Thought For The Day

May 19th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

Could that be why “wraithlike” is always the most appropriate term to describe how Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid look in any photograph? And why Murtha also always looks fat but ghostlike, sorta dead maybe, with the added touches of dissolute, dissipated and, often, insane? I mean, come on. If photographs of people who were spritually bankrupt, empty, dead, were going to exist, tell me they wouldn’t look like these folks. Think about it. Photo after photo, same story…









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35 Responses

  1. Steve in NC

    My son is in the air back to Iraq as I write this.

    I left the Atlanta airport this afternoon, seeing my son off, headed back for the rest of his tour.

    Seeing all those in uniform heading back, not a smile on their face, yet returning to do the duty they swore to uphold, and in contrast you see these power hungry pieces of shit in contrast, using this war as just another political game, willing to risk the lives of our soldiers for their own gain. I could take the life from them with my bare hands and have no guilt.

  2. Infidel

    John Lennon didn’t mean that to apply to fellow socialists.

    But yes, dour, angry, hypertensive, hanging on by a thread and constipated all at once. Contrast to the typical shit-eating conservative grin.

  3. Clyde Conneer

    Criminaly Vain, Criminaly Insane, Criminaly Inane.

    What kind of people voted to send these depraved creatures to represent them? There must be a way to remove them without resorting to vicious cutting, stabing, stomping, kicking or vaporizing rays. No…….
    Oh well.

  4. John in PA

    Does murtha have any upper teeth? Maybe someone punched them out.
    They really do look downtrodden, empty and pathetic. Its probably because Soros held their pay due to lack of achieving anything.

  5. GBU43

    What we need is more in your face encounters with these people. We need to use their tactics and interupt them during press conferences, force them to show their true colors. (Pink in murtha’s case).

    We need You Tube style video’s from americans showing these cowards statements, actions, results. For every damn thing they’ve done to damage the country, military, and citizens.

    As I posted before. Liberals are cowards at the core. All they have is volume with no substance. Put your thumb on them long enough and they scatter into the hills like the roaches they are.

  6. Steve_Montana

    You have spoken my thoughts….

  7. John Cunningham

    Yep, a picture’s worth a thousand words.

  8. Jewish Odysseus

    Pat, you really do know how to make me lose my lunch… :oops:

  9. Steve in NC

    That bottom photo features Gunnery Sgt. Michael Burghardt

    If you do not know the story of that photo, check it out:

  10. Shadowscythe

    I’m a man who plays a lot of video games (learned more from them than I ever did in school btw), and seeing them reminds me of the Knights of the Old Republic games. See, in those games your character can make good or evil choices, affecting his (or her :smile: ) alignment with the light and dark side of the force.

    Consequently, as one became more and more aligned with the Dark side, their physical appearance was negatively impacted. You began to look more and more like a corpse with every dark action you took, and your eyes became gray and slited like a serpents eyes. Essentially, who you were on the inside was reflected by your outward appearance.

    Now you tell me, in light of this information, what side do you think most democrats (and sadly some republicans) are on? It’s really quite disturbing once you think about it.

  11. Bob USMC

    All those dumb-ass defeatocrats need to be brought up on treason and sedition charges. When will Bush have the balls to actually confront them on their treason?

    I honestly do think we’re in the start of a civil war here and it will get worse before it gets better. I hope I’m wrong but the defeatocrats are from another world.

  12. 0311inohio

    Take of couple of those pictures of Mrs Monkey’s bitch and put a little black mustashe under his fucking nose.

    Some sorry looking no god son’s/daugther of bitches. And Steve in NC, if you need any help let me know. :evil: :evil:

  13. IP727

    Marcus Tullius Cicero quotes

    “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.”

  14. TWarrior

    :evil: :evil: :evil:

  15. Cridhe Saorsa

    All you have to do is look in Pelosi’s eyes to see that the lights are on but nobody is home. As for Reid, the one thought that comes to mind everytime I see him is “Chamberlain”.

  16. roadking

    The guilt that they are feeling inside is obviously getting to them. I imagine going through life knowing that they are POS is taking a toll on them and rightly so. Murtha,at one time a proud Marine and has now sold out….Pelosi, a grandmother , who is showing her grandchildren how to be dishonorable and gutless….AND ON AND ON……”Ugly is, as Ugly does”

  17. Brian

    hehe KOTOR was a great game :)
    Regardless of alignment they are just ass ugly, whiny little fucks.

