Over One Million Americans Have Read Corporal Rock’s Email To Traitor “Dingey” Harry Reid

April 24th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

#1 most emailed story from the NY Post

Douche Harry Reid

By GEOFF EARLE, Post Correspondent

April 24, 2007 — WASHINGTON - A tough U.S. Marine stationed in one of the most hostile areas of Iraq has a message for Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid: “We need to stay here and help rebuild.”

In raw and emotional language from the bloody front lines, Cpl. Tyler Rock, of the 1st Battalion, 6th Marines, skewered Reid for being far removed from the patriotism and progress in Iraq.

“Yeah, and I got a quote for that [expletive] Harry Reid. These families need us here,” Rock vented in an e-mail to Pat Dollard, a Hollywood agent-turned-war reporter who posted the comment on his Web site, patdollard.com.

“Obviously [Reid] has never been in Iraq. Or at least the area worth seeing . . . the parts where insurgency is rampant and the buildings are blown to pieces,” Rock wrote.

Based in Camp Lejeune, N.C., Rock catalogued a series of grim daily traumas in Iraq, like getting covered in ash and sleeping under a dirty rug in an Iraqi family’s house, or watching “several terrorists die” on the same strip of pavement.

But he says he is optimistic about the future of a country that he says has “turned to complete s- - -” during a bloody insurgency.

He also spoke admiringly of the risks brave Iraqi citizens take every day.

“If Iraq didn’t want us here then why do we have [Iraqi police] volunteering every day to rebuild their cities?” he asked.

“It sucks that Iraqis have more patriotism for a country that has turned to complete s- - - more than the people in America who drink Starbucks every day.

“We could leave this place and say we are sorry to the terrorists. And then we could wait for 3,000 more American civilians to die before we say, ‘Hey, that’s not nice’ again.”

“And the sad thing is after we WIN this war. People like [Reid] will say he was there for us the whole time.”

Rock’s candid e-mail swept across the Internet after Dollard posted it on his site, and it was picked up by the Drudge Report and numerous other Web sites.

“What does [Reid] know about us ‘losing’ besides what he wants to believe? The truth is that we are pushing al Qaeda out and we are pushing the insurgency out. We are here to support a nation.”

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143 Responses

  1. john

    Finally some more maistream media picks up on the real action. The road to Hell is paved with Fuckheads like H Reid. Glad I’m not from Nevada, what an embarassment.

  2. mindy abraham

    Go Marines-they know exactly how to express themselves :smile:

  3. LCpl Jim

    fuckin-a! :beer:

  4. drillanwr


    Good on you for being an ever loudening platform for our brave young men/women in theater to voice their outrage and the truth. And good on them for being brave and bold to say what needs to be heard.

    And congrats on the additional traffic your site is getting these last couple days … although I’ve found it bottle-necked at times … :roll: :beer:

  5. Kathy Ozanne

    YES!!!! I am just ‘gleeful’ over this piece of truth sweeping over the MSM. I hope Reid is squirming in his leather office chair right about now.

    I work with lotsa moonbats, and I emailed that article to all of them. Of course, they are quick to blame the media, blah blah blah. I pointed out the statement that Cpl. Rock made — “It sucks that Iraqis have more patriotism for a country that has turned to complete s- - - more than the people in America who drink Starbucks every day.” My little way of telling them that they are as responsible for this ‘loser atmosphere’ in our country as Senator Reid. As Americans, we have an individual responsibility to support our troops and their efforts. It’s not just a bunch of babblespeak — each American is responsible.

    My husband and I are Christians — we pray for our troops and their families every single day. We NEVER miss. God Bless you Corporal Rock, and all of you who so selflessly and faithfully serve what often appears to be a damn ungrateful nation.

  6. laura floyd

    Thank you Thank you Thank you - not only for your service but for finally seeing something in print that isn’t negative about our troops. I am behind you 120% and I think we need to finally have more coverage from our fighting troops and what they think instead of a bunch of politicians playing politics with the war and no matter what they say I believe most of the Dems want us to LOSE in Iraq to help their party. I believe the American spirit will prevail and we will WIN, no thanks to these cowardly politicians.
    Thanks again!

  7. Andy

    HOO-RAH CPL Rock,
    If they don’t have enough to do already this is what it will take to turn the tide of the American attitude towards the war. If the soldiers who sacrifice so much to serve this country would take the time to write letters/emails to newspapers and web sites that will post them it will be very hard to deny the success we are having in Iraq and Afganistan. People who recite “We support the troops not the mission” cannot discount the words of those who are actually in the war.

    Keep up the good work soldiers the MAJORITY of the people support you and the mission. As usual the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

  8. PhilNBlanx

    Senator Reid D-Feat didn’t get the bizzaro pulpit by accident.
    Don’t get mad now. Get even Nov. 4, 2008.
    Cpl Rock and the rest of America’s finest deserves at least that small effort from us.

  9. Gabe Thompson

    Oh shit! :shock: They picked the story up? Here we go!

  10. JDizzy

    Lots of new faces around here these days Pat (or names), congrats on hitting the big time. I’m proud to be a part of an organization where Cpl’s have the balls to tell congresspussies (I cant in good conscience call Reid a man). The other day some duchebag wondered aloud if Rock might get in trouble because shit rolls down hill….I fucking dare Reid to do something to Rock. With all this press, if he does, he’s fucked!!!!! Keep your heads up Marines.

  11. Rubin


    Here’ a friend oF Dingey Harry Reid waiting for him in Islamic paradise.

  12. RaubackR

    This is f*cking awesome! Last time I saw Rock he was a hard-nosed LCpl at Bangor. Now he’s standing up to that worthless, treasonous, scumbag Harry Reid. Keep up the good fight Corporal you got a nation of real Americans standing behind you. :beer:

  13. Deanna

    :beer: Kudos to our marines and HALLELUIAH! It’s about time someone with the proper credentials and experience get a say into what’s going on. Harry Reid should be tried for treason….or…to simply make matters easier and cheaper for US tax payers, just ship him off to the Al-Qaeda, or any other terrorist group that would want him. They deserve him, he deserves them. He’s an idiot and a traitor!

