Islam: Deception & Terror

May 16th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

Taqiyya & Jihad (Deception & Islam)

This video uses secret recordings to catch Muslims using Taqiyya against non-Muslims. It also reveals some of what goes on behind closed Mosque doors - the truth about radical and ‘moderate’ Muslims.

Remember what Muhammad said:

“Lying is wrong, except in three things: the lie of a man to his wife to make her content with him; a lie to an enemy, for war is deception; or a lie to settle trouble between people”

And the koran:

“And when ye go forth in the land, it is no sin for you to curtail (your) worship if ye fear that those who disbelieve may attack you. In truth the disbelievers are an open enemy to you.” (Surah 4:101)

“Let not the believers take for friends or helpers unbelievers rather than believers. If any do that, in nothing will there be help from Allah; except by way of precaution, that ye may guard yourselves from them.” (Surah 3:28)

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55 Responses

  1. Iacobus

    Abu Hamza al-Masri is one ugly motherfucker. (I guess that’s what happens when you let evil take over.)

  2. FTL

    wow what a great link/vid.

    the cow statement is so true.

    i actually heard before from a muslim that if you ran over a non-muslim/kafir man in your car the penalty would be actually LESS severe than if you actually ran over someone’s cow. basically nothing.

  3. A. S. Wise

    Aww gee-whiz Pat, don’t you think that’s ‘intolerant’ of the faith of Islam? :roll:

  4. jake

    “Obsession, the movie” is a real eye opener. Everyone needs to see it.

  5. TJ

    See the islamic declaration on human rights and it says that is a muslim kills a non muslim you CAN exact a fine from him , but is a non muslim kills amuslim the penalty is death.

    Another word for deception is “kitman”. basically in islam they will use words that we know but give them different definitions and the MSM never asks them to define the word. then if they dont want you to know the meaning of an arabic term instead of translating it thay transliterate it. Like nashk “abrogation”, taqiya “concealment or lying”, kafir (unclean) insidentally the word Kaffer from south africa used in rference to blacks comes from this word. also the word for black “abed” also means slave.

    i’ve known islam to lie, but libs constantly act so naive when they spew off PC language about islam. they invest so much research and time in knowing christian, conservative types that they ignore these fascist muslims.

    go ahead and get to know them dimocrats, with me a liar is a liar, and the ultimate lie is to say the muhammed was sinless and good.

    the quran and sunnah explain islam very well, for those who have no conscience , then you are a prime convert! :evil:

  6. Howard Veit

    All of what you and others say about terrorism leave out the key ingredient: Love. I have posted on it, but you cannot leave out love of country, family, etc., out of any discussion.

  7. terry smyth

    and another thing
    Ive tried to put a post in here and nothing seems to happen. Am i being monitored by Asio or someone else. I dont want to feel persecuted, this is supposed to be a free forum for any conservatives, and as Pat sez leftist drivel will be deleted.I dont think anything ive said could be contrued this way. :evil:

  8. MikeP

    I can’t imagine any country loving American citizen trusting any of these foreign bastards at all. And I don’t care who they are or what kind of bullshit comes out of their mouths. Keep them close and don’t close your eyes or ears or you won’t have either one for long. Eye opening video.

  9. Steve in NC

    Since an element of their faith is to accept the use of lies and deception, how can we trust any of them?

    This is a problem I have, since the ‘moderate’ muslims have nearly no presence in public that I have seen, I tend to think that the actual number of them is a very small percentage of the muslim community as opposed to the 10% of muslims considered to be radical fanatics that I have often heard about. I have yet to see much of an outcry against the ‘radical’ muslims that we hear have ‘hijacked’ their religion. They may be afraid of violence if they speak out, but then that just confirms they will bow before evil. So, I am beginning to not trust anyone who professes the muslim faith.

    If this global jihad is to be truly destroyed it would have to come from within, or until there is enough killed to remove any serious threat to free societies.

    It is time for the peoples of muslim faith to accept living with others that do not follow muhammad. If not, then whatever violence that is visited upon them is of their on doing.

  10. POD1

    Funny, this is the same tactic liberals use when they redifine and twist words or concepts.
    Liberals call this using “Nuance”.
    Reasoning human beings call it “Lying”.

    The terrorists and liberals are kindred spirits,
    they differ only by methodology.
    Their goals are the same, “DEATH TO AMERICA”.

    When are we going to see past the “nuance” and start treating liberals the way they deserve, like terrorists?

  11. drillanwr

    You know, I’m sorry … I’m so, so sorry … But it’s really a rather filthy religion.

