The Real Story

May 13th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Anybody who’s been following this site was not surprised to learn that Al Qaeda had claimed to, and most likely did, commit the large scale ambush, killing and capture of our troops in the Triangle of Death yesterday. That’s because the average reader of this site has an increasing understanding of the battlefield in Iraq, who is fighting where and why, and what direction the war is headed in. I’ve been passing along the news that the new center of the battlefield is in Diyala/Triangle of Death, because that is Al Qaeda’s new, but fortunately not entirely welcoming, haven. We get the news that a massive attack is executed against our troops there. A day later, as is expected to those who now know the game, the only party taking credit is Al Qaeda.

I’m writing this not to discuss this site. I’m writing this to make a point that is, in the big picture, sadder than the events of yesterday. Why do you, dear reader, have such a good picture ( and it will get better ) of what is going on in this war - the real hopes, chances, possibilities and challenges we face - just from reading a little independent website, yet the average American, who hears exclusively from the MSM and their clients the Dems, does not? ( Could it be the MSM is intentionally keeping info from America ? ) Yet - yet - the average American strongly feels that they are qualified to tell the President that we should do A, B, or C in Iraq, including taking the cataclysmic action of simply leaving. The average American is clueless. The average congressman and senator is cluelesss. The average American sees only random violence, and hears only lies like “civil war”, “spiraling violence”, “hopeless”, etc. Does anyone think Iraq will never be stabilized? Of course not. The issue is not of doability, it is simply of time. The average American does not understand that strategic and tactical mistakes call for readjustment, not surrender. The average American does not understand that given the stakes, the current casualty rate is entirely acceptable. ( I’ve been wounded twice, and spent time equal to a full combat deployment and continue to go back for more. And this is an all-volunteer military. I’ll say what the f*** I want in this regard ) The Dems want to send a simple message to Al Qaeda and all Islamic Jihadis, and all potential Islamic Jihadis, that confirms their overarching theory and gameplan: “The lesson of Somalia is now proven completely true. Apply real pressure to the Americans and they will run, they cannot stomach a fight. They are a paper tiger that we can defeat, all the way up to the ultimate battle. Like the Soviets, they are too scared to fight us in the streets, too scared of casualties, and they will not use their nuclear bombs. We must divide them so their very union breaks ( shortly before 9-11 Osama said “I will disunite the States ); beat them in a large scale war in Iraq like we did the Soviets in Afghanistan; destroy their infrastructure through immigration/Islamic “tolerance” demands, legislation, lawsuits; and of course through acts of terrorism directed at that infrastructure, and their psyches. America will break, and we shall pick up the pieces. We have one goal: planet Islam. Our numbers are growing and the world is too afraid to stop us. Allahu Akbar.”

Now if we stay and finish the fight in Iraq, it’s a whole other ballgame. If we don’t put up with the internal war on our culture, it’s a whole other ballgame. But the Dems are so blinded by the pursuit of power, they may drag us down with them in their suicidal reach for it.

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38 Responses

  1. Pete

    Wow!Ditto a hunrded time over. It seems so clear. So why are so many blind. I :???: s it possible that they seem the same as us and are trators? And what could the hope to Gain? :???: :???:

  2. Steve in NC

    If the d’rats are able to advance thier agenda I think that a military coup should be considered.
    We see it in other countries where the ruling class has to be removed. That is what we have, ‘a ruling class’ in Washington, a world of career politicians, of lobbyists buying votes, party leaders coercing thier party members to always vote with thier chosen agenda and not in representation of their constituents. This is at times tolerant if the goals were for the greater good of our nation and not of their on personal interests of power and greed.

    we are going to need it

  3. Karen

    “The average American does not understand that strategic and tactical mistakes call for readjustment, not surrender”

    How true. Why is it so difficult for people to figure this out? Is it all due to the brainwashing of the MSM and Congressional idiots? Is it apathy? I just don’t get it. I want my country back.

  4. Steve in NC

    Please say a prayer for the troops captured yesterday.

  5. gmoney

    Karen,hopefully with this site,this is the first step in getting our country back.We all need to do our part in this fight.Whether it be financially,showing up for rallys,calling our elected officials,etc.The other side has a head start on us in that regard.But we have something that those morons don’t…testicular fortitude.