    GOD BLESS OUR MILITARY…especially those doing it without feeding into the left liberal whiners. Not everyone in America hates the military. We love our soldiers! Don’t get discouraged. You are our heroes! :smile:

  14. Jerry

    Great to see the context of his message carried in a major daily like that. If only the NYT would come to terms. congratulations to all the Marines, Army and other Service personel who are doing the world’s most difficult job and doing it well!

  15. Coley

    Harry Reid and his pals want nothing more than for us to fail in Iraq, that will bolster their position and it is complete bullshit. We can have our differences, but when it comes to our Men and Women fighting for freedom, they are my Hero’s-Our Military has done more for our country than Reid will ever accomplish in a his lifetime. Harry Reid is a disgrace and should be held accountable by the people of Nevada!

  16. Cathy

    I just want Cpl. Rock to know that all American’s do not feel that way. We still support our troops and believe in them. The sacrifices they (and their families) are making should be applauded. There are still alot of great American’s that know that, we have just been passive and let this wave of treason come to the forefront. GOD BLESS OUR TROOPS!!!!!!!!!

  17. notacon

    Harry Reid is trying to save our troops from the irresponsible policies of this criminal president.

    The president has set up a meatgrinder that converts our sons and dollars into profits for his cronies.

    Thank you Harry for trying to stop this blood-for-profits campaign!

  18. Paul

    America is tired of hearing the worthless opinions from bureaucrats like Reid. He’s done nothing but boost the morale of our enemies in an attempt to improve his own political standing. We should be listening to the people putting their lives on the line.

    God bless Cpl Rock and God bless the Unites States Marine Corps. Semper Fidelis!

  19. Kathy Ozanne

    Oh, and one more thing. Something I’ve wanted to say to our soldiers for a long time, if you don’t mind:

    I cannot begin to relate to or imagine the things you must deal with on a daily basis. I’ll never be able to really understand what you all go through because I didn’t go through it myself. I can only imagine that sometimes you might get lonely, or scared, or tired. When that happens, please know that two people in Mesa, Arizona, USA are praying for you. No matter what you go through each day, just keep that in your mind and your heart. We are praying for you.

    Thank you for letting me say that.

  20. Kathy Ozanne

    Hey notacon, STFU! Go back to the 60’s. Meatgrinder my a** — these brave men and women volunteered, something I seriously doubt you have the cojones to do.

  21. Glenn Rapp


    Keep up the good work brother. And keep yer head down……..

  22. Infidel

    notacon doesn’t give a shit about saving our troops, so stop pretending to. More like nota-brain, definitely nota-set of balls.

    Hey dumb-ass, our troops are out there to save us! And they do it well so piss off.

  23. TWarrior

    Ignore the notacon, people like that don’t deserve any recognition.


  24. Iacobus


    It’s obvious to us that you’re ignoring the good that Cpl. Rock has talked about. You’re not going to get a better bird’s-eye view of the situation than those that are actually there, doing the job that you obviously don’t support.

    So keep up with the memes of verbal diarrhea. It’s what you’re best at.


    there is a need to pool all the voices and let them be heard


  26. Grumpy

    To notacon:

    Move out and draw fire.

  27. notacon

    I am an ex-Marine (Vietnam)and so was my father (WWII). I don’t have to justify my credibility to anyone. We both have come to the conclusion that this administration brought us to war under false pretenses in a for-profit scheme for their cronies. Why should our kids be put in harms way to make these rich people richer?

    Harry Reid is trying to bring our troops home from a war that was NOT DECLARED BY CONGRESS. Remember the constitution that us soldiers swore to defend?????

  28. Milly

    Thank you and May God Keep you safe Corporal Rock.

    Harry Reid is a Corrupt individual , That the state of Nevada will never Hold accountable for the Garbage he spouts..




  30. Elizabeth

    Sir, thank you.

    Thank you for your service. We honor men and women like you, who have sacrificed so much for our safety and for our Freedom. We are very proud of our military.

    May God Bless all of you and your families.”

    Please pass this message to the rest of your men/women as well.


    I am an ex-Marine (Vietnam)

    how did you get kicked out

    for i am still and will always be a UNITED STATES MARINE

  32. IdahoPatriot

    Hey Pat,Thank you very much for giving voice to our troops!
    Hey troops, let’s here more from you! Your whispers are so much louder than the wailing we hear from our democrat “Leaders” and actually have value. Don’t let these gasbag surrender sluts have the stage.
    I haven’t forgotten my oath to protect America from all enemies, foreign and domestic….I am with you.
    We are proud of you and pray for your safety and continued Victory!

  33. Gabe Thompson

    “Why should our kids be put in harms way to make these rich people richer”?

    One of the biggets falacies your type peddle. No one put anyone in Iraq. Voluteers…every last one!

  34. notacon

    Someone, please give me an idea of what our mission is there now.

    If it was to remove Saddam from power - Mission Accomplished!

    If it was to remove WMD’s - Mission Accomplished!

    If it was to make Iraq safe and secure like a 51st state, we will be there for a long, long time and I can’t support that.

    However, if we really want to stop this civil war, we should carpet bomb all Sunni villages and leave and let the Shiites run the country.

  35. Lt. Jarred Fishman

    I got my “Good News Iraq’ weekly report published in milblogs Black Five and Badger Six- check it out and spread the word of the good things we are doing and the progress being made..


  36. TWarrior

    Who declared a civil war notacon???

  37. Infidel

    Hey No-balls, “in harms way”? Cry me a friggin river. Get back over to moveon.org or hard-on-for-Bush.com or whatever rock you crawled out from under.



    tell me something you know not what you have read someplace else

  39. Iacobus

    notacon said:

    “If it was to make Iraq safe and secure like a 51st state, we will be there for a long, long time and I can’t support that.

    However, if we really want to stop this civil war, we should carpet bomb all Sunni villages and leave and let the Shiites run the country.”

    Again, I don’t know *why* I have to keep saying this ( because it should be obvious to anyone with an inkling of common sense), but an effort such as this takes time. You’re asking a culture that’s known nothing but tyranny, oppression and fear for several decades to magically become stable with a snap of the fingers.

    You do realize that not all Sunnis support the insurgency…right? Carpet bombing (appealing as it may be) is not the solution, nor is handing over total Shiite control. (What about the Kurds? Do they not count?)