    No: Turn the other cheek …

    No: Love they neighbor …

    No: Brush the dust off your sandals, brother, and keep going …

    No: Healing or pleading to G-d for forgiveness for ones enemies and non-believers

    These people have no sane concept of `camels passing through eyes of needles’ … No, they impale the camel on the needle.

    Growing up a Catholic / Christian I was taught, above all, NEVER second guess G-d. It seems that is primarily ALL Islam is based on … second guessing G-d.

  12. Steve in NC

    ^^ ‘own’ doing :oops:

  13. suek

    Don’t forget ‘hudna’…a truce called when a muslim feels his position is weak. It isn’t _really_ a truce - as we understand it - it’s just calling time out until he gets his position reinforced. This has two effects: 1) if _we_ call for a truce, the muslim thinks we consider our position is deficient in some way and will attack. 2) if _he_ calls for a truce, attack. _Dont’_ give him time to resupply.
    Hudna can last from a minute to years, and the muslim will call it off anytime he thinks it is to his advantage.

  14. Gramps

    It’s time to start playing Cowboys & Muslims.

  15. POD1

    I’d like to convey some of my hopes and dreams to the liberals.

    I hope each and every one of you contracts flesh eating genital cancer,
    with the only cure being complete torso vivisection.
    (Don’t worry, with socialized medicine you’ll only wait 6-8 years for treatment)

    I hope an illegal alien takes your job away from you.
    (After all he deserves it more than you, he’s a victim)

    I hope you’re forced to watch as your children are raped to death by an animal YOU lobbied to release from prison.
    (Because you’re compassionate)

    I dream of a day when your kind are hunted down for sport and
    shot in the head just like flesh eating zombies.

    I hope you win a mega jackpot lottery and still don’t have
    enough money to pay your proctology bills.

    I dream of dropping you all in the middle of the ocean.
    (Stamp out fish hunger, think of all the CO2 you won’t be expelling into the air. MMMM I get all warm and fuzzy just thinking about it)

    I hope you live just long enough to see everything you love
    and believe in crumble before your eyes.

    I hope you meet death violently, painfully, and most of all SOON.

    I hope you drown in your own steaming aids-ridden puss.

    and finally, I hope you people are erased from history.

    Did I not use liberal “nuance” correctly here?
    Because what I really meant is that I love liberals.
    I’m still working that one out.
    “Nuance” is tricky.
    Taqiyya, Nuance.
    Pa-tay-to, Pa-tah-to.

    Thanks Pat for everything you do and for giving me a place to vent.
    Can’t wait for my Jihadi Killer shirt to arrive.

  16. Tanicacid

    I think it was the beheading of journalist Ron Pearlman in Pakistan that showed the “snag” in extradition of the perp. That area in Pakistan used that non-muslim = non-human rule of thumb and it held up the arrest for a bit…he didn’t do anything wrong.

  17. AllahEntaFadiq

    Does this suprise anyone?! Fucking lying ass mother fuckers! They justify raping little boys and baby girls as payment for some perceived fault between one family and another, they justify blowing themselves up in the middle of crowded markets, they justify killing women and children, they justify cutting peoples heads off for Allah….and then people haven’t figured out that they lie strait to your face? What are they some sort of moral compass? Fuck Allah and the donkey he fucked before he rode in on it. Anyone who has been to Iraq or Afghanistan could have told you that all Muslims lie when it suits them. It’s bullshit. Now apparently our MSM is learning the trade from the evil Jihadis. Remember all the hoopla about the evil white Americans who “raped” the slutty black stripper and all the national media attention that it got? Check this out:

    God dammit this pisses me off!!!!! :twisted: :evil: :mad:

    I feel like I wanna explode this shit makes me so fucking mad!!!!!!!! Every law abidding citizen needs to carry a gun. There should be a government program to subsidize hand gun purchases by law abbiding citizens instead of welfare. FUCK!!!!

  18. dan

    I’m so fk’n sick of this bullshit. We need to make it unsafe in our countries to pull this kind of crap, or to even be here and still be breathing….I don’t understand why once we’ve identified who is creating this evil, we just take them any means necessary.

  19. carol m

    Most of the habitues of this website are well aware of the tactics used by Islamofacists. Who isn’t aware is the US media and the US leftists, who are very useful tools for these losers. For instance, at the President’s press briefing this morning, one of the most well-recognized members of the press asked the President a question that was a direct talking point taken off Huffington website from today, trying to embarass the Pres. on a stupid issue. Most of the press corps are clueless scum. :sad:


    “The deception is so high, and so successful, that I’m afraid we’re losing the battle.” That’s an ultra-scary point given the indiscriminate society we are becoming. Check out this fascinating article about pacifism on radical Islam.