    I can see what the future is going to be like if we don’t turn the tide.We need to stop the decay of our country now or it’s going to get ugly.Whether anyone wants to face the facts or not.At the current rate the silent majority will get shit on for only so long.They will be pushed and pushed and then suddenly they will wake up (normally after the damage is done).Unfortunatly the only thing they/we can do then is civil war or revolution.It’s scary to think of but it’s the history of mankind.

  6. Cathy Renaud

    Dear Pat,
    I have been reading your posts for some time.Thank you for your honesty and truth!!! What you have said is so true some Americans just don’t get it and it scares the hell out of me.My heartfelt continued thoughts and prayers are with each one of you over there who has put your life in harms way to ensure we continue to enjoy the freedoms here we far to often take for granted.I can only speak for myself but 9/11 oppened my eyes wide and will never be closed again to the hatred towards us for the freedoms we so treasure in this Country and will never take anything for granted again…My deepest sympathy to all the families who have lost their Son’s,Daughters,Sisters,brothers,Mothers or Fathers.I hope and pray they know that their sacrifices were not in vain and are deeply appreciated by many and will never be forgotten.
    My heart aches yet again at the latest news I pray these young men who are missing will be found safe.God Speed to those who din’t survive this attack.
    A forever greatful American

  7. kathy ozanne

    “…I’ll say what the f*** I want in this regard )”

    Yes, and I am SO glad you are doing so.

    My heart is breaking for the three missing soldiers. God have mercy on them and give them your peace that they may withstand their enemies with honor.

    The war, to many at home, is a newsbite. It’s the NIMBY syndrome - Not In My Back Yard. Unless and until this war plops down on their own doorstep, most Americans will blithely mouth whatever political catchphrase (”Not in My Name, No Blood for Oil”) appeals to what they believe. Add to this that what they believe they call the truth.

    God help this country. And God speed those who were killed yesterday until we meet again.

  8. TWarrior

    Clearly the MSM’s have capitulated to osama’s strategy to defeat us, this is the fundamental truth. And it’s this truth that each of us are obligated (some of us honored) to spread. God’s speed folks, 08′ isn’t getting farther away..


  9. carol m

    I don’t know what the rush was to go into Iraq, but I assume the people making the decision had better info than me. Once we were committed there, we needed to do the job right and finish the job. Our politicians didn’t provide leadership to “do the job right” for several years of the war; they only recently made some adjustments. However, they are now outnumbered by politicans and citizens who want to hightail it out of there (Iraq). Don’t know what will happen,but I think Osama is probably right–the Americans don’t have the stomach for a long fight of attrition, and the MSM is his biggest tool. That’s why maybe we should have picked out battles a little more carefully (Iraq)…Peace on Mother’s Day.

  10. suek

    I can understand people having the opinion that we should never have gone into Iraq. WMD or not, it was a bold - maybe foolhardy - decision. On the other hand, I think OBL jumped the gun - his decision or at least timing - might also have been foolhardy. We have all been asleep at the wheel, accepting the muslims who have come to live among us, never suspecting they might want to do us harm. Had they continued to do so for another 20 years or so, we might have been doomed before hostilities even started. As it is, OBL jumped the gun, raising awareness of the primary problem - which is islam - and all of us have become more educated in the beliefs of the religion, and the probability that they may not be able to assimilate into western society. So now we’re aware of the problem and are raising defenses. That’s a good thing.
    What I don’t understand is how people don’t see that once the battle is joined, there’s only one way out - and that’s either victory or defeat. And you can’t win by talking your way out of it.

  11. Gramps

    “The lesson of Somalia is now proven completely true. Apply real pressure to the Americans and they will run, they cannot stomach a fight. They are a paper tiger that we can defeat, all the way up to the ultimate battle.”

    Unfortunately Somalia was not the first indicater, just another one in a ever growing list.

    Keep’em locked & loaded, cause sooner or later we’re gonna need them.

  12. PhilNBlanx

    That was really, really, really good Pat.

    “But the Dems are so blinded by the pursuit of power, they may drag us down with them in their suicidal reach for it.”

    On the bright side Pat - One more purple heart and you can send yourself back home, throw someone else’s medals somewhere, make up a bunch of lies about the military (the beauty is, not only will you not get punished, you will be considered a hero by the demedia), get elected to the Senate, marry some rich bitch widow and ruin a bunch of other peoples lives to improve yours - Ahhh, the Democrat(ic) dream. Now the rub Pat, that won’t work for you - you have a set of balls….

