When War Is Just A Domestic Political Weapon…

May 19th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

medal of honor

…people die and nations fall.

That’s how it goes - everybody knows.

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33 Responses

  1. 0311inohio

    Gibson is right on… I will NEVER put another democRAT campaign sign in my yard even at the local city elections and unfortunetly democRATS are the sole office holders. I know many of them and I am looking forward to the day when they arrive to place a sign in my yard and I tell them to get it the fuck off of my property. I am so pissed that these ass holes, (Mr. and Mrs. Cheese Monkey along with Traitor Murtha, Chuckie the snake Shummer) are using our troops as pawns in their game of chicken with the President I could scream…

  2. Tom

    Liberal Democrats are so turned on at the prospect of political victory, they love it when Al Queda captures, kills or in some way damages our troops or their prospects.

    It is my contention that there is an erotic and symbiotic love affair ongoing between Al Queda and its minions and the Democrat Party/Metrosexual Media. Sure Al Queda is packed with mass murderers who would kill any one of us to further their goals.



    Thus an alliance between actual Nazis in robes is vastly more satisfying to the Metrosexual Media than doing what we did say, in WW2 where political parties mostly fought the common enemy of Germany and Japan.

    The little delicate dance that goes on between the MSM and Al Queda is amazing to watch. It is like a mega-reality tv show in which the cameras fall on Al Queda’s latest atrocity with breathless panting, showing the depravity for which they are capable. Oh the inhumanity, so to speak.

    Then the cameras and Chris Mathews and Katie Couric and Matt Lauer and the NY Times and 60 minutes…they whip the cameras and microphones around and…

    IT’S BUSH’S FAULT! Look what he’s done! Our poor senators were TRICKED into this war. Yeah! Tricked, fooled by the Machiavellian Prince Karl Rove and his Shrub Bush. Those geniuses! And Bush is an idiot, btw.

    Al Queda and MSM wink and smile at each other. MSM says thanks for the killings. Please murder more of our troops, si vous plait. We’re wearing them down for you at home. You put some dead soldiers on TV and you find that the viewer at home does not have the stomach for seeing that.

    Time is on your side Al Queda! We’re in this together! Bush is the real enemy! And Al Queda is not in Iraq anyway! Only in Afghanistan. And no matter what, if they kill children, our troops, behead journalists, kill innocent women, commit genocide…hang homosexuals…


    That’s what Keith Olbermann and his toupee are up to these days.

    Beam me the F up.


  3. Gramps


    I just got a letter from Rummy. He wrote it after 9 days into boot camp. Sounds like he’s doing OK. The below is from his letter.

    Said he’s yet to be dropped or receive incentive training, but they are eyeballing him. They have him on a diet & he’s lost 2 more lbs the first week. He passed the initial strength test, and thanks all for the PT advice.

    He wishes someone had told him they make you drink 3 gallons of water a day, then get super pissed when ya have to pee…. LOL

    The swearing is superb, gratuitous and omni present, although the heavy hat Sgt _____ pokes me & shoves me too often for my taste. I suppose he’s doing his job. I am on the radar but I show respect and sound off, and there are some REAL retards in the platoon to distract them.

    He said he’s dieing for a smoke. He’s up to 4 pull ups from 2

    Keep the faith brothers & sisters, an continue to pray for me.

  4. Tim in FL

    The article by Lee Ellis (second link) is actually disturbing in its truth. This Republic is being destroyed from within by a growing cancer that could become terminal if we do not fight it. The clock is ticking, yet its sound falls on so many deaf ears!

    “God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion. The people cannot be all, and always, well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented, in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions, it is lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty. … And what country can preserve its liberties, if it’s rulers are not warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of
    resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to the facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.”

    Thomas Jefferson

  5. Infidel

    Ahmadinejad believes that the only power with the potential to prevent the Islamic Republic from achieving is strategic goals is the United States. At the same time, he believes that the US is so plagued by its internecine political rivalries that it in no position to project the degree of power necessary to stop the Khomeinist advance. The best strategy for the Islamic Republic, therefore, is to talk to the US but continue doing exactly as it pleases.—From IranPressNews.com

  6. Infidel

    The “American people” want Hairy Reid and Nancy Pelosi to lead by principles (betcha never thought those words could wind up in the same sentence, I need a drink) not polls that would leave us at the gates of Hell at the mercy of deranged lunatics. It’s time to head to D.C.

