Diyala Is The New Anbar
This website beat the MSM by many a mile in informing you that a U.S./Sunni military operation had ejected Al Qaeda from its base in Al Anbar Province. In fact, the MSM was almost keeping that fact a secret until they were forced into full disclosure last week by reports that former Sunni insurgents, now working as U.S. allies, had killed two Al Qaeda leaders.
Terrorists are parasites. They rely on a host body to support them. Now they can terrorize a host body into providing them support, but that will only go so far. Ultimately, the host body must be somewhat sympathetic to the terrorists, or else, by sheer dint of numbers, the members of the host body will be able to reject the terrorists. These two principles explain the entire history of Al Qaeda’s reign over Al Anbar. Al Anbar, like Al Qaeda, is a Sunni entity. The people of Al Anbar were sympathetic enough to Al Qaeda that they provided them sanctuary, support and even manpower - which is to say, the very lifeblood that this parasite required. Finally, the Sunnis of Al Anbar had enough of the bleak and empty future, and very bloody present, that comprised the entirety of Al Qaeda’s offerings. And so the host body rejected the parasite. The parasite is now in its last possible refuge, the mixed Sunni/Shiite Triangle of Death & Diyala Province areas, just south and northeast of Baghdad, respectively. My time in Iraq started there, and will likely end there. Along with Al Qaeda’s.
There is a reason neither Al Qaeda or the Iranian Shiite Insurgents have no traction in Kurdistan. There is no sympathetic and compliant host body. There is a reason Al Qaeda has no traction in the southern/eastern Shiite areas of Iraq. There is no compliant, sympathetic (which is to say, Sunni) host body. There is only one place left with enough of a sympathetic, compliant host body for Al Qaeda to keep itself alive in. This is the mixed Sunni/Shiite Triangle of Death. An appropriate appellation for the battlefield of Iraq’s Apocalypse with its Public Enemy #1. Iraqis, Al Qaeda, U.S. forces. A triangle of death, indeed.
In the short term, Al Qaeda will need to reopen its supply lines from Syria, which flow through through Al Anbar. They would also love nothing more than to reestablish themselves as the masters of Al Anbar. It is critical we keep our alliance with the Al Anbar Sunni tribes intact, and deny Al Qaeda both a home and its critical supply lines. And yes, the elephant in the room cannot be ignored as well: Syria must be forced to stop feeding Al Qaeda. Al Qaeda is comprised of Jihadis from around the globe. For example, in Fallujah, I lived in a Chechen barracks. ( Fallujah is not in Russia ). During the battle of Fallujah, the Marines recovered passports from 18 different nations on the Jihadi dead. Most of Al Qaeda’s fighters come through Syria. Syria must be made to heel. Nancy Pelosi wearing scarves and whispering sweetly will not do the trick. In fact, she has only encouraged Syria and Al Qaeda to stick to their ways, to keep up the fight against us. Why should they quit when the Democrats keep promising them victory? When Pelosi lied, our soldiers died. And they still do. If we are allowed by the Leftists, the mainstream ( which is to say Leftisist ) media, and the career-coward Republican lawmakers to get tough with Syria, we can defeat Al Qaeda.
Petraeus has a three pronged agenda, whether he knows it or not, and I’m sure he does. 1. Hold Al Anbar. 2. Defeat Al Qaeda in it’s last possible home in Iraq, the Triangle of Death/Diyala areas, by simultaneously attacking them aggresively and winning over the local Sunni tribes to help us in that effort - - just as we did in Al Anbar. 3. Break the back of the Shiite/Iran Baghdad to Basra insurgency by maintaining a ruthless military campaign; by further marginalizing or killing Al Sadr; by co-opting as many Shiite tribal leaders as possible; and by forcing Maliki to appropriately support us in all this; and lastly by rooting out as much evidence as possible to finalize the case against Iran.
Just like today’s story of the loss of U.S. servicemen, and the spectacular Baghdad/Diyala bombings of the last three weeks, you will continue to see many more Al Qaeda horrors. But these may just be the terrorist organization’s death throes. It is an historical maxim that every empire becomes more violent in it’s final, beleaguered days. We live with the conundrum that there is as much good news as bad in this current carnage. But it will become all bad if we let this opportunity for final conquest slip through our fingers.
