Terror Fears Grip Europe

May 10th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


A sort of terror fever is sweeping Old Europe. Betting money is on an attack in the next 90 or so days.

Given that their governments would be changing hands in the coming weeks, both England and France were bracing for a nasty call from Al Qaeda. Well once staunchly anti-Jihadi, anti-Muslim Street Gang politician Sarkovy was elected its President, France has been all but assuming that it will be hit in the weeks ahead, especially because…


…a very disturbing new tape, featuring a new European branch of Al Qaeda called “Al Qaeda In The Lands of The Villains” started making the international rounds on May 1. May Day. The tape features armed gangs practicing assaults on everything from buses to military installations, and lots and lots of IED making. Topographical analysis indicates it was shot in Eastern Europe, perhaps Chechnya.

The tape’s narrator lays out three specific priorities for Al Qaeda in Europe

1. A general worldwide jihadi recruitment campaign extolling the fun and virtues of killing Americans in Iraq, Jews in Palestine, Hindus in India. In other words, off-continental killing.

2. The training of believers to fight the infidels, namely the Christians and Jews living in Europe.

3. The establishment of separate Muslim states-within-states in Europe, ie the strongest admonition against culturally integrating into Western Societies. The need to remain both separate and jihadi in preparation for the ultimate conquest of the continent.

Al Qaeda has only released tapes revealing new cells if those cells are about to launch attacks. In addition, Al Qaeda chatter in Spain is currently “off the charts”, and has been for the last two weeks. And the G8 Summit goes down in Germany next month, which resulted in a series of raids which just started today ( the growing links between American/European socialists and Islamic terrorists is also disturbing. This alliance is in fact the very lifeblood of George Soros and Moveon.org, and their puppet entity, the Democrat political party. Soros’ direct communication with terrorists is currently under both official and private surveillance and review ) As a result, the governments of all nations concerned consider May, June and July to be critical.

And also just in tonight:

Australian travellers are being warned to exercise caution if travelling to
Germany, which may be at an increased risk of a terrorist attack.

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade tonight reviewed its travel
advice for Germany, alerting travellers that the German government had
warned terrorist attacks might be possible.

“German government public statements continue to note the possibility of
terrorist attacks in Germany,” DFAT said on its website.

“The German Interior Ministry has said the threat has become more serious.

“On 20 April 2007, the United States Embassy issued a warden message
advising that US diplomatic missions and installations are increasing
security in response to the heightened terrorist threat.”

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42 Responses

  1. John in PA

    Soros should be sniped?

    I trust we will be hit also, and I trust the dems will shamelessly turn it into political fodder.

  2. Steve in NC

    The d’rats have positioned themselves to capitalize on any attack we suffer, be it in the Homeland or in Iraq.
    They are waiting for it, wanting it, craving it. They will stand on the corpses of our slain civilians and soldiers to preach why we failed in capitulating to those that threaten us.

    Any ‘victories’ by those that oppose the United States will be used as fodder.

    I would like to see the reaction to the martyrdom of soros by carville and dean.

  3. The Frenchman

    Salut, I am new here so will keep my tone respectful. I was referred here by someone else. Like anyone reading this post has incensed me. I am a staunch defender of Islam in it’s gentle and pure form and have lived half of my life as a minority surrounded by very kind Muslims many of whom I call friends today. I can even understand the general desire for foreigners with less than honorable abojectives to stay off of Middle Eastern soil. By the same token I wish the extinction of all traces of radical Islam at whatever cost. This does not include random wars without real objectives.

    When I read in this post that part of the AQ’s doctrine is the creation of Muslim states within European countries, I saw my self blasting a hole in the heads of the creators of this doctrine. It proves the complete insanity of these morons and more so their extreme hypocricy, given their objective to get infidels off of their own land.

    I must address John and Steve, respectfully, regarding their comments that the Dem’s will jump all over an attack if God forbid one should happen on US soil. I have to say if any group is trying to take advantage of the existence of terrorism it’s the Rep’s and rest assured even without a Dem President, should their be an attack on US soil between now and 2008, that Republicans are going to be all over the now Democratic Congress in placing blame.

    Both the Democrats and the Republican’s are equally guilty of stupid politics and pandering to their base. This, instead of working together to create solutions.

