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61 Responses

  1. MariesTwoCents

    Lieberman should jump ship.

    He is the ONLY Democrat up there that makes any sense at all.

    I thought I read somewhere that he may choose to switch parties if they pulled this kind of crap.


  2. 0311inohio

    :shock: Old Joe won’t jump.

  3. Greg - USA

    Can someone please explain to me why he has changed his opinions? I heard him on Sean Hannity today and he says a lot of stuff the right says.

    Sean even mentioned he was saying the opposite when he was previously a candidate. I don’t get it.

  4. John in PA

    Leiberman holds high principles on security. However his voting history is above 90% with the dems. He would have to make a major transformation to get his core beliefs to the conservative side before he would be comfortable with it. I believe he well remain independent.

    George Soros with MoveOn.org and orchestrated with MediaMatters smeared him out of the Dem party solely on his stance on protecting the American citizens.

  5. John in PA

    Leiberman says:
    “What is going on here? What has changed so that the strategy that we criticized and rejected in 2006 suddenly makes sense in 2007?”

    If you recall, in the beginning of Dec 2006 (12-5 to be exact) the dems were calling for an increase in troops.

    As bush pushed his decision date into Jan the dems were pissed that they didn’t know what Bush was going to do to “change course”. Between 12-25 and 12-31 word got out that Bush was going to increase troops and the dems changed their tune. They had to disagree with Bush no matter what.

    Now the dems have the guy they kicked out calling them on their own stupidity. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    I love that line:
    “What is going on here? What has changed so that the strategy that we criticized and rejected in 2006 suddenly makes sense in 2007?”

    We can use it when libs spew their crap about needing change!!!

    Thanks Joe

  6. Gramps

    Good read about a Leiberman switch here:

    Q&A Friday #64: Will Lieberman Switch Parties?

    Question: “Will Joe Lieberman jump to the Republicans?” — n_obrain

    Answer: It’s possible, but I really tend to doubt it. Look at it from Lieberman’s perspective.

    Full read:

  7. 0311inohio

    John in PA:

    “If you recall, in the beginning of Dec 2006 (12-5 to be exact) the dems were calling for an increase in troops.”

    The fuck heads just HATE Bush and they are doing everything they can to fuck with him even at the expense of lives of our troops and the security of the USA. Where did I put that barf bag? :evil:

  8. 0311inohio

    Just one more thing. A favorite saying of one of my drill instructors, way back when, was, as his nose was in my face, “Scumb Bag, the best part of you ran down your daddy’s leg”. :shock: In the case of the lib socialist shit heads, this is a perfect fit. :beer: :beer: :beer:

  9. nituathaill

    Great piece, Gramps. Lieberman is conservative when it comes to national security, but he’s as liberal as the next dem when it comes to social issues. Still, you can’t help but give him a bit ol’ pat on the back for his support of the troops and the mission!

  10. Jason

    Good on Joe! Here is the full text of his speech.


  11. rumsfeld47

    I’m with Joementum here, except in criticizing my namesake. (On the DailyGut.com, my name is rumsfeld_forever.) I never explained that, and this seems like a good opportunity.

    When Bush got on TV in January and announced the new strategy, certain parts of it were beyond belief. I was shocked that Maliki was protecting his buddies who were responsible for much of the sectarian violence. I doubt Donald Rumsfeld had much to do with that. There were other political concerns about ROE, and I can’t see how you can fault the former Sec-Def there, either.

    No doubt, it is totally mind boggling that the Army had this counter-insurgency expert in Petraeus, and he wasn’t in charge until recently. That could be a Rumsfeld right there.

    Anyone who wants to educate me on specific errors Rummy made is welcome to; all I ever hear is “mistakes were made,” without going into whose fault they were.

    I call myself Rumsfeld because Rummy was an icon of the Bush administration for so long–an extraordinary man, an optimistic man, who never doubted that we would win (as opposed to Gates, who told the Senate committee he “wasn’t sure” if we could win Iraq. And every Democrat voted for him, which doesn’t exactly inspire my confidence.) Rumsfeld was the rock; on him, I fully believed that Bush would never yield–let’s face it, more people called for his head than Karl Rove and Dick Cheney combined. And when Bush gave in on Rumsfeld, I wondered about the next two years of his administration. At the time, I thought they’d be trying to keep their head above water. I was right. What has Bush accomplished since January? Let’s think… JACK SHIT, other than minding Iraq.