    Quick question about the al qaeda culture - how many innocent mothers do they kill to celebrate Mothers Day? I would have asked Pelosi but she’s so out of touch she insists Mothers Day is celebrated on Oct. 31st.

  13. USMC_Dad


    You are spot on. God bless you for telling it like it is. Hopefully the Sheeple will wake up and see the damage the MSM and libtards are doing.

    “I would rather die standing than to live subservient on my knees”

    Thundering Third

  14. Steve in NC

    Carol’s - “Our politicians didn’t provide leadership to “do the job right” for several years of the war”

    Actually the war was not off schedule by much until aq blew up the gold dome in Feb 2006 and that helped to push foward a sectarian war of sunni vs shia. There were plans to draw down forces beginning in the summer of 06, as the majority of Iraq was being turned over to control by the new government. As the tactics and violence by the insurgents changed and increased, Casey and Rumsfeld should have changed tactics sooner, and that I believe was one of the main reasons for the change in leadership. The new rise in violence by aq was an attempt to take over parts of if not all of the country and did derail the plan initiated by Rummy.
    It was not mismanaged for years as the media has stated and that you have taken to be truth. The d’rats and thier leftist media have been framing that the war was mismanaged from the start which is simply disingenuous to say the least.

  15. waterless

    This is a good post. I appreciate the information provided here and the perspective of our soldiers. I am guilty of falling in to a trap of negativism by listening to media sources. Even the truth,if not uplifting, when pounded over and over again, becomes too much. And after a while, I tune out because it’s overload. I want to hear good news too.

    Happy Mother’s Day!!

  16. Steve in Montana

    I emailed our “new” Senator following the veto. Below is his reply. I came unglued on him because I have a son in Iraq and I am a Gulf War veteran. I truly beleive these people have been brain washed from the likes of Harry Reid. This guy is a farmer turned politition and I told him if he really believes this babble ould serve Montana better back on his farm working on his tractor.

    Dear Steve:

    Thank you for contacting me about the war in Iraq. I am deeply concerned about the direction of this war and the President’s lack of a plan for returning our brave men and women in uniform home.

    As you know, the President recently vetoed an emergency supplemental spending bill, H.R. 1591, that included the President’s full funding request for our troops as well as added funding for veterans healthcare and a plan to start to re-deploy our troops. But, the President rejected the emergency supplemental bill disregarding the will of Congress and the will of a majority of Americans. As we enter the fifth year of this war, it is painfully clear that the current strategies are not working.

    Let me be perfectly clear, I strongly support our troops. Montana has sent more than 1,500 soldiers into battle in Iraq and Afghanistan over the last five years and at least twenty will never come home. Montanans in our active military as well as guardsmen and reservists have served us proudly overseas. Many are on their third tour of duty. For four years our troops have done everything asked of them, from ousting Saddam Hussein, to securing democratic elections, to policing a centuries-old civil war. Getting them out of Iraq is the right thing to do after a job well done. We in Congress will continue to work together to push for a new direction. We will continue to remind him that Americans do not accept keeping our troops in Iraq with no plan and no end in sight and we will continue to support our military by ensuring our troops have the resources they need both in the field and when they come home.

    While the vast majority of H.R.1591 would have provided much needed funds to our troops, the bill also addresses several other emergencies and meets critical needs that were not addressed during the previous appropriations process. The bill that I supported provides nearly $100 billion in funding for our troops. It also includes $1.8 billion for veterans health care — something we need in the wake of the Walter Reed Hospital scandal. The bill also meets some of Montana’s highest priorities by including $3.5 billion for our farmers and ranchers who are struggling in the wake of severe drought, and $425 million for the rural schools program.

    As we move forward, I look forward to working with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to find a solution that will keep our troops safe, quickly reduce and eventually eliminate our combat presence in Iraq, and continue to train Iraqi forces so that Iraqis, not Montanans are disarming bombs and guarding bridges.

    As any legislation regarding this issues comes to the floor, I will keep your views in mind. Please do not hesitate to contact me in the future of I can be of assistance.


    Jon Tester
    United States Senator, Montana

  17. Gramps

    “Thank you for contacting me about the war in Iraq. I am deeply concerned about the direction of this war and the President’s lack of a plan for returning our brave men and women in uniform home.”

