Once Again, The MSM Has To Catch Up To Me

May 11th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Yesterday, I ran a story you couldn’t find anywhere in the MSM. It came from some of my better sources. It was a big one about German and European fears that a terror attack was imminent. Today, ABC belatedly caught up with me, and the Drudge Report linked the story at the top of their site with their famous flashing siren. Regulars to this site know this is hardly the first time this has happened.

No need to come back to my site. Unless you want to know what the MSM either won’t or can’t tell you. Or will do so too late.

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13 Responses

  1. TWarrior

    I couldn’t help but notice that, and it leads into your site becoming a network for the truth Pat, Keep up the awesome work and if you need anything from Denver, count on it.

  2. John in PA


  3. Bob USMC

    Thanks Pat for the report, you’re definitely “Da Man”!

    As a vet, I can easily tell when the troops respect someone for their integrity and that is what really came through for ne the first time I ever saw one of your videos from over in Iraq with our troops. Your reporting was a huge breath of fresh air and actually gave me hope and strengthened my own personal resolve. Keep up the good work, you could single handedly crush liberalism when it’s all said and done. :mrgreen:

    Anything you need me to help with, let me know, I’d be greatly honored. You just make sure to keep yourself alive and safe over there as you are sorely needed in this fight here in the media.


  4. Tom


    You’re kind of like the Road Runner and they’re Wiley Coyote. Can we pull Brian Williams and put you in?

  5. LCpl Jim

    Cheers again Pat :beer:

  6. ~Jack~

    How Do you do it? Day after day. Amazing.

  7. Kathy Ozanne

    :beer: :beer:

    Well done, Pat. Passed your post from yesterday on, too.

  8. gmoney

    Pat,I would love to see you vs Brian Ross….in the cage. :lol:

  9. Fight4TheRight

    To get the real, and I’ll repeat that, the REAL story and get it first, I come to PatDollard.com ! Keep up the great cutting edge stuff Pat.

    Not only is the MSM a step or two or twelve behind you, most times their crap is false, biased or flat out propaganda.

    The word’s getting out Pat - I just hope you have a M.O.A.S. (Mother Of All Servers) on standby!

  10. Chad

    Hah. After the drudge linked him, and caused me hell on earth, we got Pat set up real nice as far as servers go. :cool:

  11. Fight4TheRight

    Way to go Chad!

    p.s. there’s gonna be more links to come

  12. John Cunningham

    OK, just saw the ABC News. Just like you said. I re-joined in ‘84. This time it was a guard unit in Buffalo, NY. We did a REFORGER in Jan ‘85 and I along with 2 O’s and 3 other EM’s did a KPUP a year later. There was the same concern about the Turks then as there was mentioned in this report this evening. On the KPUP we went over on PanAm (remember them?) and went through Frankfurt-Main coming and going. Now this was right after the disco bombing in Berlin so security was tight. But, it was my first exposure since Vietnam of police walking around with machine guns slung over their shoulders. You know, like a little eye-popping. You expected that stuff in Nam, but Frankfurt. God, please, don’t let us have to see that at Philadelphia International. Things were so much ‘easier’ with the communists. It was more like each in each other’s face. Now, it’s excuse me Mam, could you please step aside, I have to shoot the ‘gentleman’ behind you. Gettin’ too old for this s***.

  13. Brad W


    Just more proof that the MSM is concerned about revenue loss, and so they are trying to copy a small part of what you and Rush get out to the masses, so they can try to recover what they are losing.

    Hopefully they all go down the tubes, and soon, so you and the others fighting the good fight can step it up, and help get this country back to where we belong.

    Semper Fi

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