    Corporal Rock speaks with a different voice then the CiC, but the reason it’s such a clarion is because HE’S ON FIRE when he talks. Bush is a stubborn motherfucker, but he ain’t exactly using a rhetorical flamethrower, and that should be his weapon of choice at this moment.

    BIG PT NEWS TONIGHT: I DID MY FIRST FUCKING PULL-UP OF MY ENTIRE LIFE, AND DAMN NEAR GOT THE SECOND! OOH-RAH! FUCK YEAH! And I’m 5 tiny little pounds away from not being put on a fat tray when I get there! Fuck yeah!

    Couldn’t have done it without all the advice, encouragement, and support. You have no idea how awesome it felt to lose my pull-up virginity. No idea.

  12. Gramps

    I don’t know what errors he made, but if he was trying to micro manage the war that is a huge mistake. The same one Congress is now attempting to make.

    The president, with advice from all his cabinet should set a goal and let the military do it. That should have been a lesson learned from the Nam with LBJ, Tricky Dickie etc, telling the troops where to bomb, where to fly, where not to fly. Ya can’t be very successful running a war from the oval office. Anyhoo, that’s my .02

  13. Gramps

    And loosen up on the ROE!!

  14. John in PA

    I don’t know exactly the mistakes,but I think it had mostly to do with clearing but not holding.

    If we cleared a village we were relying on Iraquis to hold. Not a totally shitty strategy.. but took too long for Rummy to realize that the Iraquis were not yet strong enough to hold.

    Someone please correct me if I’m wrong….

  15. Gramps

    Actually you’re right on John. We had enough troops/weapons for the invasion. After the invasion when the Iraq army was disbanded by Bremer? there weren’t enough troops to occupy the country.

  16. MariesTwoCents

    Can anyone tell me who on earth took over after Tommy Franks retired?

    We need whoever it is to start stepping up to the plate and tell the Troops stories, and tell all the non-believers what is what.

    Rummy was excellent at it, but he wasnt the General in charge. And Gates I love him but he isnt Rummy.

    It’s like we are missing a person in this whole thing.

    And President Bush as someone above mentioned isnt a rhetorical flamethrower lol (I love that)

  17. Jewish Odysseus

    A great cri de coeur from an incredibly brave Iraqi:


    I am a great admirer of Rummy, for many years. But I think there is a valid critique that his analysis that the US Mil wd NOT need significantly more forces [”smaller but nimbler”] was mistaken. Our forces are ~40% smaller than our Cold War 1980’s size (while our population is much larger), and we’re scrambling to dig up ~25,000 men for the surge…Just seems unreal.

    Acc. to Gen Franks’ great book, Rummy was incredibly demanding, but in a GOOD way, so as to get the best out of our forces and anticipate as many problems as possible. No-one can dispute that the planning & execution of OIF was an accomplishment for the ages. Yes, they did NOT anticipate every difficulty post-liberation, by definition that is impossible.

    BTW, can anyone doubt that George Tenet is a weenie-loser-incompetent? HUGE mistake by Bush not to fire his ass the 1st week he took office.

  18. MariesTwoCents

    I hope our Next Republican President learns a HUGE lesson from this and fires everyone upon entering office from the previous administration regaurdless of who it was last.

    Bush should have done that imediately!

    And yes starting (Looking back in hindsight) with Tenet!

  19. charlie cahalan

    rummy fixed a broken inept military that was ruined under shenzeki or what ever his name is,,, he should have been coutr martialed for dereliction of duty…my son had hummers in the 90’s that did not work,, and then one wonders why they blew up when hitting a mine,,,rummy fixed that problem and bore gore bragged in the 2000 campaign how he shrunk the military by 250,000 troops and hired haliburton to do their work,,dahhhhhh…pay and living conditions were pathetic under gen. zinni and gen. shenzunki, or what ever his name is..

  20. Gramps

    A great cri de coeur from an incredibly brave Iraqi:


    That is a good read. The comment left by John Swaine was also excellent. Thanks for pointing it out.