    What crap! The president does have a plan, it’s something the Democrats know nothing about. It’s called VICTORY!

  18. Brian H

    “a job well done.” I.e., “declare victory and bail out.”
    Why, oh, why, does this sound familiar? Hmmm, something starting with “V”, but can’t quite place it …

  19. Greg - USA

    Steve in Montana - By all means, please post how you ripped him.

    I wonder if he really wrote this or if it is a form letter repsonse. I have emailed several members and never get a response, other than the canned “thank you for your input.”

  20. Gramps

    “I wonder if he really wrote this or if it is a form letter repsonse. I have emailed several members and never get a response, other than the canned “thank you for your input.”

    I’m with you Greg. I e-mail Peelosi at least 2 or 3 times a week and have never gotten a response. I’m probably in her junk mail list :lol:

  21. Steve in Montana

    To: Greg- USA

    Here was my response. (they had a picture of him in the paper working on his tractor during their spring break a few weeks ago)

    Dear Senator Tester,

    You said the following statement below: “Getting them out of Iraq is the right thing to do after a job well done”

    The key phrase here is “after a job well done”. Sir they are NOT done yet and I am here to plead to you to stop degrading them by telling them you support them but you want them to come home to be safe and to come home losers… because that is exactly what you are doing.

    Did you just “cut and paste” your response to me from the Democrat talking points memo? You know the one that tells you to not think for yourself but tells you what to say and when to say it.

    Do you “really” think America would be better off in the near future if we pulled out of Iraq and allowed Al Qaeda and Iran insurgents to step in to fill the void? Do you not realize we are fighting Al Qaeda in Iraq? Hey I have an idea… lets just “act” like we are not and everything will be hunky-dory. Maybe we should bring our troops home and wait until Al Qaeda hits us again here in the US so we can engage them on US soil. You see the problem is you think you are saying what Americans “want to hear” but your party has absolutely no plan to secure Iraq if we did bring them home.

    Do you really think it is better to pull out and let Iraq fall into mayhem? Explain to me how it “will not” fall into chaos if we do pull out and how such a wreck benefits the US’s security? This is the question the Democrat party fails to answer. I am sorry sir but I do not believe you speak for the majority of this country… maybe the liberal left but not the majority.

    Thank God Bush vetoed your pathetic Bill. He asked for an emergency war funding Bill and you send him a hunk a manure calling for our retreat instead. Put your funds for farmers in another Bill… not an emergency “WAR” funding Bill.

    I find it sad that you think that I am such a fool to buy into your party’s babble about Bush not having a plan. By you saying Bush has no plan you are trying to tell me that all our Generals and Admirals at the Pentagon, at CENTCOM in Tampa, and on the ground in Iraq must be just a bunch of idiots with no clue how to fight or finish a war. If you believe Bush is the war strategist without a plan directing this operation then maybe you would be better off serving us Montanans back on your ranch fixing your tractor.

    Let “me” be perfectly clear… by your party broadcasting this junk to the world you are doing three very critical things: 1) You are demoralizing our troops by trying to tell them that the “majority” of Americans want them to come home losers.(stop and listen to them because this is exactly what they are hearing you say) 2) You are emboldening our enemies particularly “Al Qaeda” to fight on and fight harder because they see that America has no stomach and no perseverance and believe me “they do” 3) You are telling the entire world that you can not count on America because if you need our help… we will turn and run away as soon as it seems too tough.

    Do you really want to show the world that America has no backbone for a good fight? That is exactly what you are saying when you say let’s bring our troops home before the job is finished. My son is in an areas that was previously a killing zone of our troops and now his unit has to change their mission because things are so quiet there that they don’t have much to do any more. This city just a short time ago was an absolute war zone. But since the US kick the butts of the insurgents and Al Qaeda out… the place is now hospitable and being rebuilt.

    To say that progress is NOT being made is to deny that our flag is Red, White, and Blue. It is an outright lie and you know it… or maybe you choose to not know it.

    We just recently killed two top Al Qaeda leaders “in Iraq” and the Sunni militia have turned on Al Qaeda and are starting to ally themselves with the U.S.. Al Qaeda just got pushed out of Al Anbar Province by the local militias and our troops and areas throughout Iraq are beginning to turn against them. This information is not coming from the Republican party but from “those” who are actually there.

