Corporal Rock’s Last Day In Ramadi

May 10th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


When I was in Ramadi, it was traditional for the terrorists to launch spectacular attacks on units involved in changeover - as a nasty goodbye to the departing battalion, and as a nasty, testing of mettle hello to the incoming battalion. Well given Al Qaeda’s dislodging from Ramadi, there were no stepped-up attacks this time, until finally, one solitary brutal day last week…

Coporal Tyler Rock tells us about it

hey whats up. yeah something big blew up. actually 2 things big blew up. we were leaving and actually i was laying in the hooch listening to music and i heard it over my headphones. that and it shook camp ramadi. a suicide bomber drove through north bridge ecp and killed some IP’s. some civilians ran over to help them and another one drove up and killed them. its pretty fucked up. insurgents killed the IP’s and then innocent people trying to help them. no american forces were hurt though. yeah like i said though. i was in camp ramadi cause we are leaving now. actually im not even in ramadi anymore. we are on our way back to the states. i kinda expected that to happen before we left or right when we were leaving though. there was intel that some insurgents were breaking into houses and killing truck drivers and their families so they could steal their trucks to make bombs out of them. after they blow those up a squad sized element of enemy were supposed to attack. but it never happend to us. anyways. we are supposed to be back in the states real soon. its funny cause all the POGs here (non-grunt fucks) look at us like we are crazy and they look like they are going to cry when we talk about where we were haha. people have no idea. its awesome though.

Patrick Dollard wrote:
damn. crazy. ecp 1? that big ass 2 story cavern - inside looks like a bombed out castle? damn. we had a non-vbied suicide bomber blow up a bunch of IP recruits, IA, army and Marines in front of the glass factory. thought i was in the fuckin’ twilight zone. at one point, i started to fall and looked down to realize I was slipping on the meat sticking out the top of this dude’s severed leg.

Tyler Rock wrote:
yeah. the guys in 3/7 were telling me about that. a lot of the guys were pretty excited that its how it is now. atleast the guys that were here last time. i was kind of worried though cause some are pretty gung-ho about ramadi. which isnt bad but im worried they might be too excited and might do something stupid and like stand up in post and get shot in the face or might run out the OP and right on an IED. you can never be too sure of whats outside no matter how safe you think it is. i dont know. its weird not being there anymore. its almost likes ramadi is mine. thats odd to say but like i feel awkward leaving it for someone else to take care of. haha. almost like i dont think they can do the job. granted. i know they can and im glad to not be there anymore but i guess its the whole parent-child thing. all the other guys feel the same.
haha i was reading your site and that new article you have up is a plt cmdr from my company. he is actually the other plt that has done everything with mine. our two platoons were the strike force for the BN. that guy is a cool guy though. him and our pltcmdr were real down to earth and they looked out for us. my team went out with LT L (the guy in the article) and we went back to that building that got blown up with us in it. the IP’s fixed it up. you cant even recognize it besides the holes from the mortars in the wall. anyways. i just thought it was funny to see anyother charlie company marine on your site.

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26 Responses

  1. Steve in NC

    fobbit video!

    adult language used

    Speaking of leave, my son is in for a couple of weeks, we were wondering how much can you drink in two weeks?

  2. John in PA

    Corporal T. Rock
    Thank you. Your sincere and personal exposure of reality in Iraq has been an inspiration for me to take time to do something.

    I was taught that Gratitude is an action word. I am not always true to this, but you have helped me.

    I owe you and your men honor through my continued participation in an action network. Though I trust you feel its not required of me I just ask that you remember all of our grattitude when you run into an ungreatful American.

    Your voice will continue to be heard.


  3. TWarrior

    Glad your coming home Rock, hope to see you on the site.
    Take care and thanks for all youv done sir!
    :beer: :beer: :beer:

  4. John Cunningham

    OK, watch your step, don’t want to slip on the meat. Pretty soon you’ll be back and won’t have to worry about that anymore.

  5. RockinRobin

    Steve, my son was home from Ramadi on two weeks’ leave . . . he went back May 3rd. We went through approx. 35 cases of beer, a huge bottle of Jack Daniels and a lot of taquilla. Not sure how many barrels of alcohol that converts to, but needless to say, we had a GREAT time.

  6. gmoney

    From myself and my family….THANKS!!

  7. Mike

    THANKS is not enough, but it’s all I’ve got to give.
    God Bless you now and always.

  8. Gramps

    Cpl Rock, welcome back to the world.

  9. RockinRobin

    Cpl Rock - so much heartfelt thanks to you for your service to our country. Although my gratefulness to you and all the other men and women who serve our military is nominal compared to what you all have gone through, just know that there ARE millions of Americans back home who believe in you. You are our hero and we welcome you back home. God Bless You - have a safe journey.

  10. EZRider

    Cpl Rock. Thanks for taking names and kicking ass.

  11. MariesTwoCents


    :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:

  12. Bob USMC

    Corporal Rock,

    Semper Fidelis to you and your men!

    Thanks for your service and for taking the time to write and letting us all know what’s REALLY happening over there.

    From one former Marine to another current one.

  13. Kathy Ozanne

    Thank you so much for your service. This comes from hubby and me, our children and grandchildren.

    You opened up my eyes, sir. You and this site. I’m forever grateful.