  21. For country and glory

    Wow I finally found the holy grail of Republican circle jerk websites. The mindless drivel coming from your Republic ant mouths would be amusing if you weren’t all allowed to vote. Dems will crush your stupid little force fed heads in October, have fun licking your wounds after you lick eachother.

  22. Gramps

    Geez, another drive by?

  23. Raptor_Pilot

    I never know what to say about these things. I guess I’m not as articulate as the other people here. I do know this however:
    Pulling out of Iraq now will be the gravest mistake our government has ever made. It is the same as committing national suicide. The troops don’t want to leave, the Iraqis don’t want us to leave. Only our enemies want us to leave Iraq.
    As soon as we pull out, every terrorist group will decend on Iraq, Iraq will become a war zone until the new Iraqi government falls. Iraq will become a puppet of Iran and they will use whatever resources they get to continue their nuclear program. Iran will develop the bomb, and we will have to go back into the middle east to disarm them.
    We must not allow these things to happen. Our presence in Iraq is the only thing that is keeping Iran from building a nuclear bomb. They will not move foward with nuclear plans while US troops are right next door. However if Iran does develop the bomb we know with certanty that they will use it, either on Israel or us. It doesn’t matter to them.
    I don’t understand why people are willing to take that risk simply to further their own political goals.
    If Pres. Bush veto’s this bill, and by chance the senate overturns the veto, by the constaints of the legislation all of our troops will be out of Iraq BEFORE the next presidential election. Thus making it impossible for even a pro Iraq war president to go BACK into Iraq without committing political suicide. I just hope to god that Bush veto’s this bill, the senate is unable to overturn the veto, and Pres Bush goes on national tv and tells the dems to stick it where the sun don’t shine. (I wish) Then we need someone with balls to push through legislation that funds our troops without setting any deadlines. I don’t care how many bribes need to be paid to make it work.
    This is what needs to happen. I only hope that it will happen before it’s too late.
    Now my fucking head hurts. I’ll see you all tomorrow.

  24. Gramps

    For Country & Glory?

    I think your country is Iran, and you have no idea what glory is.

    Go back to Huff-Po or the KOS and stroke yourself.

  25. MO

    the only glory your gonna get is knowing we cant jump through your monitor and break your little fingers. keep talking little one. your party is so unorganized. here’s the rope. you know what to do.

  26. Michael A. Davis

    Hey, “For country and glory”,

    You are what I call a seagull blogger. You swoop in, crap all over everything, then swoop out.

    Not once did you try to rebuttal anything. You simply spew mindless infantile rhetoric, then take off.

    Just once, I would like see a dem actually back up their potty mouth…

  27. Timothy

    re: marie and others–

    the “next” time (because this is contuous and never “next”, the prez that steps up, and unleashes our force will win and put an end to this silliness. I was not an e-4 USMC to win the hearts of the EU and all these fools. I swore to defend my country

  28. Greg - USA

    For country and glory - what a funny name. The mall is calling you…drive on by.

  29. AllahEntaFadiq

    Look, another dimocrat found Pat’s sight! Another stunning achievement from our brilliant brothers the Libs.

    Rummy, congrats on popping your pull-up cherry….NOW GET OFF YOUR NASTY (soon to be) RECRUIT ASS AND GET THE OTHER 19, Goddamit!…… Sorry, having flashbacks. Must be my PTSD. Seriously though thats the toughest one to get so I’m proud of you.

    Don Rumsfeld made a couple of major mistakes. Number 1, during the run up to the war, we had good S2 about Iraqis being mainly tribal - as opposed to nationalistic. This was ignored. The (flawed) assessment was that the Iraqis would immidiatly stand up and unite behind us. This ignores hundreds of years of interaction between the West and Arabs.

    Secondly, when the insurgency did develope the military was slow to respond because Rumsfeld maintained to tight a grip on the strategic (not tactical) control of the troops. This despite many excellent leaders in primarily the Marines and Army SF calling for a change in TTP’s (thats Training, Tactis, and Procedures). Dont get me wrong, much of what he did was right but there were mistakes made. Hope this answers your q’s.