As Jim Morrison sang, this is the end. One way or another.
hey lets change a few words in here and we are talking about the d’rats!
Terrorists(democrats) are parasites. They rely on a host body to support them. Now they can terrorize a host body into providing them support(no soc sec, no rights for minorities etc.), but that will only go so far. Ultimately, the host body must be somewhat sympathetic to the terrorists(democrats), or else, by sheer dint of numbers, the members of the host body will be able to reject the terrorists(democrats). …… . Finally, the Sunnis(patriots) of Al Anbar(America) had enough of the bleak and empty future, and very bloody present(and future), that were all that Al Qaeda(liberalism) offered them. And so the host body rejected(voted out) the parasite(dmeocrats).
May 12th, 2007 at 9:40 amThat was brilliant Steve!!
May 12th, 2007 at 10:37 amI can say it any better than Steve did.
Thanks for doing this, Pat - you are truely keeping me sane.
May 12th, 2007 at 11:18 amThat was supposed to be CAN’T
May 12th, 2007 at 11:18 amDamn, Steve, I can’t tell you how much I hope and pray you’re right.
May 12th, 2007 at 11:33 amOoh-Rah! Right on Steve.
May 12th, 2007 at 12:58 pmNot the end, it’s the beginning, we knnew you could do it.
May 12th, 2007 at 1:35 pm“Petraeus has a three pronged agenda, whether he knows it or not, and I’m sure he does.
1. Hold Al Anbar.
2. Defeat Al Qaeda in it’s last possible home in Iraq, the Triangle of Death/Diyala area, by simultaneously attacking them aggresively and winning over the local Sunni tribes to help us in that effort - - just as we did in Al Anbar.
3. Break the back of the Shiite/Iran Baghdad to Basra insurgency by keeping up military pressure, further marginalizing or killing Al Sadr, co-opting as many Shiite tribal leaders as possible, forcing Maliki to appropriately support us in all this, and root out as much evidence as possible to finalize the case against Iran that is necessary for the politicians at home to take the required next steps in the campaign to neutralize Iran’s war on America in Iraq.”
Someone, get us the phone-number of Gen. Petraeus. We need to talk to this guy, make an appointment for a meeting with him.
Ah…, got even a better idea. Let’s split up in 3 parts.
One group goes to Pelosi’s office in San Francisco on May 17th. (Remember, collect every rotten egg you can get your hands on by this date.)
The second group goes to Reid in Vegas. (Same thing as the eggs, but this time, rotten tomatoes.) And, gather lots of white feathers in a bag to sprinkle over the rotten tomatoes/eggs after these have been thrown. (That’s a bit like traitors were treated by when WWII had ended here in Holland.)
Third group will have a meeting with Petreaus. Of course with copy’s from Pat’s story’s here. Explaining him his three sponged agenda with all the non-MSM knowledge that has been gathered over the lasts months.
And then:
Just another wild guess from my side, but this has been on my mind since Pat posted yesterday that he will be going back to Iraq coming June.
I’m pretty sure Pat will be going to this mixed Sunni/Shiite Triangle of Death/Diyala Province area. (‘Cause he’s the kind of guy that CAN stand the heat and deliberately will enter hell’s-kitchen.)
I think we can all contribute in our own way to get the Al Queda-parasite out of this triangle of death. And, in that way proof the wrong of assholes like Pelosi and Reid.
Keeping up moral of the US-troops in this area.
Because, all this could mean that eventually there would be no body to parasite on left in Iraq by Al Queda anymore, that Iraq will be freed from the insurgents and the last action we will have to take is to support this country in building it up again, with schools without hidden bombs, hospitals with doctors that are not threatened loosing their loved ones when actually going to work , honest work and honest trade. (Which will build up an economy much quicker, and gives the Iraqis back their self-esteem and pride.)