    Let me educate you about the safety of our troops. The military is like firemen… they run into the fire when everyone else is running out. Your parties babble about the safety of our troops is nonsense and belittling. We join the military to “protect” our country. We know full well going in that “our blood” may have to be shed in order for others to be free. We don’t join the military to stay home and be safe.

    If you really say you “support” our troops then let them finish their job and THEN come home winners and not losers.

    You REALLY need to listen to this 1st Sergeant who is in Iraq and hear what it means to our troops to be regarded as winners NOT losers:

    My wife and I are both veterans and we now have 2 sons serving their country. We have decided to no longer stand by quietly and listen to the Democrats degrade our troops by wanting to bring them home as failures. We will use our voice and the power of the internet to rally support whenever and wherever we can and expose this nonsense your party is spewing.

    You had better pay attention to what just happened in France with the election of Sarkozy. Limp wrist policies don’t stand for long when you awaken the sleeping giant of conservative values. Just look at Senator Lieberman’s come back after your party voted him off the primary ticket. Thank God one “man” in your party has a set.

    God Bless,
    Steve Shelley
    USN Gulf War Veteran

  22. Greg - USA

    Steve in Montana - damn, that was GOOD! Please post his response, if you get one. If we can only get other ELECTED officals to reply as well, or at least listen.

  23. terry smyth

    steve in montana
    it is obvious that your senator has beed filled ith the ideals of his party and has no brain at all I find it unreal that the appropriation bill for the war from congress is always tied to other items like money for ranchers and rural schools and pork farmers. This is just a ploy to make GWB veto the bill and make the drats look good.
    I find it beyond contempt that the bill is sent this way as the war spending shoul be quite seperate from the domestic spending. Why cant he see his and why cant he drats see this.I guess that their hatred of GWB is so intense that they are unabel to function at all.
    And another thing, the majority of Americans did not vote in the democrats to stop the war. What was the total vote in the US in the last election as a ratio if the total potention voting population? 50 percent? that means that only about 25 to 30 percent voted for the democrats. If you guys had compulsory voting then he could possibly make this claim, without that they are only weasel words

  24. beth

    Very VERY well said!

  25. ML

    Something clicked for Osama’s when he saw our withdrawl from Somalia. I’ve argued this point with some of the “cut our losses crowd” and some have rebutted “well Reagan did the same after Lebanon.” Arrgggh!!! Their rebuttal is basically that we should keep making the same friggin’ mistake. And if these idiots gain complete power in 2008 we’ll keep making that mistake until it’s too late.

    I’ve only come to the realization of just how serious this all is in the last year or so. And that’s after all that’s gone down in the last 6 years. The reason for that is that I’m getting real information via the internet and radio.

    Keep up the good work Pat. You’re not just preaching to the choir, you’re getting information into the minds of people that will spread it.

  26. johnF

    I left Iraq yesterday on a C-17, and I’m leaving a part of my heart behind. The soldiers and Marines that I had the honor of working with will always be remembered. I pray for their safety every day, but more importantly, I pray for their victory. I sat on a box in the suicide seat of a HMMWV because the original seat had been destroyed in an IED blast, along with the soldier who had been sitting there. His buddies hadn’t really experienced the death of someone close to them before, and they weren’t sure how they were supposed to feel about it. It was sobering to me. I told many soldiers and marines about this site, and showed it to a couple, everyone loved it. What Pat said about the current casualty rate being acceptable given the stakes is right on. The daily KIA rates of US conflicts are as follows, WW1-199, WW2-301, Korea-32, Vietnam-20, OIF-2. How many people are murdered in our cities every day? Should the police surrender the cities to thugs? On a side note Pat, almost nobody in theater has a decent internet connection, maybe your webmasters could create a parallel site without all the video and graphics to slow it down. It was really hard to load this site at the MWR.

  27. Steve in Montana

    Listen, We have from now until November of 2008 to make a big racket. I truely believe that “Right” Americans out number the idiots 2-1. We as Americans must become active in bringing the “Right” Americans out of their slumber. You are never going to change the minds of idiots… focus on waking up the Right. I always say the the biggest problem with conservatives is that they are too conservative. There is only one thing that scares me when it comes to God or politics… indiference!!!

