Pat Dollard : Young Americans Documentary

May 9th 2007

CNN Supresses Hamas Mickey Mouse Video

CNN Blocks Video

Some of the Palestinian kiddie tv show that encourages kiddies to become terrorists:

See the clips from “Obsession” below for even worse, murderous brainwashing of children.

Posted by Pat Dollard

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17 Responses

  1. dave

    I hear Glenn Beck will be showing it tonight on Headline News. He had the President of MEMRI on who confirmed the validity of the translation.

  2. EZRider

    I always knew Mickey Mouse was a traitor… but this crosses the line!

    Seriously, that’s some serious stuff. I’m surprised the Palestinians air that show. All it’s going to do is get a bunch of kids killed.

  3. John Cunningham

    It’s a God awful shame that with all we have available with our medical science they still only have one way to take care of rabies.

  4. CPTK

    Not that the people responsible for airing this crap are all that concerned about kids getting killed. Fill ‘em full of hate, send ‘em out to become “martyrs” before they even reach puberty. And we all wonder why this region of the world has been at odds for a gazillion years.

  5. TJ

    “Seriously, that’s some serious stuff. I’m surprised the Palestinians air that show. All it’s going to do is get a bunch of kids killed.”

    EZ rider,

    thats the point. They dont view their or the childrens life a sholding any other value than as potential bombs. They love death. this is their creed. Utopia will come when everyone is muslim. problem with this of course is that muslims have been unable over the course of history to stop fighting with each other when detrmining true Islam. But when a vast majority of your followers are illiterate(like muhammed was) and ignorant and you preach constantly about jews and infidels as Najis(unclean in line with feces and pigs,) you find it very easy to corrupt the minds of youth whose parents are already corrupted. they dont know their own history. they are told that muslims have been persecuted from day 1, that muhammed only fought wars when he was victimized, and they talk of paradise as the only consolation in this life.

    Doom and gloom sells in communities where people see no hope for themselves in this life(be they rich or poor) and who have been lied to about the life and aims of muhammed. This is why liberals defend these scum because misery loves company. pessimism, suspicion of others who are different(wealthy, non-muslim) etc

    This Mickey video is not the first , memri has documented so many of these video’s recruiting child candidates.

    The al-asqa martyrs brigade recruited a 13 year old retarded boy (mentality of a 7 year old)to wear a bomb vest and walk up to a security check point. An alert israeli soldier noticed he was wearing alot of clothes on such a warm day and told him to stop,he raised his hands and while trembling with fear said he didnt want to die. The israeli soldiers were able to take the bomb vest off him.

    His parents were apparently annoyed at the brigade but didnt voice this too loudly for fear of reprisals. this is the story of palestinians who dont go along with the thinking of terrorism, they are forced to flee or keep quiet. Unity of the cause is secured through violence, the calling card of Islam.

    The brigade certainly never apologized for this dastardly act and hamas wont apologize for the militant mickey character either. :oops:

  6. Peaceful One

    Mickey Mouse finally is used against corporate interests! Hooray for Mickey!

    Mickey Mouse might also be used as a statement against Global Warming. Our Great Prophet of Green, Al Gore, could stand in bad weather places and SHOW how Bush caused the bad weather there. With Mickey, little children would hate Bush too! Hooray for Mickey!

    I say this from the creative half of my brain. I am very lefthanded in my brain too. Palestinian Oppressed Children are indeed down with my struggle. They KNOW that Christian Fascists from Walmart are going to melt the steel in the towers. It’s in several documentaries now and there is no stopping the truthyness. And no, Keith Olbermann DOES NOT wear a toupee. And YES, toupee IS a French word. Scum!

    Peaceful moments can be found anywhere. Mickey Mouse says KILL THE JEWS. But he is a Peaceful Mouse indeed.

    Think about it, macho men. Or is that too much for your machoAmerican right hand brains?!!

  7. Clyde Conneer

    Pitiful One;
    Micky Mouse is working against your interests too. That is if you intend to live to old age. They are teaching little children to hate your guts, to smash out both the left and right sides of your squash. They hate you more than you hate President Bush and they, unlike the typical asshat you are, will do what they swear to do if given a chance.
    Think about that sissy boy.

  8. Jewish Odysseus

    “Peaceful One,” you’re gonna have to be careful, that is such a dead-on imitation, man! Those of us here less tuned to your fine irony are, as a great man likes to say, “gonna have blood shooting out of their eyes!”