Keeping up moral from Pat’s guys there in this Triangle of Death. (Okay, some sweets and a few good cigars for Pat himself as well )
So, someone, think along with me. Maybe we could call in some help from and Soldiers Angels about the “How to…..”-part of my plan.
Form a group of supporters ( in any way) to send moral-boosters over to Pat’s guys. Cards with a message like;”You are not alone, we support you, we respect you, we disbelieve the MSM, we are not stupid, we know the truth about your sacrifices. We are so proud of you”.
Or, making up small care-packages for them with most needed stuff for Pat’s guys, but then in travel-format. (So they don’t have to carry around more extra weight.)
Sending small beanie-toys to Pat’s group so they can hand them out to scared kids.
My point is, that if Pat’s guys feel that we, as a group, support them with a few necessities (a lot of time for bigger things won’t be there, being in the middle of the Triangle of Death) showing our concern and support, this will boost their moral. (With all the best coming out of that.)
I’ll be searching tomorrow for that site where they showed how to make a scarf, filled with certain little thingies that swallow up a lot of water, keeping the warrior fresh and not so submitted to the high temperatures.
Listen, you may find me crazy, but….
I’m at a point right now that ‘only talking’ isn’t enough for me anymore. Actually “doing” something about is difficult for me not living in the States. But, I’m more then willing to do the things that are within my reach. They may be only small things, but that still feels better than “just talk”.
More ideas, or better ideas? Please, share them here. There will always be something we (the people who post on Pat’s site) can do considering Pat will benefit from this as well. (His guys having high moral is good for Pat too.)
I also thought about “serious” request from Pat’s “guys” as (for example) in a replacement for a broken sunglass. (Knowing that a lot of PX’s are quickly out of stock and some soldiers hardly even have the chance to go and visit a PX because of the place they are.
Okay, okay, before you guys start throwing eggs and tomatoes at me, I’ll sign of. Going for some shut-eye.
May 12th, 2007 at 2:01 pmThe parasite analogy for terrorists is particularly apt in Iraq, as parasites are foreign to the body they feed off of, and most operatives in Iraq seem to be imports from other Muslim countries.
May 12th, 2007 at 4:33 pmI think the message is getting across to those that are fighting us in Iraq that it is a dangerous business, and that unfortunately draws the more fanatic, suicide bent, fighters. I can’t think of anywhere I would rather see them go, if they must travel to meet their maker, than Iraq, where we are at least prepared for them.
I wouldn’t worry too much about the liberals in America; they are only opposed to the war because Bush is in charge. They will happily support the war forever, as long as one of their own gets to prosecute it. I have little doubt that the Democrats are as unwilling as they are unable to bring the war to a quick end; it is all talk to appeal to their fringe left.
Got a Propaganda idea!
I am not joking?
Lets distribute several million copies of “A Bug’s Life” to all the citizens living in areas controled by the terrorists in Iraq.
The story lines goes that a “huge” Ant colony is terroized and enslaved by just a “few” large grasshoppers. The grasshoppers biggest fear is that the Ants will figure out that their sheer numbers out weight the grasshoppers size. In the end one Ant figures this out and convinces all the other Ants and they band together and drive off the grasshoppers.
May 12th, 2007 at 4:44 pmYou might find some support here. Don’t think you’ll find much help on San Fran Nan… I think they’re all nuts there.
May 12th, 2007 at 4:54 pmThe Diyalis have known for years what the Anbaris learned only recently: AQ is a very bad guest. That’s why you haven’t seen them there much.
They’re already forming an anti-AQ front along the lines of the Anbar Salvation Front. Expect AQ’s visit to be short.
Where do the shattered remnants go from here? My guess is Syria.
May 12th, 2007 at 5:07 pmIam so tired of seeing and hearing about alkinda running down the streets shooting at what, I don’t know, but it sure looks good. Then we have to have film of our men and women being blown up in their veicals without warning of any kind.