  40. TWarrior

    IMPO, this says it all:

    “This is leftism’s great strength: it’s all white lies. That’s its only advantage, as far as I can tell. None of its programs actually works, after all. From statism and income redistribution to liberalized criminal laws and multiculturalism, from its assault on religion to its redefinition of family, leftist policies have made the common life worse wherever they’re installed. But because it depends on—indeed is defined by—describing the human condition inaccurately, leftism is nothing if not polite. With its tortuous attempts to rename unpleasant facts out of existence—he’s not crippled, dear, he’s handicapped; it’s not a slum, it’s an inner city; it’s not surrender, it’s redeployment—leftism has outlived its own failure by hiding itself within the most labyrinthine construct of social delicacy since Victoria was queen.” — Andrew Klavan

  41. SemperFiDad

    Some people go a whole lifetime wondering if they’ve made a differece. Marines don’t have that problem.
    “President Ronald Regan”

    Just remember Mr Speaker, “The strongest weapon in the world is a US Marine and his rifle” and the strongest weapon in the United States is the pulling hand in the Voting both. Enjoy your retirement.

  42. SemperFiDad

    Some people go a whole lifetime wondering if they’ve made a differece. Marines don’t have that problem.
    “President Ro Re”

    Just remember Mr Speaker, “The strongest weapon in the world is a US Marine and his rifle” and the strongest weapon in the United States is the pulling hand in the Voting both. Enjoy your retirement.

  43. nituathaill

    I think Pat’s previous posting of a letter from 1st Lt. Matthew McGirr summed this whole Congressional debacle up rather well:

    “The pundits and politicians on both sides do not fully grasp the conditions on the ground here. They are arrogantly and irresponsibly using this war and the troops who fight in it for political gain and election
    currency. They manipulate the truth or do not care enough to seek it out.”

  44. kenmc60

    Cpl Rock:

    Appreciate your response to FH Reid.
    What is wrong with this country when we have individuals like Rock 12,000 miles away getting shit on by the enemy and we have slimeballs like Reid rooting for the enemy.

  45. Retired Top

    Notacon must have been one of McNamarra’s 100,000 cat IV’s. I’m surprised he could correctly type the koolaid hype he’s reading. :mrgreen:


  46. MO

    could it be that the media is slowly waking up to the notion that these dems are spinning out of control? good job Pat!!!

  47. Retired Top

    BTW notawhatever, if you were a Marine at some point as you claim, why in the hell do you refer to
    “us soldiers”???

  48. Theo L.

    That’s great! It’s actually funny, because that post I believe I commented something along the liens of, “Its a pity this isn’t hitting the mainstream media,” and here it is!

    I’m from New York, and I know that the Post’s popularity is declining due to its more conservative politics. They’re sacrificing to get the real news out, like this.

  49. rumsfeld47

    I saw Senator Joe (the bitch) Biden on C-SPAN today, hollering his nuts off about this and that. Talking about how this war is tearing our military apart, and affecting recruitment…

    Dear Joe,

    Fuck you for betting against the war. This USMC poolee ships in 15 days, and by the time I’m done training, I sure hope there’s still some terrorists in Iraq for me to shoot! Eat shit and die.



  50. rumsfeld47

    My nutsack has a better foreign policy than the Democrats.

    What pisses on my car is the fact that these fuckweeds don’t give a fuck about lives being lost, unless they know them personally–the mere fact that we’re at war HURTS THEIR FEELINGS.

    Grow a pair and have a nice cup of SHUT THE FUCK UP.

    I swore to defend the Constitution, not your fucking feelings. Cocksucking motherfuckers.

  51. John Cunningham

    Notacon, Vietnam vet? How do you feel about the democrats turned 55,000 into an ‘all for naught’? By cutting funding after we withdrew that’s what they did. By refusing a few bucks for beans and bullets and a few flyovers to help them defend themselves against a chinese communist financed blitzkreig the democrats handed South Vietnam to the communists. Actions speak louder than words, they sided with the communists. Now a days they’re doing the same thing, siding with the islamofacists. Actions speak louder than words. Iraq has turned into a psychotic saltlick. Good, kill them over there. Hey, whatever works. Come on notacon, ‘fess up, you’re really Murtha under that con.

  52. Chickenhawksforever

    Come on Bush lied , now Troops have died, and the Bush Chickenhawks hide.

    Anymore Butt pyramids.Killing of iraqi people by out of control troops?

  53. IdahoVet

    It would hold much more weight and be much more effective if opinions were given without profanity. It makes the author sound uneducated and illiterate which demeans the meaning behind the message.
    I am a Gulf War I vet and proudly support my troops, my country and my President.

  54. Rattler34

    I do not usually respond to these things but I feel the need. I think you better check your history…. We were attacked on 9/11, but were we really attacked in the Gulf of Tonkin like LBJ calimed. Oh ya i forgot to mention that LBJ was a DEMOCRAT

  55. Ron





  56. Lomaxx

    Hey I am a soldier in the 45th Infantry Brigade and I am going to Iraq next year. I don’t mind it is what I agreed to do. What I have a problem with is jackasses like harry reid telling me I have failed to win this war when it looks to me like the most amazing military operation in history. How about we grow some balls and patients and let the soldiers do their jobs. It is a crazy world someone should show Harry Reid where its at, cause it definitely isnt behind his fucking desk in Congress.
    Here is a fact finding mission spend a week in an Army or Marine unit in Iraq, wear a kevlar, wear some IBA, and keep his fucking head down. Talk watch and learn mother fucker. This is the real world and were the experts not you faggot ass. We are, will, and have already won this war now let us finish it pussy.

  57. A. S. Wise

    With one united voice was must tell every defeatist in Washington: “Either hop on board the victory train, or get the f&%# out of its way!”

  58. Thoughts Of A Conservative Christian Over One Million Americans Have Read Corporal Rock’s Email To Traitor Dingey Harry Reid «

    […] Over One Million Americans Have Read Corporal Rock’s Email To Traitor Dingey Harry Reid April 24th, 2007 — budsimmons Over One Million Americans Have Read Corporal Rock’s Email To Traitor Dingey Harry Reid […]


    In Harry Reid, Nevada has finally produced a politician worthy of assassination!

  60. drillanwr

    Well, it might be safe to say a relevant nickname for Pinky Reid is now “Dead Dem Walking”… (In the “political” sense, that is … Don’t need the Feds hunting me down for some supposed threat, especially to someone who isn’t worth the sweat off my ass)

  61. MileHighPatriot

    HOOAH! Glad to see this got so much attention.

