Vet Beaten As Typical American Civilians Stand By And Watch

May 13th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

H/T Chris Rangel & Andrew Breitbart

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64 Responses

  1. Chad

    Man, this makes me furious. not only would i love to give that punk a tune up, but i woulden’t mind dishing some out to the panty wastes’s that stood idly by. im sick of our pansy society, and the thugs that rule the streets.

  2. Raptor_Pilot

    What the Fuck? Why were those people just standing there? I’ts called civic duty, ever heard of it? If me or any of my buddies were there, that asshole would have gotten his face stomped in.
    Stealing an old guys car. What the hell is wrong with people?

  3. Sgt Rangel

    I told Pat this … If I was there I would shot everyone one of the Fuxers looking on … The asshole who attacked him I would tie him to a pole and slit his gut open and pull out enough of his intestines to hang … Id make sure I found dogs like those in Iraq to rip them out and feed on him until his worth C*unt muscle ass died …

  4. Iacobus

    Shoot the motherfucker who punched Sims multiple times, and then shoot the five others who were just fucking standing there **doing nothing**.

    There. Problem solved. :twisted:

    I swear, I don’t know what it is with people these days. They’re not even functional, *moral* people. How can a society survive like this?

  5. 0311inohio

    No good worthless fuck. I would like to rip his head off and shit in the hole. It will be interesting to hear his attorney make excuse’s for this scumbag. :twisted: :twisted:

    I am at a loss for words about the ONLOOKERS! Shame on them. :twisted:

  6. A. S. Wise

    the fucking bastards. who will defend those that defend us?
    not these wastes of flesh.

  7. TWarrior

    Couldn’t have said it better Chad. :mad:

  8. GREG G. S.

    It’s a tough decision to make when it come to “stepping into the fray” I live in the LA area were only celebrities criminals and cops can carry guns. I keep a knife on me, a large flashlight and a mono-pod in the truck. If you could come up behind this fuk it could work, never been in this situation, but I do know when un armed and watching a psychopath doing whatever, the first thing that comes to mind before telling him to stop is my situation and how armed he might be. If I lived in a state with CCW I’d pull out my 45 point it at his face and force him to apologise before shipping him off to the big house.

  9. kathy ozanne

    Can’t think of any intelligent diatribe about the selfish, fear ridden, heartless society we seem to be in the process of becoming.

    Those that stood by are just as guilty, and before God, whether or not man judges them the same.

    “Be not deceived, God is not mocked. Whatever a man sows, that shall he reap.” Some folks call it karma, regardless, it’s a law in life. You get what you give. Someday, those that stood by are going to need someone elses’ help and not get it. I take no pleasure in saying that, but that’s the way it is.

    On this Mother’s Day, there are 4 women who now know their children have died in Iraq, and 3 more who know their children are missing. They taught their kids to give a damn, that service is more important than being served. Let’s do the same with our own children today and from now on.

  10. only the strong shall survive

    I wish I woould’ve been standing there :evil:

  11. mike

    :twisted: All I can say is this. There is a great reckoning coming. It will be painful but if we are to survive and continue the great American Experience, we will have to do it. Like the surgeon that cuts out a cancerous tumor, not for the joy of cutting but by necessity. It must be done. One day something will happen and we will rise up and cut out the cancer. Thomas Jefferson once said, “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” I think the tree is thirsty. How many of you reading this will be willing to stand up when the time comes. Duty, Honor, Country!

  12. gmoney

    let me see….you have guys in Iraq throwing themselves on grenades to shield their buddies from getting waxed and you have these fuck wads watching another human being getting pummled.Way to go MTV!!

  13. Jim Schovanec

    Those worthless fucks who did nothing are a prime example of the bullshit “Stop snitching” crap that is all to common in our cities. They are as guilty as the filthy scumbag who assaulted Mr. Sims.

    Mike, I believe the tree is dangerously dehydrated.

  14. Greg - USA

    Seinfeld’s last episode had them going to jail because they failed to act when someone was being mugged. It was a law in the city they were in that bystanders were required to act. Will the liberals agree that the bystanders here should be held accountable? If they hadn’t mentioned this guy being a veteran I am betting it would get more attention from the left.