    I cannot even imagine how many ” I told you so’s ” we will hear if an attack happens after the Bush regime is expelled from the White House and while only the better of two evils a Democrat is sent in his place. ” you see we told you that you were less safe if the Dem’s were in power ” It will be like listening to a bunch of toddlers.

    Both sides of the aisle should be equally embarrased about their talking heads, but when one calls out the other, then I have to set the the record straight.

  4. in France

    that’s our Marie-Antoinette, who said actually : “si le peuple a faim, qu’il mange de la brioche” ; a good image though for the G8 and the alter-mondialists meeting.

    actually, the riots occuring after Sarkosy’s election are not from the usually so called immigrants, but from the extrem-left pro marxism spoiled youth

  5. kendoka

    I assure you that no response, if any, of a dem president would measure up to Pres. Bush’s efforts. Clinton actively worked to prevent intelligence agencies from collaborating (something the much maligned Patriot Act tried to fix), left somalia in disgrace, and chose not to act when al-qaeda began ramping up the attacks on our embassies and the USS Cole.

    the reality is that the two parties have very different attitudes & policies when it comes to our enemies. one side lets them eat cake, the other cries “aux barricades!”

  6. John Cunningham

    The Frenchman, there you are. “Expelling the Bush regime” makes as much sense as saying expelling the, what’s his name, what’s the outgoing fwench president’s name? Now that President Sarkozy of France in charge all the fwenchy fwenchmen have to get a real job. Mr. Dollard may not be as kind as sandmonkey.com, he’s liable to fart in your general direction.

  7. gmoney

    I’m glad the battle lines are being drawn.The “cock” roaches are starting to come out of hiding and showing their true colors.I would love to see the islamofascist/and the American socialists band together.Then we can wipe them all out at one time.

  8. in France

    hey Frenchman you got your lover after you :mrgreen:

  9. EZRider

    “Let them eat falafel.” Hahahaha. Awesome.

    Yes, whoever has the helm during the next attack will get berated by the opposing party. But as kendoka said, the Reps will fight at the walls. Oh yea and on the whole expulsion of regimes… we’re still on our first republic overe here, we don’t expel regimes. What’s France up to? 5? Or is it 6? I lost count somewhere after Darlan got in bed with the Nazis and jumped ship in Algiers until his untimley death De Gaulle.

    “By the same token I wish the extinction of all traces of radical Islam at whatever cost. This does not include random wars without real objectives.”

    Then what is your definition of cost? Is it the west capitulating at every turn to Muslim demands of equality and “cultural expression” while Islam in turn tears down western culture and subjects western women to subservient rolls? Or is it the laissez-faire attitude toward immigration and acceptance of Muslims in search of a better life while Muslims themselves bar westerners from their own lands (the festering deserts of poverty and hatred) claiming mal-intent and exploitation?

    “I can even understand the general desire for foreigners with less than honorable abojectives to stay off of Middle Eastern soil.”

    Well then understand this. There are too many Muslims with “less than honorable objectives” coming into western lands. Thank you for pointing out the hypocrisy of a foreign born Muslim. And the funny thing is, you’re more rational than the majority of Islam.

  10. John Cunningham

    Hey, in France, stalking her all the way from Egypt.

  11. in France

    hey easy rider got to hear of Mogadischio ?

  12. in France

    yeah, I smell beer pints

  13. Brad W

    Hey Frenchie, you say you are for wiping out all traces of radical Islam, how do you propose to do that, as they have proven for decades they think it is honorable to hide behind women and children, and use the same for political statements when they want to blow up someone. Fighting those terrible people will cause some loss of innocent life, because they will drag the innocents in as sheilds to try and thwart attacks against them.

    And you are oh so wrong about Republicans taking advantage of terrorism. If Carter had not started the spineless act of capitulating to or turning a blind eye to terrorists, if Clinton Inc. had any spine, and stood up to them, or actually had a real response to the attacks during his watch, we would not be wehre we are. Letting psychos know you will turn them into a grease smear for transgressions can many times help their mental state. Yes, I am sure there would still have been some attacks, but not as many, as some of the plotters and planners would not have been around for long. Just like street punks who get caught stealing and receive little or no punishment, they move on to bigger things. When there are no consequences from that act, on to bigger yet.

    We are now in the position to make up for many bleeding heart liberal oversights, and having a leftover pacifist from the Vichy government like yourself does not help anything. How did you escape Nuremburg?

