Fight Back Against Pelosi & Reid!

May 12th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

Surrender Feather

On Thursday, May 17th at 10:30 AM Pacific Time, we will be conducting “Surrender is Not an Option” protest rallies outside of Speaker Pelosi’s San Francisco office (450 Golden Gate Ave. 14th Floor - San Francisco) and Senator Reid’s Las Vegas office (CLICK HERE for LOCATION).

We’re sick and tired of watching Congressional leaders like Pelosi and Reid deliberately undermining support for the missions of our troops serving in Operation Iraqi Freedom & Operation Enduring Freedom. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

We are asking all of our members and supporters and the general public to show up for these mass rallies. Please bring a “white flag” as a symbol to show our disgust with the “Surrender” policies being advocated by Congress against our troops.

If you cannot make it to San Francisco or Las Vegas on May 17th for these giant rallies, then please send a protest “surrender” feather and post card package to the offices of Pelosi & Reid. CLICK HERE to SEND “NO SURRENDER” PACKAGE.

We’re proud to support Pat Dollard, Michelle Malkin and many other bloggers in the “White Feather” campaign – MORE INFO HERE.

Surrender Monkies

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17 Responses

  1. TWarrior

    This is cool. :beer:

    We need more people fighting these defeatists at home.
    I’m in.

  2. terry smyth

    This is the stuff of dreams. If enough white feathers and flags are shown to these two fucks then MAYBE the message may get thru. or will it be tossed aside as the VastRightWingConspiracy.
    It would be nice to participate, but the checkout lists only US states, What about Canada or Australia we auslanders would maybe like to participate as we are all in this together(the jihad against ismalist jihad) so get into the places that have checkouts for these kinds of things( and those with care packages) and update their checkouts so that non us people can donate and participate. Just a thought fram an aussie

  3. Allen

    Damn! It’s too bad my boss canceled my vacation - I wouldn’t mind taking a Road Trip to Vegas and throwing some eggs at that sod.

  4. gmoney

    That is too sweet!! Those two dorks are going to flip when they see the Surrender monkeys picture.LMFAO

  5. 0311inohio

    Pat, any chance of getting some bumper stickers of the Monkey family and of course “Surrender is not an option”? I will buy 50 of each. :cool:

    If I lived closer to one of monkey’s I would be there to protest and maybe even cause a little civil disobedience.. Worth getting arrested for.

  6. one lung

    We need to do the same thing to Bill “Bashir’s Boy” Nelson down here in Florida. I’m game, anybody else in?

  7. Melanie Morgan

    Move America Forward has helpfully put together a ‘Surrender Pack’ for Commander-in-Chief Nancy Pelosi, General Jack Murtha and the rest of the Cheese-Eating Surrender Monkey’s.
    check out our website
    Melanie Morgan
    Chairman, MAF
    Proud Supporter of our troops, AND their Mission

  8. Luke

    Tribute to the Troops Semper FI

  9. suek

    More info here…

  10. GregW

    As there seems to be an increasing glut of these ’surrender monkeys’ (Simianus Appeasicus), especially here on the Left Coast, I think we should petition local Fish & Game Departments to institute seasons and bag limits for hunting these Surrender Monkeys.

    Much like Squawfish, which are a detriment to Salmon runs, and Coots, which clog habitat usually utilized by migrating waterfowl, these surrender monkeys are a debilitating parasite attached to the furtherance of the American Way (most specifically, Life and Liberty).

    I will be contacting the Washington Dept. of Fish & Wildlife. I’m sure they will jump at the idea, once they realize that it will create a new revenue stream via tag fees. Now, it’s a question of the best caliber…


  11. France the retour

    seems I am not in purgatory anymore, so beware !

    That is too sweet!! Those two dorks are going to flip when they see the Surrender monkeys picture.LMFAO

    may-be your talking of dorkwades, who knows ? anyway they still works better than your little tank-mouth !

  12. HJ in VA

    I love the ad, but when is going to be aired? Does any network dare play it? (other than Fox)

  13. Brad W


    I am all for the open season route, but we would also have to insist on lead shot, as that would bring many environmentalists out fo hiding which could be accidentally bagged as species mis-identification. Almost like feeding gobies to the gulls when perch fishing…

  14. MikeP

    I’m down for the struggle. I’ll email, fly out and protest or whatever it takes to make these asshole dems see some of the light. I never expect them to see the complete light. This is the fight we can wage and win at home.

  15. Greg W.

    Good thinking, Brad. I also think that baiting should be allowed. For example, post a sign near a wetland area stating that the area is about to be developed for a nuclear energy facility. The flocks will cruising past your blind all day.

  16. Melanie Morgan

    0311inohio inspired me to contact a graphic designer.
    You WILL be able to purchase ‘Cheese Eating Surrender Monkey’ t-shirts, coffee cups, mouse pads and all the other stuff that CafePress offers.
    It will be available tonight/tomorrow morning May 15th at and click on shopping.
    ALL proceeds are going to support our efforts SHAME the Pelosi/Reid/Murtha crowd, starting with the protests at their offices on Thursday May 17th.
    Ohio, I’m holding you to your promise!

  17. 0311inohio

    Ooh-Rah! :smile: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:

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