitch out? Where is the liberal outrage? They’re all pigs. Do you think if she gets elected which God willing she won’t she and Bubba will return the hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of pieces White House property that they swiped before leaving in 2001????

  32. Flotsa M Clinton

    Some aspiring journalist should ask her majesty if she’s ever had sex with a woman (besides Janet Reno, who is Chelsea’s real dad), and what her position is as to when a soul is imputed to a human being - the former question would expose her as a carpet muncher and the latter will expose her as another idiot, who has no regard for human life, unless there is some politically-expedient reason for her to care at all.

  33. Stephanie

    i read in a magazine “new republic” that hillary clinton wanted to join (drum sounds) the marines! but the recruter said that she was too old, blind, and she’ll never make it. that is too bad, because maybe she would have been a friendly fire case… :twisted:

  34. joe tunnell

    Hillary Clinton is a first class bitch,God help us if
    she is elected,Rembemer the health care BS she tried to
    shove down our throat.We have her and Billy to thank for
    HMO which is the worst thing that can happen to anyone.
    She has to be stopped or america will be in a mess.
    If elected she will have the BEST Hospital care and
    we will be screwed.

  35. Tom in South Texas

    Can you imagine the howls if a Republican spoke like that?
    Mitt, are you making fun of us?

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