    Here’s a good follow-up that further explains origins of this pacifism.

    Semper Fi

  21. John Goodrow

    I also recently found two documentaries on the net about islam and they are both full of facts and passages from the koran. If you want to find them search “Islam What The West Needs To Know” using google video, it consists of about 10 videos. The other can be found by searching “The Berean Call” under google video as well, the title is “Israel, Islam, and Armagedon” this one is about 6 videos long. They are both a little long but full of accurate info. The first deals more with the true teachings of islam and the second is more Israel related and talks about how God gave the holy land to the Jews and how islam is a hatefull religion. If you want a real good understanding of how fucked up islam really is check these videos out, you will learn alot!
    Neither of these videos are propoganda they are based on cold hard facts.

  22. Jerry

    If you could call it a religion, vs a cult. Again, I say check out the book “Tea with Terrorists” It was effecitively taken out of print because they do not want you to know the truth. The author, Craig Wynn, even put it up on a website, That too, was taken down. Thye have no word for lying. Lying, is just a tool, the culture accepts it as normal, the price of doing business, and when dealing with thier perverse definition of an “Infidel”, an wholly acceptable form of communication/deception. No wonder that the history of Isalm is 1500 years of poverty and corruption. Then they think they have a right to be pissed off at us for thier pitifull existance when contrasted with us. This is a fight to the finish.

  23. JJ Irons

    “Taqiyya, or dissimulation, is a form of deception which Muslims use to conceal the truth.”

    In the good ol USA this practice is called a LIE. Nothing but a big, fat L-I-E. They’re liars and that’s just what I expect of terrorists who mutilate little girls and then use them and their mothers for human shields. What a bunch of coward losers.

    I sent this link out to TON of people. NOT all of them see things they way “we” do on this site. It should rankle some feathers, but if that’s what it takes to get the word out, so be it.

    Does anyone know the URL of this video on the Live Leak website? I could not find it.
    BTW, do you know who the “father of lies” is? (This is an important piece of information now, so pay attention!) Satan himself. Read John 8:44 and it says, “You are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and stayed not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.”

    Interesting, huh? What’s the point you ask? Well, if these steaming heave piles yell god is great and then kill innocent people in the name of god (little g on purpose), which god are they talking about? Satan, that’s who. He is the liar they learn from and the liar they serve and emulate. He is the father of all lies and deception. Satan is their father and he is who they are serving. Evil is to be overcome and destroyed. That’s why these wierdos are so screwed up. They serve Satan, the liar and murder from the beginning. Go get ‘em!

  24. Egfrow


    Here’s the link:

  25. Egfrow

    Also, Here is a nice anti-jihadist metal video:

  26. Heather

    This is something I have known and/or suspected from personal experience since I was a young college student. This was way before 9/11 when Muslims were not even on my “radar” screen. However, after working with many foreign students and doctors this was an undeniable reality. I even felt ashamed for my thoughts because I didn’t want to be a prejudiced person.
    Also, I remember when I lived in MI, I heard a man speak of his community in Northern MI that had a large Muslim population. He said that when news cameras were around they would rally and wave American flags. Yet, behind closed doors the rhetoric was anything but patriotic (to the US anyway).
    It was interesting to see the quotes out of the Koran. I have had a vague notion that the Koran does not teach the peaceful message of Islam that some would claim. Yet, I did not know any exact quotes. I prefer to spend my study time in the Bible. Perhaps, there is wisdom in the idea of knowing your enemy–I have just not been able to force myself to read what I consider the antithesis of God’s Holy Word.
    Speaking of knowing your enemy—this is one reason why I worry so much about my husband’s safety in Iraq. In this war it is so hard to know who the enemy is. I understand the concept behind using locals to work on the FOBs. I also understand the logic in training Iraqi police and soldiers. Everday I pray, though, that my husband’s path does not cross someone who is being deceptive in his words or actions. I worry about the Iraqis he comes in contact with and knows. Are they biding their time? Will they change alliances? Or are they no threat at all? I have no idea—I don’t know how my husband knows either—and it scares me to death. (And gives rise to many sleepless nights–thus my writing this at 4:30am) :roll:

  27. terry smyth

    From Fjordman:
    It is almost fascinating to see how self-loathing and
    West-bashing make scores of people in the media and the academia misunderstand and misrepresent the threat we are facing. The good guys become the bad guys and vice versa, or alternatively, we’re all equally good and bad, since all cultures are equal.