  14. Tanicacid

    I bet Fort Dix has a new security gate set up. Maybe a zillion Claymores, a few 50’s and LAW’s, an Abrams on call etc., about a hundred yards past the gate.

  15. 0311inohio

    Hey “The Frenchman”: Here is my my respectful tone. GO FUCK YOURSELF. :beer:

  16. The Frenchman

    0311inohio, A true original. Surprised you are on a board that requires intellect. Go back to crushing beer missing link thick skull. I am more interested in having a discussion with adults. When you grow up come back and talk to me.

  17. The Frenchman

    correction : Go back to crushing beer cans on your missing link thick skull.

  18. The Frenchman

    Brad, You certainly dont wipe out these maniacs by starting a war where there shouldn’t have been one. Especially when the target was elsewhere roaming free ” dead or alive ” I remember this being the emphatic statement from our President.

    Saddam was a pig but the Iraqi’s were not terrorist before. Of all of the terrorist attacks that both were executed or thwarted worldwide, I can’t think of one of the culprits being Iraqi. Now, no matter whether it was by gun fire or road side bomb, a new son of a slain family member is out for US blood. We might as well roam the Middle East handing out recruiting cards for the fundamentalists.

    We will never squash them by shooting at them. This is nothing more than shooting at cockroaches, you kill a thousand, a thousand more will come. If we are supposed to be more intelligent then them then how about we act it ? Killing the Taliban but more importantly Osama would only ever be a gesture of defiance on our part and we haven’t even managed to do that.

    Do you see a point where America will win in Iraq. I don’t, all I see is more dead American children, which is my primary concern, closely followed by thousands of innocent Iraqi lives and what will have been achieved ? Absolutely nothing.

    Strangle them financially and by using our brains. If we prove that we have one in our custody, straight to the gas chamber. Got the fuck off of there land, given this is one of their biggest ” complaints “. Force our govt to stop pussy footing around with creative energy solutions. Stop feeding the Saudi’s and other Arab nations by buying their oil and watch them do a hell of a lot more to fix the problem in house.

    Get out of Iraq and allow the civil war to happen. This will keep them occupied for a decade and if it crawls into neighboring countries let them deal with it.

    Enough of this bullshit ” spread freedom ” around the world. We are not living in a Coke commercial. In any event if our goal is to erradicate our most dangerous foes, I would suggest we focus on the ones who really pose threat, like Iran and North Korea.

    I would like to know how anyone can be satisfied with the fact that Osama still roams the earth and that the Taliban is growing by leaps and bounds. Afghanistan has all but been forgotten.

    I think I have stumbled into a group of like minded people on this site who will not listen to another point of view, so while brief it has been a pleasure.

  19. terry smyth

    The frenchman has the correct tone, for an appeaser.
    Listen man those muslim “friends” will talk and laugh with you then cut you throat in the very next second.
    Some friend.
    Its not just the french left wing doing the carbq’s and the smashing of windows of people who want to work, its the unemployed underaceivers who have a hatred of anything that that looks as if the gravy train of unemployment benefits is about to pull out of the station.And thats most of their muslim population who live in one of the 750 no go areas for the flics in most of the larger french cities.
    Interestingly and aussie Dept of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) has warned Australians against travel to Germany. Great to find this out from Pats site, Hell I live in Australia, and havnt heard anything about this in the local media. As usual I suppose, any refence to the terror my mo’s is never reported.
    I would evpect attacks on the UK as Tony leaves and in France as Sarkosy is sworn in. Just to let everyone know who is going to be in charge, and that aint going to be the Govt.
    The idea that Republicans would take advantage of an attack on the US is just wildly stupid.The Drats would take advantage by blaming Bush or the GOP or the Vast RightWingConspiracy, the southern Rednecks, the Neocons the FBI the CIA , Arnie in California, all GOP voters and anyone else( is there anyone else)that didnt vote for them. However they wouldnt do anything to upset CAIR or the donky party voters.
    OT In Aussie a donkey voter is a dumbass who votes from the top to the bottom of a ballot paper without thought. This has got so bad in elections( they are proportional votes where candidates are numbered by preference) that the State of Tasmania has passed legistalation to have the ballot papers printed with the candidates RANDOMLY PLACED ON THE BALLOT PAPER. Neat Huh! Therefore if everyone is a donkey, every candidate gets equal votes.
    Never happens.
    We also have compulsory voting, so the turnout is always in the high 90 percent, note you dont have to vote, you just have to get your name crossed off the electrol roll at a polling station, then you can write all sorts of obcenities about the power grabbing bastards on the paper. This is called the informal vote, and is always about 4 to 5 percent. Free thinkers.
    It would be very interesing to know what the US elections would be like with compulsory voting. It would change the whole look of the place I guess.
    Just a thought from an aussie

  20. Clyde Conneer

    Islam in its Pure Form? Eh, which is purest, the honor killing of one’s own sister or the homocide bombing of an elementary school?