    When you see a headline that 5 of our soldiers just died and 3 are captured… and it doesn’t rip your heart out and bring tears to your eyes… you are indiferent!

  28. terry smyth

    Steve in Montana
    sorry, your big reply got up as my last post was in the air ( i guess 15000 miles is a long way even for the net)
    But what you said in reply was exactly what i was thinking and the post above this is quite correct too. Now get to make every conservative that you know or even think are register to vote for the 2008 poll.Bribe them, kick them get all the conservative bloggers to rave on about registering, make a fuss and hopefully you will be able to mobilise the sleeping giant awake and take your country back from the brain-washed-dead-asleep left wing who only know appeasment and retreat.
    Let your GOP representatives know just how you all feel, email and write them to express your heartfelt sentiments about the cut and run policies of the left and let them known that going along with the GOP hating left wing will be voting suicide for them.
    Because you have no way of getting the whole population involved in the voting (no compulsion) you must work hard to get the ones you know will support the GOP or at least the non left to support a change in total attitude.
    I am not indifferent to the plight of the soldiers that have been kidnapped, I pray for their release unharmed but if they are murdered by these animals then the retribution must be terrible to behold.
    Just another thought from an aussi. :neutral:

  29. Barbara Huebl

    Amen Pat! I just showed your site to a young Marine I met when I visited Landstuhl at Easter with Saluting Angels Europe and the Silver Star Families. He was there - on his way to Bethesda - with a non-combat injury and we have been in touch ever since. He is feeling somewhat isolated and alone right now because he is at home and unable to share his experiences with his family and friends. My daughter is married to a soldier serving in Afghanistan, thus understanding the military, so we have become a surrogate family for him - one that he can open up to a bit more than his own. He was excited to see this site and I am sure he will be a regular visitor to it. I have been living in Germany for almost 18 years now but will be coming home for good on June 28th. I can’t tell you how happy I am about that but my life outside the States has been crucial. It is here I learned how to be an American and I am chomping at the bit to get back and fight for my country on the home front. I discovered a few years ago that the Blogosphere is where the real information is and I am so thankful for having that access. I can identify with you, Pat, and the transformation you have made in your life because of what I have gone through here in Europe. I hope we can keep the momentum and get more and more people to realize what’s at stake. I may not be financially able to do much but I am in this fight with heart and soul and will do whatever I can, whenever and wherever I can. I must add that, as horrific as I find the Islamic terrorists, it is actually some of the activities right there in the States that horrify me even more…from George Soros,, Code Pink, Cindy Sheehan, the Westboro Baptist Church (creepy!!!!) to the Dems and the MSM! We cannot allow our country to be destroyed from within from mentalities that seem to have lost all touch with reality. Our Australian friend is right when he says we have to wake the sleeping giant.

    I know you have heard it many times but it really can’t be said enough……thank you, Pat, for what you are doing. You have a volunteer here anytime!

  30. RockinRobin


    The response you received was just another “form” letter the dems send out. I received a similar one from Bill Nelson of Fl and landblasted the son of a bitch in an e-mail - his response was “thank you for your support.” Can you believe that? So, me being charitable and cautious got sooooo pissed off that I wrote the Vice President of the United States, along with many others in congress (didn’t realize I had written the VP until I got a letter from him). It saddens me and, quite frankly makes me so angry I’m beginning to see red that we receive “blanket” responses from members in congress. They are NOT listening to the American Right. So, what we need to do is figure out HOW to make a difference and FORCE them to listen? What has worked in the past? I’ve signed countless petitions in support of the war, in support of our troops, in support of a victory. I don’t even know if the petitions ever made it to the hill or not. And, if they have, then are we so outnumbered by the left that we are consideredthe minority where our voices are not heard? One would think that we are since all the dems are yelling is defeat and retreat. Again I ask, what can be done?