  14. Tanicacid

    Cpl Rock,

    Good job and thanks for doing it for us. Hope you “decompress” some when you get home, and no, their aint IED on every corner…well LA Maybe. :-)

    Semper Fi

  15. mindy abraham

    I am glad you are coming home safe and sound. Thanks for serving :smile: :smile: :smile:

  16. Iacobus

    Rock on, Cpl. Rock! :beer:

  17. AllahEntaFadiq

    Hey Rock, Semper Fi. Welcome back to the land of the bleeding liberals.

    OT Alert: Please follow this link people this is fucking bullshit! This guy did nothing wrong and was arrested by the police and harassed by the illegal invaders of our country.

    I had to share this, thanks.


  18. drillanwr

    I’ve been away from my desk of late, occupied with seasonal duties around the homestead. So, my email box has been backed up. I came across this today, and thought it was well worth yunz reading and passing it on to any/all military you can:

    A Letter to Our Soldiers in Iraq

    By Dennis Prager
    Tuesday, May 8, 2007

    :beer: :beer: :beer:

  19. TJ

    cpl. Rock,

    Do you ever come into contact with soldiers who are either democrats, who hate bush, or dont belive in the mission? what do you say to them, how are they treated? have you come into contact with soldiers who have signed onto the appeal to redress that was on 60 minutes?

    these are people that have joined vets against the war, and follow the example of John Kerry portraying oursoldiers(not themselves of course) as terrorrizing women and children etc etc.

    If you have come across them, dont you have doubts about trustine them in the heat of combat to watch your back?

    I saw one guy speaking for cindy sheehans group who gave the picture that going into peoples homes, knocking down doors and finding only civilians , no weapons etc , which i am sure did happen, as a reason for why this war is useless. He of course ignores the fact that this war is against such forces that dont wear uniforms, purposely blend in with civilians, store weapons in residential areas. mosques, receive transport from red crescent vehicles etc.

    I dont doubt that it drains you when you see women children and othe
    r civilians killed by jihadis and even by american.
    troops accidentally.

    I uunderstand the jihadis, will kill anyone in order to use the deaths as propaganda amongst their frinds in the MSM etc. I realize in order to fight them , that collateral damage will happen yet it still makes it difficult to deal withe emotionally.

    Ina sense I dont blame the veterans against the war, who as americans, couldnt handle the deprivation and suffering that wars such as these cause and so as a way to understand it through their anger and emotion back at those of their own country. Its either one way or the other I guess, and I suppose they perhaps are also looking to feed their own future ambitions outside the military.

    I appreciate corporal rocks positive feed backs about this war, but I also know that they wish the job were completed sooner and are greatly angered by other vets, the msm, and politicians who feed the enemy with their defeatist words and actions.

    Please know that whatever you decide after this war about what you did and accomplished in iraq, that many americans will support you in any way we can because you suffered and toiled for us and our way of life.

    We love all of our soldiers for their sacrifices, and for those who have gobne astray since, we can only pray that they find peace somehow. :cool:

  20. Jewish Odysseus

    Thank you and God bless you & yours, Cpl. Rock!

    Welcome home!

  21. Jewish Odysseus

    I was struck by one line from Cpl Rock’s email–it’s been repeated countless times from Iraq, one way or another. As you read it, ask yourself–”Is George Bush an idiot, or a genius?”

    “a suicide bomber drove through north bridge ecp and killed some IP’s. some civilians ran over to help them and another one drove up and killed them. its pretty fucked up. insurgents killed the IP’s and then innocent people trying to help them. no american forces were hurt though”

    Back in the 1960’s the radical left used to brag how they planned to “bring the [Vietnam] war home,” turn it against US here in America. Today, we have jihadis from many lands converging in IRAQ, spending blood, treasure and time, and killing at least 20 Muslims for every infidel.


  22. Clyde Conneer

    God bless you Marine. Welcome home.

  23. Tom aka "peaceful one"

    Thanks Cpl Rock for calling Harry Reid a douche. And your relentless courage. You’re a champ. He’s a douche. Never the twain shall meet.

  24. Greg Baxter

    Semper Fi, mother fucker! Welcome home and thanks for reassuring me that in spite of global warming, cell phones, gps, and everything else, one thing remains the same, the USMC!

    No longer one of the “Few”, but still one of the “Proud”!

    Greg Baxter, ‘66-’69

  25. NOVAFamily

    Thank you with gratitude for all you have given to freedom and your country. Lynne and I are glad to have coming home soon………..Dinner and a cold beer are on me !

    John and Family

  26. Jeff Pinkava

    Hey Rock!
    Glad your home.
    I know about ownership and leaveing when it’s time.
    I got to go to the litter box and KFOR as a Tan man.
    Hated to leave when the guys are still there working.
    What I want to know is are you the spawn Of 1st.Rock who was with 3/7 back in 1984-85?
    If you are you have alot to live up to.(sounds like your keeping up just fine!)
    He was (maybe still is but probably not because he smoked like a coal powerplant chimney)a hell of a Marine.
    He taught me alot…(and I’m hard headed)
    If I could,I would thank him for being another example of what a Marine was suppossed to be.
    My Grandpa in I.
    My Dad in Korea.(only an airwinger so I still give him shit)
    SSGT. Solyjacks in Bootcamp.
    1Sgt. Rock in the FMF.

    Semper Scrotus.

    Jeff Pinkava
    Company 1st private 3/7 84-85(I had a parking space)

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