May 12th, 2007 at 5:41 pmAnd we always hear the words astounding, spectacular, massive, and others, when they kill a group of women and children, how pathitic. When we flaten a safe house it’s overkill and investtigated because we were to aggrasive. We can’t see what they do to anybody that doesn’t cooperate with them but if we have a shoot out, two weeks later they are there investigating how we were out of control and surely killed some women and children and luckely someone shows up with some film or photos just to prove the point, but unforutnely they have been buryied and you can’t dig them up. After 4 years I know I won’t see anything positive, I’ve given up. Some how I don’t think I’ll see the victories I know we have until it shows up on discovery in 5 or 10 years. Until then I find these little nuggets of good news and spread them as far as I can.
Sorry to ramble on and the poor spelling but I’m just a
plain american, nothing outstanding, probably a little less than a blue collar.
Steve,that’s a great idea!!
May 12th, 2007 at 6:00 pmI found this site by accident through a link posted by Michele Malkin.That New Anbar post ought to be quoted on all of the Sunday talk shows.
May 12th, 2007 at 6:43 pmI just returned from my third tour in Iraq where I spent the majority of my time in the Ar Ramadi/Fallujah AO. Things have really calmed down there with the exception of the occasional suicide blast. The daily attacks are way down as are the indirect fire.
May 12th, 2007 at 6:47 pmjason -
but harry reid said that the surge was not working…
who’s lying?
May 12th, 2007 at 7:00 pmJason,welcome and thanks for your service.I hope you and men/women like you know how much we appreciate your sacrifice.Thanks again!
May 12th, 2007 at 7:12 pmJason guys like you, guys like my friends walking the line, guys sacrificing, and having to come home and eat a crap sandwich everytime they turn on the TV. I pray to God every night, I pray like Mother Teresa on Crank, with great desperation and hope that by some miricle you guys will be the next leaders of this nation. I know all of you have already served this nation, and had to swallow more then anyone should have to in a life time. But I pray you guys will serve again, run for office and replace this 30 year long moral trainwreck that is the boomer generation, and bring back to washington that which it has sorely lacked, honor and a backbone.
May 12th, 2007 at 7:52 pmOK what if we combine Steve in NC’s idea about inserting “Democrat” in place of terrorists with Steve in Montana’s ‘Bug’s Life’ analogy. Then the Democrat’s well cultivated crop of constituents would realize that they don’t need the Democratic party to take care of them. They would realize that it is they that keep their “benefactors” in power. Which in an ironic vicious cycle keeps them in chains.
May 12th, 2007 at 10:14 pmI grew up dirt poor—to parents who grew up dirt poor—and they still believed that it was the liberals who would take care of us. So I know this mind-set well, although by the grace of God I managed to not buy into it. It is quite a plan to convince the masses that they need gov’t programs to survive— then be percieved as the savior. The masses are happily feeding at the gov’t trough and the Democrats have a complacent and loyal constituency.
We need a Flick!!! (ummm… the name of the ant who convinces the other ants to unite against their Grasshopper oppressors). The fact that I can take this Bug’s Life analogy and run with it is testimony to the fact that I have a whole house full of little men. Happy Mother’s Day to me!!!!
Which reminds me–one of my boys did comment before that his Daddy was like Flick because he is in Iraq teaching the Iraqi’s to fight for their country. Hmmm…smart kid.
Great post and wonderful news (unless you’re a democrat). Al-Qaeda has been remarkably inept at waging an insurgency. Killing tribal leaders in Al Anbar who refused to cooperate with AQ was a huge mistake.
During the Mao’s Long March, soldiers from both armies often slept in private homes. The Nationalists would force the occupants out and take whatever they needed.
Mao’s troops were instructed to treat their hosts as an adopted family, expressing gratitude, helping around the house. Peasants would take down the front door to use as a guest bed. Mao told his men to apologize for their imposition, and upon leaving, to replace the door.
Mao must be spinning in his grave. Obviously, Petraeus has read his playbook.
May 13th, 2007 at 2:59 am“I pray to God every night, I pray like Mother Teresa on Crank…”
JohnH, Thanks for that line. You just made my day… I totally agree with what you said, but you said it like I’ve never heard it said before. I still can’t stop laughing about that line above. That image of Mother T is so over the top. Great stuff.