    Liberalism is a mental disorder!!!!!!!!!!!!

  21. Brian H

    Hm. Seem to be a few of the verboten “inflammatory remarks” drifting in past the filters. Is this going to turn into a good ol’ ’90s-style online flame war?

  22. Judith

    Stupid spineless liberal socialists. “Lets all kiss and hug and talk a little and then we will all be eeeeequalllll. No thanks, I’d rather be dead than be a mooselimb.

  23. France the retour

    Mr Pat Dollard, seems something is disturbing your good conscience as far as a light is on your side-attitude towards other countries, in occurence, the last occupied countries in EU, and letting your people insult us , that is fair I suppose, one still wonder why our people feel such a desdain

  24. France the retour

    Judith, go back and read your rose litterature

  25. John Cunningham

    Terry Smyth The best part of two years in Vietnam was all the stereo equipment I got from the PX at half what it cost in the US. I also got to do three R&R’s in Sydney ‘68, ‘70 and ‘71. I swear before I die I’m going to get to do another R&R Downunder. Best wishes from Uptop.

  26. 0311inohio

    One more time Frenchie… GO FUCK YOURSELF. :smile: :beer: :beer:

  27. 0311inohio

    Dear Frenchie: After condsiderable thought and in the spirit of Larry the cable guy, “Lord I do apologize! I get just a little pissed off with limp dick, hand ringing socialists and I sometimes fail to button up my emotions. So here is one to you Frenchie… :lol: :beer: :beer: :beer:

  28. in France

    if you can’t handle free speech, a right of response would bee fair enough when someone talks rubbish :!:

    can’t you delete Brad’spost too ?

  29. John in PA

    The Frenchman
    Responding to your original post….
    There is one thing for certain…. You are not a patriot to anything but appeasment. …..for one second I almost gave you credit that you accept the existence of evil …BUT wrong!!!!

    True to every CloakedLib, you claim your allegence against evil but redefine its identity. You make it impossible to pre-empt the efforts of evil by turning it into a policing effort. Yes, I can read between your lines.

    You, my friend, just want everyone to get along, with fairy-ass shit like “Lets all sing and be happy”….”Lets Wait until the enemy crosses the line again - then we will get him!” “We’ll give him a trial”

    News flash for dum-ass frenchman: “Martyrs don’t wait for a trial - they’re already dead on the scene” :!: :!: :!:

    Frenchie Says….wish the extinction of all traces of radical Islam at whatever cost. This does not include random wars without real objectives.

    NEO-LIB talking point #1
    In two sentences. You OBJECT to the volunterrs who go and seek out the terrorists close to their origin YET you want extinction at all cost.


    Frenchie Says….if any group is trying to take advantage of the existence of terrorism it’s the Rep’s …., should their be an attack on US soil …, that Republicans are going to be all over the now Democratic Congress in placing blame.

    UNDENEYABLE POINT #1: BECAUSE WE are taking action AND because you NeoLibDemocrats only want to COWER from the enemy ….and let them be “pure Islamists” anywhere they wish ….. is the EXACT reason why we are RIGHT & JUSTIFIED to blame your sorry little sore asses for letting an attack happen.

    UNDENEYABLE POINT #2: All Frenchman’s buddies are standing on the bodies of those who died in efforts to defeat terrorism as the NeoLibDemocrats grandstand defeatist retreat & surrender policy based on a false populist backing.

    Enough already…..

  30. Jerb

    Well, the frenchman, since no one else wants to counter your arguments, I will do my best.

    “Brad, You certainly dont wipe out these maniacs by starting a war where there shouldn’t have been one.”

    Saddam was a ruthless dictator who gased his own people, set up rape rooms for his two psycho sons, and was definately in touch with al qaeda. Remember that Zarqawi guy? you know AQ’s big man in Iraq before we killed his ass? He was in Bagdad before the war even started.