  62. milton resch

    way to go cpl. perhaps our congressional leaders? should talk more to the “grunts” and less to the higher ups. they might learn more.

  63. SemperFiAunt

    All I can say is that I agree with you 110%+!!!! I get aggrivated and flat out P!$$ED off when you hear people whine around about what we are doing “over there”. I’m a proud Marine Aunt and Friend. I can sit here and say that I’m not so sure I could deal with what you go through 24/7 while over seas. I can say that if I were there I would try my best and give my heart to those that want peace for their home. I do set and support all those that are not only trying to make a lost nation come back to life and rebuild but also I support you because you protect me, my family, and my friends 24/7 even though you don’t know me. If it weren’t for you I would not have or be able to do a 1/4 of the things I do. I do not support those that set here and bash our soliders. I do not support those that B!+ch all day about how bad their day went and then go home to soak in a million dollar hot tub. If we would take each celebrity, politician, and crack pot “against the war” protester and put them in your combat boots or in the place of a true Iraqi they wouldn’t last more than an hour. They could not live sleepin on the ground, diggin sand out of their @$$, scrape for food, coffee, decent drinking water, or a little sun screen. They would pass out from the stress of not being spoiled within less than an hour of landing. In my eyes those who complain instead of support have no voice to me they are mute to me they are uneducated and self-centered. In my eyes those that support, pray, and yell OORAH! at the end of each day are right up there with the angels. For those that support, believe, and care are sending their love, and their lives to you. You see, the press hasn’t given us freedom of speech, it was a soldier. The goverment didn’t give us the right to vote, it was a soldier, the goverment didn’t give us freedom at all, it was a soldier, the goverment is the one trying to take it away little by little without us noticing. Well, guess what, WE’VE NOTICED! I hope you like what I have included below, these are just a few of the things I have took to heart over the years. May God Bless You All and THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for keeping me and my family FREE! OORAH! OORAH! OORAH! SemperFi
    My quote to those each day that BITCH A FIT……..
    The Finest Statement Ever Printed To Date
    A mother asked President Bush,
    “Why did my son have to die in Iraq?”
    Another mother asked President Kennedy,
    “Why did my son have to die in Vietnam?”
    Another mother asked President Truman,
    “Why did my son have to die in Korea?”
    Another mother asked President F.D. Roosevelt,
    “Why did my son have to die at Iwo Jima?”
    Another mother asked President W. Wilson,
    “Why did my son have to die on the battlefield of France?”
    Yet another mother asked President Lincoln,
    “Why did my son have to die at Gettysburg?”
    And yet another mother asked President G. Washington,
    “Why did my son have to die near Valley Forge?”
    Then long, long ago, a mother asked…
    “Heavenly Father, why did my Son have to die
    on a cross outside of Jerusalem?”
    The answers to all these are similar –
    “So that others may have life and dwell in peace,
    happiness and FREEDO!M”

    The Daughter of A Soldier

    Last week I was in Atlanta, Georgia attending a conference.
    While I was in the airport, returning home, I heard several people
    behind me beginning to clap and cheer. I immediately turned around and
    witnessed one of the greatest act’s of patriotism I have ever seen. Moving
    thru the terminal was a group of soldiers in their camo’s, as they began
    heading to their gate everyone (well almost everyone) was abruptly to their
    feet with their hands waving and cheering. When I saw the soldiers, probably
    30-40 of them, being applauded and cheered for it hit me. I’m not alone. I’m not
    the only red blooded American who still loves this country and supports our troops
    and their families. Of course I immediately stopped and began clapping for these
    young unsung heroes who are putting their lives on the line everyday for us so we can
    go to school, work and home without fear or reprisal. Just when I thought I could not be
    more proud of my country or of our service men and women a young girl, not more than
    6 or 7 years old, ran up to one of the male soldiers. He kneeled down and said “Hi,” the
    little girl then she asked him if he would give something to her daddy for her. The young
    soldier, he didn’t look any older than maybe 22 himself, said he would try and what did she
    want to give to her daddy. Then suddenly the little girl grabbed the neck of this soldier, gave
    him the biggest hug she could muster and then kissed him on the cheek.

    The mother of the little girl, who said her daughters name was Courtney, told the young soldier that her husband was a Marine and had been in Iraq for 11 months now. As the mom was
    explaining how much her daughter, Courtney, missed her father, the young soldier began to tear up. When this temporarily single mom was done explaining her situation, all of the soldiers huddled together for a brief second. Then one of the other servicemen pulled out a military
    looking walkie-talkie. They started playing with the device and talking back and forth on it.
    After about 10-15 seconds of this, the young soldier walked back over to Courtney, bent down and said this to her, “I spoke to your daddy and he told me to give this to you.” He then hugged this little girl that he had just met and gave her a kiss on the cheek. He finished by saying “your daddy told me to tell you that he loves you more than anything and he is coming home very soon.” The mom at this point was crying almost uncontrollably and as the young soldier stood to his feet he saluted Courtney and her mom. I was standing no more than 6 feet away from this
    entire event unfolded. As the soldiers began to leave, heading towards their gate, people resumed their applause. As I stood there applauding and looked around, their were very few dry eyes, including my own. That young soldier in one last act of selflessness, turned around and blew a kiss to Courtney with a tear rolling down his cheek.

    We need to remember everyday all of our soldiers and their families and thank God for them and their sacrifices. At the end of the day, it’s good to be an American.

    When Angels sense you need them …
    And Angels always do …
    They come from everywhere …
    To help comfort you.
    They hover close beside you …
    Till all your cares are gone.

    Till they can see you’re ready …
    Once again to carry on.
    Then some of them may fly away …
    And take their gentle touch,
    To other hearts that need the love of Angels very much.
    But one, at least, stays with you …
    As your constant friend and guide,
    For GUARDIAN ANGELS never leave …
    They’re always at your side.
    –Author Unknown

  64. john robinson jr

    While I respect and appreciate this young man’s courage I have to ask “How do his comments prove Mr. Reid wrong?”