And a big thanks to Jason and the guys like him!
May 13th, 2007 at 4:45 amBless you! This is the sort of excellent reporting and analysis that gives one hope.
My son is serving in Iraq and I, too, am praying like a mad woman that Iraq finds the strength to take control of their country. Sometimes I wonder if, like a parent giving a child too much, the gift is taken for granted - not appreciated, and Iraq doesn’t understand the blessings they’ve received.
May 13th, 2007 at 5:50 amMichelle Malkin is linking to this thread on her site.
May 13th, 2007 at 7:13 amGreat post and the comments are superb!
May 13th, 2007 at 7:43 amTo Jeanet, there is already a program in place that sends everyday (for us) items to the troops. I posted this before but if it helps even one soldiers moral Ill risk being redundant.
May 13th, 2007 at 8:30 amSteve in Montana, where in Montana? That’s where I was raised up. Got family still there. The Mile High city, you know, the one with the big puddle of water and a viewing stand!
Love my Big Sky Country!
May 13th, 2007 at 8:47 am“I wouldn’t worry too much about the liberals in America; they are only opposed to the war because Bush is in charge. They will happily support the war forever, as long as one of their own gets to prosecute it.”
But let’s not forget that only a Republican would start a war that strictly serves America’s interests. The modern day Democrats will only get involved in a war that benefits some other group of people, and they’ll only do that if the UN begs for America’s help.
I’ve been saying this for the past 6 years……..If Al Gore were president, his grand response to 9/11 would be to hold an international conference on terrorism, spend more money on intelligence, and re-examine America’s support of Israel. There would be no invasion of Afghanistan or any other country. The media would pound the American people over the head with the message that “starting a war will only make things worse”, and a majority of Americans would get so tired of hearing this message over and over again, that they would agree with it.
May 13th, 2007 at 10:10 am@POD1;
Last August I found a whole bunch of organisations who do this kind of wonderful work. (And bookmarked the lot of them.) This one is new to me though.
In spite of my efforts, by now I was only able to send letters and cards trough a site called
Most of the sites don’t accept me signing in because I live in the Netherlands.
(And, to be honest, living on a government-allowance due to being “disabled” –stupid word-, means I can’t do a lot by sending care-packages either. It’s the enormous amount of postage I have to pay that keeps me from being able to send just a few “moral-boosting” things.)
I got my pc, thanks to my deceased granny, and an internet-connection, thanks to my lovely dad. So I write extreme long letters and make home-made cards. (One way to keep me off the streets.)
Besides that I spend a few hours a week at a Dutch barrack, as a volunteer which benefits veterans and active soldiers. (Oh, if only my desk could talk.)
To be really very honest, POD1, it’s important to me to keep Pat and “his guys” as comfortable as possible during Pat’s upcoming stay in Iraq. Because he is one of the few sources we have bringing us the truth!!!!!!
If that makes me an egoist, forgetting about others, so be it. But due to my limited recourses I have to make nasty and difficult decisions
“My guys” are off to Afghanistan coming July and I had and will have the possibility to support them.
Anyway, thank you for your reaction.
May 13th, 2007 at 11:47 am@POD1;
In spite of my efforts, by now I was only able to send letters and cards trough a site called
Most of the sites don’t accept me signing in because I live in the Netherlands.
(And, to be honest, living on a government-allowance due to being “disabled” –stupid word-, means I can’t do a lot by sending care-packages either. It’s the enormous amount of postage I have to pay that keeps me from being able to send just a few “moral-boosting” things.)
I got my pc, thanks to my deceased granny, and an internet-connection, thanks to my lovely dad. So I write extreme long letters and make home-made cards. (One way to keep me off the streets.)
Besides that I spend a few hours a week at a Dutch barrack, as a volunteer which benefits veterans and active soldiers. (Oh, if only my desk could talk.)
To be really very honest, POD1, it’s important to me to keep Pat and “his guys” as comfortable as possible during Pat’s upcoming stay in Iraq. Because he is one of the few sources we have bringing us the truth!!!!!!