    “Especially when the target was elsewhere roaming free ” dead or alive ” I remember this being the emphatic statement from our President.”

    So, if we get Osama all the terrorists will go “Ah, damn. well, we gave it a good try. I guess they beat us fair and square. Let’s get back to herding goats.” Bush said he would go after Osama, but he also said he would hunt down AQ WHEREVER they went, not just kill Osama

    “Saddam was a pig but the Iraqi’s were not terrorist before. Of all of the terrorist attacks that both were executed or thwarted worldwide, I can’t think of one of the culprits being Iraqi.”

    As far as I know, a majority of the terrorists we kill over in Iraq are foreigners. Hell, if we base our decision to use military force based solely on what country they came from, we should go to war with Bosnia for the Fort Dix six we just captured. And Britain should have gone to war with itself for the London bombers. They were “homegrown”, so to speak.

    “Now, no matter whether it was by gun fire or road side bomb, a new son of a slain family member is out for US blood. We might as well roam the Middle East handing out recruiting cards for the fundamentalists.”

    Um, we’re not the ones shooting innocent civilians OR blowing them up with IED’s. That would be the terrorists. lolz, how did they recruit before we were in Iraq then? Militant Islmaic facsts don’t need a “good” reason to recruit people. They just need hate, ignorance and rage.

    “We will never squash them by shooting at them. This is nothing more than shooting at cockroaches, you kill a thousand, a thousand more will come.”

    We don’t just shoot them, we bomb the mother F$^%ers! Or hell, we could go the Saddam route(Since I’m told he wasn’t as bad as that damn Bush or evil America) and just gas everyone we think is a terrorist.

    “If we are supposed to be more intelligent then them then how about we act it ?”

    Who said we’re more intelligent than them? They are a fierce, determined, and intelligent enemy. They know how to play our media like a fiddle and have mostly succeeded in dividing this nations will to route them all out and kill them. If you look at the global war on terror as it is now, they’re probably ahead slightly.(not militarily of course, we kick their ass everytime we see em, the hard part is just finding them)

    “Do you see a point where America will win in Iraq. I don’t, all I see is more dead American children,”

    Yes. and Horse F^%$iung S^%t. I am tired of liberals yammering on about “oh, we’re just afraid for America’s children that evil bush is killing!” You make it sound like every military person is a baby ripped from his mother teat, put in a uniform then tossed in iraq to get blown up. Bull s^%t. They are men and woman who have more courage that 30 of you combined.

    “which is my primary concern”

    Again, Horse S$^t. If you cared about people dying so much, why not go rant against the auto industry? more people die every year from car accidents than all of our military causualties in Iraq.

    “closely followed by thousands of innocent Iraqi lives and what will have been achieved ? Absolutely nothing.”

    Like you gave a rats ass when saddam was gassing and raping them to death? Yeah, keep telling yourself that. Yeah, liberating a people from a horrible dictator, letting them have their own elections, and helping rebuild their country from the ground up is absolutely nothing.

    “Get out of Iraq and allow the civil war to happen. This will keep them occupied for a decade and if it crawls into neighboring countries let them deal with it.”

    lolz, I thought you cared about innocent iraqi lives? Do you even know how many iraqis would die in a civil war? Oh wait, you don’t really care, so nvm.

    “Enough of this bullshit ” spread freedom ” around the world.”

    Yeah, f&^% freedom. Freedom is gay. What the hell were our forefathers thinking? F&^% the world! Let murderous dictators and ismlamic facists rule!

    “In any event if our goal is to erradicate our most dangerous foes, I would suggest we focus on the ones who really pose threat, like Iran and North Korea.”

    Actually, I’m with you on that one. Those two are going to have to be dealt with eventually and the sooner the better, imho.

    “I would like to know how anyone can be satisfied with the fact that Osama still roams the earth and that the Taliban is growing by leaps and bounds. Afghanistan has all but been forgotten.”

    Not by our military personal there, I’m sure. The media has of course because there’s not enough dead bodies for them to show on the evening news. Good news is no news for them.

    “think I have stumbled into a group of like minded people on this site who will not listen to another point of view, so while brief it has been a pleasure.”

    Typical liberal talking points. Differsity = good. Well, unless we’re talking about Republicans or Conversvatives. They’re always wrong.

    Points of views are only worth listening to if they are valid and true. Why the hell would I want to waste my time with lies? Anyways. I did skipped over a paragraph, but I did so in the interest of space. If anyone else wants to counter your arguments, knock yourself out. It’s been fun.