    Well done! :lol:

  9. Jewish Odysseus


  10. cdlester2

    What’s really sad about all of this, is that it isn’t new. I applaud you Pat for bringing this to the forefront, and it’s rather unfortunate a documentary such as “Obsession” has to be released in order for people to get the message. The shot of the little girl calling Jews “apes and pigs” in the obsession video ( is really quite old. I watched a documentary on the History channel about Palestine and Isreal quite few years ago and it this same little girl saying the exact same thing. I was absolutely shocked and deplored by how these “people” raise their children to hate. [It is very similar to the rascist culture we once (not that it isn’t completely a thing of the past) had in America.]

    These radical lunatics must be stopped by all means possible, if that be to turn the Middle East to glass… then so be it. We do have “tactical” nuclear weapons as well, and picking our targets may be an option. Irregardless, the age of innocence is no longer….. :sad:

  11. cdlester2

    Hey Disney……. Sue those Motherfuckers for using Mickey like that!!!!!!

  12. SnarfyBobo

    right first off fuck you, peaceful one, suck a dick. all Al gore is the biggest hypocrite ever, haven’t you seen how big his “carbon emissions” are? That guy is a huge tool. When the “peaceful” Mickey mouse bombs the shit out of you I hope you remember what you wrote, you are by far the biggest piece of dog shit I have seen. Go fuck yourself.

  13. Peaceful One

    I don’t pretend to know everything. I do know that if I do nothing at all, I feel peace inside. I don’t have to take my meds every day. Peace. Ah.

    Al Gore says Bush caused Hurricane Katrina. How can anyone deny that!? Are you crazy about priorities?

    Muslims teach peace to their kids. Everyone knows this. I know it too. The woman is getting a mud bath in that picture probably. Fucking rich white women pay A LOT OF MONEY FOR THAT?!!! Who reallly knows?! If you rely on your macho man instead of your inner child you get confused. Muslims at least aren’t going to Starbucks every day and paying big corporations to oppress!!

    Is peace so bad?! Because if Muslims don’t get some peace, they MIGHT KILL YOU! HA! I’m with Howard Dean on that point.

    And I am not saying blowing people up is good. But what about Starbucks?! They blow people up all day every day in Africa and other Third World Oppression. Ever think about that?! Didn’t think so.

    I patched up my Che Gueverra (HE”S MY HERO!) shirt today. It’s is holding up fine, thank you very much. The coffee stains are almost invisible. I can pretend they are a collage at other times.

    I really want to meet Al Gore someday. Muslims seem to like him a lot. I do too. If he had won in Florida, the steel in the towers would NOT have melted. Fire DOES NOT melt steel when Gore is prez! I love the man!

    I do enjoy other cultures and I am very multi cultural. Many cultures not JUST MAC DONALDS!!!

    We have to fight the American gov’t now! And at our meeting the other day, we realized that MUSLIMS WILL DO IT FOR US! (This guy punched me last year when I went to a bar. Don’t even ask?!.)

    I think Muslims will fight the gov’t and then we can have PEACE.

    Think about it, and tell me I’m wrong?!

  14. EZRider

    Peaceful One:
    Che is your hero and you’re talking peace? Is this the same Che who systematically wiped out his competition through mass murder and political executions? Well in that case, let’s take on your hero’s approach and start murdering some opposition. Do yourself a favor, put down the joint, pick up a history book, and do some research on your politics.

    Ladies and gentlemen, the product of the American education system, another disoriented youth.

  15. Peaceful One


    Ok. Ok. You love not peace. I get that.

    But do not call me a YOUTH! I know the difference between, if you know what I mean.

    No peace? No Justice!

    And jihad means “inner struggle” in Arabic I learned today. Kind of deep. Whoa. I bet Valerie Plame knows more about global warming than half the people here!

    Somehow we gotta fight the power. Peace out, Dailykoz peeps! Fightin’ the religious fundamentalists right here in the Good Ole U S of A! I don’t want to say that it takes courage for me to post here, but if George F Clooney is brave (Chicks dig him.) then I am too, brothers, comrades and ladies! I say it loud and proud. We are fighting to lose in Iraq! Fightin to lose! Yeah! Because losing aint always easy, peeps of a different persuasion. (Some of you might not “get it”, lol.)


  16. Jewish Odysseus

    The CNN “editor” who tried to derail this story needs to be:

    1–fired; then

    2–interrogated by the FBI as a likely “agent of influence” for a foreign power, and a search warrant executed on her computer, phone records, office and home.

  17. Maria

    Once again… Peaceful One is a satirical poster… he’s on our side he is imitating a typical leftist response!

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