    Interestingly, CNN put out a story where a cop was shot after pulling someone over for a traffic violation. A passerby stopped, got the officer’s gun and shot the driver killing him. The passerby was deemed justified in the shooting.

  15. Greg - USA

    Two words… concealed carry.

  16. Greg - USA

    For Seinfeld’s final episode the characters went to jail because they failed to act when someone else was being mugged. It was a law in that city that bystanders were required to act.

    Will the liberals agree that the bystanders here should be held accountable? If they hadn’t mentioned this guy being a veteran I am betting it would get more attention from the left.

  17. Greg - USA

    Interestingly, CNN put out a story where a cop was shot after pulling someone over for a traffic violation. A passerby stopped, got the officer’s gun and shot the driver killing him. The passerby was deemed justified in the shooting. I had to break this up as the site won’t let me post all of it.

  18. Greg - USA

    Interestingly, CNN put out a story where a cop was shot after pulling someone over for a traffic violation. A passerby stopped, got the officer’s gun and shot the driver killing him. The passerby was deemed justified in the shooting.

    I will try again to post the link following this.

  19. Susan Keener

    This makes me absolutely sick. I live in a small Southern town, and I can’t imagine this happening here. Even though I’m a small, 54 year old woman, I have a lot of nice heavy umbrellas in my car, and one heavy purse, I’d be hitting him on the head with. Then, if he dared touch me, they’d be more than enough men to beat him to near death.

  20. Brian H

    Slow computer, Greg? :???: 4 (FOUR!) repeats? Anyhow, thx for the link. Anyhow, thx for the link. Anyhow, thx for the link. Anyhow, thx for the link. :razz: :lol:

  21. Greg - USA

    Brian H - Nope. I kept receiving a message I had already posted this. Chad stated it got caught by the SPAM filter. It shouldn’t have gone through three times. Still, the story was important enough to make sure it was seen. :grin:

  22. Ghost

    I hope the guy is killed for what he did. No mercy for him.


  23. Steve in Montana

    I said in another post… the only thing that scares me is “indifference”.

    When you see 5 of our soldiers die and 3 captured and it doesn’t rip your heart our and bring tears to your eyes… you are “indifferent”.

  24. johnF

    That rotten bastard should be publicly executed. It’s evil motherfuckers like that that should be drawn and quartered. In a civilized society, those complicit assholes standing nearby would be put in stocks and the public could abuse them.

  25. John Cunningham

    There used to be a lot of pissing and moaning when surveillance cameras started going up. The ACLU types complaining about privacy. Remember the recent report of the woman in NYC in her 90’s on a walker being similarly treated in the vestibule of her apartment building? They caught him also. What goes through the mind of these savages as they’re commiting these crimes?

  26. FTL

    wow! what a wonderful & fogiving man that VET IS! wish I could be such.

    I agree that guy needs to be put down big time.

    I would have went nuts if I saw something like that. My guess is that fear causes people to not respond & others just follow. never forget in NYC several people were robbed & killed in the train stations in public view… that’s when that law was very soon put into place.

    never forget a friend of mine tried to rescue a woman who was being beat by a man on the street & he was then arrested by the cops afetr he kicked the perps ass (was her husband). wtf! guess the wise thing would be to yell @ the perp & then try & get him to assault you, then go postal on him. … things are so f-up today you have to even worry of a possible suit for giving someone help or even cpr. but in this case… there is NO EXCUSE!

  27. anuts

    It seems to me that the so called ‘on lookers’ (yeah, right) quite possibly could be part of this filth’s crew. Hunt them down and charge them as well. Accessories…each and every one.

    Disgusting pr!cks…

  28. mindy abraham

    As much as this pissed me off, as a small woman i’d be scared to interviene. That being said, I would not mind seeing the guy tied up and dropped off at the local VFW or American Legion :twisted:

  29. TJ

    the guys standing buy were in on this beating. Mark my words. i dont doubt the police had to have interogated those of them they could find. there is no way they didnt see what was going on. To beat an elderly person like that takes an absolutely cold heart much like the terrorists who have know problem cutting a defensless mans head off. despicable. :evil: the democrats will defned this guy because he is a black “youth” like the “youth” thugs in europe.

  30. lrltx

    Like a true American hero the carjack victim offered some good advice for his attacker. Just like present day troops I am in awe of the 77 year old victims wisdom, character and perseverence in a dangerous situation.