  31. Jerb

    Differsity = Diversity.

  32. Steve in NC

    Greetings to The Frenchman

    “Brad, You certainly dont wipe out these maniacs by starting a war where there shouldn’t have been one.”

    >>> Why not Iraq, we were still at war with the saddam regime since the first gulf war, he was beginning to harbor aq and was supporting terror outside his borders. Consider the strategery of having democratic societies aside of iran.

    “Especially when the target was elsewhere roaming free ” dead or alive I remember this being the emphatic statement from our President.”

    >>> We all want to see his head on a pike, but one man does not make an army, do you really think this attack by radical islam would stop with his death? He would be held up as a martyr, the war with radical islam started before his rise and will continue after he is dead.

    “Saddam was a pig but the Iraqi’s were not terrorist before. Of all of the terrorist attacks that both were executed or thwarted worldwide, I can’t think of one of the culprits being Iraqi.”

    >>> terrorists have been financially rewarded by saddam for attacks. saddam was not stupid, he was an intelligence expert and knew how to act covertly.

    BTY ever seen this footage, of course it only aired one night, because it helps validate the WMD concern by the civilzed world. And in reference to us being hit by WMD’s domestically, and not traced to his regime.


    “Now, no matter whether it was by gun fire or road side bomb, a new son of a slain family member is out for US blood. We might as well roam the Middle East handing out recruiting cards for the fundamentalists.”

    >>> That is not true, in fact the Iraqi’s are tired of the death also, but they realize we are not thier enemy, and are assisting us in greater numbers.
    We never intentionally attack the population, and in fact have lost troops because of ROI to protect the civilians. Who have you talked to directly that was on the ground in Iraq? What do you base your opinion on besides what the media told you?
    Many people are oppressed in that region and do see this as an opportunity to gain freedom. Kuwait and Saudi Arabia have begun reforms, allowing a larger role in democratic selection of thier govt and increasing the rights of women.
    My son is a soldier and is alive today because the action of an Iraqi in confronting a VBIED just before it hit thier position. The Iraqi’s are giving thier lives for freedom.

    I bet you did not see anything like this on TV:

    “We will never squash them by shooting at them. This is nothing more than shooting at cockroaches, you kill a thousand, a thousand more will come. If we are supposed to be more intelligent then them then how about we act it ? ”

    >>>> I quote a young man who is right now becoming a warrior for us, who has gone to one of the elite arts colleges in this country, who is thoughtful and educated, a has come to the conclusion that force is needed against this enemy.

    His words : “Islamic fascism will never crumble in on itself like communism has in most parts of the world. Islam is a religion; communism is the destruction of faith in God. It is a testament to the vast stupidity of Russian, Cuban, and Chinese leaders that they’re still banging their little red skulls against the wall, doing the very opposite of what works, and killing people who point out the worthless results of their labor party. Our only means of defending ourselves and everything we love is by killing these motherfuckers before they kill us, until their bodies are stacked so high that no man finds it wise or glorious to be added to the pile. ”

    the entire quote is here :

    I think you may mature and understand that at times violence is needed to obtain peace when dealing with an enemy who offers no peace without total subjugation.

    “Killing the Taliban but more importantly Osama would only ever be a gesture of defiance on our part and we haven’t even managed to do that.”

    >> You are now stating the the elimination of the taliban and OBL would not matter?

    “Do you see a point where America will win in Iraq. I don’t, all I see is more dead American children, which is my primary concern, closely followed by thousands of innocent Iraqi lives and what will have been achieved ? Absolutely nothing.”

    >>> I see it, because I believe in humankind, in the fact that freedom is a natural human aspiration, that the brutal oppression of a small group cannot forever hold down ‘masses yearning to breath free’, and that the effort to free a peoples is not without cost. The cost is personally tragic, yet to succumb to oppression is worse. This is not easy, and the President never said it would be, the media has painted a picture that he said this war would be. When? wish we all knew, but sooner than we think, we have taken hits there and are fighting back and gaining now, the battle is being reduced to smaller and smaller territories, it is turning and gaining momentum.

    “Strangle them financially and by using our brains. If we prove that we have one in our custody, straight to the gas chamber.”

    >>>> We are working on cutting off money, but what do a few box cutters and airline tickets cost? and they blow themselves up, do you think a humane excecution will change thier mind?

