Breaking: The Head Of The Taliban In Afghanistan Is Dead

May 12th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


A friend of mine in Kabul has confirmed what the Afghanistan Intelligence Services started saying about a half hour ago. Mullah Dadullah ( why are these names always so easy to f*** with? ), the head of those black turbaned freaks in Afghanistan, was killed in a battle with the Brits, Afghans, and some U.S. Special Forces. The engagement supposedly took place in the Helmand province.

NATO says they are checking it out.

Stay tuned…

Or “developing”, like Drudge says…

or, “let’s see if it’s bullshit”, like Pat Dollard says….

And let’s see how long it takes the MSM to catch up on this one. Nothing yet on CNN, Fox, MSNBC…

UPDATE: He’s Dead.

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21 Responses

  1. TWarrior

    :beer: More :beer:

  2. Matt

    Good news, Good news. :cool:

  3. Pegit

    Its true!

    :beer: to you Pat!

  4. Jewish Odysseus

    Story on LiveLeak says the stinking corpse being brought in for confirmation:

  5. John Cunningham

    0518, Philadelphia. Wonderful start to Mother’s Day. Bet his mother’s glad the bastard’s dead, plus his sisters and nieces.

  6. Tanicacid

    This story showed on CBS Sunday Morning, after the stories of the missing Soldiers and an IED report.

  7. 0311inohio

    Looking forward to seeing this fucks bullet riddled body and his grotesque swollen face.. :beer: :beer:

  8. TJ

    Dadullah Dadullah Dadullah Dadullah Bonanza
    Dadullah Dadullah Dadullah Dadullah Da Dadullah Da DEAD!


  9. Steve in NC

    Some thoughts about the forgotten war by the liberal marxist shits:

    Fighting a Hard, Half-Forgotten War
    U.S. Forces Surprised By Taliban’s Resilience In Remote Afghanistan


    GIs in Afghanistan wage `forgotten’ war,1,3423933.story?coll=chi-newsspecials-hed


    Afghanistan: The Forgotten War
    While the eyes of world are on Iraq, the Taliban are reborn across much of this country and their al-Qa’ida allies are once more in the ascendant. As attacks mount and the death toll rises, Kim Sengupta in Kabul sees the US losing control


    Afghanistan: The Forgotten War
    Another ‘victory’ unravels


    Monday, February 05, 2007
    Afghanistan: The Forgotten War


    Monday, February 05, 2007
    Kerry, Feingold Demand Action On Forgotten War In Afghanistan


    I could keep going on. Who said it was a forgotten war? It was their decision to not cover that war in favor of bashing Bush on Iraq. I had not forgotten it, had you?

    Those pukes, it is so easy to flip back and see the shit they say proved wrong again and again.

    Fucking meatsacks.

  10. Jason A

    of course this won’t get much play by the MSM.

  11. Marvin

    The only good Taliban
    is a cold dead Taliban.

  12. Jewish Odysseus

    An eloquent tribute/obituary to the late degenerate Mr. Dadullah at my blog:

    [If I do say so m’self…]

    CONGRATS TO OUR HEROES IN AFGHANISTAN!! :beer: :beer: :beer:

  13. patriot

    Wait, the 12th was Saturday, why am I just finding out about this now?

    Oh yeah, I don’t watch major news networks anymore :mrgreen:

  14. Raptor_Pilot

    Good one TJ!

  15. mullah cimoc

    mullah cimoc say you so wrong. for first, him mullah omar is head of taliban.

    how many commander having the mujahadin?

  16. Raptor_Pilot

    “I could keep going on. Who said it was a forgotten war? It was their decision to not cover that war in favor of bashing Bush on Iraq. I had not forgotten it, had you?”

    True. I haven’t forgotten about it either. My uncle is in Afghanistan.

  17. terry smyth

    mulla cimok
    see i mock.Listen f%$#head thats one dead mullah who wont be down for breakfast and if there are any more like him they wont be down soon either and as for the dirtbag omar, well get him too then well see whos mocking who :evil:

  18. gmoney

    Mulla cimok,What …the fuck….are you…saying?Learn to speek the ENGLISH language and then come back to be a dick.

  19. Ted B

    gmoney, we must be understanding and reach out to him by speaking his language…

    Dobie gillis hafa dolla omar sharif bin goatfuckers seven eleven.

    Whew, I hope that cleared everything up.

  20. terry smyth

    BTW mulla see i mock
    the mud ja heen aint got no commanders just lot of goat fuker (for the extacy)who demonstrate to piousness of their position by killing anyone in the way and hiding behind women and children to cause as much collateral as possible and killing anyone they capture. You aint got any commanders just a BIG FAT PACK OF UNWASHED LOSERS.
    Sit back and listen for the whistle of the incoming then
    DIE, fuckeasel. :twisted: :twisted: :evil:

  21. TJ

    mullah muhammed bin fucked by bush say,

    my ass hurts! :oops:

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