  65. CPTK

    As a National Guardsman, I was at Camp Ramadi from June05 to June06 as part of 2-28 Brigade Combat Team. Over the course of the year, the Marines and Soldiers of our BCT, working together under both 1MEF and 2MEF, started to see Ramadi turn for the better. At the time, it was baby steps, as Ramadi was (and is) nothing short of an ugly place to be. But, an undercurrent of tribal leaders started to work against Al Qaeda - something that is now bearing fruit. Iraqi Police recruits (the Sons of Al Anbar) continued to show up at recruiting stations, despite being targeted. The Iraqi citizens of Al Anbar Province voted in both constitutional and parliamentary elections, despite the threat of suicide bombers. Our Task Force detained hundreds of suspected insurgents, to give the Iraqi Government and people a chance. Better than half of those detained went through the IRAQI court system, where their detention was justified. We facilitated infrastructure improvements - opening schools, building projects and working with the local government to improve the quality of life for Iraqis. We occupied rural strongpoints, conducting foot patrols and pushing the insurgency out. And, our Soldiers and Marines used every available asset to kill the enemy.

    Lose the war? Don’t think so. As many have pointed out, it takes time and patience. What CPL Rock so aptly points out is we need to make it right by the Iraqis. CPL Rock, you have our thoughts and prayers.

  66. Tobias Welsh

    If we don’t do this now we will suffer years and years of pain and regret. How long before the Islamist take over the dying country of Russia. This was done in the wars before and the American’s dindnt back down. Why should we be like France give up? Thank God for those kids over there who are doing everything they can to keep us free. Thank You! :cry:

  67. D_Mac

    We need to have a big pro-war march! We could call it the:

    “Rock” the Capital Freedom March

    Seriously we all need to get out there and have a march with such overwhelming numbers that these libs stfu and let us win the war! It’s hard to go to Washington, but what if we marched on every State Capital and as many as possible marched on D.C.?

    What if hundreds of thousands of us got together and did this?

    What if every conservative radio personality, and every blogger, Rush Limbaugh, and Michael Medved and Pat Dollard and Michael Yon and every republican congressman and senator backed it and we made our voices heard? Don’t conservatives have any power anymore in this country? Can’t we all band together and get out on the streets?

    Maybe we could do it on June 6? (D-Day) to mark the beginning of the end for the insurgents in Iraq (just like D_Day was the beginning of the end for the Nazis) because we are not going to lie down like europe and get trampled, we are going to fight to the end!

    If you are interested in this idea I am setting up a mailing list. Email me at

    Althought Making it a VJ day march might be more realistic (aug 15)

  68. Ron

    Bush n Cheney got the price of gas up….THATS FOR SURE…

    As Ronald “the traitor” Reagan said to the protesting students at Cal Berkeley when he was just a Govenor….”if they want a blood bath, we’ll give em one”!

    As Ronald “the traitor” Reagan was the one who bankrupted/deregulated the Savings and Loan institution’s and deregulated trucking….



    I’ll take Mr. Reid anytime!

  69. Abe Witonsky

    Harry Reid must realize that his comments embolden the enemy. He must realize that his comments strike fear in the hearts of the Iraqis who fear that we will leave them unprotected. Shame on Harry Reid. And honor for the brave American soldiers who will make him eat his words.

    Great post!

  70. Ron

    Ronald Regan remembered!

    In all the gushing words heard this weekend, some facts about Reagan were not expressed. In the early 1950’s as President of the Screen Actors Guild, he was an informant to the House Un-American Committee, naming names of suspected Communists in Hollywood; as Governor of California, sent the National Guard to UC Berkeley to quell student riots and said “If they want a blood bath I’ll give them a blood bath”; traded weapons for Hostages; began the fantasy StarWars defense system; made ketchup a vegetable for school lunch programs; got very cozy with the Moral Majority and started the so-called “culture war”; and wrongly took credit for having “won” the Cold War.

  71. GOP08_DOA

    Reid is correct. The war mongering radical right needs to get it through their collective thick skulls that militarily, this war has already been won. You dumb fuckers who want to fight in Iraq’s civil war just because you’re soldiers, ought to realize that without a serious change in course along with some serious diplomacy, this war *is* lost. Why the fuck did the Bumbling Bush Brigade decide to stop training the Iraqi’s anyways? Answer me that.

  72. drillanwr


    Here’s your tutu … There’s the door. :arrow:

  73. 0311inohio

    Notacon, AKA: Useful idiot. :beer: :beer: for 1/6

  74. centra

    I feel like I am in another dimension. I am becoming extremely bewildered and disturbed by the democrats like Reed. I feel like I am in a totally different country than that of the one I belonged to 25 years ago, everything is upside down. Instead of fighting the enemy, we are fighting each other. Our congress is actually giving aid and comfort to the enemy and the ones who do not agree that defeat is the only answer are silent and actually cowering in the corner. We know why we were attacked, yet we keep showing that face over and over that got us 9/11 and all the terrorist attacks before and since that infamous day. The face of appeasement, of defeatism, and the face cowardice. I want peace, almost everyone wants peace, but at what price? The only ones who do not want peace are the enemy.
    What amazes me the most is I was a dem for 27 years; I was a dem because I believed they were the party of spreading liberty and freedom. That is what brought the fall of communism. I now feel like nobody but I and a small fraction of America see the danger of radical Islam, its like people do not care about the future. They can not see how sharia law has spread and how Islam has conquered lands by the sword and the same terror we see in Iraq. Even in America we see the fear of Islam in what is shown by the news and documentaries. They are terrified to show anything against Islam, like the PBS special that omitted controversial things about Islam from a program ABOUT ISLAM. The only comfort I have is it will take 50 years for America to see President Bush was right, showing weakness and looking the other way towards atrocities in the name of Allah is an extreme danger. The comfort of it is, that I will be dead and have no children who will live in the world the democrats and Islamic radicals will have created for every person of free will and free thought, two God given rights to man that will have disappeared, maybe forever. The only free will we will see is the free will of homicide bombers pushing that button to make others obey through pure terror. May God help the USA.
    Sorry for the pessimism.

    sincerely yours

  75. Gordon

    It is about time that we start to hear from the men and women on the front lines. I have been bothered by how similar the current behavior of the Washington politicians is to the politicians 30-35 years ago. Political handwringing and war do not mix. They never have and never will. You only enter a war with one intent and that is to win. Period. Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid will soon be a religated to a side margin notation in the history books. They exemplify virtually everything that has gone south in this country during the past forty years.