  7. FTL

    so true…

    who should make the calls?

    “The generals on the ground & not Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid”.

    W/ Pat & Tony’s Cameras rolling~
    I wish we should drop Harry and Nancy over there already. let them talk some sense into the insurgents a’la hanoi Jane style (O. Stone could shoot B-roll of their POV). Think we all might be plesantly surprised by what would take place… think we might be elated in fact. Almost as much as when our guys come back after victory. :wink: reeks of an Oscar for best documentary!

  8. SteveS

    “All that is required for evil to triumph is for a few good men to do nothing.”
    Edmund Burke

  9. SteveS

    PART 1

    America is under an unrelenting attack by two radical ideologies that are in alliance with one another for the ultimate purpose of its abolition.

    Because of Leftist ideology, America has become a society neutered by a scourge of political correctness…unable to act or speak for fear of offending, or of law suits, or of accusations of one-sided political views.

    The Islamo-fascists (many are educated in the West) enemies understand the Leftist use of multiculturalism and political correctness and have used this against us while furthering their own religious objectives.

    Many on the anti-American political left, the remnants of utopian Marxist socialism, are purposely aiding and abetting the militant Islamic terrorists. They have entered into a de facto alliance with their nation’s Islamo fascist enemies based on a common desire to destroy Western civilization and its Judeo-Christian foundations. They have identical goals of destroying western culture and achievement.

    In general, theanti- American Left does not care about women, independent judiciaries, minorities, democracy, gays or almost anything else for which it marches. They hate God, they hate capitalism, and just hate Western Civilization and the ideal freedom it holds in general. They will support anything no matter how evil to attack the West while living the good life and enjoying the very freedoms it has to offer.

    Leftists are not “tolerable opponents in a national dialogue”. They are a dangerous, murderous, enemy within, and should be regarded as such like any other terrorist. There is no national debate on their destructive ideologies. There is a civil war happening within this country and America must wake up to it and deal with it.

  10. 0311inohio

    Gramps: Thanks for the update on Rummy. Got a good chuckle from the report. Brings back some memories, funny now but not back then.. :lol: :beer: :beer: :beer:

  11. RENO

    I am with 0311inOhio, it is going to take a split second to vote straight Republican across the board.

    Off topic: Glad to hear Rummy is doing fine.

    More off topic: Wore my Jihadikiller T-shirt to the gun show today. Told those who liked it to check out patdollard.com. Did not hear from anyone who did not like it, which I think was good for their health. :beer:

  12. Infidel

    “Beam me the F up.

    Tom” No, we need to beam some sons-a-bitches the F up.

  13. USMC_Dad

    Ok. I’ll get off topic also. Go Rummy !!!

    Prayers out to you.

    Back to topic: Sheesh…I’m so tired of the Libtards. The “Fly over” Americans need to fight back these evil piss ants and stop voting them into power.

    P.S. Senator McCain, bite me…yours truly in Phoenix, Az.

    3/1 Thundering Third.

    Godspeed to my son, LCpl Gow. I realize your a dismount, just make sure you mount your ass back home safely

  14. Cridhe Saorsa

    God damn Pelosi and her little bitch Reid.

  15. Max in Minnesota

    Off topic: My daughter just joined the Army and will be attending boot camp in the Fall. I went to Navy boot camp 28 years ago, so my advice to her is dated at best. Can any of you army types recently in boot camp give me some good advice that I can pass along to her? I already know the basics: do as you’re told and you’ll do fine. I’m wondering about the physical part, like the obstacle course, which the Navy didn’t have back then (probably still doesn’t), and anything else that might be appropriate.

    Thanks all.

  16. John in PA

    FTL ….. you just drew a picture of the best satire …Pelosi & Reid in Iraq talking to AlQeda. If only we could produce it with sit-in look-alikes and get it on national! It has so many valuable angles.

    We must recognize how calculated every move is on part of the dems. Look at Pelosi’s acusations saying, ” Katrina etc are real emergencies, but we took them out because Bush objected to it..”