  30. The Hammer

    “War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.” -John Mill

    Viruses are a funny thing. A simple strand of DNA wrapped in a protein complex that bypasses the body’s immune system.
    The strand of viral DNA introduces itself into a healthy cell and begins to replicate. The virus serves no purpose other than to reproduce and carry on its own life, even at the sake of its host. When compared to the current political trends of the democratic party it becomes increasingly harder to differentiate between the two.

    Members of the congress such as Pelosi are these miserable creatures, these viruses, they are the enemy within our boarders who seek to destroy our institutions of government for nothing more than the prepetuation of their own political party.

  31. rumsfeld47

    JD, thanks for the education. Donald Rumsfeld, who is actually my father (hee-hoo, hee-hoo) is one stubborn old son-of-a-bitch. And stubborn old motherfuckers can get stuck in tactical ruts. Thanks for the info. :beer:

  32. For country and glory


    Ya guess who fought for US in the First Gulf war. I’m a patriot, love my country and would die for it. Just because I don’t share your politics, don’t pretend that I am beneath you.

  33. For country and glory


    No you are wrong. Viruses serve the purpose of helping to mutate our genes, so that we get genetic variations that mother nature can then sort out on whether they are useful or not.

  34. I Know Where You Live

    For Country and glory you need to have your ass beaten for impersonating a combat vet. You’fe a lying sack. If I had a nickel for everytime I’ve seen one of you liberal keyboard cowards lay out that shit, I’d be as rich as your whore mother.

  35. I Know Where You Live

    By the way, is that ugly bitch dead yet? Because if she’s not, she needs to be soon. I’ll be drinking to the hope of it tonight.

  36. jsc0311

    For country and glory, if you REALLY did serve, like so many of us on this website, then WHAT IS YOUR NAME, RANK, AND UNIT YOU SERVED WITH?!! Pictoral evidence would also be nice. I do not agree with your political views, but if you can definitively PROVE your service to this country, I can respect that. If not, shut your fucking cake-hole. YOU CAN EAT SHIT AND DIE if you’re pretending to be one of my brethern who have shed much blood, sweat, and tears for this great nation.



    Donald [THEMAN]Rumsfield made some fat faced rolly polly chiefs and flat out remmington raiders get off thier fat asses and do freaking work sharing some combat duties.

    this is what i see, I have yet to have anyone interject a different possibility.


  38. Gramps

    Country & glory speaks: Ya guess who fought for US in the First Gulf war. I’m a patriot, love my country and would die for it. Just because I don’t share your politics, don’t pretend that I am beneath you.

    I don’t PRETEND anything. Just an old Marine that says what he thinks. I think you’re a phony ass wipe.

  39. drillanwr

    The Hammer,

    “Viruses are a funny thing. A simple strand of DNA wrapped in a protein complex that bypasses the body’s immune system.
    The strand of viral DNA introduces itself into a healthy cell and begins to replicate. The virus serves no purpose other than to reproduce and carry on its own life, even at the sake of its host. When compared to the current political trends of the democratic party it becomes increasingly harder to differentiate between the two.”

    Seems the United States government is suffering from the very same “virus” as Iraq (”insurgents and terrorists”, and democrats and their political MSM terrorists)… Destructive viruses harboring within that bind themselves to hosts (in Iraq though threats of death and violence … here through race baiting, entitlement chains of voter slavery and promises of tearing down the fabric of our successful capitalist nation in the goal of making us a socialist/communistic country/society), better than they are (the Iraqi people and the American people), suck them dry, seek the destruction of the body (country and government) to its (their) own benefit.

    Why we can’t find cures for viruses is because they are a cowardly organism that uses the host (human shields in Iraq … classes of people who refuse to get off the government tit here) to hide behind for self-preservation and gratification who are no more important to them than ants on a hill with a plow of destruction coming. Everyone is expendable, as long as the virus (terrorists … democrat bastard politicians) achieve the power of destroying the host body and claim “victory” …

    Yeah, about sums it up.

    For country and glory


    No you are wrong. Viruses serve the purpose of helping to mutate our genes, so that we get genetic variations that mother nature can then sort out on whether they are useful or not.”