  76. J_dub

    God it pisses me off how every whiny ass lib out there can’t get over the fact that they feel they’ve been “lied to ” about “Bush’s War.” Try to talk to one about the good that’s being made, and you you have to listen to how “we should’nt be there in the first place.” GET OVER IT. We are there, we fucked their country up in the invasion, and have a moral obligation now to fix it. Maybe try caring about other people in this world besides yourself. And just when leaders on the ground say serious progress is being made through changes in tactics and understanding the culture, the “people who know whats best for us,” want to cut our losses and run. To all those whiners who posted on this page -GET OVER IT- and let us win this war.

  77. RaubackR

    @ Ron
    Venezuela and Cuba…are you serious? Gas is cheap because only people who bow down to Chavez are allowed to drive cars.

    The only people who leave Cuba end up in Miami, and not too many are doctors.

    Who should take credit for the ending the Cold War? Carter? Clinton?

    That must have been some blood bath at Berkley. Especially compared to the anti-Chavez demonstration during which 12 people were killed in April 2002.
    If you think Fidel and Hugo are better leaders please join them, you communist fuck.

  78. Ron

    Centra….Its Reid…and you believe that drug addict Rush Limbathead…..

    Drillanwr……The military readies for war every day doesn’t mean we need them…You can’t stand the truth about Raygun or the fact that John McCain was the “Keating 5″ which stole money from the folks that had Savings and Loan Accounts….Ronnie Raygun deregulated them just after they raided and bankrupted them.

    George W. and Cheney have raised your gas prices with thier actions….the sole purpose for going to Iraq.

    15 cents a gallon in Vevezuela…..ha ha ha

  79. RaubackR

    Retired Top,
    My first instict about Notacon was that he was lying about being a Marine. From day one in BC you learn the difference between a Marine and the rest of the services, and no GD way will you ever refer to yourself as a soldier.

  80. RaubackR

    You can have your 15 fucking cents I will gladly pay 3.50 to live in a free country. Your hatred for Reagan obviously stems from him winning the war against you and your fellow comrades. 15 cents hahaha 3.50 and the right to speak my mind and not be oppressed…priceless

  81. Gabe Thompson

    “15 cents a gallon in Vevezuela…..ha ha ha”

    Well when your weekly income is about a buck fifty…doesn’t sound so good. If you like socialists so much I’m sure they can find a place for you on a communal farm somewhere in venezuela.

  82. drillanwr

    “15 cents a gallon in Vevezuela…..ha ha ha”

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Yeah, it’s fucking paradise, and Hugo The Hut is the second coming of Christ. BTB, Al Gore stated in his book that gas prices here should actually rise to $& a gallon. Bet you voted for him. So stop your bitching and take mass transit.

    I’ll put my money where your mouth is. I have several credit cards. Might be willing to buy you a ticket down to Hugoland or Cubaville … one way, of course. But remember, if you talk about Hugo or Castro the way you do about “Bush” you’ll be taking your meals from inside a cell … Oh, that’s probably a lie, huh? Nobody’s in prison in those beloved countries of yours … silly me.

  83. drillanwr

    $7 a gallon

  84. Deathstar

    DOA thinks….

    Why the fuck did the Bumbling Bush Brigade decide to stop training the Iraqi’s anyways? Answer me that.

    The answer DOA is that HARRY F’ING REIDS failiure to fund the troops is slowing down training Iraqis and has allready increased the amount of time the US needs to stay in Iraq. Fucking THANKS a MILLION you F’ing DEMOCRAT RETARDS.

  85. drillanwr


    As the parent of a special needs sweetheart, can we say RETURDS instead please … K? :smile: Thanks. :beer:

  86. HM Hanson

    I hope all of the Volunteer soldiers get to stay in Iraq as long as they wish. 10,000 shares of XOM looking good to me!

  87. Ron

    Raubackr…u fuckee/fucker?????
    Gas is 15 cents a gallon?????? in Venezuela

    Economies are GOOD when GASOLINE/DIESEL are cheap…are you ready to send ur child to Iraq….or Kabul….I’ve been too all three Venezuela, Afghanistan and Iraq and the information you are being fed….is just what you deserve.

    This country needs to stop trying to take others natural resources in trade for American Idol!

    15 cents a gallon in Venezuela!

    By the way “NO COUNTRY” has ever run Afghanistan. Ask the British who lost 20,000 to 700 Afghans…Ask the Russians who cut n run with 65% heroin addiction and lost lots of troops…Ask the Germans who have the only sausage and beer restaurant is the only foothold they ever held, shareenaw Kabul….

    Americans rely on what there fed…not many make it out of the box!

  88. Deathstar


    Yes Sir.


  89. drillanwr


    1000 thanks. :wink:

    tutu Ron,

    15 cents a gallon of government gas … Big fucking deal. Bet you had to make up for it when it came to paying for blow jobs …

  90. Deathstar

    “15 cents a gallon in Vevezuela…..ha ha ha”

    Last time I was in Venezula the ride to carakass from the airport took hours because the socialists couldnt get it together enough to fix a bridge, the was no sugar in the store and my host was getting ready to join the brain drain a go to mexico. Oh yeah, and the virtous women of socialism were offering 50 cent bjs to gringos.

    Thanks Hugo, great system of government you’ve got going there.

  91. Ron

    deathstar is it…chuckle chuckle

    And you we’re there after Chavez? he has 85% approval rating…whats bush….29%….gas 15 cents….gas here is $4.00 In venezuela they don’t work between 11:00 am and 2:00pm. They could careless for your hurried inconvience gringo. Women there arn’t a bunch of lesbo’s. Austin Tx the hottest lesbo place in USA.

    Anyway u jerks…deathstar aka in drillanwr’s butt…if you decorate every country with democracy where can you go to study “the people”!

    It was Ollie “fucking fawn” North that under Raygun bought a security system for his house because he was afraid of terrorists….what terrorists the Senator asked North? Osama “big cock” bin laden thats who….means raygun knew back then about Osama and his “hard on”!


  92. Brad W

    Who is this illiterate Ron goofus? Rummy, did you put one of those delicate Navy recruiters that hang around Marines looking for seconds up to that post as a joke?!?!