  31. lrltx

    After watching the video a second time I now realize the victim was in his 90’s. What a man! The bystanders looked unsure what to do and the car seemed to block what was going on and they were pacing nervously; had the victim cried out for help I think they would have acted. Do you think they will forever regret they did not act? That would be the worst punishment for them ever.

  32. MikeP

    Holy Shit! People standing around while something like that goes down. It’s just too bad it wasn’t one of them getting his ass fried.
    I’m glad Mr. Sims survived, and I hope he gets to see the sorry bastard that did this spend a long, long time being some big, bad mothers date every night for the rest of his life. It couldn’t happen to a more deserving person.

  33. Hooligan law

    :mad: the bystanders should be put on trial too!

  34. Steve in NC

    I just moved out of the Detroit area, you need to understand that it is a depressed economy there, and this poor young man was surely lost in a society that has failed him. That old man should have just give him the keys and ran away.

    Listen to the local prosecutor statement:

    “Is there really any reason to beat a 91-year-old just to take his car?” asked Wayne County Prosecutor Kym L. Worthy. “Carjacking is bad enough but there was absolutely no reason for him to brutalize one of our senior citizens to accomplish his criminal goal.”

    OK enough bullshit, look at what Worthy said, no real outrage at this sick attack, an understanding that the carjacking was understandable as a criminal goal. No call out on the fact that those other pieces of debris ignored it. Blue state attitude, given in to the thug life, just accept it, and mitigate if possible, do not tell them they are evil and wrong, because that would be judgmental.

    Fucking soulless bastards that walked away. A tire iron upside the head would have helped, and if the fucker was armed do you really think that fucker could hit you with a pistol? yep, sure he spends time in a range. If he is armed then you run & evade, but doubt he had one or he would have used it by then.

    the meatsacks picture is here:

  35. Bob USMC

    Where did this outrageous act happen?

    What a lowlife piece of shit to do that to an elderly person, and a vet. I only wish I had been there with a loaded gun or two or three. And those idiots who just stood there watching deserve charges for being complicit.

    I hope they all get many, many years behind bars and get assaulted in many ways in the slammer and never come out.

  36. Dbo

    You know its funny I live in an apartment in a well to do area and I just got a new roommate. My new roommate and I were having a conversation in her room when we heard what sounded like a girls scream in the hallway.

    I immediately grabbed my k-bar/bayonet and poked my head out our front door to see what was going on. Turns out it was just some four year old boy having a temper tantrum.

    My new roommate was so impressed that I went out to see what was going on. And I was shocked that what I just did had any special merit in another persons eyes.

    I have three sisters. What kind of man would I be to ignore any woman being hurt publicly?

    People dont think about the victims families or friends or karma or civic duty when they see someone being hurt. They just cringe for their own safety and say to themselves “better them than me.”

  37. Doug Ragan

    I wish I was the judge in that case.

  38. KBoomr113

    I’m pretty pissed off at the DoD this morning for fully banning Myspace, Youtube, etc from government computers as reported on We’re losing the media war hands down, and the paranoid DoD is going to force deployed soldiers into public silence over there. Our people in the field are the best asset for truth we have. Obviously, the military is still stuck in the stoneage where writing letters is the best way to go about talking to loved ones. I mean, the DoD needs to bring in some real marketing people to strategically market real life thoughts and opinions on the war from the people who are fighting it to the American people as it is, instead of standing in the way. The guys sitting at their desks in the Pentagon and everyones local CommNazi units just love making the warfighter’s life miserable over some paranoid, irrational fear of comsec violations. I know for a fact that my base has banned because it has streaming media. God damn bureaucracy.

  39. Brian

    that is a fucking outrage.
    That little shit head should be drawn and fucking quartered.
    Why is that no longer an acceptable law practice?
    or perhaps…. RENDED.

    These insolent little fucks piss me the fuck off. Absolutely no respect. NONE. That is what i consider to be sub-human. completely unworthy. I’m lenient for the most part. But assaulting an old man is just about as low as you can go.


  40. John in PA

    We will see more of this. People are taught not to fight. And the NeoLibs can only function in modes of rage, violence and total disrespect.
    Its time to teach every one to fight back & stand up for what is right once again.

