John Edwards Today: There Is No War On Terror

May 23rd, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


This Is Mind Control To Major Tom

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62 Responses

  1. Mike in Dallas

    :mrgreen: What a total jackass Edwards is….

  2. steadfast

    Everytime I see that video, it makes me want to take a shower. To think that man was my senator once. (didn’t vote for him)He’s nothing but a snake-oil salesman and a hypocrite.

  3. Iacobus

    Love the compact. Tres chic.

    Ann Coulter is right. He is a faggot.

    From the article:

    “”By framing this as a war, we have walked right into the trap the terrorists have set — that we are engaged in some kind of clash of civilizations and a war on Islam.”"

    Is this man fucking stupid or what? I don’t think I anyone else could contain that much stupidity in one sentence but Silky Pony manages to do it in one fell swoop.

    Note to Edwards: We *are* having a clash of civilizations, in case you didn’t know. One side involves swarthy assholes who want to kill everyone else that don’t subscribe to their fucking warped worldview. (Or was 9/11 not enough proof for you? No? How about the USS Cole? Beirut? Lockerbie? The first WTC attack? I could go on and on…)


    is the next step calling the troops babykillers?

    it can’t be far behind

  5. Kathy Ozanne

    “It is now clear that George Bush’s misnamed ‘War on Terror’ has backfired — and is now part of the problem,” Edwards told the Council of Foreign Relations in New York. “The War on Terror is a slogan designed only for politics, not a strategy to make America safe. It’s a bumper sticker, not a plan.”

    This guy has no connection to reality whatsoever. He must have been styling his hair on 9-11 and missed the whole damn thing!

    I read this after having found out the news about one of our own being found dead in the Euphrates, and I just want to slap the shit out of this guy. I got a backfire for him, SOB.

    Thank you Pat for making me mad. Beat the hell out of the sorrow I felt earlier today.

  6. tsarbomba

    :lol: $400 haircuts don’t need primping and preening. Do they?

  7. Mike Swann

    This guy really makes me grind my teeth and want to spit bullets.

    You got to love & respect this country though, because only here, a self-absorbed, ignorant attorney can buy podium time and spew these lies and half truths to anyone that will listen.

    PS. I like the picture. I am sure he give daily thanks to his hair dresser, shrink and his friends at the adcademy.

  8. lwssdd

    I thought Baghdad Bob was dead.

  9. TWarrior

    Maybe this will convince the Breck girl.

    Fucking piece of shit!! :mad:

  10. TWarrior

    Sorry about the movie add that precedes the video, I can’t do anything about that.


  11. dan

    whats the problem with these pole smokers………when are they going to GET IT????????????????? :evil:

  12. Bob USMC

    And here’s video on today of Edwards on O’Reilly in October 2001, a month after 9/11 and before the Iraq War, pledging democrat unity with Bush on the War On Terror “bumper sticker”.

    O’Reilly called it dead on. He must be a psychic. And some great points in the writing at Hot Air about it.

    “Silky’s pronouncement this morning that the term “war on terror” is nothing more than a “bumper sticker” is getting lots of attention, but I’m not sure why. He made his opinion on the matter crystal clear weeks ago at the debate and he’s shown before how far he’s willing to go to pander to the nutroots (among whom this sort of thing is received wisdom), first by hiring some of their most objectionable members for his campaign and then of course by [b]throwing a tantrum over Fox News getting to host one of the primary debates. This appearance on the Factor is one of 33 he made on the network between August 2000 and the moment he decided he couldn’t win without the support of the most reactionary part of the left-wing base.[/b]”

  13. JLHowell

    Maybe he did not get the memo that he voted for the global war on terror. He may be an idiot but his hair shuure looks gooood! DumbAss!!!

