We Keep Hearing The Dem Talking Points As They Step Up To The Mics. Let’s Take A Look At All The Republicans In Congress Stepping Up And Fighting Back.

April 4th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.







You mean Bush and Cheney are left hanging out there on their own? Is this a display of the definition of courage that these very same Republican congressmen teach their children? Are they fighting for their country as bravely as the troops in the field are? Or are they only capable of fighting for their own political skins? And let us not forget that the troops absolutely expect these congressmen to fight for them and their mission.

I learned to rise above my fears in combat. To complete a mission. These Congressmen can easily rise above their fears of the next election. To complete a mission.

Perhaps the Republicans in Congress are being like petulant children, holding their breath because they are mad at Daddy Bush for some grievance or slight. Well now is exactly not the time to behave like petulant children. Now is strictly the time to rise above whatever petty indignation they may be nursing. Now is not the time to teach George Bush a lesson. Now is the time to teach the Democrats a lesson.

It’s time to be men, gentlemen. The people who gave you the responsibility you asked for, would like to see you meet it. We would like to hear from you. It is your turn at bat. Will you step up to to the plate?

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17 Responses

  1. Steve in NC

    Don’t hold your breath, I have come to believe that the majority of republicans are self serving whores also. They are fools, the majority of people will rally behind a true leader(s) who show strength and moral purpose.

  2. Dr. Cooke

    They don’t even know where the batter’s box is, Pat.

  3. EZRider

    All anyone wants on Capital Hill is re-election. They’re full of empty rhetoric and in-action. I equate their “leadership” to trying to shit with their pants on. In the end they’re all covered in their own shit.

  4. nituathaill

    You’re both spot on. All members of Congress live in a virtually consequence-free environment, so they’re totally self-serving and without a shred of moral fiber. Corruption is like a second skin to each and every one of them. It becomes not a question of doing what is best for this country, but what will keep their pockets stuffed with special interest cash. Who we vote for doesn’t matter, its the nature of the political beast.

  5. Steve in NC

    Voting does (or could?) matter. Unfortunately the voting public is such a small percentage that we are not of consequence. The rise of professional politicians as an elitist class could be stopped by voting and not by an armed revolution.


  6. rumsfeld47

    C’mon, Pat, they signed a petition!

    “On Monday, House Minority Leader John Boehner released a letter to the president signed by 154 Republicans vowing to sustain his veto of any war supplemental spending bill that contains pork-barrel spending Democrats added to secure its passage.” –Fox News online

    Jesus Christ, they took two seconds out of their day to pledge they’d do something everyone knows they had no choice but to do anyway! That’s a hard day’s work for a Congressman! Better stay an extra week on that fucking vacation.

    Or join Nancy Pelosi’s Middle East tour, or as I like to call it, NancyPalloozza ‘07.

    Here’s a link to the mind of everyone in Congress:

  7. Vikingbyblood

    Pat you nailed it again.
    Dr. Cooke
    Right on, in fact it seems as if the R’s are spending most of their time sniffing jock straps in the locker room.

  8. Vikingbyblood

    What really sucks for me is that Hagel represents my state. I voted for him when he first ran based on his Vietnam service and (Had not learned his M.O.) the way he talks when he speaks back here. When the guy (rarely these days) comes back, he sounds more like Regan than Regan did. The real bitch of it is though is that he’s very likely to be re-elected due to the rather liberal leanings (relatively speaking, Nebr. being VERY conservative) of the eastern part of the state.

    R.E. the 2nd Amend; Steve in NC I couldn’t agree more.

  9. Vikingbyblood

    Sorry to repost so soon but I cannot believe that I misspelled Reagan. Please chalk it up to a mind clouded by years of drowning brain cells en masse.


    House Democrats Offer Plan to Ban Use of ‘Global War on Terror’


  11. Steve in NC

    There is no ‘war on terror’ anyway, that phrase is political correctness driven anyway. Terror is the technique used by islamic radicals or fascists (you choose). We are at war with those liitle monsters, not thier technique of warfare. I quit using the phrase ‘war on terror’ quite a while ago.

    viking, I consider my brain cells preserved, not drowned.

  12. John in PA

    We need regime change. The GOP aint gonna do it - I mean take the Dems out!

  13. John in PA

    Hannity got Dem Rengold on his show yesterday to admit the Dem plan. The jerk admitted … the Pork bill is ONLY a symbolic message of the peoples voice and the pork was to buy votes. He said he signed it because he knew it wouldn’t be approved. Then he vowed that the dems will continue to resubmit the same kind of bill - a bill that’s only a symbolic message. They will do this until Bush caves and signs. They will be responsible for desserting the troops but will succeed in making it stick to Bush. They’ll take lives of our troops & risk security of our nation just so they can smear Bush and make political points.

    There has to be a way to take the dems out!

  14. nituathaill

    Yeah, well the only way we’re going to prevent this kind of irresponsibility in govt. spending is to make pork illegal. Personally, I think there’s plenty of room in the Constitution for more restrictions on the Federal government…

  15. carolm

    Of course, non-liberals have an uphill battle, because the MSM is the head cheerleader for the lefties and Dems. It starts in public school, the publications the kids are given. “Time Junior,” with junior versions of Time propaganda (of course, Time wasn’t so bad back in the day when Luce the publisher was still alive–it was after he died that it went downhill). I remember I thought Noam Chomsky was a hero and a sage because he was quoted so reverently in my (state) college textbooks. It wasn’t until I was out of school I realized what a deplorable individual he was. I basically had to be deprogrammed from the public education. And then unplugged from the MSM.

  16. 0311inohio

    Republicans have no balls. It is time to start snapping in.

  17. Bob USMC

    HEAR YA loud and clear 0311.

    LET’S ROLL !! :beer:

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