    The media and the multiculturists will have you belive that all cultures are equal, they are not. Our western culture of rule of law,tolerance of people who are different(gays,blacks,asians),eqauity of women in the society and a love of life are fundamental to the western ideal of society.These ideals are never found in Islam, where the subjugation of women, denigration of non muslims(kafurs),the idea that warriors are able to loot and rape conquested people, these ideas are anathema to reasonable western culture. I realise that there are so many who are opogists for the extremists, eg the media going on about “freedom fighters”, and “martyrs” when they really mean “cold blooded killers” and “mad suicidal bombers”.
    These media pundits will excuse any excess, promote any extremism, discount any collatoral damage(dead civilians) because they have a twisted view of the world, where anything the west would have acheived is denigrated.
    A lot of this shit comes from the academia heros that are quoted by academics as the be all and end all of all reason and balance. Frona Fjordman again:-

    Michel Foucault is one of the best known and most widely read philosophers of our time, familiar to hundreds of thousands of Western University students. During and after the 1978-79 revolution, Foucault visited Iran twice and also met with Khomeini in Paris. Much of Foucault’s work is grounded in the problems of modernity in Europe. Thus he became fascinated with the Iranian revolution because it “challenged the Western model of progress.” He wasn’t the only Western intellectual who was seduced by the “revolutionary energy” displayed in Iran. The age of marriage for girls was reduced to 9 years, tens of thousands of political opponents were arrested, tortured and killed, young women were raped in prisons as a matter of routine to prevent them from entering Paradise as virgins, and barbaric, medieval laws were re-enacted for tens of millions of people. Apparently, for some Western intellectuals, anything is excusable as long as you are anti-Western and have a “revolutionary cause.”
    And I remember when my wife was at University getting a degree in Nursing she had to be able to spout this diabled cunt in her thesis to be able to get a pass from the academics here.That was years ago, but I remember it well.
    Khomeini, the well known butcher of Iran is equally known for his views on beastiality, a Muslim can f##k any domestic animal but must kill it after orgasm(whose I may ask) and it is permissable to sell the carcase to the neighbouring people, not your own tribe.!!!!!!!
    Brings to mind how they treat their women. Rape and pillage, beat them up if they have a headache!!Divorce them with a clap of the hands and deny them any recompense like dividing the marital worldy goods.

    We dont need this kind of shit in our western countries, make the Muslims assimilate and piss them off if they cant ( or wont), after all if any of us went to live in a ME country and tried to live a christian life, how would we be treated. :shock:
    When we learn to muzzle the stupid media and get the real message of what the islamists are doing( not what they may do)the better off we will all be. I may take some doing and there will be lots of damage done but as lord misha at the rott sex: F.E.TE. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

  28. terry smyth

    sorRy: a typo Not rott sex: rott sez:F.E.T.E
    this makes up for this.Sorry misha.

  29. TJ


    I sympathize with you and pray for your husband,
    turned on its ear,
    I ve been studying Islam for 4 years and it is nothing but christinity, love is reserved only for believers, martyrdom includes murdering others, marriage can be to multiple partners, girls as young as 6, women can be beaten like cattle, slavery is sanctioned and practiced widely, even today in north and eastern africa, women can be killed and so can children. basically anything goes as long as it promotes the spread of islam and is to the detriment of non mujslims.


    thanks for the hotair story. I had no idea about this story either. i’d like to know if those sick fucks were muslims, alot of times they are but they give their birth names as identity.


    that metal-rap video is great. i recommend Pat make that the theme song for this website. either that or it would make a nice post 9/11 national anthem. :wink:

  30. TJ

    the above post should say “Islam is just christianity turned on its ear” :oops:

  31. drillanwr


    I think it was the beheading of journalist Ron Pearlman in Pakistan that showed the “snag” in extradition of the perp

    I believe you meant Daniel Pearl.

    Ron Pearlman(sic) [Perlman] is an actor … See: TV series “Beauty and The Beast”, movie “Hellboy”

  32. Robert


    Pat needs to check that out, maybe have those guys do a song on “Young Americans”. That’s great stuff.

  33. jake

    The web site for the entire video is
    It’s a very well done movie on radical Islam.
    It’s a must see for anyone. It gives an excelent overview of what’s going on in the wowrld today. I think this would be a great link Pat.

  34. xyz

    heather, i’m so moved by your post. i bought books on islam, start to read them, and just don’t want to read further. how much do you need to know about something really so abhorent?

    drillanwr and suek, hit the nail on the head.

    hudna is for when your population is minority. jihad is for when your population is large enough to put aside your “weakness” and stick it to the kuffar and apostates.

    iraq has brought this all to light. i’m hoping for some solutions to islam in the west from the firsthand experiences of our men and woman in iraq.