  14. carol m

    Oh man, I just got into it with some co-workers (who I might add are highly educated professionals) who are so left wing, they make Pelosi look like a moderate. They were going on about how horrible Bush and what “our country has done” is, and I finally had to speak out (it’s my policy not to get into these conversations because I know they will end up persecuting me). I said “hey I just have to say–have you ever played sports? Then you know, we should stick up for our team. So I think our country is the greatest on earth and I am sticking up for it.” They couldn’t even agree with me on that. Sad and scary. The bad guys, with an assist from the media, have truly accomplished their mission to divide (and maybe conquer) us. :sad:

  15. Tim Roesch


    Rush predicts that it is 80% likely that Hilary will be the next President. I am wondering if that might not be a good thing in the long run. Maybe we need some more terrorist attacks in this country, maybe a state or two succeeding from the Union for all of us to wake up.

    Tim Roesch
    Command Private Major

  16. mdetlh

    Hey Breck Girl,
    We’re hunting for IED emplacers in this non existent war, right now.

  17. Judith


  18. Doug

    Hey … it’s an actual image of Edwards not wearing the bright yellow rubber “Livestrong” bracelet. He always wears it between his big watch and his hand so it won’t slide under the cuff of his shirt sleeve and thus give America the impression that he’s pro cancer.

    Using a charity symbol to get votes … what a class act. :lol: :lol: :lol:

  19. A. S. Wise

    Typical comment I would expect from the liberal idiots we have to put up with.

  20. drillanwr

    ~ “It is now clear that George Bush’s misnamed ‘War on Terror’ has backfired — and is now part of the problem,” Edwards told the Council of Foreign Relations in New York. “The War on Terror is a slogan designed only for politics, not a strategy to make America safe. It’s a bumper sticker, not a plan.” ~

    I don’t know quite what to say to that …

    It’s like staring at your shoe after you’ve stepped in dog shit.

    That’s about all you can say: `Shit!’

  21. Steve

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  22. flytdoc

    This would almost be comical except that a sizable number of people believe this nonsense. John Edwards is obviously an Elmer Gantry redux with a “law” degree. His snake oil- however enticing it may be- is no more effective than the previous pernicious vials passed by hucksters at carnivals- for a fee, of course. It is, of course, no less poisonous. While he talks about restoring the contract with those of us in uniform, he enthusiastically does all he can to undercut us. He talks of making the world a safer place, yet promises to close Gitmo and release the vermin incarcerated there to wreak yet more havoc around the world- including his precious North Carolina.

    Does any of this rancid pablum make any sense? Certainly not; but, of course, we are talking about Democratic presidential candidates here- nothing needs to make sense when these clowns are in town. Just keep your doors locked and your hand on your wallet.

    Here’s yet another sad example from the extreme left of a buffoon masquerading as an intellect who wants to be a statesman. Or…at least to place himself in a position to secure more graft to line his already heavy pockets- populist, indeed! Pish…backfire this, you loser!

  23. Infidel

    It’s better to be thought of as a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

  24. Steve_Montana

    Man that news media is quick:,8599,1624697,00.html

    Too bad Pat was about a month ahead of them.

  25. Greg

    Edwards blows. He and his left side of the isle can grow some balls.

  26. Steve_Montana

    A wise man once told me that it you always tell the truth you never have to remember what you said.

    John Edwards: We will be united with the President throughout the war on terrorism.

  27. Tom

    There is no war on terror. No jihad. No 9/11. In fact, it never happened. No Muslim Brotherhood. No London bombings. No Madrid. No Mumbai. No Cole. No endless war against Israel. They never cut off Daniel Pearl’s head. Nor Nick Berg’s. No suicide bombings in Jerusalem. The Taliban didn’t massacre people. Didn’t shoot women for wearing nail polish. Tens of thousands of Algerians have not been killed by Islamic fundamentalists. They did not blow up a synagogue in Chile. They didn’t blow up a synagogue in Istanbul. They aren’t killing Christians in Sudan/Darfur. They are not killing Buddhists in Thailand. Nor Hindus in India.

    They don’t seek to attack us on our soil. They don’t want WMD for that purpose. The reason there have been no attacks on our soil since 9/11 is because hey, there’s no attacks to prevent. The Administration tortures people for no good reason. Because they like it. Gitmo has no terrorists in it. Just innocent victims being denied their rights as American citizens.

