Iran Reportedly Wins Blackmail Concessions - All Hostages To Be Released

April 4th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Just minutes ago, according to the official Iranian translator at Achmedinijad’s press conference, the Iranian terror master stated that the British hostages will be released.

This comes in the wake of media reports that Iran won the freedom of various key terror leaders from U.S. custody. Some of these reports have in fact, to various degrees, been confirmed to me by my own military sources.

Unfortunately, many of the victims of this manufactured crisis will see more victory than loss in its outcome. Yes, it’s awesome that the hostages are alive and to be freed. But as I’ve said all along, the ugly truth of the matter is that their release was never job 1. There was no good reason for them to be captured or harmed in the first place, yet now their freedom requires the simultaneous release of terrorists who threaten our troops in Iraq. How much joy is to be found in this?

And those who kidnapped and abused them now escape entirely unpunished. In fact, crime was rewarded today. Can someone explain how England, America, and the world are better off than they were the day before this attack occured? Iran committed a sort of home invasion, and then were simply paid to leave.

There is a difference between diplomacy and completely submissive capitulation.

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15 Responses


    All I can say is just another dark day, another loss fighting the war on terror.

    Sad to see but not unexpected.


  2. rumsfeld47


    “This comes in the wake of media reports that Iran won the freedom of various key terror leaders from U.S. custody.”

    What the FUCK are they thinking?

    Idiots! Fucking idiots!

    At least I’ve got something to keep me going when I PT today. God dammit!

  3. EZRider

    ‘”I declare that the people of Iran and the government of Iran — in full power to place on trial the military people — to give amnesty and pardon to these 15 people and I announce their freedom and their return to the people of Britain,” Ahmadinejad told a news conference.’

    In full power to place on trial… I think we lost more today then gained. Iran pretty much just got a green light to abduct whoever they want when they want to.

    I’m pretty sure its safe to call Iran a terrorist-supporting state. Which makes them terrorists. The U.S., according to policy, doesn’t negotiate with terrorists. Yet here we are, in a nice friendly prisoner exchange. Tony Blair must have called in a huge favor, or we’re seriously afraid of Iran. I can’t connect the dots. :beer: Here’s to getting played.

  4. Steve in NC

    For the temporary freedom of 15 many more have moved closer to submission to a savage ideology.

  5. Baroness Wyszynski


    My sentiments exactly but then what can one expect from a country that does not teach history (the Holocaust) lest it offend the madrassas educated young (who deny it happened). And think about madrasses: boys from toddlers to teens, all reading aloud from different sections of the koran–cacophany can destroy the brain.

    Sharia law in Briton– yup.

    I recently saw a great vid in which some local (Brit) constabulary were in the mosques talking ‘peace and can’t we all just get along’ and I swear that Brit was pissing down both legs from the look on his face- all the while the raghead muzzies were snickering behind his mewling posture. I think it was in the most evil of all, the Greenday or Greensomething mosque if you can find it. If not, I’ll look and let you know.
    Here’s one:
    and another:
    There are more on those pages that are from Britain showing the muzzie progress.

    I am so mad I could spit nails.
    Bend over England and get a big jar of vaseline.
    And guess who the hero is?
    You guessed right yet again, Ahmadinedope.
    Pinning a medal on that Brit sailor?????
    Wonder how much the Brits paid/conceded.

  6. Baroness Wyszynski

    On the upside, Blackwater has no ROE and this act by the hostage taker of Carter fame has now given even more motivation to those who know bullets are still reasonably priced and Iranians are in-country.
    I’d bet my knickers there are many who follow in Rumsfeld47’s motivation and not only at PT.
    But, warning to any who watch the tube, better get a bigger bucket.

  7. John Cox

    I’m not so sure that’s my read on all this - it seems that the Iranian Embassy in Iraq is going to be allowed to “meet” with the 5 detained members of the Revolutionary Guard, but that’s about it. There was word of one diplomat release yesterday, but I haven’t looked into that in great detail and it seems to me the one thing we did not want to happen (the release of any of those Revolutionary Guard members detained in Iraq) did not occur.

    I do agree that a much more muscular approach was needed from the beginning, but it seems like a fairly decent outcome. Although, as Pat says, it does nothing to prevent this kind of action in the future from the Iranian.

  8. Firefnd1982

    I don’t like the fact that we gave any concessions to these people. It’s insane to think that we can just ignore the fact that what they did was at the very least an act of state sponsored piracy, and at the worst an act of war.
    But besides all that it should have never happened in the first place. How do people in a boat get captured, another boat must pull up next to theirs and take them. You think they would have seen them coming, its kinda hard to sneak up on someone in open water, and then at the very least they could have ran away until help could come if they couldn’t take care of the problem themselves.

  9. mindy abraham

    As glad as I am that they are being released, I do not like anyone conceding to them. I do think we could have, and britain also, tried something else-there is not such thing as a free lunch.:mad:

  10. A. S. Wise

    Well played, Iranians, Syrians and Democrats. We all know this was a calculated move to make the Administration look foolish. All I can say is, start preparing yourselves for the worst, if Congress won’t protect us, we will.

  11. Vikingbyblood

    This entire, sad affair points out the Pussyfication of Europe in general and the UK inparticular. (To say nothing of the Dems reaction to it here in the US)
    *Can anyone actually imagine 15 US Marines surrendering without a shot being fired?* Not likely IMO.
    *Cannot claim credit for this as I heard El Rushbo make the comment.

  12. Dam Ops

    This is a poor deal.

    Iran kidnaps UK troops.

    UK trades kidnapped troops for terrorists.

    Net Total = Iran frees terrorists with no reprecussions.

    Am I missing something or did Tony Blair just tuck in his pair and parade around the world stage with his manhood hidden? If I were Blair I’d send in some SAS to Iran or Turkey to kidnap more Rep.Guard operators and if Ahmadinejad hurt even one prisoner, I’d launch a cruise missile or 10 on his oil refineries.

  13. Dam Ops


    Read the story, it was UK troops who boarded a vessel looking for illegal contraband, where Iraqi Rep.Guard surprised them at gunpoint and took them captive.

  14. Tim Roesch

    I am wondering how and where to find the truth nowadays. I used to read Newsweak and Soldier of Fortune to learn about Africa but I learned more from listening to real ‘Africans’ and learned that NPR must have been reporting about an Africa on another planet or dimension compared to what I was being told by real Africans.

    How do I learn about what is really going on in Iran and Iraq? How do I show others the truth? As a teacher that would be very valuable.

    BTW-I predict that the dog food poisoning thing is actually an attempt to see how to get poison into human food. I could be wrong but it just seemed too suspicious to me.

    Tim Roesch
    apostate in training
    Command Private Major-retired.

  15. Firefnd1982

    Thanks Dam Ops i couldn’t find it, all i could find was stuff after they had been taken hostage.

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