If that makes me an egoist, forgetting about others, so be it. But due to my limited recourses I have to make nasty and difficult decisions
“My guys” are off to Afghanistan coming July and I had and will have the possibility to support them.
Anyway, thank you for your reaction.
May 13th, 2007 at 12:21 pmPOD1,
Trying to answer you, but the site keeps on spitting it out.
May 13th, 2007 at 12:42 pmTrying again:
Last August I found a whole bunch of organisations who do this kind of wonderful work. (And bookmarked the lot of them.) This one is new to me though.
In spite of my efforts, by now I was only able to send letters and cards trough a site called
Most of the sites don’t accept me signing in because I live in the Netherlands.
(And, to be honest, living on a government-allowance due to being “disabled” –stupid word-, means I can’t do a lot by sending care-packages either. It’s the enormous amount of postage I have to pay that keeps me from being able to send just a few “moral-boosting” things.)
I got my pc, thanks to my deceased granny, and an internet-connection, thanks to my lovely dad. So I write extreme long letters and make home-made cards. (One way to keep me off the streets.)
Besides that I spend a few hours a week at a Dutch barrack, as a volunteer which benefits veterans and active soldiers. (Oh, if only my desk could talk.)
To be really very honest, POD1, it’s important to me to keep Pat and “his guys” as comfortable as possible during Pat’s upcoming stay in Iraq. Because he is one of the few sources we have bringing us the truth!!!!!!
If that makes me an egoist, forgetting about others, so be it. But due to my limited recourses I have to make nasty and difficult decisions
“My guys” are off to Afghanistan coming July and I had and will have the possibility to support them.
Anyway, thank you for your reaction.
May 13th, 2007 at 12:47 pmAfter Labor Day 2008 and the nominating conventions, however flawed in practice Iraq’s representative constitutional democracy will be over two years old. Though the war aganst Saddam was won by June 2003, five years will have passed before Petraeus strangles bin Laden’s last accomplice with the entrails of his vulturous Iranian/Syrian confreres.
What of the Reid - Frum/Pelosi axis then? Will the Defecrats really chance all on MzBill, the shrike, or sidle off to Barack Banana, mayhap Edwards of the Flowing Curls? Regardless… fifteen months from now, how will Copperheads redux campaign vs. a Bush victory (which it will be) in contra-distinction to Soros and his vile anti-Semitic, racist ilk (think Jane “Blackface” Hamscher, toadlike Michael Moore, squirming netroots sickos from Kos to Atrios)?
We think a Fred Thompson - Rick Perry/Jeb Bush/even a Romney ticket might clean MzBill’s Obama-hama clock. Go, Fred! Meantime, let’s offer chainsaw contracts on two pairs of legs: Bashir Assad’s and Ahmadinejad’s. We know where they live.
May 13th, 2007 at 1:46 pmPat:
Your brilliant posting is MASTERSTROKE!!
The rhythms and rhymes of your literary invective are a literary “three chords and the truth”!
I have sent your post EVERYWHERE!!
God Bless You - Happy Mother’s Day!
May 13th, 2007 at 3:58 pmJeanet, I can empithize with the “limited funds” thing. I’m an independent music teacher, not a whole lot of bling.
“Your” guys, “Pat’s” guys, they’re all soldiers, its all good Jeanet. It sounds like you’re already doing a lot.
In 2004 I organized a three day music festival (91 musicians all local artists) to raise money for local families who’s sons fell in Iraq.
One of those gold star mothers started and runs
I know, I know, it sounds like I’m shilling for this site but money is tighter than a fishes ass right now so I help the only way I can, by spreading the word.
We as a nation owe our very existance to those in uniform, past and present. We can’t thank them or their families enough for what they’ve given up for US.
May 13th, 2007 at 5:36 pmSome have given up everything.
This is a debt I don’t think we can ever truly repay.
May 14th, 2007 at 3:00 amnever opoligise for being a TRUE AMERICAN
I think your statement “but I’m just a pain American, nothing outstanding, probably a little less than a blue collar” summs it up completely for me.