    Yes, if only we were nicer, gentler, more peace loving people, the angry Muslims might learn how shiney-happy-people we really are and knowing that will like us, really really like us! And once they do like us, they’ll stop killing Jewish people.

    Yes, John Edwards has hit on some great truth. There is no war on terror. Because there’s nothing to fight. It’s all a figment of our imagination. Indeed, the larger truth is that the gov’t itself CAUSED 9/11 and did so to create a so called “war on terror” as a pretext to listen in our our personal lives, read out emails and learn our political views in order to better control us.

    Indeed, the real threat is not jihad or so called “Islamo-fascists” it is people like Bush, Rove and Christian conservatives such as the thankfully deceased Jerry Falwell. Falwell and Bush are theocrats who wish to bring our country back several centuries to a Christian/Big Oil patriarchy that will oppress women, homosexuals and limit free speech. Why they may allow polygamy for men and demand women wear clothes that cover them from head to toe to suppress their sexuality.

    There were charges in the towers that day. 9/11 was caused by the CIA or the FBI or perhaps just the Republican Party. It was a pretext to build up towards the invasion of Iraq, which was done in order to get the oil out of the country. And to further the repressive, unfree culture of fear that intimidates even the famous, such as the Dixie Chicks and Rosie O’Donell from speaking what is really on their mind.

    The terror is in the room, as George Clooney said. If we elect someone like John Edwards, he will uncloak the devious lie that is the so called “war on terror”. With his brave light shining, we can begin a new era, free from the fear mongering, war mongering, saber rattling and meanness of Bush, Rove, Rumsfeld and Republicans.

    Now apparently there is a genocide ongoing in Darfur.

    By coincidence, the perpetrators of the genocides (Plural, as there has been more than one in Sudan.) are Muslim. Now we are supposed to oppose that but on the other hand, ignore the ideology that motivates the mass murderers.

    Thanks John Edwards, for your very fine work for the victims of mass murder in Darfur.

    Everyone go back to sleep. No jihad here, move it along.

  28. everydayjoe

    What a wonderful role model she is, primping and preening for her audition as prom queen.

    With the mind-numbing aural shit coming from this fucktard’s mouth, it’s hard to believe that this gal is still accepted as an American…

  29. FreedomBill

    Can you say “flip-flop”?

    This clown has more sides than a greasy spoon! I always hate when he raises one hand to talk with, because I never know what he’s doing with the other. Most of the time I’m feeling a piercing pain in my backside!


  30. Capt. J

    This guy is such bullshit. I’ll be at a memorial service at 1300 today to honor one of our best who gave his all so that we could all enjoy this beautiful day free of terror. I wonder what Edwards is going to be doing today? Maybe stumping somewhere on how much he supports the soldier. Don’t you just want to bitch slap this little puke. I mean, I don’t even want to punch him, that’s what you do to a man, this panty-waste needs to be slapped and sent home. Isn’t he already a proven loser.

  31. 0311inohio

    Fucking Edwards is delusional at best. The only thing he has going for him (with the democRATS and lib’s) is that he is prettier than Hillary the Hog! :beer: :beer: :beer:

  32. John Ford (Fla)

    It’s to bad that Communist is not a bad word anymore. In the 50’s and 60’s they infiltrated the government. But since Communist is not a bad word anymore, we are electing them.

  33. POD1

    Typical liberal.
    Deny the truth, invent a “new” truth.
    They use language and symantics like a weapon.
    Liberals call it “using nuance” or “reframing the argument”.
    Jihadis call it taqiyya.

    Taqiyya is the legal-lie clause in islam.
    The koran justifies any act of horror by stating its OK to lie about it.

    They’re “reframing the argument” when they say islam is a religion of peace, from the original “religion of conquest”.

    During the ‘04 presidential election liberals all but said they were terrorist sympathisers.
    Then they got bent out of shape when called on it.
    “How dare you question my patriotism!!!”
    Redirecting and reframing the argument. Taqiyya.

    With the ‘08 elections starting so early they can’t sustain this illusion of being “Americans” any longer.
    They’ve clearly chosen al-quida’s side.