    No F’n way did Bush object to that. He was very measured & only poked at the peanut & spinach related stuff. Stuff that clearly was in no way close to anyone’s claim of national emergency.

    But Pelosi once again twists shit around to get those who don’t pay attention to believe. To believe that she means well and Bush is just not willing to be held accountable while at the same time she makes people believe he is responsible for removal of Katrina funding.
    There must be seeats up for election around Katrina zones in 08.

    This kind of twisting of reality is what gets me REALLY PISSED.

    PS: I felt the article by Lee Ellis was a dud. Has anyone thought that there were only a limited number of seats that were won by the dems. Why would those few seats represent all of America. Couldn’t find any real punch in Ellis article.

  17. patriot

    *sigh* Dems suck :sad:

  18. Tom

    I have looked at some lib websites lately. Huffingtonpost and wonkette for example.

    So safe do they feel in their gated houses, so free because of the blood loss of current and future soldiers, so wealthy due to the capitalism they allegedly abhor, so vain due to the cosmetic surgery they disavow, so cowardly though they love to claim the mantle of courage, so pompous, so self absorbed, so educated though they are fools, so deluded, so well fed, so PERFECTLY SELF SATISFIED…

    they can rage “bravely” against GWB, knowing full well they risk nothing. They can turn logic on its ear and get away with it. They can say Bush is a Nazi and Al Queda is multiculturalism.

    We have the incredible specter of very famous public figures asserting that the US gov’t was somehow complicit in the attacks on 9/11.

    For liberals, see no jihad, hear no jihad, speak no jihad.

    Jihad sees this, hears this and speaks this. Jihad is waiting and laughing. Jihad is very much hoping for a Democrat victory in all future elections. Jihad knows that they will not fight, they will blame jihad on Big Oil, the Jews, or “insensitivity”, the Crusades or some other “root cause” and liberals will lube up their butt holes and face Mecca on behalf of Allah’s henchmen and their sensitivities.

    Liberals will seek to “solve” the “Palestinian” problem and demand Israel made concessions, then more concessions and then perhaps abandon its nationhood in the hope that this will sate the beast that will eat anything you feed to it.

    The Religion of Peace will kill, maim, torture, rape, enslave and consume anything that it can. Genocide in Sudan? Damn Republicans! Honor killings in Denmark? Show some sensitivity to other “cultures”! Chattel slavery in the 21st century? Al Sharpton needs reparations!

    Read the Koran. Few do. But any policy maker who does not consult regularly with the Prophet’s words will never make cogent policy vis a vis global jihad.

    Liberal democrats will have us withdraw from Iraq, hand Al Queda the “W” they lust after and perhaps delude themselves into believing a few more square miles of Israel will do the trick.

    When they attack anew and the next 9/11 hits, then and only then will we -perhaps momentarily- reawaken as a nation. Only when our citizens are splattered and bloodied in the middle of our nation will consciousness occur.

    Until then, Bush is Hitler. Islam is a Religion of Peace. We’re “losing” in Iraq. Al Queda is not in Iraq. Guantanomo is a concentration camp. Religion of Peace. ZZZZZZ…..

  19. Brian H

    Good suggestion above. Read the Koran. It’s quite short.

    Anyone whose eyes don’t glaze over in shock isn’t paying attention.

  20. To Max

    Max from Minnesota

    Off Topic. The following web-site will answer all your questions about Army Boot Camp.

  21. Steve_Montana

    To Defeat Your Enemy You Need to Know Your Enemy

    Understand that there is TWO AMERICA’s


  22. Don

    “Congressmen who willfully take actions during wartime that damage morale and undermine the military are saboteurs and should be arrested, exiled, or hanged.”

    President Abraham Lincoln


    Same goes for any member of the public.