  18. dlb

    Pat, I’m grateful to you for ALL that you’re doing. I don’t post much (this makes 2wice), but I have to say - - - this insight right here is bang on the money, I had to post.
    We can’t look at these “people” for very long without starting to actually figure this out inside our guts. These “people” HAVE chosen the dark side.
    Shadowscythe - absolutely on the mark. These “people” lie for personal gain - and have done so to the point that they have no truth in them. That makes them liars of the first order, and so their allegiance will be to - - - The LIAR. The King of the Dark Side.
    So, Pat. You get it. Most all the posters here - get it. Shadowscythe, you get it. These “people” are dead. Dead inside, because they choose lies, not truth. Truth equates to life. Lies equate to death. So, they’re dead men walking, and with their hands on the controls of the USA, they’re driving it straight down a death spiral. We all get it. But, the question is, what’s to be done? What can be done?
    My preliminary answer is, we, who choose life, not death, must do what is necessary to take back the country. We get active. We pray. Daily. We each do what we can, what we’re best at. Most of all, we choose life, not death in each thing we do. (That’s a complete thesis on its own).

    Pat, just keep going for it. I pray that Angels guard your six,
    and all the sixes of all our brethren, men and women, in harm’s way. (I must say here, all the very best, Rummy)

    I’m with you - - - with us.

    Never forget. Life WILL triumph. dlb

  19. 0311inohio

    Speaking ass hole traitors, here is another one that keep his freaking mouth shut.. I place this dick head right up there with Mr and Mrs. Cheese Monkey, Traitor Murtha, etc. I want to puke.

  20. Allen


    I like you played lots of video games and the pictures remind me of the sepia tone secret societies prevalent in the Metal Gear Solid series. I actually did a photoshop of Nancy and Harry to make it look more in line with the style of MGS. They’re rotten to the core with only the delusions of their power that keeps them moving.

  21. Sue in Montana

    The Democrat leadership are dark forces misleading and doing harm to our people and our friends. The three mentioned look like the re-animat

  22. Sue in Montana

    The Democrat leadership are dark forces misleading and doing harm to our people and our friends. The three mentioned look like the re-animated dead.

  23. Squire

    Yeah, that’s where I’ve seen them before.

    The Nazgul from The Lord of the Rings… it’s all so clear to me now.


  24. CPTK

    Steve in NC (and everyone else) - I was at Camp Ramadi when Gunny B was blown out of the shot hole working with our Soldiers on an IED cordon in the south end of Tammim (western Ramadi). I requested the MEDEVAC to pick him up. Needless to say, he walked to the evac while giving the triggerman his thoughts. Got the account from Gunny B a couple of days after the incident. About three weeks later he was back to work with his EOD team. An amazing person. I am blessed to have worked with him and his EOD techs.

    The other bags o’ shit (as depicted) who use the war as political capital aren’t fit to carry his, or any other servicemembers, water.

  25. Tim Roesch


    Just a thought…mostly to myself I suppose…

    …but you can take a picture of someone and if you get it just right you can get them to look like anything. I am not defending them but remember, not everyone is photogenic every moment.

    Using an odd picture to poke fun at someone detracts from the real issue and makes an otherwise valid point seem childish and superficial. So what if Pelosi looks wraithlike. It’s her politics that should be the target.

    Tim Roesch
    Command Private Major

  26. Top Ward

    Jimmy sees the light at the end of the tunnel approching and thinks…no knows that he can’t build enough houses to make up for how crappy a president he was.

    And could someone please explain why the MSM always calls W “Mr Bush” and not President Bush. Hmm…would it be they are trying too undermine his presidency? Oh no…they wouldn’t do that.

  27. Dr D Semper FI

    Speaking of lib traitors, go to and sign petition

  28. drillanwr

    It’s their lack of a soul …

  29. Lisa

    I am at a loss for words as to why these people do what they do. I can’t hate them but I do not like them. After all the crap GW Bush has thrown at him, he still smiles because he knows this is bigger then just 8 years in office. They are only working for Jan 2009. I will forever be grateful to the American soliders.

  30. HJ in VA

    In Re:Gunnery Sgt. Michael Burghardt - I have that picture framed here on my desk… :smile:

  31. 0311inohio

    I just got my Cheese eating surrender monkey T shirts… AWESOME… Great quality. :beer: :beer: :beer:

    Now all we need toilet paper with these two ass hole’s picture on it. Add Carter and Gore too.. :lol:

    Thank you Melanie !! :cool:

  32. wolf

    the faces remind me of the old politbureau members in the communist parties of the USSR and their satellites. having spent my youth in what was formerly known as East Germany i am facing dejavu. After having fled that regime in the early seventies with my parents I can’t believe that in my old age I have to face the same type of tyrants in this country. this can’t be happening!!!! we have to stop this…………

  33. Gabby

    Nancy would make a great stand in for the Dark Lord in the one of the later Star Wars movies–just need a bit of gray/green makeup………no doubt a reflection of what goes on inside.

  34. xyz

    pat, i know this post is days late, but i just had to say, you are SO right! every time i see a photo of any of them, i think this very thing…

  35. Heather

    Proverbs 27:19
    As water reflects a face,
    so a man’s heart reflects the man.

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