    What troubles me the most is even if we win in ‘08,
    the liberals are still here.
    Living free to destroy America another day.
    We have to remove the liberal cancer from our government.

    To steal a line from the dixie chi(kkk)s:
    Americans like John Edwards make me ashamed to be an American.

    This is one very pissed off American signing off for now.

    Pat, stay safe.

  34. HJ in VA

    Pretty little rich boy…what a jackass! He’s calling for everyone to protest the war in Iraq at all Memorial Day ceremonies across the nation…. :evil:

  35. drillanwr


    Seems John Edwards knows a hell of a lot about “bumper stickers” as he is selling T-shirts and bumper stickers on his site … for profit, of course …

    His slogan?

    “Support The Troops. End The War.”

    Sure the fuck sounds like war profiteering to me.

    Also, yunz know Edwards is calling for antiwar signs to be carried and waved during Memorial Day celebrations and parades???

  36. stormin1961

    this man is a total and complete joke. the only reason he could be called a “man” is because of his anatomy. perhaps he is actually the first hermaphrodite presidential candidate.

  37. Heather

    John Baby… look maaahvelous!! Hey, when you finish getting dolled up, will you e-mail my husband and let him know that there is no war on terror. Hopefully, he’ll be able to read about that when he returns from his mission. He’ll be so happy. I wonder if that means he’ll be coming home to me soon. Should I tell our boys or just surprise them? They sure have missed their Daddy.
    OK just to clarify…are you saying there is currently no war on terror or there never was a war on terror? My husband has been leaving me to “go fight in a war”. Do you think that is an alibi for something else? What could he be up to? You don’t think he’s…..? He talks about defending our nation against the rising tide of Islamic terrorism. He speaks of having integrity and standing up for what is honorable. He says he is trying to make the world safer for our sons. Do you think he’s feeding me a line? And you know….I bought it….Anyone can see and read for themselves that Islam is a religion of peace. And as the great journalist Fatcat has pointed out, Islam and Christianity are basically one and the same. And perhaps it is even us—the Christian right-wingers who are the terrorists.
    Mr. Edwards thank you for opening my eyes. Who knows how long I would have lived with the fallacy that our brave troops are in the Middle East to protect our nation from Islamic terrorism. But I tell you they put on a good show…President Bush and our military. They really make it realistic. Why I can actually feel my windows rattle when our Army guys are practicing maneuvers down range–in preparation for their “war”. Once again thanks for being the voice of reason and truth.
    A Grateful Army Wife

    (I shouldn’t have to do this—but sometimes idiots visit this site. This post is an attempt at sarcasm.)

  38. John Cunningham

    You look marvelous, dahling.

  39. ~Jack~

    I think that photo pretty much sums up the arrogant ass.

  40. Raptor_Pilot

    What a dink.

  41. EdinTampa

    Just read on Right Wing News that Former Senator Edwards doesn’t like being around gay people.

    Could that be because they have figured him out? They know his persuasion!

  42. House 6

    Most of you all keep referring to Edwards in the masculine. I guarantee, under that chest wrap, his tits are bigger than mine.

    I can’t believe this wuss has the nerve to say the crazy, fork-tongued BS she does about our troops. I’m with Heather. I wish he’d have let us in on the secret BEFORE my husband spent 19 months over there. It’s too bad that our awesome USASOC and Delta warriors, which are about 90 miles from his McMansion’s doorstep, can’t pop in and show him a good time. After all, I’m sure they aren’t busy BECAUSE THERE’S NO WAR ON TERROR!!

    Pat, I wish you wouldn’t post this kind of stuff when I’m PMSing because now all I can think about is how my choking the shit of this girl might somehow relieve my symptoms. Thank God we’re not a Bragg anymore!!!

  43. drillanwr

    Edwards is gonna get his girly ass kicked when he goes off to grade school …

  44. House 6

    Good God, Almighty. It’s worse than I thought. Now I don’t know whether to be even more pissed or throw up.