    Trying to do my part.

  41. EZRider

    One more reason why I’m buying a firearm and getting my permit.

    Anyone hear about the carjacking/rape/torture/murder in TN? I heard about it on the radio today, made me sick to my stomache. No one in the MSM has picked up on it yet. This is all I could find in a quick google search:

  42. drillanwr

    Filthy rotten mother fucker(s)!!!!

    Unless I am mistaken, the poor old hero is a gentleman “of color” himself.

    If the fucking bastard, that brutalized this amazing veteran, were actually filled with enough viable brain cells to know and understand what this man went through during WWII just to be recognized and taken seriously as a soldier and a man and an American fighting the good fight against evil while being segregated and minimized by their own stubborn government at home and in the war (and the sacrifices black troops had to go through to actually be permitted to FIGHT … such as giving up rank in order to join the frontlines in certain battles ~ see Battle of the Bulge ~ ) then the mo fo ain’t worth the O2 he’s sucking down on this planet.

    The battle wasn’t over for WWII’s black vets, as they had to fight the government to abolish the segregation barriers to include them in the general population of the United States military. The black troops and fliers of WWII more than earned that right … and the right to be left the fuck alone in their golden years.

    This fucking pisses me off when it happens to anyone, especially a senior, but to hear “this man” was violated by someone young enough to be his great grandson who has every opportunity to live a better and productive and meaningful life after everything “this man” did to preserve this bastard’s freedom in this country makes me …. ARGHHHH!!!!!!! :evil:

    Pat, in addition to Rummy’s “puke” emo-con you need a “sniper rifle” one for just such an occasion!


  43. GREG G. S.

    Well as far as security cameras on the street are concerned the ACLU and others are right, the western governments are selling the idea that the cameras are a deterrent to crime but 30 years of 7-11 videos of clerks getting there heads blown off proves otherwise, western gov. have removed the right of self defence from the individual as if only an authorised government official is able to step in with authority, totally destroying the concept of a self governed society. just think of the % of crimes that would be deterred with a vermont style self defence law that lets anyone but felons carry a weapon of their choice concealed, no questions asked. but that would result in less court appearances resulting in less judges bailiffs overcrowding of prisons, large police forces with less to do and a government trying to justify expanding their already oversized budgets.

    Security cameras have their place in this but they are being use at the expense of others lives and being touted as helping to get criminals off the street but I’ld rather have my 2nd amendment rights in full and let the govt. just have a video of me exercising that right in a justified way resulting in taxpayer dollars saved.

    Note how the criminal is trying to pull out somthing from his jacket but it’s gets caught,the guy is lucky.

  44. Infidel

    lacobus, “How can a society survive like this?”

    This is the end-point of liberal, AKA ‘progressive’ thought that’s gone too long unchallenged.

    Do not judge, anything goes, root for the under-dog (we’ll decide who the underdog is), you’re a victim so it’s okay to lash-out, poverty causes crime…It’s starting by attacking the weakest among us, but they’ll get bolder.

    People, will we fight for this country to see it become like this?

  45. Tim Roesch


    Turn your anger into action.

    Get some screen shots on t-shirts…maybe with this slogan…

    Where were the police?

    Where was Big Brother?

    I coulda had a .357!

    Tim Roesch
    Command Private Major

  46. one lung

    It’s getting time for vigilante justice in this country, otherwise we’re going to see more of this kind of idiocy. Government is failing at every level. This punk is lucky Sims isn’t a family member of mine, he would never see his day in court. But I’m sure he has an excuse (poverty, single mother, etc.), he’s the victim (of an oppressive, racist, imperialist government) not Mr. Sims, right?

  47. Iacobus


    Yes, I heard that story before. (I think it was either from the Ann Coulter forum or the Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler.)

    I’m sure you’ve heard some of the details (or lack thereof since the rest of the MSM is incredibly mum), like how both were raped. Reports also indicate Chris Newsom’s penis was cut off as well as other sordid, horrific acts I can only imagine animals would do.

    The viciousness of the crimes warrant public scrutiny whether the perpetrators are white, black or fucking polka-dotted.

    The excuse given by liberals is that murders happen everyday and this one is really no different. Uh-huh. :roll:

  48. GREG G. S.

    It’s really not vigilante justice it’s “taking the law into your own hands”, because in a self governing society each individual is the law, and bound by the constitution to correct those that forget to be just.