  35. gmoney

    Heather,Your husband and our troops are professionals.The Iraqis working with us are there for a reason.I wouldn’t let that scenerio worry you.I will continue to pray for your husband and our troops.

  36. Brad W

    Not that any of the regulars visitors would ever think the extremists would really be honest. Where else do you think the liberala and democrats learned their tricks of the trade?

  37. Tom

    Koranic Lying and Democrat lying do well to assist each other.

    John Kerry is their version of a war hero.

    Valerie Plame is a super spy.

    Bush is Hitler.

    Christians are the real terrorists.

    Killing a partially birthed infant is choice.

    Putting a mass murderer to death after trial is an atrocity.

    Depriving Al Queda of sleep is torture.

    Depriving Daniel Pearl of his head is an unfortunate outcome of Bush’s Big Oil cronyism.

    Listening in on Al Queda phone calls from out of the country proves we live in a fascist country.

    Muslim terror groups kill tens of thousands around the world and are some how revolutionary.

    Saddam had no wmd.

    When Saddam did use wmd against his own people, it was Reagan’s fault.

    Bush is an idiot.

    Bush fooled us through clever manipulation to support his fascist war.

    Bush lied about wmd. He knew Saddam had none but invaded anyway. It was an elaborate scam.

    Bush however did not bother to PLANT any wmd in Iraq, even though he knew full well he was lying about Saddam having wmd.

    Islam is a Religion of Peace.

    When Muslims kill, torture, maim, rape and burn on a regular basis, it arises out of “legitimate greivances”.

    Beam me the fuck up.


  38. Brian Dameron

    The direction this country has been taking in the past few years makes me fear for its future. What liberalism and multiculturalism are doing to this country and other countries is unbelievable. If things don’t start changing soon, we are going to be screwed

  39. RockinRobin

    Heather - my son is fighting in Iraq as well. You have to put your husband in God’s hands and know that whatever happens, your husband is a hero. I went through all of the feelings, the guilt that my son was putting himself in harms way for me, shame that I (emphasis added) was not the one fighting in his place so he could be safe, the sleepless nights, the wondering if something happened because I had not heard from him in weeks, sitting in front of the television looking for news on what’s actually happening over there (hence, me finding this website) and looking out my window hoping to God I didn’t have an Army vehicle pull up to give me bad news. What has helped me is becoming ACTIVE in the fight for him and our country. Your husband will be okay . . . just trust in God and keep the faith that he will be okay. If you ever need anyone to talk to, just write me here and we can get together. Take care and many blessings!!!!

  40. Kaffir Wench

    I don’t know why we continue to put up with this. Soemthing needs to be done. Like, :idea: Islam should be banned in civilized countries, for starters.

  41. Jewish Odysseus

    “I worry about the Iraqis he comes in contact with and knows. Are they biding their time? Will they change alliances? Or are they no threat at all?”

    Heather, we pray every night for the safety of your husband and his comrades, believe me. And this fear you articulated is indeed a dreadful one. But let me review a few facts for you:

    1–For every American killed by Muslims in Iraq, there are at least 20 Muslims killed by Muslims. In other words, the jihadis have been forced to murder tens of thousands of “their own people” to win. WHY WD THEY NEED TO DO THAT IF THERE WAS THIS RAMPANT ANTI-AMERICAN HOSTILITY? To give a little example: today ABC News announced that two of their Iraqi employees (cameraman and computer tech) had been ambushed and murdered…2 more Muslim bodies on the pile, killed by Muslims…[and can you believe that ABC’s Charlie Gibson described their murder as “they were executed”?! Executed?! Who was their judge? What was the charge? Who was their defender? Two brave young guys gunned down by some filthy savages, and American Prince Charles Gibson acts as if they were some low-lifes who had been convicted of a jury of their peers. :sad: ]

    2–Never forget that our enemies’ greatest priority is to create a type of totalitarian Islamic solidarity, and the one thing we have consistently done right is to try to break up that solidarity, and in fact to turn it against the totalitarians. Consider: where is Sadr now? Where is Dhari? Where is Zarqawi? This filth has been expelled from Iraq due to the efforts of both us and the Iraqis, and the filth is totally on the defensive. And this has been while our forces have [stupid orders IMHO] refrained from using the type of coercive force on captives typically seen in an average Southern county sheriff’s office. Just imagine if by now we’d summarily executed a few hundred captured terrorists caught red-handed? We sure did it in WWII–as did the French, even!