    “Got the fuck off of there land, given this is one of their biggest ” complaints “.”

    >>>>> not true, we have already put it to Maliki that we would leave if asked and he is not wanting that yet, the civilians do not want us to leave yet; not until the govt can offer reasonable security. The d’rats and the jihadi’s want us out of course. We know we are seen as an occupying force by some and we want to leave also, but not until the objectives are met.

    “Force our govt to stop pussy footing around with creative energy solutions.”

    >>>>There has been more movement to alternative fuels by this administration than ever, ethonal is advancing because of incentive structures set up by the govt, and assistance has given in fuel cell development.
    We have enough fossil fuels for a while, if we could get to them.

    “Stop feeding the Saudi’s and other Arab nations by buying their oil and watch them do a hell of a lot more to fix the problem in house. ”

    >>>> the Saudi family has been a good friend of the USA, there are elements inside the country that we have problems with, and I tend to think that the Saudi’s kept the price of oil down in the 90’s so that we could advance our society with cheap energy and that in turn helped us break the soviet union, the Saudi’s have large investments in our economy and it would do us no good to completely alienate them, they are a soveriegn nation and we do not rule them.

    “Get out of Iraq and allow the civil war to happen. This will keep them occupied for a decade and if it crawls into neighboring countries let them deal with it.”

    >>>>The world is too small and that is a rascist ethnocentric statement. Re read Rummy’s comment on the follow on in the Vietnam war.

    “Enough of this bullshit ” spread freedom ” around the world. We are not living in a Coke commercial. In any event if our goal is to erradicate our most dangerous foes, I would suggest we focus on the ones who really pose threat, like Iran and North Korea.”

    >>> Read the gap theory by t. barnett, ( a critic of Bush if that helps ) it will give you a perspective of why democratic nations are vital to world peace.
    iran and korea may fall diplomatically, we are engaging the region in dealing with north korea, working for a diplomatic solution foremost. iran is being pressured within also, as is evident in the recent elections and from activists becoming more public and vocal. we are engaging them diplomatically, but any gains will not be highlighted by the media stateside. Or would you prefer another war? Me thinks you have no loved ones in this fight, because when you or a loved one is involved, armed conflict is the last option, but it is an option.

    “I would like to know how anyone can be satisfied with the fact that Osama still roams the earth and that the Taliban is growing by leaps and bounds. Afghanistan has all but been forgotten.”

    >>>> that statement hurt my head, you already said that their defeat would be meaningless. Our allies in NATO have never left the ’stan and neither have we. The taliban comes down for thier seasonal slaughter in the spring, in response read rummy’s comment again.

    “I think I have stumbled into a group of like minded people on this site who will not listen to another point of view, so while brief it has been a pleasure.”

    >>>> please don’t give up like your name suggests

  33. Maria

    Frenchman is correct. If we all hugged it out, gave in to their demands, laid down and let them have their way with us this would all be over a lot sooner. It would be so much easier as opposed to defending our country, our principals, our ideals, and last but certainly not least our freedoms.

    Or we could bury our heads in the sand like the Dems enjoy doing when they are confronted with facts and evidence that they don’t particularly care for. That seems to work for them… it worked when Clinton was in office, and we treated terrorism as serious as a blue collar crime… look where that got us on a clear September day in 2001.

  34. Steve in NC

    “It would be so much easier as opposed to defending our country, our principals, our ideals, and last but certainly not least our freedoms” I agree, but I tend to think freedoms, ideals, principals and then country. I love this country for the first three, but if this country fails to uphold the first three, I decline to defend it, hence:

    we are going to need it

    right on, clinton was wrong to face this with criminal prosecution, not sure that aq respects the rule of law, do you think obl has a copy of the Magna Carta on him?

  35. Brad W

    in France posted

    “if you can’t handle free speech, a right of response would bee fair enough when someone talks rubbish

    can’t you delete Brad’spost too”

    Nice… another lib that would like to police this site, I wonder how many times the libel sites actually leave the posts from conservatives.

    I am just wondering why I post a comment regarding The Frenhman, then in france wants to censor me, and france the retour seems to jump on the wagon… are these three one and the same? I am missing something here for sure.

    Anyway my thanks to the posts from Maria, Steve in NC, Jerb, John in PA, Terry Smyth and the others who have replied to whoever the capitulator is…

    If I ramble here, I’m replying while in a conference call, may get a little distracted….