    Off topic,well,sort of,
    Max in Minnesota

    Its been 26 years since I went through Army Boot camp,I went Airborne,Ranger,Pathfinder and just about any and every school I could get into,being Infantry I got those chances,since women are not allowed into “Combat Arms” MOS slots she won’t be able to attend as many courses as I did,she might be able to get into Jump School,my advice to you would be to tell her to grab anything they’ll let her into,so if she does end up in a combat zone she’ll be more sharp,focused and in better shape,sad to say that Army Boot and AIT just isn’t enough,I’m old school,I don’t think women should allowed in combat zones,no offense intended,I’ve met some females that can stomp a weld in most guys asses,but they are very far and in between.I think we should stack our Southern border with females(as opposed to the middle east) in the Military,after all
    the Constitution of the United States requires that the Federal government, via its military forces, secure the borders of our nation. (Preventing invasion is a military duty, not a law enforcement task.) My suggestion is that we station our military forces — Active, Guard, and Reserve; plus, the activated Militias of the several states (yes, that means that states would start paying the Minutemen that currently volunteer) — along the entire length of both of our main borders. Then, at random intervals, in random locations, our troops would begin to “light up” the border regions. (To be fair, we could send Civil Affairs or Military Police troops to homes in the affected areas, in advance, to let resident citizens know that things will be a bit noisy that night.)

    And, of course, the selection of locations for these activities would not be entirely random. By various sources, we can gather intelligence about the planned activities of illegal invaders — drug traffickers, terrorists, human smugglers, foreign troops, and job-stealers — that might attempt to cross our borders in any particular location. When intelligence and surveillance indicates that such invaders are within two miles of our borders, the guns would start blazing. Given the type of terrain, and the sparse population, the sound would carry far enough to deter most people. And, the ones that continue toward the border would do so with the sure knowledge that they are about to have a confrontation with a determined military force.

    For the privileged few that have heard the “dragon burp” of an AC-130 Spectre gunship, and lived to tell about it, the sound is able to overcome any and all language barriers immediately. And, the sight of the destructive power of one of those night-fighting birds is enough to deter even the greediest “coyote” along the border.

    Speaking of greedy coyotes,this “Senate amnesty bill” makes me sick.

    In SC a Republican crowd booed Sen. Lindsey Graham, a key ally of McCain in both his 2000 and 2008 presidential bids, when he said he had worked with Democratic Sen. Ted Kennedy on the immigration legislation,(my wife’s watching “Dancing with the stars”,I’m watching “Dancing with the devils”)

    “It’s the best bill I think we can get to President Bush,” Graham said as some in the crowd shouted “No!”

    Graham was cheered earlier in his speech when he talked about the war in Iraq.

    After the speech, Graham said he was booed on immigration because “it’s an emotional topic. People are mad.”

    No Asshole,its not an “emotional topic”,its a Military topic,our country is being picked apart in every facet of
    our country’s sovereignty,from traitors in congress that suck up to big business,Unions,ect. is killing our Medical,economic and many other parts of our infrastructure,not to mention the money thats taken out of my check for this insanity.
    Some of my best friends I served with are hispanic,I have no problems with legals,its the ones that might be paid or already have to bring something here that makes a VERY big BOOM!
    We’re in a world of shit,we not only have enemies at the gates but the “Gooks are in the wire”,they maybe CEO’s,Union leaders,Congressmen,Senators or that poor Mexican that only wants a better life that our “compassionate” liberals gave amnesty too,he maybe rich
    now after bringing a special package across,stinks of Rome,our Brave legions are holding the barbarians at bay overseas while our complacent leaders doom us from within.
    Our enemies are very aware of our leaders and moonbat’s
    complacent attitude.
    BTW for the “you’re a bigot screamers”
    the word “Gook” comes from the Korean word
    means “American”,GI’s heard it
    so much it just stuck.
    Anyone here ever heard of Sun Tzu?
    End of rant. راضٍ عَن

  23. 0311inohio

    Cridhe Saorsa: Well said. May they rot in hell.

  24. Dr D Semper FI

    I went through eight week boot camp in 1969, when the D.I.’s weren’t suppossed to touch you(sure!), it scared the hell out of me for the first week, ran out of a quonset hut with a blanket on my head in the middle of the night when the D.I. told use to get our covers on and hit the parade grounds.