  31. RockinRobin

    I think we need to be paying A LOT of attention to the First Amendment as well:

    There are ongoing conflicts between organizations that wish to impose greater restrictions on citizens’ attempts to influence of “lobby” policymakers, and groups that argue that such restrictions infringe on the constitutionally protected right to petition. For example, in January 2007, the U.S. Senate considered S. 1, an omnibus “ethics reform” bill. This bill contained a provision (Section 220) to establish federal regulation, for the first time, of certain efforts to encourage “grassroots lobbying.” The bill said that “‘grassroots lobbying’ means the voluntary efforts of members of the general public to communicate their own views on an issue to Federal officials or to encourage other members of the general public to do the same.” This provision was opposed by a broad array of organizations, including the American Civil Liberties Union, the National Right to Life Committee, and the National Rifle Association. On January 18, 2007, the U.S. Senate voted 55-43 to strike Section 220 from the bill. However, other proposed regulations on “grassroots lobbying” remain under consideration in the 110th Congress.

    Another controversial bill, the “Executive Branch Reform Act, H.R. 984, would require over 8,000 Executive Branch officials to report into a public database nearly any “significant contact” from any “private party,” a term that the bill defines to include almost all persons other than government officials. The bill defines “significant contact” to be any “oral or written communication (including electronic communication) . . . in which the private party seeks to influence official action by any officer or employee of the executive branch of the United States.” This covers all forms of communication, one way or two way, including letters, faxes, e-mails, phone messages, and petitions. The bill is supported by some organizations as an expansion of “government in the sunshine,” but other groups oppose it as an infringing on the right to petition by making it impossible for citizens to communicate their views on controversial issues to government officials without those communications becoming a matter of public record.[7] [8] [9]

  32. drillanwr

    For Jeanette (et al):

    “Al-Qaeda in Bosnia: Bosnian Muslim War Crimes Trial

    By Carl Savich

    Bosnian Muslim War Crimes: The ICTY Trial of Enver Hadzihasanovic and Amir Kubura”

  33. carol m

    OK, Steve in NC, I”ll give you that on the timing, re: the blow up of the Golden Dome. That’s about right. But there were many errors, as there always are–and the adjustments not made when they should have been made–the politicians telling the military guys what to do, like back off when they had Al Sadr surrounded, or when they had Fallujah on its heels, and backed off. Bremmer’s summary dismissal of Iraqi army officers. Well, it’s history now. We can only look to the future and doing the job right, right now. The troops have always been doing an outstanding job.

  34. Lt. Jarred Fishman

    Amen preach it Pat! Did you recieve my Good News Iraq report I emailed to you?

  35. Jeanet


    Thank you so much for posting this link. Although all the info is known to me, it feel honoured that you called upon me for this is all about what a big part of my life is about. (You read my comments and my background info and weeks later you post this link. Wow, I really thought I was talking to the wall but you still remember, otherwise you wouldn’t have posted this link here.)

    Once again I feel handicapped by the fact that English is not my native tongue. For the past years I had the honour to address my fellow-countrymen at discussion-sites who seemed to know “the truth” . Most of them saw every corner of their room. Cause I knocked them in the face with “the whole” truth. (Meaning, not just the part they were and are brainwashed with by the MSM.) Only a few were so deaf, stupid and ignorant that I advised them to get de-programmed or crawl back underneath the stone they came from.

    I’d love to react in that way but also give you and other readers here more info. Unfortunately, my English but, more important, I need to protect some of my sources and beside that, some info still is “for my ears/eyes only”.
    Yet, I took 3 small parts to react on;

    “Videotapes were made of these war crimes by the mujahedeen and sold to encourage recruits to join the mujahedeen and Al-Qaeda. Mujahedeen also forcefully converted Bosnian Serb POWs to Islam. The US media and government censored and suppressed these horrific war crimes and atrocities committed against Bosnian Serb and Bosnian Croat Christians by Muslims. Why? The Bosnian Muslims were the proxies of the US government, of NATO, and of the EU. The US media and government carefully concealed and covered up the war crimes its Muslim Al-Qaeda proxies committed in Bosnia. If that failed, the appropriate media spin was put on the story by US government-sponsored reporters. “

    This can only make you sick to the stomach. But it is the truth although this is taken from a pro-Serb site. If cover-ups would fail a lie would be broadcasted. And when things got “hot” during July 1995 no one at all did something. Not the NATO, not the UN, not the EU. Ending with a roar about those Dutch soldiers who were “responsible” for all the killing.
    Well, without any support from NATO, UN and the EU and beside that 13 bullets in your gun and 2 hand grenades each and having lived minimised for months, no fuel, fresh food, water or anything else, just mre’s, how can you defend a group of fleeing Muslims, the more when you also have a UN-mandate that tells you you are not allowed to interfere?