    The statement that is said so many times by the libels, that we had no right to start a war with Saddam when they were not at war with us. What the hell do you fools think has been going on for the past 30 years? Are you people so damned stupid to actually think that Saddam or anyone that supports terrorist, finances them, gives or sells weapons to them will keep detailed records, and have them accessable via Google? Good God, please spare us from such idiocy! We had been attacked repeatedly around the world, and when we are attacked at home on 9/11, and we retaliate and go after the terrorists and their sponsors, you blind asses actually think we should crawl home?

    Our nation had a prior attack, Pearl Harbor, which led the USA into WWII. How many people ever remember reading about the Boxer Rebellion? How about the other little known attacks against Americans abroad by the Japanese before WWII? The anti-war people then all claimed those were each individual incidents, nothing to worry about. Ignoring all of those, and trying to do the “dialogue” thing with other countries is what led Japan to have the moxie to attack the US. When are we going to learn from history and realise that as I and so many others have said, when you turn a blind eye to misdeeds, that only encourages those persons to even worse deeds.

    The truth as we have been told by the MSM even, is that most terrorists killed in Iraq are not Iraqis, but are foreign fighters. If the US pulls out before the country is stabilized, there would not be a civil war, there would be a war between all the little pissant factions from other countries trying to wrest control of the land with the Iraqi people caught in the middle, and paying the highest price. The whole place wil lbe in an even greater mess than most can imagine.

    The fact of the matter is this, we need to keep letting our troops know they have our support, we need to let our Congressmen and women, and Senators know this as often as we can, and we need to be vocal against the libels out there that are trying to force the majority of America listen to the very small minority which are the real liberals, facists, communists, that are so against the American way of life. As more and more people realize that there really is a large conservative group, and that it is the majority, the portion of the people that quietly go along with the liberals that are loud will stop doing so, when they realise they can stand with the conservatives, and not feel alone.

    We need to defend the entire Constitution, as it was originally written and intended. The Founding Fathers were intelligent men, they wrote in plain language, intending the docuemnt to be taken at face value, not to have every possible nuance of each word dissected. I firmly feel the reason so many people are against the way it is now and try to change it, is because they know they do not have the fortitude of the men and women of the military, the men and women that created this great country and helped build it, they know they would not have survived then, and if not for huge government and liberal lawyers they would not be able to survive now.

    Thank God for the Patriots that support the veterans, the troops, and the American Ideal. A local radio talk host said the other day what we really need in America. What we need is for the US marines to start on the East Coast, and go to the West Coast, and give this country an enema, clean out all the crap that is messing the country up, the lazy who won’t work, who are a leach on society, who want to never do anything except live off of working taxpayers.

  36. Maria

    You’re correct about OBL… I’m sure he’s never heard of the Geneva Convention either.

  37. Greg - USA

    I saw a little sign today…

    “The difference in martyrdom and suicide is press coverage.”

  38. Steve in NC

    the socialist/marxist/liberal d’rats that post here never come back after the first challenge, it shows they have no depth or truth to thier argument, that they are as shallow as the piss pool next to a public toilet

  39. GREG G. S.

    WTF!!! “Do you see a point where America will win in Iraq. I don’t, all I see is more dead American children” Hey frenchman we don’t send children into battle. those are men your talking about, ya puss!

  40. Brian H

    since you’re correcting your own typos, etc., here’re a few more:
    or Conversvatives = Conservatives
    ismlamic facists = Islamic
    route them all out = root them all out
    Islmaic facsts = Islamic fascists
    definately in = definitely in

    :wink: :lol:

    Stomping Frenchy down does keep the blood boiling nicely, of course!!
    You put your finger on one of the core pretenses that the Left has frozen into an untouchable “talking point”: that the source and home of jihadism is Afghanistan. In fact, it was a port of convenience for OBL because the Taliban agreed to give him a base for a while. Both were odious, and clearing Afghanistan helps weaken both, besides freeing millions from the grotesque abuses the Taliban inflicted. But in no sense was it ever the “core” or home of AQ. It’s pretty much a movable feast, and always has been.

  41. Jim Schovanec

    It’s obvious to me that you french fucks can’t get it right in your own country and so you try to stick your noses in here.


    frencheese, parsley vous :razz: fuck you

  42. alan

    U.S. Air Marshals Flooding German, British Flights


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