    Oh, yeah, I see … You mean like AIDS? … “Thinning the herd”, and all, eh? I’m sure your leftist fascist ranks would love to hear and understand your opinion on the justification of the suffering and dying of a segment of their (your) ideological masses …

    The virus of the madman Marx has and will continue to die a thousand deaths you Communist Fascist whore. This republic and democracy and capitalist nation has survived a hell of a lot longer than any country that adopted, through force and mass murder, the ideological lunacy of Marx and Stalin. Chavez’s people will get sick and tired of losing all their rights as citizens and workers. When Castro finally goes to Hell Cuba will burn with civilian revolution, because fire is a merciless cleanser, and rebuild to become the capitalistic paradise gem of the Caribbean that it should be.

    Take your socialist/communist bullshit and shove it side-ways.

    And if you happen to be a college or pre med student (or some stupid fuck high school student who thinks they have all the answers in the world just because you might be getting an A in your “socialist teacher’s union” teacher’s 4th period History class) then do the right thing for society and the world … drop the fuck out. Your mindset will be responsible for the deaths of hundred or thousands of people.

    As for Joe Lieberman … While running as Algore’s VP Joe assumed the position of wanker for the party. Many who watched that campaign commented on Lieberman’s 180 degree turn on many of his own ideas and stances on issues. Now that he is out from under the crushing yolk of the dhimmicrat party he can speak with clearer conscience (notice he doesn’t seem to drone on in that whinny mumble anymore?).

    Lieberman, while it would be great if he jumped onto the republican ship, just might be better as an (I). He pokes a finger in the eye of the dhimms, while keeping the republicans on their toes. He’s a good man with a good and strong soul … who knows that all his ideas about social issues would be shit down the toilet if national security of this country were to crumble. The fact that he is Jewish also seems sort of Divine Intervention, in that he (perhaps not so vocally) is looking out for the preservation of our only loyal ally, not only in the Middle East region, but in that entire half of the world (See: Europe … with Great Briton on egg shells).

  40. drillanwr

    For country and glory

    Just to be clear …

    While I know you didn’t bring up “AIDS”, my mention of it was a precise analogy of the idiocy of your “virus” comments . . . dick weed.

  41. AllahEntaFadiq

    I Know Where You Live;
    please d0nt misconstue what i’m about to say (Im not defending that lib “keyboard coward”) but reciently I have met more real vets who are against the war than I care to admit. As shameful as it is, there is a growing discontentment even among our very own brothers. Although I’m not a huge Pres. Bush fan (more for his domestic policies; e.g. illegal immigration) I support the war 100%. I can, however, see why people are dissallusioned. I think much of it is a knee jerk reaction on their part because they dont like the man, but don’t understand the ramifications of the war.

    BTW does anyone know anybody w/ any pull on active duty - I really want to do a tour in
    Afghanistan this summer and can’t make it happen on my own.



  42. For country and glory

    Hahaha. You sacks of shit are all the same. Gave your life to the services, got paid shit, ate shit, turned into hollow pieces of shit, and then wonder why no civilians want to be near you. Hint: Its because you also smell like shit. When I retired after G1 I had Gulf Syndrome. Isn’t that nice. All you do in the army is get shit on and shit on and then you retire and your benefits can’t even wipe your ass. Most of you are young so you don’t get it yet, you will be shit on too when you retire. Now I’m working for Lockheed and getting paid. I don’t need to keep love-fucking the army that used me and my brothers for nothing. I am rich now, so you poor ol boys who have only memories of glory to hold your piece of shit lives together can suck my fat chubby.

    Stupid right dictatorist repubicans. Stalin would be proud of you.

  43. Gramps

    “Hahaha. You sacks of shit are all the same. Gave your life to the services, got paid shit, ate shit, turned into hollow pieces of shit, and then wonder why no civilians want to be near you.”

    No one wants to be near you because you’re a dumb fuck. If you were actually in the military, you likely spent it all in the brig.

  44. drillanwr

    Great Satan! And THIS bastard is loose on the streets …

    Everything you just said is a dellusional lie.

  45. Greg - USA

    Stupid left socialist democrats.

    “For country and glory” should be “For me, mE, ME!”