  25. Mike in Dallas

    Tom and SteveS,
    You guys are right on. There has to be a spark to start the fire we need to cleanse our nation. I just don’t know what it is going to take or what that spark shall be. My wife says that I should protest. Conservatives, I tell her, don’t generally run to the street and wave signs. Besides, the MSM would never cover it, or if they did, they would label us right wing extremist, racists. I really don’t know what to do. For those of you that grew up in the seventies and eighties, you’ll get this reference. I fill like the old Indian on the side of the road crying, watching as people throw out their trash on the side of the road. What do we do? Is it too late to salvage the America that I thought we had? The America John Wayne talked about in his movies? The one Reagan called the “Shining City on a Hill?” I don’t know.

  26. Tim in FL

    Many of us may think it, but keep it to ourselves in the hope we’re wrong or just on the notion of sheer faith. But, there is a foreboding sense it may already be too late.

    The heart of the problem is that as a country we are divided at the worst possible time in history. Unlike the Cold War where mutually assured destruction prevented the bombs from dropping, today’s enemy has no such fear. The time will come when Jihadists strike using weapons of mass destruction. It’s not a matter of if, but when!

    In the meantime, we continue to weaken our nations defenses from an enemy within. Most of the country is lulled into a false sense of security, mainly because the fight is not on their front door step and the fact the MSM and many of our cowardly so called leaders refuse to acknowledge the threat, not to mention who the real enemy is.

    There was a time when we were a strong nation, united against the forces that wish our destruction. But, since World War 2, we have declined into a nation of narcissists, so focused on the extreme value of personal achievement and wealth, rather than on the common good.

    The writing is on the wall, Armageddon is coming. Question is, will America survive or crumble like the Roman Empire?

  27. carol m

    This is what you should do to be heard: go visit your congressman & senator’s office in DC or local, and tell them what you think. Fax them. Call them. Go to your local GOP or Dem (who ever is in charge where you are) county gatherings–buttonhole your congressman and/or his assistant and tell them what you think. The county party has a website and they publish their events. They need to hear from you. Where I live, I’ve spoken to them and they are all on the same page with me, so it’s like preaching to the choir. MAX–your daughter is a brave girl and an outstanding American.

  28. Tom

    Mike in Dallas,

    As much as the media has portrayed this war and the struggle we find ourselves in as a disaster and a blight upon an otherwise enlightened globe, look nonetheless at the young men and women who sign up to fight this fight. Look at the stories of heroes, at the valour, the honor and the passion motivating them.

    These are young Americans as Pat calls them and they are willing to risk it all for a nation that much of our populace would rather see surrender or destroyed. When you have a guy who rides out an IED explosion and then flips off the enemy minutes later, you have as much grit, as much guts, as much fight as there has ever been in our military.

    The media however, has never been worse. They have never been more anti-American, never more traitorous, never more complicit with the enemy and never more despicable than they are now. Their ranks are filled with an entire mass of people trying to re-create the sixties and seventies as idealized in “All the President’s Men”. Thus Iraq is Vietnam and Bush is Nixon.

    Of course, Vietnam was not exactly Vietnam. There were no reports from Walter Cronkite when the North started murdering the south en masse after we gave up. There was a Hollywood movie about the Khmer Rouge but it managed to blame Nixon for those psychotic mass murderers just as George Soros would blame Al Queda on Bush today.

    The media became compliant with the Communists during Vietnam. The media became allies with Al Queda since we invaded Iraq.

    Many have opined that now the liberal media no longer has a monopoly on the media outlets. There is talk radio, Fox news, the internet, NY Post and a few others. This is true and it is good.

    But I would argue that the way that the media has been able to FRAME the Iraq debate in tandem with their romantic partners in Al Queda has been their most powerful moment in a long and sordid history. They have been able to make Abu Ghraib into Auschwitz and Gitmo into Treblinka. They’ve turned waterboarding into beheading. They’ve turned listening in on Al Queda into 1984. They’ve turned religious fundamentalist death squads into “insurgents”. They’ve magnified each attack on our soldiers into a loss. They’ve presented the mass murder of Iraqi children as “proof” we are “losing” the war. They have ignored millions of Iraqis voting in defiance of Al Queda as a stunt. They’ve taken the absence of wmd as proof that “Bush Liked!”

    (This particular point irks me greatly. If Bush and those evil but clever men around him knew Iraq had no wmd, why the F didn’t they make contingencies to PLANT some wmd? In fact, there is no greater evidence of Bush’s essential honesty than the fact that no substantial wmd were found. Which is not to say that there was no wmd. I personally think it made its way to Syria.)