  49. EZRider

    There’s an interesting book out there called “The Tipping Point,” by Malcolm Gladwell, that looks into, among other things, the good samaritan question. He goes on to say that in most cases, if people are under the impression that there are others in the area to help in a situation like this, that they won’t do anything. But, if they’re the only person around, they’re more likely to help. This kind of complacency infects the mentality of our nation. The someone else will step-up attitude is going to take the country down. Something to keep in mind next time you find yourself in a situation where something is wrong.

  50. aubrey

    Can’t understand this s _ _ t ,not any typical citizens I know would stand by and watch. He would get a redneck ass kicking in my part of the world.

  51. Bob USMC

    I’ve been checking this one out pretty good seeing as how I have a wonderful 93 year old grandmother.

    This attack happened in the Detroit area, and it appears that the attacker, Deonte Bradley, came from where the other 5 idiots were standing so they were in it. Also, a woman from that group tries to get into the Vet’s car as the idiot thug shithead drives away so these people were in on it, no question in my mind.

    Check the timeline on this video at around the 50-53 second mark and you’ll see the attacker come from their direction. Three people are now in custody in this case, including Deonte Bradley, the thug hitting the 91 yr old vet. There are links to more video about this there as well.

  52. Steve in Montana

    I carry ths stuff. If it works on grizzlies… it will work on a car jacker

    3.3 million scoville heat units and reaches over 30 feet. Tabasco Habanero Sauce is 5000 scoville units.

    From te distance where those bystanders were a blast in the direction of the attacker would have stopped the attack and knocked him to the ground. The spray burns like hell and instantly sucks the wind right out of your lungs. Nasty stuff.

    Yes the older gentleman would get peppered too but that is better than pumelled in the face and killed.

    I carry ths stuff in the back country along with a gun but I will use the spray first because it is like pulling out a double barrel shotgun. You do not have to be precise with your aim.

  53. RENO

    While I would have fucked this dirtbag up beyond repair, I share the pain of FTL’s friend who stepped in on the womans behalf.

    I was thrown in the slammer for sticking up for a mentally handicapped person who was being bullied. Unfortunately for me, the bully was an undercover Houston Metro officer. :oops:

    This bully was hasseling the guy about eating a sandwich on the rail(train), which is apparently a major crime. He was grabbing the guy to drag him off of the rail. All I did was tap him on the shoulder and ask him why the fuck he didn’t get off the rail, couldn’t he see the guy was mentally handicapped? That is when the undercover officer showed me his badge, told me he knew the guy was mentally handicapped and charged me with assault with bodily injury, a felony. Pretty unfuckingbelieveable. Fortunately the case was dismissed at arraignment. More like laughed out of court.

    Still, I would do it again in a heartbeat. It will be a really cold day in hell when I let the actions of some puke prevent me from doing what I know is right.

    If anyone is a lawyer in the Houston area and can file a motion for expunxion of my arrest, I would appreciate it. Can’t afford the $750 I have been quoted.

    Moral of the story is even if you have good intentions, there are going to be consequences. But like I said, I will be damned if some puke changes me. :twisted:

  54. KL

    “As much as this pissed me off, as a small woman i’d be scared to interviene.”

    I’m a small woman too, but scared??? Although in Detroit, maybe. Two words. Concealed Carry. I’m just wondering if the simple act of pulling out a 44 would be enough to have both the victim and the onlookers running scared.

  55. Kathy Ozanne

    Steve in Montana: “3.3 million scoville heat units and reaches over 30 feet. Tabasco Habanero Sauce is 5000 scoville units.”

    Oh man, that would jack up my Bloody Mary’s and scrambled eggs to a new level in zippy…..

  56. Tanicacid

    Steve in Montana,

    That’s good stuff I hear. I saw a Lineman on a pole up the road to the Stillwater Mining Co. platinum mine on the Boulder side. He was using his hooks and came down the pole almost on top of a Griz looking for berrys in the brush. The bear went one way and the Lineman back up the pole in a hurry. After lunch, I see the Lineman on the next pole carrying a can of that spray, must be good if the power co. furnished it.

    I’m glad they caught these perps and hope they do some real hard time.