Its people like yourself that are the true level of a country. Hard working, patriotic and imbued with a sense of humblement that is rarely seen in the world of the big noter politcians or the wannabes in the media/hollywood.In agree with you in the way the war is being run by misinformation in the media and the reason why the troops make their own vidios of the combat, they may have to justify their actions to a bunch of “lawywers” who are justifing their own extistance. And from this I wonder why the legal profession in the US has a lesser public profile of acceptance than the Mafia.
Dont give up on the war, just think: your vote is just as important as that of the sitting Democrat in your electorate. If you are in the electorate of Ted Kennedy or Nancy Pelosi, or harry the death wish, Their vote is counted as 1 the same as yours. Get in and register then you are able to truly show that you care,
And that goes for all of you Americans who are watching this post/
Just a thought froman aussie
“Diyala is the New Anbar”: this site provides more astute observation/analysis and news content than any other outlet. You beat the pants off the multi-millions dollar talking heads on TV–they are completely out of the loop on getting any real info (or maybe they do get the info and suppress it because it doesn’t serve their agenda). Keep up the good work. Where would we get our info on Iraq, if it wasn’t here?:-)
May 14th, 2007 at 10:05 am@POD1.
Remember, I’m Dutch. Born, raised and living in The Netherlands.
In Holland everything that wears a uniform is a “no-no”. People here think I’m crazy or worse. (Very right-winged neo-nazi. But “they” say that about every person that refuses to swallow lies or follow MSM blindly). I don’t care shit. I do what I think is right. Period.
I have a big debt as well as I explained weeks ago on this site. And it often is a pain in the but to me I can’t do more. Still, doing at least what I can is much better then put my face in the sand, becoming a couch-potato, or worse, pity myself so much that I’ll become a pain-in-the-ass for others.
“Thumbs up” for you for organizing that Music Festival. Not only words, but acting on it. Very respectfull.
May 14th, 2007 at 10:52 amPat-
May 14th, 2007 at 11:02 amAs a military doc/tropical disease guy…right on the money! The trick with most parasitic diseases though is to also manage the vector. With malaria- a killer- you can either treat patients one-by-one, or kill the anopheline mosquitoes that spread the parasite from host to host. In this instance there is a pernicious vector- our own media, who trumpets every AQ success and downplays- or worse- every US/coalition victory. We need more embeds with coins who will tell the truth about how the surge is working brilliantly…and hasn’t even hit high gear yet. If you think May has shown how AQ is dying…wait until July. PUSH IT UP!
Thanks Pat for your devotion to our servicemen and women in Iraq. You us do all proud and do a great job getting the truth out. Both my son and his wife are proudly serving in Iraq and they are constantly in our thoughts and prayers.Those who would deny them the funds to defend themselves and us are truly traitors to these brave men and women. The mission and the people are one and the same. It’a all or nothing. God Bless, LT
May 14th, 2007 at 12:45 pmRepublican/Conservative/Fascist/Nazis (one in the same) are what are known as assholes that wish to dissolve all human rights in order to create a slave class. The American Civil War has never ended. The Republican/Conservative/Fascist/Nazis in the Whitehouse are proof of that.
May 14th, 2007 at 9:26 pmLets stay on topic. Lets not be redirected by Faschist robert.
May 15th, 2007 at 5:07 amrobert108=====D.. You poor ignorant person. Pathetic!
May 15th, 2007 at 5:16 amUmm…robert108=====D
If you hadn’t noticed, it was the Republicans who fought the Civil War to end slavery, and the Democrats of the southern variety who fought to continue slavery- and were willing to tear the country apart to do so. The Civil War has ended, as evidenced by Lee’s surrender to Grant in a rural Virginia courthouse in April, 1865. The slaves were freed as evidenced by the large African-American populations that are freely distributed throughout this great land. I haven’t seen any slave markets in public squares lately, have you?
To casually throw the label of Fascist at all Republicans is absurd and intellectually deficient- as much so as labeling all Democrats as Communists of the Pol Pot stripe.