  46. drillanwr

    delusional … my finger slipped

  47. 0311inohio

    For country and glory: An anger managment course would be good for you. Also, How does it feel to get up every morning and be miserable? I mean when you look in the mirror, what do you see? It must be a poor pathetic human being staring back. Try this. Look in the mirror, directly into the empty eyes of what is staring back at you and say, outloud, I LOVE YOU… Betch ya can’t do it.. :smile:

  48. Daniel

    In response:

    For country and glory - “…You sacks of shit are all the same.” - “I am rich now, so you poor ol[d] boys who have only memories of glory…” - April 28th, 2007 at 3:07 pm

    For someone who is ’supposedly’ doing so well now, you seem awfully bitter. Tell me what previous Administration (of eight years) was responsible for ignoring the medical problems of Gulf War One Veterans? As far as the young (and some, not so young) men fighting this war today, most did not, and do not, join the military because of the pay (or the ‘retirement’ benefits). I, personally, have never met any ‘civilians’ who do not like being ‘near’ Veterans - what ’snobby’ San Francisco coffee shop do you live above? I agree with the assessments of previous responders to your vile slanderous comments… you’re a total fraud.

  49. rumsfeld47

    STDs are not considered Gulf War Syndrome, country.

  50. rumsfeld47

    And Chad, I think it’s time we voted For country and glory off the island. :evil:


    i think you’re full of shit c and g

  52. john courage

    For Country and Glory… Do you know anything about stalin you fucking idiot, or did you just use his name because you know it is associated with evil and you were just trying to be clever? Gulf War 1 wasnt a war by the way, it was just CAX on steroids, and the army shit on you because you were a fucking shit bag, a terd bird, a bravo foxtrot, a fat little weasel who crapped his pants his first day in boot camp. you ARE beneath us, you and everyone like you, you are the pieces of shit who drop out of 3 mile runs or complain when mail doesnt come once a week. you people are the weakest fucking links in our county. we’re not your brothers, we’re the mother fuckers who picked on your fat ass and shoved ho ho’s and doughnuts down your throat for hiding food in your footlocker.

  53. john courage

    i apologize for saying fuck so many times when responding to so-called “for country and glory”, that was completely out of character. i generally use it when addressing a more honorable adversary.

  54. Gramps

    Don’t apologize. That was beautiful!… :-)

  55. jsc0311

    For country and glory, I have a Bachelor’s of Science and probably make more than you - unless you’re a network engineer making more than 85K. I used to work for Lockheed, before I got a better paying job. However, unlike you, I can prove my service to the country and name specifics: Cpl. Chang, “E” Co. 3rd LAR Bn and “B” Co. 4th LAR Bn, USMC ‘98-’04. Unlike you, I actually take pride in my past service, regardless of how much I got shit on (IF you really did serve). Since you like to talk about chubbies and claim to have served in the army, you should try taking the dick out of your mouth before saying “Hoorah.” It would sound a lot better than that gay “Hooah.”

    Lockheed’s a big company, the largest defense contractor in North America to be exact. Am I supposed to be impressed? They have all sorts of jobs. For all I know you could be janitor or security for Lockheed, assuming you really do work for them. And if you really do work for Lockheed, I hope they never gave you a clearance. You certainly don’t rate it. Bitter scumbags like you would probably sell secrets to the enemy.

    “So, you are obviously the big dick and the men on the side of ya are your balls. There are two types of balls: there are big brave balls, and there are little mincey faggot balls. Now, dicks have drive, and clarity of vision, but they are not clever. They smell pussy and they want a piece of the action. And, you thought you smelled some good ol’ pussy. And, have brought your two little mincey faggot balls along for a good ol’ time. But, you’ve got your parties muddled up. There’s no pussy here, just a dose that’ll make you wish you were born a woman. Like a prick, you are having second thoughts. You’re shrinking . . . and your two little balls are shrinking with ya. And, the fact that you’ve got “replica” written down the side of your guns. And, the fact that I’ve got “Desert Eagle point 5 0″ written on the side of mine, should precipitate your balls into shrinking, along with your presence. Now . . . fuck off.”

    For country and glory, FUCK OFF you “replica” wannabe!!!

  56. AllahEntaFadiq


    we’re allowing that bitch ass pussy C&G to get us offf topic!
    We were trying to find a way to get my steeley-eyed, killer ass to Afghanistan for a couple months…. I’m bored with college and its time to get back to what I do best - killing Muslims. Any ideas?