  45. bd

    All right you Nazis! There is NO War on Terror, it’s all a figment of Bushes imagination! That’s right. What you’re seeing on the news is c-o-m-p-u-t-e-r g-e-n-e-r-a-t-e-d! But you red neck, beer swillin’, God fearin’, Marine lovin’, white, christian, hetero, breeding, males will never understand that because you’re too dumb too understand the c-o-m-p-u-t-e-r. Because you’re too red neck, and white trash! So when Bush… wait, not making sense, Bush is a red neck, how can he… and computers… oh no! Not making sense… I hate you white Americans… because you’re not tolerant like us Liberals… Edwards is beautiful, his hair… voted before I voted against… How can you not see that Edwards will save America by pretending their is no war!!! Oh well, enough of Liberal ‘debate’. I have a sense that the message is getting out there more and more (ours, not the Fibs, oops, Libs). I’m getting more and more emails at work about supporting the troops and lately I’ve been sending them and I’m getting pretty good responses. Pat, keep up the good work, your message is getting through. One last Fib rant… …And the Earth is flat because of Bush and he’s corporationey!!!…

  46. Infidel

    Imagine there’s no terrorists,
    it’s easy if you try,
    nothing to kill or die for,
    a brotherhood of suicide bombers …..
    Imagine all the lib-rals, living for that day…

    I HOPE people are listening.

    bd–very funny! Love it. :lol:

  47. Randy Anderson, GySgt

    Another Fing lawyer, that’s all we need in the White House! Hey NC! What were yall thinking?

  48. Future0311


  49. drillanwr

    Oh, my! This was a real gem to find:

    May 24, 2007
    “Let’s do it; let’s Impeach Bush”

  50. the_right_reverend

    Most of us in NC know that know that this slime ball edwards is a total pile shit… We will never know how many small businesses in the state had to fold due to him and injury cases….

  51. Todd Mitchell

    Found an interesting link, thought you guys would enjoy.,2933,275341,00.html

  52. Steve in NC

    just moved to NC so you can’t blame me… but I left the state which reelects john conyers and carl levin and with the worst economy in the nation those idiots keep the canadian born socialist governor in office. Michigan, the entitlement state

  53. Unite Later

    Monthly blogaroni…

    Interesting Audio-

    Interesting historical background regarding the marriage (yes, singular) of Henry the VIII.

    After listening to this interview, I am convinced that Fred Thomson should choose John Bolton for his VP.

    Interesting Videos-


  54. Heather

    Hate the state gov’t but love Michigan–can’t wait for my husband to retire so we can move back!!!! When the Army gave us our “wish list” of duty stations for recruiting detail, Michigan was last on our list. We didn’t know anything about it. I remember saying “I think they grow apples.” Lo and behold we were sent to Michigan (I’ve since learned to reverse my wish lists). However, I am thankful we were sent there. It is a beautiful state–and we made great friends. When I am home pining for my husband’s return–I daydream about Michigan–the memories I have and my hopes for our future there.
    OK well that was off topic—you had to get me started on MI…… :smile:
    Well, whether you guys know it or not you are kind of like my cyber family now… I’m allowed to ramble periodically right? Oh, and whether you know it or not—you have been chosen to help me get through the next 11 months. I found out today that my husband is supposed to be home next April–not Jan. As with most Soldiers, his 12 month tour was extended. I knew it was coming–but you always hope until you see the paperwork.
    I have a lollipop tree for each of my boys. There is a lollipop for each week Daddy is gone. Every Sat. they get a sucker–. I added some more lollipops to our countdown trees—dried my tears…counted my blessings and now we are ready to carry on. I miss my husband so much—but I am so proud of him. Sometimes we are on post when the flag is lowered at 5pm. Everyone stops what they are doing. Intersections are closed down by the MP’s and people get out of their cars to stand at attention to honor our flag and all it stands for. Even if you are in the commisary parking lot–you stop–you can’t see the flag but you face the direction of the horns. Anyway–I love that pride I feel in my husband…in my family, in my country (not the one the Dems want–but MY country)and in all of our troops. I love looking over and seeing 5 little boys standing at attention with their hands over their hearts—it always brings tears to my eyes. I am very blessed to have such a husband and such a man to teach our sons how to be men.
    So somehow this post turned into a mini–tribute to my beloved. It is the least, the very least, I can do for such a man. I know there are many here who have family members in the armed services–please know that when my prayers are said it includes them and you. When I see our flag–or am awashed in pride for our troops I am thinking of them and of you. :smile:

    By the way House 6—I don’t know if this site is prepared to deal with 2 PMS’ing Military Wives at the same time—should be interesting around here!!! :wink:

  55. Tim in FL

    Not that Silky Pony would even get past the primary, but check out the video House 6 provided (, then ask yourself, is this Presidential material? This is a Commander in Chief? LMFAO! :twisted: No war on terror huh? The hairspray fumes have fried his brain!

  56. Tim in FL


    We (this nation) are the ones blessed to have a family such as yours! Thank you for all you do! Stay strong and keep the faith! We are right there with you! United We Stand! God bless. :smile:

  57. john

    co’mon guys give him a break..he’s really a TORT lawyer, remember. It’s all he knows, manipulate the truth to serve yourself, wait that sounds like the majority of the dems as well…hmmm, TORT lawyers and dems, what an interesting connection….must ponder more…

  58. Marc L. Sabin

    It is interesting to read all the concern regarding the inane remarks made by John Edwards concerning the War on Terror. In the past I could accept his untoward commentary as the price to be paid for the freedoms our armed forces are defending today and every day around the globe. And then I would go on and complain about the idiocy of his liberal philosophy and self serving posturing. But now he has gone too far.

    His web site is today asking people to go out and protest at the sites of Memorial Day observances and he is doing it in the typical liberal manner of “new speak”, trying to frame the argument in a way that allows him to say he is really supporting the troops when is is actually denigrating their service and the service of millions of other patriotic veterans who have gone before them.

    On the one hand he asks people to “Gather Local Voices to End the War. Walk the streets of your neighborhood. Table at public events [sic]. Get everyone you know to write letters or sign a petition to your members of Congress asking them to use Congressional funding authority to support our troops with a binding plan to end the war.” Yet on the other hand he says “Say Thank You - Send a thank-you note to our troops through organizations like or Better yet-gather folks together to write thank-you note at a picnic. Just let us know below what you’re doing so your act can help inspire others. If you’d like others to join you, mark your event as public. ”

    What a hypocrite. He is ignorant of the world and the threat we face, is naive as to what drives the enemy and probably has never heard of Gen Vo Nguyen Giap. In his book, Giap notes the anti-war left wing in the United States (whose duty were you reporting for then John Kerry?) was a major factor in the North Vietnamese victory over South Vietnam. As one reviewer notes: “NOT ONE SINGLE UNIT OF THE AMERICAN GROUND FORCE EVER SURRENDERED TO THE ENEMY IN FIELD BATTLES. As Giap hints clearly, the war was lost on the American homefront.”

    Shame on you John Edwards and on all the other self-aggrandizing, anti-American, liberal apologists of your ilk. You and they deny the damage you do to this country. But you cannot hide it. Every day Americans die because of what you say and do. I say that damage is a clear and present danger to the security, safety and prosperity of every American. I am outraged by your politics.

  59. Colt .45

    Ann Coulter was correct… Edwards is a QUIFF!

  60. tsarbomba

    Promising political news. Somtetimes you just gotta hand it to the Defeatocrats. Walking papers that is. :beer:
    Check out:

  61. Clyde Conneer

    While I’ve been making plans to end Silky’s slither to the White house he’s done himself in with this “Support the Troops-End the War” hoss hockie. The ignorant arrogant little bastard is toasted.

  62. Garth in Utah

    One thing that I guess I’m just not smart enough to understand is that when the left says it doesn’t support the war, but it supports the troops.

    How’s that? How can one support the troops but not their mission? I’ve always thought that to support the troops one must support the mission of those troops.

    Sen. Edwards, if you don’t believe there is terror over there, I’d suggest you get yourself a prominent Star of David pendant, wear it around your neck and take a walk through the streets of Teran. I’m sure you’ll be welcomed with open arms.

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