  93. John Cunningham

    Hmm, are we watching Ronnie unravel right before our very eyes? During the ’80’s President Reagan built up the military and the democrats screamed that he was going to run us into debt for the next three generations. Rewriters of history would lead people of today to believe that the Soviets gave up because we ‘chatted’. It wasn’t until they took down the wall in Berlin in ‘89 that the KGB and CIA were able to compare notes that we found that the only one chatting was Kennedy a la Reid and Pelosi. Kennedy did it behind the President’s back. Did the Soviets give up because the President chatted and said please or were they afraid that he’d unleash the hounds. And the three generation debt, to Clinton’s credit, it was paid off by the mid ’90’s. But, then the military was gutted and we were all thinking we were going to be able to bask in our peace dividend. And then along came the islamofacists, supposed to be 10% of Islam. Well, that doesn’t sound too bad. Let me see, ten percent of a little over a billion, oh, shit, that’s a little over one-hundred million. That’s more than Germany had during WW2. One-hundred million islamofacists hiding behind women and children. Cute, like you Ronnie.

  94. Brad W

    The really sad thing is while Ron and the other facists ae hiding behind the women and children, they are likely spneding more time looking at the little boys to see which ones they can bugger before turning them into homicidal bombers for the “peace loving Muslims”

    Ron and DOA are proof that Arabs fuck goats and sheep

  95. PhilNBlanx

    Ron’s just pissed off because his welfare mom gave him the first name of the greatest President that ever lived but when she realized what a dipshit he is she gave komrad ron the nickname maggot instead of Magnus.
    Cheer up Ron, at least they wrote a song about you. Ya do run Ron, you do run Ron. So keep on runnin’ Ron while real men and women stay and get the job done keeping your ass safe - you won’t be missed.

  96. Ron

    Raygun made ketchup a vegetable for school kids.

    gwbush has a 29% rating

    clinton never lost anyone in the bosnia

    first bush arrested noreiga because of minna field disclosuer




  97. TJ

    someone asked how we have proven that senator reid was wrong?

    answer: because we havent surrendered and he has no right to conclude that we have. get it. You dont continue to fund the war and then tell your nation orand troops we have already lost. Big morale booster dont you think?

    in otherwords, he should keep his private wishes to himself until the actual deed is done by the president, the commander and chief.

    Are liberals really this stupid? :sad:

  98. Steve in NC

    Ron are you one of those commies Ronald Reagan told on?

    That would be the only thing to make sense of your insane comments.

    Actual Hippie Commies, when are they going away?

  99. Steve in NC

    TJ - in a word yes.

    Reason does not come into play, just emotions or wishes. I think instead of the Lords Prayer the chant the lyrics to lennon’s great :shock: song ‘imagine’.

    I have to admit I nearly sounded like these lefties 20 years ago. Ronaldus Magnus brought me out of my fog.

  100. gmoney

    Ron,did you get your education from a socialized government run school?I would love to give you a verbal smack down but I can’t understand one fuckin sentence you wrote. :mad:

  101. drillanwr


    Great Satan! If you can’t afford the damn prices move the fuck out of San Francisco Berkeley and stop bitchin’! Bake your own damn bread and shut up! Ride a bike and shove it! Better yet, move to fucking France.

    “clinton never lost anyone in the bosnia”

    Yeah, and just what the fuck were we doing there in the first place???!??? The almighty world pimp UN didn’t give Clinton their O.K. to go in there either. blah-blah-blah … Your sticky finger is stuck in your Caps Lock …

  102. drillanwr


    That’s `cause the glue fumes have kicked it … :roll: :beer:

  103. drillanwr


  104. rumsfeld47

    Hmmm… to much leftist drivel… I bet Pat is busy in post, busy in distribution, and busy sending out jihadikiller t-shirts (to good folks like myself, pony up you fucknuts).

    Here’s an idea: I want to fight these fucks myself, so I joined the Marine Corps. Anyone who doesn’t like the war, fuck you, I’m going to Iraq to kick some ass.


  105. Steve in NC

    Hey open question, I think the backs of the shirts are blank, if so, I am going to have this site listed along with a phrase, any help on that phrase.

    First place I am wearing mine is into a Starbucks with a copy of Soldier of Fortune to read as I sip a plain black coffee.

  106. rumsfeld47

    Steve, I’ve got some ideas:







    Hmmm… my usual “chainsaw-like wit” isn’t quite with me tonight. Sorry guys, I’ve been staining that deck for 3 days straight, and the fumes have been rather mind-expanding, shall I say.

    Huffing: they don’t call it Arkansas cocaine for nothing! :shock:

  107. drillanwr


    A couple from WHLO Akron radio :

    “Yesterday’s Flower Children Are Today’s Blooming Idiots”

    “If You Must Burn Our Flag, Please, Wrap Yourself In It First”

  108. Dan

    GOP08_DOA said : “You dumb fuckers who want to fight in Iraq’s civil war just because you’re soldiers”

    How come it’s only you liberal elitist types that think you’re so much smarter that the troops? Why do you hate them? Someone makes the decision to serve his country, put everyone else’s safety and way of life above his own, and accept that duty and all of it’s risks without complaint, and he’s a “dumb fucker”?

    I think the real reason you libs are always against the troops and the war is that you know none of you would have the guts to do what these 18 YEAR OLD KIDS are doing over there every day, and you can’t stand the thought of it. You can’t deal with the fact that these men have such a clear sense of right and wrong, and the courage to pursue the right course regardless of the sacrifice. You know that when it’s all boiled down to the basics, you just don’t measure up to them. They’re made of stronger stuff than you, and that fact eats at you. You want the war to stop so you can go back to ignoring the fact that you are completely gutless.

  109. Dan


    I’ve been reading your posts. Good luck. They making you a Grunt?

  110. Dbo


    Hey man, you give away your political motives when you call yourself an ex-marine.

    Any self respecting marine would never refer to themselves as a former marine.

    You either someone posing as a marine to fuel your arguments or your someone who failed at your marine corps experience.

    Btw: who is ron? man I dont claim to be a genius or even to be relatively smart at all but your arguments and words made no sense to me at all.

  111. Dbo

    I meant no self respecting marine would ever call themselves an ex marine

  112. Dbo

    (reposted from the ever popular cpl rock blog post)

    This is for all the leftists who keep making the tired old argument how bush and his minions started this war to make money for themselves:


    The president and his wife made almost 800,000 this year and dick cheney and his wife made twice that.

    its stupid for you to argue they started all this warring for personal financial gain when the president only made 300,000 more than his paid salary as president and donated 78,000 of it to charity.

