May 26th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

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27 Responses

  1. Steve in Montana

    The Begining and the End.

    Thought: Are we going to be the generation that loses this great beacon of liberty to the world…. called America!

  2. terry smyth

    no steve
    we are going to be like the apes in the beginning and grab the only weapons and beat the shit out of the death bones that we see in front of us. This is not the end, this is not even the start of the end, this is perhaps the end of the beginning..churchill
    We in the west must stand firm in the face of the death bones and show them for what they really are, just bones.

  3. France the retour

    this place is becomming a philosophical café ?

  4. drillanwr

    Nicely said, Terry! :beer:

  5. Steve in NC

    Alpha Omega?

    You planning an end in Iraq?

  6. Steve in Montana

    Good… cause all we have been doing is acting like the apes in the Mel Brooks version.

  7. Jkon


  8. me

    Pat, Stay Safe on your trip.

  9. JeanieNY

    OK, I feel like a real dumbass for saying this…I don’t get it! What is the tall black slab?

  10. Joshua

    It’ll be over soon, the hour is very late.

  11. Tincan Sailor

    Well Lads a little advice from one who’s been around the
    block a time or 2..Never sell America short.Yes times
    are a little tough.But to say they are the worst doesn’t
    cut it.They don’t even rank in the top 10, even the top
    15.And our problem is?Get over the political correctness
    and stop the whining and complaining.Americans have it
    to friggen good the fact is you all just don’t get it…

  12. GREG G. S.

    I like that first video, you sure that’s not called “The Dusk of Al Qeada”, after 6 years of United States Military engagements… those Muslim monkey fucks are looking pretty ratty since they aren’t getting the financing they once had. I guess that’s thick as a brick allah telling them they will have to go to bones if they don’t get a hold of any replacement A-K’z some time soon. Is that a pig those Muslim cavemen just killed for lunch? Maybe there’s hope for them yet to think out side their own stupid little box.

  13. john courage

    so what’s “2001: space odyssey” supposed to represent, whats the hidden meaning?

  14. Pat Dollard

    What does it mean?


  15. Steve_Montana

    Hmm… maybe its the Black Stone or the Kaaba stone of Mecca.

  16. NVSailor

    It’s symbolic; the monolith is America, and no matter what the monkey’s (or the terrorists) do, it still stands there. And all the monkey antics in the world won’t make it move or fall down.

  17. Q_Mech

    In the beginning we learned violence, and it made us who we are. Now it can destroy us utterly and it is time to learn something new. That’s the message of “2001″.

    For the current situation, I prefer my Hollywood parallel in The Killing Fields. Back then, America chose to turn its back on a struggling young democracy, in the form of cutting funding and withdrawing our military presence. The result included the fall of South Vietnam and Cambodia, the deaths of literally millions of inconvenient brown people, a nicely posed photo of John Lennon and Yoko Ono behind a sign saying “The War is Over”, and all the rich, mostly white Americans got to carry on with their decadent lifestyles while pretending that they weren’t involved any longer. The parallel is this - we’ve been brought back to the same place, to the same decision.

    We evidently fucked it up the first time. Here’s an open question to the Democrat party - what will we choose this time around?

  18. Oldroyd

    CNN can get that close to Bin Laden?

  19. fraser

    This morning I awoke to my alarm going off bright and early to finish a major project that is due in a couple days. As usual I started my day by turning on the major news networks and flipping back and forth from channel to channel. While trying to get my exhausted brain working again from only 6 hours of sleep I heard a quote from a 2008 presidential hopeful. In a speech to about 1,500 people in downtown Kansas City, MO Senator Barack Obama said “The day that this President steps down, the entire world will breathe a sigh of relief.” From the moment this quote registered in my barely awake brain, I knew I would have to react in some form or fashion; the result being this posting.
    Instead of ranting and raving like I have done in my previous political posts, my thought process has developed into a more productive message. I want to start by saying that I was never for the Iraq War from the start. However I think any intelligent human being, well at least the majority of them, knows that we should remain in Afghanistan; which was and remains the front line of the “war on terrorism”. Like the majority of Americans, I do think that current Administration’s decision to invade Iraq did and will continue to create more acts of terrorism and violence against innocent people; essentially creating another front against terrorism. Nevertheless, as the issue of Iraq continues to become more complex, I have to say that approach our nation’s current and potential leaders makes me angry.
    On both sides of the Iraq debate, mistakes have been made. Yes Bush shouldn’t have gone into Iraq without a complete and long term war plan. But what Americans have to realize is that as a country, our elected leaders took us to war; we are currently at war. From my perspective, our country has forgotten that and so has our politicians. Essentially, this is what Obama’s quote and the rest of the Democrat majority is telling our country. While our troops are screaming at us from the frontlines telling us to let them do their job, Democrats are wailing back telling them that they can’t.
    This comes to the basic idea that politicians should not conduct or tell our military how to fight a war. Failure to do so has led to many failures in both the past and present. Anyone who is familiar with history knows that during the Vietnam War LBJ and Robert McNamara ran the war effort to a very personal level. LBJ and McNamara even went as far as to spend sleepless nights in the White House situation room selecting “politically sensitive” targets to be bombed. We all know how the Vietnam War turned out. Now please do not get wrong, I am in no way comparing this war to the Vietnam War, I am simply using it as a reference point to prove my point. However in early 2001 and 2002, a politically driven change in our military began to take its first official steps. Donald Rumsfeld, then Bush’s Secretary of Defense, began his aggressive transformation from a bulky and heavy war machine to a fast reacting force focused around technology. In taking such steps, Rumsfeld essentially created a blitzkrieg type force that could crush anything in its path. Against the advice of all the top brass at the Department of Defense, Rumsfeld did just that. This eventually led us into a war with 150,000 Soldiers and Marines invading a country the size of Texas and with a population almost as big as the state of California.
    I know all this information may seem a little overwhelming but it is key to understanding my point. I have always said Bush shouldn’t have gone into Iraq and that the debacle that took place after the initial invasion is his fault. However I must stress the point that this failure to listen to our armed forces like it has no many times in the past will just lead to another failure by our political leaders. And so in relevance to the Obama quote “The day that this President steps down, the entire world will breathe a sigh of relief.” I fear our “new direction” is just going to become another failure. I assure you that if the Democrat façade of a “phased withdrawal” is implemented, I will not be breathing a sigh of relief, I will be holding my breath!
    The reason I disagree with Obama’s quote is because for once in President Bush’s two terms, he is finally listening to our military. He no longer has the bantering voice of Rumsfeld over his shoulder deciding what military advice he should hear. We finally have been raising troop levels, although it is not even close to what the military says it needs to squash an insurgency. It has proven to be affective and will continue to be. What makes me even more nervous is the idea that our currently and potentially elected leaders of the Democratic Party refuse to listen to our military. Newly elected Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, an ardent supporter of a “phase withdrawal” which is really a retreat mixed up in Washington D.C. spin jargon, does not even listen to senior commander in Iraq. Some people agree with me and they are not just right wing conservatives. The well respected and senior political analyst Michael Barone said:

    “What’s curious is that congressional Democrats don’t seem much interested in what’s actually happening in Iraq. The commander in Iraq, Gen. David Petraeus, returns to Washington this week, but last week Pelosi’s office said “scheduling conflicts” prevented him from briefing House members. Two days later, the members-only meeting was scheduled, but the episode brings to mind the fact that Pelosi and other top House Democrats skipped a Pentagon videoconference with Petraeus on March 8.” (

    Incidents like these and mistakes made by our most senior elected officials have cost this country dearly. No one can express or understand what the families, loved ones, and the soldiers themselves have gone through in preserving the very right that allows me to write this paper/article. Our nation’s leaders must remember that the paper they sign or speech they make is not just a way to get elected, it is the lives of our husbands, sons/daughters, best friends, boyfriend/girlfriend, brother/sister, and our fellow citizens.


  20. FTL

    … maybe we should ask HAL. :wink:

  21. Rebecca

    Pat~ or anyone else

    I’m hearing that our troops are running out of food and are forced to ration. Is this true, and if so, anything we can do to help (I’m hearing obviously because of safety we just can send them food)????


  22. PooleeScore

    I’m not going to try and speak of some vast enlightenment

    I’m just going to point out that Cindy “I spit on my own sons grave and what he died for” Sheehan has lost. And reading those words of defeat she spoke….kind of gave me a hard on.


  23. Iacobus

    2001 was always a freaky flick, that’s for sure.

    The monolith was a key part, because it triggers several events, one of them being imparting the discovery of weapons by “primitive man.” (To be honest, I was never jiggy with evolution, nor was this so-called “knowledge” passed onto us by extraterrestrial intelligence to “speed” our evolution.)

    The “ending” really wasn’t an ending, maybe more like a continuation interpreted by the viewer. One of the themes might be considered hope for the future.

  24. Tim Roesch


    As I saw it, “2001: space odyssey” was about moments in time and evolution where some outside force boot strapped humans from Apes to slaves to a computer run amock.

    The big stone slab was shouting INSERT GOD or GODDESS HERE.

    Tim Roesch
    Command Private Major

  25. S. Daily Warren

    You guys just don’t GET IT! The 2001: A Space Odessey reference is so simple…
    The apes represent the 1928 embargo of sweet meats by Nepal.
    The desert represents the weak bladder diaper that Nancy Pelosi wears every day.
    The bones represent the ongoing battle between church and state over global warming.
    What it’s saying is that Attila the Hun was gay and that the M-16 is the worst combat weapon since Linus flicked a booger at Tony the Tiger.
    Poor Tony…they just don’t teach marksmanship anymore, it’s all spray and pray.

  26. FTL

    Let every lover of liberty, every well-wisher to his posterity, swear by the blood of the revolution never to violate, in the least particular, the laws of the country and never to tolerate their violation by others. As the patriots of ‘76 did to the support of the declaration of independence, so to the support of the constitution and laws, let every American pledge his life, his prosperity and his sacred honor. Let every man remember that to violate the laws is to trample on the blood of his fathers and to tear the charter of his own and his children’s liberty. Let reverence for the laws be breathed by every American mother to the lisping babe that prattles on her lap. Let it be taught in schools, in seminaries, and in colleges. Let it be preached from the pulpit, proclaimed in the legislative halls, and enforced in courts of justice. In short, let it become the political religion of the nation.

    Abraham Lincoln

    IMHO: i do not believe even an animal would put up w/ a leftest or terrorist… I like where Lincoln says, “never to tolerate their violation by others. ”

    So much one can read into that movie.

  27. Raptor_Pilot

    I just thought it was a long and somewhat boring movie.
    Where is everyone getting all these “parrallels” from?

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