    3–Believe me, part of the enemy [liberal] propaganda strategy is to demean our Iraqi allies, as treacherous, cowardly, etc. And guess what, compared to the combat pros of the US of A, the greatest fighters on earth, the Iraqis look–what, pathetic? TRUE!! But wait, how many of our NATO allies wd look any better, IN COMBAT ROLES? How many of our NATO allies, after having 50 army recruits waiting in line to enlist blown to smithereens on monday, wd have twice as many men waiting to enlist on the same spot on tuesday? What does that tell us about the courage and determination of the Iraqis?

    This is a terribly difficult mission, but it is indeed THE CENTRAL FRONT IN THE WAR ON ISLAMOFASCISM. When we win there, it will be like the beachhead at Normandy, the enemy will be unable to plan any offense nor defend themselves from us as we surround them, and as Iraq progresses, the example will annihilate the “we are the future” argument of the jihadis. Remember the truest words that BinLaden ever uttered: “If people must choose between a weak horse and a strong horse, they will choose the strong horse.” When the strong horse is also the horse of freedom and posperity, you know that is the horse the people will choose.

    But building is hard and destroying is easy, and our enemies resort to mass murder of civilians as a strategy of first resort. Just remember WE DO have a huge number of brave Iraqi allies, who have and still do pay a heavy price in blood. And when you get discouraged that sometimes there seem to be too few of them out in the open, recall this timeless lesson:

    “20And the LORD said, Because the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is very grievous;

    21I will go down now, and see whether they have done altogether according to the cry of it, which is come unto me; and if not, I will know.

    22And the men turned their faces from thence, and went toward Sodom: but Abraham stood yet before the LORD.

    23And Abraham drew near, and said, Wilt thou also destroy the righteous with the wicked?

    24Peradventure there be fifty righteous within the city: wilt thou also destroy and not spare the place for the fifty righteous that are therein?

    25That be far from thee to do after this manner, to slay the righteous with the wicked: and that the righteous should be as the wicked, that be far from thee: Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?

    26And the LORD said, If I find in Sodom fifty righteous within the city, then I will spare all the place for their sakes.

    27And Abraham answered and said, Behold now, I have taken upon me to speak unto the LORD, which am but dust and ashes:

    28Peradventure there shall lack five of the fifty righteous: wilt thou destroy all the city for lack of five? And he said, If I find there forty and five, I will not destroy it.

    29And he spake unto him yet again, and said, Peradventure there shall be forty found there. And he said, I will not do it for forty’s sake.

    30And he said unto him, Oh let not the LORD be angry, and I will speak: Peradventure there shall thirty be found there. And he said, I will not do it, if I find thirty there.

    31And he said, Behold now, I have taken upon me to speak unto the LORD: Peradventure there shall be twenty found there. And he said, I will not destroy it for twenty’s sake.

    32And he said, Oh let not the LORD be angry, and I will speak yet but this once: Peradventure ten shall be found there. And he said, I will not destroy it for ten’s sake.”

    God bless you and your husband, Heather.

  42. Jewish Odysseus

    Tom, awesome glossary!

    May I add one definition?: “Islamophobia” means “the mental condition wherein one prefers not to live as a dhimmi under Islamic oppression.”

    Yes, I’ve got an incurable case… :wink:

  43. JohnF

    The more I learn about Islam, the more I oppose it. I have come to the realization that a moderate muslim is like a moderate nazi, or a moderate pedophile. I’m sure that there are some very nice muslims out there, I’ve met some, but they don’t practice Islam as taught in the koran, they are cultural muslims. Just like many Germans were cultural nazi’s, not really buying into the whole ideology thing, just joining the party for the fringe benefits. The major difference is that islam is a far more insidious evil than Nazism.

  44. Cpl Johnny Peddicord

    :twisted: You, know, the anti American, mega liberal, nation destroying media would call this information “ignorant intolerance to a non-conformist religion” Can you believe that? Today, foot baths in airports and banning ham sandwiches in school (see: Muslim child who felt unsafe in the presence of pork on wheat in a public school. Pig eating boy was suspended for being insensitive) tomorrow, public beheadings in Times square and Rodeo drive. God bless you Pat for the work you do. Semper Fi

  45. Heather

    TJ, xyz, gmoney, Rockin Robin, Jewish Odysseus—thank you for your kind words, encouragement, and prayers. It means more than you know.
    RockinRobin—I will keep your son in prayer also and stand in agreement with you–that our men will come home safely to us. I always pray that God guide my husband’s footsteps, that He be a voice of wisdom to lead him, and that He keep a hedge of protection surrounding him that the enemy (both the mortal kind and satan) cannot penetrate. I will pray the same for your son. Thank you for the offer to talk it goes both ways– and I just may take you up on that.