    If the MSM is losing its grip on power, I do not see the evidence of that. Al Queda is committing all kinds of vicious -though often cowardly- violence in Iraq and it is portrayed as a loss for the USA. A fucking US Senator from Nevada -sometimes known as a douche- had the gall to say out loud that the war was “lost”.

    What a gift to Al Queda did Harry Reid give! What a hummer from the gentle fellow! Because if we’re losing then by simple math Al Queda sure as fuck is winning.

    Harry Reid publicly encouraged, indeed cheerleaded like a college sorority babe for Al Queda when he said that. It was perhaps a new low from a man who claims to be an American leader. He clearly thought he could get away with it and for the most part, has. This is because the Metrosexual Media has set the table for him to say this and get away with it.

    The liberals from Chris Mathews to Dana Milbank to the NY Times editorial staff all whack off imagining themselves to be Robert Redford in All the Pres’s Men. It’s their favorite ego trip, practially their Creation Myth.

    The Communists were a vicious and monstrous enemy. They were intent on our destruction and would have accomplished this were it not for our military. We won the Cold War, thanks to “staying the course” so to speak. Communism, outside of Berkley U and Pyongyang N. Korea is mostly dead. (Though liberals can still go to Communismo-Disney by going to see Fidel in Cuba.) We won. They lost.

    One huge difference between the communists and jihadists is belief. You look at Vietnam today or Eastern Europe and you see communism was miles wide by not very deep. Islam compels its adherants through death and into the next life. This gives it a dangerous advantage. This enemy is unique and takes advantage of the times and the technology.

    Jihad has learned much by studying what happened with our gentle media and its minions during the Vietnam war. They see how they wore us down by exploiting the very freedoms that both would control if in power.

    Our media outlets are more anti-American than ever before. More passionately opposed to American victory. More pro-terrorist than might have been imagined not so long ago. They are truly in concert with Al Queda to help them win.

  29. drillanwr


    What the dhimmis and rinos in Congress have created:

    “Iran’s secret plan for summer offensive to force US out of Iraq”

    Simon Tisdall
    Tuesday May 22, 2007



    Now, imagine IF the democrats had actually been on our side in this war …

  30. carol m

    Maybe we are the “silent majority,” like when Cronkite ruled the airwaves. The MSM always had its say, but then the “silent majority” reared its head and elected Reagan. :roll:

  31. TJ

    “victory belongs to those who believe in it most, who believe in in the longest”

    “there is nothing stronger thans the heart of a volunteer”

    2 quotes from alec baldwin, a leftist actor in the movie pearl harbor.

    It reminds me of democrats. Actors at heart Playing games with soldiers lives yet pretending to support the troops.

    Mr. baldwin must have been thinking “BS” while uttering these words, just as leftists must be thinking “BS” while uttering the words, that they support the troops.


  32. Mike in Dallas

    I totally agree with you and everyone else on this site. The question is, what the HELL do we do about it? There are so many issues that we as the American people are getting totally screwed on that it makes it hard for me to see a bright future unless we take action. What that action should be is the million-dollar question.

    I know our military has grit and I know those of us who already served or have grounded ideals and common sense have grit but what about the rest of the masses?

    A whole lot of people are either already brainwashed liberals or they go through life with blinders on. They know more about American Idol than what is going on in the world. That leaves us right-wingers that see the world clearly, stuck between a rock and a hard place.

    The posers calling themselves Republicans, the career politicians who worship the all mighty dollar above all else, spew their lies while they sale us down the river to China, Mexico and whoever else is the highest bidder.

    We all know what the liberals are doing. I could write a book on how much they suck and what a cancer they are but what would change?

    Action must be taken. What that action should be, I don’t know. Where is Thomas Jefferson when you need him?

  33. carol m

    Well, Mike in Dallas, maybe the GOP politicians where you are are posers, but where I am, the 2 congressmen and their chiefs of staff are right on. One is rich and doesn’t need the money, and the other is probably crazy and just does what he thinks is best. So, I guess I’m lucky I’m well represented, but maybe you all need to convince your reps to start REPRESENTING YOU. And throw them out if they don’t. :razz:

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