Breaking: Reports Are Coming In That One Of The Three Soldiers Captured In The Triangle Of Death Was Just Found Dead

May 23rd, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Soldier was found “in uniform” in “town of Mussayieb” about 35kilometers south of Baghdad. Another report says the body was found floating in the Euphrates which is consistent with the Mussayieb location. I’ve spent a lot of time in Mussayieb, and it’s actually a primarily peaceful, and very small, Shiite town. I have footage of me and Marines walking through the Souk, being treated like royalty and given treats from shop owners. “No sign of the other two soldiers, and the search continues in earnest…”

Intense Photo\Audio Essay On What The Search Has Been Like. Warning: Graphic Images Of The Casualties Of War


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34 Responses

  1. TJ

    do you suppose mookie is to blame for this? or is alqaeda trying to set them up?

  2. mindy abraham

    How horrible-I hope they find the others alive :cry:

  3. Robert

    Re: that photo essay w/audio: wtf? A news story from the NY Times that hasn’t been spun out of recognition nor is full of lies, distortions and politicization of the war and the troops? You could knock me over with a feather…

    (ps: am I the only one who’s not getting _any_ graphics to load with the web page? Not even backgrounds or fonts? Stripped-down ascii html is all I’m getting here…)

  4. Vanessa

    excellent photo video essay.

  5. Tim Roesch


    That was a very good report from the NYT reporter. Who woulda thunk they were capable of it.

    I am also wondering if the US Military is monitoring cell phones somehow. I don’t pretend to know what I am talking about but I would at least be interested in doing some SigInt and, maybe, letting some tagged cell phones get stolen so that they can be monitored. Maybe all cell phones in Baghdad (sp) should be tagged somehow.

    just a thought….

    Tim Roesch
    Command Private Major


    what a skewed essay/report, what a vulture

    as if the only thing happening with that section is that they were blown up

  7. johnF

    Death to jihadis! Death to Islamic supremacists! Death to hamas, islamic jihad, the PLO, hesbollah, al qaida, fatah, moqtada, the mullahs, and any individual who celebrated September 11th. You bastards are the enemies of civilization, you must die!

  8. valerie

    I hope the searchers are alert and keep their heads, no matter what they find.

  9. HJ in VA

    The loss of this soldier is gut wrenching…and brutal. It defines the character of our enemy. I will be praying for him and his family tonight at my prayer meeting. :sad:

  10. Steady

    Never trust a NY Times “reporter”. Regardless of what one may initially think, those employed at the NY Slimes wish only ill will on our troops and our effort in Iraq. Good news from Iraq does not bode well for the Democrat friends of the NY Slimes.

  11. Wendy

    I thought I could not love our troops anymore than I already do, but I was wrong. This video essay has just made me love them all the more for their sacrifices and determination in the face of such evil.

  12. Tim Roesch

    DevilDog81mm writes - what a skewed essay/report, what a vulture

    as if the only thing happening with that section is that they were blown up

    Just for my own edification, what was skewed? I am assuming he can’t mention names and that none of the soldiers would want to be interviewed at that moment. It appeared balanced, to the point, direct and at least somewhat concious of the security situation and the emotion of the moment. He could have made damning comments about the leader of that patrol not being (apparently) concerned about someones’ cell phone going off (tactical security at least dictates some noise doctrine) and I have NO infantry training (I was a 92b20) but I would not have had my patrol sitting in the open like that with cover nearby. Of course, there could have been other circumstances of which I am not aware. As a paint baller from way back…that was a kill zone they were in. I also didn’t see security for the landing zone. It appeared that that patrol was a sitting duck.

    The reporter could have done way worse.

    I would like to see more like that. I would also like to see more like that one report with the Brits in Basra(?).

    Tim Roesch
    Command Private Major.

  13. roadking

    WTF…………..WHO WAS THE SOB WITH THE CELL PHONE AND WHY THE FUCK DID’NT THEY KILL THE BASTARD ON THE SPOT……………I am so pissed. And all you see in the photo’s are the American troops helping our wounded, what were the 60 IA doing resting and taking a break. Total fucking bullshit. I told my boy up in Kadimyah not to trust any of them POS………….I AM SO PISSED RIGHT NOW

  14. EZRider

    I heard a story a couple months ago about a platoon leader who was pinned down with some of his men. The enemy moved in and were trying to take him and some of his men capture. Rather than let the enemy take him (if I remember correctly I believe he was wounded) he pulled the pin on his grenade and blew the jihadis up. He died, but his men survived and, because the grenade killed a good portion of the attacking jihadis, were able to defeat the enemy. Unfortunately I don’t have anything hard to corroborate this story, but the individual who told it to me is reliable enough that I don’t question its authenticity.

    The enemy we’re fighting today is not interested in the Geneva convention, law of armed conflict, prisoner rights, or prisoner exchange. Our enemy will torture, humiliate and kill the prisoners it takes. What little humanity one can find in war is lost when dealing with this sort of enemy. I pray for the young men being held captive and I pray we find them before the enemy kills them.

  15. MikeP

    I can tell you that this is the only place I will believe to tell me the truth about any of our military heroes. I will pray for him and his family and the safe return of the other two.
    God Bless our Military Heroes, and a never ending thank you for what you do for America, and give to America.

  16. Jewish Odysseus

    God rest this American hero, and comfort his family. :cry:

  17. Iacobus

    I see the fucking cockroaches are trying to capitalize on the search for the missing troops. Fucking fuckheads.