  113. Judith

    Steve in NC, how about F Stands For Freedom?

  114. J_dub

    Steve in NC

    To those who lived the good life,
    to those who fought the good fight,
    to those who made the ultimate sacrifice.
    May we never forget.

    Kind of morbid, but it speaks volumes.

  115. gmoney

    Drillan,I’m going to try and get Pat set up with Quinn and Rose.

    Glue fumes?I’m thinking more of his crack pipe… :lol:

  116. TJ

    I have a jihadi killer t-shirt already.

    some ideas for the back:

    They love death so lets give it to them.

    Sharing the love of Allah with our muslim brethren.

    Just in from paradise: “The virgins are lesbians!”

  117. johnF

    I’m still spitting out sand from the sandstorm at Ali Al Salem last night. I felt like I was in a sandblaster. Anyway, on the C130 ride into Anaconda there was some bitch who kept screaming in fear the whole flight, especially when there was a little turbulence. I looked over to see if it was Harry “Land Deal” Reid or maybe John “Abscam” Murtha, but I couldn’t see from where I was sitting. From now on, whenever I hear a defeatist politician saying that we have already lost, or we can’t win, or crying like a little bitch about the difficulties America faces in fighting the Islamic supremacist movement, I will always remember that screaming sound on the flight to Anaconda, and the derisive, mocking looks on the faces of the soldiers, contractors, and marines who do what needs to be done, regardless of the difficulties, and regardless of the politicians treasonous bitching.

  118. drillanwr


    Rock on, man!

  119. Maria

    Ron is it? Chuckle Chuckle.

    If life is so awesome in Venezuela… THEN FUCKING MOVE THERE! 15 cents a gallon? Maybe gas would be cheaper here if the dems would allow drilling in Anwar and off the coast of Florida. As far as approval ratings…. any dictator who is in power by scare tactics and force always has high approval ratings you ignorant asshole. I’m begging you do America a favor and move to Hugo Chavez land. And then write us and tell us how wonderful life is. I’m excited to hear about it.

  120. rumsfeld47

    If I were moderating this site, I’d probably let some liberals post (the ones who could complete their sentences), but I’d mark their posts right under their name with text that said, “LITTLE BITCH ALERT.”

    Ron, what you need is a vacation in Cambodia!

    Someone asked about my MOS. We’re working on it. I’m trying like hell to get Infantry. Sounds like the most fun.

  121. Brad W

    I keep reading and re-reading Cpl Rock’s words, and keep getting torn in different directions. I am so proud to have served this country for 12 years, of our current force of highly motivated (by themselves and conservatives, certainly not by the Dems) troops serving now, the recruits eager to go kick it into high gear, and of all the support that we are seeing. On the other hand I have so much anger against those who are nothing but defeatists. I wonder why Ron, Mullah, DOA and some others are so against American success. Is it because they are lazy welfare addicts that never did or will amount to anything? Or because in Ron’s case since his posting states he is 75, that he was a super lib that got drafted for Korea and hated it his entire length of service? Or maybe because conservatives like most of the country should apologize so they feel better? Well, if that is the case, on behalf of all conservatives and Republicans, for the honor of our men and women serving our country, I apologise. I am sorry you all got bitch slapped so much when you were younger for being the wimps you are, that you could not stand up for yourselves, and have always felt so inferior to real men and women. I am sorry that you rarely have the chutzpa to realize how great you have it in the USA, and that you also are scared of doing what you should do, and put your money where your mouth is by moving to Cuba or Venuzuela. Show how right you are, live in France where they go unwashed due to low standards of living, high unemployment and taxes.

    I am sorry that we have men and women protecting and dying for you and you have so little honor you cannot even resepct them for that. I am sorry that your lives are worth so much to me and the other veterans that we are willing to die for you, but you won’t even support us while giving you the right to be pansies.

    I apologise for your blindness to facts. I keep seeing people crying about no WMD being found, when there were actually 550 WMDS that were found in various areas of Iraq, buried. The MSM played this down sooo much, stating that the condition of those weapons were so degraded they were of little threat. Anyone who has been in NCB training and worked with those nasty little things knows that unless properly maintained and stored, they quickly degrade and lose their “kick”. If we had not been pressuring Sadam and invaded the country to depose him, those weapons would likely have been stored as they need ot be, and used against his people, and by terrorists around the globe.

    I apologise for the illiteracy of mullah, Ron and others, perhaps they had little education opportunities. Most likely because they got bitch slapped at school and dropped out as soon as they could so they could stay in the closet until it was safe to come out as a communist or facist liberal. I apologise that those guys have not had millions of dollars handed to them so they could live the lifestyle they are so jealous of others having. I am sorry they did not have the drive or courage to work hard to earn such a life as so many in our great country have. I apologise that they will never quite get it.

    And most of all I am sorry, sorry that we let sorry excuses as them to remain in our country, but that is part of the reason we are so great, because we are tolerant of those less fortunate, those with diminished mental or physical capabilities (do not take this the wrong way Drillan and other parents) because they were too lazy to develope them or use what they had.

    Semper Fi

  122. drillanwr

    Brad W,

    A mind is a terrible thing to waste … Wait … huh? :wink:

  123. Tim Roesch


    Okay, when this Cpl Rock is jumped by the ‘Congress’ as opening his damn mouth….are we all ready to defend him?

    Are we?

    Are You ready?


    Tim Roesch
    Command Private Major

  124. rumsfeld47


  125. drillanwr


    I’ve been thinking the same thing. When Waxman is finished sniffing Val Plame-Wilson’s used panties with that schnoztrils of his, and whipping the Tillman family and Jess Lynch into the next Cindy Sheehans he’ll get right to Cpl. Rock … bank on it.

    Yeah, I’m in for the fucking fight. These troops have our fronts … We got their backs with these damn dhimmis here in the States.

  126. TWarrior

    Tim Roesch
    I’m waiting for this fight!
    Although I think the Soros cronies are going to make sure that their Congressional buyout Klan avoids it and they will send the fight to Huffy and Kos.

    Brad W
    I’m sorry that felt the need to apologize to these fucknuts, and I get your frustration bro.