Al Qaeda’s Blog: “He’s Still Alive! So Take That!”

May 1st, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

fire poster insurgents

The Islamic State in Iraq, a dominant Al Qaeda group, blogged today that Al Masri was still alive.

“The Islamic State in Iraq assures the Islamic nation about the safety of Sheikh Abu Hamza al-Muhajer, may God save him, and that he is still fighting the enemies,”

Either way a media breakthrough is underway. Americans are getting clarity, because the MSM can no longer hide the fact that the Sunni insurgency, formally working against us, is now allied with us in what has become the Al Qaeda Apocalypse in Iraq. Let’s see what blows up next….

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18 Responses

  1. Bill Foley

    I was wondering how often these people are killed, but the terrorists say they are still alive….does this happen very often??

  2. Gramps

    I hope they’re lying.

  3. Steve in NC

    It was all a stunt by Rove to deflect the fact that another day in this illegal war has passed since the nazi Bush said “mission accomplished” in Iraq.

    When will you fools quit drinking the kool aid served up by the neocons?

    (no getting the tounge out of my mouth)

  4. MO

    of course they’re lying. why would they annouce that the headlines ae true that they (us) have killed their leader? this is a sign of violent death spasms.

  5. Steve in NC

    ^^^^??? tounge in cheek I meant :shock:

  6. GREG G. S.

    “mission accomplished” was just one of many mission started and ended and will start and end over… oh say the next few generations to stop the Islamic attack on western civilisation. “Remember Tours 732” it took over 400 years of attacks by Islamic invaders on European soil for the west to finally wake up and fight back. Now “ REMEMBER 911”, after Islamic attacks by Islamic Invaders Since lets say 1979… we do not have 400 years to make a decision about fighting back in this nuclear age.


  7. Tim Roesch


    Spiffy uniforms! Where can I get one?

    I want blood stains on mine!

    Neocons? Isn’t that a type of ice cream?

    Who’s Carl Rove?

    Tim Roesch
    Command Private Major

  8. KL

    Maybe I’m missing something but I thought the “Mission Accomplished” was the fact that we had broken the back of Saddam’s regime in Iraq, done, mission accomplished…..which had nothing to do with the ongoing “global jihad” which had been waged and is being continuously waged in places like New York City, London, Madrid, and IRAQ.

  9. Steve in NC

    OK, so now you know what being at my inlaws is like. That comment above was the kind of shit I hear from them. The banner was actually Gen. Franks idea to express gratitude to the troops. Yes the mission was accomplished then and the march to Baghdad will stand as one of the fastest and most effective attacks in military history.
    Our service men and women earned that honor on the deck of that ship and no political puke from a d’rat will change it.

  10. GREG G. S.

    Actually it was about 360 years between the battle of tours and the 1st crusade the battle of tours stopped the encroachment of Islam into Europe for 360 years but did not stop the attacks from Islam until the 1st crusade and so on, that pushed them back to the sand box.

    Funny thing is that in 1492 Columbus found America for the expressed reason of doing business with the far east without having to deal with the islamic fools in between, that same year was the year Spain finally kicked the muslims out of spain. So what I’m saying is we can’t step back until they cry uncle! stepping back for one decade would be catastrophic in this nuclear age.

    Sorry Steve thought you were a filthy puke, but it sounds like your in-laws are.
    I’ve got inlaws that I gotta body slam on this subject now and then too.

  11. john

    It took spain many many years to kick out the Muslims and the Jews for that matter, *much more about religion than than anything else*
    Unfortunately, they are all back…Spain has or did have the largest mosque outside of the muslim world…anywonder?>

  12. EZRider

    Pat, where do you find your pictures? You have some great art! :beer:

  13. Pat Dollard

    It’s all provided by really hot interns.

  14. Monkey3531

    that pic is great. “look at us, we are the garbage collector militia, here to take over Iraq, I mean defend Islam from the infidels”. i wish those chickenshit motherfuckers in Iraq would actually wear some sort of uniform when they fight, instead they dress like civilians. i guess i have to admit, its a smart tactic, but what a bunch of pussies. no balls

  15. Matt

    Too bad an AC-130 gunship didn’t spot them while posing for this pic.

  16. GREG G. S.

    Yes john “*much more about religion than than anything else*” without a doubt, religion was then… is now.

  17. Monkey3531

    this is some funny shit. don’t know how many of you have seen it before

  18. Zeta

    Hey Pat don’t know if you know this or not. That picture is actually of the Iraqi equivalent of our SWAT. Just saying for continuity’s sake. Thanks for your opinion dude, I’ve been having a mindfuck all day. My parents don’t want me to be a marine, I want it more than anything. I feel your videos do help my temptation to become a marine. Anyhow I’ve decided that if the republicans win I’ll join the marines. If the democrats win I’d rather not join considering they will probably fuck something up so horribly that the death toll will raise. I don’t care if I have to give my life for my country, but If I can eliminate as many threats to my fellow soldiers as possible I’d prefer that. I want to live my duty as a soldier fully and not have it cut short because of some jihadists bullet spray.

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