    You know, I don’t think there was ever a time I despised the Islamofascists as much as I do now. (And I didn’t think that was possible.)


    the only thing that truely shown was that the americans were blown up, these troops, were they just there for a day,yesterday how many doors did they kick in, how many insurgents captured this week, or even killed, more has happened than someone got blown up

    not only did they get blown up, they continued the mission,they didn’t stop

    the story is what it takes to walk through the mine field even after you know it is a mine field this is the story

  19. Kathy Ozanne

    Got the news this morning on the way to the bus stop. As is our custom, hubby and I pray every morning before we part ways for the day. Today it was my turn to pray. I barely made it through.

    I’d rather be angry than the way I feel right now.

    May God be a comfort to this person’s family right now.

  20. 4THID

    Can you say BUTT stroke to the head for that POS.Our armed forces need the green light to start lighting these bastards up on the spot

  21. patriot

    Anyone else notice that the reporter kind of sounded like Ben Stiller in Zoolander?

  22. Tim Roesch


    I hope we haven’t forgotten the lessons of Vietnam. Walking on trails? Sitting around in the open? Trusting ‘informants’ too much? Walking through a mud pit?
    All the armor on your Humvee doesn’t help you if you walk right into a trap.

    Tim Roesch
    Command Private Major

  23. Tim Roesch

    Iacobus writes: I see the fucking cockroaches are trying to capitalize on the search for the missing troops. Fucking fuckheads.

    Actually, you can’t stomp on the cockroaches until they’re out in the open. On Fox News a General said there were many unintended benefits from the search for the missing soldiers. I could hear the hard on over the radio.

    I wonder what those ‘consequences’ were.

    Tim Roesch
    Command Private Major

  24. A. S. Wise

    To the bastards who did this: may you reach a timely end facing a expertly-aimed M16. Apparently, you still foolishly think you can best our fighting men on the battlefield.

  25. daytrader

    HotAir has an update to their post on this story that the other two may have also been recovered, still looking for further confirmation.

    They are all in our prayers.

  26. daytrader

    is the link they reference for a Voice of Iraq story on the other two.

  27. daytrader

    Take time to remember the meaning of Memorial Day

    Carolyn Tate and Maizie Harris Jesse
    For the Appeal
    May 22, 2007

    Comment Comments (7) Print Friendly Print Email Email

    This Memorial Day we have a lot to remember. Sgt. Anthony Schober, who went to school at Douglas High, was killed in Iraq in a tragic incident that has left three of his comrades missing in action and believed captive. While his family and friends grieve, his company is scouring the countryside, trying to find the captured soldiers. Pvt. Alejandro “Alex” Varela, of Fernley, was also killed in Iraq last week, making it a dreadful week for our soldiers and their families.

    We are hunting for the rest but there are also the initial losses.

    Still can’t find a confirmation on the story about the other two.

    Rest in Peace brave soldiers.

  28. Theo

    I dunno, I thought that NYT photo essay was pretty well done. And it was good of you (Pat) to link to them. It’d be unfair to not mention it when they actually report something other than “Bombing hints to lack of stable government”.

  29. Blastdad

    God welcome this young man home and give him a place of honor to spend eternity, comfort his family in thier hour of sorrow Amen.

  30. 0311inohio

    EZRider: Medal of Honor would be going to that Lt. if the story turns out to be true.

    Iacobus: Amen! No plitcal correctness or any other feel good bull shit. Kill the fucks.

  31. FTL

    God this makes me so sad… I pray there is no evidence of tourture & I pray if there was, that God took that soldier to heaven quick. —– I remember reading somewhere that there was no greater gift a person could give… than his own life for a brother. Our troops are doing this & so much more. They are laying down their lives for perfect strangers & kids that have yet to be born. —————-> may their rewards be so much more than heaven.

    Our troops are great great people… courageous, amazing strength with hearts of gold. This is what being an American IS all about. Just IMHO.

    Let freedom ring.

    This finding only fuels my strong belief that we need to keep on keeping on… Fuck Pelosi & all the bitches she road in on (like reid). move on-org—-> move the fuck on!

    I too was surprised at the slide show by the NYTimes… very surprised.

  32. Tanicacid

    I hope the Jihadist know that this kind of prisoner treatment only hardens the soldier against being captured. Sounds like these circumstances prevented that from happening. Who knows why they were in the open, as I recall guerilla enemies placed Booby traps in areas they guessed we’d be, maybe that was factored into their position at the time. Don’t know, wasn’t there. Just hope the other two will make it somehow. I’m thinking they are covering this more than other stories as it’s a love story all the way around. These guys doing stuff for love of country, their unit, each other and the “family” that’s looking for them.

    Tim Roesch,

    I like your sign off, Command Private Major. I got a copy of my old unit roster and on it there was a guy I never met, but his folks must have had military plans for him from the get go. His actual name was Seargent General (xxxxx). So his mail call would have been, Lance Corporal Seargent General (xxxxx). Often wondered if he was ever captured what confusion that would give his interagators.

  33. Tincan Sailor

    I have my cell phone set on 911 in case I have a stroke
    from an honest and un-biased report from the NYT,good

  34. Tim Roesch


    Tanicacid writes: I like your sign off, Command Private Major.

    I was the highest ranking private in the army (three years as an E-1)

    I was known as the Command Private Major by all the doctors and nurses in my General Hospital Unit. Boy did that piss of the Sergeant in charge of the chemistry section of the lab.

    Tim Roesch
    Command Private Major

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