Oh yeah…it was American Soldiers who fought, bled, and prevailed to free those slaves. American soldiers have done so many times thereafter: France in 1918, Germany in 1945, Japan in 1945, Korea…still at it, and now Iraq. The leadership in the White House- with all of its glorious human frailties, flaws, and strengths- recognized that there is a deadly present threat out there which has murderous intent…and capability. The President has embarked on a difficult, but necessary road in this current war which has two aims: 1. Protect the American people- you- from an attack which would be far worse than what happened on 9/11 by defeating these parasites where they live rather than having to fight them here on the street where you live, and 2. free the oppressed (enslaved??) of the Middle East and establish the primacy of human rights and individual dignity in that region- something that unfortunately is in short supply there. I know…I have been there. Having read a few books on the subject this doesn’t sound too Fascist to me.
We enjoy many freedoms here in this country; slaves do not have any freedoms. We enjoy freedom of speech. Freedom of speech doesn’t come from the reporter, it comes from the soldier- in this instance an American one. You are a free man. Enjoy your gift; respect the giver. And have a nice day!
May 15th, 2007 at 5:34 amwow robert, do you still try and pass confederate scrip to pay for your boiled peanuts?
May 15th, 2007 at 6:08 amrobert108: i applaud your dedication to literature and higher thinking. keep that mind open, don’t let anyone tell you what to think! if it wern’t for academics like yourself, we’d be back in the stoneage.
May 15th, 2007 at 6:53 amThank You.
It is something I have been saying for a few months. There was a micro-Tet last fall to influence the American elections. It was so pathetic, almost unnoticeable, it revealed just how weak Al Queda is. But like the original Tet, it worked on the domestic home front.
There are 18 provinces in Iraq. The Iraqi democrats have won in 15 provinces. The war is confined and has been for a couple of months to only 3 provinces, Anbar, Diyalla and Baghdad City province.
Anbar is Sunni, and Dyiyalla is mixed Sunni and Shiite and the home of the Mahdi Militia sponsored by Iran. Baghdad is mixed.
Anbar province is turning from red to pink on the way to white (pacified). The easiest way to see this is to see what the guys with their fingers in the air to detect the local trends, the Anbar politicians, are doing. They have sensed that AQ has lost Anbar and are lining up on the winning side as survival politicians always do.
The Surge is pacifying the Baghdad City province and even the left wing media has been forced to note the benefits there.
That leaves only Diyalla province. Fact: al-Sadr has fled into exile in Iran where he is becoming increasingly irrelevant stooge of over-extended Iran.
Al-Queda has not fared well when a substantial portion of the population won’t hide them and Diyalla has lots of people who would kill them quickly or turn them in when its safe to fink on them to the authorities. Petraeus knows he needs troops there and as An-bar pacifies, he can shift troops to turn Diyalla pink and then into pacified status.
People just don’t realize how far we have come, destroying the Baathists Nazis regime; almost all of Al Queda; and savaging even the Iranian Mahdi stooges, who are recognized to be stooges of an ancient Arab enemy.
Baghdad city will always have some dissidents able to raise hell. But its not too hard to foresee that Baghdad will be safer than San Fran Nan’s Haight-Ashbury home district.
Bush has a year and a half to pacify 3 more of the 18 provinces, and AnBar and Baghdad province are well on the way.
What will the Democrats do when the War is obviously over before the elections a year from this fall? I predict …Just about the same thing that happened to the ultra-confident Democrats in 1864 when they yelled Peace! Peace! Peace! only to see Atlanta fall; and Lee’s army driven into and penned up in a siege in Richmond, by the Siege victor of Vicksburg.
May 22nd, 2007 at 3:09 pmPat, I love this site. It is about the only way I keep from going crazier than I already am..
May 22nd, 2007 at 3:42 pm[…] Pat Dollard on Diyala, Anbar, and Speaker Nan…(good stuff) During the battle of Fallujah, the Marines recovered passports from 18 different nations on the […]
August 9th, 2007 at 8:54 pm[…] Pat Dollard’s latest post discusses Nancy’s scarves. […]
August 9th, 2007 at 9:10 pm