    Jewish Odysseus–thank you for your prayers also and the illustrations. I just hope my husband gets to deal with Lot. :smile: Although I have some issues with him too…I didn’t really understand the story until I was older (guess my Sunday school teacher didn’t delve into the nitty gritty). I understand him wanting to protect the angels from being raped by the crowd that had surrounded his home–but to offer to throw his daughters out to appease the appetites of the mob? I don’t know—seems wrong…. :roll: Anyway….for those who think the Bible is boring…you just haven’t gotten to the good parts. :smile:

  46. Heather

    Cpl Peddicord,
    The ham sandwich thing reminded me of a news story my Civics teacher brought up when I was in high school. He talked about a prisoner (I want to say it was in New Jersey—go figure) who was serving a sentence for murdering a little girl and subsequently chopping up her body to dispose of her. The prisoner had filed a complaint where he asked the prison to purchase separate pans, dishes, and utensils for him that would not come into contact with pork. I remember being incredulous that he was OK with dismembering a child, but Heaven forbid pork touch his fork……
    Now looking back I can see that this appeasement of Isalmic extremism was already taking place way back then. OK…to clarify way back then I am talking approx. 1990. :smile:

  47. 0311inohio

    every jihadist that is killed, and prior his departure to claim his gold and virgins, his bullet riddled body should be wraped in the carcass of pig.. :smile: :beer: :beer: :beer:

  48. Tom

    I think there are millions of fine people who come from Muslim nations. Many of them are ignorant of what is going on in the Koran and are honestly horrified about what is done in Islam’s name. I have many Turkish friends and the brand of Islam most widely practiced in Turkey ignores a great deal of what is in the Koran. But it required the very strong hand and vision of Attaturk (founder of the modern Turkish state) to put Islam in its place within Turkey and to create a somewhat secular nation. As Islam is aggressive in nature and resurgent around the globe, Turkey has an ongoing problem with Islamists and has always had that since Attaturk. The military in Turkey has repeatedly opposed the Islamic agenda in Turkey and has through its power been able to keep Turkey from becoming more like Iran.

    What Turkey proves is that the battle is never fully won. Islam has been doing its aggressive thing since Big Mo was marrying six year old girls and cutting off captives’ heads with his blade. The pathologies that arise out of the Koran do not mix well with the modern era. Indeed, I do not think Islam can survive modernity. It is a warlord’s desert religion that asserts its absolute perogative in the midst of a technological explosion flowing out of centuries of rational, scientific growth which primarily comes from traditions fostered in the West.

    Thus they seek to use technologies they are mostly incapable of creating, barely able to copy, against us.

    The young people are getting more and more exposure to the West. The freedoms, pleasures and comparable liberation found in the West compare very favorably with the arid, impoverished and boring pleasures of Islam.

    I think Islam is going to perish. In time and it is not going out without a fight.

    But there are visions of paradise that tempt the young in this world in the here and now that were never within reach in previous centuries.

    We can win this war against Islam. We must hold steady and with a mixture of military and propaganda resources, we can kill the vampire that is Caliphate.

    Time is not on Islam’s side. Technology defies its logic every year. Science defies Allah every day. Freedom is so tempting to the masses.

    Islam will die.

  49. Cridhe Saorsa

    It is apparent to anyone who has the eyes to see and the ears to hear that there can be no peace with Islam. It took me some time to come around to this because it’s hard to believe that any religion could be so intolerent and actually have followers.

    Islam gets its strength from terror. Muhammad was the original terrorist. The Israelis know this already.

    In the end it will be us against them as it has always been. Whether we want to believe it or not, this is the Ninth Crusade. Read Robert Spencer’s book; “The Truth About Muhammad: Founder of the World’s Most Intolerant Religion” if you want to know more.

    My personal opinion is that Islam is evil. If we really want peace in this world in the next century we are going to have to get mideveal and eradicate this cult from the planet before it eradicates the rest of us.

    Of course the Left is to busy undermining our efforts in Irag for political gain to realize the danger to them and the rest of the world. Kind of ironic isn’t it. The Left who espouse tolerence for all things are enabling the most intolerent of all peoples. Win or lose, in the end I hope they get what they deserve.