    “The US media and government knew of the war crimes and atrocities that were being perpetrated against Bosnian Serb and Croat Christians. Nevertheless, this information was censored and suppressed. Instead, the US media and government focused on alleged Bosnian Serb war crimes against Bosnian Muslim troops in Srebrenica.”

    Yet another decision that is abused by the Muslims to cry out and play “the victim”. Easy money to be earned. Everybody thinks you are the poor victim and in the mean time you can get away from the real truth, parasiting on a lie.

    I expressed my great anger before about the fact that the Muslims are equally responsible for atrocities as are the Serbs and Croats but that the Muslims “managed” to blow-up their victimised position after Srebreniça and benefit from that until this very day. (And, probably for more years to come, all paid by Holland.)
    The fact that until this very day these Srebrenican Muslims still blame only the Dutch troupes, ignorant of their own bloody part in this war and the fact that so far only one Muslim was at trial for this only to be spoken free and returning, being welcomed as an hero, is very bad for my blood-pressure.

    “Unmarked Lockheed C-130 Hercules transport aircraft were bringing arms and weapons to the Bosnian Muslim troops at the airport in Tuzla”.

    Yeah, it could make you cry. Lobbying for this was done by a Dutch lady who had an affair with a high Muslim. (Sackerbey or something was his name.)
    The same lady later got “befriended” with a guy (De Bruin) that was clearly having connections with/being part of the underworld and got executed by some of his enemies in broad daylight in Amsterdam.

    Her name is Mabel Wisse Smit, Dutch, as I mentioned before, but now must be called princess as she married one of the sons of queen Beatrix.

    Dirty, very dirty indeed. Stil, people rather hear “the lies”.

  36. drillanwr


    First, a thousand pardons for my misspelling your name above.

    Second, I had heard a bit of this a few years ago from a woman in my neighborhood whose mother and relatives were still living in that area during the time of “Clinton’s War” … and she tried to explain to me how the American news media was only giving one small part of the story.

    We are seeing this same thing happen again in Darfur, and in the MSM. The slaughter in the Sudan is being done by Muslims!!! But the MSM takes great pains to keep that from the public …

    Jeanet, I know it’s hard to do, but write everything down. Someone can help you with the edit and the translation. But what is important is that it gets told.

  37. Jeanet

    I thought you were calling upon some one else, so I did a quick check to see whether some “Jeanette” was active here.

    Well, here we go again. A woman told you some facts, meaning the real truth, because she had family living in that particular area during these events.
    I bet 99% of the American citizens have never been given this background and made their final opinion about this “European civil war” based on what the MSM told them.

    I agree with you that until this very day exactly the same is happening. Feeding the public with what I call: “lob sided news-bulletins ‘cause some creepy politicians and other scum are only interested in their pension-funds and vacation home at the Côte d’Azur”.
    (Mind you, this whole “Al-Appocalypse-Gore”thing is just another leftist mind-screwing way to get people focus on “the newest danger for mankind” so everybody will slowly forget about the REAL danger. Remember how the Romans did it. Give the people bred and play, they’ll be kept satisfied so their attention will be drawn to a new “hell an damnation”. But mostly, keep them dumb so they can’t question decisions made.)

    Back on topic;
    DRILANWR said:
    “Jeanet, I know it’s hard to do, but write everything down. Someone can help you with the edit and the translation. But what is important is that it gets told.”.

    One of the main-reasons I started to put my comments here on Pat’s site is that I wanted to warn people in the US to be very careful by giving examples how it is to life in the Caliphate of Europe.
    The other reason was that amongst only a few here in the Netherlands I’m interested and genuine concerned about what horrid experiences and back-stabbing comment soldiers these days have to chew up from leftist scum, un-interested politicians and those who are so damned egoistic they can only think about a new Gucci-wardrobe.
    (And you probably read about that dread-full night where I made my pledge not ever to turn my back on some one who was left without a helping hand like I had – and have to- experience, having The Powers Above “sending” me to those barracks.)

    Translation and editing won’t be the problem. But what do you want me to write down. What can be so important that it gets told. Tell me…….

  38. Jeanet

    Oh darn.

    I wanted to post a :mrgreen: for you DRILLANWR, for misspelling my name. At least you weren’t adressing my evil twin-sister in France.
    Relax, have a :beer:

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