  57. drillanwr

    [john courage

    i apologize for saying fuck so many times when responding to so-called “for country and glory”, that was completely out of character. i generally use it when addressing a more honorable adversary.]

    Yunz fuckin’ forgiven, man. :beer:

    c and g is really Alec Baldwin …

  58. RedBeard

    I normally am not driven to make many comments within blogs. However, after reading For Country & Glory’s (C&G) comments I feel compelled to interject. C&G at first I almost assumed you were playing devil’s advocate. You were playing a decent hand and had everyone riled up and off the original topic. Then you made a true error, showed your true colors, and began spitting mindless rhetoric. I’m almost disappointed at myself for even acknowledging you because you are merely a sniffling adolescent that needs to be ignored. You have made no intelligent comments and have contributed nothing enlightening. You have only attacked with childish argumentative language. Why is it that insecure and unhappy people have to throw out job titles and salary figures to defend themselves? Does your business card have some ridiculously lengthy title on it that makes no sense and everyone is sure you made it up? Is that how you measure or define yourself? If it is, I feel sorry for you because you are misguided and hollow. Do you have to give yourself a pep talk every morning before starting your day. I am also sorry it took you 20 years in the military to realize you were unhappy. Did you continue reenlisting because you were afraid you had nothing else. Were you afraid that without the security of the military the big world was going to crush you? Your comments made it very apparent that you did not and still do not believe in the greater meaning of SERVING (you know …military ’service’) our country. Please do not reply by questioning my background because I can supply anything you want to prove that I was in the military. I did not enjoy every minute but I love knowing that did my part. Do everyone a favor by offering intelligent ideas on changing current actions for the better instead of condemning us for our views or go away and crawl into the shell of a life you have created.

  59. Brad W

    C and G sounds like one of those sleepers that Iran snuck into our Army 20 years ago. That has to be the country he is for… notice he said he fought for the US during GW1, but says nothing about being an American?

    I want Lisa back on this site, her posts were getting good, as some of us noted a couple days ago. At least she got off the attack and run mode, and responded with real discourse, which we all appreciate.

    C&G says he is rich now, well, being the true liberal he says he is, that must mean he makes over 25K a year…. According to the Elected Dems, income under that is the mainstay of their voting base, while Republicans are the ones who strive for EVERYONE to do well, based on individual merit. C&G sounds like one of those liars who brags about service or job, and lives the life of “keeping up with the Jones’s” and no matter what they do or accomplish, they will brag about what they think they did, and always be jealous of anyone else who has any success.

    6 years in the Corp, 6 in the Army, yeah I got screwed over a lot in those years. That is a part of life, I have been short changed at just about every company I have worked for, so has almost everyone I know. So WAAAH C&G, go cry me a river. If you had any spine, you would take those as learning experiences from life, and learn to adjust your actions. The only people i know of who have never been short changed in life are those who are so wealthy they never learned the meaning of work, and live life feeling jilted over just about everything. Money does not always mean success or happiness. If you really are making decent money now, good for you. Sorry to say, within the next few years you are most likely to feel you are a total loser, as you hit your earning potential limit. You will never feel accomplished, and if you really did 20 years, you would have pride in that, and be supportive of your brothers and sisters in arms. you must be one of those .005% that Kerry refered to when he stuck his foot in his mouth last fall and slammed those with lower than room temperature I.Q.’s as being stuck in the military because they couldn’t do well in school.

    It is really disgusting to return to regurgitations such as you after a weekend off.

  60. I Know Where You Live

    C&G sounds like a teenage dork who has to say he was in the military to have some cred to his posts. For his sake I hope he really is a kid, because any grown man who composes childlike manglings of all grown up words - “dictatorist Republicans” punctuated by hackneyed, adolescent lefty blather “Stalin would be proud of you”, is a literally retarded individual. Maybe not clinically retarded, but intellectually, certainly. In other words, C&G, you’re either a kid or a moron.

  61. Egfrow

    For Glory and Country, you seem to have some kind of Syndrome. It’s called compulsive bullshit! Your rant was incoherent and inconsistent. You’ve have to be like 11 years old.

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