  57. patriot

    They should shoot the guy in the knees and then make him tread water in vinegear, HCl, pig blood, and urine, with a few turds(preferably floaters) mixed in for good measure (he’d still be the worst thing in the mix though).

    As for the bystanders, though, I think the guilt of knowing that they did nothing is punishment enough. They also didn’t know if the dude was armed or if he’d turn on them. If I had a wife and kids, I’d probably think twice about confronting a P.O.’d car jacker. Remember, it’s easy to say what you’d do, but you really don’t know how you’d respond in that situation. Because by responding, you put yourself AND your family at risk.

  58. Theo


    Just plain riduclous. I’d feel no guilt in taking a pipe and delivering a lesson on manners to the punk who had the nerve to beat up a senior citizen. And for the onlookers, I’ll use a bullwhip.

    What especially hurts me is the fact that he was a veteran. I mean, a man who fought in such a horrific conflict as WWII - to be thanked by society like this - It makes me want to meet the victim personally and assure him thats not how we all think of him.

    Something like this happened in New York City (where I live) a couple of days back. It was two 90 year old women or something. Terrible…Just terrible.

  59. Anonymous

    “things are so f-up today you have to even worry of a possible suit for giving someone help”

    This is the bottom line. If you do the right thing (and don’t die in the process) the real perpetrator will sue you for everything you have. In addition you could be prosecuted and sent to prison for defending and protecting the innocent. :sad:

  60. TJ

    these are the kind of people jihadis will be lining up to convert to the religion of peace while he is incarcerated. Our government needs to stop letting muslim clerics have access to prisons and rather encourage buddhists and others instead. islam will give him justification for the horrendous act he committed and then trasining to committ more when he gets out of jail.

  61. David

    This makes me furious beyond words. I wouldn’t shoot him. The liberal “justice system” would play him as a victim and put me in jail. If I could apprehend him, I’d do to him what Hannibal Lechter did to the doctor in ‘Hannibal,’ skin him little by little until he dies of pain, not blood loss.

  62. SSG Tom Duke

    Those so called people might have been with the a$$hole that beat up WWII Vet. They look like they were watching out for cops or anyone who might help the WWII Vet! At lease that caught the bastard pig who did this! One good thing about this is that when he is in jail good old Baba will take care of this pig real good. Can you squeal real good PIG!

  63. John in PA

    @ Steve in Montata – re: indifference
    There are many base causes of indifference which need to be considered. I worked whrere indifference enabled sustained trashing of 30% of what we made. I spent lots of time - very long hours - formulating ways to overcome the indifference.

    In your point there are 2 related behaiors that must be considered - apathy and acceptance. One is fueled by ones belief that any effort will not change the situation, and the other is fueled by our need to survive with self. That is, we come to accept things as they are after we become apethetic - i.e. after we determine we can do nothing to change it. (other causes but not related to your point are: entitlement mindset, lack of motivating factors, denial of problem existence due to having direct link with allowing the problem to exist)

    Now I stand at the preacher podium: We can all do something if we are not currently deployed in Iraq. We can toss the idea of apthy and acceptance and become activists. I do believe I have BEGUN to practice this preaching – else, I wouldn’t say anything)

    A VERY WISE MAN ONCE TOLD ME: “”Either stay and make it better, or leave””.
    These are my options. For me there are only 2 choices, and I pray I never let anyone impose their will upon MY choice causing me to recoil and cower. Yet I must be smart enough to be effective!

    I choose to stay - I love America. I choose to make it better by taking action. Ask Pat for a direct contact to Tim Roesch. He can share with you something I will be taking up - his idea of wearing home made T-shirts with messages of my political beliefs. This being an effort to tell people the truth - to contradict the MSM messages. To flush out the fallacies of liberalism and socialism that – taken too far – will make America fail. To show Democrats in their true light with their own words and behavioirs.

    I will make a difference.

  64. brian

    :mad: well this is home grown terrorism at its worst. the motive drugs, cash ,and car = definition; incentive.
    being there watching or committing act is being ones nature= definition; inbred. while beating this vet pinned down, did he think about respect? (no)
    well lets show him disrespect, send him to git-mo. one way!
    fax blast capitol hill with your concern for elderly ,and bradleys punishment recommendations.

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