  50. Kevin M

    Two-faced, lying porch-monkey fucks. Need I say more? :mad:

  51. Lisa Flick

    Okay, so here I go again…

    I agree that those who are murdering innocent Iraqis and our beloved troops are monsters, and even agree that Islam has some definite humanitarian issues, but do we westerners who are primarily of Christian background forget what vile deeds and murderous acts have been done in the name of Jesus and Christianity? Not only in the massive sense of the Crusades, but even in the past century in Ireland and elsewhere? To say that Muslim people are the only ones who have killed in the name of God is just simply ignorant.

    The mulsim population far exceeds any other single religion on this planet currently. Clearly, if Islam was the source of this problem, we would have far more terrorists than the huge numbers we already have.

    We need to erradicate murderers no matter what their religious persuasion. By being so focused on the religious aspect we are denying the bigger issue of evil and terrorism wherever, and for whatever reasons it exists.

  52. Patriot72

    Sounds like a government psyop to me! I think like many of the terror group leaders you can trace these guys back to CIA and MI5/6. Problem-Reaction-Solution! Ya sheep! Ya!

  53. Lisa Flick

    I just went back and read the thread on the funeral protestors and have this to add…

    (for reference the link to the thread is:

    How can we separate disgusting examples of Christian religious extremism from well-intentioned Christianity so easily and deny that the same principle applies to Islam?

    Neither the Koran nor the Bible is without controversy. The Bible contradicts itself just as the Koran does. They both teach about peace, nonviolence, and non-judgement yet the Bible references an “eye for an eye” philosophy much in the same way the Koran references murdering in the name of God. Both scriptures have been taken piecemeal by the masses of believers of each respective religion. Many die-hard Christians use birth control, are divorced and remarried, some are even (God forbid) homosexual. In much the same way, MOST believers of Islam are similarly inclined to take the good that exists in Islam and discard the bad.

    Those protestors are sick, evil, maligned, poor excuses for human beings. So are those who murder in the name of Islam. Religion is not the issue here. Evil is.

  54. Cridhe Saorsa

    All of the terrorists are muslims. All of the suicide bombers to date were muslims. They all claim that Islam condones and demands their acts.

    Does anyone know their demands? Why they are fighting?

    Their ultimate goal is a one world religion. Conversion by the sword.

    They are fighting because they just want us all dead.

  55. TJ

    lisa flick you are so f-ing wrong about this its mind boggling! where is the vomit emoticon when you need it?

    “How can we separate disgusting examples of Christian religious extremism from well-intentioned Christianity so easily and deny that the same principle applies to Islam?”

    Is the good reverend suggesting people go out and kill innocent people to prove that God hates fags?

    “Neither the Koran nor the Bible is without controversy. The Bible contradicts itself just as the Koran does. They both teach about peace, nonviolence, and non-judgement yet the Bible references an “eye for an eye” philosophy much in the same way the Koran references murdering in the name of God.”

    This is liberal relativism in a nutshell and the main reason liberals cannot come to the conclusion that terrorists are bad and even suggest that what they do is freedom fighting. I notice you quote the bible but not one koranic quote. is it because you know the bible but have never read the quran? The only peaceful texts in the quran refer to peace between believers, and were written before Muhammed tookover mecca by force and killed most of the inhabitants. In the medinan texts muhammed changes course and inserts a very important rule called Nashk(abrogation) whereby any early revelation is abrogated by the later(replaced). therfore peaceful texts like “there is no compulsion in religion” is abrogated by latter ones like 9:5 (the verse of the sword)”strike at their necks” the one most quoted by osama and company.

    The bible does not have abrogation with the exception that the newtestement is to be read in light of the old. The quran was not put together in order of when it was written but rathere by length which is why scholars have peggeed the 9th surah as the last revelation, thus by abrogation , murder , theft deceit and enslavement are the course of the day. History has seen this through,

    the last great war the terrorists love to refer to is the crusades where christians stopped taking it up the ass and fought back after 400 years of muslim conquest.

    Americans fought back on the barabary coast(north africa) after president adams paid bribes for years that included about 20% of total tax dollars at the time. Now Bush is fighting back and we need to stop pretending that Islam is a religion of peace.

    for sure many muslim are ignorant of true islam and i thank God for that. But if they find out the truth lets hope that mopst of them see that islam can not be of God at all.

    “Many die-hard Christians use birth control, are divorced and remarried, some are even (God forbid) homosexual.”

    And your point is that some christians are sinners now, including the reverend phelps, who although annoying, is not out saying kill the fags, or if he is no one is heading the call and he has a very small following consisting of mostly family.

    He quote s scripture to back up his hatred and the christians yawn, osama preaches hatred and murder form the quran and muslims, many join in the fight. How are they equal again? :mad:

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